7 {In Minor Basketball Finals § Garnie po BE po HERE'S WHERE DODGERS This is a fan's view of the | screen (No. 3) and the six-foot "Coliseum" in Los Angeles, | high fence that crosses centre screen -- but it's a high screen. | mew "home grounds" for the | field (No. 3). It's 300 feet from | Although some people think | L. A. Dodgers, with its | home plate to the right-field | there'll be lots of homers | much talked about left - field | foul marker (No. 1) but it's | over the screen, the Dodgers' = sporTs MENU Upsets Galore In ¥ By Geo. H. Campbell Badminton P lay 1 SPORTS EDITOT | Seeded players in the "Y"' Bad-, The Brooks then went on to minton Club tournament were | give the defending champions really "ripple rocked" as all Ralph Harlowe and Donna David- {events but one reached the finals son a real scare, forcing them to at Simcoe Hall extra points, As the result of last week's nr Slowe and Davidson pulled in : lay a lot of new faces will be the first set with some difficulty tom piticess. officials and all Jheimberg have their Sess ro. pay 2 the championships to be at 15-9 and then in the second truding today--and why not ? Las Dig UD ov Association's eld at Simcoe Hall, Wednesday set Harlowe's drop shot game Bass ss, we as Dae Mo, Hoke, Meise ose 25, pe de great deal here in Oshawa. The st time a local "City League" Perhaps the greatest upsel of veloped an ace po aon . won an All-Ontario championship was when the McLaugh- (the tournament to date was the Bye Bo" ile" and sive the {in=Coal team won the Juvenile "A" title, back in 1938, just 20 defeat of A Kivall = : Aue yellts ago. This year the victory means two trophies for Oshawa, Chwistie at he Shands Solin The Mitchell Hepburn Trophy, for Juvenile championship and Tews er A EE ar 'the thes on top of that, a trophy that wasn't up for competition, Is was 5 h poe ' " " ' 'night and produced some inter- a eiory Tsophy, which also goes to the All-Ontario Juven [esting rallies. Brewster and Hold- |ing dropped only three pois fo source parti. {running out the first set but Kiv- be Rin ut be 3 fn 0. Ts of pide bo "me mh do- ell and Christie came back strong mated the trophy, during his term as Ontario Minor Assoc. [to duplicate that feat. The match president, as a memorial to all Juvenile hockey players who developed into a real marathon served their King and Country In the Second World War, This (In the third with the score re trophy wasn't up for competition in 1938--now it comes back |maining static for some time. It to Oshawa, to the home of the donor and it is most fitting, [Was the accurately placed half because Harold Luke was ome of the original organizers of |court shots of Brewster and Hold- the original Oshawa "City League," now the Oshawa Minor [ing which Jaglly Yecided the Hockey Association. He's also a Life Member of the local |!SSU€ id avor- by scores 0 group, so the fact that an Oshawa team has won his trophy B53, 319 ii first tite in Vears makes this a memorable season. The Oshawa lads won the | = bing? el NA 16 1 years deciding game last night 3-2. Listening to the radio broadcast | tot te ®VE. © MIEISUR COMIN of the game, we got the impression that the local lads didn't [a.on 1 Pl Jget any edge in the officlaling either and their great victory 3 a ' i ur from home is truly a championship feat, In another stunning upset, , «| Arnold. Jacenty and Isabelle A RECORD CROWD of 3,095 witnessed last night's fifth and|Syperek surprised everyone ii deciding game in the Soo. That's a fine tirfiout=but "we hope downing John Dewsbury and Bev- Oshawa hockey fans can double that crowd on Wednesday night. There's to be a "victory parade" on Wednesday evening and we WILL HOLD FORTH ( only 250 feet to the left-field erin PI ld last year. --AP Wirephoto 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' SHAIL THE CHAMPIONS ! Oshawa Minor Hockey Assocla- part of the game. The champions however resorted to a long and high forcing game and were able to smash for the necessary points to give them an overtime deci- sion of 19-16. They now meet the Brewster - Holding team for the championship A In a quarter - final ladies' doubles match, Doreen Holding and Evelyn