DoneErs bomes sz AWS | Flanagan Was Manager For oar er Tom Longboat, Jack Johnson TS IN BREF | FOR RENT TORONTO (CP) -- Tom Fiana- was champ from 1908, when he ran his greatest race in Madison time the underworld was moving Bhi org Te Familton NEW YORK (AP) -- Eddie made tynpwibers nd 1 can, a silver-tongued son of Lim: beat Canadian Tommy Burns in Square Garden against the "un-|in on boxing," He had never had ball Union said Monday two top Arcaro, with five Derby winners|| woods; Smith erick is a long way from home, (Sydney, Australia, but Tom de- beatable" Italian, Pietro Dori... to do with gamblers -- "I American professional gridiron|to his credit, will ride Jewel's bor ' standard Sone, Ror: | , a gel "|clines to recognize Burns as a ando. "Longboat passed him ev- i He's 500 miles and a genera climes to. ery five miles Sst to show he Was a sure thing man, I prefer- prospects were signed during the! Reward in the Kentucky Derby Space] student 101s. |tion away from New York's Mad- | " weekend, The players are Fra Louis May a leans 0 Ba lison Square Garden aud even far-| "Burns got the title by out. could do it. Then, with five miles red the gate. Williams, a six-fool-two-inch 0 beth N, god . or Walmsley & Magill ther from the blistering Mara- pointing Marvin Hart Hart got 10 #0, the crowd went wild. I/IN FIRST WORLD WAR pound back, and Walt Chattman, |Maine Chance ier ih the A ' thon course at Boston, it when Jim Jeffries 'presented' (couldn't see what was going on.| pom and a lawyer friend, the a six-foot-three-inch 225 - pound announcement Monda ma J he "9 KING ST. EAST 'And he's 50 years removed lt to him aiter he retired. John. Longboat and Dorando were Of... 'gichard Greer, played a ma-(€0d. Both were sought by Nelaica where the horse. and rider DIAL RA 3-3333 from the big round table in the fO% tliached Ma, am, bY fetes. people were standing up in the or part in the formation of the tional Football League clubs. |worked out for Saturday's runn- back parlor of Toronto's old "8 4 Sportsman's Battalion in Toronto LOTS OF PLAYERS ling of the Wood Memorial. . hic comeback in Reno in 1910." centre." Grand Central Hotel which he Longboat! Longboat came around the When Flanagan returned from| PRESTON, Ont, (CP) -- More| operated, where newspaper men Tom Flanagan met 3 overseas he retired -- his last 2 and sportsmen gathered apd |when the runner joined his Ixish- (curve all alone. Dorando had col-| 00s act was to match 14 top thab 200 playces Rave so far 18. [46s $80 Safes Safes Sugus Sudnt sure 4=Bos -Brs anfe where the poker game started at!Canadian Athletic Club in To- lapsed. "It was my greatest thrill gistered to play in the Preston $ \ " Canadian boxers against the best | Minor IL . midnight--"'every night." ronto and managed him as ap in sport," Tom says. in Britain during the First World| tion Ee Sotto Assis 2390 SQ: FT i - . "4 land a canary in a comfortable!ans was "the last of the great mClers said it would be a good ronto, then returned to the Onon- |p i" pote, TE EE an Ajax Industrial i Estate {apartment in West Toronto. Help oney runners," thing to have a Britisher in con.