Union Contract Tally | =. =o =o es Embittered By Charges The otter, a member of the, Earliest known sculptures in In- weasel species, can swim fast dia, figures found in the Indus HAMILTON (CP) -- Contract] {immediately replied that the com- negotiations between the Steel ipany's statement was a "propa- | suough to catch the most rapid Valley, are believed 5,000 years Company of Canada Limited and ganda" move designed to give 0 it¢ 8,000 Hamilton employees management a bargaining advan- olivetti Divi- have been embittered by man- tage. agement charges of economic Stelco sald the union demands selfishness and labor counter- as outlined by the negotiating Summa Toronto, Montreal Noon Stocks TORONTO TORONTO NOON STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April 18 (Quotations in cents unless marked §, lot, xd-Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) . Industrials Block Bal High Lo N on os wv oon i Abitibi $268 2» » " Acad Atl 120 9% --~ % Acad-Atl A 400 819% 19% + WH Algoma 100 $24% 24% Ea» Stock Alumin Alum 2 pr Asbestos Bail 8 5 pe Bank NS Bath Pow B Bell Phone Brazil BA Ol] BCE 5%pe BC Power Cal Pow Can Cem CSL pr C Bk Com C Brew C Brew pr C Can A C Celan 200 C Cel $1.78 pr 3 CIL 100 Nob Lew Noon Ch'ge 25% 2 + AT% ATH + 30 20 Bales 1832 Block Glacier Glenn Uran Sales Nigh Lew Neen Ones High $47% $30 $23 Sock Sales Migh Lew Noon Chie West wis 200 210 310 210 5 Weston 15 825% BY 25% West 4% pe 210 393 West 6 pe pr 25 $105% wes ent 1145 450 Anglo nna Asbestos CD Bug Cc Jagesso C Paper Int Utd % " - % +1 " 10544 106% 40 450 ¥ 5% 0 2% 45 2% Lad 40 810 $30% » 245 ny td 225 8 100 SEEF FR Alumin! 965 $26 Argus 240 pr z5 $45 Argus 240 pr 25 845 Atlas Steel 134 817 k Mont 225 $424 Bath Pow B 105 815% Bell Phone Bowater Brazil BA Of} AP Cons 1581 Ane! Ball 5 Calalta Calvan Con C Chieftn Cdn Dev Can Eagle C Husky C Husky wits Cent Del 1274 C Mie Mae 600 C West Pete 900 Cree wis 2000 Dev-Pal 1400 Dome Exp 400 Fargo 300 Gen Pet A 300 29! Gr Plains 200 Home Oil A 266 Home Oil B 115 HBOUIG 200 Medal Midcon NCO wis Pac Pete Pan West Petrol Provo Gas Rocky Pete Royalite Sapph debs Secur Free 50 1100 500 1000 300 150 138 100 C Int Pow 150 C Int Pow pr 200 Kilem wis Cdn oil Labrador 1 Shore Leitch omens P ack * Pow Phone Build Prod D Coal pr D Corset ar Estabks pr 250 Foundtn 250 Gat 5% pe pr 15 G5 Wares Home Oil B H Smith Hud Bay Imp Inv A Imp ON Imp 'Tob Ind Accep Int Nickel Int Paper Int Util Inter PL MacMill B Mass Har Mass Har MetCoil Mersey pr Molson A Molson B Mont Loco Morgan Morgan pr § St Car oranda ¢ Pete Nat Exp New Alger New Ath New Delbl N Minda N Mylama Newnor Noranda N Rank Northsp Opem Pamour Pater Peerless Pioneer Pr Bord Pronto wis Pros Alr Que Chib Que Cop Que Lith Quemont Rainville Rayrock 1700 St Michael 1000 Sheri itt wis 5° Sil Stand ad 1000 1 1% 114 s n VR Reel 1000 Stanle ub 00 Stanigh 200 Stanrck 1400 Starratt 1150 Steeloy Steep R Scllivan bSylvanite Thom L Up Can Cdn Pet pr Cockshutt Cont Life Con Gas Corby vt Corby B Cosmos Dist Seag D Bridge D Fndry Dom Tar Dom Text y Match Mig Gatineau GMC Wares pr Paper 240 235 250 104 200 200 215 240 100 200 50 750 8000 W Cn OG ris Jo Wespac 180 W Decalta W Dec wis " the Cana iid hy Canadian 500 Alba Expl 2000 Alg wis 200 Ani 5 Aumaque B Metals B a or 00 1500 3000 12100 800 ft Both were made Monday. cents-an-hour increase in wages Stelco fired the first shot with an and would cost $12,000,000 anpu- the United Steelworkers of Amer- «wg ARE SURPRISED" The Overs Ov . 