THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussdey, Api 15, 1958 § Education Trustee Flays Labor Body | Charges Untrue Facts Supplied To Public The Oshawa and District La-iand "everything bor Counci was accused Mon-| right." day evening of giving untrue, 'rhe poy returned to school facts to the public ind its ac-\on Wednesday," he continued, tions were described as "shab-'"and he has been there ever by" by Trustee G, K. Drynan of | since the Oshawa Board Education, He said that usually in cases Mr, Drynan made his remarks| such as this the teacher calls at a meeting of the management |the parent of the injured or sick committee of the board held in child, asking them to come and the boardroom of Oshawa Colle- pick him up or making sure giate and Vocational Institute. |someone will be home if the A letter from Keith Ross, child is sent there by taxi, president of the Oshawa and pp District Labor Counci', to 8. G. DELAYED ACTION Saywell, chairman of the Osha-| This particular case was dif wa Board of Education, com- ferent," he said, "it had a de- plaining that sick and injured) !ayed action and did not appear school children were being sent Serious at the time. As a matter home from school alone and ©f fact the parents of the boy without proper care, started the did not call a doctor themselves discussion, {until 8 p.m. Friday night." In the letter, Mr, Ross refer-| 'The boy's father abused the red to a young hoy who had been teacher in that open meeting, sent home from school recently ®2id Dr. Elliott," "it was unethi. with a fractured thumb and a cal, unfair, and I resent it, concussion, He urged that in fu-| Pointing out that the letter ture the teacher either drive the was from Mr, Ross, 8, G. Say- sick or injured pupils home or well said that the board of edu- send them in a taxi, thus ensur- cation had actually received no ing that they would not be alone, word directly from the paren's in erse anything went wrong. of the child, SUPERINTENDENT REPORTS [BOARD APPROACHABLE Reporting the case to the, "We are approachabie to any board, Dr. C, M, Elliott, superin- citizen at any time, said G, K. tendent of the Oshawa Public Drynan, "and they should be Schools, sald that the boy, a stu. made aware of that fact, There dent at Queen Elizabeth School, is no necessity to go to any othe had tripped and hurt his thumb|er body." He also said that an while walking down an aisle on opportunity should be given to Friday afternoon, Mar, 21. He the board to explore such cases, also bumped his head. Yefore resolutions giving untrue "The teacher put ice-packs on fact® to the public are brought his thumb and mothered him for|UP In a place where the press 'Suggest Addition At College Hill | A combined meeting of the] Mr. Brown stated that he was [building and property and man-inot in favor of adding to College agement committees of the Osh-|Hill Public School at this time awa Board of Education, Monday because he thought it was badly night, passed a motion recom- situated and poorly suited for an mending that the board, as a addition in every way. whole, approve the building of al The opinion was expressed, four-room addition to College Hilllhowever, that althougi. additions Public School, would be needed in both schools, The motion also provided for|in the not too distant future, it the moving of the two portable, would be easier and faster to add classrooms, now at Bloor Street|{the four rooms to College Hill, East Public School, to the Ger- since plans used for similar addi- UKRAINIAN BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN'S CLUB ELECTS EXECUTIVE asf 8 Scho, to th Gore ion ved fr simi sat Rapidly becoming a force in | rainian Busines and Profes- | tion recently. Elected to office | president; A, Shestowskym, im- | Peleshok, treasurer and Dr. |thorization of a third portable for|could be used with a minimum of . . ' § . 