|daga longhouse to die an Md! Rugby Union touring team from > bY 'amateur all over North America! LINK WITH JOHNSON {War, proceeds for the Sports-| expected to top the 300 mark for } {has been retired for 40 years, sup-| {nection with the fight--to ensure man. Toronto, was beaten 24-0 here : Clear span -- 12' 6" height, Truck level ' ! > } | figure in an era when, he says, yop in 1907 and in 1908 collapsed met Johnson. {remembers Longboat as the 17. "the men at the top were honest | and their word. wa thelr bond. (Lom he heat while competiof In| rye had » talk and we agreed Greatest. He went downhill will) ggacues sHUTOUT Now he's 80, living with his wife fre turned professional in 190¢ (about training methods. The pro- be was sweeping streets in To-| yryponpc "Wales (Reuters)-- GREAT SPORTS ERA | Tom Flanagan was a coliitl|" pare of Bavopt. || It was while he was in New men's Ambulance Fund. the third year in succession, Re- ngboat won the Boston mara- York with Longboat that Tom Of all the marathoners, Tom glstration will be completed April ported by investments made when It Was for $2500 and 25 per fair play for the Negro." | Johnson was "the cleverest| Mond : onday by Maesteg Celtic, Cel platform loading, Finished offices, Flexible 2 year lease, Occupation May 1st Ler a dollar was worth 100 cents, |cent of the gate that Longhoat| mom Flanagan, who arrived in | boxer ever to step into a ring." |tic, one of the strongest of the AND WEST COAST Always on the fringes of sport, New York at 17 and moved to| Tom still has a Limerick news- Welsh minor teams, gave the A CUTIES WHO THINK {Tom stepped into the arena only | Ex Fast Time Canada in 1899, came back to|paper which quotes John L. Sulll-'tourists a lesson in tactical play OLD FANS MAY FIND ZER En Jiwiee coin times "a manager | pect Canada to stay after Johnson lost van, the Mn mortal Jeaviweigy, and handling on attack. 17 TOUGH SETTING USLD 7 a t mes the men M the title to Jess Willard in Hav-'as saying of Jack Johnson: 70 THAT "LA" oN THE WHISTLES WILL {handled became among the great. | will Be Made In ana in 1915, | "Give Flanagan all the credit TOKYO (AP) Leo Expinan CAPS BUT THE BOYS PROGABY ne J. |, "Lau Se bn oie eles. 1. Ri "In those days, the men at coming fo him because he had|vianila' retained his Orient ban. En IT'6 ONLY It was his management of the 100-Mile ike Race the top were honest and their as much to do with the winning|tamweight bo i SEEN 10 BE Dono 'CHIRPING [six Nations Indian which led to| "| word "was their bond," he says. of the championship as anybody | Fria ht wp BL THEIR BEST 70 HELP CHARLIE" DRESSEN| his association with Jack John-| VICTORIA (CP) -- How longs J ' de of Johnson." } ay night by gaining a unani- WEARING THEM Tex Rickard, who owned Madi- outside of Johnson. {mous 12 - round decision over } & THE LIVENING THINGS son, the Negro who held the world does it take a good rider to race son Square Gardens, was one of | (Japan's Sadao: Yaol « MOST EVERYPLACE, UP FROM Hi% 340] [heavyweight boxing crown "from [100 miles on a bicycle? Dora ad i adv | Iw ao Yaoita. Espinosa $288 42820 42524 6-70 6-50 $=5=0 ¢=G=4 bint $n Bass COACHING SPOT. 1910 to 1915." The. winger of the 1007. mille ior rk, Ac, Vise to advise Tom| SIGNS TRYOUT CONTRACT [weighed 118 pounds, Yaoita 116, bs foi Byndsonte The record books say Johnson open event of The Daily Times |" pig 1 matters, | MONTREAL (CP) -- Thurlow | RRR Patetaas [ Big Tim Sullivan was an-|Cooper, 25, star end from the| 5 |centennial bicycle race, June 7,| her He held $100,000 In con 4 . J | University of Maine, has been will probably cover the route ,estion with one fight and when signed for a tryout contract with PREMIUM QUALITY 1 Up? 1 {from just north of Parksville to ye came to | f | | pay off, we sald to|Montreal Alouettes, Cooper, six- osion ou ive P | onoria tn out and a pif hours 1 €ame to pay. off, we said to Montreal" Alouettes, Cooper, six FUR N ACE FU E OIL ; # SLOUGH ESTATES (CANADA) LTD. ROYAL BANK BUILDING, TORONTO 1 Write or phone collect EMpire 3.9033 o o ue minuteg elttier way. New York, you can look after it pounds, made the Little All- 1 ures Ire ain st em Jim Davies, a former Vancou- better than we can.' | America in 1956 