Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 1 May 1958, p. 11

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CO-PRESIDENTS OF PIYAH CHAPTER, HADASSAH To lighten the duties of pres- ident in their expanding organ- | ization, this year the Piyah Chapter of Hadassah elected | preside at different times and three co-presidents. Mrs. Mor- ris Segal, Mrs. Jack Appleby | and Mrs. Edward Glazier each Iddress On Water Safety Features H-S Council Meeting The monthly meeting of Oshawa Home and School Coun- cil was held in the E. A. Lovell school with the president, Mrs. Harold Donald, presiding. The recording secretary, Mrs. G. E. Moss, read the minutes. The fi- nancial report was given by Mrs. Red Cross project and was car- are human beanpoles In need of A. J. Allan and the corre- spondence was read by Mrs. Dan- fel Hutcheon. Mrs. J. T. Gaskell, chairman of nominating commit tee, gave her report to date Mrs. A. J. Allan who is on the camp committee for leader- ship training to be held at Lake Couch the week of June 9, spoke on the benefits to be gained from attending this camp and asked the Associatidbn to send representatives Mrs. Donald and Mrs. George Lofthouse reported on the H-S convention held recently in Ham- fiton. Congratulations tended to Mrs. E. A. Mounce, a/Paren past officer of the National Fed-/Was one Wa eration, who was presented with could be lai a life membership at the confer- conscious of the need to promote were ex- able to talk to a large group o irs ts on water safety as that authority : foundations she says she can't understand d to make people how such a falsehood ever got started. the supervisor of water safety for the {Canadian Red Cross. He showed a film entitled "Don't Drown." He outlined safe conduct in and around the water and demon strated easy strokes. He said water safety was a ried out in every province In Canada. June was designated as water safety month in Canada Mr. Hawkes said he had re cently instructed a class from ages 45 to 55 and stressed that older people were welcome to the Red Cross program. Examiners came from peadquartess to the tests" and last year 7 children in Ontario took safety in- struction and 22,000 obtained awards. Mr. Hawkes concluded by ex pressing his pleasure at being way the ence. Mrs. Lloyd Courtice was Water safety In every commu- re-elected as area vice-president nity. Mr. T. W. Shepherd sang two Foy, who, with her husband, Bill and Mrs. Donald was appointed distriet organizer replacing Mrs. solos accompanied at the. plano Foy by Mrs. George Fleming. Sidney Sharples, | Mrs. Gordon Cummins, health|f ehairman for council, introduced|Cedar Dale and Woodcrest Asso- gaze Mr. D. W. Hawkes of Toronto, ciations. g reshments were served bys GROUPS, CLUBS, | LAUREL GROUP The Laurel Group of the WA of St. Andrew's United Church | present. SA HOME LEAGUE fu Mrs. , cently Sh mavould change all this. The rumor Mrs Re- operates y \ Al | XILIARIES along Marilyn Monroe's {Marilyn Monroe indeed! model. There's simply too much The regular meeting of the Sal-|°f her. No doubt of it!" vation Army Home League was i met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. held on Tuesday afternoon, April{models as willowy, gets her Irish Gaorge Telford with 27 members 29. i. i Gi TT Te Ye dd dees esr rw™ 118th Sea Scouts Mothers' Aux. Sponsors Social | The meeting of the 8th {Scout Mothers' Auxiliary held on Saturday, April Christ Memorial with a good attendance. 26, | This was a social evening ar- Wragg, Mrs. Alfred Harrell, Mrs. {ranged by the auxiliary who had Donald Crothers, Mr. John Mal- as guests husbands of the mem. icy, Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, |bers, Scout Leaders and their Mr. Thomas Abthorpe and Mr. wives, the Reverend and Mrs. H D. Cleverdon. lof "Court Whist'* "English Folk Dancing' Sea|well, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mr. was | Douglas in Flutter, Mrs, Alfred Harrell, Church Hall | Upon arrival all were asked to were Mr James Thompson, Mr, {sign their names and were given Mervin Cryderman, Mr. Frank |bingo sheets which were later Baker, Mr. Stanley Gales, Mrs. {used in a game of 'Autograph Roy Pereman, Mrs. A. S. Evans, | Bingo', followed by a few games Mrs. Stanley Gales, Mrs. Dwight 4 | Mrs. John Houghton directed, Refreshments in charge of Mrs, and was accompanied by Mr. tington, Mrs, {Donald A. Houlden at the piano. Mrs. A. S. Evans, were served| | Mrs. F. J. Hastings won a prize buffet style, for holding the longest member- |ship with the auxiliary. Birthday |Mrs | Evening Redpath, Mr. Russell Whist': Ronald Winners of 'Court Mrs. John Milne, Mrs. .