{Public Bchool rendered two se-|overseas relie! on Thursday eve T)* . 1 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesdoy, April 30, 1958 15 Many uests lections, directed by Miss Joyce|ning in the Sunday School room! 3] 13 ciety 5 -- sromri-------- Graliam. {of the chureh. |ative talk on "The increase, aud session will be held in the Sun-§/ - The president, Mrs. Neil Peity, A bazaar and afternoon tea S 1 H 1d " |progress of the Bible Society dur-/day School room of the church.) At Meeting Iorenaed for the bus! [st ed by the CGIT group of HEIVICE I1€ ng the past ten years." Slides/During the week advance com- {Verna Hodson introduced th eithe United Church, will be held |were shown by Mr. Rudd. mitments and pledge cards will {guest speaker of the evening, on Saturday afternoon in the Sun- At B kli {A special collection was taken/be made, roup {Miss MN argarel Bellow, of Osi-lday School room of the church. 100. mn up for the Bible Society. Not Sanday, May. . Eo bel 1 awa, who proceeded to enteriaini georeg of duplicate bridge play- Following are the officers for known as Stewardship Sunday. MRS. ARTHUR ELLi071, |the group with colored slides and! 4 at the township hall were MRS. ARTHUR ElLorY, the year, commencing May 1:/The general chairman will report orrespondent an interesting commentary on ng. and Mrs, John Goodwin 44; 2 Past president, Lloyd Stevenson; on progress achieved, and the BROOKLIN -- The Evening her experiences during the year ypc ©, Davies, Mrs. Robert BROOKLIN -- During the Sun, oqijent Ralph Milner; secre- visitors will be commissioned. Auxiliary of the Women's Mis. she spent in Jamaica recently. |ieron 431%; Ted Heron, W. day morning service at the Unit-/iary, Mrs. John Hall; treasurer,| slonary Society met in the United] Marjorie Thompson extend Wadell 39%: D. Coates, Jack Pat- ed Church, the chairman of the Mise Anne Howden. CANCEL TRAINS Church Sunday School rooms for thanks to Miss Pellow. terson 36; Mrs. W. Medland, Mrs. visitations committee, Fred Orm- A special "Christian Family) COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP)--All their April meeting. Present were| The committee served lunch to Stuart 35%. iston, presented a concise state- Service" will be observed on Sun- morning suburban trains in Co- members of the Evening Auxil-the guests. | special Masonic Service will ment of the "Every Member Visit day morning, May 11, in the lomo were cancelled today as # Oy i fary of Columbus United Church, The Lend-a-Hand Group of the/De held next Sunday evening in Plan," its foundation and results United Church, The sacrament of railway bombings continued in . Smooth Sleeping, Fine Quality Afternoon Auxiliary of Brooklin| gy "oir aneet on Monday eve.|the Brooklin United Church. Thelto date: infant baptism will be admin-/the week-long strike of some United Church, and Brooklin WA wilt mes on Fr dear service will be held under the! The evening service was under|istered by the Rev. S. J. Hillier. 37,000 Ceylonese civil servants. . CGIT group. Ming Ii the COI be x5. charge auspices of the Masoni¢ Order. [the auspices of the Bible Society. VISIT PLAN !Engineers said they would not Pillow ases The committee of Verna Hod-\of the program will be Mrs i : The president, Lloyd Stephen- This week the final and active uperate the Join itout armed 7 son. Marjorie Thompson, Pat i iss Doris HISTORIC LAKE son, presented the devotional, The phase of fhe "Every Member protection. omb explosion : : ! Jackson, and Georgiha Prouse, Mh Baldwin, and My Megantic Lake in Frontenac guest speaker, Rev. Colin Rudd,|Visit Pian" of Brooklin United's suburban train Monday night Hemstitched hem, stomped design. conducted the worship service. The WMS of the United Church County, Quebec was crossed by PeterBlorough, Field Secretary of Church begins. On Friday eve- badly injured two children and ; The All-Girl Choir of Brooklin will pack a bale of clothing for missionary fathers in. 1640. the Bible Society, gave an inform. 