Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 May 1958, p. 32

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28 TV BARY TMBAAZITTL, Thender, Mer 1. 198 | (WI] Cal ehrates Current Occurrences Temporary-Inco President By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor TORONTO (CP) -- Favorable developments in the nickel indus- try are of great future import. ance, while current unfavorable occurences can be considered more or less temporary, Dr. John F. Thompson, chairman of Inter- national Nickel Company of Can- ada Ltd., said Wednesday at the company's annual meeting. Presenting his customary re- view of the nickel industry, Dr. Thompson said research to pro- vide markets for increased pro- duction scheduled to become svailable in 1960-1961 has been ex- panded Extraordinary d e m a n d since the Korean War started in 1950 had lessened selling problems, but had also impeded work in creating and developing future markets : "Some of these markets were already known and merely awaited organized development However, market development re- quires a continuing and assured gource of supply, and the amount that could be devoted to new uses was insufficient to bring them to Home-School Meeting Held At Hamnoton M. HORN, Correspondent HAMPTON ~-- At the April meeting of the Home and School Association in the new school on Wednesday evening, Mrs. B Kil lens was in the chair for the opening and business period. Mrs Percy Dewell was accompanist Minutes were read by Mrs, Mc Knight and reports given by com mittees appointed for the bazaar in May. Mrs. Farrow and Mrs Wilfrid Smale were named as a| nominating committee. It was de- cided to invite Zion Home and School Association to the May meeting. The banner for parent attendance went to Mrs. Law-| rence's room Mrs. Killen gave an interesting report of the Ontario Home and School convention held in Hamil ton. Mrs. Killen and Mrs. Gerald Balson were in attendance | Mrs. McNeil presided for the program and gave an appropriate reading. A. Fletcher of Oshawa spoke on "Parent Education." Lunch was served and a social palf hour was enjoyed after the meetin The Sympathy of the eommu- pity is extended to Mrs. L. D.| Sykes and family en the death of Mr. Sykes. The funeral service MANCHESTER MANCHESTER -- The Elders and Stewards were in charge of the service at church on Sunday morning. Phillip Spence, Streets- ville, secretary of the National Association of AOTS (as one that serves) Clubs of the church was the guest speaker. Vocal num-| bers by Gail and Judy Bath, and tiny Reta Bath of Ashburn, de lighted everyone Mrs. Robert Aird will entertain the WA on Thursday afternoon May 1. Leslie Silver, Windsor on W: F. Crosier recently Mrs. Jodoin, Ottawa and Mrs Bath, 8r., of Ashburn were guests at church on Sunday morning The Young People will be in charge of the service next Sunday morning. The Rev. Kingsley Job- lin, Toronto, will be the guest speaker Jim Aird has joined the RCMP and is stationed near Ottawa Mrs. WS. Taylor and daugh- ter have returned to their home at Spragge, after two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F Crosier William McCartney has sold his farm and with his family has moved to Utica. They will be missed in this community Mr. and Mrs. Denis McKenzie called at their home here en route from Florida to their cot tage on Pwelve Mile Lake Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howard and family of "opper Cliff have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Grant Franklin and family Mr. and Mrs, J Dobson. Mr and Mrs. Grant Christie and fam ily attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Fred Sylvester at Ux bridge last Saturday. Mrs. Sylves- ter was the former Miss Mary Reynolds of Uxbridge called |the stage of commercial develop- ment HUGE 1958 EXPENDITURES Estimated capital expenditures in 1958 would be between $60,000 ,- 000 and $70,000.000 the largest part of it in Canada compared with the previous record amount of $43,000,000 in 1957. Current curtailments of produc- tion had been handled so that pro- duction could be increased with- out delay when needed. World-wide exploration contin- ues and 1957 exploration expe itures were the highest in the company's history. Final figures for operations in 1958 are not complete, he said, but earnings were substantially lower than the $20,100,000 or $1.38 a share earned in the preceding quarter. Dr. Thompson said it is to be hoped the United States will fore- go unnecessary tariffs on nickel and other metals, particularly on nickel, 'where the tariff effec. tively discriminates against Cana- dian production, which is by far the largest source of U.S. supply The U.S. imports most of its nickel from Canada and Cuba was held from the Northcutt aad Smith Funeral Home, Bowman ville, on Monday afternoon. Bur ial was in the Bowmanville ceme tery. lhe variety concert given in the church on Friday evening by Enniskillen Junior choir was well attended and was under the au spices of the Hampton. CGIT Mrs. Reed made a few introduc tory remarks and Bert Werry of Enniskillen acted as chairman for the program. Res F Jackson of Tyrone provided en tertainment with his many magic tricks. Miss Kathryn Slemon pre sented a splendid