THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTS, Tuesdey, April 15, 1958 | fr nr ihe BT i 75 Hidde. "= -- THIS LED TO SWORDS AT SUNRISE Marquis de Cuevas, 72, (fac- | troupe presented. When his face g§ camera), seizes Serge | was slapped, Lifar challenged (¥ifar, 52, a retired ballet during and A higher Canadian wheat price was "justifiable" on the grounds immediately fter the Second World War, far- mers agreed to accept a govern- ment-frozen domestic wheat price lin order to hold the lid on rising "It is impossible to place a dol- lar value on the extent of this sus MANY TIMES AATITTL Tugadev, Apfl 15, 1958 13 ia subsizidation, but on the basis of mers' Union as the seven-mem- !domestic consumption running [ber body opened a two-day hear- from 45,000,000 to 50,000,000 bush- ing in this provincial capital. els annually, it would amount to, The Aiberta government, in a many miilions of dollars, {brief presented by Agriculture | "Canadians are geverslly un- Minister L. C. Haimrast, de- |aware that this subsidization ac-|scribed the meat packing indus- 'tually took place over a 10-year try as a "near monopoly" and period and of the extent to which urged the commision to make a {they Leacfitted. thorough investigation of the eco- | Pool representatives appeared nomics of livestock marketing. before the commission, along! The farmers' union agreed that with spokesmen for the Alberta meat packing operations needed government and the Alberta Far- investigation, | The Oshawa Little Theatre Presents "Teach Me How To Cry" by Patricia Joudry in the McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY APRIL 16 TO 19 INCLUSIVE Correspondent ter Jacob, Port Hope, visited Mr By HAROLD MORRISON G. L. Harold, wheat pool chair-| Farmers were concerned over | parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Adcock poice for wheat, the Alberta dized consumers to the tune of other than wheat were at the Smith and family, Newcastle: | ¥ 88 Tew oe enjoying some of the highest at Calgary had risen by seven Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Allyn higher than that obtainable by zent. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Gallant, visit- Costs Man to realize that while bread prices 2 family and Miss Grace Kersey, | Canada had climbed by some 58!1iving costs. Mr, and Mrs. Woolhead, Agin- while a woman sprang from a car -- J. A. Warrack and daughter, was uninjured as the car cata-| visited his brother, Norman, To- wich East Township was hurled | HAMPTON -- Dr, Wallace R Horn and Mrs, Horn and Pattie, Pei anadi a man, told the royal commission the widening gap between the "|W, W. Horn on Good Friday. Canadian Press Staff Writer on price spreads that for 10 price of wheat and the price con Mr, and Mrs. Bill Harrison and, EpMONTON (CP) -- Canadian Saturday i hd millions of dollars by accepting roots of the mounting spread, the on Satu : wheat pool argu Monday, a low frozen price for wheat. [poo] suggested, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, "Grain producers are generally tt! wages in history--paid wheat cents a loaf, The cost of the Me. ud Mins Twisd or vcoll) or the wheat they use," the pool growers back. They should be wheat that went into the loaf had Smith and Linda, Bowmanville, growers in world markets, were Easter visitors at the home WHEAT PRICE DOWN ed Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Sullivan, had increased, the price growers Toronto, Good Friday. got for their wheat had dropped. His Lif Oshawa, Rev, Ted Kersey, To-| 15 : e per cent while wheat prices had MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ronto, visited their parents, Mr. ELMSTEAD, Ont. (CP) -- A declined by some 18 per cent, court, visited their daughter, Mrs, and rescued her daughter sec- | Allan Macklin, Mr. Macklin onds before it was struck by a Lorrene, Toronto, visited their sulted into a ditch, about 16 {home on Sunday. miles southeast of Windsor, f ronto, on Sunday, 50 feet through the open door Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reed and |trom which Mrs, Dorothy Martin, | fo M F Wh t P 1 Montreal, accompanied by Wal A vears growers virtually subsi- sumers pay for bread. Factors +| daughter, Port Perry, visited her|.onsumers ought to pay a higher 4 a Now it was time consumers-- In the last 10 years bread prices Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Ray in agreement that domestic con- Mrs, Glenn Smith and family, said i willing to pay a wheat price increased by only one-fifth of a Hesitati of Mr. Hosken Smith, esl a 10n But bread buyers didn't seem that Mr, and Mrs. Ken Pooler and | Since 1947, the price of bread in and Mrs. S. Kersey, on Sunday, man's hesitation cost him his life (pe pool said. and family, Easter Sunday. train Sunday night, A small boy Mr, and Mrs, Laverne Clemens, | Stanley E. Shaw, 55, of Sand family, Scarborough, and Mal- 54, of the same address, jumped daticer, during a violent argu- ment in a Paris theatre over the rights to the ballet "Black | and White" which the Marquis' secret to the Marquis to a duel, Swords. rather than' the conventional | pistols, were chosen as weapons | and the time and date set in colm Reed, Toronto, visited their | |parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. Reed, during the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Peters and avold police, Ralph, Toronto, and Mr. and TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamllton CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronte WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffalo visited the Salters on Sunday, it being the occasion of Mrs, Sal ter's birthday. Mr, and Mrs. Dr, E. C, Rey- nolds, Toronto, spent the weekend | with his sister, Miss Lulu Rey- nolds, Miss Carold Chant, accompan- WBEN-TV Channel é--Buffale iq, Mise Florence Tholebault, WURSDAY 5.00 P.M, Family Theatre Magic of Musie Playhouse in to Learns Lancelot § 818 PM Puldren's atre L320 P.M. Casey Jones Mickey Mouse -- Hi . 00 P.M. | ol Sadeesidh for Adventure | 4=HeudNoes, Sports 3-8ky King 0.15 Kid 30 P.M. S=Nevei Weather; Sports $-Kaleidoscope 6.45 P.M. 65.4 News $-Comedy Capers 1.00 P.M, "Movie $=Tablold $--Betty White Show 4 ~Annie Oakley $-My Hero 1 ru, Robin Hood 5.4~Name That Tune Hollywood Comedy 5.30 P.M. \1, 8-~-Dragnet Wingo SnWralt JM. Preseots Lawis & Arry &~To Tell The Truth S~Broken Arrow 50 P.M, 4~Red Skelton S~Pantomime Quis 10.00 P.M, 114-World in Action SEBmmy Awards 4--864,000 Question S-West Point 10.80 PM, A4-Moods In Musie &~Decoy S~Highway Patrol 11.6 PM 1L4A43-News Weather; Sports 1:15 P.M, $--Viewpoint $=Movie Theatre 1.350 PM, Al--Late Show S--Sporisview Weather olds Banquet MRS, A. L. HOOEY, Correspondent ORONO -- The local baseball Rev. and Ms. Long were Mr. @llub held a banquet on Thursday for 200 ship Hall. F. thanks to the Kirby WA for cater. s. W. Wannem replied. mf. Mrs the ee of and son, Palmerston, James Stevenson, formerly of re (the village, celebrated his 94th| birthday with his son Arthur and draw followed. |family, Montreal. L. Lowery was eeremonies, Don Staples led in a sing song while the tables we cleared. "An