"WHITBY and DISTRICT a-ha 'OUTLINES CHAMBER POLICY C Of C Week Opens In Whitby, Canada | Yesterday was the beginning of Chamber of Commerce, E. H./serve on its committees that Chamber of Commerce Week in Barnes." carry on a broad and well-bal- i " " v "" anced civic and business develop- Canada. The Whitby Chamber of A Chamber of Commerce i5 ment program. Commerce are joining with the defingd in a dictionary as a vol-| A private membership costs National Board of Chambers in untary association of citizens tofive dollars; a merchant pays! the honoring of Chamber of Com- promote the commercial, indus-ig19 for membership; a business| merce all over Canada. The|trial, agricultural and civic wel-|wijth Jess than 100 employes pays prime idea of the week is to se- fare of the community or area inig25. and a business with over 100] cure more interest in Chamber Which it lies. An important func-lemployes pays $50 for member-| | of Commerce, and to conduct a tion of the Chamber is to as- ship | £ membership drive. {semble the opinions of business| Mr, Knecht, chairman of the| John Knecht, chairman of the and professional men and pre-\membership committee, said that membership committee of the sent them to the local, provinciallz canvass by letter will be con- / 7 4 7 Whitby Chamber of Commerce, and national governing bodies to/ ducted by the Whitby Chamber, | 7 7? 7 Ch said yesterday, "there are some, assure the Lotinustion of condi- of Commerce, in the hope that, "a. iim ikl i fis, 7 people who do not kpow what the'tions favorable to all business. [the chamber can secure more $ chamber of commerce function in, The Chamber of Commerce isi members. | OLC MAY QUEEN AND COUNSELLOR © la town is, and also, if they wish- non - sectarian, non - political! "This will be the main func- ofl led to join, would not know how|and entirely free from the stigma tion of the Whitby Chamber of| A student from Caracas, | She will be crowned on the 3 fovtisellor; Rony Pennacchi- to go about it. The best way of special interests. Its members Commerce during Chamber of Venezuela, has been chosen [ afternoon of the festival, Satur- a WM ay uetn) and' Elaine |would be to send an application represent all types of business Commerce week in Canada," he this year to reign as Queen 4 | day, May 17. Above, the queen est elser. 0 gored Landing, ito the secretary of the Whitby and professional activities and said, . the May Court at the annual | is shown with her two counsel- 2 ro ounse oF, buts Shige are f feet SL May Court Festival at the On- | lors. Left to Tight they are | lege and all thiee are 18. tario Ladies' College, Whitby. | Elizabeth Johnston, of Madoc, --Rohertson; Whitby EY Construction | WHITBY EI Pag Comrie oo em reesonais | Atomic Fallout 'Hottest Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller hd hd / and family, of Hillerest Drive,| In { ! S Scientist a S : Is Advanced Y 7 motored to Ottawa recently | . Ld 4 : p 7 7 where they visited the Parlia ' id / . Hine. ; ards! NEW YORK (AP) -- Invisibly rain from tests of A-bombs and; But we've been livingiwith this ? ment Buildings. They afterwards |, "30. yom' the skies, [H-bombs. natural radiation all gur lives Construction of a three-quarter| / 77798 journeyed to Montreal and visit 5 million dollar dipper dredge | v 7 4 A vd relatives, A bit is falling now. Some fell| The United States has col- (Without any fear abo it. We " now nearing completion in the| 4 / Mrs. Wilbert Archer, of Black- yesterday; more will come to-|lected more of it than most and|can't do anything to stop it, anys graving docks of McNamara Con-| 7 BW tock, recently spent a day at the | morrow is the "hottest" country, says Dr how. struction in Whitby. The dredge : home of her son and daughter-in-| - You cannot see it, feel it, hear |Willard Libby, an atomic energy, Fear was really borniwhen A- will be used for work on- the St 7 4 y