Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 30 Apr 1958, p. 20

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- 2 ty § 20 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, April 30, 1958 |37--Male Help Wanted 44--For Rent |44--For Rent | 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sole |45--Real Estate For Sole m---- ---- Sar NICE farm home about ~~ |STOCKKEEPER -- Young man be. PARZLY furnished, - "privat 5 TWO nice large Hovis, with in gi NICE fu om . tween the age of 16 and 21, single, for | asement apartment, vate en- clothes closet at Lodge. 4 : , Ontario. Rent 28---Summer Resorts 32--Articles Wanted local hotel a Apply Mr, trance, almost central, in good dis-|and private entrance, hydro supilied,| 31/293 down -- Six-room bungalows, split level homes, modern ly, Balsom Road South, Kinsale oe Campbell, Genosha 100 trict. Suit couple. RA 3.3889 after 4 p.m. 538 per month, Early possession. Apply| throughout. Some feature the Glidorama Windows, Built in one [tario. Josephine Barreit, Sandy COTTAGES, Rice Lake, electric re. CUSTOM radio for 1950 Pontiac, Rea-| 97 (at Mapl Whi ' A W. 1 he f bed hi Acres Swine Farm. frigerators, boats. $30 a week. Phone sonable price. RA 58643 or 35 Bloor COUNTER | salesman wanted by Dew a aple Lolge in person or phone of itby's nicest oreas, e also ve four room homes. SWRER i MO 84282, Whitby. 101b| East. 100f car lot in Whitby. Apply Spencers Car Car | FURNISHED Pr all conv Bvend. M MO 82420 1915 These range from $1,295 to $1,695 down, N.H.A, morigoges. (OWNER must sell, three - bedroom ANT Point | urge Market; MO 84851, WhitDy. ces. Apply 348 King Street West. 98!|THREE rooms and bath, heated, un-| Prices include all services, street lights, sidewalks, This is the [oi heat, and lle fours PLEASANT Point inn, Sturgeon Lake, MO §- Whitby, 1 Lodge and motel accommodation, rea. RELIABLE [VERY iarge furnished light house-|{urnished apartment, light first time Glidorama Window has been used in a low-priced home |large lof, 10 minutes from Huly sonable rates. Tuck shop, Write J, paper routes, good - weekly keeping room, with refrigerator, suit-| Working couple desired. RA 85-8387. wif, hat 4 ; | LOT y ( R A P Leaves after school hours free for fun able for couple, two gentlemen, or two|SEVEN - room house, has ie Kitchens in @ subdivision, Come in and get oll particulars, fesstusble terms RA 33211. Drenings South. RA | te 1 jf f a it I gs 8 R32 Carisimas, AR 6, Linda, Oi, WI land sports RA 5-473. 100b)| girls, central, Apply 58 Nassau Street, | yoo moniror™ prose, has b Vy APPROXIMATELY two hours' janitor| ____ 961 5.8864. 10ib| We ore pleased to announce that Mrs. Coulson, Oshowo, former- | LOTS for sale on Nassau Street. HALIMAR work per day. Apply General Printers, MODERN apartment, all conveniences. | FOUR - room modern a very| ly with Berneice Patrick, has joined our staff, 20. Phone RA 35114. Good buy, pro live poultry, feo |75 Richmond Street West. 101b/two bedrooms, living and dining |central, Phone RA 18 Bparvment Joi vate Jn Loke Koshagawigamog Row furs, BI Ee tegmaat rr Wed piece well, rriendly, modern heoted hers, scrop iron and metal, |FULL or part time openings for meat ig Tod wiring, i Jour place private TWO -room furnished apartment, 10.3 29 foul vat wha well, one ifle ATRO resort with extensive I. TURNER {Wearing en, 5. Well Rawls 4 ary i alle Moy 13," 3 furty piece Suivate Guth, vfrighoatec, Whitby. 9c sand beach, near highland [Dap D.310.00, 4005 1 ont- INCOME ho ho 10 pi Apr.16,39 Mont. couple, ness people. Immediate possession. XA fd golf course, Bountiful meals RA 3 2043 | real. ook for oo gentleman or i i i Very ry RA Fado. 98f income, Ask for i gi gin cluding (collect) |38--Male or Female Help CLEAN comfortable furnished bedroom i . REALTOR Jones Real Estate. RA 56412. ion ee 5h Phone | fies April 12] Wanted Near Sasle Seseman OF a, MIs. ATTENTION Jrtoranst 1 have for sale Sows 70,2. EXPERIENCED presser, pleasant bus line. Apply 13 Elgin East. 98) rons Bulisswarth Aveta, To 130 BROCK STREET NORTH pe HiT 38 Devens, I - "2 CEDARDALE [fier sie foun RR sod id Gur Pye oe © op pange ry, whanau pee) MO 8-2527 WHITBY [Buses ™ = = \/|CKERY & GOYNE : SHORT order cook, som FOUR - room apartment, seli-contain- oy el as at Toon Sanaa Dre oil Twat FAMOUS PICKEREL SPOT Apply David's Driven, Whitby, Mo rohit 209 a ya: 3 Af 9 P.M. Call 39 PRINCE STREET Below Healey Falls where SCRAP 2 abstainers. 