| Stocks-Leask Nuptial Rites 'Held In Eldad United Church The marriage of Eunice Kath-jand carried cascades of white |leen Leask and Dr. Alan Graham |chrysanthemums. IStocks was solemnized recently] Mr. David Fricker of Toronto {in Eldad United Church at Solina|Was best man and the ushers with the Reverend F. J. Re ¢.|were Mr. Ewart Leask of Solina |ficiating. ed OF | 2nd Mr. Neil Murkar of Whitby. i i Mr. Douglas Bodle of Toronto, | Sie bride the daughter of presided at the organ and accom- Leask and the bridegroom is the panied he Soloist, Dr. Dondla son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Alex- Jardise fs Kingston, cousin of the ander Stocks of Cut Knife, Sas- ride; Yio tqng d My katchewan. Prayer" and "The Lor y : : Shepherd 1s'. | Given in marriage by her fa-| Ap old-fashioned, horse-drawn ther, the bride wore a full length gyyrey with a fringe on top, es- gown of white silk organza over pecially decorated for the occa- taffeta. The fitted bodice was :jon awaited the bride and bride- styled in an empire line with a'gro0m and escorted the surprised |fold of material extending to the .ouple to the reception at the 'back and tied in a tiny bow, the gglina Community Hall. ends falling to the hem. The Sa- The bride's mother, to receive brina neckline and long sleeves the guests wore a mint green were edged with Alencon lace. A ,eq, de Soie dress, beige and| coronet of organza with seed own hat and accessories and a pearls held her fingertip veil and corsage of yellow rose buds. In she caried a cascade of white she absence of the bridegroom's gardenias and stephanotis. parents, his sister, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Ewart Leask, the bride's Fyffe, of Toronto, who assisted sister-in-law, as matron of honor the bride's mother wore a blouson and Miss Barbara Loucks, a for- cuit of beige French Crepe, a mer classmate of the bride's, as Breton sailor hat, matching beige bridesmaid, wore identical baller- accessories and a corsage of yel- their heir & 2 > Jo Aldwinckle, Women's kditor At the supper following the Stocks - Leask wedding Dr. W. W. Baldwin of Brooklin proposed a toast to the bride and the best man, Mr. David Fricker, read Genosha, and Mrs. Frank Hincks Many congratulatory telegrams { Win . hav turned home from the bridegroom's parents, 0 ona ave returne brothers, and friends from a trip to Los Angeles, Holly- . the United States wood, California, and Las Vegas. Hawaii and Paris, In Montobello, California, Mrs Cucknell visited her niece, Mr George Jackson, whom she has not seen for 30 years. Mrs. Bertha Cucknell, Hotel Little items of social news are always welcome in this column If you are enjoying the company of visitors or have been visiting vourself why not telephone 3-3474 and share your pleasure with others SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W rd Spencer announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Barbara Yvonne, 'to Mr Ronald Me- Naught, son of Mr. and Mrs.' local group and was much appre- ciated. After this, coffee was served, presided over by Madeline Tooley and Dolores Victor.The thanks of the group go each year to Mr and Mrs. Fleming for the thoughtfulness in opening ir home for this yearly party. social side of the life of the le Theatre suffers greatly from lack of a building of its own where evenings such as this could be held, and it is therefore great ly appreciated when members of the group extend the hospitality ¢ of their homes for such an occa- clo sion tl Toll How a Remarkable Tablet Can Bring Blessed Relief from Distress of "Hot Flashes" of Change-of-Life and Awful Monthly Cramps of Younger Women and Girls. The idea that most women must suffer distress at certain times-- just because they're women -- is not accepted today. Evidence that most women and girls who are subject to such suffering may enjoy relief from it--comes from scientific tests. It is based on hundreds of cases in which young women got remarkable relief from monthly cramps and related headaches and backaches by taking Lydia E Pinkham's Tablets...and women tg hange-of-1ife" am the hot flashes D1 going through "ec got relief and ir Pink} s Tablets give relief from these complaints of girls and women from teens through middle-age, Pinkham's also helps older women with its blood- buildir ron So why endure painful, jittery monthly discomfort...or the d ng misery of "change- of -life" when relief may be waiting at any drug store? ina length gown of mist green low rose buds. organza over 'taffeta. The prin-| For travelling the bride wore a led by two panels of leaf green blue with a matching hat and na- organza which originated at the tural accessories. She carried her neckline and extended to the back natural tweed coat and wore a where they were held at the waist corsage of yellow rosebuds. fell to the