Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 30 Apr 1958, p. 7

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Harbor Meeting" pOQRT HOPE Urged By Reeve, elected and will assume thelr new duties on July 1. President for the coming year will be Doc Heberle who takes over the reins of president from Ross Elliott. The three vice-presidénts elected] Soccer Team Working Out THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, April 30, 1958 7 Men's Section [silence was held in memory of Jimmy Kemlo who died recently and who was one of the club's long time members. Bill Rowden introduced the new Tim O'Neil from Stouffville. Feeling along the Lakeshore and north to Peterborough and Lindsay is that Mr. Cunningham, |an astute lawyer, trod on the toes {of the figureheads in Toronto this spring when he sought a court injunction after the OHA had 1% SUIT CLEARANCE 509 OFF ALL NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE ; MILK FED HATS TO CLEAR 3.95 Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 . COBOURG -- Reeve C. E.| * Johnston, acting chairman of the| ire Tro eC 1011 and announced that on Thursday have a soccer club this summer Derivers, "Doug Mallory, Keith Ben C. Thompson, MP for North- tion, The team is practicing|treasurer will be made at a meet-|banquet of the' Men's Section of Sandy Sandford, the new caterer, nothing to do with the explosion| Those taking part were W. Mc- iyo. of points to be taken up on| port Hope's fire chief Jack!r the o| more expected. Councillor George on the installation of the new lift After a thorough investigation|D. Moore, inspector for Lakeland that prevailed at W. A. He-|withi A gh 8 pec the conditions that p ciation was set up at Welcome Robert Everson and within a radius of 50 miles. being H. J. Mumby. More thanicychi, ® G78 POOR Wty Sgt. A gocis evening bourg Fire Chief, it was found District Inspector of Boiler Iniother mishap as it was last year. ing in, the Queen's Hotel, the 1958 monial parade, there, will be com-|ceore Phillips taking the lead MUST WAIT TURN * The investigation was carried/ish American Oil Company, secretary-treasurer. First 3 (Games training display, small arms drilll REECE TT or social, fore serving sentences in city Fire committee chairman Mos-| 1 him and Lightle's took a close LEAD PRODUCER and Ted Nelson; games, Bill dations at a pr Se k T | sary precautions to remedy the ' COBOURG -- A regatta meet. township off completely. He sald. oints and the championship. The garage doors and the roof | of next week. |they had- not been reimbursed. |the second to win out by 174 COBOURG -- Town council de- cated on the shores of Rice Lake, | to proceed with il Tim Rowden led them to the sand blasting the outside of the {ham property on the corner of) 241. Leo Smith] | The races are being presented yo. opsections were heard from 562d which along with Bruce are providing estimates of cost of | : , g 05 0 'up Monday morning caused dam- Outboard Racing Club. DS highest count. would cost $10,500, |was injured. The 'accident took handled by debentures. | It was believed that three Hockey Meet in as good a position in finances was involved in a collision with |Toronto. ager, Harry Wade of Newton- Plan To Assist OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE [Cobourg police, is the investigat- exception of the fiery Mel Cun- ots a lot of time and the police a at a council meeting on May 12. COBOURG -- fenders could pay their fine at|quest to erect its tourist booth sponsored in a playoff series ter with the firm operating these |. '¢ booth would be allowed in leven break from the OHA and ition as in previous years came Associations. Monday night. Fhe reason for the the agreement was that the [estrian safety committee will dis- Deputy - reeve Erskine stated the councillor, was that the cham- publicize the new Ontario safety |were Frank Deveraux, Ivan| Of Golf Club | Lewis and Mike Vosburgh. The, . Explosion Cause ir nis Eo sms Fy e regu men's wi if the enthusiasm shown at the Mendes and Ralph Russell. Ap- | umberland, to discuss the situa-| PORT HOPE -- Fire protection Reeve Read Budge and Council: levery weekend with around 16iing before July 1, the Port Hope Golf and Country Was Presented by W. E. Bonne- Phillips advises that there is good|the local High School is beingifriends in attendance. President Payne was also introduced, revealed. Rumors were that theled, J. R. Lowe, assistant project, ont, which has a share in the! the brigade wants to stop sed to the resolution were |; 4 a 1 . say the g Oppo: iately. Exhibition games are/o'clock. The corps this year is| G...e was said by Ray Mann|at the end of the course to help into the cause of the blast under|Gas Limited, A. C. Newman, On-itne harbor were dangerous andit secure a water supply in the herle. LIONS OFFICERS {200 cadets will be on parade and myomas at the piano. Rene Elected officers of the