Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 May 1958, p. 6

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eo, ONTARIO REGIMENT ARMY CADET HONORED AT ANNUAL INSPECTION THE DALY TIMES-GAZETTS, Thumdey, Mey 1, 1958. 3 Army Cadets Display Ability At Inspection . Cadet Major Kaine Named OCVI Pupils Learn Year's Outstanding Cadet ' L J LJ LJ ® | 1 1l 1t1 High praise for the Ontario out and the parents of the cadets Regiment Army Cadet Corps, for their enthusiastic support. 4 J 3 : No, 1913, was given Wednesday Choosing a career can be a dif-|tions they were most interested (G. W. Riehl; dentistry, Dr. D. G. night by 'Lt, D, Morrison, inspec- orn Sova of Lome Ho. people ficult, at times frightening, ex-/in. {Langmaid; journalism, McIntyre tor for Central Army Command, land the rest of the cadets maréh perience for a high school stu-| The speakers at the school were Hood; medicine, Dr. Gordon|at the: annual general inspection past, then break up into groups p *hosen as sult of this survey. | i J ) Ss is so, partly because gg ght gin bint merchandising, Morley[0P the Corps in the Oshawai, display the various facets of 4 i i - |Armories. mili i {many, faced with choosing a said Mr, Pearce, "is to give the Finley: modelling: Miss Fisher: Lt, OT EariSON. who was on hand; TLtary Sealing. 4 machine gun learee w i Is ants irst hand reciation |! © ro, JUEDIS, oN : icie i ' : : career Yow 1itlle of the fields Students a Sirs} laud appreciation Hill; public relations, John N. io judge he atioje Rey Fating of dismantling and re-assembly, a open ore them. ) 0 0 L Wilcox Toronto: secondary Ps, too le salute a : a hand drill, rifle instruction (.303), A giant step was taken at Osh- pegple In by 4 field. 150. speakers teaching, A. .B Woods; social arch . past of the cadets, with 3 gymnastic display, radio and awa Collegiate and Vocational In-| Hach : De $ ed Shea |work, Harold McNeill; trades, the inspecting officer for the eve-!yaikie - talkie exhibits, morse {stitute on Wednesday afternoon to Yas sen! 2 eller Ziviog of their representatives of Provincial In- ning, Major 2 Finley, second in code instruction and a rifle pa- help students learn Rout gon, mn Ly ae pias nature of stitute of Trades, Mr. Thompson Soman of the Ontario Regi-|;ade drill, yy » interested in thus 4 * 2 a i 5 T | . » |iney, an He a little the work, and how to get started and Mr. Wilkins, Toronto. | Cadet Major K. Kaine was COMPETE FOR TROPHY [easter in it) that the school felt should| Air stewardess, Miss Paliprecented with a trophy for the| Purpose of the annual inspee- It was Career Day at the be discussed. Crook, representative of TC A: 70" outstanding cadet of the year by tion is competition with the other In most cases, the speakers fin- ronto; banking, Gordon Miles; Major Finley. The trophy is. a|Army Cadet Corps in Ontario for |ished their lecture in plenty of druggist, C. A. Powell; ele-\riple . statue one, on a wooden the high efficiency rating for 27 SPEAKERS [time to allow the students pres- mentary teaching, R. H. Broad- base, and is donated by the To-|Central Area Command, which Twenty - seven people, rep-| ent to ask them questions and dis- bent and Miss Bregman; ronto Chapter of the Ontario Oshawa Corps has won many resenting the professions and alcuss their occupations with them. forestry, John M. Robinson, To-|Regiment Association. times, the last time being in |great many businesses, discussed The three lectures most hes onto} Jab. techmclan, a 3 '(CADET ROLE EXPLAINED 1956, [their occupations with the s tu-|attended by the studénis were: |Clark; law, Egar F. astedo,| "pn C00 » ar : o i |dents Each student was able to secretarial work secondary QC; mechanical e nginee., Mur.