|Roy C. Day. Various other prize winners Dunner. "George Fitches, Mrs. Lloyd Whit. A. 8S. Clark and At the cldse of the evening | Stanley Gales announced | congratulations were extended to {the next regular meeting of the Mr. Donald A. Houlden. (auxiliary would be held May 12 Prize winners of "Autograph |in the Hillcroft Street Scout Hall Bingo" were Mrs. Irwin South- at 8 pm Nee Spring Bazaar Successful Event | are sharing the responsibility The Ladies' Auxillary for promoting the annual ba. |dian Legion Branch 43, held zaar to be held next Tuesday : day evening | Mrs ' Denies Rumor. Daniel Guiltinan, a past dent, who opened the bazaar and Mre That New Styles [told the aime and ohjecta of the | Auxiliary, All monies raised hel : any sick or needy Permit Poundage [faniles | Convenera for the haranr wer Mrs. Peter Stmmons and Herbert Nathe Mrs By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP)--The aver age husband, thumbing through his wife's style gareties, Is con vinced that most fashion models jraw tickets fen were Mrs Matthew Hell and Mrs charge of tea Alfred Gunnell were Mrs Pouring Hrown, Mrs Ww Harrett Oster. In was Mrs Tea cup readers Joseph Rampling a blood transfusion One of his constant fears Is that wife wearing the same will come home looking that way, too----that is, rather like a basketball centre In skirts Somehow that Marit his clothes word got around re the new sack look booths Williams, Conveners of Robert spredd that fashion models now would look less like a vertical clothes line, and more like--well, more like Marilyn Monroe, We have checked this rumor | ¢ with Mrs. Roz O'Rourke Foy, an in such matters, and "A fashion model definitely | till must be slim," said Mrs. a former photographer a model agency that tocks 50 of the town's.leading lles. 'MONROE INDEED!" 'She can't be voluptuous-- lines. Why, he'd definitely flop as a fashion Mrs. Foy, who regards fashion p if someone in her hearing re- William Saunders and|fers to them as strolling thermo- The devotional period was led Mrs. Melville Arnold led in the meters, or implies that an extra by Mrs. A. G, Stapleton. This|singing of choruses and hymns. |inch or so of padding in the right was followed by discussion of Mrs. William Allison and Mrs.{place wouldn't .do them any| business which included distribu- Charles Cathmoir led in prayer. tion by Mrs. Neil Felt, of tickets for the annual garden party and s bazaar, to be held on Wednesday, h Tea was served by the Fellow- hip Group. The devotional period was in|i arm. | "As a matter of fact," she sald| | defiantly, "if there is a trend it s this: Bosoms are on the way June 4, at the home of Mr. and memory of Mrs. Alfred Bartlett|out (of the fashion picture), and Mrs G. N. Irwin, "Stonehaven", why passed away on April 25.legs are back in. The group then enjoyed a dis- « Mrs. Henry McGhee sang a solo 'I Know Who Holds Tomorrow". |i eussion period of current evenis Mre E. 0, Sargeant gave a talk, | of Werry and times interesting which Mrs topics 8S. G had prepared from newspaper Connor played a piano solo and magazine clippings Refreshments were served by Mrs, Telford, Mrs. Douglas Storie and Mrs. Donald Storie CHRIST CHURCH AYPA regular meeting of Christ Memorial Church AYPA was held in the parish hall The president, Miss Gwen Gales, read the corrrespondence After dues and attendance were taken the convemers made their reports, the first of these being East local Council report Mr of this report was that Gayle Chambers, secretary of this branch, had been nominated by for recording secretary for East Mrs. 8. D. Mackie read the sec- John Harris and Mrs. J. H. Mec- Local Council. Elections are to be held May 15 at St. Nicholas Church in Toronto. The next report was read by Miss Lloy Fletcher for the re- freshment committee, after which Miss Judy Greer made her report for the program commit. tee. The members then heard a report of the card sales from Miss Marilyn Salmon. Publicity convener, Dale Berry, then made his report. Miss Gwen Gales closed the meeting with a prayer and ves- pers All members are reminded to meet at the church at 7.00 p.m on May 5 for an evening of base- ball. 