Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Apr 1958, p. 4

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE MACS MEDITATIONS Published by Times-Gazette Publishers Limited, 57 Simcoe St. S.,, Oshawa, Ont, ya Page 4 ' - ; Tuesday, Apdl 15, 1958 Britain's Liberal Party Showing Strong Revival It is rather strange that while liber- alism in Canada has reached an all - time low mark so far as parliamentary success is concerned, the British Liberal Party is in the midst of a strong re- vival, It is achieving greater success at the polls than has been the case for over 30 years, In by - elections held in the last year, there have been definate signs of this Liberal resurgence, It has grown sincé the present year began, Durng the last year, the feature of nearly all by- elections was tHe greatly - increased Liberal vote, This became accentuated when, the Rochdale by-election about a month ago, the Liberal candidate ran second gending. the government can- didate Into: third place in a former Conservative seat. In the most recent by =~ election, fn Torrington a Devonshire constitu ercy the Libergls made political his tory. They won by - election for the first time since 1929, In 1055, the Con- servatives had 'won the seat with a 9300 majority 8ver the Labor candi- date. In that election, there was no Liberal in the field, Two weeks ago, Liberal candidate Mark Bonham Carter won the seat, being 219 votes ahead of the Conservative candidate and some 4600 ahead of the Laborite, As a result of all this, the other two parties are beginning to worry. They see signs of the Liberals emerging as a strong middle of the road party which might possibly hold the balance of pow~ er in the next parliament. At present they hold only six seats, But with the party's fortunes rising rapidly, they could very well make considerable gains in the next election, The Liberal party, it would appear, is again attracting many electors who are dissatisfied with the present govern- ment, but have no leanings towards Socialism, It is also bringing into its ranks Laborites who are at odds with the extreme left wing of that party. Probably the Conservatives will lose r.ore supporters to the Liberals than will labor, With more Liberal ecan- didates certain to be in the field in the next election, the results could be disastrous for the Conservatives, No Sign Of Recession Here In spite of higher unemployment fig- ures and widespread talk of recess there is definite proof that Canadians are better off than they were a year ago. That may not apply to those who are unemployment victims, but on the whole picture of financial that statement is true, The proof to which we have referred is found in the statement of savings on deposit Jn personal accounts in the chartered banks of Canada at the end of February, On February 28, the total of personal savings deposits in these } ts amounted to $6,261,000,000. A month earlier, on January 31, the total was $6,182,000,000, On February 28, 1957, it stood at $6,090,000,000.. To many these figures issued by the ch ered banks, will be surprising, there they are, Surely there cannot be very much wrong with the economic health of Cunada when its citizens are able to in- crease their personal savings deposits by $70 million in one month, and show an improvement of $171 millions over on, well-being, the be the same date in previous year, This can hardly a sign that we are undergoing a serious interpreted as recession, The encouraging thing about these figures is the fact that Canadians have $6.2 billion in their savings ac- counts in the chartered banks, This represents a great reservoir of purchas- ing power if it could only be put to use to buy the goods and services which our people need today. If even one-sixth of this available spending power were allowed to flow into the world of business and com- merce, the effect of putting a billion dollars into circulation would be tre- mendous, It would far overshadow any- thing which could be accomplished quickly by-the government priming the pump with spending on public works, It appear that the Canadian people have the money (to the wheels of business turning at rapid pace, if they could only be persuaded to use it for that purpose. over would set a US. View On Foreign Trade This may be a voice crying in the wilderness, but UK. Whiteford, pres- fdent of the Gulf Oil Corporation, i dead against the United States placin restrictions on its foreign trade, In a statement to the employees and share- holders of that company, he laments the,fact that there are elements in the United States opposing extension of the Trade Agreement Act, and that reciprocal trade has many enemies Mr, Whiteford, who lived in Canada for nine year, eight of them as presi- dent of the British - American Oil Company, is competent to view both sides of the trade picture, He flays those who seek to undermine and des- froy the Reciprocal Trade Agree- ments Act, and' who are trying to find Joopholes by which they can defeat its purposes, Then he goes on to say: -- "Gulf not only recommends the extension of the Trade Agree- ments Act, but also suggests that Congress should set up some sort fact finding standards go that any industry, or any segment of an ine dustry that complains of being . Bible Thoughts afraid ,only