24 " » printing) fca (CLC) Local 1005, urging| rhe letter to union members automatic a " is entirely now and wages increases because of the! wwe are surprised and con- current business recession, cerned that Local 1,005, largest a re-styled version of a previous model with some added, later refinements. The! rector for Ontario and the West, |, 0 chosen 1958, a year of busi- ness recession and widespread justifies the Olivetti Divisumma 24 being T iffs Bl d called a universal calculating machine, 18 arl ame make the largest money demands i p yi . calculations as a permanent record and in the history of collective bar Rs calc ghd so od oa concept and design of office nachinot: KINGSTON (CP) Gerald ' With this new Bruck, textile manufacturer, BULLASSERAIN ARATE] for what he calls the "desperate trative functions in business. condition" of the Canadian tex- MR. ©. D, Mr. Bruck, president of the 353 Maria St, Silk and Rayon Institute, told a Sarnia, Ont, Kingston and District Textile Technical Association that dump all over the Japanese textiles on Edsel has the dian market undercut most power and Such dumping caused shut. : ive 1i downs and layoffs in many Que smooth handling, it's like a luxury customs regulations and tariff is the ome car that is really new. structures were '"'outmoded and Feel the real difference behind BRADFORD, Eng, (CP) A . EDSEL budgerigar appearing as an exhi Drive 1958 FORD OF CANADA charges of propaganda. committee, amount to a 66%- 2 '} open letter to 8,000 members of | ally. them to refrain from demanding| 4. unique in design and approach - not merely Lawrence F. Sefton, union di- oe 0 USWA in Canada, should wide scope of its usefulness more thas | t, as a time to en : nts the terms as well as the results of ining at Stelco." For Conditions gaining geo tributed many significant advances in the opportunities for the simplification pov blames Canada's tariff structure of and adminis: tile industry, JACKSON; monthly meeting Monday of the "I've tried them ing %f surplus United States and Years, but the made products. prestige, With smart styling and bec and Ontario mills. Canada's liner on the highway." $958 Edsel unrealistic." the wheel, See your dealer, today! SLIGHT HOLDUP bit in a court case in this town GENERAL PRINTERS LIMITED) \J) OFFICE SUPPLY DIVISION 64-66 Celina St. Oshawa RA. 3.773 escaped from its cage. The hearing was adjourned for 15 | minutes while the bird was being | recaptured L Kelly D A Labatt Lakeland Lakeld Debs wis Shaw 4 pe Simpsons Wpg Cent & 450 Halliewell 4000 Morrison 500 Mogul 300 Negus C Northld Con Sud C Tungsten 3750 Conwest 400 Cop Corp Coprand Dome Donalds East Mal East Sull Min Willroy Zenmae Curb Yukon Con . Canadian Nfld LL Can D Sug 2 C Paper Dom Oileloth Ford MO Paper TF Fin A hi Mt 200 210 265 100 105 100 25 100 85 to 11 am: MONTREAL By The Cansdian Press Montreal Stock Exchan April 15 (Quotations in cents unless marked §, $--0dd lot, xd---Exdividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials 175 832684 26 UU + W 100 $844 BW BW + W 123 $24% Un Reddo Sales 1313 35 200 800 4000 200 4000 17 3 $334 1] 750 2% Alscope 1" a Atlas 8 524% Bailey 8 A Frobishr Vt Baker Tale Gaitwin Geco Mines 750 26 os' 950 | | 5 a Webb Knp 20 280 255 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Executive Urges Trade 30 -- Hog g Producers, 'China Bids For Canadian Processors Meet Teytile Mart, Hearing Told = Diversified, FORBES Coan Press pony Editor TORONTO (CP)--Canada can- mot, with its present population mor any anticipated future pop- ulation, consume at a rate even approaching her production pos- sibilities, Gerald Fisch of Toronto said Monday in an address to the Canadian Club In this situation, he urged ex- pansion and diversification of the country's world trading and fi- nancial relations, though not ex- pressly at the expense of much relations with the United State: Mr, Fisch--executive vice-pres ident of Payne-Ross Lt man agement consultants--spoke on Canadian-United States business ACCEPT BAD WITH GOOD 'As long as we expand our in dustrial potential we must prob pbly be prepared to accept some anbalance of trade with the United States--at least until our machine-tool and similar Indus- tries are adequate in size and