146 Division Street. "9 TAREE . "Too boom, a ter a RA ? in basement. 230 Crowe and Trent Rivers join. 41--Room and Board THREE - room unfurnished apartment, |Centre Street. wot] Whitby MO 8-2430 Oshawa 5-520 L RA 8-51 55 Troll, Drift or cast May, June IRON METALS LTD. re Ter ATT sink in kitchen. One small child wel-| Guo tee ing bed- or Oshawa RA 3-9139 a Cols bon. Reson. Fon IRON = :: METALS fo Go north plant. Sh ster Tosioume. Avjly 2m Court. Steet, i sting Be a shy. Sat 10a ULTRA-MODERN NEED MORE ROOM: MAS- ily cottages wit t $30 PAPERS :: RAGS |RooM and bogrd for two gentlemen. is ASONABLE -- Dacheior apartment. tet, FORNTSED bedroom wilh Wichen ' FOUR BAY STATION SON ST. --7 room, ¥ 2 % room, if week up, olso webk ends, | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY |close to 15 mihute bus service. North te Clit shale, Box 2%, RA 5-3432 Oshawa. BA 58147 0 Cine, runing mater, modern comer. (oh lation, paring facilities, Ap. ECUTIVE HOME. Many ex- Campbeliford. Phone SEW, s RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 ROOM and board for gentlemen. Con- be" sine a -- Ash ply 235 King East 101a plus tros. Lorge modern rooms, i 4 8 g il : ls H LH] . Home privileges. 100 ANNIS STREET [aps 241 Ritson Road South, 91) sitting Toom Phone| CENTRAL and private, two large natural fireplace, built - in 29--Summer Properties FREE PICK-UP BEST meals in town, single beds, mod- BA 57008, 112 Gladstone Avenue, 90 brian, sursisied YOON, dak, TOIT AG / SHOW ROOM FOR povkeous Jorge reception For Sale or Wanted may20 | ern conveniences. Phone RA ne BASEMENT apartment, separate en-|\pA 5.0866. 1014 ® ~~ hd HE { ¥9 trance, oil heated, heavy duty wiring, 7 ] N H MOR GAGE th oil heating, poved WOODED lot, 135 miles north of Osh-| 39--Employment Wanted 555m and board for gentiemen, single Near SGN." Call' RA' 3.9452 sites 5 FIVE . Tom bussalow, garage, close , A. T NEW CARS ote ouble garage, shaded yard, Inspection by oppoint- ava, Clear Lake district of | n days per week. $15, 666|0'cloc "by 265' on Bay Lake. Easy terms, |LADY would like house work, four or Simeoe South, RA Sa2s5, May TWO - room cottage, partly furnished, |APPIY 160 Park Road North, $95 month Sos 5.8555. five days a week. 9 to 5 p.m. RA 5.8627 | 4 1014 18,800 96¢ d. Phone RA 8-8125. 99c IY t, Sale price $ 96¢| SINGLE furnished room for. young Winterized. Phone y FOR SALE OR LEASE | ment. 30--Lost and Found DUTCH girl wants light housekeeping Man. near SGM. Laundry done, TV|TRREE . room apartment, newly deco. HOUSE for rent, hot ater Sater, with $6,000 down, a i Toun or to look after children during day privileges and one- meal served per|rated. Electric stove and refrigerator. heavy-duty wiring. Apply am LOST -- Female spayed dog, part Ger-|time, Phone RA 5-6762 day. $12.50 a week. Phone RA sain Bon hospital. No children. Phone RA |Street East or phone 5-6304. 101a) Lon Low Bun alows A Il down payment er WANT EXTRA INCOME? 4- Jan shepuerd pany collie, args, £e0- FORD parts man, , five ce Stier 8 o'clock. al, dc oon a [FOU - oom bsg gn 9 9 or S-bedroom, 1 oe, 5 e ack saddle, fawn face. eward. ; ROOMS or r board, ¥ very y centri own- SINGLE room for refined gentleman. with stove; abstainers, adults; private 1 oor Phone 5.2737 1010} SR0e, Jeleronces, RA 3-600). ota FOO} 45 Albert Street. RA Also very large double room, twin entrance and bath, RA 52465. May 30 Centre Hall Plan ' motendbly uh. Situsted Sive yeor-gld hame of 212 House | to -- |8-1057. 99 | beds, Rent single or double. Very cen-| ------ a a. " LosT = orth of Taunton Road Wet, |36--Femole | Help Wanted Tr Rl Apply 114 Elgin Street East. 990 RESPONSIBLE yount indy. ¢ ver EN 26-ft. Living, Dining Room miles north of Bowmanville and grounds in immaculate too in ear. Phone Hector Adams, RA|EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted home would like lady pensioner to|TWO furnished rooms, also one Single mess, RA 8.1724 after au R ti R Faciliti on main highway. condition. 7 rooms ond gor- 8-134 96f immediately. Please apply {to Mrs. share, One-half block from bus stop, room, phone, very central. Apply 180 ee Male ecreation Room Facilities oge, paved drive, lorge fom- io "Pair of Bifocal giasses, vicin.