belleve, Be not Mark RE fA Christ declared that the daughter of the ruler of the synagog was no. dead but sleeping, He said this lon, before Be saw the child, The miracle was not that he roused the child out of a coma, but that he knew she was in coma long before he saw her. It was a miracle of diagnosis without seeing the patient, He charged all that they keep silent about restoring the child. The Daily Times-Gazette T. L. WILSON, Publisher end General Manager C. GWYN KINSEY, Editor, M. MeINTYRE HOOD, Editor (Editorial Page). The Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa, Whitby), com bini The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), Ia ul lished daily (Sundays and statutory holidays ex- cepted). Me + of Canad Dally Ni s Publishers Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontario Provincial Dallies Association, The Canadian Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news despatches in the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or outers, and also the local news publisned therein. All rights of special despatches are also reserved. Offices: 44 King Street West, 640 Cathcart St. Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES d by corriers in Oshawa. Whitby, Alax orig Bowmanville Brooklin, Port Perry, Prince Albert, Maple Grove, Hompton, Frenchman's fay Liverpool! aunton, yrone. Dunbartgn Enniskillen, Snore Lesk~rd and Newcastle not over 40c per week gy mall (in province of Ontario) outside carrier delivery arecs, 1200 Elsewhere 1500 per vear AVERAGE DAILY NET PAID CIRCULATION AS AT MAR, 31 15637 Toronto, Ontario: hurt 'by imports will be required to prove its case with better and more convincing evidence than has heretofore been necessary, 'Throughout our history, every expansion of foreign .trade has been accompanied by the kind of business man who wants to wax fat with minimum efforts behind the protective barriers of high tar riffs. But if history has proved anything at all, it has proved that isolation, whether economical or political, is ~o longer possible, and that competition, in the generally recognized American meaning of the word, must be enlarged to global dimensions, These are strong words, They stat. the official Canadian Viewpoint exact ly. Coming from an outstanding Am- erican business man, and particualarly from a leader in the oil industry which is a present bone of contention between the two countries, they are indeed wel- come, Would that more U.S, business leaders would express themselves in the same view, and as forcefully. Other Editor's Views WHAT HAS FAILED US? (Detroit News) The notion that our society must be matched to a Russian model to compete bo nb for bomb, moon for moon and en= gineer for engineer assumes both the failure of our democracy and the use- lessness of the ideals we have previous- ly held, Both assumptions are nonsense, What has failed is vision in our political leadership, Let us see to that. HOW ABOUT TALKING? (Sherbrooke Record) The House of Lords has approved in principle a government bill to allow women to sit and vote in the upper chumber of the British Parliament, But there was no word on whether the women would be allowed to talk. Bits Of Vetse STRENGTH Who was not threatened, never quailed; Who was not tempted, never fell; Who was not tested, never failed Go ask not of the quick and well, But of the ones who agonize, What the fallen only Can tell you what it means to rise, To .learn of friendship, ask the lonely. Go ask the ones who broke and ran What courage is, not those who stood; None may know less of virtue than The int has only good For those ond their wholeness is; been bey who who went gh Alone can te The Re stroy 1 the measure of rt capacities, the lengtl To which despair may go, or love. James Dillet Freeman What Conservation _ Authority Means By M. McINTYRE HOOD The proposal that a Conserva- tion authority established for the Central Lake Ontario Region, in which Oshawa is the central mun- feipality, has aroused a great deal of interest throughout this district , The Oshawa city coun- cil will be well represented at the meeting to be held in Hampton on April 22 to consider the es- tablisment of such an authority, There are many phases of the work of a body of this kind which can be vitally important to this city. Because of the importance of this step, we feel that our cit izens should be well informed on what a conservation authority is, how it functions, what kind of work it does, and where the money comes from to do it, So for the next few days, we pro- pose to deal with this subject, and give to our readers the infor mation they need to understand what it is Involved in the pro- posals, COME UNDER ACT Conservation authorities are es- tablished and administered under the Conservation Authorities Act, which comes under the admin- istrative jurisdiction of the min- ister of planning and develop- ment, They are usually' based on the watersheds of Ontario streams, the watershed being de. fined as the area drained by a river and its tributaries, In the Central, Lake Ontario Region, the watershed wc ald be the areas drained by such streams as the OTTAWA REPORT Lynde's Creek, west of Whitby; Oshawa Creek, Harmony Creek, Farewell Creek and the Bow. manville Creek. The steps necessary for the formation of a conservation