|, The Joie of tie army Sadels is ye with oyajor Finley sid join in two of the discussions school teaching and modelling. [ray Macleod; physiotherapy, Finley in his address to 4 the cor v8 oresent for the 'parade George Pearce, head of the LIST OF KERS Mrs, Buchanan; Yadio ang tele-| rade. By discipline he did not ro hi J. W. Kaine, com- uidance department at the The occupations represented, vision arts, Morley Finley; sec- p hing 'ae ae ' 5 oy AT: that a survey and the speakers are listed Fetarial Mo Miss : Shirley [ich PoNishien; Dut 2g, maine officer: Li. Hoary Dat had been held among the Grade below utcheon and Miss Gloria Cook; | ap Bi al igiete Mog? T0dy {11, 12, 13 and 10 (technical) stu-| Architecture, Donald Jackson, sports (professional), Bob Atters- oops ilomed. plex I faey Lt Sian § oovk, Pandmaster and |dents to find out which occupa-| Torofito; chartered accountancy, ley - p-- ---- -- |school. District Pupils [Dredging | Telep hone Area Win Many Prizes ContractLet May Be Regrouped j partment of public works has ties in Oshawa may result in an|group. awarded a contract in thelincrease in rates for local cus-| The Oshawa area has expand- amount of approximately, $130,-/tomrs of the Bell Telephone Co. ed steadily in recent years and 500 to McNamara Construction In conformity with the regula-|its progress has been accompan- Co. Ltd, Toronto, for dredgingitions of the Board of Transport ied by a parallel growth in'the four areas in the harbor at Osh- Commissioners for Canada, the number of telephones. Telephone awa. Work is expected to be com- Bell Telephone Company of Can- customers served by the Oshawa pleted on Aug. 25, 1958. ada has reported to the board exchange now have 21,600 fele. The four areas to be dredged|that the Oshawa local calling phones in their local calling area. are: the harbor approach, harbor area has outgrown its present! The following table provides : Si. it d channel, the east end of jer telephone rate group. examples of the rates now in Port Hope, second. aapone So ee ae a A a eI. oui It, on the basis of this growth, gitect Bld Lose for the text Rhythm Band, kindergarten --| ooo "ot" hig mately 75.000 cubic yards (place he board directs that the Osh. igher group for typical £lassey Port Hope Public School, second, | ™2 , first. 2 75.0 TIS Yards (Dlace| wa local calling area be classi-|0f service, The present rat Classroom Choirs, Grade 4 -- (Collegiate or High School Bands measure ment kN per UICitied into the next higher rate Shown first and the rate for Room 4, Dr. Powers School, Port|-- Port Hope HS Senior Band yard (place measurement), group, Oshawa's telephone rates higher group second. Hope second second: Bowmanville High Plans and specifications for this) Loud be increased slightly to RESIDENCE SERVICE u Classroom Choirs, Grade 5 --|School, third. dredging project Were prepared make them the same as those| Individual line -- $4.15, ($4.40), hae da Aeamnnl + (by the harbors and rivers engin- iigge Wok Two-pe i b Room 9, Dr. Powers School, Port! French Horn solo, open -- now paid in other centres with a wo-party line -- $3.30, ($350), | : : d " oi . § eerging branch of the depart-|"'" 2 Multi li Hope, first. Eleanor Pickard, Bowmanville, || = H"% Uhh ooke in Ottawa, [Similar number of telephones in| Mu i-party line--$3.05, ($3,135). | School Chorus, Grades 1, 2 and first. I ; '|their local calling area, J. W.