and was the last w ver Olympic rider, believes the When Flanagan stepped back man cut by Cleveland Barons of| AT THE MOST ¢ time may be close to four hours on to the sidelines after Johnson the National Football League in| Gamblers who were supposed dreams of a cup triumph when|Olympic hockey tournament at|and 15 minutes ost the title "it was about the 1957. have offered those fantastic 5-1|they beat Detroit four games to|Squaw Valley, Calif. But that's' "With the riders who will be -- ------------------------------------ ABLE ds that Montreal Canadiens ould win the Stanley Cup,|diens brought them back to earth|land, Ont. lawyer surprised to see a new Canadian | meedn't worry too much if past-|with a four-straight final victory.| The CAHA is responsible for record for a 100-mile race." p . t charts mean any-| In 1950, New York Rangers oc |getting together a team and Dud-| Entrants will use ultra - light Male (Clerical) Help Wanted 1 TO RESIDENTS 1.c 10 OF OSHAWA GAL. one in the semi-finals, But Cana-|only one headache for the Mid- entered,' he says, *'1 wouldn't be PRICE AND WHITBY | . They've got the odds going cupied the fourth slot, got past|ley told George (Toronto Tel. machines, multi-speed gears and with them. {Canadiens in a five-game semi-|egram) Dulmage .that it would tires inflated to pressures near OIL BURNER SERVICE DEPT. Everyone knows that Boston|final and extended the league cost about $80,000 to round up a(175 pounds to keep drag to a Branch of large organization located in Oshawa requires Bruins, now engaged in a torrid champion Red Wings to the full |club with a reasonable chance of minimum, At one point on the services of young man between the ages of 18 end 35 for AUTOMATIC FU EL OIL DELIVERY pg J with Catiddion, ened seven games before losing out, | winning. |banked, smooth corners of the(l desk clerical work. Must be neat In opp alert, reliabl dub. Ee Soi Taal Po | upitemaly, th 10 plagotty Tog SARA clcal woud, Me Mah Hg Ee To mare) Totaling to uke Nf amps bunati Gund working For Delivery by Metered Trucks phone: -star team from | : " £00k iin oh are, he, SL Sn AE SE Tries Sood yyy Sones RA 6-1109 OSHAWA MO 8-3844 WHITBY. * Roig #po ven one oy ard in this money series. And the|could get the Allan Cup champlon| First prize in the contest is a Apply In own handwriting stating particulars toi hi Wey ese post-season skir-|,,mnastic Rocket, with linemates |of the previous year as a nucleus flight to Europe to the world am- . . ; ' Elmer Lach and Toe Blake, made /that would be even better, but ateur road cycling championships | Mi Sailers sd figure lg a memorable one. we'd still have to pry the best|in Germany. In a second race,| 0X y al y imes- azette | COMPANY since the NHL became a one-di- In a semi - final game against players loose from other clubs." from Duncan to Victoria for no- LTD ) vision league Sack 1 the 1938.39 | Toronto, the Rocket scored all Aren't these Olympics supposed | vices, first prize is a trip to base- | : . season, the team finishing fourth five goals as the Canadiens whip. | to be for amateurs? , hall's 1958 world series s Bas advanced to the cup final|ped Leafs 5-1. That's a record : four times. That works out at|that still stands. Blake got assists once every five years, on all five, another record. 