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX, The 13th Scout Mothers' Auxil- {ary met on Monday evening, April 28, in the Ladies' Lounge, at King Street United Church. Mrs. Jack Perry, the president, welcomed the members. The minutes of the March meeting were read by the secre tary, Mrs. Norman Winter. Mrs H. L. Barker, the treasurer, re ported a balance on hand of $58.96. The roll call was answered by 16 members. Eric Brown played a piano solo, "Waltz in A Flat" by Johannes Brahams. Mrs. Lloyd Masters, Mrs. lan McKay and Mrs. William Badour, were pres ent from the St. John Ambu- lance Corps Demonstrations and artificial respiration given. The members then prac tised the things they had been taught. The next paper drive will pe on May 10, | on bandaging were } OUT ihasing her thoughts on "Sudden Death--Sudden Glory". Mrs. Pat "Nearer, My God to Thee" i Mrs. Fred Swithenbank gave a reading "Just Jor Today'. Mrs Brigadier Maclean "I'm in His inch sang a solo Hands" and also told how this song was written Mrs. William James read the scripture, Psalm 23 The meeting closed by singing "Abide with Me", and repeating The Lord's Prayer ONWARD GROUP The regular meeting of the On Dale Berry. The main topic ward Group of Harmony United Conveéners Miss Church was held in the church Nichols, Mrs. G. A. Mathews and hall. The worship conducted by Mrs. J. service wus H. McGill retary's report and Mrs. J. M Lambe gave the treasurer's re port. Final arrangements were made for the Daffodil Tea to be held fashion model, "Good legs are tremendously mportant, A girl with bad legs s just out of luck [ "The ideal measurements for a I'd say, are 34-| neh bust, 23-inch waist, and 34- hips, but of course she| should wear a ceinture to pull| her in about two inches at the walst, in the same manner as the surcingle on a horse." | A girl with these measure-| ments, Mrs. Foy feels, Is much] closer to most men's ideal of feminine beauty than is Marilyn Monroe. | in the recreation hall of the church at 2:30 pm. on May 7 are Mrs. C. E Seen in the above four = generation picture is Mrs. J. C. Taylor of Port Perry holding her great-granddaughter, 11- month-old Susan Lynn Glover Standing at the back are (left) the baby's grandmother, Mrs. Norman Gilbert, and her mother, Mrs. William Glover, both of Oshawa. The picture Mrs. D. L. Sugden on the menu; table setting conveners are Mrs Gill; fancy work, Mrs. 8. D Mackie; home cooking, Mrs. Michael Kashul. Tea is to be poured by Mrs. K. G. Whattam and Mrs. G. E. Jonah. Cana successful spring bazaar on Tues Peter Simmons welcomed Mrs all present and introduced Mrs presi Veterans and W Mis Alyn Elliot and Miss Kd | ward Bouckley were In charge of|Leglon Hall on Tuesaday, May 8 n Min room Mra ME Maynard and Miss Hazel Waring were fancy be on May 6 at 7.30 p.m A FOUR-GENERATION PICTURE For Canadian Legion Auxiliary Mrs ( Mrs E. Vermoen Norman MeEvers, and socks Mre. Jo Anderson, children's wear: Frank Grant, eandy: Mre Donald Iverson ronking Mrs. 8B Rroonks, ecountry store Charles Wilvox work A aprons novelties seph SISTER AND BROTHER fon home | t's oane hirthdnes Arthur other for ¢ David after toueh and ners nuenue. and Mr lishnon take Inwrenes tren of and one vent old an Apt 4 Mire Qinek 'ayloy Winners of prizes were Doddwell, Mra Rell Mya Mire ¥ n Wiles | art tebe Hn April th ' They ares the whitdean Hf My Mea aril Pasene M Wile Meth grandehil Mere My Whithy Fred nied Daley ol Mra. M. Conk, Mra i Allie | Mra, J Clark, Mrs [Mra Do Rukh Pilsen may be ploked up al the " [belween 7 and 700 pm Members walls were nahed (a pole wlll available on the albus for Sunday, May 4, for the] Hally being held in How | manville. The hus leaves the terminal at 130 pm Contact Mrs. BR. Williams, RA 34062 for seats Jo Aldwinckle, The next business meeting will| |8 DAILY ne Zone Women's Editor THR TIMES. GAZETTE, Thundey, May LY Dial RA 3.3474 1958 |Camp Gives Child IGM: Sense Of Freedom MONTREAL (CP) -- Camping is "an integral part" of a child's education, says Mrs. Ethel Bebb of New York, a member of the American Camping Association. "Camping gives a child the first opportunity to gain that in. |dependence eventually necessary to become a mature Individual," she said, Mrs. Bebb made the statements