au- thority are laid down in the Act, Two or more municipalities sit- usted partly or wholly within a watershed, may petition the minister of planning and develop- ment to call a meeting to con- sider the establishment of an au- thority. The minster is then re- quired to fix the time and place of the meeting, and to notify the council of every municipality in the watershed to send represent- atives on a population basis, as provided for in the Act. These representatives need not nec- essarily be members of the mun- feipal council. Two-thirds of the representatives which the mun- feipalities notified are entitled to send constitutes a quorum, TWO-THIRDS VOTE NEEDED When the meeting is held, a resolution passed by a vote of two-thirds of the representatives present, requesting the minister to establish an authority, is re quired, The Lieutenant governor in council may then estabish the conservation authority by passing an order in council, The first reg- ular meeting of the new authority will be called by the minister of planning and development, At this meeting, the officers of the au- thority are chosen from among its members, The first step taken after au- Higher Post Is Likely For Hees By PATRICK NICHOLSON Special Correspondent to The Dally Times-Gazette OTTAWA-IHon. George Hees has proved himself so able as minister of transport that Ontario industrial executives are lobby- ing to have him transferred to be minister of trade and commerce, Before Mr, Hees was elected to Parliament eight years ago, he was a textile executive in To- ronto: so he can talk to business men in their own language, The powerful industrialists which are urging this change belleve that the 47-year-old Mr. Hees has the ability to understand the kernel of a problem quickly, make a clean-cut decision, and have it {implemented at once, This lobby behind Mr, Hees-- unsolicited and perhaps embar- rassing--reflects the skill with which he has been handling gov- ernment's largest and most cum- bersame department, One likely soon to be split In twd. THe lobby also reflects hig fast-rising status in 'the inner councils of the Con- servative party, a status which associates him with others al- ready within ambition's reach of the 'mantle of the leader when, many years hence, Mr. Diefen- baker may decide to step down. BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE In his younger days, George Hees was a notable athlete. He played football for the champion Toronto Argonauts, and he held the Canadian college heavyweight boxing crown. One of Ottawa's most amusing stories Is his ac. count of how the Canadian under- dog later also won the British university crown. His good looks and his easy ability, added to his reputation as a sportsman, led his older colleagues to regard him as something of a playboy when he was a parliamentary rookie, Riled by the .:apotence and inac- tivity of a heavily outnumbered Opposition, he let off steam and debunked the over - stuffy mo- ments with often ribald interjec- tions--for samples see Hansard on any day in the early 1950s. In 1954, Mr, Hees was a last minute candidate for the presi. dency of the Progressive Con- servative Association of Canada, backed chiefly by John Diefen- baker and the progressive ele- ment in the party. His opponent, Mr. Gordon Churchill, had an ex- cellent record of wisdom and per- formance, but votes were cast against him because he was sup- ported by the already discredited Tory Old Guard machine. Hees won, achieving the first loosening of the vice-like death grip of the 01d Guard. He seized the golden moment to launch an intense campaign of personal activity, eriss-crossing the whole country, reviving moribund local organize ations, firing the grass roots with enthusiasm and hope for the fu- ture, and in fact laying the solid foundations for the country-wide surge behind the Diefenbaker- Hees campaigns in 1957 and 1058. NO. 2 CAMPAIGNER In this year's election, George Hees toured and spoke in more ridings than any other Conserva- tive except his chief, By train, plane, car, boat and even heli- copter, he visited 71 ridings dur- ing the campaign, spending 24 days in Quebec province, On the final day, accompanied by Sena- tor Mark Drouin, he heli-hopped into seven ridings there. Torontonian Mr. Hees neverthe- less speaks in French fluently and off the cuff, with a good ac cent, with full confidence, with lavish interpolation of the most frightful slang, and with sufficient grammatical errors to win the fellow-feeling of his audiences. He proved himself a successful stumper indeed, and he earned much of the credit for the Con- servative successes in. eastern Quebec and the Lake St. John dis- trict . The day after the election, Mr, Diefenbaker telephoned him from Prince Albert, to thank him and congratulate him, and to tell him to take a much-needed vacation at once, instead of travelling to Ottawa to attend a cabinet meet- ing. Anyone who cares to, may draw significance from the fact that the prime minister and Mrs, Diefenbaker planned to join George and Mrs. Hees three days later in Bermuda As transport minister, George Hees looks keenly forward to playing a large part in imple- menting The Vision of northern development, On the other hand, Gordon Churchill has made an excellent beginning to the reshap- ing