|Hall of Brooklin who prefers to Will encourage others to paint| | Marilyn Davies MARY HAWORTH MAIL THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Fridey, Moy 23, 1958 | Amateur Exhibition At Library [Marlys Davice | Inspiration To Would-Be Artists feted Bride-tlect | i art-|a year before the organization ply atinge to Mr. Biwee Denies ts, Sunda inters and many|the Guild with instruct from iss, ust ay. pais if they could! Mr. - Pettitjean and later under | takes place tomorrow Afyéznon, | g paint, will be interested in the|the advisorship of Ray Hall, At/has been entertained at several| pear Mary Haworth: Please exhibit currently on view in the|the present time, the Guild has| Showers, ion. 3nd. Jib tell me what to read, to get back auditorium of the MecLaughlin|thirty-three members with Isabel Mrs. W. 8. Mon E, my self-confidence and the will Public Library. Innes as its leader; Ray Hall (leah Garrow, Athol street oF asl, |15.do, and to belong, The exhibit is the work of a|advisor, and Margery McCoy, Were hostesses at BD A mer, My husband belongs to social |group of Brooklin residents of|secretary-treasurer. It is inter. cer shower at w OTMET | groups, has friends, goes out, has gp and occupations who are|€sting to note that the members| ueighbors were present, Mrs, fun and belongs, 1 have tried to ainting for the love of it and|Tange in age from fourteen years Mrs. Hans Gelss| rger, Mrs make a go of PTA and groups their enthusiasm is spilling over|lo three score and ten. Maurice Stepngns, Ney ona of one sort or another -- sewing, their canvases, Some are strong During the winter months, they Barwell, an § ms. hor ey tors embroidery and hobbies -- but and dramatic, others delicate; all meet and work together once a Man enterta og. a. ns sho. | nothing comes of it. I seem to get are individual and show a feeling|Week and in the summertime home ith 3 1 eos es along famously at first, then fall for color and composition in na-| there are sketching Hips. tio were Nis Et (at on my face. i | It is hoped that this exhibition] y * 3x | ears ago a very g jure. Credit ia, due 10 Mr. Ray Mrs. Garnet Tubb, Mrs. J. H. leony and we fought, From then form groups of McKeever and Mrs. George Ed- on "yp ver "0onld make a confi- dante of any woman, 1 get to a they can| £37: held a tea and pantry-sheif | share their| *hower at Courtice. After the oto, noint then mistrust ent- ers the picture, |bride had opened the Bumeious _ gifts, refreshments were served, " "The Brookin Art Gull ie 81 png ge ih Mr, Horace Searle 4 op "Gong. ng mars group of x unity nde . him from loneliness, We love i a |Mrs, D, R, Davies pouring tea, months, the exhibition is divided| ple wie have banded iogether An evening was enjoyed Ie... other dearly now, but dur- for the purpose of Imp 2 ing the earlier years I wouldn't into three sections. Section "A"| 3 i s|cently at the home of Mrs, 8, A Shelf painting knowledge and COMSIsts of up to eight montiis'lc ter , Sutherland avenue, and _ oo 0 iin associate with any- |ability. one who didn't know him first, practice and instruction, Section | PH ughier, Rulh, where 8 The Guild as such is just com- and one-half years, and Section and take him for what he was, P t Ibe called an advisor rather than and perhaps |a teacher, and who has given their own in which {confidence and leadership to this| work, together and | community effort. knowledge, B' have paiiting for one. umber of young friends of the bride-to-be were present, Part of Ever Timid Socially, Woman Yearns For Self-Confidence pleting its first season. A few of "C" have been painting for a the members worked together for'longer period of time. PERSONALS On Sunday last a large number| Oshawa guests at the Dawson- from St. Gertrude"s Catholic Wo- Walker wedding were Mrs. Eve- men's League took part in the/lyn Walker, Mr. and Mrs. P. H | Regional pilgrimage to Our Lady MacMillan and Miss Anna Jean of Lourdes Church in Toronto, A{MacMillan. Others who attended | special novena is being conduct- were Mr. and Mrs. Morten Mor- ed there each Sunday in honor of rison, Miss Sandra Morrison, Mr. I lost all my "halfway" friends along the line, picked up his and have gotten to a depth where now T have no confidence, and he has become more worldly. Where do