Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Apr 1958, p. 15

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[45--Real Estate For Sale ! 45--Reol Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate For Sale | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Twesday, Apdl 15, 1958 18 $1,000 DOWN I LES 4-room insul brick bungolow on Cedar St. Large lot 62 fi. x 700 ft, good well, holf bosement, heoted by ccol stove, no bathroom. Full price $7,500 $1,450 DOWN Only two years old, 5-room brick bungalow, Wilson Rood South Forced air oil heating, 4-piece beth, hardwood end tile floors, loundry tubs, decorated and landscaped. Full price only $10,550. WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF HOMES Any size or location -- Spring buyers waiting. Don't delay -- Phone todoy -- RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR, (84--For Rent |TRREE Toom apariment, private Path, or 71 10" x 110 in North West sec No children, 155 Huron St |tion, near school and shopping centre. | Apr.31i Phone RA 3-367% iid bedr. artment. | --o RA Available April 1, May 1, Siove, re. TWO - storey brick house. Seven rooms, | 31--Articles for Rent 36--Female Help Wanted (44--For Rent TELEVISION sets for rent, $1 per day, EXPERIENCED nurse NICE chest of drawers, seven day minimum; tape recorders night duty. RA 5 2330 3nd record players for rent. Meagher's, op yy y n wanted for house g Street West. BA ELDERLY woman wan or hos 3 Xing Street West, RA 33420, April 27) | oeping and care of one small boy, For information, call RA 58957 Bc 2 " A TOOLS FOR RENT A DEOrmALon: = g Breakiast i desired. Apply 350 Arther| oo antenna, Apt, 16, 101 Cray. |Tecreation room, $7000 down. Good buy, Cement Finishing Machine, |37--Male Help Wanted - don Road; MO 84221, Whitby, Apri) 20,| Private deal. 116 Louisa Street, #3) Motor Choin Sow, Electric > CENTRALLY located, three - room, rHREE - roo rt gr nd SIX rooms, storey and half brick home, ' WANTED - Heating salesmen. Must! ont . m apartment, £ » , Hedge Trimmer, Many other have car, familiar with oe mpanY self + 590 alias = en Apasiinent, stove. Downtown, immediate posses NOt water heating with oil, dry base Tool cont Oshawa Picker. | IB _siove, refrigerator Vision. RA 5.1992 after 6. RA 53352 | ment. Reasonably priced at $10,000 with ools oe Equipment, fo iets. 8 3 is Oshawa dod Ls 15 piinds supplied. Also laundry room | Apr, 14193000 down, Ideal location at 140 Alms * ring Spec I toh ne A pm 101 with laundry room facilities. Posses a a " ¢ B-H White' Special Paint Pickering il ! NEW bungalow, three bedrooms, Street, Phone RA 3.8326. #3¢ sion June 1, $75 monthly Apply 272 p oh ou oi » eo w= rr 2 GE furnit anizatio ires King East B44 furnace, nest opping Centre. 0 L ric ive-room ngalow, Beaver Brond 15% off, IABCE lurnitins organization oti ae > RA 3.3707. | Thickson's Road North. RA 5 WEBBINGS HARDWARE 52 --v---- monthly, Available May 1 6046, 831 of trust. All company benefits avail FOUR - room apartment, self contain Es Mays NEW. house for sale, 224 Chadburn 282 King St. W. RA 3.4873 able. Willingness to work hard and use ed, centrally located, free Parking. |yugyy "unfurnished rooms for tent, (Btrect. RA 5-669 [i] Ample Free Parking initiative, Replies treated in strict con heavy wiring. Apply 71 Albert Street, | .oiy" decorated, use of washing ma- Ti saree of Tani Wilkow Road Forth Mayl] fidence, Write Box 237, Times-Gazette, RA 37994 ol y ¢ i "Hine. RA 3904 or 118 Anis Berost close to King, sewer and water avail a me able, for sale or trade for house 2 YOUR OWN RUGS TWO front rooms, ground floor, sepa apartment building. RA 8.8876, Rent the new Bissell Shampoo rate entrance. Close to Shopping Cen- FOUR room m sriment, "private bath tre. Phone RA 81415, 85 room, second floor, Adults only. $15 Faro lil 50 x 118 feet, on Mont ve. RA 81158, " Master, Only $1,00 per doy. No. kneeling--no scrubbing. - rg (weekly, including lights, water, a DOWNTOWN beauty parlor premises. and aerial, RA 53184 for appointmen As a pa -------------- Could also be used as offices and vest 1.30 p.m, 6.30 p.m 2 82 MODFV.RN brick home, spacious living- ence. BA 55380 . #71 ROOM for rent. Gentleman, Abstainer,| 00m and kitchen, three bedrooms, re- Phone RA 39972. 