new| ' #0 be a gasoline explosion, said spection, Harold Gordon, British| Councillor R. E. Hogan declar- aecociation were George Finnie, | Li h 1 T k : oe] oi ( : : the investigators' report, releas-| American Oil Company, Belle-|oq that the ferry dock was a "dis- president, Percy Hoskin vice-| g t (2) S a e wiicsrs of the Lions Club werepany and individual platoon; 5 'soots mediey. ST. JOHN'S, Nfid. (CP)--Law- eut with the co-operation of all| Peterborough. and a signals exhibition. Larry Huffman and Gord High-|prison. There were 25 names on som Hewson told Chief Record pony HOPE -- Lightle's grab- (triumph on the strength of Len) of- bed all three games from Eldos Asthy's 257 and a game of 246 Most of Canada's output of lead Rowden and Keith Rose; Zip|ficials let minor offenders gc free situation. | A M M Jere asked him to wait a little" d need only|>Y Norm Kelley. The blast did considerable t ay eet longer before pressing to cut the | 108 League finals and n yi . [no one was injured. Glass from. o 0 draw up plans for the com- he thought the township woul ) ; : On Renovation [the doors went flying in all di- ing speed boat races at Bewdley pay the brigade for any calls in| Lightle's won the first game buckled under the force of the| Tne coming races will be held| yon ne AMENDMENT Ipins and, squeezed past in the cided, Monday night, to call for majority opening game win with a hot {taking in the smallest outboard pn. y lon each rolled hall, new eaves troughs, and I T k C h aking 'n Pine and Walton streeis for a re painting the interior woodwork. n inc ras by the Bewdley Board of Trade residents of the area and from Harvey's 236 proved too much renovating, showed that sand , ¢ f d : age esiimated petween four an | Voting in favor of the amend-| In the tight third game the Councillor Tom Jones asked If|p1ace at the intersection of Divi- Mayor J. D. Burnet said that it RCAF trucks had pulled to a stop PORT HOPE -- The Port Hope |" It was thought that the heavy ville. All of the '57 - '58 officers 3 ing officer. ningham of Lindsay. Mr. Parkers, Police " The new idea would be to in- Town councll the meter, saving time for both|In front of the town hall. Coun-|with Bowmanville. The district machines came at Monday night's front of the town hall. this could be also said in the Deputy-reeve J. Erskine asked after a meeting with chamber by make it more present-|tribute 25,000 pamphlets to work- that his last day on the job would ber was not in a financial posi- law which provides fines for, Each Week nd executive committee is composed pro, Len Elliott, to the gathering are harhor. Fe said that PORT HOPE -- Port Hope willl of Owen Lent, Art Collins, Denny H lds B et it was badly in need of repair I sue Heats I ] 0 anqu held. A dance will be held on May Not Natural Gas and asked for a meeting with] S first two practices is any indica-|pointment of the secretary and] PORT HOPE -- The opening|? and films shown on May 30. tion with the commission. |in Hope Township is becoming alor Phillips, who as members of yoo, Wil Sil JL dl CADET INSPECTION Club wa ville and he spoke briefly. A hard | 2 s held at Idalia with ap- COBOURG --- Natural gas had TAKING PART He sais that there were a num- warm issue. the planning board had voted b The annual Cadet Inspection for|proximately 50 members and|%Orking member of the club, Cec at Ingleby Motors last Friday|Coy, vice - president and general-\,,¢iers which pertained to both Record appeared at a meeting of council, and Councillors J. M.|gi070n tho club and it is intend gh. Mr. Bonneville conducted a | | 4 sty . ternoon at the school . afternoon an investigation has|/manager of Lakeland Gas Limit- 10 town and the federal govern- the town council Monday night to|Rosevear and Mosson Hewson. | i" eras ors vent je this afternoon a 4h oa) Ted Fulford was master of cere- brief question and answer period blast had been caused by a leak- of C Ith Serv-\parhor costs 'answering calls in the township, |Deputy-Reeve Michael Wladyka pein ille | ineki ieli a ) g lined up with Bowmanville, \under the command of Roger ing natural gas pipeline. ices, who installed the pipe Reeve J stated some of and the same night, a fire asso-(and Councillors Ruth Clarke, (:hawa and other district centres Dawson with the chief instructor aud Ma Se Seduction hi She Payers op Bf re the direction of K. R. Baird, Co-|tario Department of Labor andthe town could be faced with an-|yilage, At their regular dinner meet-|beside the inspection and cere-ipasine Jed in "Alouette" with od Tuesday. ville, and Bruce Williams, Brit-|grace and a death trap". president, and Kenneth Jeffries, | {arith map reading, physicall "pon eec for the new year|breakers must wait their turn be- | a 256 single but had no one with parties concerned. The report further stated that Pl an Re att a field: handicap, Bryan Sherry|the April waiting list. With ac- {the oll company Is taking neces-| g {that Hope Township was consid- i t with the town |, i orig 21 Agreemel lin the start of the Town Bowl [comes from British Columbia. 