Simooe Hall Moote MUl Newly (5 I. dg fo 3 T° wat Susu. Suns wt 3. 7504 |press reporter, Mrs. Wilson An-| 'Speaker Reveals at HES Meeting "iors. ruc airane Loo tY QuSCD with a violin solo accompanied, Renounces Title ! t % | Mr. Harold McNeill, Director of the father is imprisoned, and re- i 3 4 Simcoe Hall, was the guest|habilitation aid given on his re He Piano by His sister, Sato, LONDON (AP) -- June Cooper, [speaker atthe monthly meeting turn. The Hall has a budget serv-/,c ciation Mrs. R. G. Bell pre-|16-vear - old Sheffield shopgirl, HOUSEHOLD HINT {of E. A. Lovell Home and School ice which helps people to handle| onioq 5 gift to Mrs. Myrna Bay-| gave up her title of Miss England, An auto belt is one of the wis. | Association. il 5s bat Jehels oney wisely and pay off." ocently married. |Saturday because her mother de-|est investments you can mak : ; Mr. McNeill is also probation their debts. Fre ci she was too young to go to for your baby's safety -- a Compa jshe may win a.slagt-needle post | [officer of the Juvenile Court and FAMILY COURT | Refreshments were served by|y,. united States and compete in|your own. Some new varieties |attendance officer for the local| A family court was started in/Mrs. Robert Pritchard and her the Miss Universe contest. permit the child to stand, 'sit or This folorful event will be held able sewing machine and iavel on Wedwaday, May 7, 1950 at Sluer dress seat lo New York. Board of Education. His subject|1g54 and last year through its|group. | A new contest will be held Fri-|lie down. Many are washable. SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT Amateur Dressmakers To Model Their Own Creations In Contest An eveit of interest to every|not successful in the open divi- woman fis spring will be the rion. The winner -in this group) fashion show and local judging of will receive a beautiful fitted] the 1958 Sewing Contest sponsored sewing case and her dress will| by the Singer Sewing Machine go to the regional judging. Here | day to find another Miss England. June, whose father is a coal miner, won the Miss England title in a contest with 23 of the coun- try's most beautiful girls, Sireet Ty , Thi Hall, Boa ee tp oe oo, og ; was "Meeting some of the prob- efforts $48,000 was collected from| Appriximately 30 women from watch the Sew-Off and a first' y ; {lems of our young people. delinquent husbands to support, Oshawi and district will com. grand prize of $5000 4 7 { In 1928 the Women's Welfare families who would otherwise, pete. Al are amateurs, All have| The panel of judges will be {League was formed at the start have been a charge on the city. | qualififi by completing a course Miss Ann Ponicky, an authority in hong dressmaking in the sew- on dressmaking construction, ing rogn of the company under Mrs. Evelyn Montgomery, pro- the tufjrship of Mrs. Vera Hollis. |prietress of Montgomery's Ladies | The fontestants themselves will Wear, and Mrs. Helen Malachow-' model | the dresses they have ski, proprietress of La Vogue made (nd prizes will be awarded Jacqueline Dress Shop, who will to up lo two women who may judge both construction and style. Soutiup to fame and fortune in| Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle, women's the najonal finals. editor of The Oshawa Times- The yinner in the open division Gazette will do the fashion com- will réleive a handsome fitted mentary as the models display scissor set. Her dress will be their dresses. Entertainment dur- sent 4 the Toronto Regional ing intermission will be provided Judging, where she may win the by the Harvey Dance Academy. | very latet Singer cabinet sewing| All women who like to sew will | machine, a free 10-day trip to be interested to see what others, New Yorl to compete in the like themselves, can accomplish. | grand sewoff for the first grand Admission to the contest is free prize of $5,000. and in order to make sure of a A new dvision has been added seat it would be wiser to pick vo the conmest this year. Women up a complimentary ticket, with| in the 18 :25 age group will be a chance of a door prize, at the judged in be Young Homemaker Singer Sewing Centre, 14 Ontario division, ifone of this group is street, without delay. Rebekah Lodge 77th Birthday Attended By Over 200 Guests The ie' meeting of Re- contact Sister Viola Keeler or Lorri Kim, fifteen months old, bekah Ifige No. 3 was held re. Sister Ada Tonkin. is the daughter of Mr. and cently ifthe Lodge rooms with! Volunteers were asked for the Mrs. Gino Gatto, King street Noble (and, Sister