304 COMEBACK [RECORD STANDS | And only one fourth-place fin. And Richard finished the play-| --the late-lamented Toronto|0ffs With a 12 - goal output, an: Are Leafs--has ended with all [other record that still holds a marbles. That happened in| Place of honor in the books, Now, - ir ng TH Leafs gion! athe Rocket has played in 118 cup | 80 - 30 season -- 22 victories, 25| games, and that's an all - time losses and 18 ties in 60 games-- high. [ by knocking over the second-place] One more bit -of statistical in-| Bruins in five in the semi-finals formation: the Bruins have fin-| and whipping through the league ished the regular schedule in ehamplon Detroit Red Wings four fourth position six times since etraight. - ,-4bps "dn the league. po Five years before, in 1944, Chi-| Still on hockey: secretary-man- eago Black Hawks finished be-| ager George Dudley of the Cana-| Mand Canadiens, Detroit and To-|dian Amateur Hockey Assocla- sonte in that order and had big|tion, will be in charge of the 1960 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS | WA STORE LEAGUE 879 - 925: 1804, Jordan's Florist 806-830 of playoff competition 1658; ' 4 ' 3 . - Bore uu Trophy has made Consolation Standings: Bros, # battle with Wards Auto Sup. Furniture 1009-940: 1849, Jury and : Belding ist place position and a Lovell 860-976: 1836. Gold Medal Clean. . Omtario|ers 913-875; 1788. Genosha Hotel 896-860: \d . LJ are very close behind 1765, People's Clothing 800-801: 1701, Ha 6 triple. Anything| Zak's Decorators 896-803: 1 T : i this coming Tuesday night| . wo tone white and green -- automatic llowing teams have certainly | (257 311), Bag Saramak 441 (3, 10. ond radio a dream to drive and priced Loaded with accessories, radio, autome- ¥ Cotieg Bar 3433, Bolahood Torstn wie he. 350), erie Pooh as| 10W enough to satisfy. tic power steering and brakes -- sharp ! $ Deep Green Leather Upholstery ven 3413, Post Office 3345, (300, 215), Jean McPherson 414 (189, 9 id Coal 3317, Goch Service Station|oas) A) Hill 407 (182, 215), Ede Reading 2354, Pediar People 3236, Oshawa Bar-|ias (251, 155), Ethel Freeman 408 (174, Sait mn ew in BEE 1956 Chev. Station Wagon | 1954 Buick 4 dr Century | 1951 Olds. 4 dr Sedan 88 | L Hi | e thank a A came out| Sedon -- Smart Metallic Green -- Auteo- A 1 ding for the other teams | and scored for ua during the Weep ang! Really Sharp -- Lie. No. 48328X $1 8 95 matic and radio -- Priced to move this $1 4 4 h With radio and hydromatic -- green $ { "i da | G8y to score for us again. Thank you, week, i Hie i ¥ 1 Ee sant sheild: 1, 5 shop L ' . Stores 3154, Hallidays 3075 PLAZA LADIES' LEAGUE | The fourth and final section is ever wi Oe ee oh Hal ll and the Starters are the winners for cos and Bloor streets Make | Points and the Wildcats for pins, that | J keep the night of April 22/ means that the Mad Caps, Canaries, Roop A, Snjoy & #004 time, |Fivers and Starters will be battling for | iat you o y 'total pins and the remaining teams will be playing for the Consolation Trophy OPUC LEAGUE > standings -- Rookies 83,67; May the best team win. Light Green -- A Beautiful Car -- For ; Calypsos i 218; Ka-| High bowl of the afternoon n wi bobs er aga and" Lamons Mar! Vaughan with / nice 725 triple $ 1 b45 Metallic maroon well worth n" - N LL Eig sips ; 856. 276, 26, close behind was team || The Ford Buyer Ladies' high single -- B, Colvin, 269. |mate Ev Stuart with 670 (254, 210, 206), Men's high single -- P. Burns, 289. |Ev Stata 664 (219, 215, 230), Carol Ladies' high triple -- A. Gimblett ily 676. ht 624 (296, 234), Mar] Carswell . 4 903, 248, 226 676. | (254, 217), Barb McFeeters 616 (247) . Men s high triple -- D. Sager 277, 204, land Anne Sabo 602 (221, 228) ' Ovi 200 . Burns 289, 230; D 200 -- Hazel. Weddu leads u p a er oupe . # eke e DOHINY BPDENTADN Scores - ; H, Longbottom 271, tne high single with 313, Myrtle ' 210; E. White 267; | son 261, Myrt Waite 251, Kay Waite 345, | nblets 248, 226. 