Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Apr 1958, p. 6

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6 . SAY TIARATYTY, Toute, Av 13, 199 Board Seeks New Road ,, [BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT | AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS To Serve Public School | Staff Reporter -- D, GLYNN -- MA 3-3186 John Mills, Representative--Phone Ajax 456 BROUGHAM: (Staff) -- Three that the proposed big ig 4 Liberals Name Delegates {members of the Brougham sec- srr -- ew | ion school board formed a dele- 7. He Said he did Sat Xuow in] . . &. ow / ation which last night asked sure whether or not the presen F t C t Pickering township council for owner of the land would offer or n ario onven 10N approval of a road to service a the land gratis for a road al-| proposed new school in Brough- lowance. | NEWCASTLE -- A meeting of vention to he held in Toronto, 'am Deputy-reeve Sherman Scotti, executive of the Durham April 18 and 19 were elected, The , . said, "I think it should be clari- _.|voting delegates representing The proposed new school wili fied whether or not the owner is County Liberal Association was|p, pam will be Gordon Trick of [|e a two.room Stiveise, and ooing to give the land for a road held in Newcastle on Friday eve- Millbrook, Richard Lovekin and } | the cost is estimated to &P- allowance before the council ning. The meeting dealt with the § RB, Woodyard of Clarke Town- # proximately $27,000. makes any decision." (general business of the Liberallship George Walton and Frank 7 Austin Pearce, Ross Knox, and we will ask our engineer to! Party in Durham County. A reso- Rickard of Newcastle, David g George Duncan were the repre- give us an estimate of the costilution was passed commending |Ford of Hope Township and Rus- sentatives of the Brougham on this proposed road, and after Russell Honey, Port Hope 1aw-|cell Dickson and Russell Honey school board, with Mr. Pearce (he next meeting, will give a de-|ver, and Liberal candidate in the of Port Hope. as the delegations speaker. finite answer to the situation," recent Federal election for the in-| Alternate delegates elected | Mr, Pearce told the councll'said Reeve William G. Lawson, tensive, high level campaign be were Sam Mannetta, Manvers; wo-- ree | cONUCted on behalf of the party. George Stapleton, Hope; Robert a {Mr, Honey spoke briefly asking|and Mollie Kent, Bowmanville; Vancouver Slum Clearance i. meine ue: hm, hee dae = > | Gy emule thanks for the time and effort! Delegates - at - large elected - Causes Fight With Owner (raced 5 His ent uy Vi ere Soin, Ak econ: DIRECTS WAR AGAINST CUBAN REBELS icounty, Scott, Hope; Bruce Tink, Darling Brig. - Gen, Pilar Barcla, | in Ciba 2a vibel, gb re G2 aro Sa en . Delegates to the Ontario Lib- toh; Pichard Bowles, Cartwright g nd | stepped up 10 n . VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van-|governments, It extends from the oa; Agsociation leadership con- and Dick Hutchison of hig Cubs'y chief . of police 4 ation of total war against Pres- couver's 20-year slum clearance harbor's edge, out into the city's __ -------------------- soba Of LAYER. | known as the country's iron ident Batisto by rebel der and redevelopment plant has be-|east end, south to 33rd Avenue | | man, confers in Havana with | Castro, Security police 'ton- come a dog fight between prop- and west into the downtown sec- stantly patrol the capi and sg . : police Capt, Jose R. Rodriguez, ! erty owners and city planners. tion. t h B t ] S t i N one { In December, ratepayers voted | Il 1S Ors da S em left, and Coy, Conrado Carra- | its suburbs to prevent dem | | | Point of contention is whether tala, chief revolutionary com- strations from expanding into ty should be rezoned now [$3,000,000 as the city's share of : [Property shou