Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Apr 1958, p. 8

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gs and Mrs. Harry Dyas, Cadillac avenue north, She is the grand- | CHILD GUIDANCE Alert Parents Can Help [ear devin f | i liary met at the home of Mrs, 4 Y HAPPY RETURNS, JANE Jane Margaret, one year old | daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. J. |the April meetin Mrs. Edgar today, Is the daughter of Mr. | Dyas and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bradley Riri 4 ud Holtfoster, all of Oshawa Photo by Ireland Children To Overcome Fears Ry G. CLEVELAND MYERS, , Suppose your child, 20 months 2 |" LODGES AND "GROUPS, CLUBS [MARY HAWORTH MAIL AUXILIARIES | Finds Separation Intolerable | When Husband Away On Job | « Dear Mary Haworth: My hus-(and vice versa. And the earlier| : ' band's work has taken him away in marriage the separation oc- geegutly with worshipful master from home for 18 months. We|curs, the greater the risk that Mrs. G. M. Hamilton, a new correspond regularly, of course, they will drift apart, emotionally, 4 Mrs. and 1 have taken a job to make and thus will feel stronger to shipful master Brother Willard 1 | 5TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. | The president, Mrs. Frank Johns, presided at the monthly] | meeting of the 5th Scout Mothers'| Auxilialry, held at Northminister| United Church. | member, was introduced by |Johns, | Plans were completed for the Ithe time pass more quickly, floral arrangements by Mrs. | will not think so much, Thomas Fairbrother Sr. Mrs,| 1 have heard the old saying: Wallace Holmes is convener of) the tea. (Mrs, Ja ck Kellington and Mrs, comes back? {J. D. Guiltinan, | We have always been very |close, and now it seems I am NORTH OSHAWA PARK AUX. building a life for The North Oshawa Park Auxil-| daughter and myself away from him. This is the first time we road! have been apart since we mar- p Mrs. ried. 1 seem to be living only David Hutcheon, presiding. for the day he returns -- ean | The secretary, Mrs. Lloyd while unable to take much inter- | Dalby, read the minutes of the'est in anything. iprevious meeting. The treasur-| What do you think of couples |ér's report was given by Mrs. being separated this way, due to {Melville Hodgson. jobs, etc.? Does it make them | Mrs. Hutcheon gave a report| closer, appreciate each other {on the booth at the park whichimore? Or what? Thank you for {the members of the auxiliary the favor of an early reply. L.P. {operated during the skating sea- ABSENCE A HARDSHIP son, | |" A banquet was planned for the, Dear L.P.: In the case of Ifathers and sons of the Pee Wee emotionally well-balanced, men- {hockey team to be held on April tally mature persons, capable of 19 at 6,30 p.m, Mrs. Fred Welch forming positive and enduring at- will convene the banquet. tachmepts (not mere childish self-concerned clinging), it may SIMCOE STREET WA be that absence of the beloved (Group Three) | tends to make the heart grow fon- Group Three of the Woman's der. Somewhat a matter of dis- Association of Simcoe Street Unit-| tance lending enchantment to the ed Church met at the home of view. Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Division| But even so, even amongst |street, last Friday afternoon for morally steadfast couples, it is necessary to make a real consis tent effort to keep alive a sense of complete belonging. Each must contribute faithfully to a mutual fund of interests, that can be mentally shared, during absence from one another, That is, if sympathetic under- standing and mutual "other'- awareness are to be maintained This is the essence of affectional closeness But in honesty we must face the fact that separation, for a lengthy period, is indeed a hard- James Randall, Taunton east, with the president, | The flower convener reported flowers had been sent to the shut- in members at Easter, Mrs Bradley + reported that the /Woman's Association had decided to continue the quarterly meet- Jong to go to Sandalwood Restaurant on May 2 at 12.30 for luncheon, after which the regular meeting will be held at the group leader's home, An interesting program follow- Sometimes the loneliness seems when they meet again, dessert tea, that will be held on| unbearable; and I keep busy,| 3 April 30 and the attraction to be wearing myself out, so that 1| CHRONIC INSECURITY "Absence makes the heart grow {fonder But is this true? Will Refreshments were served by things be the same after he our little When we parents are wise and old rightened by the vacuum ed the business. Mrs. Bradley ship and a hazard to the average SOCIETIES VICTORIA LODGE Spencer, each other--or alien In spirit-- respective chairs, Your desperate sentiment of living only for the day your hus- | {gests that you are bothered by Sister Susan Spencer. chronic insecurity feelings, in re spect to love; and also that you, y have a marked dependency bias, ferent committee In short, you aren't a self-con- fident, self-reliant, happy nature, | even in the best of circumstances Lodge, Port Hope, were pres- --s0 the present trial seems in- ent and the Scarlet Degree was ordinately hard to bear. conferred on Sister Lorraine Mar- A grown-up character |same circumstances might have chall and the officers addressed a continuing sense of living with|the meeting briefly, a handicap--as if the right arm, The draw prizes donated by Sis- were missing--but an inner ad-lter Mary Abbott, Sister Annie justment would be made. A cer- yMitchell and Brother tain stoicism would develop; and Thompson were won by Sister life would be going ahead, hav-|yettie Fenton and Brother | ing daily significance in the here:|Keeler - and two went to and-ndw--with certain time set g,ne syste; i . ultiv aside, systematically, for cultiva Yt was' announced that there with . would be a penny sale at the next meeting. 8. Several members and officers | ting friendship (via mail the absent spouse It is possible that you are try ing to make your correspondence with your husband a major sub stitute for his company. You may invest too much thought and feeling, in a diffuse way, in this thread of communication -- for example, making mental notes of Her Royal Highness, Princess what to tell him or recalling aid what he has written, during most | Margaret, will visit the Stratford of your waking time. In short, re- Festival to attend a command | veries of this type may be tak- performance of 'The Winter's y i inter ing the Place ol Meaninglul Jo "male" on the evening of July 31, and Tolatives. davioday. announced today. The Prin. ha Temedv for : ill be in Canada to attend get interested in helping others in relieving their needs: in shar ing their woes. A first step In ? that direction is to join a church! A special command jazz con- group devoted to neighborly good cert will be presented for the works. Ask your pastor for guid- Royal Party in the Festival Thea- ance. To Visit Stratford ale 1bor Vancouver Festival, letters ctoria Lodge, Loyal True Blue 55, held its regular meeting jrother Willard Spencer, and de- gular meeting recently with wor- and deputy mistress, Sister Mary Thompson, in their Devotional exercises were per- formed by the chaplain, Sister ; Elda Howard, Sister Ruth Gat. band returns is symptomatic of|chell called the Roll, Repeating of personality problems, quite aside|lecture by director of ceremonies, from his absence, I think, It sug- Sister Joan Ewen, and conductor, Reports were given by the dif- of Ann Little Memorial True Blue in the shall of Port Hope, Sister Mar- Fred For Princess Margaret Mrs. D, G. Langmald, Regent | and games to Mrs. W, J. Stire, the British Columbia Centennial © Age Club enjoyed the 9th an-| 'lcelebration and the opening of the [nual Birthday Party given them Such enterprise will tend tre by Duke Ellinton and his or- packets of candies and fav to get your mind off self, reduce chestra the same afternoon, It is leach place, your tension, add zest to your reported that Mr. Ellinton will candles and and speed the passage of write a new composition for the |cake added to the festive atmos- VETERAN TEACHER NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP)--Mrs. James Daley, who has taught Sunday school at Feronia United Church near here since 1901, marked her 57th Easter service this year, still spry at age 92. SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr, and Mrs, Harold V. Bate- man, 410 Athol street east, be at home to their neighbors and friends on Tuesday, April 22, 2to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. on the occasion of thelr silver wedding anniversary. FREE BIKES IPSWICH, England (CP)--More than 850 schoolchildren in East Suffolk now go to school on bi cycles provided by the county ed- ucation committee, The bicycles are provided for children living in rural a of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, president of te Golden Age IODE, i= seen presenting cards | party. Golden Age Club Entertained By Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE About 90 members of the Gold- Age Club, and said that Chapter embers were glad of the oppor {tunity to help the Golden Age | by the Golden Jubilee Chapter,|Club each week and wished them [1ODE, last Thursday. many more birthdays. 