Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Apr 1958, p. 17

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BO--Articles For Sele 50--Articles For Sele [50--Articles For Sale [50---Articles For Sole (52--Legol Notices Loas THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 15, 1958. 17 a " re Piano Popular In Northern: Ksxbwoon cuttings -- - ho Loads, ¥5 #5 AIR compressor for sale, RA 5.1216. COM bicycles $39.95 vp. Parts, acces WE pay cash for all good used furni Port Radium, Hay River, Fort in; , Delivered anywhere, RA 5.1526, | BH sories, trade-ins accepted, Vielors. 40 ture and clothing. Also sell and ex NO | I E r ( 0 May 14 change. 446 Simcoe Bireet South, RA i nt 1 and resolution he 0 miles April 30 SEDROOM » suites os, 385 up. Spring sale Bond Sireet West ' 3 1 4 58131 after hours RA 56782. Apr, 12 Smith At K inne "FOLDING pape paper ~ Banging table with 0ow on! Choice of DOSE, TV from Pleciro. P21 4 by es | arth straight edge. Mr, Turner 55826, #2 Barons' Home Furnishings, 44, Simone Some, Phill, Westinghoee: Syl ania, |FRWGIDAIRY, _refrgerasor sale $199, CREDITORS AND | inin Id in en es Northwest Jestifories pn Sa aoriheast oF ellie, the fa - . at 82.5 . cave 7, mi a .12 Ya t 100 down will completsly fornih your | Seer 80V0h te Paras Tesevieion 31 Simcoe Sorts Gusiantee: Kes. 31 King W, "Aprl OTHERS . pid DAG or herb B ro Be Lg mB home. This cludes chesterfield, bed. KITCHEN chrome seis and Ay Pia 1 ' --- . u ; } $s | rthern ateh cation re with bingo oh I Jeirigersion, Kitchen Suites, a ass amie Hs " : NEW Admiral and Marcon portablel in he Estote of CHARLES DAWSON CREEK B.C. (CP)-- and northern communities of Al- wan games, card: apd dart LOWrngs ra. ann aces Ae. Sethian move TIE: ADT 21 5a ome yeas waresniy. Coes eonced 81 King West. WA S33 Apr. 18| ARTHUR MCCLELLAN, lote In mining and (rapping centres herta and Saskatchewan. In 14 He also flew into DEW radas ments and vecasional dances, The er, rug. etc. Barons' Home Furnish USED refrigerators, washing machines, Sale $19.95. Kelly TV, BA 55121. Avr. 19 piscina nv hot water tank, 4 gai| Of the Town of Whitby, in and other remote northern spots settlements he tuned 65 pianos. 'stations by gov ernment heli- tiny ceptre hoe one sheet of cori the County of Ontario, re- far from television and with er- "Whe find . copter, ing. ice with regilar draws and ratic radio reception the piano is fe reyes you i K es ou, Mr. Pepin says too many peo- bemspiel are bou plano el iple think of northern communities. The roving piano tuner 'has been ings, 424 Simeoe Street South. April 13. ranges, rangettes (rade ins). Kelly yACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, including elements, 10 warranty, n r om, Frigiaaire, 81 King W. BA 55121 parts, attachments, brushes, . free with new washer ver| tired Bonk Manoger, de- bedroom and kitchen! This includes Api 19 teed rebuilt machines, estim Kelly IV. RA 88121, Apr. 18 4 still a popular musical instru ri, type Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Rep. Y. HOUSEHOLD furnish We bu fl cecsed, . said, ) LD furnishings, We buy, sei ment las "lonely, isolated outposts making his yearly visits since During his last trip, he worked where everyone gets used to bore-|1946, Next year he hopes to ine ER a wala SHE 839 Jown wil) furnish your living room chesterfield, bedroom suite. NAT, ¢ reg , $75; Rem. po i 58, spring, kitchen suite, coffee writer, $49; duplicator, $15; Jransistor ce, KA 81081 and exchange, For