WHITBY and DISTRICT y ? Is Lacrosse National Game? Collect 50 PC The debate still continues, | haustive research of Canada's "which is Canada's national|/laws and found that no law pro- game?" From information re-'nouncing either hockey or la- ceived this week by Neil|crosse as the national pastime Murkar, President of the. Whitby had ever been written into the Lacrosse Association, it would|books. appear that neither side, the Mr, Jacrosse Joress We oon several Fieid SE he Nepre supporters $ | sent e at a meeting documented fact to support its held in Ottawa at the Parlia- claim as having Canada's nat- ment Buildings where one of the lonal game. | hockey fraternity referred to the When Blair, Genial Manager| jce sport as the national game, oe the by Duy 0 Powe ig i Yas quickly Challenged A "by r, pp, who, of course, entary decree aking Jacrosse supported the lacrosse stand. {rulec by a bill of Parliament o Jie, Ioini_Gesge_Dudiey shout Jig voy thal hockey 351 not outclassec for his knowledge Syme ye 519 as the country's' .r the organizational side of Ratios' pagime. that a joker|DOCkey, rose to his feet and appears on the spot at this poift.| $20" Je wil svusele o Gene acgument, Neil Murkar con. Canada's national game, but ferred with : one of Lacrosse's| when it comes to hockey, we will) {top authorities, Mr. Gene Dopp, oiaim it to be the most popular | rom the attendance standpoint. a past president of the Cana- y |dian Lacrosse Association, and] Mr. Dopp, quite goou nat- {now that organization's Honorary | uredly maintains, "I don't know |Secretary-Treasurer. why hockey should want to Said Mr. Dopp, "There never steal this distinction away from was a law passed making | the Indians, goodness knows we lacrosse the national game, so| have taken enough away from obviously this law could never them." have been rescinded making] For the moment, we shall hockey Canada's national ; ame." leave the argument there, pos- It woud then appear that!'sibly with the words of Wren neither Mr. Blair nor Mr. Blair, who recently said, Murkar is correct in basing "they're both terrific games their claims on law. In 1950 Mr. and fundamentaliy of the same Carlton McNaught made an ex-istructure." Dopp recounted how { WHITBY Hofer Group ' Holds Meeting Definitely Yes, Says Dopp | THe DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thumdey, Mey 1, 1958 3 tion to concentrate on the col. lection of tax arrears to improve the position, and he feels it will be necessary to hold a tax sale this year. Mr. Dopp, known as one on Of Tax Tolls the "Grand Old Men" of la- Tax collector Forbes McEwen, crosse did offer some very in- reports that 50 per cent. of the i istori inf tion tax roll for the town of Whitby about lacrosse, T°" has been collected to April 18 . - Theatre Guild: Mr. © McE bmitted P Pl ov ow Pd amano etter to se Yo resents ay.. i ing lacrosse and Harry W. Jermyn and members| The Whitby Theatre Guild Te- ois eitings were almost beyond Of the council of the- town of port that during thelr two-night belief. He wrote of games in| Whitby stating that the amount|performances Friday and Satur- which there were as many as °f taxes collected to April 18 are|day, among the celebrities at- 500 players per side and of $373,755. The total tax roll for|tending will be members of the' games played on meadows 1958 is $746,462. | Whitby Dunlops. His Worship three to five miles long. It is| This amount collected repre- Mayor Harry W. Jermyn and the hard to believe now, but Catinfrents 50 per cent of the roll, members of council have also was there and we were not, While at the end of April, last been invited to attend, Lacrosse was known to have Year, 45.4 per cent of the roll| The theatre guild are holding been played in Canada in the had been collected, dress rehearsals every night early 1600's. At the end of last year, this week until their two grand It was in 1840 that the white $43,711.67 was outstanding in performances in the Whitby took up th d he|'2X