82(| creation room, attached garage, alum room apartment, -- om inum storms and screens. Completely all con | THREE - room apartment, private en. Cleons 12 x 12 rug for only sa131 21 $2.49 plus rental, Cleon bright ond dry in only 4 hours decorated and landscaped. Phone RA 871 trance _ Phone RA a 57266 Apr. 12, 15 |MODERN one and two-bedroom a art 1 * R. B. REED & SONS HARDWARE | ments imme BUILDER NEEDS MONEY es, television outlet, Apt, 10, 10) Cray 2 48 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-4032 walnut RA 32759 ONE furnished bed - sitting room for one or two, with kitchen privileges, sired {oy Beh req 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale NHA resale, new solid brick bungalow FIVE room brick bungslow with three bedrooms, $1,700 down, $60 exira lot close to public and separate monthly caries. Apply 1453 Oxford schools, Reasonably priced for quick Streer. RA 58321. 881 sale. RA 54150 after 4 p.m. id HOUSE for sale on No. 11 Highway | '120 down, modern new brick five 15 miles north of Burk Falls, With oi | oom bungalow, large kitchen. Close to withowut furniture. Apply Jack Brant | Vilson 2nd Olive school and bus, NA Burk Falls, Ont Ban | 6031 ad SATOK SAYS: YOU WILL SAY THIS IS IT ONE OF THESE HOMES IS FOR US Brand new, three bedroom, brick bungalows, lorge modern kit- chens ond living dining rooms, split level entrances, omple cup- board space in all rooms, fixtures, four piece boths, full bose- ments with steel beams and posts, gos furnaces, gos glass lined water tonks, double loundry tubs, rec oreos, large landscoped lots ond private drives, ONLY ir enmens 31.450 down BALANCE $67 monthly, principal and interest ALSO Three and four bedroom semis with all the same wonderful features AS LOW AS $10,945... .... $1,375 down ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED TRADE-IN Limited Number Available MODEK) MAN for part time work, three or four hours a day. Write Box 126, Times Gazette Ba TWO estimator salesmen with knowl edge of building material, good oppor tunity for right men, Car essential. Ap ply 802 Simeoe Street South, RA 53922 87h ATTRACTIVE two - infurnished, adults, central, veniences. RA 55380, $11,800 MALE secretary for division manager, chemical company, Ajax, al least five years' experience preferred, Salary sccording to ability, Ajax 55, Local 20 B54 FULL or part - time salesman required immediately in Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope area, Opportu nity for those willing to work hard for high cimmission. Apply Kool Vent Nash, 94 Bruce Street 851 ELNA Canada ILid room apartment and bath, unfurnished. Has sink, cupboards, refrigerato laundry facilities, tele vision antenna and parking space, Fine " home, abstainers only. 137 Elgin Street ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms East, RA 5-1588, #7a available in private home, 82 Park oS " Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 88671. Apr.2] D room self - contained apartment, oso TN - i with sink, cupboards, clothes closets, FU RNISRED Jooms to stuse for sth ets, TV lead-in central, parking space,| 3s" colina Street, v 184 Realty Avenue, ---------- -- the best deal ever v - Fo | THREE room p ritment, private May 10 ness, All leads supplied up to TWO large rooms newly decorated path and entrance, Very central. 116 yy 36 cent commission. RA 52501, Mr, heavy wiring Quiet elderly couple pre-| Verdun Road or RA 5.1700 May!! ------ pl tson - 5 - -- re psf ferred, Apply 257 Ritson. Road South THREE unfurnished room ulin] - after 7 p.m ¥7¢| cupboards and sink. Private bath ' BUY AND SELL SPACIOUS three - | NHA Mortgoge don Road, MO #4221 Whitby. Apr. | WL SELL ¢ OR 310000: low, three bedrooms, ook ond tile floors, tile kitchen and both, loundry tubs, Ask obout terms GERALD BARROW, BROKER 25 Burk St. RA 5-38" 880 B8e salesmen ma offers in the sewing LS. Snelgrove CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S. OSHAWA RUGS NEED NICELY furnished front room suitable heavy duty wiring. Five minutes from for one or two, Central, plenty of hot| SGM, One child welcome. RA 466, B2( Abstainers. Apply 48 Brock ONE large room, single beds, two gen income ct 350 weekly 1s your for 2 soles daily, Qur water CLEANING? WE WILL RENT YOU A BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER New Easy Way Stooping, No No Scrubbing 9 x 18 rug cleoned far $3.39 No | neeling Kneeling, Approved by Good Housekeeping Guaranteed by Bissell DRAPAK HARDWARE RA 5-5253 124 WILSON RD. SOUTH May 32--Articles Wanted is sold directly to the me, All ops ore ranged, No canvoss d be ntments ar- part-time sole part-time 3 considered please write Oshowa SALESMAN WANTE for the drof Measuring and estimating Prices for the customer, Good Nrite 1c work in Box 639, Ajox P.O Str ™ chen tra 52620 THREE ven Fast REE ion, eet apartment central lo