Oliver knocked off Dorothy Whiteside and Marion Oliver easily 15-1, 15-2 Donna Davidson and Anne Christie took the measure of Ca- role Hamilton and Bev George 15-1, 15-1 to go to the finals of this event. They now meet the winner of the other semi-final bracket, a match between Evelyn Oliver and Doreen Holding and Jean Brooks and Donna Smith Neutrak.referees.and linesmen {Will be used in the fifials on Wed- esday evening. The social committee will serve refreshments to those present. Sports Brooks a small lead in the latter 'S HOCKEY SCORES | Bruins Capture og cou ress | CY Atom Loop [Winioes, Vaneower 2 Hockey Honors | (Best-of-seven semi . The powerful Police Asso-|Gunn, 12; Bill Miklas, stay, and gained a well-earned 3) Allan Cup In the final might of the Atom {House League play-offs, John ciation team completely swamp- 52. 61-45 decision. Bob Reynolds play- Levis 0 Belleville 6 led the Series 'B" winners, Bola: SPORTSHAVEN: Myron Mech, ed his best game of the season (Belleville awarded best - of. {hood Sportshaven, Saturday as 21; Glenn Nichol; Barry Walters;|for the Rockets as he potted 22| oven semi-final after taking 2.0 Fair with five goals and one as- [they took a 52-25 decision in the im Campbel, % = Arych, 2; polnts wile Dave Bays 22 aud lead) sist led the Bruins to a 7:3 win first game of their two - game, Al Etchells. Total 25. olodzie's 11 were or owna 3 [total-point series for the Pat Playing the kind of basketballithe "As. Winsipeg 1 Kelon a vol ~ seven pond the Swmadioms. Gora Rose Sheenan Trophy. that carried them to the top off, JAYCEES: Bob Worsley, 10;|comi.final 4-1) Bruin goals plus one assist, Ger- | Police moved out in front from the league in regular season's|Lionel Kelly, 6; Bob Ryenolds, Memorial Cup ald i) S08 was 2ls0 credited with ithe very beginning as they built play, the hard-working Jaycee|22; Dave Kelly, 11; Carl Cook, 4; {up a 13-8 lead by quarter and at Rockets downed Ontario Steel|Wayne Bradley; Jim Brady, 8. St. Souiaee 5 Regins 2 of-seven uc aint, Cord Parish scored 'Police Assoc. Boys Cop Lead 13. Total HNN" BNWNDDS AANWRVNND EDN Obtain sacks and twine without charge from BOYD AYRE, HAMPTON RALPH HEPBURN, RR. NO, 2, OSHAWA WILLIAM FOSTER SNOWDEN, R.R. NO, 2, OSHAWA or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Boy Street, Toronto, Conede -. w Worried About the half-way mark were well out|"A"s, 61-45 in the first game of|Total 61. I vi ip tow ies) { . semi-final 3-2) Taylor added a single and Brian in front, by a 26-10 margin. The their two-game, total-point series] ONTARIO STEEL: Dave Western Canada Intermediate A|Brady assisted on two counts. \pressire on as they led 36-13 at to grab a lead as they moved!Don Andry, 7: Gil Graham, 2; (Best-of five final tied 1-1) th ter time and the final out in front in the early minutes Shelly Kalnitsky, 4; Barry Apple- Siu l1ve Li out to celebrate, Red Wings eked 5 roe Quarter lime ang te y | y ky By aT, Ontario Intermediate B out a 2-1 vietory over the Black For Police it was Bill Miklas, built up a comfortable 32-18 half! Officials for the games were (D : : ; in Mi undas leads best-of - seven cervices of Tim Gilmore, who Gunn and Anthony time lead. Jim Brady and Bill Miklas. semi-final 3-1, one game tied) |was wai o iy fore ho Myron Mech put on a one-man comeback early in the second Pat Sheenan Trophy: 10:00 a.m.| 3 show for the Sportshaven crew half and at one time were within|Bolahood Sportshaven vs Police ® uslingion 5 Oyss Sova game, SF aud Dariy) Leach counted for | POLICE: Tony Saramak: Stan however, the Rockets once again| "A and P" Trophy: 11:00 a.m. ionship 9-8) Dalidowicz. 9: Ron Ball, 4; applied the pressure as they Jaycee Rockets vs Ontario Steel Ontario Juvenile tors took to the ice to decide the championship. Red Wings battled Lo | (Oshawa wins all - Ontario ut were so swale fo | 1 Af H championship 3-2) combination of Fair a pond, Russie Gov't. Will ted for five of the . | Make Big Pledge St 1 C Ron Hiller got a goal and an 9 g an ey up |assist and Gerald Power was {given one assist, Billy Dionne was the sole scorer for the Red CANBERRA (Reuters) -- The Australian government will pro-. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bruins became the first whners vide £100,000 Australian toward Best-of-seven final of the Joe Flynn Trophy. Bruins the cost of staging the 1962 Em- W LFA ~-- J. Fair (Capt), B, Jenkin, G. 21 7 6 Power, J. Davis, R. Hiller, T. {ot Australia. Boston Prime Minister Menzies an- G A Pts. Pen,| Wilkinson, L. McAvoy, R. Cullen nounced this Monday in tele- Mackell, Bos. 1 10/D. Cullen, G. Rospond, T. O'Nel u a 0 da ers 0 e 0 grams sent to the premiers of| McKenney, Bos. 2|S. Adamciewez, H, J. Wood 8 (Coach), and W. O'Neil (Coach) Australia. Mohns, Bos. 0 en Seaso In Havana Payments would be made ToPPazzini, Bos, 2| coaches go out to all the refereey' P nN either to Perth or Adelaide, both | Moore, Mtl. 2 who gave up a good part of their of which are seeking to stage the Harvey, Mtl. 14 Sunday afternoons during the ses 6 son to help out, |ternational Baseball League sim-|tional League." [May 31 to submit detailed plans,| Regan, Bos. |mered down today to the calm| Smith assured the Bisons that| When the plans are received Belivess, Mi. Nl said to prevail in Havana, Pros-|Havana had returned to relative the Australian British Empire|" d > pects appeared certain for the quiet and said "if children play in and Commonwealth Games As- REMFMBER N capital on schedule Wednesday. the streets, why can't men play June and Jorward a Fecommenda- : WHEN . .. The. Givarmmant .Defisiency. Paymeny " {in the stadium." tion to the Empire and Common i oro ah Buffalo Bisons agreed to play iiss HRP ; i i ; With Frank Boucher scoring | SPPlies only on pr parly giaded wool ve filo Bi on concern Nor Burlin ton Ousts No other city has applied to ho goals, New Yor! angers de- own organization, the team's safety in a country g Montreal 30 years ago tonight to vin t t i throwing revolutionaries, Owen Sound Greys FIGHTS LAST hi: anley Cup in the fifth| gy; pegisterad Warehouse Ne. 1 "The situation now is cleared first time the Stanley Cup, em- Weston, Onterle c : : hlem of the world's professional ghnessy said Monday night ton Industrials defeated Owen NIGHT P "Every club in the league is Sound Greys 5-3 Monday night to United States since Seattle Met- ropolitans won in 1917. for a very big season." jseries 9-8 and the Dhtario Hockent New Vork Otis Woodard, " 1 « |Association Junior central 159%, New York, outpointed Ed- $ 3 LL END | ' ' SHAG WILL ATT to. liv to die Andrews, 156, Lowell, Mass. , | HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP)-- Havana with the A Wearee | Burlington now meets Sarnia|l0. {Pancho Gonzales, the world pro- day to attend all four of thelr | inals, opening Wednesday in/Hartford, Conn., outpointed Cleo 5-7, 8-6, 6-4 decision from Lew Earl T. Smith. United States am- Sarnia. Ortiz, 125, Puerto Rico, 10. Hoad Monday to sweep their two- bassador to Cuba, will throw out e|160, San Francisco, outpointed |triumph also sent Gonzales into a at Havana's Gran Stadium jon the round at that point. Bruce Andy Mayfield, 161, Miami Beach|33-23 lead in their 100-match ser- A telephone call from Smith to McFadden led the Burlington at- * meler, and' agreement' by Jeffrey scored the other, league to assume responsibility. Jim McLellan scored twice for the Buffalo club to reverse its| Owen Sound won the first game stand that it wouldn't make the in Burlington 5-4 when the series Bison player representatives affair. The OHA shortened it be- {said at their Florida training fore Monday night's game. should any incident happen to games each and tied one in a |any of our players on or off the best-of-seven series for the group {victors continued to keep the] The Rockets wasted little time Brady, 12; Dave Estabrooks, 2; Olds 6 Kenora 3 While the jubilant Bruins went 52-2 and never looked back as they|by, 7; Ed Kolodzie, 11, Total 45. Dundas 7 Bracebridge 5 1h Te Bru dh a Bh ro Meag! s high scorers whil Ontario Steel crew made a fine] Games this Saturday, April 19: Ee i : Yr { Ontario Junior B scored their lone goal. Steve Salt- {scoring 21 of their 25 points. four points of their opponents;| Assoc. total-goals central group' champ: After a short rest the two vie Anthony Meagher, 14; Garnie'moved out in front, this