'he tables looked quite gay, A presentati " with eovers decorated with red oh Preseviation of candy 2nd white and blue giteamers, auf president, Mrs, Fred Stire, Win. 3 A ners of the draw for the flowers Sprins Howers Aud were, Mrs, J. B. Sutton, Mr. Rob a large birthday ert Reader, and Mrs. Mary Hood. « INVITATIONS « RECEPTION CARDS AAAS PS Complete Selection Prompt Delivery ® Wedding Serviettes ® Wedding Cake Boxes aa aaa al Walmsley & Magi) 9 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA -- RA 5-3506 skillful enough, we can prevent|c man's relationship' to his wife, time. M.H Mrs. H. A, Ward . Whate who | Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 15, 1958 KEEP IN TRIM Shared Experiences Can Give New Hope To Despairing Dieter | By IDA JEAN KAIN reported that she had been in | Slimming, to be successful, spired by her example to take re- | must be part of a new hope. If| ducing action. The letter con ¥ EL : you have been overweight for tinues: i | many unhappy years, you may 'Please warn my young friend i feel unable to cope with your that when she loses 10 pounds to problem. When you find that be very careful or she will be in someone else in fact, many my shoes. I suppose we are too others--are in the same dilemma ashamed to reveal our names and eager to join forces, you get|But couldn't we be Mrs. Y and! a new incentive to pull out of the Mrs, X and report to you every rut and make a vigorous start, [first and fifteenth of the month Your dietitian has heard again|and in Ihis from the despairing overweight progress who appealed for help the first of That's a wonderful plan Diet- the year, After a good beginning, can be a lonely business. she slipped back. Now she is the plan. of sharing your concert to mark the important phere, occasion Mrs, Emery Baldry as mis- convened the party, was assisted Her Royal Highness' visit to !ress of ceremonies introduced By MS Gales, Mrs, E. F.| Stratford will be very brief, Ac. (the various numbers, Two ver- | &T¥ (itd R. A. Patte, Mrs,| |cording to Festival officials, the stile young Oshawa boys, Wally 3, M. Philips. Mrs. H. 8. Sliter,| Princess will arrive the morning [and Gary Gales, showed a great ro Fe, woo wrdoch, Mrs, H. {of July 31 and leave directly after deal of talent in their act in which |' ell, and Mrs, H. E, Ramshaw. | : 7 the evening performance. | Wally played the trap drums and LLB [1] PLANT A HEDGE" - "ORDER NOW" All public sale of tickets for 3808 several solos, and Gary 'SHIPPED AT THE PROPER PLANTING TIME) CHINE . layed the piano and the accor- these command performances has |b Tw, Rw, awe een suspended until the Hospital- dion. Twenty Sweet Adeliners SE ELM | Ts EM PRIVET | R0SA_WULTIFLORA "AMURENSE"" tv Committee" of the Canadian |'nder the leadership of Mr. variety, medium ) U, - Government has completed its ar- Dewey Tution kept Heth 2a growth--the only hardy kind; 12. rangements for the Boyal Party. an Oshawa Barbershop Quartet, | A more detailed announcement of | are in rare form and Introduc- the Princess' activities at Strat- oq a new instrument made from | ford will be announced by Festiv-| a wash tub which caused a good al officials in mid-May. deal of wonder and amusement, Inch size, 100 for | $15.95; 18. inch size, 25 for $6.98, or $22.95 per 100, RE Mrs. D. G. Langmald remark- ER EE ONE RED SPIRAEA SHRUB . told the story of the Passion fears jittie Sigren have or| H some person take him to pjay given at Oberammergau, in least reduce or dispel them. anoth room or g 3 The newborn infant yor ii i or Foi n_ distance the Bavarian Alps, which she had fenly lowered, may throw out its vacuum is on, He might be will.