Alice Lan- CP and T tag day on June 14. east. She is the granddaughter ning, prpiding with vice grand, Church parade was announced ©of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Gatto, Sister iy Harper, assisting. for Sunday, May 4. Members Over attended to celebrate were asked to meet at 6.45 in . the 77tH birthday of Rebekah front of the Imperial Bank, cor- North Simcoe H-S BONNIE LORI KIM lof the depression, to provide ma- Mr, McNeill cited cases of the [terials for needy people.. STARTED IN 1933 {Simcoe Hall came into being in '1933 and the Robson homestead was ted. which b {known as "Simcoe Hall" and fills the need for many material things which government aid can- not supply. They receive help % 'from the Red Feather Fund. '| In 1933 it was suggested that | teen age girls often needed help and the Hall became a member of the Big Sisters organization, and helped fill this need. There is a manual training class affiliated \with the Boys Clubs of Canada {which helps train young boys. j NURSERY SCHOOL Simcoe Hall operates a nursery school, and 50 per cent of chil- dren are recommended by doc- tors and psychiatrists. school is operated in summer, corrective speeches in speech training are given, also piano les- sons at a very small cost. There are fish and game meet- ings and boys belonging are taken [leagues in the 13-16 and 16-18 year classes. GOLDEN AGE CLUB The Golden Age Club for peo- granddaughter of Mr. E. 8. [ple 70 years and older has been Burley, Oshawa. in operation for the past eight Photo by Ireland vears, and recently have been a ---S ha ~ able to bring members over from Fairview Lodge to join the fun. Help is given to families where | Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. E A. Burley, Montreal, and great- Plans are underway for the an- nual trip to Toronto for the A play on trips, also there are baseball |various forms of delinquency | !found among teen agers, which] |ranged from drunkenness, to {shoplifting and insubordination. | It is difficult for the average {person to realize how many of] {these problems there are, and {the workers of Simcoe Hall avoid {bringing them to court as far as possible if they can he helped otherwise. When a child is brought to [juvenile court and is placed on |probation, he may report once a week to Simcoe Hall or may join |in their activities. Most young- | sters prefer to join one or more of the different groups, and re- | ceive help in this way. Mr. McNeill was introduced by. Mr. R. H. Broadbent and thank- ed by Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mrs. Cyril Powell presided at the meeting. Teachers roll call was won by Miss Aileen Found's room. A report was given by Mrs. E. H. Heavens on the recent H and S convention held in Ham- ilton. Mrs. Byron Worden read the names of officers nominated for {the coming year: past president, Mrs. Cyril Powell; president, Mrs. Nicholas Lakas; vice-presi- dents, Mrs. Byron Worden and Mrs. Everett Graham; recording secretary, Mrs, E. H. Heavens; treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Bell; exe- cutive committee, Mrs. Robert Pritchard, Mrs. George Mikosh, LADIES' WEAR LTD. Blacks * Golf Dresses WITH MATCHING CAP So beautiful, so easy on your budget! Yes, these are the fashions that will keep you looking your best . . . Fresh, new styles and fabrics that resist wrinkles and take little cdre. An exclusive fabric developed by In the new REVOLENE (Riverside's Luxury SIMCOE ST. NORTH Lodge ent fr Ajax, Port Perry, Brooklin and Whitby Sunshine Lodges. Sister Evelyn Fickes, district| deputy prefient of district No. 8 was Introdued by Sister Gladys Blythe. Siste Mabel Disney was . 3. Sisters were pres- per of Simcoe and Athol streets. April Meeting The April meeting of North contact Mr. William Frost for Simcoe Home and School Asso- details. ciation was held recently with i : Mrs. William Fitches presiding Lucky prize winners for the quring the business session in Degree practice for the St. Catharines trip was called for May 5. Members were asked to |Eighth Grade pupils, Mrs. Leo| Glover is convening this event! Mrs. Roy C. Day and Mrs. Wil- liam Fitches attended the Home | and School Convention at the Royal Connaught Hotel in Hamil- ton earlier this month, and Mrs. Fitches gave a report on pro- FUR STORAGE TIME for FREE Bonded Pick-up Terylenc Fabric) plain or striped SIZES 12 to 20 16.95 DAN RIVER SIZES 12 to 20 10.95 welcomed. evening were Sisters Cole, Par- the absence of the president, The sick tport was given by