in ag Interview while here with Margaret Caesar to discuss camp standards at a joint conference of the Canadian and Quebec Associations. Miss Cae . of the New York standards committee, For the last four years, the two women have formed a touring team to encourage high standards in camps throw t Canada and the United States. A few years ago, they visited several camps in Ontario and found them "especially strong in programming, particularly in wa. ter activities." Direction is the key to a strong camp, but location is also a big factor, they sald. Camps situated near water have an edge om others, but farm ea can be Just as successful, h proper program emphasis. of lvory, ue, SOCIAL NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Taylor, ENGAGEM |" PERSONALS | | | Dlive avenue, were in Toronto on| Mrs. Taylor's cousin, the late of Mrs. Mr. Charles Edward Reed. Jamaica, British | and the late Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Simcoe street north, had as re- cent guests, Mrs. Harold Tonkin of Winnipeg and Miss Dorothy Cowles, Toronto, Robert Adam Gar Mr. and Mrs, Will of Oshawa. at 11 o'clock. at | Roman | Little items of social news are awa. |always welcome in this column.| ---- St. ENT The engagement is announced Monday attending the funeral of 'of Jennie Mae Allen, daughter William Allen West dian, iam The marriage take place on Saturday, May 31, Gregory's Catholic Church, Osh- Indies, Allen, to Mr. son of Gardian will of RA 5-3529 GYPTEX NEW TEXTURE PAINT TEXTURED WALL AND CEILING DECORATION IN COLOUR. Foarhady's 1lling abso this diginetive type of wall and coiling decmation which goes right over walls, Anybody con apply and teriwe with wong tinting requied as W comes in 1eady-mized ters TH, Dive, Croen, Pink and Wh add wate, mix 10 a heavy pase odd brush # on. SEE DEMONSTRATION THURSDAY - FRIDAY & SATURDAY PATTE OVER 85 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE ST. N, Emits ite. Simply PAINT AND WALLPAPER OSHAWA If you are enjoying the company of visitors or have been visiting { [yourself why not telephone 3-3474 and share your pleasure "with | others. PIONEER SCHOOL Robert Raikes of Gloucester, | England, founder of the modern | Sunday school, opened his first { school in 1781. | | RA 5-3144 Por Free [Estimates Installation. Draperies by the Yerd. Custom-mede Draperies. Venetian end Cloth Blinds. "Kirsch" Rods end Tracks. ® Breodl eo Bamboo Drapes HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simcoe St. N. | was taken on Mrs, 20th birthday. Taylor's Campaign. PARKWAY TV Presents The CLIP COUPO you can have COLOR T.V. now FOR ONLY 4.98 fut install new amazing BOLORMATIC on your TV. set and get beautiful living olor image. N AND MAIL TODAY e@ SAVE BY MAIL NO. OF SETS ( ) 1 NAME COLORMATIC, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, PLEASE SEND 7"( ), 21" ( ), 24" ( ), COLORMATIC SET I will pay the postman 4.98 per set plus a few cents postage. ADDRESS Please Address All Replies To | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, 57 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, BOX 334, OSHAWA SIMPLICITY WASHER NEW DESIGN FOR '58 LARGE 11 LB PORCELAIN TUB HEAVY CHROME DRAIN PANS DUAL PUMP-TIMER CONTROL ON 21:3 DOUBLE BAR SAFETY RELEASE WRINGER 6 VANE METAL AGITATOR POWER PUMP New 12 Year Guarantee Model 1422 N The Ontarlo County Unit of the Ontario Cancer Society toke this opportunity to sincerely thank all those whose efforts and assistance contributed to the success of the 1958 Cancer In Part They Were: THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THE OSHAWA POLICE DEPARTMENT THE PEDLAR PEOPLE FITTING'S LIMITED THE FORESTERS AND WIVES THE WOMEN OF THE UKRAINIAN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION THE OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUB OSHAWA DAIRY, BEATON'S DAIRY & IDEAL DAIRY RADIO STATION CKLB AND THE TIMES-GAZETTE PILOT CLUB OF OSHAWA JOHN CONDOS ALL WHO SUPPORTED OUR PROMOTION CAMP. ALL CAPTAINS, CANVASSERS AND ALL OTHERS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESS OF THE BLITZ. PARKWAY TV 918 SIMCOE N. RA 3-3043 RA 3-3043 You may still mail your donation to The Ontario County Unit, Ontario Cancer Sociely 81 ATHOL STREET EAST, OSHAWA HELP SUPPORT THE NATIONAL OBJECTIVE OF $2,200,000. TT Ee IES

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