I go from here? 1 * entertained will read anything to get back some confidence -- to make me even feel alive. Please, no psy- chiatrist,--A.B, rt WEAKENED BY INACTIVITY he) iy v oh presented Dear A.B.: You married your Bireet Uniled Cluith presen husband from loneliness, you After the wedding rehearsal ay; and the problem is, you are the. evening was spent in con- structing a mock wedding dress | {and accessories for the bride, The bride was presented with a iplece of her special pattern sterling silver. Mrs. J. B. Davies at the home of Mrs, Roy White, Mary street, Oshawa, with a tea and bathroom shower. Recently the choir of Albel TO ADDRESS GRADUATING CLASS Controller Jean Newman of | civic elections, Mrs, Newman, , " .« | an energetic grandmother, is 'Toronto wil adétess He Class vice-chairman of the Board of of '38 at the graduation dinner Control and president of Toron- given by the Alumnae Associa- to City Council. The dinner to tion of the Oshawa General | be followed by a dance will Hospital tomorrow evening. | take place at the Hotel Gen- Leading controller in last year's Dianne Parkin, Arthur Goodall Wed In Double-Ring Ceremony Simcoe Street ' United Churchiattendants were Mrs. John Henry was the setting for a wedding on|Monaghan in petal pink and Mrs Saturday afternoon, May 17,(Stanley P. Sereda in forget-me- when Dianne Carol Parkin was|not-blue, both sisters of the bride. united in marriage with Arthur|Their waltz length crinoline Ernest Goodall. gowns were designed of lace over The bride is the daughter of net and taffeta and featured scoop Mr. and Mrs. George Parkin and|necklines with short sleeves and the bridegroom is the son of Mr./net mittens. They wore matching and Mrs, George Goodall, all of coronets and carried nosegays of Oshawa. white chrysanthemums and The double ring ceremony was roses. | performed by the Reverend John] Mr, George Goodall was best| K. Moffat. Mr. Reginald Geen man for his brother and the ush- played the wedding music and ac-|ers were Mr. Robert Hercia and companied Miss Joan Matthews Mr. Arthur Parkin. who sang "The Wedding Prayer"| The reception was held in the and "0 Perfect Love". memorial hall of Simcoe Street ithis, the centenary year of the apparition of Our Blessed Lady to St. Bernadette at Lourdes, France. The pilgrims were bless- |ed with Lourdes water at the end lof the devotions and all agreed lit was a beautiful and most in- |spiring day. Mrs, William Clan- cy was in charge of transporta- tion arrangements Mrs. J. Bruce McGregor, Lau- der road, attended the gradua- tion exercises at the Ontario | College of Art, Toronto, last Fri- |day when her daughter, Miss | Barbara Lee McGregor, receiv ed her degree in commercial art, Miss Carol Britton, Roxbor- ough avenue, and Miss Jeanette Dyl, Ritson .oad south, spent the holiday week end in New York as guests at the Hotel Taft. Mrs. Frank Taylor, ways and means convener for the Prince Phillip Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, has been busy making plans for the coming Tag Day, Saturday, May 24. Only through this annual fund- raising project is the chapter able to finance its projects both local, national and international. Mrs. Taylor is being assisted by Mrs. Gordon Attersley and Mrs. F. J. Peirce. Douglas Morrison, Mrs. . Dawson, Miss Hazel Dawson, of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs, Fred ; Pomeroy, Rawdon, Quebec; Mr,|0' the prospective and Mrs, A. P, Walker, St, Lam. parenis, Columbus, drew and miss Gail Anarew, GAY COLOR TREAT this evening the bridal party still lonely. So your problem isn't al will be eri IE at the pany of recent origin, It is simply ac- | bridegroom's ¢entuated by the fact that it stays | the same, year after year. You married beneath your sta- tion on the score of education, drew and Miss Gail Andrew, primarily because you lacked the BREAKS RECORD | SHOOT MICE INTO SPACE LOS ANGELES (AP) -- After] CHICAGO (AP) -- The U.S. Air 96 years and 363 days of being a({F.rce has begun rocketing mice model citizen, Frank H. Peytonlinto space and will follow later finally has a record with the po-|with other animals in prepara. lice. A jay-walking ticket Mon-tion for future manned flights, (day broke his perfect perform- Maj,-Gen, Bernard A. Schriever, wooes