|H'Ytzak. Phone 693, Pickering. 96f| Phone RA 5-5010. 101f| Bruce Street between 4 - 6 p.m. May23 roomed, new, modern, sell- F 1 Pp . $1 1 950 i [2 living room ond ity Petteriaw ares, RA 53710 Reward. | |18 here 1 Anyone "can help find baby sii-| ROOM and board, two ladies or gentle. SIX room house, central, Phone BA Citable i, yortly Jurnisiied spartment, u rice ' WRITE TO BOX 401, iy hen ea, bec ter, needing nice home, for widow's men. RA 59426, -7586. J; 00 : " a. jon; central; adults, RA 39649, 4- tiled bath LOST -- lack Labrador Wo school-age children, one two years. | oo ory =o ome Sy a furnished rooms, stove, Ti ai WwW Joti ond 4-pc, Regan. missing since Saturday, RR) | otter must work. RA 8:1740 after Ail #5 board, hot water, 2s 8a: |tor, washing pos- oy . T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. TIMES-GAZET TE A soerifice tu at , sc er chain on nec -- t. Appl 240 vision down, and very friendly. Answers to the | AVON Conmelics Fave. operas Tor am-\ orb, (OF Tent APP 1014 rad Aly LE I ; i |45--Real Estate For Sale RA 5-8831 RA 8-5075 101b $12 ,200 with 3, a ameristar : amo oer dm arn mtn torn si bvreranonis Fora Dior |Diious women who wish to earn excel-| pg yang room for two gentlemen. |Longby. fo #P PPI g6t| TANDY with tools? Wonderful oppor: 100b yr hi t 1 " 2 RE OF whereabouls, Floyd Loyd, lent commission in their spare time. Home cooked meals, Central. Close to|_ | tunity for real home. Sacrifice due to A J SCHATZ NEW N.H.A. NORTH-WEST. RR 1, Whitby, RA 3-43: 100b | Write or phone collect, after 6 p.m. to , East. 101{'TWO large unfurnished rooms in new i, California-styl ts bunga- cen | Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac Boule-| North GM. 250 Athol Street ness, California-style stucco gn oll LOST -- Small Boson Bull, all white |yU'd FB; CUS Ilee 2 Sor RU. 27507. d To Rent home, sink, cupboards and heavy wir-jow, Himost complete on outside, you GOLDELL HOMES 3-bedroom bungalows, hl pe 100¢ Aprl. 28, 30; May 1, 12, 14, 16. 43--Wante 0 Ren [fie in kitshen, Seivaie entrange: oo ose [finish inside. Be sure to see this real modern €onvaniences, - 0 pi wE "Pay cash for used furniture, appli- WAITRESS required, somé experience PROFESSIONAL man requires three, on ; P 961 | Li A on huge lot, Jogo Bind Fries, Present for '58 Realtor General Insurance being built, 4 floor plans to TV, sewing machines, pianos, Preferred. Apply David's Drive-In, or four - bedroom house, good location, | ss cats ------ | He 4 erms. th ou m hie hitb: cy choose from, Location is Also sell and 19 | Whitby, MOhawk_ 8-4066 99f(July 1 or August 1. Write Box Uo, [FOUR "room apartment, on ross [Hawiet 3m es orth ol no CUSTOM BUILT N.H.A. HOMES WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP desirable, prices. are moder= Y to ¢ x | Times- Gazette, oor, all conveniences, parking free i; Prince sree, 7A #10 Spay Ligeia hy So Ha work | GONE or board, Yor central, dows. |RA S.3813, 95{ Mack bar. 2 We at Open Evenings ote ond down payments ond al mem-- corrying charges are within LOST -- Brown wallet with person ---- Write Mrs, Miller, Box 1, RR 3,(town, reasonable, 48 Albert Street, RA |ONE room and kitchen for two gentle: pipers, Lakeview or Geneva Park (ation. 9, My, tox ori 1057. 97 | men, ov Sud okies 71 Park Road SUPERMARKET PRICES N.H.A. HOMES your budget. Call us for fur- Phone RA 5-1014, 101¢ Oshawa. mimi ---- mbes 4 EXPERIENCED waitresses, Genosha | THREE bedroom house, , outside of [ city, (South. 961 INCOME HOME 3 bedrooms, living - dining ther information and first 31--Articles for Rent Hotel Cotfee Shop. Apply Mr. Camp. Reliable people. Abstainers. RA 5-5517. (Two furnished upstairs rooms, "Avali in room, modem kitchen, 4-pc. Sheics, bell 100f _98¢|able May 1. Phone RA 5-18% bath colored, large basement, CEMENT mixer, electric. Will deliver. = | "six - room house on w= Ei ick d, | Evenings call: 11 King Street West. Phone RA 37462 |NEED "extra money for summer holl. MODERN five-, or & [BEAUTIFUL self - contained feur-, ight room bric NORTH W OSHAWA natural gas heated, large ve : ing Street Wes! one |days" Become an. Avon representative [or before June 1. Good references "6i¢/and five - room apartments, ground Fos centrally locat- R EST OS landscaped lots, situated in Jay Goyne or Ralph Vickery " . $.7pm May26 | [in your spare time and earn excellent|plied. Phone RA 5-3 er (floor, just completed, automatic hot Model Homes Open For Inspection exclusive district Whitby, RA 5.5378 RA 5-6342 odern home, near transportation.