Re. Jezone: plan, [the first five-year program--the pot . | mander, An all-out alert 1s on Jovolls, ee - or when the plan is put into prac- Pilot project, Xp aine 0 1011S tice. Owners claim rezoning will] This first area now is zoned as ' | : Mfreeze" their property years be- light industrial. In rezoning, much| BOWMANVILLE -- "The prob-| "It Is his words that have been J* {]T] ames ancin fore it is needed for development, of it would become residential [yor, of young offenders is onejthe keynote of the Borstal Sys- ' od Planners say the freeze is es- A atéonimodate f.ose displaced may never fully solve," Mr. [tem ever since," Mr, Hume said, . . sential to keep down the even- ie Siu ce, {Dudley Hume, Head Master at The system at the Borstals is to c | At B 1 F inl tno resclomen C1 lanier a, 011 pope the Gal Traming. sch tor wari lg furs i. enioy UAE 1S russeis rai : sue. v : dd p ville, ( inter- e co itions, study, A public hearing will be held|the tr . government group Will audience here Monday evening. attend evening classes as well] BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP)--|for the old and disabled, batter- April 24 to determine whether a ave 40 POY FO EIT TS | Mr. Hume was guest speaker play games, a physical training The 1958 World's Fair isn't going ies for hearing aids, and a child- pilot area will be rezoned at Properly owners argue the|at the regular meeting of the programme, home learning and|to be all art, industry, culture ren's kingdom for the young, An once. : Bowmanville Lions Club. The a programme to help the offend- and uplift. There'sll also be fun, easy-riding train will glide past LARGE PLAN hile WR Prevents topic of his address was theier when he is released. food, games and dancing girls. the exhibits and attractions, A huge area Is to be developed they must continue to pay taxes,| English Borstal System". This «Aj we can hope is that these] Outstanding among the offer-| In the Children's Kingcom, a in the next 20 years, jointly by and from selling because no one was a system devised some 50 nous can live up to the motto of ings at a giant amusement park Mother may park her ej for 7 the city, provincial and federal!will buy the "frozen" property, Years ago to provide reformative Borctals" he said, Mr, Hume will be an aquatic show, a Haw-|* cents a day. The kingdom wi - ---- CHE -- | institutes for young offenders. gave an interesting resume of alian village with hula dancers, offer puppet shows, games, THREE STAGES , p ire iiding for cab. lunches at about 50 cents on a GE the 50-year history of the Borstal and a « reular bui'ding for cab et Dr ot avd Bl 3 i Lv. | y 1 " > " There have been three com- System pointing out that the sys- aret dancing. The fair lasts from h i be : 1 Snug Harbor Cosy Spot plete stages of the Borstal Sy:-/tem had derived its name from April 17 to Oct, 19 siovers avd roces in Witfiature tem since it was started by 8ir a village nearby the location of The Belgian backers of the kingdom will hold 2% 'Acres 4JAX COUPLE OBSERVE 35TH ANNIVERSARY F A . M " Erelyn Brise in 1906, Mr. Hume the first Borstal. first world's exposition in 18! HC ee | said, e important one is the pe sneaker was Introd py vears say emphasis will be AR ; Rev' Harold W. Crone and | Avenue Baptist Church Mr. (snow lives in Ajax Nine chil or ncient ariners prisest vee. ] tie' tod Lion foes as odnced by loca on making: the visitors | PALAC E OF FASHION Mrs. Crone of Ontario street, | Crone has spent 55 years in dren have blessed the union, : . ox i ob "In the present stage the Indi-\\wiiame moved a vote of thanks comfortable. The organizers have, Hard by the amusement park Az Jeffated their 35th wed- | the ministry, and has held pas- four of whom are serving in | By JOSEPH MacSWEEN unofficially estimated to be worth vidual is regarded