hemline. They wore honeymoon in New York chort. white gloves, hats of leaf and Europe the couple will live green organza with French roses in Brooklin, Ontario MRS. BLANCHE HOGG Praises OLT Cast and Director An after - the - show party fol- here compared most favorably | lowed the Saturday night per- with that done in the Festival. formance of "Teach Me How To! She thought the first scene, which Cry" and brought the 1957-58|is perhaps the most difficult of Dial RA 3-3474 atre to a most happy close. Held ler than that as done in Toronto; sisi bd re ITE a . - -- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. that Kathy Totten as "Melinda" 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, April 30, 1958 J. J. Fleming, this party has was able to maintain the deter- been a standing invitation for the mined, on-guard character during pleasant way to bring together softening of her character as the P E R S 0 N A L S all those active members of the play progressed was very well group who have been involved in done indeed. The strength of indsay, Miss Mar-; Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- the production of the season's 'Will" as played by Don Le Mrs. Fred Lindsay, Miss | Sorin ors. ¢ 1ay. hi ~~ Miss Jean Hunters, members of be glad to know that they have Those present included the '0 the play, his ease of move- 1, pilot Club of Oshawa, attend- arrived safely in Miami, Florida easts and directors of "Ghosts", ment and relaxation 3 the Part oq the birthday party and instal- They are spending a happy holi "Miranda" and "Teach Me How throughout contributing, as it a40n of officers of the Pilot Club day at the home of Mrs. Jones' stage people who are the strength velopment of the character of , .o."\ ct Saturday evenin of the group and without whom "Melinda. ; The Sunday luncheon was held at the plays could not go on. Ar-| Mrs, Hogg gave high praise to rar Hull. Que . A te 0'Cafe Henry Burger in Hull, Qu rangements for the party were in Madeline Tooley's "Mrs. Grant," bec. ing and Barbara Lloyd, assisted Robson" she felt was a more by Jean Reeves and Jean Crooks. firmly drawn character than that As the set of the play has to in the Toronto production. She be struck before the back-stage thought the "Hendersons" as # was some time before the John Francom were quite differ- group was complete, but as soon ent from the characters as she as everyone had arrived, Harriet had seen them done previously, Rapley introduced the guest of but that they established their had come from Toronto to see them consistentl; throughout. "Teach Me How To Cry" as a GOOD CASTING representative of the Central Ex-| The four teen-age characters ecutive of the CODL. completing the cast were a sur- Group Advisory Committee, met them later. "I had been which is working to strengthen thinking how lucky the director, the bonds between the central! Mrs. Rapley, was to find such executive and the groups which 8ood material in the age group gion, Formerly of London, On- good casting, good acting and tario, and of the WODL, Mrs. 2ood direction." She especially Hogg has long had the greatest liked the work of Gwen O'Regan, interest in Little Theatre Groups. as "Polly". own right, Blanche Hogg appear- stage group who handled a most ed last Year in On Borrowed difficult play on a small stage James McNaught, all of Oshawa. Time", the Playcraftsmen's en- with smooth ease, The set was The marriage w ak J try in the Regional and in the most effective, the mak 1 The marriage Will take place op . legions £ ' laKe-up gooc turday, May 24 1958, at 3 o' ing received the award as "Best for the people in the play and es- Oshaw? " i Arid , Oshawa. Play" in Toronto, they went on pecially the 'Juliet' costume ani -- - ee to win the Dominion Drama Fes- which was what would have ap * tival award while Blanche Ilogg peared in a production of "Romec Distress due fo Actress in a Supporting Role' school play -- simple and effec [73 ° 1] ® ° to be Being a Woman" Relieved | EXCELLENT SCRIPT In conclusion, Mrs. Hogg again | ing a 0 an e eve m Mrs. Hogg declared 'herself repeated her great pleasure in| production of such a good Cana- first time, and the real thrill she, dian play as "Teach Me How to 20t in finding that it was of such Cry". Written by Toronto's Pat- @ high standard. "I know that ricia Joudry, "Teach Me" was Your great difficulty in entering by the Alumnae Dramatic Club, |ing and sets," she said, "but this won top honors in the Regional Play is certainly Festival mate- and won the Dominion' Drama rial, and we shall hope to see an turing also the award for "B e s t APPRECIATION Canadian Play." Mr. Clare Keith thanked Mrs. "This is not an adjudication," Hogg for her kindness in coming said Mrs. Hogg, "I just want to to Oshawa to see "Teach Me ed by the standard of the feeling of everyone present that