iaw, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Archer, !it, nor taste it. commissioner. bombs burst over Japarf. Lawrence Seaway 7% 4 of St. John street east It frightens, confuses, agitates But he and others add that this| Each bomb tested since them The dredge, to be named the' ? y Lenora DeGeer, daughter of millions of people the world over. doesn't mean much that fallout has thrown more radioactive William B. Dilly, is 116 feet long 4 4 Mr. and Mrs, Leonard DeGeer This is fallout the radioactive is adding only a tiny bit to the atoms into the air, which ultime. o and 45 feet wide. It is named in celebrated her 1st birthday yes- . radioactivity that grandmother ately fall to earth somewhere. eo . 0 . honor of the chief engineer of | EW, terday. Wishes for many more a) o ol and. grandfather lived with, One thing about this new radio- 80-FOOT SPUDS RISE ABOVE THREE-QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS McNamara Construction & happy birthdays are extended to funds for the St. John Ev ange is AN URGENT ISSUE activity--it is made by man; it | Displacing nearly 700 tons, the Lenora Apron Project', Tasty re res. Fall , can be stopped by man, 1 ickev ments were served by the a is at the heart of one dredge is completely new from Mrs, B. Hickey celebrated her : id o Of the Breat urgent issues of the! (Tomorrow: How i radioactive on the birthday on Sunday. For the oc. Nostess . . { y |hull to six - yard bucket ay % > i Questioning Note reeps nba the front, casion she was entertained for Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McBride, of say Wiel continue testing are we from bom tésts ' The hull was made in Kingston ALL SAINTS' SPEAKER Sibuer by members of her fam- Bt, Tuomas, Were peeent Vitals Is' fallout dooming millions of y ! and towed to Whitby, where the| po... oni Leonard F. Hat- |" of thelr MO 1 ctreet. |future babies to monstrous de- DAY-BY-DAY * " np 4 : y 3 yi r 301 High street superstructure and the rest of the field. MA. DD. General Secre- Linda Eastwood, of Greenwood, Bride, of 3 H formity, death or illness. Into Com ent On P cess machinery for dredging are being| of the is hg 2 Social spent the Waskend i her AS: A Barnett ang Saughtes The questions nag. Experts dis-| ST. JOHN'S WA 3 . » : . ¢ installed by workmen. The work] ¢. in 4 . hreh |Srandmother, Mrs. G. S. East- Mary, attended halts fg a RE Talia As wit LONDON (CP) -- For the first Margaret, brought up to know of ordinary people Companions A being done in a graving dock, Se rice o the Anglican ¢ hurch Wood, her granddaughter Gayle Hilda agree, Their answers add to our wile 3t John's Anglican Church time, a questioning note creeps the workings of the British press, | couldn't decide whether she want- | ° o hore in recent. veacs, tiie) of nal a S e guest sped - Mrs. Gordon Wilman, of Belle. Gierman at Ajax Anglican puzzlement, wi hold their business meet into comment on Princess Mar- might have anticipated the spec- ed to be treated naturally or with di dock. betw "Ki o.| er at t 1e / Saints' Anglican | 0 and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Ch rch. Rev. Armstrong off! But there are some points to ing on Wednesday, dt 8 p.m. at garet. ulation which her teatime tete-a- due regard for royal rank. Some- ween ey Church's annual St. George's Davis and son Laurie, of Welland- ciated at the ceremony. Lunch help in understanding the issue: the Sunday school hal. Members Students of royalty wonder tete with Townsend would touch times she didn't know herself. shore of Lake Ontario. Day service; witieh will he Delg port, and Mr, Homer Collins, of was served at the Gierman's resi. involved. are urged to attend. what the Jone holds fot He of, Iu some Buti eves le Yet Margaret spends more time| co "ui om iated on the sunday, apr' <0, & p Hamilton, were recent holiday ence at which all her family! One is that fallout is a very T0 HEAR PANE