don, Parkin, Couch, Ball, McDon- Mrs. Roy C. Day. vice grand, ister Lena Harper. ald, Jacklin, Shaw, Tippett, Peel,| Mrs, Stanley Gales, acting- An invitationrom St. Catherine's Stoneburg, Kirkbride, Taylor, secretary read the minutes, and Empress Loge to put on the Glover, Harper, Shemilt, McIn- also gave the treasurer's report Degree on My 27 was accepted. aly, Fields, Burgess, Paterson, The annual Valentine Bridge re- Other invitatins to attend birth- Hill, Reynolds, Alpine, Irish, Rob- port was read, and showed the day parties pre received from lertson, McPhee, St. Andrews, Lit- affair was financially, as well as Sunshine , Oshawa, May 5; ner, Hawke, Cookston, Norton, socially successful. Maybelle Likge, Port . Perry,, (Little, Harmer, Elliott, Christie,! A 1 : a . May 20, andPickering, Rebekah Spencer, Cooper, Whalley, Gib {ps Matinew Sulton Save 2. Lodge. |son, Glide, Hughes, Burns, Dis- | jes, which this year were held Several day eards from ney, Burk, Mepstead, Wirsching, |iy two sessions due to the large Sister Lodgd and members were Johnston, Andrews, Lavender, lenrollment. protective foods. The specific dy- ance of her slimming program. ceedings there. Mrs. D. J. McLean called upon Dr. C. C. Stewart, medical offic- er of health, who introduced the guest speaker, Dr. H. R, Rozelle, | who is a specialist in internal | medicine, and a Fellow of the| Royal College of Physicians. His | subject was "Health problems of | the Teen-age child." Mrs, D. H.| Rice thanked the speaker. 26 SIMCOE Phone RA 5-2722 Fashion UL "FUR SALON" ST. SOUTH Shop now, while our selection is at it's very best. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. AAA AE EE RE RFR rT Bringing Up Baly AINTS COLLECTED BY MRS, DAN GERBER, MOTHER OF § AAA EE EE EE ERR FRE) This is National | vide an easy way to offer your bab Baby Week and I| cereal variety. Choose ay Rice, can't think of a| Barley, Oatmeal, Wheat, Mixed brate this happy | Each has ss ower ore FOO occasion than to take advantage of | bland but distinc. this special Gerber offer. For patents | tive flavor, especi of lovely babies, everywhere, Gerber |ally su ite offers a delightful recording called | baby's unsophis- "What is a Baby" . . . narrated by|ticated palate. Rosemary Clooney, charming TV| When mixed with star and mother of 3. It's an irresis- | formula or milk, tible biography of your baby and all all six have the creamy-smooth tex- babies told with ture that feels good on a delicate tenderness, humor | little tongue. As for nutrition, all and insight. On| Gerber Baby Cereals are fortified pe other side of with iron, calcium and B-vitamins. cord, iss . . * Clooney sings 2 p,egsin We lg @ idea. If you have a sleeve favorite Juilabies} board, youll nd it's much easier to oo - s ] i aby's tiny garments on it. It's Eves", ang All the Pretty Little perfect for pressing little puffed q sleeves and ruffled pretties. -. . . For your copy of this 7 inch 3314 Lp Columbia record of "What is a Baby", send 50¢ and 6 Gerber labels or boxtops to Dept. R, Gerber Baby | Foods, Box 4027, Terminal A, Toronto, Canada. Offer expires Dec. 31, 1958. speed this task: (1) Fold at least a full day's supply of diapers at one time. Be surprised what a time-saver this is. (2) When you diaper baby on his bath table, anchor him with the saisty Shap This leaves you free to | use bot ands . . , really speeds National Baby Week or any week, diapering. Gerbe iBaby Foods ; rou'll find the 6 Gerber Cereals pro-| Niagara Falls, Canada. y . . . THESE EXTRA SERVICES 2 Diaper do's that simplify and | a METROPOLITAN STORES MAY SALE "Specials" STARTS TOMORROW 9 A.M. -- BARGAINS GALORE! LADIES" NYLONS FIRST QUALITY, 51 GAUGE. SIZE 812 TO 11. SPRING SHADES. wir], 19 3 | LADIES' BRIEFS SIZE S,M,L. ASSORTED COLORS. INFANT'S PLASTICIZED SILK & RAYON PRINT INSIDE FROSTED read. A 15ear jewel pin was Jacklin, Walters, Linklater, Bar-| i . I The subject of a school uni presented { Sister Dolly An- ker, Snelgrove, Moffat, Walley, form for girls was brought up, drews by hr mother, Sister Lu- Holder, Reeves, Spencer, Wit- and papers were passed among ella Bagshy. |shire, Gibbs, Bickle, Farrow, those in attendance in order that The rumiage sale of Rebekah Burk, Kieshenko, Joplin. they might record their thoughts. Lodge No.3 is to be held on| Following the closing of Lodge The papers were later collected May 15 orn May 22 in case of 'a birthday supper was served in|and this subject will be discussed rain at Simoe Hall. Anyone hav- the banquet hall convened by Sis- further