of our foreign trade policy, in his role as minister of trade and commerce, The Ontario lobby will therefore prove abortive in all' probability, but it has fo- cussed a deserved spotlight on a rising political star. READERS VIEW'S Letters On Dogs And Lakeview Park Beach Sir: 1 have read with interest all letters for and against dogs being tied up. Never before have 1 written and voiced my opinion. But now I feel I am justified, as I am a dog-lover myself. I will. not argue whether they should or should not be tied up, and you would know my answer, but I have my own opinions on this subject. The first Is that the city of Oshawa takes quite a sum of money in dog tags in a year. You do not pay a licence for a car or a bicycle that does not go out on the street. So how many people will pay a licence for a dog which is confined to the house, Will the complainants make that up to the city? I doubt it. They would be the first to complain, My second opinion is -- how many robberies have been foiled because of a dog barking? And how many lives have been saved from fire because of a dog bark ing? Those who really love their dogs will either take them to the have them destroy than have them tie up all the time. Sure, these peo ple will have their beautiful clean city, as they put it But they will also have more break country ed, rather or ins than they have already. Seo let them have their choice. A REGULAR READER Oshawa, April 14, 1958. ANOTHER VIEWPOINT The Editor, The Times-Gazette, Sir: Just one more voice in de- fence of our dumb animals, 1 agree wholeheartedly with sever- al of your readers that unruly children do more damage than dogs. There are several dogs in our neighborhood and I have yet to see any damage done by them. But we have seen plenty done by unruly children, even our fence torn down deliberately, because we spoke to them about other damage they had done, I think dogs are better tied up in the hot weather, providing they have enough rope to move around, But so many people tie them on too short a rope, and leave them there in the sun with no water 'and no attention at all, like one I could see from my window a short time ago. He was not much more than a pup. le was on a three-fool ith children teasing him and wking him with sticks, more of en than not with no water in ill kinds of weather, until the poor ereature died In a fit. I do 1 ain thortty is established is the mak- ing of a complete survey of the entire area covered by the water- shed, This survey is made as soon as possible by the conservation branch of the department of plan. ning and development, This covers all phases of conservation, It includes water, land, forests, wild life and recreation. When the survey is completed, a report is presented to the authority, giving the results and any recommenda. tions for activities of the author- ity, This survey is made by the department at no cost whatever to the conservation authority, CAN SUGGEST SChEME These recommendations will consist of plans for various schemes which can be under- taken by the authority, Under the Act, a scheme can mean any type of work undertaken by the au- thority for the purpose of con- servation, restoration and de- velopment of natural resources, and the control of water in order to prevent floods and pollution, The conservation authority has full power under the act to ex- propriate land for the carrying out of any scheme on which it decides to embark. Before proceeding with any shemes, however, the authority must file with the minister of BYGONE DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Sam B. Collis , purchased the Allchin Block at corner of Bond street west, for a price over $30,000, to open a modern Men's and Ladies' Wear Store. OHA Junior Hockey Title came to Oshawa when local "Generals" took three straight games from Guelph, Mrs. N. O, Hipel and Mrs. G. Conant entertained at luncheon at the Granite Club in honor of Mrs. Mitchell ¥. Hepburn, Local PUC reported an all- time high for service to the citi- zens in 1937, Waterworks, Electric Commission assets were more than $2,000,000. R. 8. McLaughlin announced the Duke of Windsor had taken delivery of a Canadian . made McLaughlin - Buick, Pupils of Mary Street School held their music festival at OCV] under the direction of Leonard Richer, director of music in Osh- awa schools. planning and development the plans and a detailed description of what is proposed, and must secure the approval of the min- ister before proceeding with the scheme, If any pert of the cost of any sheme Is to be raised by spreading it over a period of years, It is also necessary to obtain the approvel of the Ont- ario Municipal Board, In tomorrow's article we will give some kind of idea of the kind of projects which have been undertaken successfully by other conservation autnorities throug- out the province of Ontario, (To be continued tomorrow) MAC'S MUSINGS We regard the world today As being in a state of Peace, hut we can only Regard this as being a Sort of fool's paradise When we see the nations Creating ever more powerful Weapons of destruction, And spending more money Than ever before for What they all claim to Be purposes of defence. There is a strang. idea That by building up More destructive weapons Than prospective enemies We are ensuring peace