furniture bargains) ALL PERSONS heaving , step tables, two lamps, tri pocket radio, $39, RA 53508, 4 - 6 p.m FRIGIDAIRE, deluxe clothes dryers. contact community Furniture Store| you" oo iTS one of Al Pepin, Dawso.. Creek piano ' Ute, smoker etc. Baron's Home Fur May 19 new "38 models, Sais 8109, Kelly FI. sieo sous Necchi-Berging Sewing Ma| 0) iar tuner. knows at first hand the O° 45 pianos in Yellowknife, dom, clude AKlavik and MePherson, i Simeon Stren WE pay cash for used furniture, ap- Wnise, 81 King W. BA $5121, April 16 china' denter, 18 Prince Street. Phone] CHARLES ARTHU Mc- hard use to which pianos are put/N-W.T., a thriving mining centre| "They may be isolated, but/two communities on the Arctie pliances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, $150 off Frigidaire freezers, big 15 euble NA 81131. After € phone RA 51423, CLELLAN, lote of the Town Nard use pia of 3,000, Other stops included they're far from lonely or bor-leoast Ae -- i hives of bees Sr stoves. Also sell and uananie. 196, Built by GM. Easy terms, GMAC Ar. 8 of Whitby, in the County of |by heavy-fingered, roistering and| 4 P ] L , umenny Thornton's Road Sou eS vian, Kelly TV, RA 58121, April ¥ convent your aid_seria) to new ro Ontario, who died on or Sometimes self-taught pianists, » SAVE #85 on boats, motors and trail- tator, with new channel aerial, com 5 . i ement mixer, small boat. $13 MATY ers Cedar strip, fibregiass, aluminum pletely. imstatied. 1 yr. ware. $00.50] OPO! The Jah fey of Jon He recently returned from his PORT B T Vv | East, Whitby, MO 8-4225, B6¢| and moulded plywood. Bee Provincial Kelly TV, RA 55121, April 19] very, , are hereby noti- annual six-week, 4,000 - mile trip ABLE T.V. | s------p-- [Bice @ Bond Street West, BA| vais" crise, saris, Boudoir and fied to send full porticulars | through the Northwest Territories FOR | CHORD ORGAN WWuritser) | ar Gizsins 438 ees Bata Home Formivnonts, | ors" armor" tomtom: | : , d y signe ol repr - A Free home demonstrations | skirts, ail fair condition, size 7; dresses, Simeoe South Mor oil Th the seid Deceosed on I$2--tega! Notices Imost every man enjoys : kirts, suit, coat, 16. RA 58340, Bf : t lies, {s : : . PAINT, interior, exterior, flat, gloss, bards, oa SALE OR RENT Phone Alto Music Suppl olors $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware or before the 1st doy of May, lf will not be responsible for any debis PORTABLE rotary water pump, one all | RA 5-1501, |quarter hp, like new. RA 34361, "#5( and Electric. 8 Church, RA 37624, 1958, Immediotely ofter the | oniracted in my name, by my wife, PARKWAY T.V. New ond Used Musicol In- |WATTE rugs, ideal for sunrooms, recre May 1 said date, the soid personal from this d ol Marcel Sa, SIMCOE ST. struments for sale, Studios: |ation rooms and cottages, 27 inches by ELECTRIC Razor Clinic, Fast efficient] representative will distribute "© 918 SIMCOE ST, N 447 Simcoe St. S 54 inches, $3.75; 6 x 9, $15.50; 8 x 10, service. Cutting heads, cords, eic., for the ossets of the soid de- ---------------------- _---- RA 3-3043 4 ot 9 $21.95; ¥ x 12, $22.95 Assorted colors, Sunbeam, Schick, Remington, and i June 29 ciearing haf price, Nu Way Rug and Philishave, Meagher's, 5 King Street] ceased having regard only to FITTINGS LIMITED Moyl0 Carpet Sales, 174 Mary Street. RA West April 25 cloims of which it then hove -- -- ---- 51202, ld -- i » CHESTERFIELDS and sols beds, #89] notice, sik : SEE FLO-FOLD PORTABLE ispewriter, like new, $40. up, "Ean