|ant 2. RA 3-3 101¢ Motor Chain Sow, Electric |waNTED -- Experienced presser, Low priced 3 bedroom homes monthly, ® Spring Special room Beaver Brand 15% off. [high school accepted. Alice . Rox Located in busy town, come BO rs Pons. | APES. ~iten Joc ph Seis ny pA counter $16,000, Located on commission. Write or phone collect PROFESSIONAL girl wants bed - Sit- water heating, refrigerator, electr's ed, in good section of i s i after 6 p.m. to: Miss E. Outerbridge, yng room with light housekeeping, n | nt, 1 king. 165 Verdun R a ' ; Price $13,950 including car- Lg Ad RENT re 4 Saranac De Soran e, 38 98m "} ransportaiion, {Sfove, amiPe aoe. srcum Ron ge "a 30. Braemor Gardens -- Stevenson's Road North port, $2,720 down, $72 : 4 S250" | Write Box 206, Times-Gazet mont as well as liv- | TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, ' ; newly decorated. Apply 130 Tyler Cres-| | r il furn- ; : Judge Timmer, Many other uk fisistu; dor iesuing plant Apply 44--For Rent cent. RA 8.5327. | ing quarters, oil fu in the $12,000 price range INCOME HOME GAS STATION ools en quipment, Acad) 101 | ROOM in private home, Very central. UNFURNISHED -- me ace, new garage. 2.4 ith SNACK BAR bi |Spring mattress, Suit gentleman. Apply loo" 0 Xi d rs di chen, Terms. H. H. Barton Rossland M R land Road W. & Gibb S room agpartments wit B-H White Outside Paint [PART . time girl for counter work, | 13 Elgin East. May2i | pa enn rn $i oa Sal . f ossian anor--Rossiand Koa . ibbon Street two separate kitchens and 4- " -- alesman for Medi iced 6 h pc. tiled both, rec, room pply evenings Por |GENOSHA Hotel -- permanent guests THREE -room apartment, private edium price room homes A es muting distance ta Oshawa. WEBBINGS HARDWARE |view Golf Club, Alice Street. 96¢| welcome, $15 and Fi mee. a hotel [bath, furnished or unfurnished. M F LE ASK Priced from $13,000 Daly 4s, de Price ¥ie- Gas 55, 000 turn-over. Lunch NFU ED thn real mo ker, Ample Free Parking room, in vicinity of Courtice. Trans-| Cro ooe---- Soran. (UNFURNISHED three rooms, Shree- COME EARLY ney maker extra large lot suitable for Me rtati facilities. Write Box 231,] piece bath, hot water, hardwood floors, ay 1'] [portation facilities. 96¢| ments, immediate possession. Applianc-| prio e entrance, Couple only. Call be. BROKER Choose your lot -- plan -- bricks -- shingles BUILDING LOTS motel. Also 114 7H mod, Times-Gazette. es, television outlet, Apt. 10, 101 Cray-|S 1 and 7 p.m. 203 King West. 96f m LADIES wanted -- Take orders for ra for the | don Road, MO 8-4221 Whitby, Apr. 20 ube Ln oe RA 3 4941 doors -- paint -- tile -- arborite $1,100 for 85 * 200, eost of il i - Whitby on hilltop. . eekly pi tus [FOUR Tom Apartment, UpAIAI (Teo children _ welcome. Phone RA IB Hours eav ul ' . 15-78: YOUR OWN RUGS Domus" $end. name, address 4nd. hone 1 AAA One child. 93 Alexander street, i WE WL. pri y, May Bd GOLDELL HOMES $1,100 for fully serviced lot WILL EXCHANGE Rent the new Bissell Sh A $9796. in Whitby, 50 x 140, 100-ocre - farm, commuting distance to Oshawo, New 335, Times-Gazette. I | eerie om ess -- go rtially, Bed-sitti kitchen, | i Te A i WOMAN for office cleaning, approxi. [TWO - room self - contained apart. 00 Poards, sink. Private bath. Two, JOHN A, J. Your local builders specializing in low and medium priced homes Master, Only $1.00 per doy, 0 hours, Monday 'and Wed. ment. Vacant May 1. Heat, lights and |ypree girls, Couple, one child, Central. You'll buy well from GOLDELL $1,500 for fully serviced lot Ne, kneeling--no scrubbing malay tye Jouze,. Monday 345, Times. | Water supplied, Near SGM. Phone RA RA 54344. ' 96 wut Jor lully ; steel barn, 7-room house all Clans 12 = 12 Tug for omy = |aeeiaer nas. Write Box jt | THREE room fiat, hot and ola B 0 LA H 0 0 D Before you build, before you buy, give us a try in Whitby. Owner has permit, in good condition, For a good E_- room apartment with mod: , use of washing machine, Ab For information on GOLDELL HOMES call To Lease -- Ultra modern of home in Oshawa. Selling due 49 pl I. { nth; " HRE $2.49 plus rental. Clean |if monthly, young housekeeper, live TRIER © Fool MRCFGLOD,, The tive (Water, use of washing em Street. 