| Extension telephone -- $1.25, 18 -- Central School, Port Hope,| Brass or Woodwind Ensemble {Lowry, Bell manager for this re. ($1.25), W first: Dr. Powers School, Port|-- Bowmanville High School Trio, NEWS IN BRIEF gion, explained, For example, BUSINESS SERVICE - Hope, second. first; Bowmanville High School {the monthly charge for two-party| One-party line (flat rate) -- | Girls' Chorus -- Dr. Hawkins Quartette, third, {residence service would be in-i$8.40, ($9.70). School, Port Hope, second. Clarinet Solo, 18 years and LOSING SALMON nny by 20 cents and individ-| One-party line (message rite | Boys' Chorus -- Port Hope Pub-|under -- Eric James Barr, Bow-| SOUTHAMPTON, Eng. (CP)-- yg] residence service by 25 cents, | none, ($6.65). r lie School, second, {manville, first; Howard Rundle, Cormorants are blamed for the| Telephone rates for any ex-| PBX trunk -- $12.60, ($14.58). | Classroom Choirs, Grade 2 -- Bowmanville, second. disappearance of salmon from| ed by th | Extension telephone -- $1.78, ors SC \ 5 , he River Avon. A cormoran can |¢hange are governed by the num. 5 qi. Room 12, Dr. Powers School, Flute Solo, 18 years and under the |ber of telephones in its local call-[{1.75). | Port Hope, first. --Douglas Stainton, Tyrone, first. eat 10 salmon a day. ing area "as established by the| | Classroom Choirs, Grade 3 --| Oboe Solo, Open = Doris Mar- MORE TV board on the principle that the | - - * {Room 11, Dr. Powers School, tin, Bowmanvilis, aL, 1 hoe) MENDLESHAM, Eng. (CP)--A service increases in value as the| Port Hope, first, Ve co net The » Years an Ra + new Independent Television Au-inumber of telephones within the omina 10 Bass (Tuba) Solo, 18 years and -- erne hant and Lee ack- thority station to serve 1,750,000 local calling area increases. The under -- Robert Crapp, Bowman- ham, Bowmanville, first. residents in East Anglia will be company is required to report t lville, first; Gerald Allan Hallo-| Brass Quartette, open -- Bow- 4 od this Suffolk c uni pi Y equired to report to| well, Orono, second manville High School, first. pene n § mpielt Comm (the board, twice yearly, the sta. S e Y Girls' and-or Boys' Duets, nine! Brass Quartette, 18 years and AGED SWIMMER Jas A ac ehaiges Whose total ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS | nesday night, was the presen- | the 11th Armored Ontario | senting the trophy. In the low- vears and under Lyn Elliott under Bowmanville High) LONDON (CP)--Harry Shirley ones -- Tore ve por : A of the annual inspection of the | tation of a trophy to Cadet Regiment, who inspected the er picture Major Finley and and Martha Nixon, Port Hope Seoul, ust. " Pot had Bis season toket at a Ham- - Lions Club Ontario Regiment Cadet Cor Ss, ot ui 4 nd - a . i Pin . i. Cadet Major Kaine inspect the secorc Ixec J olce N0Ir's -- ort mersmith swimming pool re at the Oar Siu Armories Wed. Major K. Raine. by Major ( cadets, Major Finley (efi) is recently organized cadet band, Mixed Voice Choirs -- Bow- Hope High School Glee Club, newed free hy the local authorit- Finley, second in command of | seen in the upper picture pre- Times-Gazette Photos manville High School, second first. ies. He is 84. 11 Delegates The annual nomination of of- \ NE iy Abi = wn Ehoaniniidhobou) cl Shi mers ------ SRE SI [I ficers for the new executive of SR | { t COMING EVENTS Contestants from Port Hope; Trombone Solo, 18 years anc and Bowmanville dominated under -- Douglas James, Bow- many of the top placings at, the 'manville, second. 