DATED at Toronto. th Dividend Notice VERTICAL BLINDS Also cash Fagister In very 8 condi- | cerials and colors, Out they go! Easy a Is | tion, snap. Phone RA 3-4434 terms. Barons' Home Purnisnings, 424] 31st doy of March, 1958 hat OUR COMPLETE LINE OF TTS April 14 Simcoe South I 2i Notice is hereby given thot | / i & Adu, 'THE TORONTO GENERAL o semi-annual dividend of TE i oS Modern, attractive versatile, q INE. 11 eu, ft. Coldspot refrigerator, GAS range with grill, suitabl i. 2} FISHING TACKLE lighweopt All aluminum, like new. 458 Bimeoe Street South sri ogi ii A Juneh TRUST CORPORATION, thirty cents (30c) per share fireproo dustproof, economi- EE tment No, 2. RA 8.1420 B5( glass showcase, juke box, ete, Phone 253 Boy Street, has been declared on the out- < A - GENOSHA TIRE LTD. | cal, fadeproot, ROTARY power lawnmower, "water 52, # TORONTO, Ontario, standing Convertible Class " N] | skis, me y saxophone » case, IA & ¢ 162 KING ST. E. o For Demonstration [er back sink with swing taps, double 5s 4 BUF mafia = 'y Executor, A heres, No Por Value, 5 Moy 9 RA 5.6139 bed and springs, RA 5-7478 83454" sizes, Out they Go! Barons' Home By its Solicitor: of the Lompony, payable 4 7 AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, Furnishings, 424 Simeoe South, Apr, 21 JOHN A. CAMERON. B.A July 1, 1958, to shareholders 10¢ Moy 7 | prompt service, Free estimates, Order SAVE $160 on new Beaily washer and B 1 'a Solicit duds of record ot the close of Used and New Televisions, now for early delivery, Chair and table dryer, Kelly TV, your authorized Beatty arrister Blicitor, business on June 5, 1958, Suggested pries Rod Combinat Hi-F rentals Cleve Fox, 412 Bimene North, dealer, 81 King W., RA 55121, April 19 182 King Street East, os TS Quality Remains Long After (Oshawa. APT Mi CYCLES, trivvcies, new and used: OSHAWA, Ontario By Order of the Board Cor Rodios $49.95 wp. | rv ; Interference on No "2 4 San De also repairs apd parts for all make Apr.1,8,15 870 otials diti | otten" eliminated wi 0, 3 "Bar atkins Draytons Cycle, 204 Bond Sireet East. ' . E------------ Aerials, Air . Conditioners, Price Is Forgo Trap", exclusive Kelly TV April 19 April 13 aragins I ; WEY -- RT Bargains, Fowler Television, Y SALES {COMPLETELY re-conditioned man's SINKS and cabinets, colored bath, 06 King W. -- RA 5.1685 | bic yele, bargain; also mahogany finish, sets pressure syste sump pumps, 306 King Mo 1 HOLOD L {14-album corner record cabinei, Phone laundry tubs, piastic, steel and copper ay | {RA 3.0646 #8 pipe and fittings, Installations Chinns ALUMINUM | DINING suite B pieces; bedroom suite Serves and saves , RA "7088, Apr. 18 {five pieces; kitchen set (nearly new). BARGAINS ~ Two 17" TVs, your {Must be sold. Reasonable. Frank choice, $59 each; one bedroom suite Doors, Windows, and Porch [Baker 44 Kingston Road East. Phone (new solid oak) 4 piece, only $149.50; 4 288 Pickering 88h one new chesterfield suite, sectional, | Railings, Air Shade-Flair Vent or neutral color, air foam, going for only | SPRING sale of floor coverings, large sig 50; burner gas stove, only | Awnings, Canada's most dis- |size 9 x 15, bordered congoleum rugs, ss wavy duly stove (GE), only only $12. Canvass back, inlaid linoleum. $49 5 apartment size; two piece bed he largest *stock in w th dis- tinctive owning for the 73 | regular $1.99, while they last per square riield suite, new, only $89.50 tario On criminating home owner yard 99 cents, Many lovely patterns in| Easy ms If desired. Also new Singer Johnston Motors, Tee floor coverings, wall to wall only .37 ables, 2 only, big savipgs if you lcents per foot, Wilson Furniture 20 buy from the Community Furniture Nee Trailers, Marine ' ! 