as a living (5 Mr, Hume for his Ailend assembled a fleet of wheelchairs the Palace of Fashion will cater jax, celetFaiec ir svth ) E. : the ministry and missionary | Canadian Press Staff Writer $20,000,000 organism having its secret of ui informative address. and EE - ~ to fashion displays, evenihg re- ding. anniversary. on Friday | torates in Toronto, Colling- | work, There are 15 grand- | NEW YORK (CP) -- Sailors' Practically everything 1s free/jife and motive of power within, presented him with a gift on be- > ceptions and formal balls, last. at the home of their | wood, Little Britain, besides | children and five great - grand- {Snug Harbor, a secluded and to those vio qualify. The mari |so does the Borstal system look hafl of the club git o Magistrate Agrees Nearby the International Musie daughter in Scarborough. The | evangelistic work. His last pas. children, The couple are shown cosy spot for ancient mariners ers who choose to wor n eat a boy as a lad of many mix- g [Hall will hold 5,000 people. couple were married by the | torate was in Collingwood. He | cutting their anniversary cake. 5) ' greenhouse, post office or else-\y, me _~ with a life and charac- NEW DIRECTORS M Still Fi | Other big amusement attrae- Rev. 0. C. Elliott, of Danforth | retired three years ago and | : ~Photo by John Mills is only a ferry trip and a bus where are paid a gratuity. [ter of his very own, The election of club directors an 1 ined tions will include: - - BE dt | RIGHT MEN for ibe coming year was held atl LEAMINGTON (CP) -- Bruno, A make-belleve interplanetary ---- ride away from the bustling can-| Patrick LeForte, a hardy 84 |y f M. ttan. jear- iz 'ho| yons of Manhattan year-old Acadian fisherman who! ™ 0" nortant factor in dealing the meeting. Those elected were: Koestler found Magistrate J. A rocket and satellite which offers 4 . . |" The harbor--22 buildings on 100 was raised at Cheticamp, N.8.,1 / 2 ) . ; ; : in 2% mi Do B -Law Enforcement Given Permit acres of park-like grounds with- came to Snug Harbor after fish (with these lads is to have the Jack Cole, Joe Cooper, Howard Hanrahan agreed with him Mon- 4 21 minites the thrills of fiding lin sight of the sea--now is the ing on the Grand Banks and, Fight type of men to do work, he Gibson, Laurence Goddard, Clar- (ay, but it cost him $10 for speed. A . i . Hew {home of 320 seafarers, including coastal grounds aboard Gouces- told the audience. One essential ence Hockin, Howard Jeffrey, ing anyway. 2 Panoramic lower witli Flsing " " ur ay ay Oe 0 "ania sated' their ca. ter vessels for many years, Hef the system Is constant har. Gleb Lander, Gio Mectsn, Ralph Koestler said police set up their i Io hore Te Tate ' S 0 a e Y ounci : A ih Cai started at 12 mony and good humor among Merniyze iid ke, Walter Run- radar trap right on the dividing| The Belgians also believe F h Id "This i Xice. Wh "It was a hard life followidg everyone associated with the dle and George White. line between a 30-miles-an-hour they've collared the world' AJAX (Staff) -- The perennial running at large. One case was or laren LL ha De rar A qan the fish, but 1 can read my Borstal -- at all times. Guests included: Jack Samls, zone oarteet robot = e Wosldgimmont problem of dogs took up a con- reported where a large dog had| Ajax ._ The Ajax, Pickering cellent ca re in his declining Prayer book without glasses and Prison Commissioner Alec Pat- Glen Fairman, Carl Pedifier and "The motorist should be given dummy who can speak, add, sub- Beans amunt$ of the town jumped at a woman and knocked |, a" Whitby Association for Re.