961 to serious illness. bright end d ! | in, three children, private room, Satur RA|F-2-De LIMITED - REALTOR i roan ry in only 4 day and Sunday off. Brooklin mw. iL Wooderest, - Phone 971 [ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, ORS RA 3-2371 RA 8-51 61 ii oi A TR OPEN EVENINGS RA 5-837 100¢ i 0a HARDWARE WOMAN for genera week. Street Nosh. 2s i | [SINGLE furnished bedroom | in aulet : : Apr.30,May2;7,9,14,16,21,23,28,30 | opt. in new building, 48 SIMCOE NORTH bv. sleep out. Bierce Phone ow. Eyer Fy" |home, for businessman. Apply 3 Lo RA 5-6544 - $ INVESTMENT $ REAL ESTATE 00 | THREE "Toom apartment, newly decor-|porne' greet West. , MA 3.3 Nad RA 3-4032 30, MA ated, sink and cupboards, wultable oF) occ ome, friends 10 share, NEW N.HA. JPEN HOUSE 8-unit ultra modem opart- 846 Simcoe N. RA 3.2911 1008 |available in private home. 82 Park R. B. REED & SONS i ge ANGE, tome War nyo dod. $75" 0H Yah" (SFEN EVENINGS 167 PARK ROAD NORTH To or = weebatcon | \polior R Spoith ment building. Fully equip- M ExrrcTINT ™ "wanted. Room, | A 227 King Wi ay10 ard other want + couple. Apply 227 King ost, 96f | 6 weekly, light housekeeping. Close to PARKVIEW HEIGHTS AT ped, balconies, garbage dis- and small remuneration in re- | Burk and King Street. Shopping Centre. 137 Rosehill Boule- wen tor Belpiag. mother in home: R4 (SINGLE 100m 'for rent. 373 | Eimgrove, van rd, hd May4 PARK ROAD SOUTH DO-IT-YOURSELF ® = i "room self - contained a Fly ome, ax Teast we Tod $59 00 ore 6% EVERY DAY 2 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Pn in to 4 corners, LLOYD REALTY RENT A FLOOR ment, newly decorated. Private en- [yon pi" s's01) "poenings RA 5.2539, WANTED trance. Stove. TV outlet. Avatars 99f b-room. brick bungalow, sie: 3 bedrooms, large living 0 SANDER AND FINISHER uron Stree _. PART TIME aly. 1% Huron Shotts Lig TWO - room self-contained apartment. uated on large lots, 3 large LOOK! LOOK! room, INSURANCE REALTORS from TWO unfurnished rooms, sink, built-in One who cares for privacy. Write Box bedrooms, 4-pc. ceramic tiled * | MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. ONLY 5 S i HARRISON & KINSMA KINDERGARTEN cupboards, choice of two bedrooms. |;0 Jazette. 100f ; { S . HOUSES LEFT, THIS Call Bill Schatzman, - even- Open Evenings 137 RISO \& A MAN Remsomable. RA 3087. | ey duty wiring;| Dath, large modern kitchen WILL BE THE LAST WEEK THIS YEAR THAT WE ARE ABLE ings MO 8-3253. B . 3. TEACHER THREE - room, unfurnished, abstainers; available May 1. Apply 212) 15 x 11; oil heating, loundry | TO OFFER THESE HOMES AT THIS LOW PRICE OPPORTUNITY) TO May 13] boii to commence Septem. tained Joartment, 2 heated ne RA Athol Street East. __100f| tubs, paid services by build- LOCATION i RA 5-8461 MO 8-3337 COMBINE A HOME ber, 1958. Apply stating |sAsia 4 YE FO EY TST Woe] 81, low toxes, new school ore Pickering 590 ELNA salary expected and exper. |APARTENE, dors, TnL, hy tat machi: isso Kit Sent Eat pou, For futher ercla BRAEMORE GARDENS ON STEVENSONS ROAD NORTH. | 0 ole og AND INCOME ience to: Mros. A. Corbet ble | Dus A TH OF NEW SHOPPING CENT : ember Loco! eel Estate Foon SEWING MACHINE S.5S. No. 1 Paradise School, oe, rele ratot A For inspection, CREE . Toom self-contained "apart 5-6544. Re 1010 $2,000 DOWN $2,000 RENTALS Pickering Beach. jpnons Mr. Clayton. RA SIO. ne 2 [ments RA 313 ey) on pou A FINUCANE ST. SCHOOLS AND BUS Home and store on King St. | 99f TWO - room apartment, furnished. a ONE BLOCK FROM DOOR; SEPARATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOL, MYERS STREET Eost. Home consists of four bedrooms, large attractive Straight Stitch and Zig-Zag. --e central. RA 3.2418. 