bache opgir princess, one Bot. sp a Y with the Queen and her family, \wiiiam B Dilly, water will be guests at the home of their par- were present old thing, indeed. Nature has al- A join meeting §f the Ki most publicized, most pholo-o d . than most bachelor girls spend in f°" 0 qo and it will be ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Collins, Corinne, daughter of Mr. and ways been sprinkling us with a Street H 3 $ing graphed and most fawned - over| Margaret is no longer the (ha family circles of older mar- , mon S of Victoria street west. Port Whit. Mrs. I. Flanagan, celebrated her radioactive rain, Street Home and School Assopia- in the world laughing princess of a decade, 4 floated to be towed to the site of : ' ' ny tion and Colborne Street Hom Wornel 3 tw y surroundsiago. the madcap Young prank. ried sisters. {the seaway where it will be work .. ii second birthday on Monday.| Every minute some 500,000 and School Association wills h 3, auia turn ils a round-|ster who danced the can-can to] , When the princess was born ing. H 1d M t Christine, daughter of Mr. and Many happy returns of the day radioactive atoms explode inside|held on Wednesday, at 8 p.m. vs oe orld pho of Peter Town-|the delight of bluebloods at a|2UB: 21. 1930 at ancient Glamis| ,. 4 indication of the size of 0 S ee Mrs, John Elliott, celebrated her wishes are extended to Corrine your body, giving off beta rays|King Street School "There will by e-W ran : ; . Castle bonfires glowed on Scot ol ' 4 4 : A ' birthday on Sunday. Her friends from friends of the family. (electrons). And there's absolut-| ict send, the divorced war hero she Mayfair party. ' : . = this new dredge, the two spuds, The Almonds' Women's Asso-| Of : M 1 ; a guest panel consisting of Mrs, A { i ish hillsides. Flames leaped to a] co. ¢ anchoring 'the dredge ois v i "|wish her many happy returns of The many friends of Mrs. Kel- ely nothing you could ever do|D. Holiday, Dr. C : renounced in Bs oy Blouses Spe [ APPEARS WORRIED height of 100 feet in celebration i it i Kk 8 h ge \ciation held their mOmLy meet the day vin Powell will be sorry to learn about it [Neil M ka ¥. Coy bond, Mr, ulation, Some felt the story o Has . # while it is working, are eac ing on Wednesday with the presi di yovy he he Sarid ' eil Murkar an r. Wall who' the star-crossed lovers was about, People close to her will tell you of He Hrst roy 3 bite worl of feet long. Made of steel, they dent, Mrs. L. Pogue, presiding. Mr. and Mrs. William Steffler that she had an accident ok Sun-' Atomic bullets known as cos- Will discuss "Health". Miss Stan- she now is lonesome and moody,|the border since that ol harles weigh 25 tons each. The plans: were completed for the entertained at a euchre party. day and is in the Ajax - Pickering | mie rays hurtle in from space, derwick, the local VON nuyse, The guests played at three tables. |Hospital. Her condition is much Apout 1000 smash and rip| will also attend. Everyone inter- y happy ending, after all ; 0 gave a PP 8 has few real friends, seems wor-/I at Dunfermline in 1600. AE Lo to (ake olace in. Thilts OFFICIAL VIEW ried over what life may have in! It was a wild night, noisy with This party was arranged to raise improved. |through you every minute. ested most welcome, Refresh uratively have pursued the prin cess ever since. At six, the younger daughter of King George 3 t hi (day, April 17. . Official sources denied that the store for her. hunder and lightning which fig Harbor Due Mrs. Percy Pascoe was in| | All this is normal or back-|™Ments wil be served. Far 30 romance was on again and 80-| "A woman of mystery, not com- charge of the devotional and read aren radiation. » phisticated opinion generally ac- pletely understood by anyone," ia poem entitled "The Third! A IFIED Don't panic, It's really quite THEATRE GUILD Sipled the view. ported that Italian artist Pietro Annigoni said {;;™ =o Se Hihatetl wore a . Bar Miss Cameron was at the L | small. i PRODUCTION I 4 me newspapers reporte after painting her portrait. . : 4 F (plano. Mrs. Zwicker, Lieutenant Does this radiation hurt you?