performance I have just seen." such encouragement from a Mrs. Hogg said that she thought member of the CODL executive the standard of the productionhad been greatly needed by the cess styled dresses were accent- dress suit of pure linen in riviera by matching French roses, then fter they later return from Of Drama "Teach Me How To Cry' sO. ' season of the Oshawa Little The- the play, was just a little strong- last few years and is -a very this scene and that the gradual plays. Quesne was of great importance got Knox, Miss Julle Farkas and as Jones, Westmount street, will To Cry", along with all the off-|should, to the growh and de-[);"(.a a held at the Chateau brother, Mr. Wesley Cory. the capable hands of Mrs. Flem- while Evelyn Richards as "Miss crew are able to get to the party, [Played by Dolores Victor and the evening, Blanche Hogg, who characterizations and played Mrs. H-gg is convener of the Prise to Mrs. Hogg when she comprise the Central Ontario Re- required," she said, "it shows An actress and dirfetor in her, Praise went also to the" back- Dominion Drama Festivals. Hav- and the costuming was just right in St. Paul's Presbyterian herself was awarded the "Best and Juliet" in a small town high | LJ very pleased to see, in Oshawa, a Seeing this group's wor. for the Most Cases in Tests! produced in 1956 for the Festival @ play in the Festival is in stag- Award in that year's finals, cap- entry by this group next year." tell you how much I am impress- How To Cry', and expressed the | would like to thank all my Customers for their kind patronage. It is with regret that | have to leave at this time. | hope you will be happy under the new management, MRS. OLIVE TEATRO - MRS. OLIVE TEATRO | would like to take this opportunity of assuring all the patrons of the "Elizabeth Beauty Shop' that | will do every- thing possible to maintaifi the high standard of beauty culture . . . and | look forward to welcoming all my friend and former patrons. GORD. BAKER Elizaboths. Beauty Shop 7V2 SIMCOE ST. N, (UPSTAIRS) RA 3.7221 GORD BAKER "The Lord's nies and baby chicks to send to children at a nearby orphanage. There are always a few extra stuffed animals on hand, "just in case some neighborhood children drop around." Court Secretary | 'Gardens For Profit | ' After Office Hours |erop aroma" © = VICTORIA (CP) In new pairs of salt and pepper shakers, working hours Margaret Salt is a closely arranged on the shelves of secretary to the judges of Brit- a mahogany cabinet. ish Columbia's Appeal Court. She! Mrs. Salt says she has kept her- can ripple along a typewriter self busy ever since her son left with the best of them. {for Flin Flon, Man. And busy But outside the office she Isighe is. "|Margaret Salt the country --_ __ -- woman, a commercial daffodil] BIRTHD AY HOP grower with her husband, T. F. C.| Salt. They have lived on theiry] NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (AP) sunny Keating farm for 30 years. Mrs, Fred B. Cowden, 83, Wed- : Each afternoon she leaves the nesday attended her twin daught~ i Z 7 a courthouse office, where she has ers' birthday parties--3,000 miles : Saw | Worked for 30 years, to spin along apart. She attended a birthday the highway in a red station-party at the home of her daught- aa: "Wagon to the farm cottage. ers, Mrs. Marjorie Burgess, in There she dons a pair of slacks New Bedford. then flew non-stop and a plaid shirt and goes toto Los Angeles and joined her work, other twin daughter, Mrs. Marian ; ' RUNS TRACTOR Beal. | 4 7 Mrs. Salt drives a huge farm vi 2 tractor and says "there's nothing to it." She thinks it's a waste of time to watch television without work- turpentine ing at something constructive. stubborn She makes stuffed knitted bun- floors. HOUSEHOLD HINT Spring cleaning time is here! Fine steel wool moistened with can often remove patches of dirt on " / EB § "YOUNG FOLKS SHOP™ {FORMERLY GLORY ANN SHOPPE) "Oshawa's Finest Children's Wear Store" a Ba a. BOYS' TERRY CLOTH | rT : Lt Fi TOPS and SHORTS . 2 TO MATCH Boxer waist, nautical stripes, white only with red trim. Sizes 2, 3, 4. Washabil- ity guaronteed by Good Housekeeping! $1.69 each Boys' Chino Jackets Size 2 to éx 82.98 Guaranteed washable BOYS' BOXER PANTS ® Sanforized. ® Sizes 4 to 6x. | | ADVANCE DELIVERY ANNOUNCES COOKIE DAY Tilling are delivering a box of cookies to Mrs. J. S. Smith, Burk street, --Times-Gazette staff photo In anticipation of Cookie Day | taking advance orders. In this on Saturday the Girl Guides | typical Brownie Karen and Brownies have been busy | Brisebois and Guide Roberta GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIE The "monthly meeting of the 2 ladies' Auxiliary to the Ontario , VICTORIA (CP) -- Following Regiment Association was held their proxy marriage four months recently with the president, Mrs. 880, Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Ar- William McNeill, presiding. giery are now settled in their Mrs. Harry Brown, secretary, home here. read the minutes and correspon-| Rosetta, 18, and Philippe, 30, dence. Mrs. Fred Porter, treas- first cousins, were married by urer, gave the financial report. Proxy in Vittoria, Sicily, last Dec. It was decided to start prepar- 4. The groom's stand-in at the irg for the annual bazaar which Wedding 'was his uncle, now| will be held early in the fall, all father-in-law. members were asked to bring two| 'The couple met in 1956 when dish cloths to next meeting. It Philippe returned to Italy for the was also decided the commit- funeral of his father. They cor- tee would serve the cadets re- responded after his return to freshments after their inspection Canada and finally the marriage on Wednesday night, April 30. was arranged. A social night was held at the; «now : > home of Mrs. McNiell on Sone fa se i5 sli ny Jule, 1 day, April 26. Cribbage will bel; i y i held ar the home ris Tg is evervining to me, liam Beaton on April 30. Draw prize donated by Mrs. H. H. Wolfram was won by Mrs. Clifford Sewell. FIDELIS GROUP The Fidelis group of the WA of Simcoe Street United Church held its April meeting with the president, Mrs. E. G. Legge, pre- siding. . The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Harold Boddy. The sec- retary, treasurer and flower re- ports were given., Mr. Clarence Toaze sang three solos. scene Proxy Marriage Si: ; Brings Happiness MARGARET HART GROUP The meeting of the Margaret Hart group of the Women's Guild of St, George's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. J. J. English, The president, Mrs, F. C. Piper presided and the minutes were read and the treasurer's report given Final arrangements were com- pleted for catering to the Public Utilities Bowling club Following the meeting Mrs J. English served tea. regular ONLY .. All Purchases Covered By Our Money-Back Policy. Refund Within 10 Days ! § "YOUNG FOLKS SHOP" I have| 10 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, RA 5-1531 J. PMA CLUB Pleasant Monday After noon Club held their weekly meeting on Monday, April 28, in the Legion Hall with the presi- dent, Mrs. Olive Harrison, presid- ing A hymn "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" was sung in memory of the late Mr. John Callison who passed away recently. Deepest ympathy was expressed to the members of .the family. Favorite hymns were sung and readings given - by. Mrs, John Parker and Mrs. George Whit- bread. Mrs. Charles Elleget sang a solo. Mrs. F. Boughton was a welcome guest from Toronto. Mrs. William Dunn was pianist Members reported sick were for the rheeting Mrs. M. Johnson and Mrs. Leon-| Refreshments were served by ard Fisher. iMrs. Legge and Mrs. Boddy. The Wil- something to work for mow and perhaps life will come easy i me." STORE HOURS: Movi gun YO TRESS Wo 9 gm. to 5.30 p.m. OWNTOWN Except Wednesday -- / sft TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 9 a.m. to 12.20 a.m. RETAILERS TO THRIFTY GANADIANS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Dress Clearance! ) SHOP NOW... { YOU'LL SAVE FOR SURE For Yourself or For Mother's Day Giving -- Zeller's Better Quality Dresses Special 6.88 Take advantage of special reductions on all spring lines to complete your wardrobe picture goes <-- in here and in 60 seconds or select a lovely dress for mother -- At Zellers' money-saving prices. Better quality rayons, crepes, and new easy-care fabrics. with a Come in today and see the Big Savings. POLAROID*Land CAMERA That's all there is to it! It's easy to get thrilling, finished pictures in 60 seconds with a precision-built Polaroid Land Camera. No messing with chemicals. All ready for you in a minute--and what prints ! Beautiful, lasting, black-and-white pictures you'll be proud to own and show. There's a lifetime of fun and excitement wrapped up in a minute of photography at a price you can afford to pay. Bring This Ad in Today for a Free 60-Second Photo! Many other reduced lines at 4.88 and 11.88. AY CLEARANCE - LADIES' SPRING HATS Becoming styles in Swiss-straw braid and finely sewn 3 | 9 8 "New Chicord" that will be much admired through Spring and Summer. Many styles in white, pastels and new high colors at. drastic reductions. Visit Zeller's to- Our services are designed for your use and convenience. ZELLER'S day and check their wonderful array. VALUE RIGHT! OTHER VALUES AT 2.98 AND 4.98. DEPENDABLE--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. TELEPHONE --You may order by telephone: RA 3-2294. DELIVERY --Two: deliveries daily within city limit LAYAWAY ----For your convenience at no extra cost. CHEQUES Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed 28 KING ST. EAST RA 3-4621 ded GUARANTEE -- Merchandise satisfactory or money refu