'ere: J. Oh mediate past president; S. | P, Zakarow, secretary. that school. changes. the life of Oshawa, the Uk | sional Men's Club held its elec were: from left, J. Olinyk, | Mandryk, = president-elect: H. Times-Gazette Photo. It is hoped that through the, Mr, Brown countered this sug- - ---- | seemed all | Claims Police Mistook Claremont Farmer Piggery Odor For Rum Potato Champion Exhibitors from Ontario Coun-| Potatoes 4-H Club Doris Hall ty at the Peterborough Spring Hockley, Claremont, first; Mur- " Show won a large number of|ray Hockley, Claremont, second; | of the motion, which will|gestion by pulling out the archi ome up at a special meeting of|tects plans for the recently com- {the board at 5 p.m. today (all pleted Gertrude Colpus School {members willing) the Bloor|which indicated that provision |Street East School will eventually had been made by the architects be closed, for a six-room addition to the THORNY PROBLEM school, The Management Committee MORE SPACE NEEDED and the Property and Building] Dr, C, M. Eiliott, superinten- Committee met separately to dis-|dent of Oshawa's public schools, cuss ways and means of solving said that a definite need for more prizes. The potato championship Joe Norton, Claremont, ithe thorny problem of decidingispace in the Gertrude Colpus was won by Albert Hockley, RR| Oats class -- open to exhibitors which pupils should go to each/School was needed and would 1, Claremont, on a bushel of who have not shown before: Keith public school, and on which|continue to be needed. Green Mountains. The Peterbor-|Page, Uxbridge, RR 1, first; schools additions were needed It was also pointed out that the ough Spring Show was held on!Jack Coates, Brooklin, RR 1, sec-| most. area surrounding the College Hill April 9-11 in the new memorial ond; Norman Down, Oshawa,| Dr, Claude H. Vipond ultimate- School would probably develop centre in Peterborough RR 4, third; Hugh Dobson, Ux-(ly proposed the motion that was quickly, and that there was al- The prizes won in the various bridge RR 3, fourth; Rogeripassed by the joint committees ready a pressure in that school classes are as follows: Rynard, Zephyr, fifth, lof the board by a six to three|arising from the number of stu- Early: oats Russell "Morri.| ©ats 4-H Club -- Murray Car- | majority. . |dents attending it, son, Beaverton, RR 2, second, | 0M Claremont, fifth; Frank| Considerable discussion over| Although Mr. Brown disagreed Late oats -- Clare Vernon. Port|Barkey, Claremont, sixth; David|the merits of the plan was pre- with him completely, Trustee M,| hin k Rs , J Lancaster, Beaverton, tenth; Au-|cipitated when Trustee H., Brown M, Hood said that he thought it erry, RR 2, second; Heber br oa v A A Down, Brooklin. RR 1, fourth. rey Carson, Claremont, 18th, had raised a motion that a six- would be possible to have the {ei ' ' The Ontario County Seed Judg- room addition be built on the Ger-|four new rooms at College Hill] Winter wheat ~ Heber Down, ino team won fourth place with a|trude Colpus School, and the port-| completed by the fall, Mr. Brown| Tustin testified that he had been north with a friend, and that the liquor belonged to his friend. 'He got very drunk," he said, "but I did not even have a drink." He told the court that he had bought the liquor for his friend, as "He was too drunk to buy it." Frank Wills, also of Pickering, told the court that he had spoken to the accused shortly before the accident, and that Tustin ap- peared normal then. "His friend was loaded though," Wills said Magistrate Ebbs, however, hav- ing heard the two officers' testi- The memory of the late Cap-|Crown Attorney Alex C. tain Morgan was sullied in Osh-|QC. awa police court, Monday, when| Trustin was arrrested following a Pickering man suggested that an accident on King steet west police might have mistaken the on Mar, 20. PC Walton, of the aroma of pig-swill for that of the Oshawa Police Department, who beverage named after the cap- investigated the accident, testi tain. fied that Tustin was unsteady on Raymond Tustin, 22, of Pick- his feet and smelled strongly of ering, brought before Magistratelalcohol. "In my opinion, he was F. S. Ebbs on a drunk driving intoxicated," the officer said charge, told the court that, al-| PC Walton went on to