12th annual Peterborough Ki-| Clarinet Solo, 15 years and wanis Music Festival on Tuesday. under John Rundle, Bowman- The results in which contestants ville, second; Ardythe MacLeod, from the lakeshore district placed Courtice, third. were as follows: Cornet Solo, 15 years and under School Chorus, Grades 4, 5 and|__ ee Rackham, Bowmanville, 6 -- Dr. L. B. Powers School, third, Port Hope, first; Central School |the Oshawa Lions Club took . chute to the furnace in the » manufacturers beachwear : place Tuesda i . asad ibid sday night at Hotel pany's boiler room 500 Bath Some of them are bikinis, Cole 0 Atte d | Genosha. Elected office ici i | | a. "es are RUMMAGE Sale -- At St. George's Sawdust Bin ittle damage was-done to the ng officials said n one-year titles, with the excep- Parish Hall, Centre Street. Friday, May building, although the wooden The police report said that the |tion of directors of the club, who 2, 1:30 p.m. lith Guide and Brownie od sawdust bin may have to be re [] swim suits were taken from the » } | awdu I a in are elected to /0~ Sos " Fire Quelled i rr. smn 5c Quits Stolen im wn hemi her onvention | Cedi eye BAZAAR Saturday, Nay Bid pau als said that the fire, because of was no sign of entry to the build or 0 ers ally " annu- Stephen's 1 nites, W Ar Srorth Os c firefight 1 ature, took a long time to ing having been forced, police Lig Tad cantly > ity firefighters poured w at + wv said that while! Girls, don't be embarrassed if on a smouldering sawdust bin x aid Oshawa recreation executives, Those nominated for cifice by : : - . oh > AJAX The annual Mother Beverley Abrahams, Judith will be sending 11 representatives th nominating committee were: RUMMAGE sale in the lower : he on top might be wet, 2 policeman casts an appraising) J, v, Saunders, secretary-treas- and Daughter Tea at Ajax High|Peterson, Anne Rees, Elinor|to the 13th annual convention of John Kent, President; Lloyd Nortuninstes nied Cinireh on Sa by fo a'most three hours, when fire it can still smoulder be . gye in your direction on the yrer of Cole of California, said School was held on Monday, Jack, Andrea Walker, Roselyn|the Ontario Recreation Associa- Corson, first vice - president; the Cots. Dube hon "May 1.8 broke out at Oshawa Box and he cause of the fire has not hea A this Sammer. There are that the bathing suits were pack April 28. Combdon Sharon Bilcox, 'Shirley tion to be held in North Bay, Jack Anderson, second vice RUMMAGE Sale. Council "Chambers, Lumber Co. plant, 436 Ritson een established I ok k Reng sults on the ed ready for shipping. He sald| 'The tea, sponsored jointly by Washburn, Jo-Anne Galloway, May 2 to 4 president; John Mintern, third Whitby, Saturday morning May 3, 930 pooq poy eanlv today. Dam ac' marcet, hat. they were packed in square {ha Home Economics and Physi- Ruth Hustler, Jo-Anne Haynes,| Two of the executives of the Vice-president; Dr, J. E. Watt, > > " ARTIST'S MEMORIAL | Oshawa police reported today cardboard boxes, marked with/cal Education Department, was Margaret Elrick, Madeleine Ontario association are from Osh- Secretdry; Ma Palter, treasurer; am. Auspices All Saints Afternoon : Ly Guild, Whitby 102s age resulting from the fire was ARDLEIGH, England (CP)--A that 16 cardboard boxes cantain- the name of his firm, and the primarily to' show the mothers Mahon, Valerie Young, June awa. They are: Mrs. Elizabeth John Rowe, Lion 'tamer and n n bac hall of Cedardale United n 3 " # 1 , 5 | i " i En. a MACK gk. Len The bin, a structure 12 feet », the 1: ye artist valued at $4500, were stolen from [they were being shipped sewing classes and parts of the Stipcich, Jane Oxenholm. now, executive secretary For directors, nominations FINAL Fiche in Bout Hall. Buena | SUuare by about 20 feet deep, who died in 1837, has been Cole of California (Canada) Ltd Mr. Saunders said that this was| gym curriculum, Noreen Pickell of Grade 11 had| Others scheduled to attend are from the committee were: Jack vista and Gibbon, Friday, May 2, was filled with sawdust and planted in this Essex community plant, 804 Ritson road south, [the first theft of this nature al "Before the