97 {THREE - room flat, one child wel- If there is a house in the Reduced to below actual cost Kitchen, and roomy living & ! y furnish |comed. RA 85-9656 after 6.30 p.m. 100f| City worth the price that is BUS SERVICE EVERY 15 MINUTES, Ea ; thigh lg OSHAWA SHOPPING TWO PRIVATE ed. Private entrance and hydro. Res. TWO - room self-contained apartment being asked, this is it! 6 SALESMEN AT MODEL HOME FROM 2 P.M. TO 8 P.M. -- 5.room, 3-bedroom brick room, There is o large store 5 591 TWO "apartments, of one e partly furnish- Ted Roberts with sink, cupboards, CENTRE SECRETARIES Road, near ihe Jake. 97 etc., TV lead-in. Central, parking space, "00M Prick with attached | pyr poy AND EVENINGS -- TO FURNIS I ith i i n .C x , i oi -- H YOU WITH and stone bungalow wit h [private entrance. 184 Beatty Avenue.| garoge, ultra - modern kit ANY INFORMATION YOU REQUIRE, aluminum storms and screens, Sean trans which Tould be May! f a Kit- or law firm. Five day week, TWO small bedrooms and large | 1 ] chen with sink and cupboards, on main | 100f| chen, 4-pc. tiled both and forced air with oil heating. of business, Down payment Insuggnce and sick benefits a ZTiohar on ini | 0 ivat trance. 15. Maple THREE - and kitchen, private| colored fixtures, . finished 6 Chain Saws, Gas and Electric, available. Must be competent |Siveet ort Simcoe South: RA 59712. 97f bath, for a or family with onel Loc 00m in bosement with | HOMES TO FIT ANY POCKETBOOK A Jee), s3cufice at $11,000 is only $2,000. Phone BOB Complete Floor Sanding and in shorthand. Legal experi- |TmREE . room apartment, private en. child. Apply 144 Albert Street. 100 . Landscaping done with $1,500 down. HARRIS ot RA 8-5123 or Polishing Equipment and ence not essential if other- |irance, built-in cupboards, TV outlet. THREE - room apartment, furnished, front and back, paved drive, | JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED BROCK STREET EAST RA 8.5359, : | t. 98f private entrance, washing facilities, Materials (new - machines): wise satisfactory, One to |Apply 269 Thomas Stree p ont : ve, Skill Sow; hi Drills begin at once or May 5th. |LARGE well-furnished room for busi adults only Phone RA 5905 | this is going to sell, If in REALTORS 2 kitchens, 2 baths, 4 rooms HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL : 1 , private home. Near THREE oom apartment, unfurnish- terested don't wait for our Extension Ladders; Paint Tre other dt once or June (mess EenOemA.. ie Parking. Dial RA led, one x welcome. Call at 116] sold sign to be put on the gown ond 5 up. Good income Only $500 down. Seven. Sprayers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; 'WRITE BOX 239 32858. {| Louisa Street. 100fl oroperty, call Bill Ratcliffe ome only q_lew steps fiom room house with two bathe downtown, schools, churches, rooms, 2 kitchens, oil heated, Pipe Threading Equ t; © furnished rooms, suitable for | Bo aide. Sset three rooms, unfurnish: " 3 Electric a Sipmants TIMES-GAZETTE og Rig 195 Albert Street. 98f|ed, private bathroom, sink in kitchen. ot RA 5-6544. : etc, Upstairs apartment large hot water tank. Imme= Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow | April26 TWO - room furnished apartment, "sec. [Apply 214 Mary Street or RA 37330, 4 BEDROOMS rented for $65.00 monthly. diate possession. Soap, water - ee -------- Rental of upstairs flat will let and paint is all it needs. Be Torch; Electric Solderin -------- ond floor. ome, | Snable | : TF $10,800 FULL PRICE ¢ Iron; Sump Pumps; Denna "EN UM ERATORS al immediately: 1014 TWO room furnished i Td When you see this 4-bedroom pan five practically rent-free. the first to see this home to- mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- N X Aopt FOUR . room apartment, in apart. (ing facilities, Apply 25 Brock "iit home with large modern kit- Insurance Associates Lid all this office for early ap- day. Close to buses, shop- mers. Stan's Sharpening Ser- eg! ying essential. PRY ment building, stove and Ietrigerator, [Phone 3 -2879. _---- chen, you will say it is the : pointment, ping, and schools. Phone . in own writing, stating age, | thi ults prefe |TWO furnished rooms wit ree-piece is si ® vice, corner King and Burke 9 9 ge, ; [893 monthly, 101 hath, furnishe Toom ee Past.| best buy this side of Toronto, RA 3-2265 $1200 DOWN Dodie SOWER: RA 8-5123 rly 4 | address and telephone num- |8-8876. a i . Sts. Dial RA 3-3224, APARTMENT on "main floor, four ness man or woman, (Private en.