'Mark is secretary treasurer. Aluntil space becomes available. damage to Ingleby Motors but| one more win to get their seven rm-- rections for a distance of 150 feet. | Uf, POG 01% Bevdley on May, the township this year for which handily by 102 pins, ran wild In| Of Town Hall pi explosion. |at the Bewdley waterfront, lo-| Tory contill volod bv. & third by a mere 39 pins. lon May 25, and will include both | dment to the zoning bylaw tenders for renovating the town N On I 4 d amateur and professional drivers, |Amencment fo single oi 325. They needed it as | hall. The tenders would be for] 0 e njure {There will be 14 heats of racing lo allow use of the entite Brn Eldos', Doug Bullock and Ken Ash-| craft to the largest hydro plane. |i,ii" store and parking lot. Fur-|cracked off a 289 single in the A report by the engineers, who| : A | COBOURG -- A four truck pile- i, o5.operation with the Toronto q=Ch "0% or "st Mary's for Eldos who had a 203 for their blasting the outside and painting |28 FER SRE |five thousand dollars but no one Ww d Att d | ment were Mayor W. N. Moore, losers' Rog Phillips came up with ends | 5 a. the cost of renovating would be [sion and King streets, Cobourg. a e would be, but that the town was for a stop light when a transport| as any other municipality in On-|the rear of the last truck causing Ontario's hockey team was rep-| tario. He sald that the debentures a chain reaction. resented at the annual meeting, were going up but so were the! The driver of the transport of the Ontario Hockey Associa- assessments. [truck was Roderick Mather, of tion in Toronto by the team man- fog might be a cause of the pile- of the Association were returned up. Constable Robert Caldwell, |for the coming year with the ningham's place was COBOURG -- Action to save Pp 1 B h those served with parking tick- ourist oot Jot of trouble will be discussed | In Same Place | stall machines on the parking Monday night granted the Co-/thrown out a protest of his on meters in town and parking of- DOUrg Chamber of Commerce re- hehalf of the Minor team he the driver and the police, cillor Dr. O. 8. Kerr stated that cast of Toronto and to the north The decision to discuss the mat-| this would be the final year that feels it has never received an council meeting. The decision to let the chamber majority of cases relating to the > .} i Ek L NEW CONSTABLE |erect its booth in the same loca-|Ontario Baseball and Lacrosse council to advertise for a new|the town property committee. | TO PUBLICIZE LAW eonstable for the police force| Councillor Kerr also said that| HAMILTON (CP) -- The ped | Gordon Holdaway resigned to able. The reason why they allow- ers in this heavily-industrialized Join the RCMP. {ed the erection of the booth, said|city as part of a campaign to be April 30. The constable has|tion to put up the booth on an- people crossing the street against been with force almost a year. cther location. "traffic lights. Now is the time and here is the place to save on those Spring and Summer clothing needs! . . . During Pettenick's Big selling out sale! Shop this weekend and save your clothing needs for every member of the family. Prices have been slashed to rock-bottom . . . so be here early and You'll Save Many Dollars ! LADIES' Dot Voile, Pique, Cottons & Summer Silks. 10-242. Reg. 5.95 2.00 GIRL'S SILK PYJAMAS Hand Embroidered 8-14. Reg. 2.97 LADIES' SPRING BLOUSES SHORT & 34 SLEEVE 12-20 -- 38-44 2 for 3.00 KIDDIES' SILK PYJAMAS SIZE 2-6 99 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS GOOD QUALITY COTTON S-M-L 1.66 Oshawa LADIES' FIRST QUALITY NYLONS 51 Gauge, 15 Denier pr. 46¢ BOYS' KHAKI JEANS Size 8-16. Reg. 2.97 (DRESSED AND OVEN READY) LADIES' COTTON POPLIN SLIM JIMS ZIPPER CLOSING SIZES 10-18. 2.44 | 22 King St. HAND EMBROIDERED COTTON BROADCLOTH BLOUSES SIZE 8-14 EMBROIDERED MADEIRA TYPE PILLOW CUTLETS FRESH SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDERS .- 59° DRESSED READY FOR THE OVEN w= 69° 12 KING ST. EAST RA 3-3633 VEAL STEAKETTES VEAL FLANKS (Dressed and Oven Ready) 1b. 39° Lean CUT-UP CHICKEN! 49: 5 LBS. $1 LB. 69 Thurs, -- Fri. -- Sat. SPECIALS BEEF STEAKS and ROASTS Meaty Legs, Breasts, Thighs 1b. 68° Lean, Sliced Breakfast Bacon i. 55¢ WIENERS 2. 79° Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF ROASTS == SIRLOINS C LOIN AND RIB CHOPS SHOULDER CHOPS " BONELESS VEAL STEW LEG VEAL CULTETS ib. 99 VEAL PATTIES 1b.49¢ VEAL STEW (Bone In) 3 lbs. $1 Lean, Boneless POT ROAST mn. 49 Tender Sirloin & Wing Steaks mb. 79« Lean FLANK STEAKS 1b. 79¢ MEATY RUMP ROAST wn. 85 Spareribs Sone and Necks 2 Ibs. 10 Smoked BACON SQUARES mw. 29 Lean, Sliced COOKED HAM un. 99 SAUSAGE CHEESE « 49° CHEESE « 55° LEAN, SLICED CORN BEEF

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