GLAMOR GALLOPER HAS OWN STYLE /ILKY SULLIVAN, y SUI SYLLIVAN crummmas, SILKY, WHO COMES THROUSH WW THE STRETCH LIKE MILADYS , GIRDLE, 15 REPUTED 70 HAVE mae up | | ago, Jack Dempsey and Gene|fights that drew in excess of $8,- Tunney met, for the second time, 000,000, from 1921 to 1927, and at-| in a prize fight which was to|tracted the Jauronage of people highlight sport's greatest era, It|will to pay as not only drew the biggest gate inleach for ringside seats, | boxing history, it became one of| In an atmosphere featuring the most controversial matches nothing but the biggest and the of all time, Alan J. Gould, exec-|best, i money no object, the utive editor of The Associated secon Dempsey - Tunney fight| Press, was general sports editor was a "natural, then, Here is his recollection of| Tunney, a product of the side-| that classic. walks of New York, fought chiefly in light heavyweight| By ALAN J. GOULD Tanks' until he caught Rickard's| Associated Press Writer [oo a5 a potential challenger for America's golden age of sports' Dempsey. came to a spectacular climax| On that July day in 1921 when along Chicago's lake front on a Dempsey knocked out Georges balmy September evening in Carpentier of France in the first heavyweight "battle of the cen- the night of the|tury" at Boyle's Thirty Acres in| for the world's| Jersey City, Gene Tunney was heavyweight boxing champion an inconspicuous figure in a pre- | ship between the old mauler,| liminary bout--in which he kay- William Jattison Siacky Detap. oed Soldier Jones. | sey, and the fighting marine, |,., " | James Joseph (Gene) Tunney. I'LL LICK HIM | The battle drew an all-time| By 1925, Tunney not only had record of $2,658,000 in gate re- gained weight and stature, he| ceipts and ended in a 10-round|Was mature and confident, To | gh 25 $100 pp vpSEY THE AGGRESSOR (ropes, caught the champion sud- Former Sports Writer Recalls Dempsey-Tunney Fight, 1927 Editor's Note: Thirty years moted five top heavyweight 000, while Dempsey signed for denly a bit offguard and crashed self from Iall flat. ' $450,000--all-time records for the|a right to the jaw. Unable to, ing THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Wednesday, April 30, 1958 13 "one" it was actually "'six" from, Gathering steamy he outhoxed the : of the knead (and punched the challenger coil a Big a count through the last two rounds and " Roig Fre to tull advantage ;\oqriy was the winner op points the punishment, he had the ben. When the last bell sounded. efit of the "long count" of 14 Dempsey was bleeding from a seconds, |bad cut over his left eye and so |battered he did not seem to re- alize when the fight was over 'SURVIVES ROUND Pandemonium broke loose as In ring parlance, Tunney 'got Did the "long count" save Tun urposes of champion and chal-manoeuvre, Tunney tried 10105000 fans leaped to their feet, on his bicycle and hack-pedalled" ney's title and prevent Dempsey enger. clinch, but Dempsey sas quick yelling for the "kill." It had the'tr keep out of the plunging from becoming the first fighter For six rounds, Tunney held the upper hand, As previously, to seize his advantage. He landed old primeval effect on Dempsey, Dempsey left hook, then a short too, for he Ang 's reach. It was theto regain the heavyweight 2 { hovered menacingly smart thing to do. Any other tac 'crown? Since no one can say 'or {right that blasted Tunney's chin. over his fallen opponent and at tic could have been disastrous. * sure, that's one of the 'istic do he relied on his speed, boxing AS the champion's legs buckled'first ignored referee Dave! Dempsey had shot his bolt, bates that can--and probably will skill and