|years." said Captain FM Cole I'm healthy except for a little terson entered the scene shortly Bruce Beckworth of the Lake- a reasonable opportunity to slow tract, smoke, dance "and play counfil's time on Monday eve her down tearing buttons from ta.4aq Children has heen given native of Lockeport N.S. snd an Stiffness in the knees," said Pat, |after the Borstal System was of- field Club. Birthdays were cele- down when he comes from a 50 musical instruments LoubE . her coat. permission by the town councils|officer for 55 years on sail and In fact, many of the residents ficially established in 1908. It was brated by Joe Cooper and Clar- m.ph, zone into a 30 m.p.h, | gi ice Licommuittos.' chalrimss or Astley Sid. many peopleltn noid the annual Taz Dav. on steam vessels gave an amazing impression of his demands plus his dictum that ence Hockin, Stu James led the zone," the magistrate said. | Pol k :/did not know that the bylaw car-ixjag 29 and 31. Ja k Croft. wil : youth despite their advanced "vou cannot train men for free- sing-song with Mrs, Ken Hull He fined Koestler, however : fuss Adley sported to coumed ried a Provision Yijiereby a dog eonvene the tag fd The i. BELIE THEIR AGE age. The minimum is 65, with dom in a condition of captivity" supplying the piano accompani- bedause the driver pleaded guilty Crash Lands Plane 8 ) S$ owner could be brought to court! sale. fon The harbo: tablished in 1833 exceptions for disability that brought about the building ment, Presid Fred C a. 1 as aw va y . . ¥ . ciation asks for support on these e harbor, established in I J nt, President Fred Cole pre- and was aware of the local speed Fusing # jorge on ouoer jor Sowing ol fo fins hs days. : under the will of Robert Richard Ben Fagan, 77-year old native of a fourth Borstal. |sided. limit : To Avoid Children ¥ Na " ) 10 na ---- had pickeg up 24 dogs {nthe past mum' of $50 could be Imposed The association extends grate-{Randall, is supported from the of St. Mary's, Nfld, also was a ~| TORONTO (CP) -- A. pilot . 3 ful thanks to Bassins', Ajax, fag/proteeds of & multi-million'dol- Gloucester fisherman. He pointed! " two months, sever" Bad been de-| The councillor said the owner' - ie eke. : y ign! wi crash-landed his crippled plane and the others reclaimed responsibility did Rot © oy helin|a donation of $25, and to the Pick. lar Manhattan property. A Sign] with Jue at huge paiings of} DETERMINATION, ENERGY, MUSCLES Monday rather than glide into a bY their owners a iy. put'1t was up to ering Township Council for a full|over the mals entrance says ot fame i» ng vessels that adorn park where children were. play. y . {bus , year grant of $20 per month per the simple language of the will; the walls. in : ' 8. Me. Ashley asked tha the the tr i een We dog under oun" alenaing acho | Salar' Snug Harbor for 125 YEARS OLD room m fon Sheantown, 31, o ren asia offenders. Other council-| The committee will take steps It is gratifying to. the members| aged, decrepit and worn out sail: Elizabeth Smith, social ser. - e 00 Oo e an e 00 8 Datwergcs: le s. h " " Ci - lors said that they too were get- to see that the bylaw is fully en of the assciation to have the ors. vices director at the Harbor, said| : uncils, as representatives of! | .lg ul based . . jured. ' lots p laints of dogs|forced. gunel | | : I! That is the language of an- admission rules, based essen ting lots of complaints of cog ! . . _ the citizens, take such an interest| other century and a reporter tially on the Randall will, ul i or | Mr. Sheardown was testflying in the association and this dona: wandering along the corridors of change slightly from time tof i {a Cessna-180 for Ontario Marine b S d D bl tion will enable the members to' he big, shipshape buildings time, and Dredging Limited when the ee 0 ur tu Y ou e continue the work with the re- found that many of the residents! Mariners require at' least five) By JACK VAN DUSEN the co-op and went back to thelr pentry, mixing cement and such. cngine failed. He circled to land tarded children are spry