Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 May 1958, p. 19

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7 " i 16 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 1, 1958 Festival Draws Great ! Interest, Director Says | |eritic for the Manchester Guard-, Festival fare includes such the-| 'atrical standbys as R. C. Sher- | |riff's Journey's End and Agatha Christie's Witness for the Pros- ' ecution, 1 It also includes a French-lang- | uage play written by a Canadian # \ Tsave over $2993 week- By CAROLYN WILLETT Canadian Press Staff Writer ian, is to adjudicate the final fes- OTTAWA (CP)--The Dominion V2! Drama Festival finals are at the He'll see plays presented by| Atlantic end of a wide country, groups from large centres such but director Richard MacDonald 2s Toronto, Sionfresl 318 ¥3u- say. ri is" t in- © (8 8 ; i) i says there 3) vady grea iestival bill are a theatre group ~Ciel et Mecanique by Luc Dur 7 |from Coaldale a small and of Montreal. i Mr. MacDonald leaves Ottawa ' The festival plays were selec- oday for Halifax, setting for the rity in southern Alberta near |, cn regional entries adjud- ' iy i ; 7 Wh ) v7 { week-long, eight-play competition Lethiritge au pl ih ign icated earlier by. British actor-di- | f / Wl 1 4 ; 1 May 12-17. rt near Vancouver vector Righard West. Ai / Advance registrations for the sof * Probably the Vagabond players *) = / / 7 amateur drama finals indicates, About 130 actors from the eight from New Westminster, B. C1 "the store with the ideas'; hs 7 ? , a there will be visitors from Van. competipg theatre groups willlwill find the Halifax theatre set- | / couver to Grand Falls, Nfid., he Play ina Halifax high school au- ting the most far-removed from '= said. . ditorium with a capacity of 1,200. their usual habitat. | Governor-General Massey is to| Mr. MacDonald said $10,000 | The Vagabonds, who will pres-| present festival prizes May 17. $3,000 from DDF funds and $7,000 ent Thornton Wilder's The Skin Top prize for the best full-length from a Canada Council grant--is of Our Teeth, do their produe- Pr play is $1,000 and a trophy. available to travelling theatre tions in a converted fish hatch- a Philip Hope - Wallace, drama groups to help defray expenses. ery, when they're at home. Jy 7, on A p ; a ERIS bl at DOMINION | marie GROVE 10 Furnace Contractors 1 Criticized On Work i i I I I : i MRS. D. C. LAVERTY Correspondent MAPLE GROVE Mr, and Thousands of wise homemakers have Mrs. John Ralston, Moorefield, spent the weekend with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralston and family. TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontario tuel board has criticized 10 of To- ronto's biggest appliance and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shearer, furnace contractors for "faulty| Sr., Oshawa, spent Sunday with work" on more than $500,000 their son, Mr, and Mrs. Robert worth of work on 1,000 new Shearer homes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Suell,! The board, registration body Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. for all gas and fuel contractors, Jack Elliott, and alsu called on raid it has notified the firms they Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnston. are under investigation. Six of the Mrs. Roy Hunter, Dorchester, 10 install an estimated 60 per visited with her daughter, Mrs. cent of the gas appliances in James. Brayley d@nd family last Metropolitan Toronto. week. ,.