and won you; and also has ance, and Peyton observed his| commander of the air force ball- grown gradually into a more ur-|97th birthday Wednesday by pay-|istic missile division, said Wed- bane fellow, while you've been | ing a $5 fine, |nesday. shrinking into yourself, more and more. TWO SUGGESTIONS As for how to muster self-con- fidence, I have two suggestions: A, W. Pezet--which illuminates the effects on personality of blood sugar starvation, A chronic sense of personal inadequacy, leading to neurotic withdrawal from society, is but one of many distressing symptoms caused by this modern day ailment, The euthors present the Dr, Seale Harris diet that corrects that con- dition and introduces well being. 2, Read any book, to your taste, that focusses your mind on God, or the creative source of all | life, and thus brings you into line with spiritual replenishment, Re- 5 member that Scriptures, the in. | spired Word of God, tells us that 3 we are all branches of the Vine; 3 and the Vine is the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity | (the Godhead)--Who is the chan-|5 nel of every strength and help we B need, In short, learn to pray--me- | ditatively, mentally -- while 3 alertly acting on guidance given; |? and so solve your problem, a step 3 at a time, 5 Books that foster mental 3 prayer are The Christian's Secret |p of a Happy Life (revel) by Han-|2 nah Whittal Smith; The Sermon |5 on the Mount (Harpers) by Em-|2 met Fox; A Map of Life (Sheed and Ward) by Frank J. Sheed--to | name a few, M.H. teem and hardy initiative, he JUBHBUBHBUBHBEBOBHBEBHBUBHBEBIBHLOBHBEBOLE ME IT'S FROM BIRK VBUBUBUBU BU BU BU BUBUBUBUBU LD / i) = £ vA \/~\} Look World... 3 8ARARARARARARHRARABARABARARARARARARGRARARARARARARRA hb) Ne / us Longueuil, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. William Wilkinson, Mr. Stanley Cornell, Mrs. Mary Andrew, Mrs, Janet Cumming, Mr, and Mrs, C. C. Scharfe, all of Ottawa; Miss Margaret Arakekian, Mr, Wil- liam Samana, Miss Sylvia Witt-| kower, Boston, Massachusetts, | self-confidence to bid for a better | fate, or aspire to something | higher, I suppose. You settled gratefully for the man who looked up to you as somebody special -- and evidently it wasn't |entirely a wrong choice, since you love each other dearly now. Given normal self - confidence, | and backed by an adequate quota of sustaining friendships amongst educated people you might have married your diamond - in - the- | rough without social penalty. | But I gather the truth is that | vou had no real friends at the| time you became a bride, Where- as your spuse is the gregarious type, who expects to be liked for himself and anticipates no diffi- culty getting to know, or getting along with, persons or groups Mrs. A. S. Ross, Rossland road east, is opening her home on Wednesday afternoon, May 28 for a spring tea and sale of work to be held under the auspices of group one of the WA of Knox| Presbyterian Church. Pouring tea will be Mrs, Duncan Campbell, | Mrs. Roy Mcintosh and Mrs, F. T. Lamble. Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs, Uriah Jones, Mrs, 8, V. Barlow and Mrs. G. C. Gutsole were in London, Ontario, on Tuesday and who interest him, In this spirit of stout self - es- | Wednesday attending the 10th an- nual provincial meeting of the Canadian Association of Con- THE STARS SAY | umers. ; 5 a ] By ESTRELLA FOR TOMORROW Avoid tendencies toward ex- Given in marriage by her/Church where the bride's mother father, the bride wore 2 full received in a sheath dress of Ang SAN Swiss embroidered|Ceiestial blue silk brocade with a|Googail.Parkin wedding included: medallions over net and ilk| moth oo Seg 5 rip chon oo 1 Mrs, James Mack, Mr. and Mrs. faille. The bodice featured a por-|pive and pink silk velvet with "iired Parkin and family and trait neckline offset with match-| wd ane Tk Both wore cor. Mi+ and Mrs, H. Menagh, To- ing appliqued lace motifs and? aC ink carnations ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lorrie short sleeves with mittens Sages 0. ad Parkin, St. Mary's; Miss Ruth 5 oh 3 For the honeymoon trip the King, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. lewelled coronet held her finger . |bride wore a beige cashmere|Charles Millett, Markham; Mr. ip illusion