say that though there were three bottles of he recovered a full bottle of rum, rum in his car, in various states a part bottle of rum, and an em- of depletion, and although two pty rum bottle from the accus- policemen said that his breath ed's car. He said that 19 bottles smelled of alcohol, that he had of beer were found in the trunk third mony for a second time, register vd a conviction. Tustin was sen- tenced to seven days in jail. His car was impounded for three months, and his licence suspend- ed for a year. pot been drinking of the car "I work on a pig - farm," he| Sgt. J. Taylor, on desk duty sald, 'maybe that is what they at the police station when Tustin smelled." was brought to the station, testi- 'Not even the worst ells fied that in his opinion, Tustin ¥ke pig - swil" commented Excellent Cast To Present Play The principle male role of his summer vacations, he looked "Will", in Patricia Joudry's about for a chance to further his| Th D t "Teach Me How to Cry", is be- second great interest and spent| ree ar S | ing played by Don Le Quesne, a one season acting with a sum young man who has quite re- mer stock company in Plymouth, North Oshawa, Woodview No. cently come to live in Pickering. /Mass., and acted in Montreal 2, Southmead and Rundle Parks | Harry Fayle | 'HasHigh | Playing opposite to Don is Kathy with the Trinity Players and the were the four bi g winners in last |. "Claremont, first: real Repertory Theatre. week's CRA Dart League play. | Totten, who appears in the role Mont "Melinda. 1955, Don was cast to play| North Oshawa defeated Wood- a considerable time," stated the can get hold of them, doctor, 'She asked him if hc| "It was a shabby way to treat was all right and, when he said|the school board and the city as yes, she sent him home at 3:30 a whole," he said. "The board in the afternoon.' | should be given the courtesy of | Dr, Elliott pointed out that the 8 request for information" | parents of the injured lad did not| Mr, Saywell pointed out that have a telephone. He stated that|the board of education could [the boy's mother brought him | probably have straightened the iton, Claremont, third; Ivan Nor- quet, at which the trophies and |ton, Goodwood, fourth, In gh young emough in op he the winning play in the New |view No. 3, 4 to 1. Woodview No, | "pearance to be convincing in the Brunswick Regional Festival and 2 defeated Connaught 5 to 0. teen-age role of "Will", Don has went on with the play to compete |Southmead defeated Woodview | managed to pack a lot of experi-|in the Dominion Drama Festival No\ 1, 3 to 2 and Rundle beat out ence into his quite few years. {for that year. They didn't win, | Eagtview, 3 to 2, Born in Montreal, Don insists Put they made a darned good layers who doubled in and out that his name is not French, but fy, said Don, and it was very of\four games of 401 were: Harry Jersey Island. Educated in Mont- eXciting. Fayle, Peggy Fayle, Dave Rae real, he was always interested in| After leaving university, Don Lily Rae, Don Clark, lone Pat. acting and in art and set design, crossed to London and Paris to|ton, Bill Patton, Bill Perryman, and hax managed sets for vari- continue his art study. However, J. Brack, N. Adair, Roy Cor- ous amateur productions in Can-|in Paris, he soon found himself nish, Bill Clark, Ed. Cornish, ada, acting again, and eveg dancing in Ross Mills, Marg. Germond Completing his education at 2 Musical revue, which proved to Edith Major, Ken Graves, V in baseball 4, Peggy| Master Key Suspected to 19, at the McLaughlin Library fice, in the Alger Building, Theatre. Jail Driver Seven Days ithe di Norman Blaylock, 42, of Hamil. thief apparently i Cor ; ton, told Magistrate F. S. Ebbs|¢Scape, and entered a window 7 5 hold- * " n a de A JhoER of the Eastern Star ale hola: Monday that he had four bottles : the Alger Press office in the y sive euchre at the Masonic Temple. of beer before he was arrested Same building. A master key, Thursday, April 17. Tickets 75 cents. co. 4. nu driving, April 2. He vhich fits every door in the build-|, Prizes and refreshments 88h imi io ng, was missing from a desk i , April later admitted that it might have '"5 o a : ny W.A. Rummage sale, Thursday, Apr gl the Alger Press office. . 