wiring, | also private en - room heavy duty Private bath, nee, One child welcome » room self - contained apart. separate entrance, heavy wiring, children welcome, Just outside | FOUR Phone [vate entrance, Lights and heat included | 83(| Phone RA 3-914] y limits. $65 monthly, 1 SHED bedroom with all con | FOUR pply | private entrance, heavy wiring, built-in| niences, continuous hot water, A B7L| lemen to | 5-30 RA 2 share, Bruce Street, 046 ge kit-|POR sale or rent -- North Oshawa new modern Phone RA Spacious kitchen, dining, 87h bath bedroom home four - plece Extra high basement, Completed three and available in one week, PO Box 474 Osh AWS su «room apartment and bath, pri-| 82 | room unfurnished apartment, | 137 Simcoe Street North after 5 p.m. | cupboards and sink, children welcome. | RA Fo me RA me 83f Two hot Ch Av 5-3366, UR self nt, possession contained apart immediately, Phone 56300, Two room furnished, self apartment Possession im- Apply 13 John Street unfurnished apartment, water, one-piece bath Apply 149 room tained diately room and cold Id welcomed enue, RA 57545 SELF apartment, apartment 87 | THRE} Bond Street FOUR Warren building, #4f clothes dryer, #7¢| Apply 595 Howard Street or RA 8-1708, | #2 contained two-room and bath frig and stove supplied, in building. RA 58160 #2 | apartment, Apply 74) RA 590303 iad | rooms in central apartment newly decorated, washer, | TV outlet supplied, $80) room East, WITH CONFIDENCE | $500 DOWN Summer Cottage -- Could be used os large family home, On lake shore only 2 miles from Oshawa, 9 rooms, large living room with natural fire- place, 6 bedrooms, oll com- pletely furnished o sep arate three-room cottage in- cluded, Ask for Kelly Boler hood $800 DOWN 5.r0om fully landscaped bun- golow with garage, oil heot- ing, full basement, 2 bed- rooms, taxes only. $98.00, on Conant St | $9,700 FULL PRICE 7 room income home, large rooms, glass hot water tank heoter, 3 piece bath, full basement, Location Wilson Rd. N. $2,500 down, For further particulars end appointment coll Keith Peters RA 5-876] or evenings RA 5-4162 HIGHLAND AVENUE Close to King 5t. 5 room 2 bedroom brick bungalow, spotlessly clean condition, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, hardwyood ond tile floors, natural fire place full high basement, oil heating, nicely londscoped lot with garage, Coll Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 20-ACRE FARM 15 minutes drive from Oshawa, 4 storey barn, "fully equipped with hydro, brooder stoves end running water on each floor, 9 room, 2 family home, bathroom, furnace etc, Lond very suit- able for building lots, For further particulars coll Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or evenings RA 5.4162, Call Collect Whitby, MO 8-474] Satok Real Estate Limited LOVELY BUNGA Modern brick S-room bungalow, large modern tiled kitchen, nice living room ond dining room with erchwoy 2 large bed- rooms, end modern 4-pc. bath. Basement opt. or rec, room, oll conveniences, oil forced air heating, loundry tubs, electric hot woter tank, poved driveway, ond good goroge Sidewalks, aluminum storms and screens, north-eoit section on quiet street near Ritson Rd school. This is a well kept property. You should see it. Asking only $14,000 with $4,000 down §.room modern brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, and all other conveniences, with garage. Well rented ot present, Asking only $12,500, with $4,000 down, FARM LOWS $1,500 DOWN A spotless 4-room bungalow with large living room, large modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms, full basement, oil heat. Ask for Kelly Bolghood INCOME PROPERTY Large 2-storey brick home complete with 2 self-con- tained apartments, garoge, oil heating, storms ond screens, being sold at a soc- rifice of $10,400 with $3, 000 down, NEW N HA, HOMES S.room, 3-bedroom homes in finest sub-#ivisions in Osh« awa, Close to schools, trans. portation and shopping. Only $1,660 down monthly, or furnished, $100, RA 8.8180, | " Aprilid] Close to wae Boule. THREE - roomed, self-contained unfur-| May4 nished apartment, North Oshawa, pri vate entrance, fireplace, laundry facili ties, heat, light, and water supplied $65 monthly, Possession May 1, HA 5.12 netween 5 and 7 pn THREF rooms, 3 AMBITIOUS MEN, 21 - 40 Held back by low ority, layoffs, or inade- ywo nice quate income, can attain Ap positions [THREE Light incomes FURNISHED rooms, $6 weekly, light housekeeping Shopping Centre, 137 Rosehill ard bedroom friends to share, RA [17 TWIN beds complete, suite with twin beds 39815 ONE dresser, and girl's clothing, size 7 to 8, In good condition. RA 8.8629. Bbc CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD, IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET ® FREE PICK-UP eo April20 WE pi for used furniture, plianc , sewing machines, pia stoves iso sell and exchange 19 Prince Street, RA 8-1131 Aprille PIANOS, 10, any make or will pay cash. State make and price. Write Box 28, Times-Gazette, Apr.20 DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT-A-FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER | from | HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. 