arrears, and 33 per cent of| Town Hall Friday and Saturday man took up the game and e€|iyis amount has been collected | night, has been doing so ever since he date. At the same period last greatly changed the rules. year, 40 per cent of the tax In 1867, Dr. George W. Beers yo oars nad been Br was the first secretary of the It is the tax collector's inten- National Lacrosse Association of| Canada and earned for himself] the title of 'Father of La-| crosse", and to him belongs the responsibility of calling lacrosse | ibility | FOR MISSED Canada's national game, be-| EL ne rl PAPERS IN WHITBY So, the debate still goes on Phone and it would appear that there MO. 8-311 may never be a definite answer to the question, but as long as It you have mot received your Ti G by 7 P.M, Cell both sports contribute to aur BELL TAXI sporting life and help to develop AD sells must be placed between 7 end 7.38 om. WHITBY NURSERY and LANDSCAPE FOR SALE All Kinds Evergreens Flowering Shrubs « better citizens, then the argu- ment as to which is the national Ornamental and Shade game is not important. 50 Register Trees MO 8-3007 410 PERRY ST, WHITBY of PERSONALS The Mothers' Auxiliary LADIES AUX. PRESENTS WHEEL CHAIR AT FAIRVIEW LODGE Mrs. James Magee and her (he jst and 2nd troop Scouts and For Lacrosse of the auxiliary. daughter Donna are spending cups held their reguar monthly| also presented radios to the | Wilson, Mrs. L. Magee, Mrs. | Seated in the new chair is three weeks in Ottawa as Se meeting on residents on past occasions. | U. Phillips, of the Fairview | Charles Brown, 84-ycar-old [guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Boily.| April 28, at 8 p.m. at the day morning when nearly 50| Shown above is the group who = Lodge staff, Mrs. John Craggs ' resident at the lodge Barbara Kathleen Jo nes, Council Chambers. youngsters turned out for the| made the presentation, Left = and Mrs. William Badour, Robertson, Whitby. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pius) The president, Mrs. E. Rivett, first morning of registration in -- -- in a -- -- | Jones, will be celebrating her opened the meeting with the the minor division of the Whitby | 4th birthday on Saturday. For|Scout Mothers' promise. The Lacrosse Association. This large the occasion she will entertain minutes of the previous meeting | turn-out was not a surprise to The Whitby Arena was a to right they are Mrs. Thomas | president Monday evening, | bee-hive of activity last Satur-| The second wheelchair to be donated by the Tannery Ladies' Auxialiary, of Oshawa, was yesterday presented to residents of Fairview Lodge, | Whitby. The auxiliary has | | WHITBY THEATRE GUILD May 1 Still Traditional Canadian MovingDay With spring in the air and, As in most cities, Toronto build- brighter horizons in sight, a lot ers are going at full steam under of Canadians this week will/the impetus of government mort bundle up their belongings and gage loans through the C entral find a new place to live. Mortgage and Housing Corpora In the older parts of Canada--|tion. especially Quebec--May 1 is the| Since last September, the fed- date when leases end and the an- eral government has made avail- nual shuffle to new homes be- able §300,000,000 for building loans gins. and Prime Minister Diefenbaker In the younger cities, the May has promised that "several hun- 1 moving tradition is dying oul.'dred million dollars" more will But, pushed by the natural urges pe requested when Parliament re- of spring, it's still the busiest convenes May 12. time of year for movers. roxy This year families will likely HOUSING BOOM pay more for their new place but Winnipeg has also had a hous- they'll have a better choice, a/ing boom in the early part of the Canadian Press survey shows. year. There were 263 houses St. John's, Nfld. is probably|started in the first three months the only large city where rents compared with only 38 in the are dropping. The cause--a Wash- same period last year. ington decision. The industrial