'ning, May 2, a visitors' training six adults. a / ¥ c = Special ea. SHOP AT DUNN'S I USE YOUR CREDIT HN MONTHS TO PAY | capes "prip-oRY* COTTON 3 BIG SALE DAY HALF SLIPS THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY bottom. 614" lace trim around bottom with o ® ® With The Purchase of Any Suit or Sport Jacket and Slacks. .. of a Portahle Radio -- Electric Shaver or 52 Piece Set of Cutlery Absolutely FREE! Special 1.77 TOP QUALITY ¢ OR A NEW ADDED PREMIUM SUITS & |A BEAUTIFUL 4; bx SUN-COT a | JUMBO I GARMENT BAGS 84 with 13" frome 2 nickle plated hooks, 36" zipper quilted top, balance of bog of matching unquilted vinyl, Wine, green, blue, yellow and pink FRAMED PICTURES 22" x 28 "Qilettes". 1V2 reeded, embossed, grey moulding. Gilt finish, 25 assorted subjects. Reg. 2.98, \ Sale Price 1 B7 CRYSTAL STYRENE '10-0Z. TUMBLERS Dash design in turquoise, white, pink and black. Floral design in red ond green, yellow and green and white and green, Wheat design in red and green, yellow and green and white and green, Supentine design in red. and green, pink and black and turquoise and white '] SPECIAL ....... 6 for 43 ATHLETIC SHIRTS Make your suit purchase, then take your pick of one of Tubular Trim Neck and Armholes, 1-inch hem of bottom, Sizes 2-4 and 6, Reg. 3 for 1,00, SPECIAL, EACH only . BOYS' our premiums FREE! . . . our way of saying thanks during this special sale . . . all new Spring Stocks of high quality DUNN'S suits in this great event . , . choose from a great array of Tweeds, Twists, Worsteds, Worsted Flannels , . . RIBBED KNIT SHORTS Styled right up to the minute . . . tailored to perfection. Brief style elostic waist, double thickness front Taped fly Sizes 33 - 52 -- Short - Reg. - Tall opening. Ribbed cuffs with narrow elostic insert Sizes 2-6. Reg. 3 for 1.00, 25° SPECIAL, EACH ...... ow, 9.50 - §9.50 ff & GG 2 w i py With Your Purchase 50 A 8: REG. VALUE 35.00 " : b Your Choice of ] i FREE! ® Portable Radio ® Cutlery ® @ Sun-Cot @ Electric Shaver PORT JACKET Rel | [MILE «cocoon 2 PAIR © bl :? ' & in a convenient sorting case. Reg. 29.50 value FREE with your pur- OF SLACKS (1 | QUiesy I Make your sport jacket and slacks pure POLYETHYLENE . FLASHLIGHTS Aluminum reflector, plastic lens, end loading with bot- tom and top caps using 2 dry cel batteries. Red and blue, each in plastic bag. Reg. 79c. Complete with br batteries. SPECIAL ve pis CHILD'S AND MISSES' BLUE CANVAS OXFORDS Beige compound rubber soles, white all around foxing, reinforced heel, Special--childs' sizes 4-10 69° PAIR : Misses, sizes 11-2 PAIR sovavenss 19 chase . . . and receive one of our special premiums FREE . .. Jackets newly ar- rived for Spring and Summer wear , . . Tweeds, Twists, Cheviots, Flannels, Cashmeres . . . Slacks , . . There are hundreds and hundreds of every kind A compacl pocket radio, ideal for + «+ Don't miss this great sale event. beach parties, in a beautiful assort- Sport Jacket 2950 ment of colors. Reg. 29.50 value Sizes 33 - 48 FREE with your purchase. 1» suacks - - - 12.95 FREE! ; ros sis con Taste Tempting TaN SPICED RUNNING SHOES STRI NGS Heavy canvas uppers, beige compound rubber soles, white binding, white toe cap, toe guard ond foxing 2 2 Red underlay, printed arch comfort, cushion insoles, Fresh, Delicious ankle patch and reinforced heels "ON SALE ON SALE NOW 29c¢ | b. Chas -gize i | ) ) ii s--size 1.29 rT 149 MEN'S 7 1.99 | 49. MEN'S DRESS | Men's w WI PANTS | Windbreakers | ES SP iid Sr Fn ® 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU © til 9 p.m. 4.99 | 4.99 | mcorsrs como osu [Jl] SHAwa DOWNTOWN SHOP AT DUNN'S ESSN USE YOUR CREDIT [SMES MONTHS TO PAY | CENTRE 13 SIMCOE ST. S. Years of comfortable shaving with these Brand Name electric shavers. Reg. 28.50 value FREE with your pur- MEN'S DENIM | T-SHIRTS | chase. JEANS ? = LIGIHD HNOA asa ---- AYd OL SHLNOKW IEEE S.NNNd LY JOHS BEE Avd OL SHINOW HEN L1aIud HNOXA ISN