counterpunching. Demp- | 906, be started to fall, Dempsey Barry's insistence that he go to Tunney came out for the eighth --2¢ on forever. hi 1 sey, tanned and , was the P at his cr aggressor, He was no match for|target. { Tunney at close quarters, though (the farthest neutral corner. Five fateful seconds elapsed be- He had absorbed Dempsey's side, an arm's length from where It looked like the end. Tunney's fore Dempsey obey ref- heaviest punches. Sensing that'Tunney went dows under Demp- round with renewed confidence. From where | sat at the ring and was consistently outpointed.|eyes were closed as he dropped eree's instructions, based on athe former champion was weak- sey's savage attack, seve al Then came the seventh. Demp-|to the canvas. Instinctively he rule that had been spelled out for ening, Tunney moved to the at- things may be said with some sey crowded Tunney against the reached out and grasped the sec-/both fighters in advance. Thus tack and dropped Dempsey with conviction, though not with fina. ond strand of rope to keep him-'when Barry began the count atla right to the jaw. ° ity. TS BIGNEWS!! In the Interest of victory on points for Tunney, the Rickard he said: 'Get me Demp- titleholder, as He rallied from a|sey. As sure as there are stars "long count" knockdown in the'in the heavens, I'll lick him. FED BETTER seventh round. Tex agreed that Gene would be| RT HIS BID It may have been suspects d at fhe veut oan to get a crack at| 4 / } % the time, but it has taken history 5 0 [s SPOR ' and the perspective of 30 years| In a steady downpour of rain, COMPETITION, to record that it was not only one on the night of Sept. 23, 1926, CET . @ |of the most controversial prize Tunney -- a 4-to-1 underdog --| Riotetiniad by King Peuiuies Byblioete fights of all time, but the centre-|outboxed and outfought Dempsey | piece of all the fabulous sports y in 10 rounds to de- BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS [5c "aus. f wonder hone the man who'd me | -- the 'roaring twen- heavyweight king for seven " years. American League | Baltimore 6 400 4 The buildup for a return match "Petroit 000 000 001--1 6 0 Boston 4 9 308 5% PEAK OF PROMOTION was soon under. way. notwith. | New York 012 100 10x--5 13 0|Chicago $ 8 .273 5% | Those were the days of such|standing some talk that Dempsey __ Foytack, Shaw (4) Aguirre (8) Today's Games | glamorous performers as Babe planned to retire. It was inev- and Hegan; Shantz and Berra. And Probable Pitchers |Ruth and Bobby Jones, of Helen |itable that he try to stage a HRs: NY-Skowron 2, Berra, Cleveland at Washington (N)-- Wills and Big Bill Tilden, of comeback and regain the heavy- &7 LENGTHS WW C/E RACE, Bur SAFE DRIVING Your Authorized ~ GENERAL MOTORS DEALLECS -- offer | . ALL MOTORISTS THIS ATTRACTIVE SERVICE {ties Stove ONl may be purchased In ony emeunt of this stetion. ; od AFETY tion for NOTE: AuthorlCiCCC che gen O \ QoP- ints. $4 cosion and R--\nspect PONCE 0 for cor \t TO Inspect contacts pid n oosen be or, lola. pelt for correct V7. ot P condition © | m-- out- mm al olf teks Exarnire t dig ng and Winks. s City at Boston ppd, rain i (2 Paavo Nurmi and Red Grange, weight crown -- something no fansas Yh Jason pp Narleski (21) vs Ramos (2:0) {Above all, in the dazzling world|fighter had ever done before. rele t Washingt A vl ; Clgvelana at Washington ppd Wein (11) vi Barshman ap |of pugilistic promotion under the equally great urge to prove that | National 1 |(02) vs Ford (1.1) = LATY|ouiding genius . of that gifted| the adelphia victory was no| National League | gambler of the Klondike--George|fluke -- and to cash in on his | Milwaukee 000 103 031-8 11 0 Kansas City at Boston--Urban|{ wis (Tex) Richard newly-won title while the boom p (10) vs Brewer (1-1) f ! 