17, 1 o'clock, St. George's Parish Hall, been 10 beers. Centre Street. Blaylock upped his estimate {when Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, QC, calculated that, from a blood-test result of 1.9 parts per thousand alcohol taken from Blaylock, in a man his weight, | awa boulevard south, |police when he found a file and a $25 was stolen from the cash box. aged to get in as much stage "everal of these Little Theatre Winning teams of baseball ;had a great deal of fun and many were: Harry Fayle police cruisers was damaged in|Cry", Don thinks it is a very High three darts were: Harry| at the wheel of the cruiser, when Oshawa an opportunity to see this estimated at $350. The other car (town, and dealing with the lives lon, 8 p.m. 20 games, $5 and $7, 7 - $40 APL, Co 2%. Police say that access to the Mount Allison Unlevrsity, N.B., be very interesting indeed. Later, Graves, Donna Cummer, Nels. where he obtained his BFA de- In London, he always found an Johnson, Vern Claus, Ray Adair, | gree, he was not content to spend | 3Mmateur group wherever his art Gary Clark, Gen Bryant, Art all his time at work, but man. Work took him, and he acted with Bryant, and Midge Wilson. expe s possible. D: associations and designed sets, were: North Oshawa 66, Wood Tlence as possible sing too, on occasion. view No. 2, 52, Southmead 46, and Altogether, for such a young Rundle 63. Police Cruiser man, this young Canadian has High three darts |interesting experiences, all pack- Is Damaged ed into a few years, hy Very interested in his role of |p One of Oshawa's new 1958 "Will", in "Teach Me How 10 Clark 6, and Midge Wilson 4. an accident, at the Intersection of good play indeed, and agrees Fayle 1 Lil | William street east and Ontario with us that it is a real service vase clo, roid Rae 132, and street, on Monday. on the part of the Oshawa Little! -- : Constable William Cairney was Theatre to give the audience in it was involved in a collision with/Canadian play which will soon be a car driven by Gladys Jean opening in London, England Thompson, 20, of Burketon, "Teach Me" is a beautiful little The cruiser sustained damage Play, set in a small Ontario was - damaged to the extent of and interests of a cross - section $175. of the people who make up the town. Dates of Al COMING EVENTS FERNHILL Park Bingo tonight, Ava jackpots. Share the Wealth, Door prizes. 88a LADIES welcome to Columbus United Church Bazaar and tea, Wednesday, April 9, 11, 12, 15 KING Street WA open house, tour Centennial Hall, Thursday, April 1 35. Tea 50 cents: Everyone welcome |t of 7 Is April 12, 15 It C OSHAWA AND DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB Members are reminded that the usual monthly meeting will be held ot Adelaide House on Tuesday, 15th April, 1958, commencing ot 8 pm. DON'T SHINE According to a report made by the American Dental Asso- ciatipn, four out of five tooth brushes used by Americans are worn to a point where they do little good as tooth- cleaners If you'd like to clean out un-needed articles from your attic, basement, closets and drawers, Classified ads are perfect instruments! Simply phone RA 3-3492 for an ad- writer I I i ( Oshawa Kinsmen } MONSTER BINGO TONIGHT 8:00 P.M. at the JUBILEE PAVILION £1,000 in prizes FREE ADMISSION! Bus service to the door V ( y REACH WRECK SCENE QUITO, Ecuador (AP) All ground party Monday reached ! the scene of a wrecked Ecuador | an IX airliner and reported 1 C Ehbhhbs en day entenced in. jail three li he rugged terrain would make « almost impo to bring out the bodies of the 32 persons killed in the erash. about 200 pounds, he must have had the equivalent of 10 pints of beer in his system at the time the blood-test was taken. 