5. RA 3-4425 oprld or Reasonable 86 ocres, north Oshowa, Buildings, Trout stream, LOTS Two nice lots, Farewell Ave. sewer and water, corner lot 65 x 113 ft., and adjoining lot 54 x 113 only $40 per ft. frontage We have others -- See us today W. McAuley REALTOR 26 Prince St. Dial RA 3-2512, Whitby MO 8-323) Ed Hinkson, Salesman, evenings RA 8.8228 PARK ROAD NEAR KING STREET 8 room income home, 6 rooms on main floor, 2 rooms on second floor, ideal location for boarding house, Lot 57 x 210 with garage, substantiol cash reayired, Coll Sid Martyn RA 3.9810 $10,500 FULL PRICE, $1,500 DOWN 7 room 1V42 storey brick home very suitable for income, tiled kitchen and '4 piece bathroom, hardwood end tile floors, full basement, private drive. Call Keith Peters RA 5.8761 or even ings RA 5.4162 $3,000 DOWN 2 to choose from, brick and stone bungalows, exceptional condi- tion, fully decorated and landscaped. Plan to see these homes by calling office RA 3-9810 or RA 5-876). One Acre Building Lot, location Rossland Rd, E, Full price $1,700 Call office RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 Building Lots between Oshawa ond Whitby, various sizes ond prices, Call office RA 3-9810 or RA 5-876], MEMBERS OF THE LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOARD N.HA., One Asking private LE] room ON} double beds, he 08 Bloor Fast seni- for eouple B31 furnished rooms 0 King Street West unfurnished rooms, heat and | new apartment newly decorated, Child. for two girls Apply 225 Oshawa Boule. tral. $75 monthly sit! Avenue double and one single furnished central, 220 Bruce Streel B5¢ partially furnished Self-contained, Suitable Available May 1st. Cen Apply 222 Kendal #31 management and executive ren welcome within a year. They must [Yd North 4 i { ON¥ speak English fluently, |room dress well and own a car, Sales experience un- Ontario UNFURNISHED four room apart necessary, full training provided nent, private entrance, central, heat, healed, ghts and water. RA 58302 8 THREE THREE unfurnished rooms, light wir. ment in ing, central. No children, 65 Charles mediately, Mr. Washburn will inter- bt |B. view applicants at the Genosha Hotel, 1-4 p.m. only, Mon. to Wed,, or till positions filled supplied, housekeeping | ONE 77 bedroom, pif RA 3.9830 FOUR light comfortable furnished clean and Street furnished 85 "apartment, Phone RA 3.7692 room heated upstairs apart Bowmanville, available im Phone RA 5.6133 before room central 9 5 kit RA unfurnished rooms, sink in private entrance, no children TWO furnished rooms, all conveniences, | TWO Would suit two girls or working couple, | chen 143 Ritson Koad North, RA 3.4817, 82i | 3-4378 LARGE, housekeeping FOUR large rooms, near SGM, heavy room, with Suitable for duly wiring. Available May 1. RA one or two Ritson |3-2302 #5¢ apartment and bath, | DON - Road South Pi youn Call at 68 Mc Real THREE. . room Abstainers. ed, sink and cupboards Millan Drive LM 67 KING ST. EAST RA5-7732 RA 5-7052 rated, Business couple = Toom 88¢c 88 furnished light refrigerator adults. Apply B87 HIGHLAND AVENUE -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK 880 We'll admit we see very few of these on the market nowadays ond that's why we're so pleased about this one A modern 5-room 3 bungalow built approximately 4 years ago. This home is com- M Q & K . | | pletely landscoped, decorated, storms ond screens, forced air oil heating ond paved drive. Listed to sell ot $11,400, N.H.A, REALTORS terms, CENTRAL LOCATION -- REASONABLE PRICING WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S. OPEN'9 - 9 DAILY Seldom are we allowed to list @ nearly new é-room storey and @ half for the omazing price of only $10,950, This home Is come WHITBY MO 8-3414, OSHAWA RA 5-6632 TORONTO EM 3-9603 plete with oil heating, storms ond screens ond oll the extras. CLOSE TO PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOLS Must be sold at $1, down, Easy terms. Tostefully