1 eral Assembly erders fo meet by N.Y. RAIDS NET 88 ALY TIMES-SAZETTE, W, , April 30, 1958 'INTERPRETIN! 16 THE DALY TIM ednesday, Apr G THE NEWS April 30--Wednesday. | NEW YORK (AP) -- Police ar- It was hoped that the commit- | octeq4 55 men nad women jn a tee, joined by the smaller Arctic Toronto, Monireal Noon Stocks Polar Open Skies Plan [fn eof tito rarest src nis Jn 5 UN's Arctic committee, The pro-|New York Tuesday night, TORONTO 2 mo or dene se oa mr wen Oe : been reslve. Russa stan] ves in Machatian. Brock, te Sales Low Noon C¥'ge ay Noon Sh 2 N w tT ks n resolved. Russia's stand ives in Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Cansdisn Press 4 ul Pu 1% M = EF] " oh» ows ow £5 ac {Tuesday killed that possibility. Bronx and Queens. 1 ] H ow » By BILL BOSS Should the Russians agree to I" Canadian Press Staff Writer |tackle it on that basis anywhere-- Oils The polar aerial-inspection pro-| be it the Security Council or at 70 18 18 posals mow before the UN Se- the summit--that would represent 200 curity Council represent two new'a new sart. 30 tacks in Western attempts to| Agreement on mutual inspec- 200 200 ¥ 3% break the long East - West im- tion once satisfactorily imple- 1000 125 Jormetal us - Ind 225 passe over disarmament. | mented, might persuade the Com- ug N Rank 869% Canadian officials in Ottawa, |munists--and the U.S.--that an- Alumini "Ho 326 % 1 Northsp with the perspective of distance, other step could be taken. Ane Pulp pr 225 $51 3 3 10 1 Buna expressed hope Tuesday that, de-| Ottawa would prefer to see the . $40 2% 2% spite Russian Juslsience He pro- ater dissusned in the Security posals be discussed instead at a|Council, which is where the Rus- N a EL future summit conference, the|sians last week alleged--and then EW 195 BIG WHE Opem current manoeuvreing may Yet withdrew the complaint -- that Ormsby result in a positive step forward. |U.S. nuclear-armed aircraft had | Mutual aerial inspection has been making polar flights to been offered the Russians before, | points near the Soviet border. and rejected. Prime Minister Die-| CANADA STILL OPTIMISTIC fenbaker voiced the idea last] Should the Russians hold out summer, and it was officially ad-|for di fon at the it, Ot- 4 vanced in London by State Secre- tawa still would be optimistic, tary Dulles of the United States| It would indicate the Commu- last August, nists had accepted the proposal NEW FEATURES for discussion, and that would be But there are two major dif-|at least one step towards an VAC U U M C L E A N k BR 4 WERE Saud zeny > San - ses wi ss = 8s ITF: $44 E48 Ld 6% 6% Mi 11% Sapph debs 33 0 Tex Cal Triad Ol ¥ ner Bue¥uurazsnaBarnd <Headzassadals > C Vickers Conf Life 5 Con Gas 100 a Stanleigh Corby vt 100 a 17 5s 8 Stanigh wis Dist Seag 375 23 Steeloy D Magoes 300 Sl 1 560 850 p R D Steel ord 100 § Y Re, Taurcanis Dom Tar 583 ! Ld Fanny F 210 etzafulnsesesa Bands ferences in the suggestions put agreed agenda for summit talks. forward Tuesday by the U.S.: { The second point--inclusion of 1. It is an isolated offer, putithe smaller Arctic powers--rec- Gatineau 2 Ep 1 ue us Abies " 44 forward for consideration on its|ognizes those countries' geograph- gon ey ho ah oh ' % 9% 250 510 510 810 Dom Oficloth 150 $34 34 3 own merits, Previously it has|ical entitlement to being ¢on- gon pam 1m np -1 =Ford A 25 been incorporated as part of an|sulted, It also goes a long way 28% 9 18 18 iL P 8 3 4% Wh 14% 14% -- per 2 ; ¥ GN G 200 pr 3 Siu 31n I Boymar 05 --8 iu In 1H No Farm 20 5 , wu |over-all "package" plan, involv-|toward meeting Russian argu- 1 " +3 GN G B wis 300 31 10 3 Broul Reef 57 8 e [! 0 3% 8% 24 TFnsSpe 25 40 ing other aspects of disarmament. iments last year that disarma- Greyhnd 200 $12% 129 - 2 war ' Trans Mt 178 ei diy 2. It is intended to include in ment is not a matter for the Gypsum 25 $35 35 Ay 31 Sales to 11 am. ,000. Waterman 1000 + % its scope all Arctic powers, not major powers dione. . Now only if H Smith 100 7 i Imp Flo 5 2 8 p merely Russia, Canada and the| wpe proposal also was des! Imp Oil 809 $404 y Me 200 60 60 MONTREAL U.S. That takes in smaller pow- 4, A poss 3 a 2 designed Ind Accep 25 830% 3 30% + By The Canadisn Press Baker Tale ers such as Iceland, Denmark, |p... dle. The UN's disarmament er PL $41% Al 4 hina 1 Montreal Block Exepange--Apth 3 Band Ov 3 Norway--and Sweden, which does |pormittee. } Ssarmamel Inter PL } h Be vin 144 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. Bateman A y M 4 committee, which the Russians LobCo B 5 Sih 2 ch Wi ] ; 2-0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, Xxr--Ex [] not belong to NATO, do not recognize, is under Gen- 5 4 i! 0 4000 hte STs 25 Bellekno 1000 1 rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) 1 The reasoning behind the first -- point is that it offers Russia a Mass Har Denison is 4 1 nu _, d . 