3 Chicago 000 011 002--4 # 1 | Prize fighting had become the times were booming. Gene did so Spahn and Crandall; Fodge, Thursday's Games {most fashionable of all profes-|by demanding $1,000,000 to de- Mayer (5) Nichols (6) Hillman Detroit at New York | sional sports. With Dempsey as/fend the crown. Actually he set- (7) Rodriguez (9) and Tappe, Kansas City at Boston |his star attraction, Rickard pro-'tled for a next-door figure, $990,-| Neeman (9) Chicago at Baltimore | pe a ee po sll gg Mil-Mathews; Chi-Walls Cleveland at Washington poe National League | Phila 100 040 002--7 11 © Sap Fran 000 100 120--4 12 3 L Pet. GBL ' BUY AT Simmons, Farrell (8) and Lo-| Milwaukee 667 he ly 1 1 Be REASONABLE PRICES ER ormick (6) Miller .(8) Grissom Che080 . (® and Schmidt, Thomas (9), ' i HRs: Pha-Philiey; SF-Sauer, [Cincinnati ; VIGOR GASOLINE #t. Louis 011 000 000--2 10 pj Palladelplils : Cincinnati 101 000 03x--5 9 0 £0 ohpe hid ' STANDARD NEW SUPER HIGH TEST Mizell and H. Smith; Purkey >" je og . ; and Balley. y's Games #SHRs: Cin - Bell, Temple; BtL- And Probable Pitchers | 9/10¢ 9/10¢ Green. St, Louis at Cincinnati (N)--L. GAL GAL Pittsburgh 010 110 040-7 11 0 McDaniel (2-1) vs Lawrence (0-1) T vf a bh Los Angeles 001 000 000--1 4 1 or Nuxhall (0-0) ox Ine. ax Ine Friend and Folles; Erskine,| Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (N) Bessent (8) Newcombe (9) angiRlise (03) vs Drysdale (0-8) Walker adelphia at San Francisco HRs: Pgh-Thomas; LA-Cimoll.| Roberts (1-1) vs Antonelli (1-1) | International League Milwaukee at Chicago -- Buhl 000 000 002-2 7 2|(8-0) vs Brosnan (1-2) | , 200 020 82x--9 7 1 International Lea, I ..'Rellly, Parsons (6) Dixon (7) WwW L fue 78 BOND St. W. Oldis; Newkirk and Noble. Montreal : 11 t. W. RA 5-1109 Columbus at Rochester ppd, rain/Rochester 10 i (Only games scheduled) Havana | et American League Columbus NewYork 3 3 TT |Lotonto : : Now Shrinks Pi Rontas chy Too yy [Miami wi | Science Now Shrinks Piles Washington 600 2 | * . . » veland 538 2 Tuesday's Results Or tov Cle vein 500 I Richmond 2 Buffalo 9 Without Pain Discomfort GINE oiL--Exemin® oll | Columbus at Rochester ppd, rain . : . 1. dilution. (Only games scheduled) Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain Bo MAJOR LEAGUE | And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids 2 : \ a {Miami at Montreal Toronto, Oni. (3, D=--Eor | that sult ble : R--Clean. 0 Ne ssuRE--Record ot ay . (Specia sufferers were able Ww mux ) Havana at Toronto the first time science has found & | such statements as "Piles bave | -- pow. Replace gos 14, OIL PRE ond maxim ochester at Richmond (N) pew healing substance with the | ceased to be a problem!" And | ESSION--Test ond | PLR var By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thursday's Games to relieve pain and ilching | wide variety of hemorrhoid eon- | cyorlre 3 American League {Miami at Montreal Thousands have been relieved | ditions, some of even 10 1020 years' | AB R HPectl.|(Only game scheduled) with this inexpensive substance | standing | Robinson, Baltimore 32 6 13 .406 home without any discomfort or | cotics, anesthetics or astringents of m-- y Kuenn, Detroit 8 22 .393 REMEMBER WHEN ...?