development BUILDING UP board reported 307 houses unoc- With the folding of the Unite SUBi%0, 81 March 31, compared States Air Force base at nearby|ig5 were in the $125,500-$15,000| Pepperell, more than 1,000 apart-| noe 4 will become i on ag oan. Regina officials say their hous Home - building has picked up ing situation is worse than most from last year when there were cities. It is compounded by a dis- only 11 starts in St. John's, a pute i n which property owners far cry from the 10,347 registered have been turning down a pro- {n metropolitan Toronto. vision of services by the city and In Prince Edward Island, rents contractors have been refusing to have been climbing since pre-war build until the services are pro- d is expected . Says sig the iren 8 P City officials now have gone to Nova Scotia real estate dealers the local government board for say the tight housing situation in Permission to expand services that province seems to have without going to the people eak. Halifax, May 1 used to be the big mov resefes Rh con- Ing day in Regina but, as in most tinues to have the toughest hous-| Western cities, the custom has ing problems although new build faded. ings have eased the demand for CALGARY RENTS UP apartments. Moving business regularly picks In Saint John, N.B., the hous. JL o%E SiS nits (eB ACY Eo Ing shortage id is Saging ore building to date this year is pro- traditional May 1 moving dale IS ceeding at a faster pace than ever still popular, although not to the pafore. During the first two extent of previous years. months 261 house - building per BTILL STRONG mits were issued, compared with But the custom still holds iil YY strong in Quebec City. There's TWO ARE DROWNED no shortage of housing but city, DETROIT (CP) Larry Burr statistician V al er e 'Desjardins 5, and Gilbert Bryson, 26, hoth of says there's a demand for larger west - end River Rouge, were apartments. Rent for a five-room drowned Wednesday when waves suite is about $80-$85 a month-- swamped their crowded 14-foot about the same as last year. boat in the Detroit River. Three in Montreal the heavy moving men including Larry's father, rush started about April 21 and Harold, 34, were rescued by Is expecied to continue for an other wgek. Moving firms say the threw them life preservers from trend this spring is to apartments the company dock on Zug Island end to the suburbs. in the city's west end WHITBY B 0 C Phone MO 8-3618 OV paved EVENING SHOWS 7 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY WARNER BROS, DIANNE WILLIAM KEENAN JAMES EFREM ef Co1ck ENCL WENN WRTNCRE ZWBALST Protos) ALSO -- Comedy - Cartoon - Sport easing with about 400 suites in this vear because of the business fall-off. number" of National Housing Act rolling Alton Road North, about| nockin, of Regina, were recent loans in the first quarter, CMHC |2:15 a.m. on April 16 when he dinner guests at the home of reports, but the number hasn't/saw a car parked in a new sub- arr and Mrs. John Kalar, of yet starts. starts during months double last year's figure. Biggest | housing boom is if the southeast-| ern suburbs, where 169 homes are being built, a group of her friends: Patsy were read by the Ann King, Janice and Jimmie Mrs, I. Hicks, and Suspend Terms OnZYouths [omen imme and "Linda Two Toronto youths who ad- phreys, Bobbie Robertson, mitted stealing gasoline from a Wanda and Joe Stevenson. ; parked car, were Tuesday Mrs. Les Garner and children, pointed at 106 during the same period of placed on suspended 1957. The apartment situation is for one year and one : k : . ordered to sell his car as a con- of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Joynson, is heped for. ditior of probation, Raymond of Dundas Street East, George Knights, 18, and Ronald| geott 'funtley, son of Mr. a Alkerton, 17, pleaded guilty be-|nys, Harold Huntley, will : Vancouver officials say there fore Magistrate Frank Ebbs in| celebrating his 4th birthday on|hour was enjoyed. da are not so many families moving