Because we think these Weapons will act as a Deterrent to hold them Back from aggression, But it may not work Out that way, because Our prospective enemies Are also engaged in the Race for armaments to Overshadow our own, And this race could go On until it explodes Into another war, It is an old argument That preparedness for war Will ensure peace, but We have seen two wars In our own lifetime brought About by one nation Believing it had built up Stronger' forces than its Enemies, and that might Easily happen again, hope that the time never comes when dogs have to be tied up all the time, REASONABLE Oshawa, April 15, 1958, LAKEVIEW PARK BEACH The Editor, The Times-Gazette, Sir: I would like to compli ment, if I may through your pa- per, Alderman Finlay M. Dafoe for his effort to get the beach at Lakeview Park cleaned up, As a man who in the early thirties helped to build the original sea- wall lay sod and make the park a real beauty spot, I am ashamed of the present condition of the park beach, I spend a lot of time down at the lake in the summertime, and to see the people climb down the cliff to the beach, strewn with concrete wreckage, is sickening, I am sure something could be done to at least remove the worst of the debris, also slope the cliff down, 1 wish Alderman Dafoe all power in his splendid efforts to get something done at the lake this year, JAMES CORSE 67 First avenue, READERS' VIEWS More About Dog Question The Editor, The Times-Gazette, Sir, ~~ With reference to the dog situation, I bought a mongrel dog from the dog pound about a year ago. He is part of the family now. As well as loving and pro- tecting my four children, he also protects-my property from these so-called stray dogs. He wears a three-dollar tag 'hat should give him a bit of freedom, and if he gives anyone any trouble, and they do not know to whom he belongs, I wish they would tele- QUEEN'S PARK Liberal House Must Be Rebuilt By DON O'HEARN Special Correspondent to The Dally Times-Gazette TORONTO---The popular theme of the Liberal convention quite obviously is going to be "re- building" the party. All candidates are stressing this as they make their initial announcements, The Important factor, fore, is what would be. Vernon Singer the young reeve of North York has reported that one of the things he favors is pub- lic ownership of natural gas dis- tribution. There will be a rush of similar proposals from other candidates, one imagines, observer if ly there- their approach But don't blame the he doesn't b i new idea with practically every breath, xo MAN WITH GRASP ut what it hasn't produced has been a man with an overall grasp of the province and of the place of government--a man, in other words, who's ideas came from a sound base. To the onlooker this is the type of man that the party needs. And there is the suspicion that this time the delegates also will be on the hunt for a man who goes deeper than surface prom- ises. One can never say . positively what a political convention, any more than the public at an elec- tion, will do. There is a certain section which inevitably will go for the bait of specific pled enthusiastic, The provincial Liberal party in recent years has had men with new ideas. Walter Thomson in 1951 was the greatest example. Walter had a phone the poundkeeper and he would gladly pick him up. I wish those selfish people who are writing. in would think of their own younger days. Ii they did not have a pet, how they longed for one? Let us keep the younger generation happy. Any human or animal continually on a leash will get vicious, so if you want some pets destroyed along with mine, then lengthen their time of con- finement, P.S. He is kept in on garbage day. ROY EMBURY 209 Johnston Avenue, Oshawa, April 11, 1958. However, one sense that the Liberals by now have béen driven down to the point where they will be looking for more. TWO ABILITIES CITED That in any event is what the writer will be looking for, At this stage there doesn't seem to be much point in saying that a gable, in the form of gas distribution, or a new coat of paint, in the form of some oth promise, will be added to the Lib- eral house in its present state. The important trouble is in the house itself, and before additions are made it needs to be recondis tioned. The proper leader at this time, one would therefore say, is a man who first of all has the abi'ity thoroughly to study the house, and with this the capacity then to plan and make the necessary repairs and additions, "Men who Wink of morrow ~~ prac fod re moderation Che House of Seagram Distillers since 1857 Need a PUMP? 'You get FAR MORE with You get 2 com plete choice . . . there's » type and capacity for every pumping need. You get expert help in choosing the pump that will do the best job for you. Yew ges instal. lation and always close maintenance service that's by. And you get engineering and design that guarantee performance. For the pump and the Company that give you far more -- see Fairbanks-Morse. In Toronto call EMpire 8-8321 or visit 136-167 Harbour Street Oshawa, April 14, 1958. 1] INSIST O% THE Co) Yd (OD [TeACe° MERIT PLAN IT'S CANADA'S MOST USED TIME PURCHASE PLAN! For over twenty-five years more Canadians have been buying cars "on time" on the I.A.C. 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