14 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Tussdey, Ap 15, 1958 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 10 13 | 1=----Accountants | | 13--Gerdening & Supplies |8--Building Trades |10--Sharpening Service ST. Hopking and Company, Certified | Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 53509 | y2 L. Bchapelbouman accountng service, | Specializing in accounting and com- INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | ==Accountants 2~Borristers 3---~Chiropracter 4--Dentists S----Nursing Services 6--Optometrists 7--Surveyors Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column: Births, Memorloms, Cords of Thanks 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- Il AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS BRAY -- Lawrence and Barbara are happy to announce the arrival of their) baby daughter, Janna Lynne, 7 Ibs, 6% ozs, on Friday, April 11, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital Oshawa. RA | 9953, BOB Clancy's Ontario Accounting Serv | lees offers complete booikedving ser | ices for small business. West, Room 1, Offie fry 5.0307; dence, RA 37605, Mayl Ti r and Co. Accou ount | treet East; B, L. Yale; A, F. Fried | lander, om, dad J. Hauler, | CPA. Dist A 51621 May2 MONTEITH, Monteith, "Reihi and | Chartered Accountants, licensed Tru tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- ronto; Hon, W. Monteith, yes; A. B. Monteith, B, Comm, CA; G Rial, CA; R. F. Lightfoot, CA; ar , Tretheway, CA. RA 53527, 135 Sim- fr Street North, Oshawa, Mayé | 2--Barr GREER and Kelly, Barristers, tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones: Greer, BA. Sc, RA 53368; Terence V Kelly, BA, BC, RA 5-2602 May10 | py RALPH 5, Jones, BA, Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5.3525 Mortgage loans available May6 JOHN A. G, MacDonald, BA, Barris ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street 8511 May 1 North, Phone RA JOWN A, Cameron, Barrister, 80 ieitor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA NHA and private mortgages arr anged, Apr.29 GREER Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. risters, Solicitors d Notaries Publie, | 6 King Street East, RA 54717 Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald | ler, Hunter 7o~~Veterinarians 8--Building Trades 9=Building Material |0--Sharpening Service | 1=~Business Opportunities | la--Business Opportunities Wanted | 2Dressmoking |3--Gardening & Supplies | 4==Household Repairs | S==Instruction 1 6=Insuronce 17==Money to Loan 18~Loan Wanted | Ba--Mortgoges | 9==Personol 20-~Cortoge 21 ==Personal Service l2-=Rodio Repairs 23 Women's Column 24--Morket Bosket 25--Pets and Livestock 26--~Farmer's Column 27 --~Fuel, Wood 28-~Summer Resorts 280--Hunting 29~Summer Properties For Sole or Wanted 30-~Lost and Found 31 Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wonted J4--~Auction Sales 35--Employment Wanted 36--~Female Help Wonted 37-=Male Help Wanted 18---Male or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted DROZWICK ~--Mr, and Mrs. William Drozwick are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a son, William Jr, on Sunday, April 13, 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital SHEARER -- Jackie and Marty are happy to announce the safe arrival of a baby sister, Cathy Lynn 7 Ibs. 10 ozs. on April 9, 1958 at the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital woop John and Mildred (nee Dunn) wish to announce the birth of a daughter at Oshawa General Hospital, on Saturday, April 12, 1958. A sister for Stephen 88a WOODS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woods are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Ruth Anne, 7 ibs. 7 ozs, on Satu April 12. 