veil and she carried harles Met kam, Mr a white Bible crested with white wool suit with an orange ice hat|& hy A iss Mi Yoses and feathered carnations. |and a corsage of white roses and and Mrs. G. Judd, Ferris; Miss : Mrs, Garry Ferguson was ma-|chrysanthemums. On their return Diane Greenlaw, Whitby. | f honor in beige. The other'the couple will live in Oshawa. A fron of b g rarer ¥ re a Cadet J. L. Brough who suc- ] cessfully completed his second % | year at Royal Military College, gp Kingston, Ontario, spent the holi- |day weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brough, Shel- |ley avenue, Accompanying him were Cadets K. W, Graham, Ken- Out of town guests at the Ribbon Sandwiches Are Winners In Decorating Hostess Plate This is the time of year for, 4 half-inch-thick slices white neth Murata and Arthur Skaling, graduation parties, bon voyage sandwich bread and all have now proceeded to arties, showers for the bride- | o-be. trousseau teas and wedding Green food coloring {Camp Borden for summer train- receptions. Such occasions just| Fry bacon until erisp. Drain on! ing. naturally call for sandwiches with| absorbent paper; cool, then crush Mrs. E. J. Henderson: and her plenty of eye appeal and taste inely. Cream pimiento cream| U8 5 to HEMCETOR 8 ar Miss Barbara Lee McGregor, | appeal. Ribben sandwiches with cheese until soft; blend in crush- daughter, Mrs. Douglas Skinner, ASS \ pastel-tinted fillings interspersed ©d bacon. In another bow], |entertained at the former's home daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. with the more conventional trian-|CTeam white cream cheese untilion Wednesday evening at aj Bruce McGregor, Lauder road, | gular and finger-shaped sand. (Soft. Tint delicately with green pantry-shelf shower in honor of| opi ated in commercial art wiches provide a gay touch to|food coloring and mix in olives. Migs Jill. Chapman of Orono 21 the graduation exercises held party menus. For the latter we| Spread one side of each slice| Whose marriage is i Sake Jlace at Onlaric College of Art. To- suggest such fillings as egg with|of bread with soft butter or mar- June 7 in Orono. Mrs. Or ey | 2 Art, & touch of onion, ham and relish|garine. Spread 3 of the brown hapman of Orono and Mrs) ronto, on Friday, May 16. and tuna fish sparked with bread slices with bacon mixture Howard McComb of Oshawa, GRADUATE |: travagance and continue to be diplomatic in personal and busi- ness relationships. If possible, try to indulge in some outdoor activ- |ities to relieve tensions generally. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, AY a | your horoscope indicates that, de- By ALICE BROOKS Be the hostess known for coior- TY aks It You ful linens. Embroider these sun- work and plan with confidence, Ce i Zo" Fromme, ~ / ! i >ABUBUBUD "PARAMETTES" ULULOL PdLUL Yes, all the world knows he loves you when they see those sparkling diamonds on your third finger, left hand! Surely the most wonderful way to begin a new life together, start off your marriage on a proud basis. with a ring that was selected from Birks, the store where knowledge built trust. LULULUUUU UU UT Ud 2. VITAMINS MINERALS and TRACE ELEMENTS Birks, favoured by four generations of in one small tablet young Canadian brides . . . where attentive, skilled jewellers with a specialized gem knowledge and scientific instruments are happy to guide you in making your selection. Ayers, Mckenns § Morrison Limited Bovironl re UUM RU LU LGU BUDGET ACCOUNTS WELCOMED == BIRKS Iustrated. Registered Jeweller * American Gem Society OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 6BEBEBABEBEBABABABABEBEBEBABABIBEBABABABAB CITY-WIDE FREE DELIVERY Sterling Sliver Presentation Case and Insurance certificate. provided without sharge Drug Tor RY ARARARERARARARARABABARARARARARERHB6868388888385888888888383988883834 bonnet girls on show towels, good judgment and foresight. Put 1} = Color-feast for the eyes! Out-|forth your best efforts--especially line stitch -- use scraps for ap-iquring June and October -- in plique. Pattern 7193: transfer of yoth job and financial matters, | 7 motifs about 5 x 7; applique gince the results you achieve be-| pattern pieces. rom ee me tWeen now and the end of De- Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS comber will have great bearing (coins) for this pattern (stamps on the gains possible during earl cannot be "accepted) to Daily 1959. ¢ y d Times - Gazette, Household Arts| personal matters are under Oshawa, Ontario. Print god influences for most of the ADDRESS, PAT- year, with emphasis on happy do- | TERN NUMBER. (mestic and social relationships. | Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS Travel is in the stars for mid-| more for a copy of our Alice!July and late December, and | Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue, {June, September and October will 'wo complete patterns are print- be fine for romance and mar- ed right in the book , . . plus a riage. variety of designs that you will A child born on this day will want to order: crochet knitting, | be intelligent, self-reliant and un- embroidery, huck weaving, usually versatile, quits, toys, dolls, ---------------------------------------- Te { HOUSEHOLD HINT Sugar beets and beets for cat-| Wrap your good table linens tle feed are the largest crop in in plastic film to keep them Belgium's agriculture, | sparkling clean while in storage. capers, chopped parsley and ajand 3 of white bread slices with|aunts of the bride-to-be, poured thick dressing. These Ribbon|olive mixture. To assemble rib-|{tea. The hostesses were assisted |, Sandwiches are an easy way totbon sandwiches, pile 3 slices of(by Mrs. Ross Broome and Mrs, | intrigue and please your guests. cheese-spread bread alternating John Cooke of Tohote an iin ¥ 4 |brown and white; top with a but-| James Stainton of on, Guests 3 RIBBON SANDWICHES |i, 04" gice, spread-side down, were present from Long Branch, |§ Yield -- 42 small sandwiches | press just hard enough to make| Toronto Orono and Oshawa. Mrs. | slices side bacon |the sandwich hold together, Wrap Henderson, Mrs, Broome and : package (4-ounces) pim- snugly in waxed paper or other|Mrs. Cooke are sisters of the| iento cream cheese kitchen wrap; repeat with - re- bride-elect. | package (4.ounces) white maining slices. Chill several : cream cheese hours. At serving time, unwrap,! Dr. and Mrs. John Lorimer and | © tablespoons chopped stuffed carefully cut off crusts and cut|son, Charles, of Halifax, Nova olives down through each sandwich to|Scotia, are visiting Dr. Lorimer's|* half-inch-thick brown make Y%-inch-thick slices. Cut parents, Mr. and Mrs. William |} sandwich bread each slice into 3 fingers. Lorimer, Mary street. Vou Is pleased to announce the addition to his staff of MR. JOHN of New York T.V. and piattorm Artist. His experience slices goa plus a -- Fluld Flatter-Glo Make-up a... Regular 1.80 DuBarry moisturized lipstick Regular §.20 in hair design it at Your disposal. THE BUSINESS GIRLS CLUB ow BOTH ONLY is officially open For information and appointment PHONE RA 5-8631 4 f) mCendd Fine Hair Styling "The Salon of Smart Oshawa Women" 110 KING ST. EAST 28 KING ST. E. | Zam gi 4 PARKING AT REAR 1 AN CY v $|75 $3.00 value HE SAB 11 DIAL MN RA 3 4621 it STORE HOURS: Jou fem 4 roily 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Ex Wednesday == 9 a.m. to 12.20 a.m, IDAY NIGHT 9 PM. =) Vail re RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS j 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OPEN_ FR TILL TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 'WABASSO' FAMILY SHEETS SIZE 81" x 100" SPECIAL A grand opportunity to restock your supply of 97 un ' quaiity ONLY sheets at a smaii cost. Fine ""Wabasso™ for long service, classed as 'seconds', but minor defects are hardly noticeable and do not affect the wear. Perfect for camp or cottage. See them today at this value-right price. cotton or foam rubber filling. ldeal for gifts or for your 1 3 1 own use. SAVE NOW! Our services are designed for your use and convenience, DEPENDABLE---Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years, ' TELEPHONE --You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294, ZELLER S DELIVERY Two deliveries daily within city limit, OWNTOWN (wai, SPECIAL -- T.V. CUSHIONS Terrific assortment of satin or corduroy covered T.V pillows. Many colors and shades to choose from with LAYAWAY For your corivenience at no extra cost CHEQUES GUARANTEE Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded