- WHITBY and DISTRICT Baptist Explore r Group Sod Turning Ceremony Set The official sod turning cere- mony of the St. John the Evangelsit church's proposed rr At Annual Banquet ZiunreE The annual banquet of the Dart (equal), Jeannie Glennie, group under the leadership of place Sunday, May 4, at 3:00 Whitby Baptist Explorer Group| Dorothy Dair, Janet Meier. In- Mrs. Hewis presented a play p.m. This will be a religious held Mond. i in| termediate group: Louise Pog- based on the parable of the 10 ceremony marking the start of so I ne i i ere: |the actual buiding of the new the Sunday school hall, Mrs. W.| son, Sheila Mackey (equal), virgins. The characters were: actual buiding e ne G. Hewis presided and intro- Susan Bryant, Margaret Wigston, The Five Wise Virgins: Eliza. | church. Cardinal McGuigan, duced the head table guests, Penny Dexter. Senior group: beth--Ruth Macmillan, Mary-- James after which each girl introduced Ruth Macmillan, Dale Bryant, her guest, who in most cases Marie Slack. was her mother. The winners in each group Miss Dale Bryant extended a read their essays and all were vote of thanks to the 3B group Very interesting and well and a member of the CGIT for| Written. their work in the kitchen and Mrs. Hewis introduced the serving the guests. Rev. John Ward lo gave 8 : very inspiring an i - a W. 0h Hews, Jet dress on "Planting A Garden Of Mrs. J. Ward presented the 2nd Character". stars to the following who had PRESENT PROGRAM successfully passed the neces-| The Explorers presented 2 sary requirements: Red Stars-- varied program as follows: Janet Meier, Patsy Lenney, piano Solos, Ruth Macmillan, Jeannie Glennie, Dorothy Dair,| Margaret Wigston, Louise Pog- Cynndy Dilling, Wendy Dart; gon, Recitations: Janet Meier, Blue Stars -- Sheila Mackey, patsy Lunney. Vocal selection: Louise Pogson, Margo Wilson, porothy Dair. Flute Duet: Susan Bryant, Margaret Wig- Sheila Mackey, Susan Bryant. ston, Penny Dexter; Gold Stars Group Song: The Explorers. --Marie Slack, Dale Bryant,| A play by the junior group Lorna Bradley, Ruth Macmillan. ynder the leadership of Miss Miss Mary Ann Hardy, assis- Mary Ann Hardy called "What's tant counsellor, presented the! A Penny?" with Janet Meier, prizes to each group for the Lorothy Dair, Cynndy Dilling, essays on the Mission study) Jeannie Glennie, Wendy Dart "Luciquita". Junior group win- and Joanne Burgess, ners: Cynndy Dilling, Wendy| The intermediate and senior Father Fined | For Intoxication An Ajax man, who said that Last week, PC Chambers, of he would assign $25 per week ofthe Ajax = Police Department, Four-room apartment 99¢ being intoxicated and obtaining dicted list since Jan. 28. court, his eight days having denied ever having been con- by police court. charge. | withdrawn it. ear accident yesterday afternoon| his estranged wife. Johnson at A car driven by Melvin mind and suggested that his wife Palace St. The Bloye vehicle COAL CHUTE BURNS 'Whitby oe Department in-|fire Tuesday. The flames, fed by damage being done to the Bloye|A half-ton truck was also lost. Karn excellent commission in your/clubs and bag, value, $75; going for bridge, 42 Saranac Blvd, Toronto 19, apartment, linens, heavy duty stove Central. MO 8-3032. FOR sale -- Antenna, 30 ft, high r Dempsey, of Oshawa club; "al Ed. Ryzik and Hugh Huxter, of the Ajax club. JOINS ROTARY Dick Mathews, of Whitby, yes-| | Kemp Margaret Wigston, Martha -- Toronto Archbishop will turn the | Penny Dexter, Leah -- Dale first sod. | | Bryant, Naomi--Sheila Mackey.| In attendance at the ceremony The Five Foolish Virgins: Ruth-- and parade will be a pipe band Susan Bryant, Miriam -- Louise frcm Oshawa, 125 boy <couts and | P Sarah -- Marie Slack, girl guides, the men of the Crpah--Margo Wilson, Dorcas--| perish, and civic officials who Lorna Bradley. Solo- parts were are being invited. i sung by Mrs. W. G. Hewis, Mrs.