1958 at the Osh awa Ge thanks to Dr. J. O | Hospital Anderson DEATHS Special McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers | and Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. McGib bon, QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC Apr.20 DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East, Tele phone: Business RA 5.5501; Residence RA 8.5373 May! MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Soliel tor, Notary, Money to loan. Henry Block, 2604 King Street East, RA 3.4607 Residence, Dial 3.4029 May! HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris | Solicitors; RD, Humphreys, QC; Boychyn, BA; W A, Hillman King Street West, Phones RA 5 Res. RA 5.4604; or MO 8.2761. Money to loan May! Barrister 1444 8-8232 May! ARMSTRONG dence 14 Xing day, A Ossie Bern year. T at Mel the chape 3.3 In At the family resi Street East on Tues 40--Opportunities --Room end Board end Board Wente: To Rent 4 42--~Room 43--Wanted 44--For MASON day April 302 Co of of Mrs Baragar Mrs. W Baragar Della Elgin =~ Suddenly in Oshawa Mon 14 1958, Wilbert H. Mason Aver be 4 husband ng father Mrs: N St. Peter Mrs the late 1 Marks lov Estate For Sole Raraga Bern elves " G Margaret), Mrs. H. Hughes Clarenes Dshawa and ywiterhilie 48 his SW pear resting at Me Helen Lake ) . 1177 4 Whitby 48~Automobiles Wanted ytomobile Repairs' Qc, | Office, RA of B JOSEPH P. Mangan, Solicitor. Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa Residence, RA 5.3405 Z T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, ete, 134 Simcos Street North, Dial| office, RA 53741. Residence, RA 5-5542 Apr.24 CREIGHTON, Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; T Creighton, QC; C. Fraser, QC; K. Drynan; G. L, Murdoch NHA mortgages arranged May? 5--Nursing Services oo ANDEN NURSING HOME KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple, (Men and Women), Nurses ond dieticions in attendance, Tray service, radio, T.V. lounges, PHONE RA 5-2330 Apr.21 S1--=5wop ond Borter CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cosh Chorge » IN MEMORIAM BLAIR -- In loving memory of our dear dad and grand.da Alexander Blair, who passed away three years 2g0 A helping hand to all he knew He was so kind, so generous ECUT VE ERTIONS SECUTIVE ERTIONS it not paid within 7 Charge rote will eopply. Above rates apply only to eri ginal orders for consecutive inser tions, Subsequent insertions ordered ot a later cote constitute a new original. order, Professional and Business listings $6.00 per month for 3 lines daly. Each additional line 75¢ per mont Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure, count as ao word, Box charged 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am, the day of publication, Office hours Daily 8-5, Saturday. 812. REGULATIONS The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one Incorrect insertion of any ad- vertisement, nor beyond 'he price charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error occurs, And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to ts own classification, 1.88 207 K G 3.00 330 7 days the and true; What we would give f we could say 'Hello Dad' in the same old way, your voice and see your To sit and chat with you awhile ~Always remembered by Blanche, Gladys, Lloyd and granddaughters Lenore and Marlene. BLAIR -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Alexander Blair, who passed away April 15, 1955 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while be sigeps a peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. diy missed by wife Clara and daughter Mildred and sog-in-law Len BLAIR -- In loving memory of our dear father, Alexander Blair, who pass od away April 15, 1985. In our hearts your memory lin tly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear Dad, That we do not think of you «Lovingly remembered by Margaret and Vernon, Marion and Art and grand daughter Karen 6--Optometrists Tuck, Optometrist, in muscle anomalies, eyes glasses, Evenings Mon , Wed, Fri, 6.8 Invalids examined at home, RA 5-614: 3 Disney Bldg., 31 King East Apr.26 |7--Surveyors DONALD H. Trollope, Surveyor, 316 Alice Street, In loving memory of and grandfather, Alex who passed away BLAIR -- dear father der Armstrong Blair April 15, 1955 Hig charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall, He had a kind word for each And died beloved by all --Lovingly remembered by daughter, Bernice, son-in-law Gordon and grand children, BLAIR dear dad and granddad, Armstrong Blair, who passed three years ago today Our hearts still ache with sadness And secret tears sill flow, What # means to Jose you, No one will ever know ~Sadly missed by daughter, Estella, son-in-law, - Bob and grandchildren Linda and Donald Ontario Land RA 5.6881 Mayld Land Bloor) Ral CARD OF THANKS MR and Mrs William Drozwick wish to thank Dr. H. Vollmer for his kind attention during the birth of their son TDonevan and Associat hy d Engineering, 1 Oshawa, Ontario Ma F, J Surveying Street East, 58632 GT Land Surveyors, ing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, 8---Building Trades HAYNES hardwood floor expert, old {floors made like new, new floors made |Uke glass; laid, sanded, finished. Dis |cuss your floor problems with an ex: | pert, Phone RA 3.7196 or RA 3-3078 May15| ALL types of building, full contracts or | sub - contracts, block laying, concrete floors and footings, pre-fab concrete, | |steps, curbs and sidewalks installed or delivered, Hess Construction, Gerrard |Road, RR No. 3, Oshawa, RA 5.6937. 851 | | PLU MBING and heating pipes, fittings | fixtures, new and used, changing from | {septic tanks to sewer a specialty In| | stallations at reasonable rates. Infor mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley. | Apr.24 and heating supplies Harold R. Stark Ltd, heat and engineering 255 Simcoe Street South April 13 CARPENTER work, framing, trim ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved Alterations and repairs. No job too big o too small. Work guaranteed. RA In Propaganda lt HAMILTON (CP) -- A director 5 1754 May15 the United Steelworkers of WAVE your plastering and repairs of Nappy days when we were both America (CLC) Monday charged done before the busy season RA 3.8702 together, the Steel' Company of Canada -- --= Lovingly remembered by his wife [imited with indulging in "propa- | Molly ganda" and said the union will | JACKSON -- In loving memory of seek conciliation to settle a wage | our dear mother, Mary Ellen Jackson, dispute who passed away April 15, 1924 -- Always remembered by son Lawrence F. Sefton, director of | daughters. the union for Ontario and West, PARKER -- In loving memory of a made the charge after the com- husband and father Ernest pany appealed to 8,000 employ- who passed away suddenly ees here to withdraw fuet 15 i oy of 111 voptoaths mands in current Your devotion always true, newal negotiations Your loyalty was outstanding To all, not just a few The gates opened up in Heaven To chose one from the best And fn His infinite wisdom God togk you home to rest Lovingly red b wife Mary Lillian and Margaret Mary Horton and Associates, Ontario Professional Engineer Alax May10 We wish to extend to all our rela loving memory of a tives and friends our thanks for the Alexander lovely gifts and kind wishes on the oc away casion of our 55th wedding anniver- sary. Your thoughtfulness is sincerely appreciated Percy and Edith Kilburn, 139 Warren, -In igh The family of the late Thomas David son wish to thank neighbors, friends, relatives, Thornton's Community, Su: pervisors of the Oshawa Public Schools, Principal's Association, The Womans Teacher's Association, Oshawa Board In loving memory of of Education, Oshawa Public School, Hollis C. Hulbert, Men Teacher's Federation, Assessment Loving and kind in ails his ways, Offices of Oshawa, for their acts of t and just to the end of his kindness, 'messages of sympathy, beautiful floral offerings. Also Rev Bruce Miles, Mcintosh Funeral Home, for their efficient service, HURLBERT -- Sincors and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left | Union Charges Firm Indulges Ever membered by Kathleen and Whitney. HURLBERT -- In loving memory of our dear sonin-law the late Hollis ( Hurlbert who passed away April 15 1947 Till memory fades and life depart You rliwe forever In our hearts -- Lovingly remembered by Mother anc Dad Spencer ALL plumbing Phone RA 5.35 plumbing, AURLBERT In loving memory ho my hushand the late Hollis C. Hu bert who passed away April 15 ul Beautify memories are treasured of CALL A. CRAWFORD For manure, gravel and fill, NE : RA 5-3756 wage de-| contract re-!| WATER WELL DRILLING GERALD FULTON Gov't, Licensed Driller eascnable Prices t Workmanship Tile For Sale RA 5.4067 and dear Parker Mr, Sefton, head of the negoti ating committee of Local 1005 said the union will apply to the | Ontario Labor Relations Board for conciliation services The company asked the work ers to hold the line in the interest of national economy. Mr. Sefton said the company implied a steel price increase would be neces y to meet the union demands This is not so," said Mr. Sef ton Even when the company was working at lower capacity in 1957 than the year before, profits were substantially more. that the com. | prices last year| no negotiating and it is our contention that they incr ¢ the price every time HITCHIN, Eng. (CP) Shop- they can get away with it without leepers who sell food and keep AMY regard to whether it is re cats in their shops kill ver. quired by increased costs or not min can show the of cats The described jt food as 15¢ t TROVE t thelr in ph Hertford commerce was told. ng, oil Qo Sheet meta fing MEMORIALS MOUNT LAWN DEVELOPMENT CO: LTD, EVERLASTING MEMCRIALS Available ond delivered to Cemeteries in Ontario, Call RA 3-2633 M MORRISH | al ) IC { LOCKWOOD HEATING LTD 288 Arthur St RA 3-25 May 11 FOR SALE Coarse and fine drive- way. gravel $7 per load Al vel RA indicates increased there 'This 5.9 74 pany May vhen k} v was OFFICIAL CATS to 1 cost J fine cement Pi company gra n on g 1s restore h $9 per load 'e 5-5279. a bu ) r 'a this iness of ployment |pressures. Ace nereass and avoid infl ationary | me town chamber May 10 plete bookkeeping service. Income tax verand and financial reports, 686 Osler Street,|time payn March 27] ite! 9 {fia '. cal G, ® Abramoft, RA un Apr 302 | LANDSCAPING, 8 | gardens plowed, Idisced, clean. Ap Jobs, top soil, sod, lawns serviced, RA 59727. Mayio Reasonable rates, Call A 3 May9 LAWNS and gardens tilled, Phone Gor- don Miller, RA #8036 May 2 GARDENS ploughed worked, level: dirt spresd. P. Bronstein, 9 p.m., Monday - Thultday, 3. YOUR local roofer Flat roofing, shingling, siding, louvres installed. Terms. All work guaranteed. RA Solel Mays TER work, + remodelling "kiteh. rds, bathrooms, floor tiling, POWER MOWERS GARDEN TRACTORS OUTBOARD MOTORS For Service ond Repair CALL E. POWELL RA 3-3552 CARPE en cup a 880ci pf Commer. cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave: nue South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728, Maylo brick, tile, ete, RA may 5 11--Business Opportunities additions, concrete, ree ALTERATIONS, block, carpentry, Plans t also odd jobs done "nA "S715 | 23--Women' s Column BEAUTIFUL "ha smocked | bables' nighties, Special, $1.80, RA 858700 May 1 1. Indi. '19--Personal WOULD anyone going to Toronto d. arriving Bloor and Bay at 8 o'ch 14--Household Repairs PAINTING and paper hang i and al tiling, iro refinishing w, Sudbury, RA 39206 AprilZs Kindly _phone Whitby, Mo 82344. 84 horton repaired and reuphol- | DAILY ride wanted -- Leaving Sim sleet, See our materials for recover-icoe cloverieal approximately 7.45 p.m ing. R. Dalton, 75 Charley to St. Ciaire, Toronto. Please phons M RA 3.3623, 12 Sireet 4 Y 37212 20--Cartage LR foundation "garments, designed registered corse. Hendershot 208 Park TS May 1s "WHERE WELL DRESSED WOMEN SHOP" LA VOGUE SP vidually flere. Mrs Road North, ROOMS papered, #8 up ), Painting, Si repaired, Gyproc applied, seamless. Tile floor laid. Geo. C. colin, RAL, 57287 Mays || YOUR local chimney cl neys bullt and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces rabidly Free esti all ving Mar 26 21--Personal Service May 2 GARDENS worked ready HOME beautifying -- Cupboards, trim, Phone RA 51339. tile Boots aa what have you? Da 3 or | 5 r x STORE for rent, table for offices, or retail outlet, large parking aren valiaple with store, Phone RA 5-5433 keri Lud Oshawa, 42 King Ry West Good for any bus iness, Modern front, Write Bu 