at a later meeting. In the ing any rnmage was asked tolter Shorten and her committee. discussion on the uniform it was Saas eestrpeitstm------------ - ~---------- clearly stated that even though - , the idea was adopted there would KEEP 'N TRIM be no enforcement of a rule as participation would be purely vol- . untary. De Di t A ks Room count showed Miss Cum- Spalring e ers S {mings' room the winner of par- H T B {ent attendance plaque for April. I Members who assisted with the »w To Budge Last Few Pounds jira, ee sess, mie ly DA JEAN KAIN [anything that might help? 1 My LAAN Phi Teducsrs who mave. Jost TWO POSSIBLE COURSES |William Gibble and Mrs. D. F. or 300 go are puzzled because At this point, our dieter may Johnston. the lit pounds are stubborn to choose between two courses. She All members were asked to re- budge The fact is can struggle along on a stringent turn their nomination forms as food take is drastically cut over diet, or she can try this plan: S000 as Possible to either Mrs a of period of time nature HOI weight at present level for Neil Fraser, Mrs. Arnold Broad- Startao conserve and uses less|> 10 4 weeks. Then resume diet bent or Mrs. Stanley Gales, fuel. | other words, metabolism 301 ¥ 1 12 pounds are lost. : lower the system shifts into low go old weight. Resume diet enthusiasm for further reducing gear, nd actually gets along on °F 900 to 1,000 calories a day, but| About diet -- the reducer who Jess fid. This economy of energy SteP UP exercise to tone flabby diets on less than 900 calories a Is a rotective measure on na- muscles as well as burn more day should be under the direct ture'smart, but from the reduc-| calories. The holding weight pe- supervision of a doctor. Even the er's ewpoint, it doesn't seem riod gives the system a chance 900 calorie diet should be supple- like nich of a favor. lo adios to the lowered weight mented with concentrated miner- : ib in.s . als and vitamins to insure same oh ue Plucky diaer Welles: To maintain weight at normal, amounts of essential nutrients. fo 208n the last two years 1/the best plan is to eat generous| The dieter in today's story has starteion a '1,000 calorie a day amounts of protein and continue uncommon courage. We all wish diet. Gt then the pounds got| Dullding menus around the other her every success with the bal t , and{ Pro buen ie vi Yon namic action of protein helps to to 800 900 calories a day The build slimness, and the energy last boths have been rather CATTy-Over makes it easier for toughsledding, and only by a our dieter to hold on to the new drastiicut have I beep able to food habits, lose aything at all. And here's a morale boosting "I bd my health checked, and promise: Our model can slim off everyling is fine except my | inches with a few stretch-bend weigh Will it harm me to con- exercises even though she is not, tinue n a very rigid diet until I|losing pounds. Exercise at this|§ reachny goal of 150 pounds? 1|stage is most rewarding, Restor- have ie will power to diet, but'ing elasticity to the muscles dis- no inintive when the pounds do courages a return of the fat, not dappear. Can you suggest slims measurements and bolsters MOE oe a » \\\\u PEEK FREAN'S are available to you at ' Johnstons (Oshawa) Ltd. FREEMANS RENTAL SERVICE--Clothes for all occasions BOY SCOUT AND CLUB CLOTHING with all accessories in stock or serviced. STETSON HAT REBUILDING--Ycur Steson Hat Factory Re-built-Relined and Trimmed. AQUASCUTUM (CANADA) VALET SERVICE-- Your Aquascutum Coat Factory Cleaned and Repaired. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS to Your Clothes PANTIES ASSORTED SIZES & COLORS Il 27 «poi HEADSQUARES 32" x 32" FLORAL PRINTS a7- LAMPS 40 & 60-WATT 4 for 509. ENGLISH WHITE CUPS & SAUCERS 3tr 57 CUPS ONLY -- 3 FOR 37¢ 100% PURE NYLON YARN 3-ply, 1-ounce balls 3 for QO FRAMED PICTURES 90 scene and flower subjects. Va x 7Va. 73. 5TO x» DECORATED TUMBLERS x 9 TO a for 37- 4a for 43 "DON'T FORGET TO VISIT OUR LUNCH COUNTER FOR FULL COURSE MEALS, SNACKS and REFRESHMENTS" METROPOLITAN STORES 60 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 3-3273 612-0Z. 11%2-0Z, by an Expert Tailor on Our Premises. You't Like ® Advice to the Lovelorn -- By Appointment Only i::a8 nice as the name implies. Nice to serve with afternoon tea, with a lunch or dinner dessert. Nice any time! PEEK FREAN'S FOR OVER 100 YEARS Wakers off Jamous BISCUITS And If You Don't See It . . . Ask For It At . .. J Johnstons (Oshawa) Ltd. RA 5-4511 15¢ Corry packet In yur car when by travel. & SIMCOE ST. N.