| The firms are: Toronto? Air Sorry to report Mr. Brayley's conditioning, Progress Heating, sister, Mrs. Frank Daniels, I$ Eastwood Heating, Lyons Heat- confined to Civic Hospital, Peter-| 0 = popnson Heating, Coughlin borough, with pneumonia, since Heating New World Heating and the death of her husband, last o.oo Heating. [ "The whole thing is unfair," said the president of one of the firms. "We've been accused of |faulty work yet the letters don't say what work, where or how. | _ We haven't been given the chance to correct it." . 4 Ontardo requir es inspectors i from utility firms to inspect in-| i !stallations of contractors, many of whom are directly or indirectly | financed by the utility firms, | The move to question the work | came from Consumers' Gas Com- | pany inspectors. One official said he believed the inspectors had in- situted the action because of long-standing frustration in trying to get the contractors to finish their jobs. He said there was no question of safety involved. week Mr. and Mrs, C. Barr, Dianne, Brenda and Danny spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tenthasey at L'Amable, near Bancroft. Dianne remained with her grandparents for a holiday. Little Johnny Turner is feeling better after being {ll with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty at-| LONDON (CP)--The adjudica- tended the bowling banquet in tor of next month's Dominion Whitby on Saturday night The drama festival in Halifax is pre- team, on which both Mr. Mann pared to like what he sees. and Mr, Laverty played, won the Philip Hope - Wallace, drama prize for the highest number of critic for the Manchester Guard- pins in the playoffs of the Parts jan and a frequent BBC com- Office mixed league mentator on music and the thea- Mrs. Ross Grant, Bowmanville, tre, leaves today for a return en- spent Thursday with her daugh- gagement with the festival, for ter, Mrs. Bert Snowden which he last acted as adjudica- Mrs. Sam Mann and Caroline tor in Toronto nine years ago ! visited the Home Builders' Show| He has had a special eye for in Oshawa on Thursday evening. canadian actors and theatrical Many happy returs fo ys. roups ever since. Matthew Conroy and ltt W| upye: geen everything they've } Whalen, who eelebrated. their brought over," he said Tuesday. birthdays recently. dot 1 ' ; | Sunday visitors with Mr. and 'I like something about Cana-| { Mrs. Tom McGuirk were Mr. and dian actors, They are intuitively ! 'Mrs. Jack Keenan and John, Mr, good, not sophisticated in ' and Mrs. Bob Towle, all of Osh-|Wrong way. By ED SIMON Canadian Press Staff Writer Festival Adjudicator Ready To Like Plays [press officer with the air ministry {HIGHER STANDARD ada in 1949, is deliberately travel- |deadening" during the Second World War. He is convinced by his previous festival experience that the stand- ard of amateur acting in Canada is higher than in England. And he does not feel that his job in Halifax is to give marks to the competitors or to concentrate on details of individual performances "like a super-sergeant-major."" The adjudicator should look at a performance from the large critical angle and judge the per- formers on how imaginatively they feel their way into the part. Hope-Wallace, who flew to Can- ling in more leisurely fashion this time, on the Queen Mary to New York and by rail to Halifax. He is conscious of "something about air travel, Refreshing Flavour® SALADA - ORANGE PEKOE Tea Bags Snecial Special PKG. 39. 