AR HA jon your premises Easter week-[people are eourteous by habit, 1 think your philosophy of giving THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, April 30, 1958 M Y WORTH MAIL end, without invitation. And wholthey don't impose. Whereas the|is faulty. If you can't give with----- : tition ins n treated i . - a he place as a refueling| oir coring type hardly bothersout counting the cost, and want.{nomically as they treat you. | ' HOUSHOLD HINT | In ironing aruicies wih lace Ww { I stop between sightseeing rounds, oh) i on ers t S nreason (3 and had the audacity to make an be "'nice," except when trying'ing a show of appreciation, it a Haworth coamel edges, iron from the material gpen joke of hu esumtion, io make hay with others of that| would be healthier and more hon-\ through her column, not by a ow ard to the edge of the lace, 0 xpect anks For F avors enjoyed having us." In » ' est to simply cut out these extrajor personal interview. Write her rather than vice versa With lace onclusion, I must say that/flourishes. Treat others as eco-lin care of this newspaper. |doilies, iron from the centre out. Dear Mary Haworth: Four|very rude not to express a verbal VICTIMS DESPISED -_-- : - months ago we had three people "thank you" for any little courte- Plainly they knew they were, stay with us for two weeks, after|sies done for me; and that it is badly imposing; and evidently| they had given up their house inexcusable pot to write "thank they sensed that you were torn and were awaiting overseas or- you" motes. Am I asking too Detween hospitable inclinations ders. Eventually they left us,/much, in wanting to receive as and suppressed impatience at with only very mild thanks for/much consideration as I give? [their intrusion. - their board-and-room; and not|B. L. | It would have been quite suf-|| p) {one word have I heard from them| Dear B, L.: No doubt you've ficient to provide them with beds, * since. {heard the foik saying about a 8nd possibly breakfast, and let (22 Also, about half the persons 0 \oman's being a doormat them find lunches and dinners al whom 1 sent Christmas gifts haveljoting people walk over for. |outside. Any polite excuse on| failed to acknowledge the gesture| perhaps this is somewhat the Fi. your part, for refusing to slave, so far--I've never even had a/g,:e you cut, in the estimate of at the kitchen stove, three meals note to say that the things ar-,o..sintances (ome could hardly|® day, would have been justified. [rived. 'call them friends) who take ad-| It is axiomatic that selfish peo-| | Then, recently, some friends vantage of your friendly disposi- ple don't' respect or appreciate || {trom another state invited them-/tion, and fail to say thank you. |their victims--rather they tend to| |selves to spend the Easter holi-| hink of thi inferi d! ie You are a housewife in very think of them as an inferior an [days with i TN ed oUF modest circumstances, 1 gather. 2 Weaker breed, for putting up| p 0 eatiand from the angle of common With crass injustice. f and deen, Jetueun Suing hci sense (which implies fair consid-| Your husband probably meant Shop on a j tra persons can make a lot of eration for all concerned), I think|to say that it. is unrealistic i work on' that schedule. {you were overdoing a good thing| (rather (han unreasonable) to ex-| Flexible and in letting those three people move pect moocher-type folks to be as| RUDENESS INEXCUSABLE |in on you, while they were await- courteous as you are kindly. If| Charge As they departed 1 said the|InE travel orders. Evidently their po -- usual goodbyes, and how nice it Purpose was simply to save Account was to have had them. Their/money at your expense--since a STAUFFER 4 'farewell wasn't a thank-you for hotel or motel might have been HOME REDUCING our hospitality; instead they said chosen, had they wished to spare PLAN |"We hope that you've enjoyed YOu: 3 Representative Fine Imported Fabrics {having us!" | Again you overdid, on the score p » % GRACE | My hubsand thinks T am being of long sufferance, in cooking and p vs THOMAS ® "Blin & Blin" Cashmere unreasonable, in expecting people/ providing sleeping accommoda- "ph. RA 3.9212 to say a simple "thank you." Iitions for the quartette of tourists s ® English Doeskin | tat ) -- |was brought up to believe it isifrom out of state, who camped . E h B d I h ; . me 5 ® English Broadclot | | 1 rn ONE OF CANADA'S BR \W\gm Full Range of Sizes GREAT STORES FOR THE HOME 4 ® Misses' ® Women's © Juniors' TO OSHAWA Spring Rainbow of Colors pe | 1 -- Pr || $i I | {|b {RR GROUP 1 PY | A il Tin. BNE Reg. to 59.95 PANELLED APRON | "w WH 3 \ oy oe | DA gh il Jur oc ER WB ; : GROUP 2 $3 will be at your ease to work | the easy sewing instructions, around the kitchen. And it looks | simply send a stamped, self- Wi pins 4 fresh too! You can make it In | addressed envelope plus ten % ol Mh ----- ; G §. { . any color you want, it is very | cents for handling, to the i ' « : : Reg. to 69.95 easy. The wide pockets are | Needlecraft Department of this very helpful. The finishing | paper, requesting PANELLED touch is done. with bright and | APRON, Leaflet No. 5-619. ip iA : ih pe : 1 Ly GROUP 3 Children's Food Habits Spring yo" CL Reg. to 79.95 RY. | Exchanges and Refunds From Parents' Example At Table| totam memos phonies aw Alu By CAROLYN WILLETT "With the wide array of new NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION Canadian Press Staff Writer |to0d products now available it is OTTAWA (CP) -- Around the !mportant for women to under- | family dinner table actions speak frame Be ous ssssauel tor WATCH IT PROGRESS ! More Than 1 Jouder than words, says nutrition 1€2!th 2 sure her ore an 10 Styles L . ess Than Special Purchase expert Ane Burns. cats them," says Miss Burns. | Si rr - In Assorted Fabrics Miss Burns, a nutritionist with Dark and Light Tones Save 8.95 on federal health department, in an interview that the ex- . le Des tous Rath: Sizes 10 to 20 in group Va Price "For example, if father and g 3 a | er pio HELLO! IS THAT ) PLATTERER! BL All-Weather Summer milk being for babies, children mel BUT JAVEX DOES wil not lean good eating avis" 5 SNOWDRIFT | SEE, JOAN, x. ants es mot have 10 be OR A LINE OF I < MAKE THEM EXTRA WHITE Rei. te 498 C 0 A T 5 DRESSES Bins, mineral and potens" DIAPERS?" AND SWEET, DOESN'T IT?" Reg. 16.95 VARIETY ESSENTIAL ' ay J ; The secret lies in eating a va- 7 £4 rlety of foods every day. iv 1g. Reg. 29.95 Nutrition experts say five ma- G A et" ; ® for food groups -- milk; fruit; ~ » fg i vegetables; bread and cereals; ; ; i » meat, fish, eggs and cheese-- : Se . b, p ° ial be incjded In daly Teal, dp Hu You'll live in these easy-care blouses tJ But food fads and fallacies & » . " dh ereep in. "They spring up every | ; x; + drip-dry "Docrons's; Terylenes", Select your rayon linens, prints, eot- ? y ttons, / JO OMten 2d pee jet 8 strange) ip Rose, blue, aqua, green or tons. All sizes but not all styles In Burns, a native of Saint John, oe every size. NB. She turns a cold eye on such fallacies as spinach making you strong, lemon juice reducing weight and celery giving you i ¢ : a THURSDAY MORNING SPECIALS Showerproof-treated fabrics, sizes 8 to 18, nerves of steel. "At best they are silly. At worst they may be dangerous to % 2 2 4/1 health and even to life itself." : Era YER 3 i Be ot Foirweather's early to pick the blouses you LJ "Good food," she says, "makes Hi VRE | like best . . , sure to disappear quickly at this the difference between merely | (ERE WE " | price. There are jerseys, rayons and taffetas , , . ry existing and living healthily and ' happily." J 3 SE some may be counter-soiled. VITAL FOR HEALTH The importance o Sood food be- 4 5 1 . 8 gins before a child is born and a *S¥uy ' eontinues while he grows and de- fos. Clearing of u ove I'S - ar Iga ns velops. There is evidence that Jood nutrition makes a difference a r child's ability to concentrate schoo! There's MR : ; ; / good hunting in this essortment of Miss Burns says good nulrition and some Pp ole os Botany wool pullovers. "Orlon" cordigans | and some little boleros. & Belps fingers as well as brains during working years and helps | avoid some of the aches and pains li 1d. | U : ' . ™ J REDWIHR SIA. od not break the There's nothing else like Javex to give you white, ily budget. ble informa | = ph ign Digi Uipht. sinshi : : : s . . y fon about food is available and ght, sunshine-sweet washings every time. ummer Cotton earring Children's housewife's imagination can make § . ew. = Javex takes out stains, too. And, either in Dry Li - RYOCADY SALAD DRESSING Form or Liquid, what other household product i | S KR ! p T S S P Ri M G C 0 AT S Into 2-3 cup mashed or sieved | avocado stir 2 teaspoon salt, 1] javlespion tosh lemon juice, 8 does so many other jobs, so well and so easily, few drops Tabasco sauce and 3| | ing tablespoon ise. Add| | > ehopped parsley and finely cut atsuchal t? ne GROUP ONE . . . Reg. to 19.95 green onion. Makes about 1 cup| a low cost: i pont : : salad dressing. Serve on cris b . bos jInpECTan? a Girls' Coat Sets, sizes 2-3x, 4-6x. 4 Jatiuce Wedges or a tossed green Hs . STN R80 ; & Boys' Coat Sets, sizes 4-6x. . | pEoD ig 3 | irls' i A pau Sod | DRY OR LIQUID : mm a : Girls' Coats, sizes 7-12 "LIFE NOT % REGISTERED TRADE MARK SLeAcH tou rt th Sag They're worth eve t of 2 99 me jobs, Liquid for others. Bo 3 very cent o GROUP TWO Re «+ « Reg. to 27.95 WORTH LIVING? $ SANITIZES AS IT CLEANS forms are similarly efficient in kit ond so gay for Summer Prints = and plains in sizes 10 to 18. Full Girls' Coat Sets, sizes 46x chen, bathroom and laundry. J.458 Then wake up the liver! \\L/ \\\MALZ/ ny, LY ry mt © > You know that sour, sur pate JAVEX 9) i styles with a high holiday lift. Girls' Separate Coats, sizes 7-12 - VES : flies | GIN ans ut 3 ER 3 Epon OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE feel that lif ~ Tats when 1. hot wenn ACTION e Carter's 1 " ' 5 Bhs veowsbie oils hob Simei ZIT JT TTT JT Ret shes Ton in gro0s ' KING STREET AT STEVENSON'S RD. BR Ti Cri er Open Baily tos, Wed: tv 12:20, ri So 9 pum. '3 < \