program com: instructed the models and the ac. members of the Oshawa Recrea- Bird and John Norris. Nomina- 3 Bs L Seven py =n refreshments Bot shavings, which. are fed through which he often visited Tuesday night. Cole of Californiajthe Ritson road south plant. menced tea was served to the companying piano music was/tion Association and its board of ted from the floor were, Alex SAGE sale Fitny, 136 po. Bim - » im mothers in the Home Economics played by Glenda Varty directors, George Fletcher, com Smy kaluk, George Paxton and Re Street United 'Church : : ; ? class, The tables were gaily set, A trampoline squad made up of mittee chairman; Ald. A. V.|Stew Babcock. Carron. Tea Gari Lutheran decorated with tulips. Grade 11 girls demonstrated var- Walker, H. A Bathe, Roy Cor- The directors who still have De, 154 Albert. Friday, ) Pouring tea were Mrs. Temple, ious stunts on the trampoline: Mish, R. Gorm®nd, and Mr. Snow. one year to serve are: H. Phil- 2.30, Price 35 cents. Home baking 1 jo p Mrs, Clavingbold, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Joanne Chidley, Noreen Pickell,| From the Oshawa Community(lips and W. Borrowdale, Peiday 2 a0' light ing. A a ' Mine . nob # @ y TYR \ 3 RUMMAGE sale Friday, May 2, at 1.30 ligh ¢ in. memory of John ing 500 lies' bathing suits, address of the retailers to whom the various articles made in the Townson, Ruth Carleton, Vanna|Harvey, business secretary, and Norman Gower, tail twister, - E. R. sewing. J Avil 2 Eh 7 4 ae 4 2 » Rapsey. Assisting in the serving Pamela Vickers, Simone Foskett, Recreation Association staff will|-------- EE AL IRB iit) ay 1 i ¢ : : A 3 . 3 . were the following girls: Jean Anne Scrase, Karen Roseman, be Vou} M. Brewster, girec COLD SPRING 2 mg jackpots 101 ¢ 347% i Ea Kay 30) Ballard, Sharon Humphries, Jo- Elizabeth O'Brien, Janet Stratton. BE i5§ { S80 Lawhert, Wesley NORTHAMPTON, Eng. (CP)-- RUMMAGE Sale, St. Paul's Presbyter- L a 4 E Anne Gorman, Anne Janvrin, The program ended with Lois Snlelie : os AY Northamptonshire farmers ar hurch, Wilson Road Nor \ " 5 ? > Elizabeth Warner, Diane Jen: Davidson, Carolyn Dickenson, AOprass nting the YW( A in Osh running short of grass uh h Scout aK uh Au ie nings, Adelaide Francey, Jennifer [ily Stewart, Gloria Garland, stu- awa wit be Miss Meryl Hartley its growth has been retarded by price nda Brown, Pat Bullock, Anna Cho- dents in Grade 10, performing the R. McKnight, New Liskeard the cold spring. Hav a a) bor, Pauline Reid, Janet Brit- sword dance association president, states f Se p Sung. Hay ng lther " . n ay 1 3 4 3 nor, au WF S ance "The sociati ie OOROSN odder are Jetting scar RY MMAGE Ble Smee Sl May : ) A 5 tain, Maureen Grierson, Bertha After God Save The Queen the |e we Ssoeition, 1s Concer ned Ocder are a'so gening scare. Memorial Church 1000 t : EN ¥ Lawson, Margaret Smith, Kath- hand appropriately closed the |e ann 2 Ri, ae no five | ha ' 3 » leen Brannigan, Faylenore Gil-/program with the school march. [select i a oni on 0 . 38 . El y ; a £3 christ, Jean Neill, Emily MeDon __ | selection and training of the lead The lodies of St. Mathew's ? "4 § 4 " ' " {ers of our youth in certain recre ---- [ ' i. & k ¢ 4 ke 2 4 2 rONCe Da op Evening Guild are holding a 2 ald, Florence Page. te" Gh GC t ational activities." t tulip tea and sale of work on ; 4 5 ¢ : p 5 The program opened with ana ey S | Guest speakers will include & Saturday, May 3, from 2:30 fr . : ; an cdear short concert played by the {Professor John Farina of the p.m. to 5 p.m. Wil Rd. S y & HN { ; gesioct band, conducted by Dr Last Look [School of Social Work. Toronto at Hoskin Ave. 100 P : 3 £4 4 Es pl, Ty gi oman. tt laying of O Can {and