1-1 Toronf --$ League THE DAILY TIM | ] Law (1-1) vs Newcombe (0-1) | to 010 000 50x (3 | ' ' ES 1 3 SEBALL Se: h (1-1) Go 240) d di S adelphia at San rancisco , Ari Louis 200 000 0020-4 7 1 mproc. vs mez ani Tzquier 0; Minarcin and St. inciny 1-5 9 1 Cc nati 300 010 000 (Only games scheduled |Claire, | L. McDanie 1, Martin (7) and By THE CANADIA American Le. N PRESS K ague {oi Ransas City at New York $2 pet, GBL| (Only game at Boston--Burn K BL | (Onl, s Fornieles ( 5 ansas City 4 0 y games scheduled) 10) » International League ; 3 mal League DMoutrtal 4 L Pet. GBL| {ifiamd 010 000 110--3 et, GI oches 00 6 BL | Colum ez 11 Harris, 1 000 003--4 4 0|Katt; Nuxhull, A bus ' 1% Cristante 1/(10) cker (1) 4 Greene; Ly eS aug Teed; Dae Bailey, Jeffcoat and Bucha Call (9)|Gr n-Robinson 4 een (3) 2 (2); StL- Phila 000 000 010-- ! D 16 1} \ re) Washingt Detroit on 636 Cleveland 533 1 |San Francis Baltimor "500 2 [Chicago 0 643 'as 3" pinauren 818% Toroni urgh : 14 | Toronto ¥ 583 Rich g Rochest: i Miami £y Richmond on oo 1204 5 2/San F 10 . Ricketts, M 000--2 7 1 ran 020 006 20x- | Grandeolas; MeClaln Ty and/®® Abe, sme 8) a JE and Oldis, |nelli and Lopat. Schmidt ata; Anto- Boston Chicago 286 ; > {Cine 250 innati srr, bel pl] FE ansas City 1 ork 1 ngeles 3 |Buffalo i 1 Boston 4 {St. Louis 357 4 | 1 10 231 Wednesday's Resu Buff Sy fo ie en nio & as Columbus x0 xz 001--3 10 1| HRs: SF Rochest real 4 Colema 0 30x--4 10 1|¢4) : SF-Schmidt (2) 3 Richmond 3 Nataujo, i, Kume (3) aud rohle, Mivaukee port { b, Speacer (4) fi and. Toyo 9) hicago 004 001-2 § 1 Buhl, Ja 002 20x--8 7 "™ y (5 2 son (8) and SMe "ds all V | C A and 8. E S Chicago 2 whic Balti Cleveland 2 ae 3 enna i ee 2 Ch {Philadelphia 1 ring rancisco 10| Buffalo 3 Columbus 4 Today's Gam: es American Le: ague Taylor. 8. Tay Today's And Prob Games Ist. Cleveland able Pitchers Louis 4 Cinci Narl at Wash | Pittsburgh nnati 5 eski (31) vs Pascual on] BR3 Los axda ) Miami at M 01) | ay"s Gam R ontreal And Probable ames Rochester at Richmond (N Detroit 110 TS (Onl o at Columbus (N) ) New York 001 002 330-10 14 y y games scheduled) Cleveland 100 00 17 tor Be wath 2 (8), Washington 000 100--2 |Pittsb alls (8) Mwmins: sburgh 000 100 g 1/Los Angeles 000 020-8 9 0 Kline 100 000--1 3 6 and Foiles; 1 16 3: : br, KING Chicago son ( at Baltim jou OD) = Py a 3 Milwaukee at Chi s dette (1-2) v icago -- Bu | Pittsbi s Hobbie (1-2) r-| urgh at Los Angeles (N)' PL i Yeap a 020 000 010-3 8 2 Chicago Oi do -- altimore 000 1-3 Pht ii 210 M0x--2 {Roebuck (9) 5 HR: Pgh Jyand Walker: y , - gh omas (8). | An t ROD, REEL, SAFE DRIVING | =e = * 7 Your Authorized or CASE, ETC. ONLY GENERAL M OTORS | DEALERS 2 nly 4.95 hel -- offer ALL MOT = RIOTS T MITCHELL GARCIA Spinning Reel 26 95] reat Remembe = 3 w r Mother's Day May llth t THIS ATTRACTIVE SERVICE || = = gRVICE 4 AUTOMATIC Q 1 J AUTOMATIC AFET Y cONO mY PASSENGER CAR AND LIGHT TRUCKS ommende additional work will be secured : PERCOLATOR : ONLY for necessary reco to o proceed ing wit th such work For Summer Driving Get A NOTE: Authorization 100 $rom the owner befo 1+] HEATER R HOSE ae CoM gen moT MOTOROLA CAR RADIO RADIATOR, AN s, cracks ond deter 1. ENGINE 0 uel and \ water dilution. for leak Fi eg ee vp 1] | 12 2. VOLTAGE "REGULATOR--Test o0 nd record-- | Vol tog®. Current. - Cut-out . r leaks. { BR NLY SP AND NEW ECIALLY PRICED . 49.95 phd RIE rea 2. 3. HEAT "RISER VALVE Tes operation. necesscry: 1 SREATHER--Cleo™ || ee | -- per A FUEL PUMP--Clest screen and bowl. Replace gosket. 