speech on con servation | Sth Anniversary MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR, 'Correspondent PORT PERRY -- The Catholic Women's League celebrated the fifth anniversary of its inception at a special tea which was held in the parish hall. The president Mrs. George Bell, received the CWL members and guests. Many were present from Uxbridge Whitby, Pickering and Port Perry. Mrs. Ellen Coyle presided over the tea table which was graced with a beautifully decorated birthday cake adorned with the crest and motto of the league. Messages and congratulations were received from Father J Coppeus of Delaware and Sister Mary Rose, of Uxbridge, who could not attend. Father John Coppeus was the first director and Mrs. Sam Naples the first president of the CWL During the affernoon a resume of the history of the League was given. It was on Apr. 12, 1953, that the ladies of the Immacu- late Conception Mission were honored with the presence of his Excellency Bishop Webster of Toronto Archdiocese, and Mr s. Earl Knope. president and Mrs McCool, secretary of Toronto Archdiocesan Council of the Cath olic Women's League for the pur pose of organizing a sub-division f ( in Port Perry. The opening and dedication of the ne Hell was conducted by Father Reisurer and the first yazaar was held on Dec. 19 1953 The Church of the Immaculate Conception was a mission spon sored by the Sacred Heart Church, of Uxbridge and the first 1886 with Father Allain as in- uimbe Oe SS a 1 \.28 held. It was just 12 years ago, with Father Murphy in charge of the two churches, that hydro was installed and oil space heaters re placed the old box stoves. Dur ing the past year an up-to-date oil furnace has been installed. There now two Masses held sh are The New Rollei 4x4" A TRUE MINIATURE CAMERA FOR SUPER-SLIDES Te Rollei Automatic "4 x 4" is just 43%" high -- but with a big square icture and all the quality and excel e Rolle Schneider Xenar pictures fit any quality jector, and you get 87% 35 mm more picture This is the ACTUAL PICTURE SIZE of the Rollei "4 x 4" picture -- perfect for color slides because piclures are square and fill your screen. See the 4x4 Rollei Automatic to- day 28 KING ST. E. 54 Simcoe WNorih Mrs. Clark read the seripture Mrs and prayer Honey The minutes, treasurer's report fn the winter months. Owing to! worthwhile erganization and a] " the increasing congregation dur- substantial sum was realized to ervice Club ing the summer months it is nec- further the work carried on by essary to hold three Masses the Lions of this community. - every Sunday morning. Meeting Held MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR Correspondent Mrs LIONS DANCE MOSLEMS DESERT FRENCH and approved. 'The annual Spring Ball of the ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Some Lions Club was one of the high- 300 Moslem volunteers who were lights of the social season and fighting on the French side sored by the service club were a 20g, was School. have killed their chief and dis- in charge of the meeting of theMrs. Rae Webster; men's high, 800d books : reliable sources said service club held in the home ofCharles Bourgeois; ladies' low, somewhat different to the regu- here Tuesday night. The band Mrs. Morley Luke, Mrs. John Ballard, and men's Martyn lar dance settings and was re- had been operating with French| Mrs. Honey, the president,Jow, Roy Collins. ceived favorably. A goodly num-| forces in the Orleansville area for opened the meeting. A poem A committee for ber turned out to support thi s!'six months. was read by Mrs. J. Saunders.show was inted the Port Perry Public The cabaret arrangements were appeared Alan Walsh, Mrs was led by Mrs. Crawford, Mrs Earl Geer, and correspondence were read Uke and Mrs. Gordon Prentice. |the Belgian parliament and fix- The guest speaker for the even- The telephone euchres spon- mg, Mrs, Allan Martyn, of Scu- introduced by d seas PORT PERRY -- Mrs. Frankhuge success and the prize win- Honey The topic chosen by Mrs. was held in the auditorium of against..the Algerian insurgents Honey and Mrs. Lloyd Clark wereners were as follows: ladies' high, Martyn was the value of reading Contests were enjoyed and a the hobby lunch was served by the com- , comprising mittee in tharge. Fred BELGIANS TO VOTE Robert McNab, BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- King Mrs Morley | Bf doin Tuesday night issued a ,. {decree dissolving both houses of ing geveral elections for June 1. Under the constitution, elections must be held every four years. The present Socialist-Liberal co- alition took over from a Catholic party administration in 1954, Mrs, Mrs. Alan Walsh thanked Mrs GREAT ENGINEER The first steam turbine was in- vented by Sir Charles Parsons in England in 1884, From 5th Anniversary ONE DOLLAR CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK ! store. Come earlyfor best selection!!! SHOP AT SPRING BROS. IE 24 MONTHS TO PAY SALE Due to the hundreds of requests from our customers who were unable to attend our sale last week and for those who did not receive service we are continuing our one dollar sale all this week. Save on many spectacular values throughout the - Special Offer! Spring & Mattress A full quality SMOOTH TOP mattress with