elimination EVENING | [2 | | Midday Movie WEDNESDAY 5.00 AM. | S=~Today | 4~Captain Kangaroo | 2=Playhouse 2.00 AM, 5--Susie 4--Popeye's Play. hou, se | $~Eddie Cantor 50 AM, 8-District Attorney Susie $~Boston Blackle 10.00 AM, | B~Dough Re Mi | &G Moore | S=My Little Margie 10.30 AM, $--Treasure Hunt 4~How Do You Rate 3-~Abbott and Costello | Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant, | Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gra- (ham, Alana and Kevin, and Miss Norma Shea, Fenelon Falls, were Faster visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trull Mrs. J, Brown, Mrs. W. Rose |and Miss Cheryl Neil, Toronto, [Miss Carol Wright, Enniskillen |and Ronald Clemens and Mr. and 430 P.M, 11,6--Howdy Doody 4---Edge of cilght "4 PM | #-Modern 'tomances | WEDNESDAY P.M, 00 { U=Family rhea're | 6-Toes in Tempo | S--Playhouse 4~Fun to earn 3-Wild Bill Hickok wis P.M, 4~Children's Theatre 530 P.M, the car partly on the tracks. over the tracks. I jumped out and helped my daughter out of the hack seconds before, She had time to pull her daugh- | ter Caroline, 12, to safety before the Canadian Pacific Railway freight train struck the car. She did not have time to pull out Bruce Keller, 6, son of Mr, | and Mrs, John Keller of Sand-| wich East, who was taken unin. | jured from the wreck by the daughter, Mrs. Martin sald that "he was looking the other way for a train" when she told him one was coming from her side, She sald he began to accelerate, hes- itated, then braked to a stop with "I could see we wouldn't get Then the train hit." THEATRE GUIDE 8-Rin Tin lin 3---Mickey Mouse {Mrs. A. Northcott, Bowmanville, sn rN. |were Easter visitors with Mr 4~Headlines, News and Mrs, A, L. Blanchard. 3--~Colonel Bleep | Congratulations to Mr. and 6~Mama $~Price Is Right | é~Arthur Godfrey $~My Favorite Btory 11.30 AM, 4=Dotto | B=Truth or Conse | quences | 8~Public Defender | 12.00 NOON 4-News and Weather | 8=Tic Tac ough 3 Love of Life 1215 PM 4--8peaker of the House 12.3 FM, St Could Be You 4~Search for Tomorrow 1.00 ¢ M, 8Movie Lheaire &--~Meet the Millers 1:30 P.M, 4~The World Turns 1.00 P.M, 4--Beat the Clock 3--~Helen Neville 215 PM, $--Flower Arrangements 1.30 P.M, 6--Matinee S--~Home Cooking 4--~House Party $--Latf Time 2:45 P.M, 1l~Nursery School 3.00 P.M, (1=Movie Matinee ~The Big PayoM S--Matines TIheatre 3- American Band. stand 330 PM. &-~Vardict is Yours 3-Trust Your Wile 3:45 PM, §---Nursery School "mn Pr. 6-Open House 8--~Queen for a Day 4--Seridls | 6--~Meet Lorraine 4s P.M. | 8~Wagon Train | 2.00 P.M, | &=Laave it to Beaver PM, | 4~Millionaire noo P. | 11.8,5,4.2--News tue i 4 | Mrs. Clifford Terrill on the birth 4% P.M. lof a son, 1, &--News. Weather | April 20 is the date for the parts | Cancer Drive, to be conducted by [the Ladies Service Club, Mr, and Mrs, Russell. Mount |joy, Blackstock, and Mr. and 11--Leave Mrs. Marwpod McKee, Cadmus 6--Tablold were recent visitors with Mr 8~U of R Open House and Mrs, M. Mountjoy 3 -Arizons Rangers Mrs. Philp, Willowdale, Miss | Dorothy Colvin, and Miss Eliza- {beth Spoores, Swansea, Mr. and |Mrs. Ralph Virtue and Miss Ruby Virtue visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Higgins, 11,6 wi Earp | Recent visitors at the home of $~Father Knows Best A. W. Prescott, were Mr, and 4-Big Kecorq (Mrs, Frank Gilbert, Solina, Mr. 3-Tombitone and Mrs, Herbert Prescott and ) Roger, Enfield; Mrs. Morley Gil-| roy, Enniskillen, Mrs, George Gll- roy, Columbus, Mr, and Mrs Will Hemphill Mr. and Mrs | Lorne Hemphill, Patty and David | West Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, J. § Eddyvean, Orono. 6.5,4~News 3~Comedy Capers M, It To Beaver Ghost 7.30 P.M, 11,8,2--Disneyland 4=December Bride M ~The Vise 6-5 Kraft Theatre S-Swing into Spring 3-Orzie and Harriet 2.50 P.M. 11---The Falcon 4-1've Got a Secret 3-Betty White 0m FM, 11,6--Chevy Show 5-This 1» Your Life 4--Steel Hour 3-Boxing 10.30 P.M | 8--Gray Ghost 10:45 P.M, 2-8tag Room PM. UNFIT FOR TRIAL MONTREAL (CP)--Viector Os-| borne, 32, charged with the fatal stabbing Nov. 23 of his mother and sister and the attempetd murder of another sister, Mon- day was declared unfit to stand trial and returned to the psychia- tric ward of Montreal's Bordeaux Jail. Police said Osborne, on weekend leave from the Verdun Protestant Hospital where he had been a patient, stabbed to death |bed-ridden Mrs, Mary Osborne, Weather; Sports 1:8 P.M, Viewpoint 8 Shock 3-Sports Reel ns PM, Late 6-Barris Beat American Bandstand 4~First Run Theatre | 2-Swing Shift 74, and Agnes Osborne, 39. | Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Hooey, ORONO {Neil and Cathryn spent the week- end in Barrie with Mrs. B. A. ORONO and dance and Mrs, in the Town. Falls, Mr. and Mrs, Lycett expressed and famil and Mrs, family, Li MRS, A. L. HOOEY, Corrrespondent Green. | | GREATEST JET AIR Recent guests of | SHOW ON EARTH! "HIGH FLIGHT" In TECHNICOLOR starring RAY MILLAND --plUy-- "CRASH LANDING" G. Junkin, Fenelon | A. Long| y, Peterborough, Mr, B. Woodbridge and ndsay, Mr. C. Knight Biltmore Marks -- Plaza Regent -- Walt ALL COLOR ~ 7/7" SHOW! STARTS AT DUSK Kirk DOUGLAS--Silvana MAGANO Anthony QUINN--Rossana PODESTA in "ULYSSES" ond more great entertainment Jayne MANSFIELD--Tom EWELL and Edmund O'BRIEN in "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT" IN CINEMASCOPE ADULT ENTERTAINMEN "Seven Thunders' (adult) shown daily at 12.30, 3.20, 6.50 10.15 p.m. also "The Purple Plain" in Technicolor | shown daily at 1.35, 5.05, 8.35 p.m. Last complete show starts at 8.35 p.m "Blood of the Demon" shown daily at 1.05, 3.40, 6.15, 8.55 pm. "I Was a Teenage Frankenstein" shown daily at 2.20, 5.00, 7.30, 10.05 p.m. Last complete show at 8.55 p.m. "High Flight" shown daily at 1.10, 4.09, 7.08, 10.07 p.m. also 'Crash Landing" shown daily at 2.52, 5.51, 8.50 p.m. Last complete show at 8.50 p.m. Disney's 'Old Yeller" shown daily at 1.30, 8.30, 5.35, 7.35 and 9.35 p.m.! Last complete show at 9.35 p.m. | at 8:20 Box Office Open at Henderson's Book Store TODAY, Tuesday, April 15 2PM. TO 6 P.M, Nights of performance tickets will be available ot the library from 7 p.m. / ® GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 o KARN'S GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! "135 mm. CAMERAS Voigtlander Vito lle Color Skopar 3.5 lens. Reg. 54.50 .. Voigtlander Vitessa 3.5 lens 1/500 Coupled Range Finder & L System with case. Reg. 112.00 Contaflex IV Tessar 2.8 lens, Built-in meter, Interchangeable lens, Reg. 219.50 ... . Ricoh 35 Camera 3.5 lens, Coupled R.F. and Case, Reg. 59.95 Coupled * Camera 2.8 lens, R.F. and Cose., Reg. 79.95 . Voigtlander Vito B 3.5 lens. Reg. 45.00, Asahiflex Single Lens Reflex 3.5 lens 1/500 sec. Reg. 84.50 Kodok Retina llc 2.8 lens, Coupled R.F., interchang. lens. sec. v Zeiss MOVIE CAMERAS Keystone K-27 Triple Lens Turret £/1.9 with built-in filters end light meter. Reg. 139.50 . a i TT Kodak Medallion, 8 Mag. Load. £/1.9, Reg. 128.50 .. Keystone K-25 Capri with 2.5 lens, Reg. 59.50 SPECIAL arassersnanns GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE]! 20 JERRY WALD'S » RODUCTION, THE TOWN... THE PEOPLE EVERYONE'S TALKING BR ABOUT! bs Kodak Brownie Movie Camera 2.3 lens. Was 45.00 . 35 mm, SLIDE PROJECTORS TDCHeadliner 300. Reg. 49.95 Cahn nh bes varus MED Ansco Dualet Projector shows 35mm. end 24 sq. Slides, Reg. 54.00. .. SPECIAL 8 mm. MOVIE PROJECTORS Keystone K-100 shows forward, reverse, still, slow-fast adjustment. 139.00 SPECIAL 114.50 PHILLIPS TR1 Tape Recorder Brand New Full Warranty REG. 159.00 wenn E790 Ry Argus L44 Lifetime Guarantee Meter with leather C Reg. 17.95. SPECIAL Anglo Compact Meter, Lifeti Reg. 9.95. SPECIAL on Sekonic Light Meter with Leather Case. Reg. 9.95. SPECIAL ............... SPECIAL s SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Reg. 132.00 -- SPECIAL CAMERA SPECIALS BRAND NEW CAMERAS & EQUIPMENT AT 39.50 59.00 194.50 34.95 69.95 39.00 53.00 119.00 119.00 99.00 45.00 34.95 24.9% 39.95 Exposure Melers for Every Camera at NEW LOW PRICES! "GUARANTEED USED CAMERAS Brownie Holiday 127 Flash Camera. New 5.80 LIKE NEW USED New 19.25 USED Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash Camera. New 9.25 Kodok Bantam 828 f/8 lens. New 15.95 Kodak 620 Folding 6.3 lens and case. New 14.95 ........ Baldafix Folding 4.5 Lens and Case. New 54.00 USED Kodak Monitor 620 4.5 lens and Case. New 99.00 .... LIKE NEW Kodak Pony 828 4.5 lens. New 34.95, Bella 127 Flash with Flash Gun and Case. New 29.95 Yashicaflex £/3.5 with built-in meter. New 64.50 . . .. Super Baldinette 2.8 lens, Coupled R.F. New 98.50 Exa Single lens reflex 2.8 lens and Case. New 150.00 .... Kodak Pony 135 Model C 4.5 lens. New 39.95 Super Baldina Xenar 2.8 lens with Case and Telephoto lens. New 158.00 Polaroid Soeedliner with Flash Gun and Case. New 158.95 . . * "Bach tenth name drawn received| Mr. and Mrs, J. Linton and a box of chocolates and the fol-|(amily, Toronto, spent a few lowing were winners: Mrs, 1. (days with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Tamblyn, Lloyd Lowery, G. F. Linton. { Jamieson, Bowmanville, C. Tyr-| Masters Ronnie and Bobby | rel, J. C. Gamey, Mr. Hesper Cooper, London, spent the holi.| AND WEDNESDAY Dean, Mrs. Hesper Dean, Chas. days with Mr, and Mrs. F. 0. Stapleton, Mrs. Ray West, Dr. Cooper. » i | R. J. Taggart, H. Benson, Mrs.| Mr, and Mrs. M. Gould, Sault| a a N. Porter, F. W. MacKaye, N. F. Ste. Marie, and L. Gould, Ox-| Porter, Orly Chapman, W. A. |lord Centre, were recent guests | Gerry, Lawrence Hooey. of Mr. and Mrs. H, Burgess, The last four names drawn ---------------------------------- each received $50. Ray Goode, Clifford Cooper, M. Keast, Sr. = ------------------------ mean ee INTRIGUE! ADVENTURE AND FUN! AVA shipwrecked on a desert island WIth GARY MERRILL TODAY 3.95 2.95 9.95 COLOR BY DE LUXE CiINEMAScOPE nthe wander of BTEREOPHONIC BOUND [ LANA " CONSTANCE MACKENZIE HOPE 1 J SELENA CROSS in NO TEETH Toads differ from frogs chiefly | in the total absence of teeth. LIKE NEW ysep USED USED LEE OY | JOANE |/ ARTHUR CRIME . RING! Ware Exacas-nowamn| DAVID NIVEN | pickup alley we LITTLEHUT ADULT ENTIRTAINMENY L CITE ITTERSE WED. THUR FR LX TOD sa "SEVEN THUNDERS" (Adult) "THE PURPLE PLAIN" clon ONL PAY eee AVA GARDNER eee STEWART-GRANGER Businessmen's Luncheon HT: woras Fully Air-Conditioned " " " " MICHALL ROSS DOC SWAIN ALLISON MACKENZIE LUCAS CROSS $0 PACOUCED BY DIRECTED BY JERRY l MARK AD ROBSON BARRY [t Berry Fiewn- Mitoaep DUNNOCK LEON AMES + LORNE GREENE Highway No. 401 af Bowmanville Cloverleaf Just 12 Minutes from Downtown Oshawa hee WALT DISNEY'S "OLD YELLER"" AY Y! A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 28 KiNG ST. E. DIAL RA 3-4621