88a) Detective Sergeant John Powell | ~ |of the Oshawa Police Department told the court that he arrested Blaylock near the police station on Athol street, after following the accused from Simcoe street {north. The officer said that Blay-| 10ck's car weaved badly from| side to side and that, after being |stopped, the accused staggered {badly, and smelled of alcohol {There is no doubt in my mind that he was intoxicated", Det Powell said Magist Bla impounded \" ible months, and suspended hi 88a cence for six months, one week earlier, {out as it is quite an inspiration land the comradeship among the members of the zone is greatly appreciated, Fayle 4, Dave Rae 4, Tom Rae|Pominion Command Secretary of 4, Bill Clark 4, Lorraine Cornish the Canadian Legion replying to Ed. Cornish 4, Ken Graves 4 |2 request about Canadian men in ay Adair 4, Wes. Ogden 4, Gary the Far East. He is matter up with the secretary ol state for external affairs. City police believe that a mas. Columbia apple growers are in ab performance, ter key was stolen to gain access Pad way and unless they can get |Wednesday to Saturday, Apr. 16 to the Canada Life Assurance of-'help the industry, producing th 37/$20,000,000 King street east, Sunday night. ally, may go under, says A Manager Roy Topping, 105 Osh- Garrish, called Fruit Growers Association, |cash box rifled, on opening the Minister Diefenbaker during his stantial help from office at 9 a.m. Monday. He said|rpcent campaign visit here, Mr. government's Farm |Garrish office was apparently gained with! fruit climbed a fire, ers higher net serious WHY THE TEETH [SLIM MARGIN grade 'will be in a tough spot," Gazette that it will be his Job | means a fairly grower-owned State {ing He is looking for a large turn to these small branches to put on functions such as these rallies A letter was read from the taking the Canadian Legion in years worth of fruit Letter Not - 'Anonymous: Writer Says Alfred Beal, 52 Buckingham president of Store Door Is Smashed City police investigated an at- tempted break-in at a store on the corner of Olive avenue and |Wilson road, this morning. Brooklin, RR 1, Russell |yery splendid score. They judg-|ables moved to College Hilllretorted that he was being far Morrison, Beaverton, RR 2, sixth.|oq 'and gave reasons on classes! School. Itoo optimistic. Barley Russell Morrison, of wheat, oats, barley, red clover | -- e-- -- -- Rye Harold Norton, Clare- mounted forage plants, and mont, RR 1, second. weeds and samples of clover and Late oats registered -- Russell [grass seeds, | Morrison, Beaverton, RR 2,| The judges from Ontario Coun. | third: seventh and 15th; Henry|/ty were -- Neil Taylor, Peffer-| Own TOWN i law; Xs ovlor, era | back to school on the following matter out before it really got ; |Fre eare, Uxbridge; Arno) i y Barley registered Milton|Kerry, Port Perry; Spat Leek,| Oshawa police court looked like| "I wouldn't like to shoot craps Monday anid had Wesiing will isiasiod, had this courtary been Parkin, Brooklin, RR 1, seventh. [Mount Albert; Ross Stevenson, rush hour at the subway, Monday with these," Mr, Hall said, rat. | ------ . Potatoes, early -- Harold Nor- (Sunderland; Keith Harm an, morning, when Robert Claytonitling a pair of red dice in his A . ton, Claremont, RR 1, first. {Mount Albert; Murray Prentice, Lee, 39, 24 Richmond street east, hand. It appears that they will B h P bert Hockley, Claremont, RR 1, Mount Albert; Keith Barton, Ux-/Ebbs on a charge of keeping a seven -- they are fixed." 1S op raises first; Ivan Norton, Goodwood, bridge, |common gaming house, Mr, Hall also produced what second; Harold Norton, Clare- | There were 75 contestants rep-| Lee appeared together with 13 he termed "Lee's business cards' mont, third. [resenting eight counties. The men charged with being **Found'-- calling cards with Lee's name, Potatoes, late -- Albert Hock. competition was brought to a|ing" at the gaming house. |another name, and a dollar sign. | Lee drawing a $200 fine with the |sell Curry of Oshawa was with.| Addressing the members of the ence, molded and shaped, go g prizes won were presented. |alternative of two months in|drawn, Those convicted of being|WYldewood Heights Co-operative sent out Into society from i | : . Limited, at their victory dinner|new homes? Thus you are cele- - {Jall. The found ins were each found in were, Wendel G. Mc. ' brating 'the building of & nd . fined $10 and costs, [Lean, George Siblock, Roy Grif. |in St. Gregory's auditorium Sat- a bn 8 i a ate egion Crown Attorney Alec. Hall, QC, [fith, Donald Wilcox, Geraldjurday night, Most. Rev. F. A. TA eer #0 A ' "I wouldn't want you to forget raided Lee's home, on Mar, 14, McLean, Donald G. Turic, Aex|'onto, lavished eloquent praise on' 1 Rall A and found a crap game in pro-|Kornik, Robert Harman, Bernard [the members for their achieve sat working With others on a , vance gress. He presented as exhibits Noiles, Jack Myles, all of Osh. ment. During his remarks he group ack ol 285 a Agr Lave {$111 cash, stakes in the game, awa, and Don Hyde, of Winni. said: Idone alone, you tour Ney ave Comrade W. F. Beaton, zone|gone by, volunteered to provide and two pairs of dice, Ipeg. | "This victory, which you cele' ; y EXPO Legion, has announced that the Lroops serving in areas outside of | casion, even If it is not broad- (order. io achigve other great rally scheduled to be held in Port|Canada, and the offer still stands cast, telecast, or chronicled as|™., x arse 8, lodses Perry on Friday, April 25, will|according to T. D. Anderson an important date in history. It is| i= you ' your uses 0 now be held on Friday April 18,/| Dominion secretary, if the gov- | momentous, because human be- > i Sh Jou new . ind of |ernment will allow them the priv Of R t Cl b ings are involved, and in terms "C'8ubO'S among whom you Ai | oiary Provincial Command advised, u not only in time, but for eternity, 0.200 were ved one of te all branches to discontinue spon- , : a multitude of people. 8 Ss © any parents soring magazine campaign - hos-|,, The annual Ladies' night of the which, he said, was chosen by |" | : !today. There is nobody who can pital equipment programs for| Rotary Club was held on Monday (Mrs. Walter Branch. The family is always the nelp'you raise your children bets sales purposes. It is giving a|Mght, April 14, at Hotel Genosha.| Miss Kathy McBain, recently YArdstick by which you measure ter" than the people with whom 0 tl y {featured on the "Arthur Godfrey the bargaining that is done Legion has been doing with the attending was that it was one of | better wages, and the justice that finye to build a community spirit public. [the best held by the club. and completely captured the au-|18 done in society, In the field|ag you have done working. to- A letter was read from the| 'President Jack Shephard ten- dience with her singing of 'Annie u housing, i wat not so much gether to build your homes," Trenton branch of the Canadian'dered a welcome to the ladies Laurie", Miss McBain, who orig | e Slits o any one marrie The bishop was introduced by Legion, No. 110, offering condol-|and Alex. Nathan led in com-'inally comes from Kirkland Lake, couple living in crowded quarters james Reilly, charter president to the branch on the loss of a |that city who, sh id, spons frustration and insecurity, that erative Limited, valued member, The letter Is to| HEAD TABLE GUESTS oly fy fo Jala, tia) [moved me to launch into some: Among the other speakers Ibe forwarded to Mrs. Horton. Wally Wilson, chairman of the|time in her career when she need. |." Which I knew was going to who offered their congratulations ------ ---- ----|Ladies' night committee, intro- 64 help most. be hazardous and difficult. And Ito the group were Hon, Michael duced the head table consisting of | Jaktiny: Dash 'of Wiidsor saw hundreds of them, and still [Starr and Very Rev, Dean Paul Mr. and Mrs, Bill Minett, Mr. and| : wg ia B.C. Apple Industry May Mrs, James Skinner, Mr, and Product of dhe YMCA, who calls|conditions. It was their job of ory's Church, (Mrs. Jack Shephard, Dr. and | Lithself The Juggling Flash" |hringing a family into the world, | A gift, if appreciation of his Mrs, D, Sturgis, Mr, and Mrs. G, | - ed ih a second spot on the and raising it properly under | work on behalf of the group, was | Murdock and Mr, and Mrs, W.