4 Church Street Apr. 15 17 19, Store, 19 Prince "Street, opposite Grey Supplies HOLODY SALES | Coach Bus Station. RA 81131, May 2 SMASH savings on spring-filled mat / {tresses odds and ends clearance of SMITH S SPORTS RA 5-243] nigh quality mattresses, All guaranteed 5 1--Swap and Barter springfilled construction, Some slight! agent : 353 King West No down payment, up to soiled. Regular values to $39.50 out )' io vers bifvels, very food Son " | |they go $19, Wilson Furniture 2 Mun em Re on lr sie ' 3 RA 3-9311 | 30 months to pay Chureh Street Apr. 15 17 19 i po { 1408 hed % »i SAN Was may] May BIBABY cribs and carriages, largest Denne iE wr ' ta a A selection in town, earriages from $24.50 BED OF ROSES 47--Automoblles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale Piextone crivs from $3 plus free springfilled erib mattress light weight baby strollers 85.99 Wilson Furnl room chairs in good condition, RA 57419 71 ONE electric Moffatt stove four bur . be ner, exchanged for Annex, good condi tion. Splendid baker. RA 5.6093, 88 v WE buy, sell and exchange used furni ture. RA 3.327). Apply 444 Simcoe ¥ i 3 Str May 10 " " > . J Rd AEN TE LV Lent I ' hn dl)" DUNCAN Phyfe aint table; ue and pad, 9 x 10%; six windows, h 22 x 6 y ¥ x |other sizes. Apply 377 Bev ah Street # 4 { 8 5 2 4 two |CHILDREN'S blazers, sizes capes, size 4; girl' suite, size 5, good condition, Phone RA 3.9431 after 6 p.m Bic ¥ ad DINING room table, Duncan Phyfe style, Apply 300 Guelph Street, Bic i ¢ ' > foi 'most all sizes, $3 up. B. F : o a Thr) . v ogi y plan. RA 5.4543, May 2 ; nia ---- - El , ure 20 Church Street, Apr, 15, 17, 19 GTi Gorrar ales G0 gallon oll Tabi.) ' 65 Westmount Street LL O on. and coal furnace with controls and t pipes for six or seven rooms new 5 eB Phone Brooklin 145-J. #88( ' | i : FOUR burner electric stove with at 5. ' tached annex. In fair condition. Phone Zr 4 4 | we | | | OW RA 88856 Lui od 2A ONE grey Gendron baby carriage and i re mattress, One small size crib with mat Ll [tress and white bunting bag. RA 5.0380 #71 |SINGLE continental bed with padded headboard, practically new, five dining ~ \ » i BF. rich Blores, tires, batter fo responsible persons les, Kelvinator refrigerators, televi of age slons, Goodrich Store, RA 5.4543, May 2 NKNGSTW. LOT Biopemmnss, BA 3-T NYLON DELUXE SUPER-CUSHION : Phone RA 8-143] | Sleep in a bed of roses -- REPOSSESSIONS |decorate bed sets with these | beautif tifs. y 1957 Meteor Niagara 2-door, tri-tone blue and white, Lote model T.V.3, consoles, seauial Tolify wey on wheel disc. One owner, nome supplied upon re- table models, combinations Cross-stitch in two shades of quest. Low mileage : $2,09% . ] ) 58" 3.d00r. hoe an ; Also late model refrigerators, Que volo Sk luxury to linens, 1956 Oldsmobile ' BH vor, hydramatic, two - tone h 4 attern 7063: transfer of one green, One owner, sharp TPN $2,095 Samer, SN ranger. hs Joud 6% x 21, two 6% x 13 inch motifs J hy en Send thirty-five cents (coins) i 1955 Meteor Custom Sedan, green, one owner, Only , , $1,495 Superior Finance, 17 Simcoe [for this pattern Bini Solna) ) 1955 Ford Customline Coach, tri-tone blue and white N. Phone RA 5.6541, be accepted) to Daily Times. ; Sharp ...... ie : Crary $1,495 87¢ Gazette, Household Arts Dept. fh A ------------------------------ Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly & 1955 Chevrolet two-door, medium blue, clean os a pin, $1,495 NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN with trade-in Only . NUMBER i 1953 Lincoln Capri Hardtop, power windows, power # BOAT KITS Send Twenty-five cents more size 6.70x15 brakes, power seats, automatic, radio, many other $56.00 and Up for a copy of our Alice Brooks tube type, black extros . $1,595 Open evenings ond week- [Needlecraft Catalogue. Two com- Vie po. 1953 Willy's Coach, beautiful dark green metallic, im- ends, . : | plete patterns are printed right sidewall maculate throughout, real economy $725 Brooklin Marine Storage |in the book plus a variety of Pontiac Sedan, blue and whtie, custom radio. Here Supply Ltd. | designs ha you Wind want te is | 950 arder crochel nitting, em- 9 value ' PHONE 87 broidery, huck 'weaving quilts, Meteor two-door, tan and brown. This one going savs Apr. 24 toys, dolls, ! Never before have you been able to buy cheap ---- Emu : . . « nylon tires of this quality at such a rock Chevrolet Sedan, black, Motor fecently evere 3595 | DAILY CROSSWORD bottom price! hauled Mercury Four Door Sedan, with radio ........., $695 [RAC SICIAT Ford Coach, light green. chiop iransportation . . , . $99 ACROSS DOWN FIAT CA All nylon tires are not alike! Only Good- , Lariat Free aa mane 'year nylon is 3-T Nylon--specially tempered ERAN TEST DRIVES THE MAGNIFICENT , European from i . "re 1958 NEW METEOR AND MERCURY ok danger (like steel is tempered) for greatest resiliency AT OUR TWO LOCATIONS ' Musical ' Mother ul 1 Lan and strength, Goodyear's exclusive 8-T Nylon istrement ot ln EARN cord tire body is virtually indestructible-- 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. LOT Tangles Pull a afi giving you extra Btrength, extra resiliency, ging «Seth ® ai 'unmatched blowout protection. RA 3-4675 . (sym.) . Capital , : Suitable (Vt) 28. Re Yesterday's FA .Large bird 7.Openings 29. Consent 42, Man. Act now! Get the proven superior strength, 1955 Ford two-door, two-tone blue roof, white body , . $1, | . Loosen, as (anat.) 31. Idea darin oa 1955 Chevrolet two door, red-white roof, See this one Listener 8 Monster 33.Perors tea safety and durability of Goodyear 3-T' Nylon . nglis! \ . Spa -- : : ' 1954 Meteor Tudor, light green, radio and sun visor, $1, Caobr rs 10. Follows orn hy Moun tires at this lowest price ever! Never before -- ,Lamprey 14. Little girl 37. Conceal 45. Selenium 80 much quality for so | ice! fisherman = 16, Forced 41. Hint (sym.) q y 0 ow a price 1951 Pontiac Sedan, dark green. Yours for only Levels jot completely 1954 Lincoln Capri Sedan, clean as a pin, luxury Simpleton J Simple SEE YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER E GOODYE AR supreme 8 ht . Slig 1951 DeSoto 2-door Hardtop, green and white. See this error =< E CG LIFETIM one. Will sell for a TOR Dunne. = pv, ZS Ford Coach, black REE a . East by . TI )- NS -- = 1953 Meteor Sedan, two-tone white and green UARANTEE 1951 south 1951 Hillman 4-door Sedan, going cheap (abbr.) . Breach of TWO LOTS TO SERVE YOU BETTER WITH MANY MORE faith S HOOSE FROM « Tree MODELS TO CHOOSE OM AT OUR TWO LOCATIONS Pie heart . (anat.) 7" Tantalum (sym.) BRAMLEY Sm > of lake y) surface Stylish (eolloq.) v MOTOR SA | ES 3 Invest MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Spirit { 1 King St. W., RA 81431 1271 Simcoe 51. N., RA 3-4675 hoi ' 8 Meiyg

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