| e second production by th en a rn Her intimates suggest she takes Pile i Id Eolaen Tua or Ie ging: the Whitby Salvation Army, mare Help Wanted -- Licenced body SOD for sale -- delivered or laid any. | Does it doom some unborn bab- Whitby Theatre Guild will be J T d to t t Cl Hous wopeIvEse Aelightein defying her good looks and youthful 0 r gave an inspiring message en- man, prefer one who can spray paint!where. Grant Landscaping. MO 8.2587. (ies? sented at the Whitby Town Hal ene 8,02 at (Clarence HOUSE rovalty's staid etiquette, 3 Certain By mid-May, Whitby harborititjeq "The Lull after Easter", and estimate. Age 25 - 35. Fiat rate or April 19 9 on May 2 and 3, Th wilh at a time when the sovereign was |p i charm, plus a certain insou- i o Mled he Lull .after Xaster., ke i a p Beyond any doubt, yes, it does, | 3. The group will normal circumstances the will be dredged out to a depth of pu n ue. way hourly rate, Ajax 1198. 8c -- die | present three- it on a state visit to Hdlland i ; cience, brought her a concentra owing all the true ways to FOR Sale -- Good All deliver, (Say most or all geneticists present a three-act farce, "Yhq . | British press last November | I M A118 to 19 feet to accommodate any worchip Jesus ROOM and board for one or two PEOPLE. | prone MO 8.2700 | Ce | isi Happiest Days of Your Life". # Suggestions of royal displeasure| would have been full of warm, !l0n of publicity few women have ake boats that may want to tie Centrally located, MO 8-3242 soc) one MO 92164 "CAN CAUSE CHANGES hearsals for the play are ii eame during what |columnists human storie vs faced " "40 Chi - s about the Queen's up here this summer. The con- One room FOR Sale -- 49 Chev., good condition, i erway tw ue room, close fo town: ¢,c6. Phone MO 8.4515 sc wx radiation can cause harm. underway twice weekly at jthe called an "equivocal'/ period in family dinner party preceding the FORTUNE'S CHILD » » dredging ms Margaret's life, magked by un. uly 0 Sa pr ng the She seemed to Ue fortune's trac t for the dredging has been i {roar optional 7 | changes in human genes, the town hall H X elebration of her' 10th wedding shiid,. Lady Cynt awarded to McNamara Construc- WN [FOR Rent Modern self contained BUY and sell used furniture. Specializ-| carriers of hereditary traits, th En dercurrents of critifism anniversary child. Lady Cynthia Asquith, who ion \which maintains a marine three room furnished apartment, ing in handmade and remodelled furni- |} ohio y 5, they From July to mid - October, Instead, papers splashed the 85 known her since nursery givicion in Port Whitby ground level, radiant heating, available All work guaranteed. MO 8-303, (DClEVe. : 1957, the "princess with personal: news that a family dinner took 38Y%. recalls her as a "delicious Spokesman for McNamara LADI CIGARETTE LEAGE immediately. Phone MO 83311 #8c| 121 Brock South May 11} This normal radiation also on ity plus" accepted one public en- place with Margaret absent quicksilver" little girl, light as pred Weaver superintendent o Singles over 200: Mildred Bel- FURNISHED room, suitable for quiet ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape, Probably makes us age faster ROC gagement. Occasionally, a last: Since Townsend's departure in thistledown, with a tiny, tilted, Whitby rat 4 ida 346, 213, 206; Clare Watts 204, girl or lady, respectable home. MO and alterations; also drapery, 1013/than if there were no radiation g £ pa e lithy operation, reports) yo..." no at 275, 244; Randy 84257 87f Centre South: MO 8-3360. April 25at all. It may cause some can- oF Created To "" R rma, Ne Nel ace minute *'indisposition" prevented 1955 more and more of Margaret' ¢!fin face that a hydraulic dredge will be T | sq 919 y vy, _ _-- | her from attending functions she friends and escorts have mar. There can seldom have been| coq for the Whitby job. Work is Bryant 253, 212; Lois Watson 252, PRESSMAKING and aiterations." Rea AERIALS moved, repaired, instail.