|Program with unusual skill. [such conditions that was at stake. presented to Rev, J, E., Lawlor | Wilson, | Harry Mossfield, originally "You cannot guess the vast organizer and consultant, The KELOWNA, B.C. (CP)--Britishy B { bes 7 | J ) i shy 7 Sven te, Dest Dricss Sere ing new members . and their [KIOW™ Sum const to coast in Ca- present here tonight, How many (Cooper, vice-president of the : Ah s *|wives: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, 848, but got his original start|of you can possibly know the board of directors of the coms Industry officials are hoping (vy and Mrs. G. Murdock, Mr. (With the General Motors Choir thousands of human personalities pany, who spoke in the highest at the royal commission report | and Mrs. J. Allan, Mr. and Mrs, |Tendered several solos, and later [that will be brought into exist-|terms of Father Lawler, R.|MacPhee of the University of ig "oo McBain which was greatly ap- ae 4 the B.C. B.C. will suggest solutions Told Grose, Mn sad Ne A preciated by the audience. many of the problems. Hope 18am Mr 5 ] | Birthdays announ Frank | Outlining the situation to Prime held, too, that there will be sub? Mr. and Mrs, Bill Alger, {Brown i Dr, Sid Shimon Tank overn Prices Sta-| MI. Mi. a Walker and gi rie, Mrs, "Mac" McKinstry | needed | bilization Mr. and Mrs. Harold MeNell. | 4 "mye "ae "Hartshorn Us. The toast 10 the 120108 | WAS] w= eee mmm-- | levels, ably proposed by G. Murdock and | s to give pro- returns, lower J u ect ransportation rates and long. dent. The thanks of the gathering erm low-interest loans, to George Norrish, dinner-hour | » ached. Dut that the Taner dous Existing credit is strained to pianist, was expressed hv Wally, Smashec, Lu-that tae fn 001: avenue, an employe of the Osh- he limit and demands a new Wilson, 1Cers secured by a padlock, was se: zuq post Office many years ook, he said. "The situation is =o jeure, prior to his retirement, has voie- ceremonies for the entertainment: Club of the Blind for the Oshawa enue south. She told police that His Worship Mayor Lyman A. |and Bowmanville District recent-|the attempt was made between Gifford at the meeting of city | ly. The election, held at the CRA{the time she locked up at 10.30 council on April 7. : Seven Alarms {building, was conducted by Jack!P.m. Monday and the time she : } Mrs. C, Suddard, past president: ndustry officials say to be in charge of the docks and Are Answered Miss Pat McConnell, vice-presi- Because of the large number of rental in the harbor of govern-| Seven fire calls were answer. dent; Mrs. Reg. Pike, treasurer; | Ankle Gashed growers will be hit employed in the trucking and| Four trucks, one from the Ce ation convener: Mrs. McConnell I C 111 1 ; ; landscaping business. A family dardale station, sped to the Al-/and Mrs. Elliott, social conven- n 0 1S10n Tree Fruits, Limited, the man, he has three sons and four ge Press Ltd. building, on Ath./ers: Lester Davies, publicity and! An Oshawa man had his ankle company charged daughters ol street east, late in the after-|!egislation convener; Mrs. Mary vy. year under difficult circum- Graves, who died last August. Five minor grass fires were De the guests of the West Dur- jt Was ln Soisicn Ni 2 car on tances -- |quelled by the fire department,/am Advisory Board of the CNIB Peter Hyroz dk 50. of 1 1. Avenue, Oshawa', was attached Better than 90 per cent of the PAINTINGS ATTRACT | A fire in a car owned by V.|at'the spring concert being given| Peter Hyrcanuk, 50, of 120 Ol tg the left hand corner of the erop producing 5,250,000 boxes: TORONTO (CP) -- The biggest| Gill 428 Simcoe street south,[bY the Bowmanville Choral So-|!ve ave. was taken to the Osh-|enyelope, that it has almost be ome a matter of survival." said growers protection against sold at depressed tabilized price Act, ariff harfinger Appointed Gordon Robinson, 58, RR 4, Oshawa, a man whose family name has been connected with the home he is living in for 102 Few B.C. apple growers will years, was recently appointed how a profit for 1957 even for 80vernment wharfinger for the higher grade crops. Those whose Oshawa area. warvest ran too heavily to