and capable. years of service under the Am anadian Press Staff Writer jobs still thinking." Experts are hired for: wiring,|on the small but adequate ex- panse of a park in suburban Scar- . . F il Pr bl as, Ramsden he Principal of But mariners, a proud and in- erican flag--and 10 years alto OTTAWA (CP)--You can build Prof. Clarke says the typical plumbing and finishing, and a; pl emic aml Y 0 em : ie I i a one a conven 4 sendent breed because of the gether at sea- before becoming a roomy, three-bedroom home €0-0p builder is about 30 years of hired expert usually oversees the Borough. AAR (SIE ~ A letter trom i Ti. Windsor on ADHI 23 41d | only 'nature of their calling, of- eligible. . |for as little as $800 down if you age, usually an office-worker, His whole project As the single - engine plane : Central Mortgage and Housing ve hk k a held ht h yon COM" | on have a fear of being a bur-| More than 9.000 seamen have have determination, energy and first 15 months in the co-op willl When it's finished, the co-op glided in he saw 8 group of child. ras® res Corporation to council drew at a on, Dee eld 3 he ijme of den on relatives in their old age, lived at the Harbor in its 125 muscles. be spent studying and planning. builder will have a three-bed cid Sypaing ovarg him sod de tention to the fact that in many|tinue alter: the teachers conven. and thus are doubly apprecia- year history, the peak being inl The Institute of Social Action Before construction starts he will room house with a mortgage of ol i 12 crash a vil * i of AJAX (Staff) -- Grass Ores inci oo two families were liv-|tion and Mrs. Remsden will re. tive of the Harbor! 1912, when 900 were in residence. at St. Patrick's College says it P2Y $800 or $900 as his down pay-about $10,000, which he will pay Tie bal ype an 'and. close continue to plague the fire de- no in single family dwellings, main in Windso ig ee ohaarv The residents--they call them. With higher wages, social secur- will supply the know-how. ment. For the next year he will (off at about $80 a month, includ 0 thei. he 'an ng gear caught partment. Some .49 calls have contrary to Bylaw 143. Pan dh Dnhies Mhg nD ObServer| elves '"'Snugs'--yarn about the|ity and pensions, the number has| The college is proving that the spend 20 to 22 hours a week ining taxes, for 25 years. Ho £ fence ma the plane smashed been made to the department 80" cyvru id that it could eon. A dance, sponsored by the old days, putter about at odd tended to decrease, office worker, professor, railway| Wo: on his own and other houses| "He will be short of cash forjlo leg . : Yar {his year! a¥ aghinst a total = " A A Ye . i i) The business man founder was yardman -- just about anyone-- | :% the project--projects range the first couple of years as he trol the problem in its rental| UAW, with proceeds going to the| jobs, fashion models of ships and . J, | Ng 8 of 43 for all of 1957 units and immediate action was Retarded Children's Association | work at polishing-up tasks -- or the son of Captain Thomas Ran- can help bulld his own home and fro 3 houses up. : attempts to do landscaping and STILL SERVING Over the weekend three fires (akon when the condition was dis-| Will be held on April 25 in the | just plain doze in the afternoon dall, a famed skipper and mer- save money doing it, if he wants e do lots of shovelling and buys appliances he didn't need in| MUGGINGTON, Eng. (CP)-- ver urnihg onone TET SR (Ga he UAW Hall Cedar street, Ajax.|sun. chant entrepreneur of his day. [to work, wear out lots of old clothes, |a small apartment, but he will| The l4th-century Anglican church forcul huts of the south area.