competitive position, "A very substantial quantity of Canada's exports to the United States are stimulated by Amer lcan investment, including alu- minum, iron ore, petroleum, pulp and paper and chemicals, "To what extent are Cana. G, Union to Discuss Wage Parity SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) Wage parity with U.S. steelworkers an anified negotiations for Canada's three basic steel plants are among resolufions of Local 1064 United Steelworkers of America (CLC) to be placed before the Canadian steelworkers policy conference in Winnipeg, April 18- 18. They will also ask the Cana dian Labor Congress to ehdorse the CCF as "the political arm of labor i The local said Monday it will ask consideration on 16 major re- solutions. Topping the list is a drive for increased wages, and a five-day 30-hour week, Instead of the present 10 hours. |dians, wise 'Mart Program | TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario hog producers and processors met | Monday for the first time In. two years to try to reach an agree- ment on the marketing program Expanded ns, temperamentally or other-| "willing or able to develop our resources and our own manu- facturing facilities unaided? | OTTAWA (CP) -- Communist | nessman he preferred to buy in| ST is making a bid for the/the lowest-priced market and to! Canadian textile market, the tar-| sell in the highest, | iff board was told Monday. | "President W. W. Robinson of Eric Hehner, Earlier Monday, economist representing the Toronto said China has quoted tute, argued that "special treat- for hogs. Provincial government officials were also present with represent atives of the packers and the On- tario Hog Producers Association Packers have objected to some conditions of the auction system of sale through assembly yards set up by the producers' co-oper- ative, The producers, headed by Charles McInnis of Iroquois, have charged processors with trying to wreck the marketing plan under! prices for one cotton fabric which ment" is needed to deal wiht im- would enable him to import it at ports from "low wage countries" {11 to 15 cents a pound less than such as China, Japan and India. a comparable American fabric,| The hearings on the cotton tar. Mr. Robinson, whose company iffs are a phase of a study of the manufactures standard types dyed and bleached fabrics from dered last fall by Finance Minis. unbleached cotton fabrics, ap- ter Donald Fleming. peared before the board in sup- {port of a Canadian industry bid {for sharply increased protection. "If we recognize that we are a free and independent nation, and as long as we maintain our record of reliability, consistency of policy and continuity of sup- ply, we can probably make more Srringent demands in terms of Canadian participation in foreign investment without too much dif. ficulty in gaining acceptance POSITIVE APPROACH Mr. Fisch said he believes Canada's approach to the vari- ous problems must be positive rather than restrictive, "We should emphasize the ex- pansion and diversification of Canada's exports and imports in he world market, not expressly at the expense of U.S.-Canadian business relations, but simply by expanding our over-all import and export role in total, LONG TRIPS Shore - birds known as plovers He added he has not yet pur- chased any of the cotton, but has nest ith A far north and migrate received a number of price quot- to Sout America In the autumn. ti y F i -- the Ontario Farm Products Mar-| 5 O"s following a visit to Can. keting Act by under-the - table ada by a Chinese trade mission Hushands Wives! last fall. payments, Producers maintain the auction FROM MANY COUNTRIES Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger system is the fairest method and| Mr. Robinson sald he preferred Thousands of couples are weak, worn-ou helps maintain a stable market./to buy Canadian or American