time tol""A"s. |Oshawa 3 Sault Ste. Marie 2 hard but were no match for the who Bruins' six goals. . For Empire Games Statistics Wings. With a final score of 6-1 -- wma -|pire Games if they are allocated Montreal THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 15, 1958 12 6 7 Marks, D. Wood, B, Couture, J {Western Australia and South|M. Richard, Mtl 17, The thanks of all players and MIAMI, Fla, (AP) -- The In- seek damages from the Interna-| ames and have been given until| Bathgate, NYk, 1958 season, to open in the Cuban| | sociation will make a decision in Ww (Co) & L . By THE CANADIAN PRESS at Havana in the wake of a brief -- |wealth Games Federation stage the games so far eated Montreal Maroons 2-1 at SHIP COLLECT TO stirred up bv shooting, bomb- and deciding game. This was the league President Frank OWEN SOUND (CP)--Burling-| hockey championship, went to the ready to go and we're looking win their two-game, total-goals| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | LEADS BY 10 GAMES {group championship. Shaughnessy plans Legionnaires in the Ontario semi-| Providence -- Willie Pep, 129,|fessional champion, won a touch games with Havana Sugar Kings. John McGonigale's goal late in Oakland, Calif.--Joey Giambra match tennis series here. The! the first ball as the season opens the third period broke an 8-8 ti lies, Bison President John C. Stigl- tack with three goals and Larry for player safety, helped induce Owen Sound and Ray Byers once. Havana trip. was scheduled as a best-of-three grounds: "We want it known thal| The teams earlier won three Ifield at Havana, our families will title. wit |erly Deorge in straight sets 15-7, | 15-10, only to lose out to the hope the turnout is tr these gsters deserve the Strong team of Brewster and best ovation that can be given them. The parade is to start from Roding 153, 51. od with wit the "Shopping Centre" at six o'clock and will move down into il yoo nye the business section via MacMillan Drive, Bond Street and Sim- reap Pp 3y¢ PA Sl} Dadmigton coe, and then along Athol to the City Hall, where His Worship, 0 .Hpgel Lrera Mayor Gifford will give the boys an official civic commendation. Don't fall to be on hand tomorrow night folks--this could be the Donna Smith in another mara- thon match 154, 8-15, 18-15. The best step taken In the past five years towards securing a new arena for Oshawa ! last set was a zig-zag battle all the way and was anyone's deci- sion until the final bird. BRIGHT BITS: -- Minor basketball playoffs are at the final stages right now at Simcoe Hall and the Industrial League finals open tonight . . . BELLEVILLE McFarlands whipped Quebec te toni 'quebe OLD COUNTRY 's 6 igh d i | CAHA an EN ory em rs YL Yen x . SOCCER SCORES BRUINS captured the local CYO Atom League hockey title in fi- nal round-robin play over the week-end . . . WASHINGTON SEN- English League ATORS won their Major League opening game yesterday, beating g Boston Red Sox 52. . . BUFFALO BISONS will open the 1938 In- newcastle 4 Man City 1 ternational, league schedule in Havana after all--the majority of | y the players voted to go ahead as desired by league officials, thus Division III Northern taking their-own club officials "of the hook." . . . THE GIANTS Accrington 2 Halifax 1 were given a tremendous ovation by their new 'home town fans" Bradford 4 Darlington 1 in San, Erancisco yesterday and it looks as if here is one Nation- Carlisle 2 Barrow 1 al League club that has found popularity in a new home , . , TOP Gateshead 2 Mansfield 1 TOURN won the Horometer Purse yesterday at Fort Erle. Re. Stockport 2 Hartlepools 1 member Horometer ? . . . BOSTON BRUINS and Canadiens go at Scottish League ft again tonight in the fourth game, of their Stanley Cup finals and | Division A if Bruins fail to even the series--it could be as good as all over ! /Queen"s Pk 0 St. Mirren 1 Belleville Wins So Handily Rest Of Series Called Off BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Belle-|last year and went on to the| Manager Drury Denyes said ville McFarlands, who scored world amateur championship. {Belleville will leave for the west enough goals in two games to win| Dave Jones, a local