| SSR some years ago, This was A illustrated with colored pictures sands and show catchiness of ing to come closer to it, grad- M G. W. Sk N | sreath. So, too, when you strike ually, or to touch it when it is| oo: tr WW 20 uce sang a Negro | your foot against his bassinet. not going. Letting it stand in the spiritual, Sweet Little Jesus After a few months, loud sounds middle of the room, when not in ind strange persons may arouse might help him get used to vigns of fear in him too The infant of several months| An TITICPATE may react with either interest or ANTITICE ATE HIS FEARS lear to strange objects or crea. Foreseeing any possible cause for fear, try to be with him, tures : cuddle him, read to him or play mo: at served refresh. ments, assisted by Mrs. R. F Aitchison, Mrs. Leonard Richer and Mrs E. W. Webber, The hostess | of ft, Easy--Fastest Growing 12-inch size, 100 for $7.95; 18.inch size, 100 for $12.95; 2.1. size, 25 for $6.49, or $24.98 per 100; 3.11, size, 25 for $8.98, or $34.95 per 100. "Nature's Hea Hordy Roses i branched size, for § $14.98 -------- RED BARBERRY Maroon-rea all seq. son, 12-inch size, 28 for $8.98 or er VV. | $32.05 per 100, (2 ft.) FOR EARLY ORDERS COLORED GARDEN GUIDE AY NURSERIES ESET R FERRARA RANA ERRRRRRRIES {ed on the growth of the Golden SHOWS WAY - FREE ALSO CANADA'S FINEST | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Miss BROOKDALE-KINGSW. | Helen McTague, recently elected president of the Essex Law Asso- BOWMANVILLE oS SS RELI IL ciation, is the first woman to fill] the post, | . STORE HOURS: rou, wey YOUB F888 Dgily 9am. fo 5.30 p.m. Roa OWNTOWN Except Wednesday '. (Halla PEN FRIDAY NIGHT -~ TILL 9 P.M. TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 METAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS | 21 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S WEEK and way compare our and Miss Nora Foulds, of Lon- don, Those who attended from the] Oshawa Club were: Miss Jennie Pringle, president; Miss Made- | gested ready to try again and has sug. a method of instilling friendly competition into her| slimming program. Here Is her letter: : struggles and triumphs can turn a dreaded ordeal into a challeng- ing venture. You no longer feel hopelessly alone in your problem This warning, following a 10 pound loss, may have come just SPECIAL BUYS COMBED COTTON FOR BOYS "wl! SHIRTS 67- For ages 8 to 14, Money-saving value in Boys' Delegates representing Albert rect Home and School Associa- St tion at the Ontario- Federation of FEAR OF STRANGERS . n for a tot to get over specific| A large representation from as some person comes close to . pe fears, formed Scarborough Club at rom fears of strange per- || spi | ge per-|10. may aspire to one of the pro-|ypioy "will constitute the first | helping him grow gradually ad 'hat | ore r 3 8 What more important in his Special guests at the dinner in- The child who has shown no in school ; Ss ele in school, It is almost useless for ganic of' the men's service clubs year, may suddenly be frightened ! field of volunteer effort more of them, PERSONAL the evening. Among those pres-| one, two or three, may be fright-|noq.000h 0 shaw a boulevard/ance Company and treasurer of i 1 an airplane overhead, clap of 0" coq a position on the Canada Regional Governor, Miss a'1] 1 colv , nG: he'll be less likely to experience prenticeship in the Times-Gazette city and is wished the very best that, although I lost 10 y g sBR ihe Mrs. Reva Cheriton has been Black, Mrs, C. M. Elliott, Mrs. | other dieter who also was in company, I shall be able to carry| woman, who had gained 50 ex- Auxiliary and cubmaster, she was lations today, their 50th wedding Park, Mrs. Olive Petley, Miss | : Attending the annual meeting chuk, Mrs. Walton Bestwick, | weight 197 pounds, who wrote| _it is just like a sickness, being THE STARS SAY ters of the Empire, which opens mer, Prince Philip Chapter and FOR TOMORROW and over-sensitiveness now. Be'ey, Golden Jubilee Chapter tention your skills and talents are cur- Mrs, Lloyd Burkett. Other mem- try and enlarge the scope of Newton Wright and Mrs. K. E imagination, you do not always + enjoying the company gress, try to overcome this hesi- For example, it will show fear Soroptimists Form when a puppy jumps at it or sud. With him if or when it arises Al- wa ke plant of time Mothers are glad when the, a\ baby shows no fear of strangers fears, and have fewer of them, |the Soroptimist International of than to mingle normally with Oshawa and district attended the him and speaks to him or picks ; Bim up. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Guildwood Hall on April 12, The Toronto Club sponsors the sons by having them keep at a fes 8 like : y 8 P fessions like medicine, denstry, women's service clab in the Scar. usted to any creature or thing preparation righ yw? h : lure o preparation right now cluded Reeve - A, M, Campbell tear of any person or thing or hi rv k him or 1 to look forward to in the township, all of whom wel- by any of them. Furthermore | Miss Gertrude Moore of the To- STRANGE SOUNDS Mr. Duane (8id) Dodsworth, ent were Miss L. Grace Nicholls, ened, by the running of the vac north, left by car yesterday for|Soroptimist International; Miss thunder, shrieking of a fire en-\ponii0ion Herald. Mr. Dodsworth|Helen Manchester, past governor such fears while being held In composing room. He has been GOOD HELPER of luck in his new endeavor by|line Kelly, vice-president; Miss| ounds, I gained them back, Per- i " s de- awarded the medal of merit byl Mr, and Mrs. Oscar H. Downey, |Lillian Jackson. Miss Mary phghy | spired to take action with the de rough." (Her letter refers to TOBY p appointed commissioner for wolf anniversary. throug cess pounds in four years, had Hamilton of the Provincial Miss Stella Stacey and Miss through the column to encourage at» Here is her latest report: By ESTRELLITA tomorrow, will be Mrs, W, F. Mrs. Douglas Langmaid, Mrs. | Some tendencies toward emo- Harold Ramshaw, Mrs, John tactful, and don't let minor dif ferences of opinion get out of FOR THE BIRTHDAY Home and School Associations If tomorrow is your birthday, convention held in Hamilton last rently under fine stimuli and it bers who attended were Mrs. would pay--especially during the Lloyd Annis, Mrs. Lloyd Patter your activities--if not in your Mitten own field, then in an allied one Little items of social news are give free rein to your inspiration or have been yisiting as you should. For the sake of iy not telephone 3-3474 tancy and put over your very fine ideas and plans, denly barks Ld ys take slant of time, | New Club In Area and discouraged when he cries children who rarely have such!charter banquet of the newly ye protéct the infant or little , W pt Kt Q. We lope that our sof, now organization of the new unit, roper distance from him, by law or engineeri prope law or engineering, borough community, from which he tends to shrink or hi ar h A. For him to earn good grades and Mrs, Campbell and the presi sound at six months, or even a these professio ' hese professions if he doesn't comed a women's group into the this fear may extend to more and {ronto Club was the chairman of N 3 Many little children, of age o's" nf and Mrs. Wilfred director of the Mutual Life Insur- uum cleaner, nose of the wind British Columbia, where he has Florence Cross, Ottawa; Eastern gine siren and the like. However, . his six-year printing ap- someone's arms or by the hand. |, ive in the sports Nite of this "1 feel ashamed to have to re- : to help an- HAMILTON (CP) -- Housewife his many friends Maud Bassett, Mrs. Donald|port in the nick of time to help an {haps now that I have reducing real " A the Boy Scouts Association. A Myrtle, are receiving congratu- Miss Doris Moore, Mrs, Florence spairing overweight. This young | 8 5 [Jean Scott, Mrs, William Bud-|the young mother, aged 24,| yn jtten: "I, too, cry many nights cubs In 190 ) in - rel | Chapter, Imperial Order Daugh- Grace Winnee. this despairing overweight and| "I have lost 10 pounds. I feel Mercer and Mrs, W. C. S. Lar By ESTRELLITA tionalism warn against bickering Houghton and Mrs. William Lock- hand, thus leading to serious con your horoscope indicates that | week were Mrs, G, V. Lee and next three months--for you to!Son, Mrs. Hayden Kemp, Mrs, Despite your fine intuition and , © 0 000s in this column. advancement and future pro your pleasure with From May until November the lanetary accent will be on per- naviona Beach, Florida, where ' ere | { Just out of this world happy. "My husband and friends do not know about my dieting, They wouldn't believe me anyway, because I've tried so often and failed--but I've | neverggone along with other diet- {ers. Now I have a feeling that this is it! I'm exercising and staying with the right pattern of eating, "I hope my start will encourage | a others to begin, too, I'll send you Pi ; |a picture of me now and when J ' get slim." ° RUSSIAN SACK The controversial capitalistic sack style has caught on be- hind the Iron Curtain. Soviet women apparently have