60 735 PKG. of 30 Economical Spread MONARCH -- REGULAR Margurine 2 = 55¢ 1-1B. PKGS. proved that they can cut food costs at DOMINION. They prove it week after week, month after month. You can tool You won't save on every item of course, that's impossible. But you will save... a penny here, a few pennies there, a nickel somewhere else . . . and those pennies and nickels soon add up. You'll notice the difference in how much more you can buy... how much more money you have left over . . . money to spend on those little extras that every family appreciates. Switch to DOMINION and start cutting food costs this week DELICIOUS DESSERT -- AYLMER CHOICE ADD VARIETY TO YOUR TABLE FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 DYSON'S -- PLAIN OR GARLIC WHOLE DILLS AYLMER -- FRESH FLAVOUR, DEW DRCP FANCY PEAS SPECIAL OFFER -- SAVE 4c, CLUB HOUSE HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER SAME AS HIGH QUALITY MILK DELIVERY TO YOUR HOUSE CARRY IT HOME AND SAVE Homouenized Milk 22: Disinfects, Deodorizes CONCENTRATE JAVEL Javex Special 23¢c 15-0Z. TINS A Get A Free Bar 15 OZ, TINS 24 OZ. JARS 32.02. BOTTLE Special CASHMERE BOUQUET Beauty Soap pc 1-1 16 OZ, ICE BOX JAR 3 QT. JOE 87: awa, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Snel] Hope-Wallace, 42, has been a 'that makes the travellers say grove, David and Murray of To- full-time music and drama critic things he wouldn't have said | ronto. since 1945, afler serving as a otherwise--I think it may have | Ross Metcalfe called at Tom ~~ ~-- an effect on the utterances of MecGuirk's on Monday to visit {some politicians." Youth Bureau ILLUSTRATED | ' DOT YOURSELF ENCYCLOPEDIA SapeTine! Si Mone¥ ' FRESH RIPE - CUBAN with John, who is improvirf Also, he wants to see a bit | steadily. L | more of Canada. His only geo- Parade Staged Formed To AtWMSMeet [liohtlrime | graphical 'recollections of 1949 WINDSOR (CP) -- Formation MRS. D. C. LAVERTY of a youth bureau to battle in- Correspondent creasing juvenile crime was an- : 2 2 nounced Wednesday MAPLE GROVE -- The WMS| pgjice Chief Carl W. Farrow] Evening 'Auxiliary held a pot luck gai4 go per cent of present detec-| supper on Thursday evening in|yive investigation is of me| the churth basement, There Were oommitted by juvenile 45 members and guests present, youths including the Reverend and Mrs. vt H. Stainton. After the supper Mrs. Ken Flint and youths have been arrested on led the worship service. Mrs charges ranging from arson and Jack Hurrie offered prayer and armed robbery to prostitution. Mrs, J. Noble gave a scripture The youth bureau will be set up reading after discussion with Canadian Mrs. Ross Stevens introduced and U.S. police departments and the speaker, Mrs, Shaw, by tell- 8 thorough study of Detroit's ing of her work in the church. Youth bureau Mrs. Shaw's message was inspir-| The bureau would work with ing. There was a piano solo by the Police Athletic League to ice Beech and Mrs. Jim Holt- combat youth crime and also to poem. An Easter prevent it. parade followed, with the follow- Chief Farrow told the police n~ ladies modelling sack dresses commission bureu head nd rising bats: Mis Ren should be away from a Quaniers Fn rs. « onle, rs, . ur- static 5 je Ar A ations and bureau officers Allison, Mrs. Gord. Beech and deal with wavward v Mrs. B. Snowden, The dresses Bywary Youle: -- e made from potato sacks : Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd are The president, Mrs. W ; + Brown tock charge of tke busi- MOVing this week to the farm ness period. The secretary, Mrs. /Qhed by Mr. E. P. Taylor, Percy Flintoff, gave her renort. North Oshawa. Prior to moving, A family night will be held on the Pupils at the school held a Mav 16. Mr. Linstead will show Party and presented Larry and s and ead a and Mr iis: ie pictures, Next meeting will be Debbie with gifts. a+ 92 at the home of Mrs. Cecil Mrs. Roy Thompson and Mrs Ar C. Martin are canvassing for the Cancer Fund, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Eade an IESKARD D.vid, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. ad od Eade and Stephen, Toronto, were MES, C. MARTIN Joven! Visiars with Mr. and Mrs. Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Art Young and LESKARD -- Mrs. Keith Fee is: Michael, Toronto, spen. the week- a patient in Bowmanville Memor- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin ! Hospital. Roddy and Clifford and Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Milton taying with grandpar- Cornish, David and Edgar, Peter and Mrs, L. Barnes. borough, also visited the Martin 'a n. and Cindy is stavine home on Sunday ith Mrs. W. Boyd while their - ------ nother is in hospital ent visitors with Mr Ernest Groen were: Tr 'k (Swarbrick, John , Buffalo; Mr. and Oshawa; Mr. and Waite and Carolyn, Wil- Mr. ard Mrs. G. Marsh, and Nigel, Lansing; and oughley, David and " IRI Al C full-scale demonstrat 10 « Mr. and Mrs. E. Warburton and Mr, and Mrs. L. Powell, Oshawa, visitors with Mr. and Loucks and family. | and Mr, and n attended the of Florence Night Bowmanville, on has re ome after visiting with Mrs Watson. Orono OTTAWA ® crime] Within recent weeks juveniles | H. should be especially trained to EQUIPMENT USERS = Come and see wheel-type tractors with a complete range of attachments: MAY 1st and 2nd -- 12 noon to 9 p.m. MAY 3rd -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at The J. 1. Case Test Area, DUNDAS ST. W. at HWY 27. FREE ADMISSION AND PARKING Construction Equipment Co. a mresovmwen 3 LIMITED . TORONTO Tel: ROger 2-8351 are the inside of a hotel room and of Toronto's Royal Alexandra Theatre. TIME ONLY Enjoy Lyons Tea at this money-saving price -- 10¢ off on the 60 tea bag size. No coupons to turn in -- just look for the red, white and blue box with the big "L" -- Fd Mig) now at your grocers. Satisfying flavour... every cup... every time or double your money back atest in craw LONDON TR ur FRESH PORK SALE RIB END LOIN ROAST TENDERLOIN End CHOPS OR CENTRE CUT FRESH CHICKEN CUTS LEGS or BREASTS DEVON BRAND RINLDESS Bacon CHOICE -- SLICED PORK LIVER SHOPSY'S -- FEATURE Sliced BOLOGNA CANDY FEATURE! WILLARD'S -- CHOCOLATE COVERED CARAMELS BUY ON THE POPULAR SCIENCE EASY T0 BUDGET tid BOOK A WEEK PLAN 99 CH Cha fom Mpa Cn Sone EASES The Conf of That Exlie ST! i PINEAPPLE CALIFORNIA -- 1 9 £ New Carrols 223° ONTARIO NO. 1 HOT HOUSE -- SLICING Cucumbers 2» 33° CAROLINA -- RED, CRISP Fresh Radish 3... 19° Spanish Onions 2 "= 25° 3. 49° CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE PLANT NOW FOR A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN ASSORTED c Shrubs an 69 Cc PKG. VARIETY ASSORTED COLORS 45° LB. Size 12's VOLUMES 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 NOW ON SALE LB. SPECIAL 15-0Z. PKGS. GOOD 12-0Z. SIZE LE, PKGS. V4-LB, PKG. 10.0Z, PKGS. 6-0Z. TINS 11-0Z. BAG 39° Six Delicious Flavours Richmello Ice Cream.. 89° Gladioli Bulbs we. BGC THE TREASURE YOU'LL ENJOY IT'S FINE FLAVOUR ALWAYS FRESH! -- RICHMELLO -- SLICED WHITE PREAD DIRECT FROM HOLLAND 1.89 y Strawberries 4 79° Green Beans YOU MAY WIN $2,00 Begonia Bulks Grass Szed nc 79° DOMINION, Vegeiahle Seeds 5c-10c-15¢ SAVE 9c -- BIRDSEYE FANCY 2 69° SAVE 5¢ -- BIRDSEYE FANCY SPECIAL Green Peas SAVE 5¢ -- BIRDSEYE FANCY 2 49° SAVE 5¢ -- BIRDSEYE FANCY - c Orange Juice 4 99 ENTER THE "PICK TITLE" CONTEST AT += Get FREE Entry Forms and Contest Details at * your local DOMINION hi 24.07. LOAF 18° ALL MERCHANDISE SOLD AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE 100% COMPLETE SATISFACTION, HOMESTEAD NO. | MIXTURE 79° PKG. FLOWER AND SUARANTEED TO BLOOM THIS YEAR FIELD GROWN 2 YEARS -- GIANT Tose Bush 1.49 Tose Bushes ener Jo lkC VALUES EFFECTIVE IN WHITBY AND OSHAWA UNTIL 6 P.M. SATURDAY MAY 3RD. GRAND PRIZE WINNER $2,600 MRS. JOSEPH MILES, 620 GROSVENOR STREET, LONDON, ONTARIO

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