|C€rS OF other illness, 46Es/ alrdividuel ; | / ab Vv ar-{ beingiare oh veel us Eade i LR 51%: sonable prices. Work guaranteed. 'Mon 30' y 9 § en ---------- equirements had formerly enjoyed. A cer- ried, had children, and with. @ child more difficult to scold," ¢ohoduled to get underway within Ethel Hancock 243, 213; L110 piday. MO 8.4398; 865 Byron 3 as low bod $39.00 Independent) e i) Ma; emony at Glasgow ,in which she drawn into lives of their own said Lady Cynthia Whenever (wo or three weeks rake Connie Denyer 234, North April 26 Th S t m T B ) was to have been the central fig: er invitations to the intimate, 20¥0ne in authority tried to re-|" crows will work 24 hours a day Alice Bradley 227, Dorothy Quan- gor Rent -- Furnished apartment, two OR nn Boone iin yi Bi ys e 0 e Aullorianl ure, was cancelled on short no- informal parties she relishes-- Puke her she would look up with, complete the job in two weeks' c ' ve Desir tice. cocktails in Mayfair, the theatre, Nef most bewitching, sidelong|ime 1t is estimated that 154,000 T0rrance 212, Joan Reed 211, kitchen: private. sitrance 8] Dajace Street; MO 8.3119 86c Improved - Dunlop A Sunday newspaper, The Pic: night clubs--have become fewer SMile and search the admonish-/yaidc of sand will be pumped Helen Tutt 207, Verna Sandford poi 2 SEF ». Five| STAFFORD BRO g : : FOR Rent Apartment, two rooms, MOUSE For Sale -- $500 down. Five| PARIS Ont, (CP) -- "We are . torial, suggested she was becom- and fewer t's face, hoping to find an an- | vhor entrance 206, Bea Hudson 204, ladys i; Eo ' he wer. o it of the harbor entrance and g A wodarn bed. sitting and Kitchen. room brick bungalow, Whitby - Picker.| = ing a "part-time, stay-at-home swering smile the basin Wiles 203, Bobbie Heron 201, preate entra oo en gical" ing Town Line. Mr. Green, MO 83154 80INg to improve our educational! Monumental Works princess. LIKES WITTY FRIENLS From two years of age, she "que dredgings will be used to Hazel Hickey 200 April 20 evenings 831 system until the last shreds of 318 Dundes Eost Insiders did not try too stren- Increasingly in recent years the could sing perfectly any tune she gi) in two ponds in the harbor Triples over 550 Mildred FOR sale -- Hook-up trailer; "49 half. FOR Alsco Aluminum Combination win. [Nis So-called progressive educa-| MO 8-3552 uously to defend her. princess has demanded wit as heard, foreshadowing the musi-|ares and raise vi Belida 765, Isobel Mowat 707, !on Studebaker; 's2 good condition Stu: dows 'and doors phone "Doc" Dafoe, tion are gone." Dr. W. J. Dun. area and raise the level of town dehaker $900 cash, 121 Brock South, MO 8.2350 after 6. Free estimates lop, Ontario Minister of educa- 85 Evidently there was a feeling well 'as the social graces from! cal talent that would guarantee owned property north of the ojl{ Randy Bryant 638, Ethel Hancock | Mo 8.3053 May 10!4; i she was experiencing "one of her her intimate circle. A tongue-tied her a gool living on the stage.| nic The ponds to be filled lic|611, Lois Watson 596, Marilyn SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary] -- 7 "tion, said here Monday night. moods." Perhaps it was a pass- blueblood or a dour introvert has Her ear for rhythm endows her| "oii 0" cae le the driveway Mowat 589, Lil Peake 588, Clare way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward Dr. Dunlop, who was present ing sense of pique, a momentary little . chance of crashing the With a talent for mimicry, which leading to Bathurst Power and Watts 578, Connie Denyer 576, 208 Chestnut west, Phone MO 8.2563 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL for the official opening of a new rebellion against the essential dwindling Margaret set she delights in using. She re- pga. plant. The town land which Gladys Wiles 570, Verna Sand. 