|oase but homes. that had pong] Tickets BBY oh DL [ot Ie cilities include ». big green: -- | "It isn't easy but It's practi- Pok Clarke aay. SY do un have a home Fog probably could in this Derbyshire village, last A suggestion was made that the o,rchased were another prob-'bers of the association |house, music hall, game room | ELEPHANT SKIS cal," says Prof, Geral R Kill ] pao si y do u (not have had n any other way, used 400 years ago, has been re- danger area be closed to traffic jon ~ television rooms, a cinema, EDGEWAT ; ( Clarke, teacher of economics at $X7¢¢ "20F jobs like rough car-isays Prof. Clarke. stored and rededicated. ; ™ | EDGEWATER, N. J. (AP)--Igt Pat's and sparkplug of the ~_ - dE - -- ntil the hazard was passed, but : : . c i is W NE 00 ditticult to en.| CMHC noted that the housing hobby shops, cafeterias, a geatty Hamid, a three-quarter college's co - operative housing : A 99 4 of two families in a single fam. P h G chapel, llbrary and recreationiion elephant, lymbered down tolproject si it 59 " force in the opinion of council. 1g "hor Tio rensed school costs] oachers ulven rooms. Perhaps most important, the Hudson River Monday and|" joes slnée 1 began mn 1952. eu C wanger nn op orm An Sttempt will be made 10 without corresponding increase in! the Harbor includes an infirm: went water skifng for an hour,|BASIC SYSTEM - have the landowners back fire ;,y0q Sh Ip Ww g ary. [Towed by an outboard launch,| 'The college will provide all the ow those areas where serious fires The letter was referred to the a amin | All this started from the pro- Beatty skimmed up the Hudson information necessary to set up : " " sis could occur. In the me Anum to legislative committee who will PICKERING Conservation! ceeds of a property that -was|at 25 miles an hour, Beatty's skis'a housing co-op in study booklets | 1 6 ta n au ter S% further appeal is being made 1074 4. 0a nroblem authorities warned yesterday|comparatively modest in value were two 10-foot pontoons, bolted | covering every problem of the wou all Motetista o wach Rei Aga . - {Lhey ae Mmaling Slots inspections! 100 years ago, but has boomed together, with fastenings for the do-it-yourself builder from how * arette bulls -an( ) Pt " " wa "i of the Frenchman's Bay arca to as city grew until now ft is elephant's feet. I » lega nd financial " y v + yahw! * kecu matches away from the ¥ | halt illegal bass and pike catches : te y grey Do lepha Tos ae npn oe hy en o ee a . eu hhvangst gr Dig Ty eh" o Ws awe, Jie Hse 4 nes wi children. It is estimated that \ Warning followed conviction of = rials, plans and sites "JEPTHA AND HIS DAUGH. au pig pus ruggle with his own doubts and ost of the fires have been sef "i J. «= Henry R. Stevens, of Dorco! . Ba j p ; $ > p , RY ( y i M1 Author Fuchtwanger's book fears. m } ) + rcot ave ' Co-ops at Hamilton, Toronto, TER" (Longmans, Green and (a]s far s ¢ , v a N by children playing with matches nue, Scarborough, on charges of af 1 " y Peterborough, Belleville, Ottawa, Ca.) ' alls far short of the story's great- CRUEL SACRIFICE » 2 catching bass out of season and d Kingston, Renfrew, Sault Ste. ph = i : est possibilities, but it is told in| Yahweh required of him a cruel ; 'taking pike by means other than 2 Marte and. Thorold in Ontario euc wanger tells the story of simple, direct prose. and - awe-inspiring sacrifice, the - Fith men angling. He was fined $50 and 5 Ly { | |have taken advantage of the? man who Sto monumental | Feuchtwanger proves himself !ife of his beloved daughter, = er 4° | costs by Magistrate Rennick in ; fa 4 study course. They have built 21d alone in the Israel of long once again as an outstanding |Ja'ala. This is a story of primi + A h ickering Township police court, LE about 500 homes. Bg ; oes av historical novelist -- as he di d tive men and women, with primi- -- Rre har ed Lod h ud Conservation officer Robert| } , The college leaves the co-op Seve generations have passed in "Jews Suss", and "Josephus"|live passions. They