| inconvenience 20) Tura The veces it a mw haul GI RE Thani | Martin, Detroit 814 378) By THE CANADIAN PRESS ing substance (Bio-Dyne) -- the specific gravity -- 3 as : int Runs--Cerv, Kansas City, 13. b " was reported and verified | Stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in Runs HE idly A Sher ith Shicage White Sox,( by doctors' ported aa wide use for healing injured tissue inspect f Doubles--K ) same against Pain was promptly relieved. And | ©" 811 parts of the body WATER PUM seness. Doubles--Kuenn, 6. [day at Detroit, no opposing bat- ; , Bel offered in suppository or ointment Saipies 14 tied Vik 1. Bost ter reaching first po It oe Iddelion gi retraction (shrinking) form called sien Bg Ask for | . tension. ome runs -- Jensen, Boston in, yiyin perfect game In major individually sealed conveniest spec Stolen bases--Piersall, 'Boston! 0 P i i , BIS il and fue and Aparicio, Chicago, 3. {licated unty Don Larsen of the | eases where doctors' observations aT imebt With side oil an Tools New York Yankees allowed no| were continued over a period of | iy sold at all drug stores ---- vOR-- Inspect 4 Sausfaction guaranteed or money wd 10. RADIAL love) Is 1oW: Tog Chicago at Baltimore ppd, rain Chicago at Baltimore (N)~| sports, it was the peak period] For Tunney, there was the Today's Games Buffalo at Columbus (N) i i ability wo shrink hemorrhoids and | among these sufferers were a' very GINS coMPR! Colavite, Cleveland 26 4 11 422 night in the privacy of their own All this, without the use of nar one hemorrhoid McDougald, N.Y. 817 370 Charles Robertson, rookie pit.| POUlr. "very striking improve. | discovery of a famous scientific in- Hits--Kuenn, 22. Yetroit Ti Detroit Tigers 36 years ago to- while gently relieving pain, actual This new healing substance is * check pulley and Cerv, 4. league history, and was not dup-| § Ao too =~ - eg Jresarstion H Suppositories er NGINE--Ir Pitching--10 tied with 2-0, 1.000. Bookiyn Dodger to reach first many months! In fact, results were 80 thorough | refunded we od. Test anti-freeze Strik --- 8 Cleve! ol trikeouts Score, Cleveland base in the fifth game of the 1 LR 4 4 " in STi tpact 0G. Cy --e " | If n ARE YO U INTERESTED rT et inepect broke Tes. Lubricate 7 2 IN A BETTER HEATING repact for et ail and Sauer, SYSTEM FOR YOUR HOMER: | 2 hi ; Stolen bases--T. Tavlor, Chic- THEN GET ago and Ashburn, Philadelphia, 3. THE Pilchig Purkey, Cincinnati, 1 Angeles, Buhl and Los Milwaukee and Friend, 30, 1.000. ADVISING YOU OF THE VERY NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS 27 world. series, National League AB R H Pts. Musial, St. Louis 49 13 27 851, Mays, San Fran 54 13 23 426 Clemente, Pgh 46 719 413 Sauer, San Fran 34 814 412 Temple, Cincinnati 37 9 15 405 Runs---Walls, Chicago, 14. Runs batted in--Walls, 185. 'Hits--Musial, 27 Tioubles--Groat, Pittsburgh, 7. Frinles--Goryl, Chicago, Reese, Los Angles, Mays and Schmidt, San Francisco and Blasingame, Drive in anytime Or Call for Pick-up -- Immediate Service ! AT A LABOR CHARGE OF ONLY ....13.95 (Any Material Required, Extra, At Reasonable Prices!) CLIFF MILLS ONTARIO MOTOR MOTORS LTD. SALES LTD. | 266 KING ST. W. RES RA 3-4634 140 BOND ST. W. a RA 5-850! Eome Run Mark NEW YORK (AP) A major. wy United States sports writ DROP IN AT MOSIER'S TODAY wii TH soll.of AND FIND OUT WHAT Se "YOU NEED TO KNOW" ult Sa omen 0 of trs recommended Tuesday that N y 200 ris writers, editors . Podres, 20. -- | OF ALL GOOD HEATING SYSTEMS Baseball Writers NOW AVAILABLE WITH NO RESERVATION eee OR OBLIGATION AT @ny home run ree which may use of Los Angeles columnists showed 60 per in favor of not recogniz @lude Hack Wilson's National League mark of 56 21 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA Against Allowing MOSIER SHEET METAL hort 1o7t. field fence Ten of the 77 who voted to ree- ognize any new home runs marks posed a footnste, explaining at the reco vas set with the id of the p) ald of the dscum's 230-foot left field fence. | RA 5.2734 RA 5-2734