'Vhitby April 28) coarse of fine -- $7.00 per $100,000 public school, deplored loneliness ordained by royal birth Her two favorites at the mo. ceives many jazz and popular will be filled is the former site of ford 565, Joan Reed 558, Doris RAVLEIGH Good Health Frodusts.| load. Cement Gravel -- the influence which these. '"'pro- FOR MISSED a restiveness with life at Clarence ment, royal sources say, are Billy music records from friends and po own dump Borchuk 533. Alice Bradley 550. Tes and extracts, Phone MO 84436 ¢1"60 vd. Sond ond Loom |gressive educationists" had on House now that many old friends Wallace, 31 - year - old stepson of admirers in North America ; To move the dredgings from Points to date: Players 57, custom sewing on draperies, Fill. For delivery the school system im trying to PA have married and settled down. former Louisville, Ky editor x + light hearted and nimble the harbor to the dump site will Buckingham 51, Sportsman 45, measurements taken and cut from ma-| ERIC BRANTON remove hard work and competi- PERS Perhaps she was chafing at the Herbert Agar, and the Rev. Witted, she has.a lively sense of aq ire about 2000 feet of 12-inch Exports 34, SweetCaps 33, Win. 'erial you have purchased. Free esti MO 8-2660 |tion from education. long separation from Townsend. Simon Phipps, 35, a young Cam- mischief. As a girl, she stuffed pipe chester 32. mates. For cutting and hanging April 221 The minister said he was ur IN WHITBY Before his return, she seemed an bridge parson acrosn in the shoes of court at : -- - 3 mM : pri Mb Braga ure increasingly lonely figure with a A princess to her fingertips, she tendants and painted handlebar -- i 4 ar : = a ing ist be put on his Bone diminishing circle of friends and is attached to the prerogatives of moustaches on statuary in Wind- pol J i ae i 43 . per man-- cord Father Th Mh PRL Phone no apparent desire to make new royalty. A reporter once asked sor Castle 3 p . 4 . {ing his progress y ones vhether she ever yearned to be Her father--when he died in &§ 4% 3 3 . Ch Re us pro ress. MO 8-3111 The 27-year-old princess is de- an anonymous girl in the crowd. 1952 "life seemed to stand still" i. " 2 . { L] ; scribed as having a strong will. She replied seriously oe the Jrincess ii she could : § ¥ { h See. the It you have not received your "Like most people, she isa "No, I cannot imagine anything charm the pearl out of an oy ster. | Z . ws Yimes- complex human being said a more wonderful than being who But this lighter side was only one " Wl... po > y FRIGIDAIRE a-Gusatte by 7 PM, Col friend. 'She has her gay side and [ am." aspeet. The duality of her char- ' wlll 3 "SHEER LOOK" BELL TAXI er serious side, her off-days and: Yet royalty's gilded cage can acter became apparent after her 4 " ey " EX b . fer on-days. And she certainly be restricting. T he princess, father's death, with the emer } ' 1 § BUTT RADIO has a mind of her own." 'though well educated, is one of gence of an underlying serious- 1 & * 3 AND APPLIANCE Al calls must be lee More and more in recent years the few modern women who has ness. Her interest in religion, al- 118 Brock St. S. MO 8-3707 an 3 the dainty princess with the never been to school. Her child- ways strong, was greatly quick glamor-girl figure has become a hood was sheltered and growing. ened puzzle to the people who know up years were spent in wartime Her main interests are popular her. seclusion music, dancing, theatre, the bal- When she is with friends her Then came the post-war phase let. She is not greatly interested blue eyes sparkle with gaiety one of parties, danees, theatres and in hooks and has no taste for moment and cloud over with film premieres, the succession of athletics \ brooding solemnity the