| Grounds all nicely land New N.H.A. brick and stone ber, tod May20| er BOX 247 rooms and bath, sist water, heated, trance), Call after 7 p.m. RA S014, 350ped, large living ros, OWNER TRANSFERRED Peis ih Vimar Het Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. ha | 865 monthly. {| ining room combination, low . TIMES-GAZETTE l¥wo rooms, upstairs, unfurnished, od | THREE - room unfurnished Sa, taxes. For more details call This lovely 5 room brick bungalow for $12,600, with $3,200 =~ solid masonry construc. 93 Simcoe St. N. RUGS NEED 100b vate entrance, reasonable. RA 5-309 [mesa Person, et noma Len Abramoff at RA 5-6544, down payment, featuring reasonable monthly payments and low ten, admin siding win. RA 8.5123 after 3 p.m 30. rate of interest, 3 large bedrooms, large modern kitchen and ows with storms gnd screens, } ? 37--Male Help Wanted : oi apartments Tent. Phone RA 8418, _____ . CLEANING: -- P A 1 wren, Dias Sipe YOUNG lady wishes to share apart ORY TR Pus good size living room, Fully landscaped lot with some extras, Slump gio door, -- We have the KEY to your hone WE WILL RENT YOU A | BOOKKEEPER preferred. Available June 1. RA 8.1604. | ment with girl, 18 to 8 Furniture and $1,500 don will buy this Close to school, and floors, laundry tubs, BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER ONE Toor, iitable for 1ady. Phone freierences, Write Box 230 Times. beautiful little moneymaker; MILL STREET electric hot ' water heater, New Easy W | Young man or womon quali- 'RA 5.8440. 101g] Gazetie has good location, close to Jost block off Si plaster valance box in living CRUSADER ] y ay fied os bookkeeper "required Seon loot. CHiiiren BACHELOR apartment for lady, newly King St. Ideal for young ust one block o imcoe St. South, five room bungalow, with room, electric light fixtures, No Stooping, No Kneeling, oh Ho adseps; required FD rooms on bath. Phone 83252, TOI ee spre geraton, alle AP couple trying fo get ohead garage, featuring kitchen and dining area, two bedrooms, com- electric stove cable, sidewalk, HOMES ARN bined living room and dining room. Close to Catholic School gravel drive and sodded front No Scrubbing duties in th i e Administration HREE bright, clean unfurnished ment 8. of fast, overhead is very low, 9 x 18 rug cleaned for $3.39 Office. Please give full de. THRE] Win a a: VT Too iam ed Soarient,y ot 'is nicely "landscaped ir and Church. Full price $9,900, carries for $70 a month, lawns. Ranch style 5-room in tails of personal data and sink and cupboards, central. Adults|not and cold water, one - piece bath.| pack heating hat water oil, NIPIGON STREET bungolow with 18' living WESTVIEW HEIGHTS room and 17' kitchen, Tote WHITBY Approved by 2 A 8.8330. 1011 | ly 149 W Ave: training in written application (only. Phone R. Child welcome, Apply arren garage, '4-pc. modern bath, Good Hous€keeping ta W, Gordon Bunker, Busi- |THREE rooms, central, private three. nue RA 5-7545. May? 4 . Only nine months old, 6 room brick bungalow with garage in price $12,500, A limited rere lovely large modern kitchen, Guoaronteed by Bissell » stra jece bath and entrance, sink, refriger- THREE . rooms, sult couple with no ' ; APTA Y Eine ness Adwinishgtor, Ator, cupboards, TV outlet, (other fur: [children, or suit single person, unk, | all for only $10,900. For the North West Area. L-shaped living room, three nice sized number available at the price ond bedrooms, Has all oluminum storms and screens, rotor aerial. as an introductory offer. HILLCREST DRIVE 3 ture if needed) light wiring, parking:|cupboards. RA 5-8098. appointment to see call DRAPAK HARDWARE OSHAWA BOARD Do incas "couple. preferred. 4 Col FORNIEHBD Foomy Tor rol $5 95 5¢| Howard - McCabe of. RA Good bus service. Close to Catholic and Protestant Schools. APARTMENT LOT WHITBY RA 5-5253 | OF EDUCATION borne West. RA 5-194. 101¢ I in rate, central. Apply 5.6544. Carries for $85 principal, interest and toxes. p a MODERN four-room downstairs apart:| ng Street West. 75' x 300' lot zoned for rices start at: 124 WILSON RD. SOUTH | 179 Simcoe South, Oshawa meat, heated, ai conveniences. Adults. |FIVE . room bungalow, bathroom, DREW STREET HOME TO SCOTLAND apartment in good location ay! 1 Baby welcomed. RA 5-1953. 101f south end district. RA 8-8266, 100E( worth your while. to: take o $10,950 FULL PRICE $65 MONTHLY backing up to scenic valley $1295 DOWN 32--Articles Wanted TWO SALESMEN {ONE bedroom, suitable for one geltle. [LARGE wos room furnished or untur, look at this rare buy. Ask- ' + and creek, $4,500. Coll $12,443 FULL PRICE ¥ ro IA | men. RA 3.4001. 