accept- | ed the formless sack as the fashionable outfit to wear, ac- | cording to a recent Russian publication, 'Soviet Woman." This gray tweed sack can be drawn in with a belt for the "timid" women who feel shy about trying the baggy fashon, The pockets of the Soviet chem- ise imitate high Paris fashion by placing pockets below the hipline. The back of the dress hangs in traditional straight. loose line of the sack. Presum- ably the dress is approved by Communist party leader, Khrushchev since the maga- zine announces it can be bought in the Soviet - owned "Gum" department store. FUSSY YOUNGSTER WIMBLEDON, England (CP)-- |A 15-year-old boy placed on pro- | bation for three years for break-| ing into a youth centre here was |said to have run away from home because his mother gave him a fried egg when he wanted a boiled egg. EF i NURSES' PROJECT MONTREAL (CP)-The Cana dian Nurses' Association has an nounced a pilot project to evalu- |ate the teaching systems of 25 nursing schools across Canada, land set goals for improvement Mr, and Mrs. W. H. King, King treet east, have returned from STAUFFER HOME REDUCING PLAN Represcntative sonal relatipnships, and there is a possibility that new contacts could help to further your inter considerably. Social activi ties should also be stimulating during this person and domestic concerns should prosper for most of the year ahead. Look for some excellent news of a business na ture in December or January, but avoid extravagance in February and March. A child born on this day wil endowed with keen perception, a retentive memory and fine intui tion ests WED 53 YEARS GERSOLL, Ont ce) celebration marked rel anniversary of M and M John Couch. F mer Jiving on a farm a Panam. the have one son and thipe daugh JI. ' A 1" far {din wi 1 be they have heen spending the win. ter months. Mrs. R. A. Wallace, Jones ave- nue; is opening her home this evenin » members of the Liter. ary Group o e. Lyceum Club, An interest program has been planned Mrs H. G. Wille A.W, Hardir M Walter Johnson review new "Aus: Her Story | Senior members of the Wom. | in's Association will be pouring | tea the open house and Cen Hall tea at King Street on Thursday after ng the conveners nd Mrs a book, trai at tennial United ( 1 de ctor Cha Jewisor \ ( I \ Glover, Mr Lou ( disney, Mi I. J. Shortt Moe, Edward Goodman, | N AN Germany. re CHE Baia ry diss of Oshawa. The bridegroom, a member of the editorial staff of The Daily Times Gaze is the son of the late Mr Ah Anthony Austria ig --- Following their marriage in King Street United Church last Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs Eric Sisel left on a wedding trip to British Columbia. The bride, the former Mary Louise Pomeroy, is the daughter 'of te and Sisel of Vienna, ANCIENT SYSTEM The manuscript of a system of | shorthand used by the ancient Ro mans is among relics found in GRACE THOMAS Ph. RA 3.9212 NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT DOWN WEEKLY B U RN S CREDIT A SPORT SHIRT for extra savings Combed Cotton "T"' Shirts of fine quality yarns! Striped designs, short sleeves, round collar style, with collar nylon reinforced for long-lasting &it. For ages 6 to 16. Attractive cotton print Sport Shirts, "In and Outer' style with long sleeves. Sanforized for permanent fit, Prac- tical, good looking and specially low-priced DRESS PANTS their shape, are long-wearin moisture. Strong zipper i ont, now! Regular 4.98 line Quality viscose and nylon fabrics that keep and withstand self-belt. Available in sizes 12, 14, 16 only. Get yours BOYS' ANKLE SOCKS Soft cotton, nylon reinforced heel and toe for extra wear. Light and dark stripes, Lastex cuffs. Sizes 812 to 10V2. Stock up for:Summer wear at this money-saving 2 7 price. Pair ¢ SE Ye DEPENDABLE TELEPHONE DELIVERY Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. -- You may order by telephone: RA 3-2294. ~--Twao deliveries daily within city limit, LAYAWAY For your convenience at no extra cost. CHEQUES --Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed. GUARANTEE -- Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded. RA 3.7022 JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST Mc. and Mus Willan Pomaror |. _ «Times-Gaseils Ball Pols | Our services are designed for your use and convenience. oa' 3 ZELLER'S ie YOULL wary YOUR TRIMS ny 0 ~

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