next. hemdsome, hand - picked escorts, FIRST TRIP TO CANADA 3 VER" a Relaxed and chatty, she freezes the string of late nights When she goes to Canada in 4 abruptly into icy formality To be the focus of the Princess July for the British Columbia "And how is your sister?" an Margaret set was exhilarating-- centenary celebrations, it will be old friend asked at the height of but the fashion - plate princess her first visit apart from a brie! a partly must Sometimes, have 2relerted Bir Bop on a trip Slsqwhere. She 3 i» 1:4 "One assumes." she replied, privacy. She could seldom relax' has always wanted to visit North 3 { . "that vou mean Her Majesty the utterly, and she could never tell America, and occasionally has 3 3 he 3 : Here Is Your Oppoitunity To Get Quick Queen vhether companions were dazzled ruefully referred to the fact that f 3 Inexpensive Relieve From All Common ea % ' by her position she will be one of the last mem Rw AM FRIENDS UNEASY Ev : vp bers of the Royal Family to do ; dai} Foot Troubles, Some of her old chums say the THE YOUNGER SISTER 5 : ¢ trill 218, Marilyn Mowat 218, Lila rooms, modern bed-sitting room and hot and cold water. 739 Cochrane 50 no longer fe t ease in her com If » were occasionally a tin She has already heard much! E 8 Ee a v ; pany. Caustic remarks ring bit je of her sister's €min< about Canada from her family he 3 ¥ BR 3 ' quickly lo ber Yips, and she car & n vould be under- and from Jennifer Bevan. a. for 3 i i 8 5 SPECIAL switch from Maggie to dable. A distinction, is drawn mer lady-in-waiting who was on g -- Re hd p "ma'am" with bewildering sud- between the sovereign and other the vice-regal staff in Ottawa. | . Ll N v denness members of the royal family. She is acquainted with leading! y DEMONSTRATION The princess sets off next Sat- Long ago a columnist described personalities such as Governor - NN urday on a 17-day official visit to the dilemma General Vincent Massey, Prime] Ah Tag TOR § § 5 WR Dr. Scholl's Personal Representative Will : the West Indies "She is the princess who is al-| Minister Diefenbaker and Liberal i \ \ . ; Official informants express con- ways in the royal picture but Leader Lester Pearson, but most a . h ¥ 3 3 A ¢ Be Here This fidence that she will do her job|never the centre of it. She is too! Canadians she meets will be new " bh We TN : a 3 RA & ba well as an ambassador for the|close to the royal family to be'to her > \ & a LE | THURSDAY APRIL 17 Officials will find her danimated| $ i al 3 S nN 3 | ' crown. But beneath the assurance allowed a private life of her there is an undercurrent of wo own She is too much in the and interested in everything Shel ac - LN 3 A RR ™ r argé & p= | 1c € to kick off her shoes carries t r fs Ww 3 gasens, fof Margaret has bec| public eve In 4ick of bev, shnesjcursies nur er dures, wi' sos CURBSTONE CONFERENCE FOR FORMER PRESIDENT COLLINS SHOES in ¢ the 1" " v off I ' ) 1 1 "Such pervers one of al the dm ica slight! more frail than Former President Harry Tn man « ip from hi points to the sign ich 1 ver' 53 ° iin : J ar ru ¢ t group from hi t Sig ch sg nt Eisenhower's 1953 inangur- vith unconce | : She \ ered from .the con- the Queer 4 perhans lac he \ - rhst y $ : y A alien AVS en , ais snapped with unconcealc a J n and pe I icks the! man holds a curbstone confer gate po Fruman pause do not enter The forme ation. In the gro hip . r voini th liet of 1 remotene and a nrof al: "¢ l ( nt 1 r atic 1 group, third from 9 BRO T WHITBY {on after her reunion 'with Town i! f ya Tr neness A 1 a professional "trouper's touch 'of! ence outside the southwest gate | the spot during a two-mile walk chief executive has not visited | left, is Associated Press report- 1 CK § . HITB send last month. desire for the private enjoyments Queen Mother Elizabeth. | to the White House as a police: | before breakfast. An arrow | the White House since Presi er Ernest Vaccaro,