1014 oll pi BR -- ing price only $9,900! 6- Owner going home, has (5 sell this wonderful family home, 4 Lloyd Metcalf at RA 5-6983. ¢ 7 or asement and JSarage is clit for LARGE sunny room with private wash-| central, hone Whitby MO 82008. 100f| room brick bungalow with years old 1Y2 storey 6 room extremely well kept. Four room and FOR 6 ROOM SOLID space, give us a call. We will pay you pig sicnen Sabo Rit |THREE - room apartment in new| garage, beautiful modern kit- bath on main floor, completed paneled rec. room, new aluminum INCOME HOME BRICK BUNGALOWS gush. 'M6 Simcoe Street South. = RA SEWING MACHINES [35 fr one. or sh House, reasonable rent: suitable for| gp rd (HET LI | storms and screens, paved drive, tastefully decorated. Located 1V3-storey, 5-room brick ! 6782. May22 couple, young baby welcome. 162 War- I: heat TV on Patricia Ave, ith h SALVAGE iimber suitable for summer| ENa Sewing Centres are ex. THREE - room unfurnished apartment, ren Avenue. if. water (oil healing, sT-¥. ane home. Wil J wash also ott. will d d heir A private entrance and bath; on bus line; | EE tenna, storms ond screens; upstairs, Natural fireplace, 4.BEDROOM 2 STOREY a Jill remove unuse wh pan fing thes Advertising in $60 monthly. 514 Eulalie RA 81609. 101f I /tocared near: bus. For ope : WILL SELL FAST oil heating, well landscaped, HOMES 8.3265 in & ey yavaut, --| Two: one » badrgEm wher): pointment to see call Bertha Alice St. -- 6 room bungalow with garage, construction stucco hedged yard, close to public leads ments, modern 1.V. aerial, | Appleby at RA 5-6544, over cement blocks, 3 bedrooms, heated by oil. Close to schools, school, $11,800 with $3,800 and | ' i ! . laundry room and machines, bus ond shopping, taxes $120. Full down, -ROO. SHAW Salesmen who are neot, apartments. Electrically equip- one floor up, parking 7 OXFORD STREET | oy pl re $ ull price $7,500 terms. y 6-R MS iTeve aggressive, have car, and Shopping Centre district. $6 | Dream realized in the EVENSON"S ROAD NORTH RAG AND METAL willing to take are ped. Best location. $90 and monthly. RA 8-8402 or preftiest brick 5-room bunga- Lovely 5 room brick, ranch style bungalow. 3 years old, decor- Llo d Metcalf Joke Sh J Age 23-35 | $105. RA 8-8676 APT. NO. 1, 25 GRENFELL ST, low to be found on market ated and Igndscaped, living room 19 x 13, with stone fireplace, Foe the nawss) in desigte for | . * i. ake aw will pay WE CHER | any place today. Has three aluminum Storms and screens, back yard "fenced in. List price REAL ESTATE Ning ang iseturing Te lek: you more for your scrap : 22 May 87 nice * size bedrooms, large | $12,900 approximately $5,000 down and vendor will hold 3% Simcoe Street S sure to see 0 Dred Homes NE MASSON "STREET modern kitchen, full base- mortgage for balance with reasonable terms. Just move in, the 2 er 3 > : Salary, Car Allowance, Com- |= iron, tin, copper, brass EC 10 S iSvance, Sm ment, hot water pil heating, work's oll. don Dial -3-9329 5-655' lead, ' BACHELOR APARTMENT Large bright bed-sittnig room bath. . I or id McQUAY & KIDD aluminum etc, Genuine Lead wine Leads per Day, 4-pc, This home is Ground floor, kitchen in pleasant modern home, | only 3 years old. Privately BEFORE SIX PLEASE CALL RA 3-2265 Adter 5:30 Dial Whitby Plaza Whitby Modern four and five room 89 BLOOR STREET E, Call. our Manag M a r anager, r | suitable for nurse, teacher, built, one owner. Asking AFTER SIX PLEASE CALL Berneice Armstrong, RA 5-0457 Whitby MO 8-3414 A Tl tial Interview North ond kitchen privileges ors of extras. For. comme: |= Bilt McFecters RA 51726 Steve Macko RA 5.0771 REALTORS Also Auto Wrecking | RA 5-2591 RA 3-9207 RA 3.9495 bo) | : | 3. af RA 5.6544. Reg. Aker RA 5-0201 Joe Mago . .. RA 5.9191 Toronto EM 3.9603 9 Coker, Now for a Confiden. | Equipped. Simcoe St. | or business girl. Breakfast | RA 5-2311 | or business gir regelay $9,500 and that includes '| Dick Barriage ... RA 5-6243 Oshawa RA 5-6632 Garage if desired ment to see, call Jim Laverty Joe Bosco RA 5.9870 Don Poole RA 5-8489 | Everett Elliott RA 3-9290 April 13 pril 13 ; 27 1018' 01a! 101¢

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