Whitby police court. Friday. His friends wish him g . § SE PC Dick Bodley, of the Pick- many happy returns of the day. Says Temperance ering Twp. Police Depar.ment, wr and Mrs. Fred Kalar, of Force Weak "tremendous told the court he had been pat- Oshawa, and Mrs. Claire the D. Dair. a later date. apariments added last year. Rents are up about $10 a month from last year nd Scout Mizpah, There were a been reflected in housing division. He investigated, he Palace Street. said, and found the two accused However, there were 2,830 sitting in the front seat. the first three more than : : ' West, is opening her home on Temperance Union He said neither could give a Thursday, to the, members of E42 lid here good Peason il Rog 3 tne the Co-op Guild for their ; |area. He sai e noticed a thl i strong odor of gasoline and regular moutily Ineeting, | searching the area found a five- gallon can and a rubber hose in this year, National Evangelistic a ditch beside the car. The two accused gave police/the convenership of Mrs, F. nist as a prohibitionist." statements admitting that| Lawrence assisted by Mrs. D. DAY-BY-DAY MEET SCHOOL board held week school board to review the sub- civisions clearly inform the board of the active development of the resi- dential lots. day 600 to 700 attended including re- The Great Lakes Steel employees who BOARD fi The town of Whitby planning their meeting this the Whitby public The be Mrs. Mrs. W. rom a parked truck and Alker- the baking table, on had poured it into his own pouring tea will Anderson and A. apology at prohibition. That po with Knights, who said his father operated a plantation in the Sudan, in Africa, said that he ad a senior matriculation but ¥ o Jor hefore_the hoard and guests. |perate social drinking. secretary, | local treas- Linda urer's report was given by Mrs. Plans for a Fall 3azaar were ment was made that the com- discussed, conveners to be ap- munity was to have organized Also minor lacrosse this summer, sentence Leslie and Harvie, of West Hill, plans for the next meeting were was were recent guests at the home outlined and a good attendance bound to show up at the Arena The meeting closed with the to Refreshments more, it is evident that minor be| were served and a social half-| lacrosse is Temperance was once a proud| shoes and a lacrosse stick cost- | force in Canada but the move-| ing $3 is the extent of the equip- ment today has become "spine- ment necessary to participate. less," a United Church of Canada Mrs. Coux, of Dundas Street ,ffiojal told a Women's Christian should last for two seasons and convention for Dr. W. G. Berry, director of the| for hockey where some boys Mission, have a real talent for breaking The St. Andrews Presbyterian caiq temperance advocates have them. Church WA are holding a Spring become afraid of the "smear| tea and bake sale on Friday at word" prohibition. "It's almost the Church Sunday school under ag bad to say you are a Commu- He told WCTU members from Knights had taken the gasoline McLean and Mrs. G. Balmer at Ontario and Durham counties the ladies temperance movement of 40 at the minor level where the] J.\years ago was aimed without | playing is to learn the funda- - mentals of the game, Ardrew. The president, Mrs. F.|licy, he said, has been abandoned [ Lawrence, will be receiving the in recent years for one of tem- was 'unemployed, His Worship placed the two on probation for one year and told | Alkerton to get rid of his eight- year-old car. collect RU 2-7567 in p.m Ruxiliary Holds | Monthly Meet zx. sree wn Welfare Group Tea Is Held The Mental Patients Welfare Association gave their. an.ual tea and entertainment last Sun- afternoon Approximately WHITBY CLASSIFIED Completely LADIES, earn excellent commission in|FOR rent heavy duty your spare time by representing Avon apartment, linens, Cosmetics near your home. Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac Bou-|and water levard, Toronto 19, Ontario, or phone $17 a week. |8-3692; 1121 Dundas East. way, new tanks installed, Walter Ward apartment. (204 Chestnut West 99c The regular monthly meeting -- '51 Pontiac, in good condi of the Mothers' Auxiliary of the 4th troop Scouts and Cubs was f held at the United Church Hall NEW address of Independent Sales FOR sa after May 1, 1958: 309 Brock South tion, Shopping Plaza, Whitby, FOR Rent -- Gerden tiller, $1. hour, 3 da . y Also gardens tilled, Lawn roller $1,/FOR rent -- on 'Monday at 8 p.m. . day. Power mower $). hour. Wilde Three rooms, private entrance. After the regular business was wilde Rental Service MO 8--3226 disposed of, plans got underway Sg | ~ : FOR - Part |for the Spring tea to be held on Rent Partly Jurnished room tne M dt Central. For sale, almost new iron Friday, May 16, at the United double bed, $15. MO 8-2466 May 26 Church Hall under the convenor- DRESSMAKING and alterations. Rea. | hip of Mrs. Greaves. Mrs. sonable prices. Work guaranteed. Mon. | ¢ Davidson will be in charge of Ry Troan Mo I ol the bake table and Mrs. T. Sala ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape | will have charge of the apron and alterations, also drapery. 1013 Cen. | table. The meeting closed with the tre South. MO 8.3360, May 26 FOR Alsco Aluminum Combination win Scout Mizpah and refreshments were scrved by Mrs. Hare, dows and doors phone "Doc" Dafoe, | latives of patients and also members of the staff. Dr. Lewis acted as Master o Ceremonies. The programme consisted of Bernard Tierney's orchestra and vocalist Miss Marie Leach, The orchestra's time was donated through the generosity of the Federation of Musicians. Miss Patti Lewis, dacghter o Dr. Lewis, a well-known TV star, sang several numbers which were very well recieved Hospital Rhythm Band, con- sting of patients, performed in several numbers very much appreciated by the audience The food was provided by the HONORED EXPLORER Mental Welfare and served by| The town and district of Parry the ladies of the group under the Sound in Ontario is named after convenership of Mrs. . Bishop, the English Arctic explorer Sir newly elected president. William Parry who died in 1855 or phone 391R, Ajax. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Coarse or fine, $7.00 per load. Cement Gravel, $1.60 yard. Sond and Loam Fill. For delivery to Oshawa Whitby - Ajax area -- ERIC BRANTON -- MO 8-2660. May 27 AUCTION SALE Property of W. Jomes Ed wards, 961 Dundos Street West, Whitby, Saturday, May 3, ot 1:30 p.m. Furniture, implements, builder's mater- ial, house and garage doors, and many other articles of all kinds. Loyal Pogue, auc- tioneer, MO 8.2350 after 6. Free estimates May 10 FOR Rent -- House, new, three bed room bungalow, large kitchen and liv-| ing room. Natural gas heating. Immed iate possession, $110 monthly. Write| Box 918 Times-Gazette, Whitby. May 2 CUSTOM sewing on draperies, measurements taken and cut from ma- terial you have purchased. Free esti- -- | mates. For cutting and hanging. MO [83151 May 10 BUY and sell used furniture. Specializ-| ___ |ing in handmade and remodelled furni. | ture. All work guaranteed. MO 8-3053 121 Brock South May | HEL FEMALE Help Wanted -- Dependable woman with restaurant knowledge or willing to learn. Apply Whithy Fish and Ts Mary uy Fin aa CARETAKER FOR Rent -- Lady would share lovely JANITOR home. ~All conveniences, trustworthy| \/ETER AN PREFERRED Must be available at irregular hours Apply in writing, stating age, couple. Phone Brooklin 603 R 3. 10if WANTED To Rent -- Abstaining young experience and references to SECRETARY, couple, no children, desires to rent house, option to buy if possible. Prefer CANADIAN LEGION, WHITBY. ably in Whitby vicinity. MO 8-466. 101b | BOX 1085 FOR rent -- furnished room, in respec table home. Phone MO 8.4257. 