| The parade will go grom the J Wilson, 'Mrs. E, Pogson and old church, on John St., to the Mrs. E. A. Macmillan assisted site of the new one, and will} with costumes and settings. begin at 2:30 p.m, The route of | A beautiful spring bouquet the parade, as reported by Rev. was presented to Mrs, W. G. Leo J. Austin, pastor of the Hewis on behalf of the Explorers church, will be up Palace St.,| by Marie Slack and Joanne Bur-|along Walnut St., down Cochrane | gess, Mrs. Hewis thanked the St. to Gifford St. to the new site. | girls for their lovely gift and) also voiced her appreciation of} their work and efforts in help- DAY-BY-DAY ing to make the banquet such a success, PREPARE FOR PLAY Mrs. J. Ward, on behalf of the, The Whitby Theatre Guild are| guests, thanked the 'Explorers holding a general meeting Mon- and leaders for a very enjoyabie| gay, May 12. They report that banquet and entertainment. The| their work is almost completed evening was brought to a close|¢,. he grand performance on | by repeating the Explorer priqay and Saturday nights of Prayer and Mr. Ward pro-ithjs week. They are holding] nouncing the benediction. dress rehearsals every night. | g 4 Ken Lehman has completed the | painting of background and flats. WHITBY ROTARY GUESTS [ Guests at yesterday's luncheon | PERSONALS | meeting of the Rotary Club of| | Whitby included Hayden Me-| Miss Violet Irwin has returned | Donald, Bill Alger and Wes after spending the winte months with Mrs. Nellie Buttler, of Milksham, England, and her brother in London, England. She is at the home of her sister| and brother-in-law, Mr. and terday became a member of the Mrs. Len T. Newland, of poiary club, He was inducted Craydon Road. .|by Rotarian Don Tutt, assisted The many friends of Miss ,u rraurice Slichter. Welcoming Rose Marie Bond are sorry 10 pin, into the club's fellowship learn that she is in Oshawa|,,; president Neil Murkar. General Hospital where she underwent surgery, They wish AT CLOVER LANE her a speedy recovery. The Four Leaf Clover Home Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, and School Association will hold of Sudbury, called on Monday their monthly meeting on Thurs- to visit their sister, Mrs. H.|day, May 1st, at the Clover Lane Wickett. The Hunters are just School at 8 p.m. Election of back after spending a three- week vacation in Mexico. They enjoyed very much the non-stop flight from Toronto to Mexico City. Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Johnston spent a week as the guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston of Brock Street South, before re- turning to their home in Dan- ville, Quebec, after spending the winter months in California where they visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Everett Jones attended the funeral of Mrs, Agnes Rowan, sister of Mr, Jones, who suddenly passed away in Omemee. The inter- ment was at Emily Cemetery. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Burton Smith, Bill Vaughan, Danny and Eleanor and Chuck Kemp were among the Whitby group attending the Stock Car time trials at the CNE grand- stand Saturday afternoon. EARL ALEXANDER SAILS MONTREAL (CP)--Field Mar- shal Earl Alexander of Tunis, for- mer Governor-General of Cunada, sailed Tuesday for England. Earl Alexander, a director of Alumin- officers will take place. Await First Ship Here : Although there is no specula- tion of a ship entering the Whit- by harbour at the present time, His Worship Mayor Harry Jermyn reports that he will be on hand to make the presenta-| tion of the traditional hat to the first skipper who steers his ship | into the harbour. The hat is an| annual presentation to the skip-! per of the first ship to enter the harbour, signifying the begin-| ning of the shipping season. I Last year there