13, ane on Lis R-- Inspect fo S, 5 FUEL "FILTER x \ 14. OIL pRESSURE--Record ot idle I and maximum . . 6. CARBURETOR AIR "CLEAN [2 15 ENGINE "commission! ond rd 0 6 Load Test-- }- in Je | cy Ar ---Dry : 5 6 ELTO" 'oe eet \ 7 0 A. \ If compression is low in any ¢Y , add oil and 18 Au . wh OUTBOA " _ Automobile Accessorie : ] S MOTOR SUN VISOR KIT , REG. 5.90, PR. . . 3% if Bg ARARAAR ro 305 MORE ITEMS vo W849 te anumane - OOSRAIThS [RTP pp ey jL--Examine oll fevel. \nspect for § 3. CRANKCAS retest soe "Cleon : "Remove 4 REG. 395.00 nspec ct poin nts. Set point 99 op ontacts for corr osion and cap pt \ y BATTERY -- hy . 16. Ts. SPARK X PLUG y specific gravity -- °° 5... ae and gaskets: Loosen belt \ t for correct Fe eapeslil \ 17. DISTRIBUTOR \ | wires from ¢€ op. Inspect © Inspect condition of wiring. iA gy -- s ; ; BICYCLES REG. 2 26M. From 39.95 - Tes Ci pUMP-- Inspect for ess. Ad) us! ie fon be! or cracks. Set timing with hight: Rr-- Inspect it necessary: paving prokes. 24 STEERING GEAR--Inspect for p CONTROL ARM MS, ect | for looseness: ims Lubrication "and oil chang STEERING AN | 25. PITMAN, TIE ROD-- InsP 4 LINK AND ¢ additiona check P ulley for \oosene \ tension £7 \ 5. "ENGINE InsP ect \ for exte er) oil leaks ~Exomine out side oll and fuel tines for hating ond ¥ kinks. #75 \G T h polts wo ha mpemmmmeS RET 0. RADIAT ow or atest ing Wh ten 19 --CARBURETOR--Tigtites body and flonge bolts. Adi yetel rel 8 IO cere HG a \ \ idle with vacuum gouge: Test choke operation: ' } : am A __|nspect con ndition of manifold, ex | \ 26. hub ust toe-in ous M ket \ ol -- haust P ond bre ets. \ Camber, 5 RR. Caster, & R STE 2). cRONT Clean ond adjust bearings: iE oe gr Ae peen-- a Inspect brake i whee! cylinders ond drums Blow NDER Examine fluid level ond correct out gr ms ond. shoes Lubricate shoe anchors. \ IN- C 05 esis m------ a ld ex bd : STE opeet for Teun, wear, © cuggest rotation || 28. pRAKES--Tes! operati \ Ri ED Ter POWER MOWER Pl : . LR ia \ 29: LiGHTS-- Test oll lights. |nspect lenses: Aim head: S ! tbr Glos islalit i 1 eath | lights. only sSothes Corrv-al \ 23. WHEEL NUT! WIPERS-- Inspect operation of wipers 6-95 Dishes + Here's Complete, Onl; 9 5 ploy in gear box. w--1 . outstandin , | (3): HORN--Test operation. smooth « workin, g valve in a power mow g, firsts quali \ th DRAG | Apt ...the compl \ | 32. INSTRUMENTS FV AND ACCESSORIES --InsPec! operation: you b. P etely now ecessary Nc . . atures . is Ta in anytime . inch ewt ER MOWERS 5 oo 8 ; 3 stee \ Precisi x pa: . | casing on designed cutti ng heights : PrN sin ; ¥N CARE mi \ "8 "WATER P -HITION IMING-- or oak heel if © is used. | 20 EXHAUST pT LIGNMENT--A) TA pipe, uttler, wl pipe i BLE AND BENG re-poc 27. MASTER CYU H SET, COMPL ' ETE 22 on of service and if timely | LF cvaRPaas ..RR. g-- Tighten oll wheel nuts. \ (30. WINDSHIEL 0 PACKS 8 Plastic £ NS --_-- \ ond condition of blades. / 9 im [ 1 time and i effort Adjust. lawn keepin ig looking its topics Tow onal when hen neces & Husky, hea : vy-gauge : --- FOR PLEA SING P| | ROFESS! steel wheels with ONAL Or C all for Pi ick-up -- Im . mediate Service ! ® handles adjust for "hang. B BUEw ect tires ysrolling nylon AT A L ABOR CHARGE OF ONLY ves 13.95 || versie u of fences, walls, etc, gasoline engi gine CLIFF MILLS 0 ELIF MLS - | ONTARID MOTOR Goodyear Servi | rvice Sto 162 KING ST. EAST IS 266 KING ST. W + -- RAJ4634 (40 BOND ST. W. ; --- A 5-85 0, }] RA 5-5512