decorated, immaculate throughcut, with aluminum NEW NH.A. HOMES -- $1,250. DOWN storm doors, carport, recreation room, shrubs, This lovely five- Yes, folks, we have the greotest variety of new N.H.A, homes presently available -- oll styles and all locations in the City, Some of these modern homes also include free aluminum storms and screens. Let us know the location you want and how much room solid brick bungalow is located on a large lot in one of Whitby's newest arecs, It is yours for only $2,700,00 down, full price $13,200.00, Just listed, arrange to sce it immediately. Coll Gord Partridge to inspect this Whitby home, | you wish to invest ond we feel we con show you the best buv on the morket today. OSHAWA SUBURBS An older style seven-room stucco home with all conveniences on Harmony Road North, situated on a 1%-acre lot that is ex- 27 Bond East 381 Simcoe South RA 5-6588 RA 8-5117 cellent garden land ond surrounded by mature maples, The view is outstanding, overlooking Oshawa and Lake Ontario, After hours plese coll: After hours please coll: Howard Oke .. RA 5.5598 M. Boshkovitch RA 3-7413 Frank McCann . RA 8.8921 F. Sworik RA 3.2763 The house is in need of a little work but we feel that for $2,- Bill Norris AJAX 1290 D. Wilson RA 5.5625 000.00 down ond a full price of $10,000.00 it is a splendid opportunity to have a small market garden acreage close in, Call 'Mr, Allin, 88e resume | SCHOFIELD Near Bowmanville, Listings such os this are scarce, A modern six-room clapboard bungalow with attached garage. Living room 14 x 17 overlooking @ Y2-acre landscaped lot, dining room, two large bedrooms, panelled den, 4-piece bathroom, and a 2-piece washroom, Oil heating, storms and screens. Taxes only $130, This is an outstanding property, priced at $15,000 with $5,000 down, balance on one mortgage ot 6 per cent, Call Walter Frank, Bowmanville MA 3.2859, ZONED GENERAL BUSINESS First time offered for sale, Located on Byron St. S., this eight- room two-storey home on a lot 81 x 136 offers a splendid opportunity for a business location and home, Plenty of room to build and for parking. This is a good home with four bed- rooms, one with a fireplace. Large living room with fireplace, full dining room, oil hot water heating. Garage. $16,000.00 with $5,000 down. Call Ted Coates, COUNTRY PROPERTY WITH STREAM The owner is most anxious to sell and has reduced this prop arty considerably to $16,000.00 with $8,000.00 down. Look at what you get. A two year old solid brick five-room bungalow with attached garage, hot water base-board heating, 600 feet frontage on No. 7 highway, a year round stream, possibilities unlimited for private living, business, or a recreational pork More land available, Located near Brooklin, . LOTS--TOWN AND COUNTRY Cochrane Street, Whitby -- 73' x 136', all services, splendid ait Street W., Whith estnut Street W,, itby = 50' x 120', mature shade trees, $2,700.00, y Pade eps Honeland Subdivision, west of Whitby -- 75 x 259, $1,200.00. Pickering Beach --- Lots 50 x 200 -- $1,200.00. Garden St. North Whitby -- 65 x 310, with fruit trees -- $1,200.00, Thickson Road North -- 75 x 200, splendid view -- $1,200.00 room Adults only 10 am 85d apartment, unfurnish newly deco preferred, Ap Bir room modern apartment, to 8 Estate -and Insurance main floor All conveni 851 salesmen apartment, into deal- Two "direct retail" with capacity to develog sales managers and/or ers, Our Oshawa-made Aluminum Awnings and combination Aluminum Storm / Screen Windows ond Doors hove established many men in Ontario as Independent, suc~ cessful, business people, | If you qualify for th eposi- tions end are not a sales. man now, we'll pay you @ salary while you learn to be one, A reliable car is a nec- essity, If you have money to Invest It will get you ahead foster, but, investment is not a requirement For appointment, phone C, A. Schofield at KoolVent, Oshawa -- RA 3.2219, ply 221 King West furnished or unfurnished THREE ences, central. RA 3-2418 central, Suitable for business couple. | ooo > 2. 