1 6 N Hos B 2 2 pws Nm ER Industrials Canalask 13 12 13 +3% [chance to tackle disarmament NOW AVAILABLE AT Not Toast Marcus 500 kine iNigs tee N pi © Denison 3 piecemeal, instead of holus bolus, YOUR DR Ni E 3 C Mand 8 100 Stoc es ow Noon 'ge i ---- Jouih Stas i : > Negus 16000 38 Abitibi 55 $25% 25% 25% + % Dolsan I n un n {1 STORE Ont Steel 25 1 €, Sannorm 8 Abitibi pr 200 $24 + % ry 5 Dara EY n 2 ou ig Bs BT turdt & © # : | ODT RS EDSELebrity | Le q de r y Anglo Pul pr 325 $51% +1% owell R Eo 5 Iva 00 11 11 Anglo Tel pr 250 Hollinger Boe AV $5" 2 1 wih 100 + iarie 500 Bh 2B -- Aline Steel 200 Kerr Add 200 1B 1 MR. THERON M. § J 1 [] 5 6 y bi | Royal Bk ris 820 Al 0 5 vin Ball § 5%pec 100 2! Meri. Io HALL, 203 Oil 4 ] ! Gel these emailing work-saving quality features = Galkeno Bi 6 Bank NS z5 " 7 F Geco Mines 1225 3207 Mogador : Evin Bulg - [I © Big-Basy Rolling Wheels! © All Cleaning Attachments} Glacier 200 125 Sadie we "16% BCE. Sipe pr 80 N Spring 1 Alberta, "I was 1 2 ® NoDust Bag ToEmptyl ¢ Easy Suction Controls! Gun wis 3660 : BC Power = 388 priati i al first attracted to | ¢ Flexible Vinyl Hose! ¢ Lock-Fast Wands! Gwillim 1000 7 BC Pow ris 1603 ; 2 . Hard Rock 23500. Cal Pow 25 Headway 3000 0 Can Cem 3% Heath 1000 : 500 Hollinger 290 , 4 100 Hud Bay 125 Can Malt pr 225 Hugh-P 4000 1 C Brew Int Nickel 855 4 CIL 400 Jacobus 700 C Int Pow 650 Kerr Add 155 C Int Pow pr 220 Kilembe C Int Pow pr 220 ¥ Okalta ; 5 the '58 Edsel by ye Paudash 1 ! | itssuperbstyling, / / | Freie : ow fis Nuperh sisting, J We're headquarters for Lewyt Speed-Saks! Prove : 5 mission, Dial- Red Cres Temp heating and ventilation controls and other appointments, FEE FE SIF OF SFR RS : 1 Months of enjoyable, trouble-free | ; Come In -- Ask For A Demonstration Kiembe © Uo 18 im 4 zh Edsel driving have confirmed my sR A Of The New, Exclusive LL Lae 100 100 Weedon [ L -- m-------------------- pres ---- nid m---- gi -- really new. Feel the real difference | nadians busy; keep Canada grow-|CMA ATTITUDE |provide; address community Drive 1958 ing. | CMA spokesmen, for their part, |8roups on the importance of giv- 24 natural substance Royal Jelly | Manufacturers Launch G © campaign Is bo new _ 1 [ave emphasized tis ot enough '1%, PTOFY lo Canada products yolJelly | 5 BOND STREET WEST, RA 5.5633 a 1 eam 00 .> uv confidence in the excellence and B y! ) ¥ 3 v . 4 ili fe " ER Ri I Cm oy Lewyt Power Brush | behind the w = ing; protect your job; tect countries because they are nmotMote greater public interest in behind the wheel--see your 5 ig | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT HE: Ties yoie Job Sruiesh coutities besuse Shey (Canada's own industries and to Ford-Edsel dealer, today. ROY WHITTINGTON FORD OF CANADA and services; enlist support of | has been carried on with varying|to appeal to Canadians on the local organizations." port © |50 mg. Capsules --only $5.95 Macfie 800 Con M and 8 806 Hoes 16% " ; The 1958 Edsel is the one car that is {Canada is good for you, keep Ca-| |emphasize the employment they EDSEL RADIO' AND APPLIANCES B C nadian Cam al force by the CMA for 60 years-- ground of sentiment -- the Cana-! | uy a Pp an but it will be renewed and Inten- gia products must also be com- B Items made in Canada, it is prepared symbol consisting of a : . planned, will ( i ; «nv | Paign to Increase purchases from personal purchases; buy 'Cana- ' be plainly labelled, maple Jeat with the OFC ous Britain and other Commonwealth |dian materials, for their own countries -- has emphasized it manufacturing apes ations; in. i \ omi y " does not advocate purchases clude the 'buy Canadian' sym! Shicles detwees Canadian Heme prominently Bai Bing through ( verseas at the expense of Cana-|in all types of advertising; mark tries ' dian industry; its object is to di-|their products prominently SUGGESTED SLOGANS [rect to Commonwealth countries|'Made in Canada'; enlist dealer, This program is being put un-, Such other slogans are sug- more of the purchases which employee and shareholder sup- der way through a "Buy Cana- gested as: Keep Canadians work-| Canada must make from other|port; arrange plant tours to pro- and the shopper will be put in a Canadian" across it; position of making a consclous "Made in Canada" designations sified | \ ' ' FORBES RHUDE dian" campaign launched by the petitive in price and quality, and y . "| It comes at a time when there [ft oy think Canadian manufac- Canadian Press Business Editor Canadian Manufacturers' Assocl- j d s a movement towards increased), org can meet these conditions TORONTO (CP)--When Cana. atlon. | purchases from Britain and other x etreal Tt oi i" {| Commonwealth countries, But the| circular sent to members by dians go shopping in future a Perhaps its strongest impact on two efforts are not in conflict. |the association asks them to o strong bid will be made for them the public eye will be made study the following suggestions: to support Canadian industry through display of a specially- The Dollar - Sterling Trade ~ | . *.|Council--a leader in the cam:| "Set an example in their own : ly -- ATTENTION -- HOME OWNERS & GARDENERS | ' CANADA IS GOING FOR PONTIAC IN A BIG WAY. :. AND HERE'S WHY: Pontiac's sensational popularity now Coll Springs on All Four Wheels pro- Widest Selection of Engines... Canada' vide a smoother, quieter, softer ride than ever. biggest "Six" ond widest choice of V8'a g . ays off in big savings f . See For YOUR Lawns, Shrubs and Flowers PEON PY your loco dacler for he dct of the Are ed of os 30 Models In fight Great Series mess year on the Pontiac of your choice. dearance. @ Pontiac for every taste and budget. We Recommend VIGORO | : New GOLDEN REGULAR | SAVE ON FVE RY BUICK | VIGORO Li! VIGORO Won't Burn Grass q \ oo ---- A AX: Down.f,, PRY This newly developed complete lawn food will H ood not burn grass when used in recommended This complete plant f ton. amounts, It's the longest-lasting complete i lawn food ever offered, One feeding lasts all tains all the elements plants season. Non-burning Golden Vigoro contains need from soil for best growth al Ithe food elements specifically needed to develop the finest deep-rooted grass . . . the [t's the leader in the field. real key to lawn beauty. Golden Vigoro is sanitary, clean and odorless, it can be applied Carefully formulated to insure top resuits when at any time, No raking or watering in is necessary. used on grass, flowers, trees, shrubs and vegetables. For Better Grass On Your Lawns Use GOLDEN VIGORO GOLDEN VIGORO IS ALSO AVAILABLE WITH CHLORDANE ADDED FOR WHITE GRUBS. IMPORTANT SPECIAL NOTICE The annual Master Feed's garden clinic will be held at Master Feeds -- Friday and Saturday May 2nd. and 3rd. Bring in your samples of lawn, garden and flower bed soil for analyzing, on y on so many models of so-colled ow or before the above dates. No charge. Approximately one pound of soil is required for each priced cars . . . get extra valve per sample. Mr. Fred Taylor, Swift Canadian soil analyst and soil expert, will be on hand to dis- | di : dollar in a CENTURY, SUPER, ROAD- cuss your gardening problems with you, MONTH OF MAY STORE HOURS FREE MONDAY, TUESDAY & THURSDAY : "a A 4&7 RTYOUR PONTIAC-BUICK DEALER'S CUSTOMER PARKING FWEDNESDAY & SATURDAY ---- | 8 AM. TO 5 PM. MASTER FEEDS p= ouoonor OF IEF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 54 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA DIAL RA 3-2229 CHECK ACCIDENTS! 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA WHITBY, ONTARIO AAA WERE ARE THE FEATURES THAT SET BUICK OWNERS APART: Own a Buick SPECIAL for LESS than Mighty B-12000 Engine to whisper you Revolutionary Air-Polse Suspension over the toughest grades as effortlessly as for the levelest, smoothest land ride in the a breeze. world. (Optional at modest extra cost on off Alr-Cooled Aluminum Front Wheel models with Power Steering.) Brakes optional at slight extra cost on the Like Flight on Wheels . . . new styling MASTER 75 or LIMITED, SPECIAL ., . . standard on all others, concept brings the air age to your doorstep.