Sehauated because body lacks ron. For new Packers say this isn't so. fabrics, but added he purchased Tablets, Contain iron A Tonle The problem was brought to a|products from many countries, HA gi dose Vitamin rH In a head by the announcement that a including India and Japan, fo? routrex supplies as much iron vote on the marketing plan will] He agreed with a comment by ibe. of Dee Robinson Cotton Mills Limited of Canadian Primary Textiles Insti-| | | of (entire textiles tariff structure or-| LOW ROUND TRIP FARES (Subject To Change) 6 doz Fen, 4 ha. of liver, 16 » quainte vine costs be called this year. (W. W. Buchanan, the board's| sve THAT) drape Economy size and Monday's meeting was closed |Vice-chairman, that as a busi-| and no announcement was made. Producers, in addition to charg ing opposition by packers and transporters, have asked that the system be given a year in opera tion to prove its efficiency before a vote is called. No date has been set for the Plebiscite, Jury Deliberates | | HAWKS WIN CROWN In Murder Case NEW YORK (AP) An all "A second positive step is to] encourage foreign investment of | all types in addition to United States investment, but increas. ingly on terms which while al- owing foreign investors to par- ticipate in Canada's growth, still | leaves much of the control and management of the growth in Canadian hands, now! a new SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL for Kitchens - Bathrooms - Woodwork ST. LOUIS tit's great (AP) Bob Pet- point game, includ- ing the winning goa! with 16 sec- 1 Jury was due to resume de- onds 'left, powered St. Louis iberations today in the case of Hawks ot the world champion- seven leen-aged boys accused of ship of pro basketball Saturday slaying the 15-year-old polio-crip- night with a 110-109 victory over pled son of a city fireman, Boston Celtics, Hawks captured Judge Irwin -D. Davidson or- the best- of -seven final playoff fered the jurors locked up in a series of the National Basketball hotel overnight when they re- Association four games to two. quested a recess shortly after -- midnight. They had had the case Do FALSE TEETH six hours and spent three of them Rock, Slide or Slip? in actual deliberations. The threat of the electric chair was removed from five of the POL SETH, an imbrored powder 10 defendants Monday. Completing | holds false teeth more firmly In place: a day-long charge, Davidson told 'Do not slide, slip or rock. No gummy, the jury that only two of the de FET a alkaline OF Jeaing, HABA fendants, who rahge in age from not sour. Checks "plate odor" (den- 15 to 19, could be convicted of art breath). Gey FASTEETR at any rug counter. first-degree murder, . VELVET = ENAMEL HIN, BATHROOM AND WOODY! You can deo your walls and ceilings, too, In matching colowrs with GOLD BOND VELVET (Egee shell Finish) end GOLD BOND ACRYLIC (Flat). Eosy to apply with brush or roller. Dries In less than 1 hour, Completely washable, Easy clean-up -- just rinse roller or brush in warm soopy water -- wipe Vp spotters with damp Gold Bond PAINT PRODUCTS DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 400 Huron Street, Toronto Erna) Bacio Foaans's now Milk recipes. Wrils day WESCO WATERPAINTS (CANADA) LTD. Subsidiary of NATIONAL OYPSUM COMPANY BETWEEN OSHAWA AND ST. LOUIS MIAMI BOSTON $34.80 11.30 31.65 DALLAS VANCOUVER 91.55 CHICAGO 21.45 DENVER 66.00 LOS ANGELES 111.00 PHOENIX 95.80 WINNIPEG 51.60 See your locs/ agent for Be Travel [nformation and Pleasure - Planned Package Tours CHARTER A BUS FOR YOUR NEXT GROUP OUTING Keep your group together in the care of a competent professional driver-- then everyone can enjoy all the fun of the trip--and everyone will be safe, Start wherever you please whenever you please. Choose your own route and return when you're ready. $56.75 Plenty of room for team or band equipment, picnic supplies and luggage