was no pre-| sentation, because the harbour was closed for part of the season, and when the first ship did enter the harbour, the ship- ping season was almost over, | Harbourmaster Dave Ross re- ported that there has been no word received as to a ship en- tering the harbour, but in the near future, a ship should be coming in, and the traditional hat will be presented. | h's pay to his wife and son, was|told the court of finding John- yesterday fined $10 and costs or| son intoxicated on an Ajax St. eight days in jail on charges of Johnson had been on the inter- liquor while on the interdicted| Johnson's sentencing yester- list. Robert Johnson, 10 Beach day was delayed while the court St., was allowed to leave the searched his record, since he been served while awaiting yicted of assault earlier. Later, sentence. He was sentenced by the court learned that he was Magistrate Frank Ebbs in Whit- on suspended sentence for that Johnson explained that he had pleaded guilty to the assault Damage $50 charge but thought his wife had > | His Worship asked him if he In Accident {would be willing to make an |order to his employer to: turn Damage totalled $60 in' a two- over a portion of his wages to at approximately 3:00 p.m./first said thaa he would be about 50 feet east of the Dundas willing to turn it all over but $10 St. East subway. per week. Then he changed his Killens, 24, of 600 Maple St. | received $20 per week, Finally, Whitby, slid into a vehicle driven he consented to $25 per week. by Leo Ernest Bloye, 53, of 316 EA REE was owned by Canadian Pitts-| OTTAWA (CP) -- A block-long, burgh Industries, Oshawa. |80-foot high wooden coal chute in PC Ernie Stoneman of the uptown Ottawa was destroyed by) vestigated accident and 869 tons of coal, leaped 200 feet estimated the damage to the|in the air as they ate through the| Killens vehicle as $60 with no big building in less than an hour. vehicle, Cause of the blaze was not known HOUSEWIVES! Children at school? FOR sale -- new set of seven golf spare time representing Avon Cosmet-|$50, Apt. 2, 116 Brock Street South. 100b fes near your home. Write or phone ~e -- - - - collect in the evening Miss E. Outer: FOR rent -- Completely furnished Ont. RU 2.7567. refrigerator, washing -done and lights Apr. 28, 29, 30; May 12, 13, 14./and water $17 a week. Phone MO --~|8-3692; 1121 Dundas East. 100¢ FOR rent 100i NEW address of Independent Sales after May 1, 1958: 309 Brock Sout Plaza, Whitby, May 1 WANTED to buy or rent--farm house in Whitby district. Write Box 919! Times-Gazette, Whitby. 9c FOR Rent -- Gerden tiller, $1. hour. Also gardens tilled, Lawn roller $1 ~ {Phone MO 8-3321 after 6 p.m. FOR sale -- '51 Pontiac, in good cond tion, heater, radio, washers ium, Ltd., was in Montreal on a week-long business visit. WHITBY NURSERY can be seen at 36 Tudor Street, Ajax, or phone 39I1R, Ajax. 100c HELP wanted for Hollywood Motel Apply Hollywood Motel, Brock North, Whitby; MO 8-2646. 100b FOR sale -- baby carriage, blue, good and LANDSCAPE FOR MISSED day. Power mower $1. hour. Wilde Wilde Rental Service MO 8--3226. 98f condition. Reasonable. MO 8-4584. 99¢ |FOR rent -- Unfurnished apartment, FOR Rent -- Partly furnished room. Three rooms, private entrance. Phone Central. For sale, almost new iron MO 8-3800 after 6 p.m. 100¢ double bed, $15. MO 8-2466. May 26 -------- or DRESSMAKING and alterations. Rea sonable prices. Work guaranteed. Mon- day to Friday. MO 8-4398; 863 Byron North, May 26 ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape and alterations, also drapery. 