429% GENOSHA Hotel -- permanent guests Garage optional. Phone RA 3.3325, Bt U0ico mo s15 and $18 weekly. full hotel | GROUND floor apartment, new home, service, showers, bath, phones bedroom, living room kitchenette | 3-4641 partly furnished two plece bath wash Fwo nice rooms, close sundry fa: | | ing facilities. South end 855. RA 53709. cilities, close to bus, Child eare given B7f if desired. Phone RA 50241, Apr. 18 43 BOND ST. WEST |FOUR room self contained apartment| ONE furnished bed sitting room, Phone high powered wiring TV connection. (RA 5.7805 112 Gladstone Avenue, 86f RA 5-0429 500 down four room $6,800, RA MAYS | cmssesmmmesesmem-- |Apply 102 Church Street 871 w------ ----r "i {Apply 102 uA rine SMALL two room cottAge partly fur IMODERN self - contained electrically |pished, RA 8.8125, 881 | equipped one bedroom apar nt, - H FOUR unfurnished m mediate occupancy. Phone RA 5.3652 g7¢ heavy duty wiring, private entrance Bic garage, hone RA 59736 room apartment SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass lead, aluminum etc, 89 BLOOR STREET E, RA 5-2311 " Open Soturddys |40--Opportunities Also Auto Wrecking [THREE room self - contained apari- April 13 ment and bath, Newly decorated, down ee | tOWR $60. Suit couple, If desired, will make PIANO WANTED FOUR - room self contained apart ment and bathroom, unfurnished, heat. (TWO rooms sink and cupboard in kit ed, very central, Adults or couple with chen partly furnished or unfurnished, one child, $75 monthly, Dial RA 3.4014, [parking space, for couple, . ladies or| 83 gentlemen, 78 Gibb Street 88 TWO large partly furnished rooms,' AIR - conditioned furnished apartment, | newly decorated, sink, hot and cold Apply 531 Mary Street, Dial RA 5-5601 water, suit business couple or two girls wf RA 5.4695 {ROOM for rent. Gentleman, abstainer Bbc Phone RA 3.9972. Bl | 3.2925 THREE - room, self-contained, unfur- yo hon nished apartment, located at 823 King NJ "gos FOOT house, Street East. Heated, hot and cold water "* supplied, Wired for heavy duty stove Laundry facilities in basement, On bus line. Abstainers only. Available, Phone owner at RA 55373 8c RESPECTABLE young basement apartment RA 5.3142 TWO bedroom apartment in new build ing, available May 1. RA 8.1628 88h STORE for rent, located at 13 Prince Street. Avallable now. Apply at Prin. | {cess Grill LLL] THREE unfurnished, im. 45--Real Estate For Sale mediate $35 monthly, RA | 35160 88a | NINE . room brick, income home, two | modern kitchens, three-piece and four-| THREE rooms for rent, private bath. |,isce hath, Hot water, oil heating, large | Phone RA 5.7198 or 828 Mary Street. | io with fruit trees and strawberries 88f 738 Simcoe North, RA 3.7539 [1 all conven! | Six . room brick, two-storey home. | Apply 206 Windsor Avenue or call RA | 3 3 LLY $700 down five rooms $4,300 | Seven rooms Athol and Wil son, two family home, separ- ate entrance, two complete kitchens etc, Owner leaving city, will sacrifice for quick ! APARTMENT fo rent. Sell contained sole Immediate possession. RA 5-6184 or RA | 861 | === | Six rooms McMillen Drive, 100 t! | » y mow i good clean home, very cen tral, $12,500, reasonable, low down payment 20 Acres of Vacant Manchester $1,800, BACHELOR APARTMENT land Ground building man to share Cadillac area seb floor, in apartment 5 Acres of Vacant land Col- umbus $4,000, 50 Acres high dry land, riv- er along one side on High- way near Seagrave, Build- ings fair with hydro, $10,500 low down payment, Various others to choose from, | 88¢c self-contained, on N., RA 3.9207. 88b Simcoe St, - room flat, | possession Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 AN ADVENTURE IN LIVING A beautiful six:room, two-bedroom bungalow with carport, situ- oted on a corner lot, on Somerville Ave. N., featuring broad loom, large living room with brick fireplace, colored bathroom fixtures, radiant heating, decorated end fully landscaped. Call Don Poole, evenings RA 5-8489, OWNER TRANSFERRED This lovely S-room brick bungalow for $12,600 with $3,200 down payment, Featuring reasonable monthly payments and low rate of interest. 3 large bedrooms, large modern kitchen and good size living room, fully landscaped lot with some extras, Close to school, Please call Steve Macko, evenings RA 5.0771, USUALLY LARGE 6-ROOM Located in Harris Court in the Westmount district. Privately built, stone front, storms and screens, cedor lined clothes closets, very large modern kitchen, divided and high basement, with stool ond shower. This is truly a beautiful home. Owner willin B® Sceapr low down payment. Call Steve Macko, evenings R 5.0771 8-ROOM RANCH BRICK BUNGALOW Features -- Garage -- Family room 10° x 18' ewitable for lib- rary, etc. L-shaped living and dining room -- Firgplace. 