272 Yonge Street, Toronto, for teulars. WELL-ESTABLISHED BEAUTY SALON Business for ale WRITE BOX 238 TIMES-GAZETTE «| 12--Dre making ways, floors, steps, en --r-- |DRESSMAKING specialty in babies thal co Concrete. RA_3:1407, me 3 y! !and children's wear, Smocking, Reason EAVESTROUGHING ~-- Expert work apie prices Phone Whitby MO 8.4534; manship guaranteed, Estimates gladly oon 0a RA 8.1640, May 15 en by T. R, Valllers, RA 5-4233, | T3--Gardening & Supplies ng. Dial Yaylor| GARDEN the Merry Way. Before you buy, see the Merry Tiller-tractor in action. For a free demonstration, phone lis. | RA Mayi2) A DRESS your flower and vegetable ar 3|den now with well rotted manure, for mle by bushel or load, RA 5.7442 April 23 Work guar: | - - 8|GARDEN Roto - tilled and plowed, + done levelling done, experienced operator, | "ree estimates, No gardens too small | Glen Shun, 414 Park Road South, | RA 5.7887. aylo| South End Sod Supply Top quality Sod delivered or laid, Prompt delivery, Free estimates We also supply sod in the field for trucks RA 5-8552 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING SPRING CLEAN-UP! It's time now! Lawn rolling, fertilizing, green velvet sod, evergreens, hedges, top soil, etc. CALL RA 3-9020, E G, cement stucco, d alterations of sll types, RA 5-9168, Apri ISPRING is here! Now is the me Jo have those def: |ed, rebuilt Gd work, Pres atts mates, 143 King East. RA ff » | FLASTERING, Jatehing Jisie or or méy2/ ril 26 types a building repairs, © po airs, neces, Sorgen For Sale GOOD LOAM W., H. Perry RA 5-2279 May 15 ALL built, repaired. Roofing, siding plaster repairs, sidewalks, inal ing thes. Phone RA 57247 May, CONCRETE work AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered ohd laid, loam, fill and stone, grading, Phone 3422, May 15 BULLDOZING and 3831, Free estimates, My 32 Charles Street, CARPENTER work, alteratior pairs. Kitchen cabinets our spec No job too big or small, Free estim ve us a try, Work guaranteed, a floors, steps, sand, asphalt, excavating | AJAX 431 or RA 5 [5719 or RA 13-3078, CONCRETE work driveways, Somers) Jepains anteed 0615, HAVE your un pe re! before the busy season. RA Holland Nursery and Lond- scoping for Spring cleon-up, Fertilizing, manure, lawn rolling, sodding and seeding, garden maintenance CALL RA 5.7442 Apr. 30 Mays | SHINGLING; chimneys; cement, ston and block work, Carpentry and alters Free estimates, RA 8-5350 | April 28 tions PLASTERING NEW AND REPAIRS Cement plastering, water proofing, stucco WOOD'S PLASTERING RA 8-1311 » COLORED PATIO SLABS Sold and laid, brick or stone Free estimates RA 3.3291, may 9 FOR SALE STONE FOR FLOWER BEDS PHONE RA 5-6070 May 9 SPRING PLANNING" Order Now! SO-GREEN MILORGANITE C.I.L. EVERGREEN 4-12-10 FERTILIZER 10-10-10 FERTILIZER GOLDEN VIGORO REGULAR VIGORO BONEMEAL SHEEP MANURE PEAT MOSS COOPER SMITH CO. 16 Celina St. RA 3-2312 Apr.2 r---- ------------------------ May] "IT'S SPRING CLEAN UP TIME Fertilizing and Lawn Rolling We hove Power Roller for "A-1" Job OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 86 TAUNTON ROAD WEST RA 3-3222 barbecues, Apri} and delivery, ACADIA ROOFING Flat roofing, asphalt shingles, insul brick siding, chimney repairs, Work guaranteed, Terms, Free estimates, Phone RA 5.2022. 150 Fairbank Ave., Toronto, | | | Apr.27 | Order now for your complete garden needs, Fertilizing, lawn rolling, tree pruning, garden maintenance, top soil and manure, HARDSAND LANDSCAPING (hos served Oshawa since 1930) RA 5-1721 April 11 N. H. EDGAR & SONS LTD. Painting and Decorating Free Estimates Store Location 34 KING ST. W, _ = Apr.] 5 RA 3.735) COURTICE SOD AND May 15 LANDSCAPING SERVICES Lawns levelled, sodded and seeded. Loom ond fill, For free estimates, call KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 Andrew Butler BUILDING CONTRACTORS] Brickwork,, Block and Stonework, Chimneys, Fireplaces, Concrete Work, General Repairs, Alterations, Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates, RA 5- 0547 COMPLETE | GARDEN CENTRE (| 1 5--Instructions | tater [RA 51084 mates, RA 3.2997, anid [od JACQUELINE o DRESSES o SUITS e COATS ® SPORTSWEAR o MILLINERY ® BRIDE and ATTENDANTS LA VOGUE JACQUELINE CELINA ot ATHOL Downtown Oshawa [SPENCER foundation garments, ind) arene MATHEMATICS tutor in ail phases of Petiere. Mrs, (I the subject, specializing in Grade 13. "oad North, Experienced and reasonable. Suita ble | REFRIGERATION arrangements made, RA 81154 eve | Lyd For oll problems with your |nings, |LEARNING To dance is easy and fun! 47 Refrigerators and Air Condi- ditioning Units, coll FRED'S at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, Prince Street, RA 50841 or RA 5-1 REFRIGERATION SERVICE RA 6335 Apr.2 Apr. Moy! 1 25--Pets and Livestock L "baby budgie , ready for talking strain. Apply Mrs, 114 Elgin Street East, Apr.23 Spaniel puppies, Trimming, defleaing, boarding. Waubens RA 56321 Mayl GERMAN Shepherd pups, purebreds, gentle disposition, no papers. Reason sonable. Len Wilson, 4th Concession, Pickering, 328W3 874 , baton, Pri and. fe King Sag Wert RA 56 LILLIAN Mas Marsn, dance educator, Dancing school, Baliet, Tap, Baton, Masonic Temple, Fridays, Ssturdays RA 37283, M. TUTOR, student counselor, 13 ¥ experience Appointments only BARVAY Danes Acad Roya) Academy sow. 424 NEW-WAY HEATING SERVICE Furnace and forced: air units, cool ond oil fired, Specializ- ing in Air Conditioning ond Sheet Metal Work 24-hr service R.R. No OSHAWA 26 Farmer's Column PHONE RA 5- 3154 SOD field wanted, any size, "800d pi April 28 for good quality. Whitby MO B4215, "ot | NOTICE -- Farm custom work done, all kinds, reasonable rate, all new equipment For Information, hone | Brooklin 628R3 ay (BEAD Arm sock picked up p romptly, Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3.2679, | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Apr.1Y CEDAR posts, any lengths, Well rot |ted manure, Phone any time after 6 p.m. RA B-8052 h | BE AUTIF | training, | Broad, COCKER bathing, Kennels, Music Studio for All Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New ond Used Pionos Full Selection of oll Instruments (New ond Used) 477 Simcoe St, SINGER SEWING MACHINE RENTALS Monthly or Weekly, Free delivery ond pick-up, REPAIRS Free estimates by competent servicemen SINGER SEWING CENTER | 27 --Fuel Wood 14-16 Ontario St, Oshawa |gARDWOOD cuttings -- $10 loads, 8 Phone RA 5-5443 loads, Delivered anywhere, RA 5-1526 April » STOVE OIL FUEL OL Prompt Daily Delivery HARRY O. PERRY PETROLEUM CO, Phone RA 3-3443 Nights: RA 3.7944 or 5.8823 . _oprl8 South opril30 16--Insurance FIRE INSURANCE WITH BROAD EXTENDED COVERAGE All Risk Outboard Motor and Boot Policies Save 10% with a Composite Policy Auto Insurance Plans it desired ROBERT S. McCALLUM PHONE RA 5-6402 Mayl 1 May2 CAMPBELL'S STUDIO For Fine Portraiture Since 1908 26 Simcoe South, RA 3.2532 | May? | instalment 17--Money To Loan | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort | gage, Mortgage and agreements of sale purchased, NHA mortgages arranged Creighton, Drynan and Mur doch May2 | FIRST and second mortgages, sale Por purchased and sold Hen: | |nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King| Street East, RA May9 |CLIENTS' monies available for first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Apply M, F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA 3-4697. May!) NEED CASH ? SEE SEABOARD "Your Lending Neighbor" Loans up to $3,000, OSHAWA OFFICE 29Va SIMCOE ST, S RA 5-1121 COBOURG OFFICE King St. W, FR 2.7461 Seaboard Finance Co. of Canada Ltd. (formerly Bellvue) Fraser, Courteous operators to answer your phone and relay mess- oges 24 hours o day. Start enjoying Telephone Freedom, Apply for our service now at Oshawa Telephone Answering Service, 143 King East, RA 5-2601, moy9% TAILORING Own materials made up. Alterations of all kinds. Invisible weaving, Prompt. service 10 Prince St. (near Bus Station) RA 8-5311 | | | |28--Summer Resorts COLLEGIATE teacher bedroom cottage requires three with fireplace, cone |veniences, last two weeks of August, [RA 33183, #7 COTTAGES, excellent fish . LEN PULLAN rb spo is Rig (English Toller) $30 