full 252 coil Flex-O-Loc inner spring unit extra firm with no uncomfortable buttons or tufts . sisal: pads . . layers ond layers of white fit pre-built bor- ders air vents and turning handles ond covered in high grade imported mo teriols, Springs ore angle edged, high ONLY Special Offer! KITCHEN SUITE -YOUR CHOICE OF CHROME, BRASS OR WROUGHT IRON 4 luxuriously padded chairs highlight this S.piece ultra-modern kitchen suite group A hondsome centre extension table with heat and stain resistant arborite top ond heavy chrome or brass trim enhance this S-piece set riser, all steel ribbon spring with rows of YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS AND halicales ond finished in aluminum, Rey. PATTERNS. REG. 79.95 343. ' ~~ oF ewe. vd e purchase With the Purchase of Any Bedroom or Living Room Set Arian room or ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ... ® " 3-Pc. Medium Walnut Bedroom Suife " give years of satisfaction, Also available in honey. Take up to 24 months to pay . . . $10.00 monthly 1 fo) * 5-Pc. Chrome Set -- Cedar Chest -- Spring & Mattress 1.00 with large plank double dresser, roomy chest ond full size regular bed. Enhanced by heavy brass pulls, It's ex citing modern design will add glamour to ony bedroom ond This practical modern 2-pc sleeping surface comfortable matching chair. ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ... . 3-Pc. Pearlfone Bedroom Suife This suite is done in beautiful new rich pearitone or mod- ern walnut finish ond consists of a large full-size bed, Mr ond Mrs. Double Dresser and large spacious chest. All the 4 bes entre) Dove been combined in this suite to make 1 HO Buy now on loy-a-way until needed . . FREE STORAGE 5-Pc. Chrome Set -- Cedar Chest -- Spring & Mattress 1.00 I ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ... Ld Another 5 Star Bedroom Special This suite is done in a beautiful shade of Medium Walnut or honey. A wonderful buy for the budget minded couple. Consists of large dresser, deep roomy chest and full EARLY BIRD SPECIALS CRIBS size regular bed Reg. 139.0 This suite not included in 1.00 special offer . . . Full size, full panel sturdy hardwood construction. Complete with inner spring, waterproof mattress. Gen- many more bedroom suites too numerous to mention. uine Roxatone finish, Complete = 34.95 This one must be seen choice of colors. BUY ON LAY.A.-WAY , , NO CARRYING CHARGES materials. Reg. to 269.00. DOOR OPENING SPECIALS EARLY BIRD SPECIALS! BABY STROLLERS In the new plaid éonly... night, 1st quality materials. stoel construction Anniversary Durable LIMITED QUANTITY, Special 4.95 Special Special Offer! ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ... 2-Pc. Living Room Suife bed chesterfield suite con- verts to a deeply comfortable double bed with level top Handy wardrobe box for bedding and 5-Pc. Chrome Suite -- Airfoam Rotor Rocker Chair 1.00 ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ... 2-Pc. Bed Chesterfield Suife A modern dual purpose bed chesterfield, Smartly upholstered in heavy rubber backed frieze material and comfortable matching chair. . FREE STORAGE ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS ... These won't last long, 3 sets only, floor samples, davenport sets, regular 2-pce. chesterfield sets in durable hard wearing EXTRA SPECIAL 2 & 3 PCE. SETS THESE SUITES NOT INCLUDED IN $1.00 SPECIAL SPACESAVER DAVENPORTS sofa by doy Red, green or grey. Anniversary Special TV ROTOR ROCKER Richly upholstered in combination leather and material. It's a Rocker . .. It's a swivel chair, with guar- anteed ball-bearing swivel. Your choice of colors, Reg. 79.00. WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY BEDROOM OR LIVING ROOM SET 169 Your 199 5-Pc. Chrome Suite 99 . . comfortable double bed by 79. 9.95 FOR HIGH QUALITY MEATS and FRUITS ROASTING & BOILING FOWL bo: LEAN, BONELESS prisker » 49: Ham 159 Pork Loin 1 De TENDER EATING Short Rib Average 43 ROASTING OR FRYING Chickens 4 AF 2% te 3 Is, Average | SNOWFLAKE : " BY, aie PORK BUTT FRESH PORK Shoulder 3: EGGS go; GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 2 mw 29: Compare Our Quality And Price Anywhere, ---- 23: GRADE "A" LARGE S128 45: Your Container 5-PC. CHROME Extension arborite topped table. covered chairs in glittering chrome. be able to resist. Reg. 79.95 Anniversary Special... .. 49.95 ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS Sturdily constructed of featherweight alum- inum, folding frames with colorful heavy duck on seat and back in your choice of colors 4 05 ® DINETTE SUITES New nylon plastic A buy you won't Anniversary Special FURNISH TWO ROOMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Spring Brides are making plans now to buy at Spring Bros. Their selections of fine qual- be stored until absolutely free of charge and with no carry- ing charges. So buy now and save ity furniture will needed 10 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 'Where Quality Is High and Prices Low' PHONE RA 5.0311 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. LIGIHD ASW3I NO HENNE | A¥d Ol SHLNOW rz IEEE 'SOHZ DNIHJS IVY JOHS HIERN 1!d34D ASWI NO SHOP AT SPRING BROS. IIINENN ON EASY CREDIT

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