202; B. Tkacsuk Marie Manning 238, Myrt Magee 233, 5 Ma, Xn; 3. rely 27; i Shaw BH. Marguerite MacDonald and Mary Smith | é "1." Hutton 5 J ollyhe hy i220, Amelia Vincent and sobelle | i 8 Baie 317: D. Bligdon 314, 202i 'M. Creamer 227, Lois Shaw, Lota Burden A Real Beauty -- Only S ; Actual One Owner--Radio, etc. only 5 i. Miller 201. 4 and Dorothy Topham 226, Bert Wight Lemon League -- J. Greig 9; G. 334 Blanche Norton 221, Bea McKen- Cook 91 and M. Blears 9! zie 218, Helen Fetehison 215, Ruth Gib son 214, Susle Greer and Hazel Bannon ' MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE 212, Lil Wright 207, Madeline Morrison ) ™ One more week to go and we Are ,,q [sabelle King 206, Marg Logan 202, Ww " finished the season. Banquet held ON piieen Fegean 201, Shirley Oliver and 1] ge ine April 34, Union Hall, Bond street east. ng... Nicholls 200. Key Chains were ['] auren ian al 6.30. Executive for neil year: Pres. yon by Hazel Weddup, Myrtle Hickson Al Hills Past Pres. Judy Zak; Vice: og afarj Carswell or en Gourlie; Treasurer, Nelda ae hit , -- w rful motor -- m a. Fronipaon: Seciary, Fainey Dauck || The Wideats were uo arly team le | Automatic, Radio Lic. A12126 -- Real. Sedan Lic. No. A12266 -- Beoutiful metallic Radia 'with '@ VoRderiul m bi $' hE jv, Ws hops lv tee all te £irls back @ the Plaza Belles, the Busy Bees $1 h blue with radio, ete. $ many miles of pleasure, | ir Standings: Crowsll's Shell| and Aces spilt and the rest went three ly Sharp. N 5 \ A one. ustiers 3, Al aps 1, OX | Station 1028 » Wifi 1051. Kinisch's Lid. rs 3, Go-Getters 1, Crowns 3, Bo- MontealCagers iii 1955 Pontiac Convertible | 1953 Chev. 2 dr Sedan | 1953 Chev. ' ton Pick-Up 13, LB JM 62, Mad Caps 16.79, InSt B Finals Getters 14.58, Hustlers 13-43, Jetts 13. . 48, Skippers 13-43, Canaries 12-43, Can ' 2 on 12 y Neat Man! Really sharp -- | i y MONTREAL (CP) -- The Lake-| aries 165, Plats Belles wi Bo-Peers y sharp power win- : ; JONTREAL (CB) -- The Luktifuts 03s, posers 16 fee] dows power seal = radia, «fe. S Smooth as Silk and Low in Price S A Good Buy At Only bh) { won the right to compete in (he tsabelle King takes the high aver enior B age with 208, Marj Vaughan high triple $33 vs finals of the Dominion § With a 736. Nancy Blore high single 327. Greta basketball championships With & gyinner high triple with handicap 738 99-90 victory over New Bruns- and Harriett Booth, high single with nk' yi 3 thandicap, 318. Congratulation girls wick's Woodstock Senators in the handic TON OPEN EVENINGS second round of a two-game gotal-] You Executive for next yeir will be) : OPEN EVENINGS point series. Bert Hurst;. Secretary, Barb McFeet. Lakeshore won the first game ers; Press Revorter, Lols Shaw and TILL 9 P M 101-87 and scored a total-point Treasurer, Edith McKee «4 TILL 9 P.M. . dois i 1! Two buses have heen chartered for win of 200 to 177 in the semi-final 0 trip to Toronto and reservations series. The team is to meet yt the Town and Country have been Kitchener Tuesday in the Domin- made. Anyone else wishing to go please on finals. contact Secretary, 'J Lakeshore moved ahead after CESARE RR ; a tightly-contested first half, tied BIGGEST OF SEASON 23-23 at the 12-minute ma Ed| ALBANY, Calif. (AP) -- Each Lucht, Lakeshore's playing coach. took his first turn on the Year and Melwood Boy combined | floor then and led his team to a Monday to provide the largest : ; 49-43 half-time lead. daily double payoff at the cur. Lakeshore's high scorers were rent Golden Gate meeting--$1,. We Steve Holic with 29 points and 649.60--when they won the first Phil Fleurquin with 28. Laird and second races respectively (Mouse) McLennan led Wood: There were 31 $2 tickets sold on on treet est OSHAWA RA 5-6504 N-- RA 5- 6507 . stock with 31 points. the winning combination | ARE TAMATIM