1013 Cen tre South. MO 8-3360. May 26 FOR Alsco Aluminum Combination win- dows and doors phone "Doc" Dafoe, | MO 8.2350 after 6. Free estimates. May 0" FOR Rent -- House, new, three bed: room bungalow, large kitchen and liv P 2ITION SALE Ed ing room. Natural gas heating. Immed- | roperty © . James wards, 961 Dundas Street fate possession, $110 monthly, Write Box 918 Times-Gazette, Whitby. May 2| West, Whitby, Saturday, May 3, ot 1:30 p.m. Furniture, FOR rent -- Two-room unfurnished implements, builder's mater- apartment, heated. Central. MO 8-4360. ial, house and garage doors, 99¢ FOR Rent --Three extra large r00ms,| ont many other articles of all kinds. Loyal Pogue, auc- hall and private bath, hot water, cen-| 961 tioneer, DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Coarse or fine, $7.00 per load. Cement Gravel, $1.60 yard. Sond 'and Loam Fill, For delivery to Oshawa -~ Whitby - Ajax area -- ERIC BRANTON -- MO 8-2660. May 27 tral. MQ 8-3435, CUSTOM sewing on draperies, measurements taken and cut from ma- terial you have purchased. Free esti-| mates. For cutting and hanging. MO| 8.3151. May 10 BUY and sell used furniture, Specializ ing in handmade and remodelled furni ture. All work guaranteed. MO 8-305. 121 Brock South, May 11 FEMALE Help Wanted -- Dependable woman with restaurant knowledge or willing to learn. Apply Whitby Fish and Chip, 163 Brock North. 101e| FOR Rent -- Lady would share lovely home. All conveniences, trustworthy couple. Phone Brooklin 603 R 3 1011} WANTED To Rent -- Abstaining young | couple, no children, desires to rent house, option to buy if possible. Prefer- ably in Whitby vicinity. MO 8-4666. 101b VOLKSWAGEN cars, Solo sprayer and Solo garden rotar hoe. Custom work done. Phone MO 8-3150 101a AERIALS, new, moved, repaired instal- led. 30° as low as $39.00. Independent Service: MO 8.2081 Mays | DD delivered, 20c a yard. Phone MO| 3478 961 ~ furnished room, in respec-| table home. Phone MO 8.4257, CO-OP PAVING Srna ceamd te wan) INTRODUCTORY 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8.2563. Bd #8 OFFER CENTRAL sodding and rdening, good H 1 od. deivered or ni. manure, iol 111s ad is worth $10.00 filling. MO 84215. May 20 ony any job big or small FOR Rent Ve ce 1. arg ground floor apartment, with santoom,| Prices Best in Canado refrigerator and stove, fireplace, pri-| 25 years expe rience in J i Asphalt Paving vate drive and garage with patio, MO All work unconditional- 8-239 96 WILL mind children in my home, five ly guaranteed for two years 101b CARETAKER JANITOR VETERAN PREFERRED Must be available at irregular hours Apply in writing, stating age, experience ond references to SECRETARY, CANADIAN LEGION, WHITBY. BOX 1085 101c ADAMS s FOR rent days week. MO 8.4529 100¢ ROTO -- Tiling. Reasonable rates. Ap ply Jack Mulligan, Whitby, MO 8-2120. May2e May PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-3111 If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call BELL TAXI All galls must be Jlosed between end 7.30 p.m. FOR SALE All Kinds Evergreens Flowering Shrubs Ornamental and Shade Trees MO 8-3007 410 PERRY ST, WHITBY ON S Suitable for Summer Cottages JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 BROCK ST. S. MO 8-3524 WHITBY, ONT. . COTTAGE OWNERS VERY SPECIAL PRICE We have a limited quantity of Tileboard, Floor Tile, Plastic Wall Tile and ARBORIT (Discontinued Patterns) ALE mm Rg Pp IIT LAR LLL LZ RES Alike i YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED at the WHITCY PLAZA 309 BROCK ST. SOUTH o PLENTY OF FREE PARKING! OPENING SPECIALS G.E. FLOOR POLISHERS ..... G.E. IRONS Steamand Dry . . G.E. COFFEF MAKER 10 Cup Size MURFAY RICHARDS IRONS Steam & Dry ...... ELECTRIC KETTLES - Solid Copper PORTABLE RADIOS Complete with BATTERIES end BATTERY CHARGER ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS.... 3-PIECE CARVING SET.... .00 99 39 14 ERR a} [Bs g.95 4.95 3.95 95 99 13 Ses irean FREE! ® 8 DOOR PRIZES e FREE! VALUES UP TO 79.00 Draw Will Be Made Thursday, May 8 at 8 p.m. INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE 309 BROCK ST. SOUTH MO 8-2081 -- Tr