weekly, good boats. RA 5-4328 T.T. S. May? initia MATS FAMOUS PICKEREL SPOT Below Healey Falls where Crowe and Trent Rivers join, Troll, Drift or cast May, June ot Cole's Point Resort, Fam- ily cottages with boat $30 For Better Dry Cleaning Call MODERN DRY CLEANERS | May 15| | 18a--Mortgages Pa i----_T-- oH nt clients with monies to pur- se first and second mortgages and for » BACKYARD ) BARBECUING Qutdoor fireplaces for becuing at it's best, and installed by---- ASHMORE CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone RA B8-8412 --Scotts Turf Builder -=~Milorganite -=Vigor --50-Green -Grass and vegetable seeds ----Rakes, shovels, hoes -Lown Boy mowers --Wheelbarrows --Paiio supplies ~--and Barbecues SEE US FOR YOUR OUTDOOR NEEDS! R. B. REED & SONS HARDWARE 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-4032 "FOR THE FINEST QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICES FOR ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS KOOLVENT-NASH RA 3-2219 Apr, 28 TIRED OF CARRYING ASHES Have your naturol gas heel, soe sows ven. | A.W. RUNDLE LUN DOWN PAYMENTS GARDEN CENTRE O TILL SEPTEMBER Everything for your 5 years to pay on your gas d bill arden Conversion Burner ertilizer (all New G 13 60 monthly kinds), free loan of ew Gravity Furnace spreader, Peat Moss $8.00 monthly 4 New Forced Air Furnace Loam and sod. $12.75 monthly Trees, * shrubs, Ever- LESLIE BROS. LTD. greens, Roses, Perren- ials, Rockery Plants, Fruit Trees Etc, Wall RA 5.9611 Authorized dealer for Patio Stone, Stone, Tools, Power Mowers Tractors, Till- ers, Lawn Ornaments, Garden Furniture. RA 5-1764 1015 KING ST. EAST LOAM Clean screened black bar- built may FOR SALE Good Quality Loam, Also Loam Fill Dial RA 5-5279 Mayl0| CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Delivered or laid, Free estimates. Prompt deliv. ery. Phone RA 8.8868, Lawn LOAM GRAVEL & FILL Coarse and fine road | gravel. 34" stone, ce- ment gravel. Top soil CALL RA 5-2156. Apr. 29 Consumers Gas May3 | JOHN T. EBBERS | | PRE-CAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS CURBING SEPTIC TANKS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone Brooklin 155 April 21 Landscaping Plans and Esti- mates, Spring clean-up, fer tilizing, lawn rolling, seeding, sodding, flagstone work, We prune flowering shrubs, trees and evergreens. First class experience. Phone RA 5- 7502 may2 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. Sod Washed Stone all sizes Top Quality DIAL RA 3-3528 May 8 OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY We specialize in good quality sod only, For prompt delivery DIAL RA 8-8639 | | 14--Household Repairs LOCKS made | | loam. Cut stone for Loam - Gravel driveways GRAVEL WHITBY, AJAX | OSHAWA Phone RA 8-1905 10--Sharpening Service POWER grass shears, scissors, etc, precision shar pened. Guaranteed work. For pickup and delivery call Jas. Fudge, RA 3.76168 Apr, 28 HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, |saws,. scissors, knives, ete, Percy Niel, 1102 Highland, RA 8.8363 Aprill§ Bring that troublesome hard pushing lawnmower to Stan's tor sharpening and repairing, or trade on a new mower, (10 years experience), DELIVERY SERVICE types of saw grinding, rs, knives, et HARPEN I? mower, hand mowers, All TA} SERVICE | King & Burke RA 3.3224 April 28 Cor and doorchecks repaired. Keys Victor's, 40 Bond Street West Mav 4} | May Moy 8 discount King Street Aprilid week up, also week ends, Cliff Penhale, Box 268 Caompbellford, Phone 646WS, Moy 14 If 4 HILLCREST LODGE Single and double cabins, Fully equipped for house keeping, Heated. Sofe, sandy beach for swimming, fishing, ond boating. Hillcrest Lodge, Bala, Muskoka, Box 359. Apr. 23 29--Summer Propertie For Sale or War Want: 321 OLIVE AVE, RA 5-7193 eo ONE STOP SERVICE eo ODORLESS DRY CLEAN- ING new shirt service Hyman, Louls 5 3 RA 3.4943. East, Oshawa. 