product, by train from Toronto Thursday. a best-of-seven series, are in the paced the victory with three He said centre John Muretich, Allan Cup final today as a recult, goals, Keith Montgomery, Wei- out with a five-stitch gash in his Belleville's awesome display Per Brown and Armand (Bep) foot, would return in time for against Levis, Que., in the East- Guidolin each scored once. some of the final ern Canada finals prompted the EASY NIGHT Goalie - Roy Edwards, who Canadian Amateur Hockey Assoc- Belleville goalie Gordie Bell sparked Whitby to the world title jatlon to halt the series at the end Stopped 23 shots but never had to and has been named MNcFar- of two games and move McFar- exert himself. It was a different ands' stand-by, will fly west Sat- lands directly into the senior A Story at the other end where John urday. finhl against either Kelowna Lebrun stopped 32 shots, most LINEUPS Packers or Winnipeg Maroons, | from close-in. Levis Goal: Lebrun; de- McFarlands whipped Levis 60 A crowd of 1970 saw McFar- tence: Pouliot, Theberge, A. Cote, Monday night for their second lands control play throughout but|Gravelle; forwards: Belanger, B. straight decisive victory. There have trouble scoring. Jones got Guay, Lachance, J. Guay, Letell. was relief on both sides when the the ony goal of the first period jer, Gonthier, Langlois, Gagne, CAHA decided to halt the best-of. and then added two more in the Samson, R. Cote, seven series, second after Montgomery tallied. | Belleville Goal: Bell: de- "That" team." moaned P. J. Ryn and Guidolin scored in the fence: Montgomery, Benoit, Le- Fleury"of Levis, president of the ird period. pine, Crawford; forwards: Kow- Quebec Amateur Hockey Associa EE |alchuk, Goyer, Jones, Bradley, tion. "They should be playing Big Four Will Hildebrand, Brown, Payette, Mc- Decide Upon Mantreal Royals or Quebec Aces Donald, Guidolin, Menard. | of + the (professional) Quebec Referee: Hugh McLean, Ham Hotkey League, not my team." ilton; Jack Shropshire, Toronto. | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Big Four {Football Union is to decide at a "That team," moaned Belle SUMMARY | ville playing-coach Ike Hilde- First period: 1. Belleville, Jone wasn'tyhow to score goals. The loons in Montreal April 26-27 h 8 vie. h April 26-27)" 6-0'trigmph came after a 12-3 vic: | porher one of its teams intends, Second period: 2. Belleville, competition in which the team ors' committee was to have made ties: Guidolin :43, McDonald spent the season. known its decision by April 15,/13:04. jor A Mcl nds' confident mittee chairman. said Monday 6:05 periority them favorite Ihe Wl d Lebrun 12 Bell -SAVER See your B.F.Goodrich deal this week for Smileage! BFGoodrich my guys and we were forgetting ties: Theberge 4:12, Montgomery what itis to play tough hockey." 7:35, Gravelle 11:58, Montgomery 18-goal total was enough to drive pa) Union champions in a post-|'¢Y) 4:40; 3. Belleville, Jones Levis right back into Senior B|gaacon game this year. | (Goyer) 5.38; 4. Belleville, Jones that Belleville, with the rest of lranged before the end of the Brown (Hildebrand, Benoit) 1:15 the On a i» Hockey Association S|month, Jim McCaffrey, Ottawa b Belleville, Guidolin 19:22. Pen Whatever Belleville forgot, it 16:04, Gravelle (misconduct) 16:04, playoffs in Quebec, the calibre ol The Big Four's general manag-| Gover, McDonald) 19:58. Penal- eastern d ion, has played Sen-'Rough Riders manager and com. alties: Theberge 4:34 Mi nard / su . . he Shura so OE | Smileage: brand. "They couldnt stay with (Kowalchuk, Goyer) :15. Penal tory in the opening game. The, oot the Ontario Rugby Foot- fontgomery (Hildebrand, Brad- This is only the second year phyt a meeting could not be ar- Third period: 5. Belleville to retaifi the Allan Cup for the cuse other league matters at it division. Whitby Dunlops won it'Montreal meeting PREMIUM SAFETY FOR ANY CAR! FREE TIRE SAFETY CHECK GET SMILEAGE NOW! Take your tires to your B.F.Goodrich dealer. An expert will go over your tires carefully, and give you a down-to-earth tire safety check. By the way, now's the time to have your tires rotated. . 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