Dr. Earle Zeigler, former G. T. BAKER J g ; x id "ollowing the playir an- head of the Department of Phy-| - 7. : j : »~ ads sr Ransay y princins - bi . : OPTOMETRIST ; : 3 ad ada, Mr Rapsey, the principal, At Princess |sical, Health: and Recreation NOVEL BINGO Soa igs, | welcomed the ladies to the Ajax | Education, Western University, 8 Bond Street East rine 8 i t ¢ High School. ro RHINE "2 i... land now on staff at Michigan Evening p.m \ fi 0) The (rs « 3 GEORGETOWN, British Guiana by The Grade 9 girls put on an State University He radiid is exhibition of various types of {AP) Princess Margar ave)' Profe SOT Farina Y ntl | HOURS Se t | \ 3 tia i 1 « ro Ait 4 ofessor Far ecently gen = fh dancing including the polka and hol y flowds of British the erated considerable controversy 9.00 a.m é p.m, schottische. The dancers were: @na's openly admiring people the arian tol be " YI| Closed Wed & Sar. Afternoon C ho isch , e dancers v of Yast chance to choer her today. {With certain statements about the Ph RA 3.4811 Jean Friars, Joan Gibson, Karen Arranged. for. Tor Ow ¥* |questionable value of children's| one 4 i ilarrison, Sandra Horne, Mar ranged lor her own enjo) "|sports conducted without ade ] " ' + raret Graha Mar Bibes ment as a parting tribute was a 3 | 1016 : ! Ha : garet Graham, Marion Bibeau, float ade of the colony's indus quate leadership | - 3 : Anne Bell, Judith Ellis, Lynne tries and cor itv. groups. Thel en 4 4 8 Hk Hornung, Ruth King, Marilyn " vat ; Son ni .Eroups. y a ; an rar ana's sugar BINGO J b 3 Daniels, Rosemary Hunter. Tan rom laW1ana§: supe 4 Gi H y Eo queen to decorated donkey car i' The fashion show was next in ' 3 A slow drive round Georgetown Y, the line of events in which the for half an hour ' "s Hail. cc . OOF 5 ri er 7 ocontad wn for hall an hour before the morn 9 4 4 g hi firls very ably ovresented a Aa p thar and Simcoe. 20 4 y : i eR wv HO ing parade and another half hour an meo : glimpse of summer in gay cotton | er it gave the princess and the $8, 5 $40 1 f : \ yt prints. The variety included full| oot "of Lar sister. the Quee admission, d 3 \ and slim skirts by Grade 9 Subjects of her sister, the Queen, J : panos } Ny. ars i itheir farewell looks at one an : 2 Zt : |] % § 3 jumpers by Grade 10 girls, other " | EL A A ARLE 4 Georgette Dutheil was commen-| 1; the evening, while the public ot the Starlite BAZAAR tator for the fashion show. watches a fireworks display, she | carve 5°00 CAREER POTENTIALS EX PLAINED TO OCVI PUPILS Fin Show ucts, Sch rene diy, sh East Group, Friday, 4 Noreen Pickell; pianist, Glenda Government House. Friday shel 3 to 7. There will be fanc Wednesday wa Career ' on various phases of their oc the 'fields which lay open be- | Pearce, centre, head of the Var commentator, Georgette leaves by plane for British Hon ) Day" at Oshawa Collegiate and = cupations, It ed by school | fore them, Miss Eleanor Ful- | guidance department at the Dutheil * juras, the last stop on her tour Vocational Institute and 27 authoritic hat rough career | cher, spoke on modelling, while | school, is shown as he d 1sSes jumpers and blousesithat started with her opening of | people representing different | d: at the school will | Gordon Riehl, right, discussed | career day with the two speak- 'were modelled by: Sandra Stew-!the West Indies federation's legis 102a/ careers sooke to the students | gain a better appreciation of | Chartered Accountancy. George | ers. ~Times-Gazetle Photo, art, Anne Brittain, Janet Smyth, (lature in Trinidad 10 days ago. ackson Games $6, $12 and $20 May be doubled or tripled anytime Door Prize $30 "I'll See You Tonight

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