19--Persona) RAVE you a drinking problem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 136 Times | Gazette, April 28 |AYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid In plain sealed enve lopes with price lst, 6 samples aw Beyond Compare cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order IBSON = 3 Dept. A-11, Nov. Rubber Co. Box | EV. GIBSO GEO. RUSS BL Hamilton, Ontario April %| ay | |LADY "driving to Toronto, would like 22-=Radio and T.V, Repairs Pi RA 58084 after passenger hone 70 LEN "and Lou's antennae, rotars, UHF -- installed, Fair rates, Phone RA 5.7844 or MA 3.3942 Mays v aerials, TW, Hi-Low, Beamas, in es, color and UHF, $19 up, One yr. uses Terms, 24:-hr. service, Kelly TV, |RA 8.5121, Aprill9 RADIO, TV, car radio repairs, All makes. Dependable work. Fred Thomp son, 187 Elliot Street, Dial RA 3.9792 | May3 may4 [FACTORY approved TV service on all | maken of sets. Exclusive 24-hr. serv |'ce. Kelly TV, RA 5.5121 RON'S TV Antenna's inst land repaired. UHF speciality. [3-4274, Apr, 15 |CORONET TV owners! for factory {trained technicians, call RA 8.5286 | Guaranteed Job. Tues,, Thurs, Our Is Spring Clean-up. Now is the time to have your floors re- juvenated by Ross Endicott Floor Covering Service. Spec- ializing in floors, walls and counter coverings. RA 5.2274. FOR sale Furnished _cott cotta, gog Island, with practically new Pe! borough boat, 74 HP Johnston motor, Phone MO 8:2736, Whitby, 2 A new summer cottage with 350° of water front, 130 miles north (from Oshawa), Call RA 8-5048, 7-8 evenings $50.00 down, balance overs oges $30.00 monthly plus interest, Canada's lowest terms; prices range - from $1,795 to $3,495 for cot- tage or retirement home, complete with lot, on your choice of Ontario's finest lakes, Also Heather'dale BEAUTY LOUNGE Specializing in Children's Haircuts RA 5-7792 » Hil May 8 1 | May 9| | | May3| SPECIALIZED RADIO AND | TELEVISION SERVICE { All mokes--free loan set needed, RA 5-1685 FOWLER TELEVISION 306 King West Pre-Cut or Custom built Cottages available to lot owners on some easy terms, Write for free literature: Pitts Homes & Cottages Ltd, P.O. Box 222, Cobourg, Ont, T.T.5., Mayl0 30--Lost and Found LOST -- Black female cat, wearing red collay, vicinity of Verdun Road or Oshawa Boulevard, Last seen Saturday | morning, RA 5.6456 86c isi LOST -- Ladies Gold wristwatch, amail ni y makes radios and television. stainless steel back, Reward, after PHONE RA 3-3427 |Wednesday, Phone 3.4300 I) April7 [LOST -- Thoroughbred Shetland sheep dog, tri-color, name Mitzle, female, spayed. RA 8.8791 at |31--Articles for Rent EERIE RE | ELNA SEWING MACHINE RENTALS Stitch and Zig-Zag. RA 5-2591 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ELECTROLYSIS if Remove! of Superfluous Hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa April 29, 30, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. may! 2| ASSOCIATED ELECTRONIC SERVICES Guaranteed repairs to all FREE ADMISSION To the Drive-In Theatre available to customers of the GRAND Restourant, 14)2 King St. E. (upstairs), "Chinese Food Our Specialty Toke Out Orders RA 3.9422 May 10 BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO For that Special Someone! AND APPLIANCE SERVICE A complete line of MIDO, LORIE and BULOVA watches. Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, elc CORNISH JEWELLERS 20 BOND STREET WEST Your Waich Personally Serviced Repairs to radios, car radios, | 'record ployers, toasters, irons, polishers, vacuum cleaners, etc. For free pick-up and de- livery phone RA 8-8297 Apri 11 ght ig apr 20 © CAMPBELL' S AERIAL SERVICE T.V. Aerials Installed DIAL Prompt Some Day 24-HOUR TV SERVICE CALL RA 8-5286 ANYTIME OSHAWA ELECTRONICS an Apr.28' 23--Women's Column RA 5-9135 DAY OR NITE [srw sa same, sas April 16] Pine Avenue. RA 183 Mayl and Electric, Sanding and Equipment and Chain. Saws, Gas ¢ Complete Floor Polishing Mater Skil Extension Ladders; Paint Sprayers; 1:0-ft. Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric Hammer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole 'Auger; Blow Torch; Electric Soldering n; Sump Pumps; Lawn Ele Hedge Trim Star Sharpening Ser- corner King and Burke ~ Dial RA 3.3224, Aor.20 | mac Saw; Sanders Drill r mower ctri mers ss." cold | 396 | wv 04 |