C| Mr. Robinson told The Times- { Police report that the outer storm door of the store had been Hic Worship was reported as aying: "I have been receiving anony- mous letters, This letter here is typed and has the name on it (of Mr. and Mrs. Beal but I can- {not read the signature which is in ink nor is there any address or initials." Mr. Beal informs The Daily Times that the letter was signed by his wife and himself, In addi tion a printed sticker with the words "A, Beal, 52 Buckingham Beaverton, RR 2, sixth, and alfalfa: they also identified | C ] J Di A G. Westney, Pickering, 17th and law; Laurie Taylor, Pefferlaw;| Potatoes, intermediate Al-|Uxbridge; Bruce Shillinglaw, appeared before Magistrate F, S. roll almost everything but a Housing Group Harold Nor-|close with a complimentary ban-| All but one were convicted, A found-in charge against Rus. told the court that police had Haight, Howard Mackin, Russell | Marrocco, auxiliary bishop of To- | clety. commander of Zone F1, Canadian Welfare services for Canadian brate tonight, is a momentous oc- {this Idea of working together in Ladies Guest lilege of doing so. of what is to come, you represent |would be raising your children; black eye to the good work the/The unanimous opinion of those for you have built your homes. Cone Show" rendered several solos, ences to Mrs. James Horton and munity singing. | paid tribute to the Rotary Club of in some flat or basement, in of the Wyldewood Heights Co-op- 1 8 see hundreds of them -in such|pyyer, parish priest of St. Greg, p Also presented were the follow. "0m Australia, who is now number of people whom you re- presentation was made by W. J. annu- being drafted by Dean E. D. Bob Hambly, Mr. and Mrs teamed up in a duet with Kathy the federal| New honorary members were (ny. jet 1. Vipond, Alex. el delightfully responded to by Mrs. FINE PROGRAM Mrs, Eva Wakely was elected| The proprictor of the store is ced objection to The: Times- Bird and Rufus Lambert. (opened the store at 9.30 am. ld and frost-damaged trees, this ment property. ed by Oshawa Fire Department Mrs. D. W. Armistead, secre: | ion 'of heavily B.C severe! n n R vith marketing the crops, ha The new government wharfin-| noon, to discover that the call Leach, card convener. a a rr yas ack Shephard, wife of the presi- Bob Ross was the master of president of the Humoresque [June McPhee, 337 Cadillac av- Gazette of the remarks made by Other officers of the club are: |Tuesday. large cross-sec-| 'Lately Mr. Robinson has been/on Monday, |tary; Mrs. C. Suddard, transport- lone a good job of selling this ger replaces the late A. J. was a false alarm. The members of the club will knocked from his bicycle When ciety on Apr. 18. {awa Clinic where two stitches The Lionettes, under the con.|Were taken in a gash in his ank-| venership of Mrs. R. Lamben, |!e: after the bicycle he was rid- served lunch at the conclusion of "8 was in collision with a. car h on' Since th ' . A thief the meeting driven by John E. McLeod, 62, fon Jet the opening of the ; hurchill Monday "escaped with $9.0000 The club meets on the second 136 Ritson road south rec exhibition Apri nearly 14,000) worth of - watche p rly! g q Thursdz 2 ar st of pack- have attended. The showin AT hes and jewerlyland fourth Thursdays of each! Both the car and the bicycle!I would not think of wr: sn an Sunday y ¥ ends after forcing a safe at a mid- month between October and were eastbound on Bond street anonymous letter.' Mr Be al \ : \ $ ter, Mr, Jeg {town jewelry store. May, 'at the time of the accident, commented. or the fresh een sold Some rice fruit market has crowds in more than three years|Was also extinguished. are flocking to the Art Gallery of| premium Toronto this month to view Sir THIEF ESCAPES markets in Winston Churchill's pai ntings.| TORONTO (CP) "I was a post office employe for many years and I always nrg. ed people to put a return Midress on their envelopes. 1 received the printed stickers as a gift and 1 have been using them ever since, | it brought Amer of on ompetition m 1 Wa apple often of below ¢« old at prices