99f FOR sale Antenna, 30 ft. high. { | Phone MO 8-3321 after 6 p.m 100f i -- | [CENTRAL soddMmg and gardening, good |sod, delivered or laid, manure, roto tilling. MO 8.4215. A 20 WILL mind children in my home, five| days week. MO 8-4529 100¢ ROTO -- Tilling ply Jack Mulligan, 101c ADAMS CO-OP PAVING INTRODUCTORY OFFER ~ This ad is worth $10.00 on any job big or small : Prices Best in Canada 25 years experience in Asphalt Paving All work unconditional- ly guaranteed for two years . Reasonable rates, Ap Whitby, MO 8.2120 May20 { FOR Rent--One large furnished house keeping room, with two beds. Suitable two gentlemen or two girls. 30 Perry Street 102¢ SOD For Sale For the finest in sod all Grant Landscaping. MO 8.2387 May FOR Sale location 18 6-room bungalow, Immediate £0 possession, M A PRETTY WHITBY MISS A pretty Whitby miss is Susan | Mrs. Robert Wood Ga Wood daughter of | 1ite nes 1, Mrs Grace of Whitby | te. Susan Gall fe and M Wood, of | 3 Tower girl at the Actinolite. She is the grind-'| Lil daughter of Mrs, Fred Craw Oshawa, dowd, of Windsor, and Mr. and Wood at Cla; ton dil ronto 19, Onta RU 2.7567 Apr. 22,24,26. May nel Photo Ireland. Moy 3 by furnished stove, Write to refrigerator, washing done and lights | Phone MO 100c SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Phone MO 8-2563. June24 eater, radio, windshield washers, | May 1{can be seen at 36 Tudor Street, Ajax, 100¢ Unfurnished apartment, Phone 98f MO 8-3800 after 6 p.m. 100¢ lacrosse officials. since there has been much enthusiasm| displayed by the boys of the] town ever since the announce- Presents "THE HAPPIEST DAYS OF YOUR LIFE" What Days ? School Days ! Come out and enjoy an evening of rollicking. comedy that will have you laughing 'til your sides are sore! With the new faces that are this coming Saturday morning increase the numbers even going to roll in | Whitby, One of the things about the sport as it is played at the minor club is the fact that it is not | expensive in comparison to some |other sports. A per of light WHITBY TOWN HALL, 8:15 P.M. FRIDAY, MAY 2nd SATURDAY, MAY 3rd ADULTS 75¢ CHILDREN 40¢ Produced by Speciel Arrangement with Samuel French (Canada) Limited, Toronto. With reasonable care, a stick that reason, stick costs |should be much less than that With the emphasis on running, proper ball Randling and stick handling, heavy padding such as | shoulder and kidney protections not required, in fact body con- [tact is definitely frowned upon | This should put to rest the minds of any anxious parents| who have felt that the sport was primarily a brutal one. rven in | the higher brackets of Junior, | Intermediate and Senior, in- [juries are not nearly as pre-' valent as one would think, This Saturday from 9 to 11:00 am. registrations will be ac- cepted and any boys of 8 years| and up who wish to play lacrosse are urged to be at the Arena, since registration will soon have to be closed in order to finalize the minor programme. | |BUTT RADIO|" 118 Brock St. 5. Whitby MO 8-3707 § ~ RCA Victor @@ |..i1:t TELEVISION : z= La) "THIS WILL BE A GOOD PLACE FOR YOU TO STAY, DEAR, WHILE I CALL A REAL HEATING EXPERT. Always Call a Reliable Heating Contractor for Expert Workmanship=Quality Material! Try WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATING LIMITED 409 BROCK ST, SOUTH PHONE MO 8-3652 I Created T¢ Individual Requirements ais STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundes East MO 8-3552 TOWN OF WHITBY Annual Clean-Up Week COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 5th, 1958 citizens of the Town of Whitby are requested to clean up their properties and place all refuse in suitable receptacles near their property lines in order that it can be picked up by Town trucks on the same day as the regular collection. SPECIAL PICK-UPS WILL BE ARRANGED AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY, MAY 5th West of Brock Street North, North of Dundas Street West, East of Brock Street North, North of Dundas Street East. East of Brock Street South, South of Dundas Street East. West of Brock Street South, South of Dundas Street West and Port Whitby, TUESDAY, MAY 6th THURSDAY, MAY 8th FRIDAY, MAY 9th I. H. INKPEN, Chairman, Health and Welfare Committee. H. W. JERMYN, Mayor,