3 large bedrooms. Laundry room on main floor, Landscaped exception ally. Central to shopping, school and bus. Priced to sell fast. Call Joe Bosco, RA 5.9870. H. GOLDSTEIN 13 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.5161 $700 DOWN $700 | New 5-room bungalow with one acre land just off No, 2 Hwy. 3 good size bedrooms, large living room, oil heating ond a good cased drilled well, Call Henry Melich ot RA FOUR . room apartment, ences, parking free, Ground floor garage for rent. Apply 91 Celina Street 881 attractive allowance for very small earetaker responsibility RA 8-8178, 881 (any size or make) 41--Room and Board Pay cash, | ROOM and board for two; nice clean hel [rooms $15 weekly, RA 8.8583, 378 King Write, stating make, height [street West. - and price, to-- ROW " - - M and board for gentleman, In BOX 201, Times - Gazette, |clean home. RA 3.6854, April 11, 14 May2 ROOM and board for gentlemen to share, twin beds, very central. RA |5-6727, o 87 |ROOM and board for gentleman, in town, Good home cooked meals. Phone 8-8324, 24 Charles Street 871 ROOM and board for gentleman, good locality, close to bus, private home Raw furs, ve poultyy, Jeo. [Phone RA 8-6195 #71 MODERN four = Toom apariment, re: | | ers, scrap iron and metal, BOARD EY - VF - frigerator and stove, $85 monthly, cen. ' BOARDERS wanted, would like either | of" 00 (0 afarred, Available' May | COLONIAL HOMES I. TURNER two male boarders to share room or 1. RA 88876 $525 Down at $46.50 per one in private room, Very good home - : | : RA 3 2043 RA 8-5001 85 DOUBLE bedroom, twin beds, home| month will deliver a 3-bed- - ROOM and board In private home, Ku. Priviieses, sult ladies. Phone RA 3:0878.| room ranch bungalow ready ropean cooking, gentleman preferred - for easy erection (collect) Oshawa Boulevard South, RA FOUR rooms, all conveniences COLONIAL HOMES RA 3.7588 _-- RA 8.8571 TWO furnished rooms, sink in kitchen, 9 all conveniences, would suit working 289 Park Rd. SS, couple or one girl. 343 Ritson Road North, RA 3.4817. LL THREE 7 Phone April 12 81242. 85 88d 35--Employment Wanted |r tomer in town, single beds, mod ern conveniences, Phone RA 5.1168 ' DAY care given to little girl or boy oo a Mayh 4 or 5 years old reasonable, Call RA ROOM and board for two gentlemen, 85-6654 88a good humie cooked meals, Apply 250 = = - rv | Athol Street East 83 FOR your housecleani ironing, call RA 3.4130, Oshawa | Moayl0| «+ room 'modern, unfurnished 8-516] apartment, private entrance, all con . veniences, heat, light and water sup plied. No children. Available May 1 | $700 DOWN $700 " pani Simcoe South, RA 5.825 Phone RA 5.1247 LL 6-room insul brick home with RELIABLE woman would 1ke position =o "Ti nt di May! iF contained, a garage, 3-piece bath, elec- as housekeeper companion, in respect ROOM or room ad Sound 10¢ one of basement apartment tric hot water tank, One block , : , KO me £00 e Quis bachelors, OT idower : home. |5 p.m. RA 3.7814 ng " oy almost Sita, 10 dot Satis, from bus and only five min- debi F o ' Te x,| PRIVATE rooms with water, close to COUPE POR Fe . utes from school, Call Stan FOUNG man requires pay me raroned | General Motors South plant, good home FOUR room sel. soltained o Starr at RA 8-5161, anything considered. Fully expe | cooked meals, TV lounge, home privil. ment. High - powers 10 welder, painter, gardener. VO nE |eges. RA 3.399) nai al. Immediate possession. Phone RA $1000 DOWN $1,000 worker. References if required. one "5.0288 . v, RA 8.5163, 7(| ROOM and board for two gentlemen in 4.room insul stone home, just off Park Road, only a few years old ond in exceleint private home, home. cooked meals 4 rivileges, $15 week Phone RA] 36--Femole Help Wanted 80066 y ne: AA n old end in : XPERIENCED waitress wanted condition. Oil heating, elec- in in person 204 King Street East 43--Wanted To Rent tric hot water tank, good Oshawa sized landscaped lot, Coll 88 WANTED Tully | Kirl to share an apartment Russ Harrison at RA 8-5161, or am mm---- | ROOM and board for gentlemen, single 88a beds, seven days per week. $15. 666 partly furnished, Private entrance, | Suit FOR RENT--A beautiful 3- bedroom cottage with large living room, modern kitchen, stone fireplace, heavy duty wiring, all city conveniences, A young steady employed Apply Box IN WHITBY RIENCED hairdresser, Bille lified. Full or part-time in modern 233 Times Guzeil beauty salon, Reply 206 Times - Gazette. HOUSEKEEPER required, beginning June 2. Live in or out Ajax TOW. FREE lodging for elderly lady willing | stairs mother's | Front Street remuneration 3 0% | THRE ply to look after child during working hours, Small Call RA 81456 mornings FYPIST, experienced in dictaphone and NEW five fo work, Opportunity general office Salary advancement pointment commensuri with ability, Phone Ajax 125 for ap 8 stating age ex perience and salary