are struggling --- J . Bi VY, Speakman sald Stevens was i i groups alone to study, organize SiC OSes covenated with Yah and Feuchtwanger shows his against foreign oppressors and Tl RAT Vi Fs # found with the fish on the night 4 : id and bulld the homes themselves weh to worship Him alone. The ;nderstanding of the text when he (even more against their supersi- 4 RICKERING, 2 Three ing 3 1 Gl Pf". of March 31 i LS Sec: od with experts like Prof. Clarke wheel has turned full circle in quotes from Spinoza: "1 have | tions. ard Ii tel doormen. Wha sad ' 1 y A "We have been troubled a lot - 4 ti E | |stepping in occasionally with ad- that time; the people of Gilead, honestly endeavored not to laugh! Lion Feuchtwanger, the dean of here KN Si Ri damage ahd A A by persons in the Frenchman's ha : ik Sw vice. In this way, he says, the Brown fat on the oil and milk of |at the actions of men, nor to be. German historical novelists, has harped with malicious dal ' ' Bay area taking -fish as they he ? ht individual co-ops develop on their {N¢ land," are not only a frag-imoan them, nor to abhor them, effectively recreated this intrigu. pg fi Yitiennens ry {come in to spawn. With the be- : J di. , own, Leaders come to the fore Ment of a disunited Isreal but hyt to understand them." ing story. With all the great re- ie Gon a. hnce at 3 pra bea hi - J ginning of the smelt season, | Rh ~ ! and "during the long prepara. ave become easygoing polythe- Jephta, robbed of his Inheri. Sources of his scholarship and lit- [Got Fan fishermen are warned they are ; i tions the people weed themselves ISS. tance by 'his broth erary skill, Feuchtwanger has oe fire, | {not allowed to keep fish that are 2 : : a ; out if they are physically, finan.| In this historical novel, Yahweh ace 5 ot OFS: found in writien a compelling story of the Arrested by Pickering police | . o {out of season," the officer said J ' cially or psychologically unfit." |is no longer the fire-god of Sinai; Biss Birengl A 5 sp ™ hero as a man of action and god- were: Kurt Graf, 25, of Wood |g A J . . Prof, Clarke. who built his own|in this concept of history he is! "eV © 4 SC. © S Juige of hi. seeker, © ville avenue; Fraser York, 28, oll { ASK DISMISSAL 1 : 3 home in a 34-house project, near merely one of many gods that {ather Gilead This is one of Lion Meuchtwan. Montrose avenue; and FElicos | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Law- : oo neighboring Deschenes, Que. dwell in the hills, | seas, ger's [inest historical novels Michaelids, 31, of Maitland street GOOD-BYE POSIE vers for Ezra Pound Monday| | 7 [stresses that co-op building is not pENY INHERITANCE | Jephta's is more than a success fi a - asked a court to dismiss a trea- ¢ rf easy but is rewarding, psycholo-| shiaiad ibis _ [story from the Bible. He had to . The Soviets continued their son indictment against the poet . id : gically as well as financially, Gilead's warriors marry mal- battle his family, and his foes, A ks Projection announced withdrawal of some An affidavit said Pound not only » a Pil Many have become more suc. 4€0S captured in battle instead of {the Ammonites, to reach his SUBSCRIBERS § troops from East Germany with !is incurably insane but there is a : : } cessful at their jobs after work. 32¢ cine Jhem, to wen; goal. He i] ad to battle the v the departure of a small Rus- strong possibility that the com i JR ing in a co-op, he says. "They. y also adopt their alien gods. high priest Abijam anc s god For Business Sian aut} tank i oh Rosiack mission of he 7S rimes tharged : x | started thinking for themselves in Ber iE man a oad, TIMES-GAZET | E al ea are ere a de- was the resull of insanity ound 51 Rios m---- J at J Je, lakes & Py J RROUGHAM (Staff) --A rep parting Russian soldier holds 'was indicted in 1943 on charges $ Be i 3 . " A "CIVIL" WAR Sarcubive Jo his bed nid loves BOWMANVILLE N N bickering 1S trusty rifle in one hand and (of making proaxis broadcasts hy 5 A REIPSPTRPER flay their son Jephta more than he Mitalive Bo iy Mfg hig a bunch of posies, a farewell from italy, | 4 a . po VAN( ou VER ( P) -- Indone (does their legitimate children FOR MISSED FOR MISSED PAPERS AND Funston appeared before Picker. &ift. in the other ' : ! : #8 a § ambassador to Canada said] When Gllead dies, his other PAPERS BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST ing township council last night to = RETURNS TO WOR K AY Le h : on aay ha he civil war in his sons deny Jeptha his inheritance . TAXI SERVICE PHONE ask the council about the mat ASK FIREWORKS CURB HOLLYWOOD (AP) Eliza.| % ¥ " i an oy ast a long time and drive him into the wilder ' of other cleaning firms so-| HAMILTON (CP) A_Bylaw|peth Taylor returned to movie| we TOM ey Decause o Se Jejuctance of both|,ess, Jephta raises around his IN AJAX STEVEN'S TAXI | J houses in Pickering forbidding sale of fireworks ex-\work Monday for the first time Ea . { [Sides to take lives, The centralistandard a mighty army of out- ° ( : government is not prosecutingloasts and freebooters, When || It you have not received your MA 3.5822 cL ENE , ' pt for 10 days prior tp Victoria! , 3 , township. pa Pos @lgince her husband, Mike Todd, [the war as vi sly s NG NR are nat allowed: 10. go Day and at any time to persons|and three others were killed in a SERVICE N R tal as vigorously as it might, enemies attack the tribe of Gil-|| Times-Gozette by 7 p.m. call under 16 will be placed before aid the ambassador, Dr. L. N.|., into Scarboro Township," he y placed before plane crash March 22. The act |Pa ead, it is to Jephta that the If you have not received your un w pl hil = ; Palar, because "we do not want! said. "and we do not see why H 308 20d disiric muni ipal ress worked in scenes for Cat on| Twenty - five nurses from | 10,000 feet and evacuating Pa- \tq kill our own people." : jrilesmen turn to for-help, i AJAX TAXI TUREIGUTING Phone yous Cat they are allowed in Pickering ounclly by the district safetyla Hot Tin Roof at MGM Studio.| across Canada are cheerfully | tients from planes. Here, 2-Lt. | -- " 3 Oe ous ir boy 3 3 " council. At a special meeting! undergoing three weeks of rig- | Marion Clark, RCAMC, of PEI, in the Book of Judges is how PHONE uy Hen: 1 You 31a vmgble to contact him by 7:00 p.m, TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI - ial i iin Y 2 BE FEET PI AGI A 0 WN ST ; at he te LONDON (CP Raiders tied Ont, to qualify as Tri-Service | Hull. Que.. and F.L Joan Fitz LONDON (CP The British him out Mr. Funston ' : hy : ig Shonen a, I Dun A ¢ fe {bacon around a sate to nursing sister Their course in gerald, RCAF. of Halifax, give post office handled 821,000,000 let Jephta's great sacrifice of his would look into the situation and solved to ask for Action on a deaden the noise before blowing cludes being spun around in an first aid to S.Lt. Maybeth Or. ters in three weeks last Christ. beloved daughter proved of un All :alls must be placed before Colls Accepted Between sce if anything could be done province-wide scale to curb the it open at a warehouse in the air and sea sickness machine chard, RUN, of Port Dover, mas season, 11,000,000 more than usual interest to poets and ar 7.30 p.m. 7 «7:30 p.m. Only aqout the matter. + fuse of Lirecrackers. Fulham district. | flying in a pressurized plane at | Oat the previous year. tists, ike its Greek equivalent -- ' $ J township Monday night, representati of BACON BARRIER orous training at Downsview S-Lt. Claire Morrier, RCN, from BUSY SEASON Jephta saves the tribe that cast AJAX 333 Reeve William. G. Lawson told j{amilton urlingto An

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