expected to Box |44--For Rent __ BM{BACHELOR apartment 10 weeks, apartment Phone LU lady G for a building, Apply 67 Apt § TWO rooms, kitchen, Children Street, welcome, Apply room unfurnished apartme 19 Colborne Street East i hun RA FURNISHED central. RA THREES DOMESTIC help wanted, six days al en "on i week, from 830 to 5.30 pm, Box 227, Times Gazelle FEMALE secretary for division $20 week ly to look after three children. Write man | arncet Stove, af NICELY furnishe vate | tove, refrigera I'V hood hot w e-room ment. p t in ibb LEY private bath, 1 Adults only apart. | and a good boat, situated on a lovely sandy beach at Jas. per Park, Balsam Lake, Available for the last half of th eason only, Apply to 45 Francis Ont, Phone Jasper Fe Street, Lindsay, FA 4.05308 rman, 86¢ Modern four and five room apartments, Electrically equip- cation ti $90 ond $105. RA 8.8676 May 8 FOR $850.00 F It Will Cost ULL DOWN PAYMENT You Nothing To Find Out CALL COLLECT MO 8-3322 or MO 8-4841 E VENINGS i MO 8-3895 Mr. H. Jermyn $1,500 DOWN $1,500 6-room home on Arthur Street, complete with alum« inum storms and screens, laundry tubs, electric hot wa- ter tank and o garage. This home must be sold as the owner is leaving town. Call Fred Zedic at RA 8.5161, DOWN $1,500 and stone bun One $1,500 S-room brick Brand new block from school and bus, Ready for immediate occu- pancy, Call Glen MacKinnon ot RA 8.5161 DOWN $1,500 galow, $1,500 ACREAGES WITHOUT BUILDINGS We have an excellent selection of acreages from Pickering east to Newcastle and north of the lake-front, ali sizes, prices, ond terms to suit, Some are clear, others partly wooded, some all wooded, with streams and without, Space would not allow us to list them all, drop over to our office for full details, 'FARMS Our farm department is well supplied with all types and prices of farm properties from Pickering to Port Hope and north to Linglay ond Peterborough, Also in Grey County where mixed farming is profitable and farms are low in price but tops in value, It will pay you to talk to our farm salesman that know their farming BUSINESSES WILL SELL FAST Alice St., 6-room bungalow with garage, construction stucco over cement blocks, 3 bedrooms, heated by oil, close to schools, bus and shopping, taxes $120.00. Full price $7,500, terms. Coll Joe Bosco, evenings RA 5.9870. IDEAL LOCATION WOODCREST AVE, -- 5-room brick ranch style bungalow, lo- cated directly across from Woodcrest School and only 2 blocks to separate school and church, comprised of living. room, dining room, ond 2 bedrooms, or dining room easily converted to 3rd bedroom, featuring flagstone walk, ond planter, attractively landscaped lot, tiled walls in:kitchen and bathroom, aluminum storms and screens, list price is $11,700 on this 412 year old N.H.A. resale built by McCullough, Call Bill McFeeters, even- ings 'RA 5-1726 Check before you buy on our business opportunities. We have a good selection and they are profitable, BUILDING A HOME from the purchase of the lot, sult two, private entrance ager, chemical company, Ajax. Atleast! o laundry, #6 five years' experience preferre.. Sal- |g ary according to ability, Phone Ajax 55} A Local 29. 85¢ | ARE you interested High earnings in sell partners Will new assure you of o brand MO 8-4442 Mr. J. McCann MO 8-2167 Mrs. Bilida brick and stone bunga- low on a large lot 125 x 128, J.-A. VONDETTE | Sse wih ssc tones il heating, ® :s u ; re pper pluniaing © LADIES required to service n ' Bl r tchen rivileges REAL ESTATE and.all the amenities of mod { : Oshawa ¢ ; : : ern living Only 10 minut | 104 DUNDAS STREET WEST 4 be sol He their own neighborhood for a : . 3 nmissions, Write to veated apartne cle Coamatics, Goo re. " aac Bou. laundry room, builtin eu from Oshawa. Call Hy per month. Available now WHITBY He nS on lavard, TOrooloL sa 36.97iApel 1010.10 (F341 or RA 4297, Grierson Street PARTMENT ndings, § MASSON STREET sitting room three ro on bus line I cupboards, | Large t SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. List Photo Co-op Through This Office Members of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. right bed tra money? m home with We will arrange your program through picking your plans, and supplying you with prices from builders to get you the best deal. Ask those that have' bought this way through us, you will be convinced FREE PARKING IN THE WHITBY PLAZA | 8! working ' tem, ¢ #5385 houses RA 3 phoards, $68.50 Sol Phone RA 88 LU 9695 (Th I (Continued en Page 18)

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