Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Apr 1958, p. 7

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MISS ROSE BATE of Bow- manville, Zone Commander, third from left, with some of | 45, Canadian Legion. From left treasurer; Mrs. Herbert first vice - president; Peter Simmons, presi hart, | Bathe, | Mrs the executive of the Auxiliary, to right: Mrs, Richard Burk- Zone Commander Pays Official Visit To Canadian Legion Auxiliary, 43. The Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion Branch 43 met on Tues- day evening with the president, Mrs, Peter Simmons, presiding Prior to the meeting some of the members went to the ceno- taph to join some of the Men's Branch, where a short service was held and a wreath placed .in memory of the men who made the supreme sacrifice at Vimy in World War One Bazaar goods were shown and several pairs of hand knitted socks were donated by Mrs. Berl Holbrook, who, though she is still confined to her home with a brok en leg, is working hard for the bazaar to be held on April 29 Final arrangements for the night of cards to be held next Tuesday, April 15, were made Mrs. Herbert Bathe js convener would have a good representation and Mrs. C. E. Vermoen in at the Zone Rally, charge of refreshments, Tickets At the conclusion of the meet- available at the door. and home ing a pot luck supper was served made candy will also be sold.|by Mrs, C. E Vermoen and her There will be good prizes and re- committee, freshments. Mrs. Albert Piper of Bowman Members must have their ville accompanied Miss Rose names in and bus fares paid by Bate April 22, for the Zone Rally, to be The next business meeting will held on May 4 in Bowmanville. be held on April 22 and all goods Mrs, Robert Williams will take and tickets must be in that night the names and make arrange- for the bazaar to be held the fol- dent; Mrs, Robert Williams, past - president; Mrs. Norman McEvers, second vice-presi- | Former Fellow Employees Honor| PERSONALS Little items of social news are Mr. C. E. Hawkins On Retirement resenting College Hill Home and , A life - time resident of Osh- | awa, Mr. C .E. Hawkins was guest of honor at a dinner party tendered by his fellow workers of the Prudential Insurance Com- pany of America, on the occasion of his retirement after nearly 30 years' service. About fifty friends gathered for the gala occasion at the Hotel Genosha last week with Mr. George Bates acting as master of ceremonies. Musical entertain- ment and dancing followed the dinner, speeches and presenta tions. Mr. Arthur Pitman presented Mrs. Hawkins with a bouquet of 129 red roses and on behalf of the | staff, Mr. William Matthews pre- sented Mr. Hawkins with a film projector and slide case. Mr, Ar- thur Johnstone, director of agen- cies, presented a service certi- ficate and Mr. Frank Dunbar, district manager, presented a tooled leather scrap book. Telegrams were read from absent friends, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Baldry and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lodge, all of Ajax, Mr. Donald Riggs and Mr.| Percy Greenfield spoke briefly on| Mr. Hawkins' enviable record| and expressed best wishes, Those from out of town in-| cluded Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Johnstone, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. | Percy Greenfield, Bowmanville; Mr. Bert Allen, Mr. Ray Holland, Mr. John Henley and Mr, Thom- as Perry, all of Cobourg. | Mr. Hawkins has lived all his life in Oshawa. His father was| a partner with the late T, H. Everson in a hardware business on King street west, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins now re- side on Kendalwood road, be- tween Oshawa and Whitby, They have one daughter, married and living at Oakville, | LODGES AND SOCIETIES PYTHIAN SISTERS The regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters Lodge was held on Tuesday evening with Sister Jean Fitches presiding The Sisters are donating a w dent; Mrs, secretary. ~Times-Gazette Staff Photo Edward Bouckley, ments for the buses The meeting was then turned over to Miss Rose Bate, Zone representative, who expressed her pleasure in, visiting Oshawa Auxiliary again. She answered several questions pertaining to Auxiliary bylaws, d expressed the hope that Oshawa Auxiliary GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES DR. C. F. CANNON H AND § ASSN. The regular meeting of the Dr C. F. Cannon Home and School Associatiof*was held in the school auditorium recently. Mr. Thomas Huzar presided The report from the principal, Mr. G. Arthur Korry, was a re- minder to parents to prepare their pre-school children for reg istration Mrs. Rudy Pine, program con- vener, introduced the speaker, the Reverend S. C. H: Atkinson His topic was, "Does Man Live After Death", and 'Easter, and the Hope It Brings.' n Mrs. Gordon Baker sang "The Green Hill Far Away", accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. G E. Fleming. Mrs. Roy Haber thanked those who took part in the program and Mrs. Pine who prepared it. Tea was served by the mothers of the pupils in Grades 5 and 6 The piano accompanist was Mrs Roy Godfrey. Cowboy Favorite By ALICE BROOKS {What child 'doesn't love all cowboys, plus their horses. You can be sure to make a big hit with this appliqued quilt. Horse and cowboy, each a single patch Send THIRTY . FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Daily Times - Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS more for a copy of our Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogse Two romplete patterns are print ed right in the book plus a variety of designs that you will want to order: rrochet, knitting, embroidery, huck weaving, quilts, toy CHRIST CHURCH AYPA The regular meeting of the AYPA of Christ Memorial Church was held on the parish hall on Monday evening, April 7. The president, Mr, Gary Gales, opened the meeting with the As. sociation prayer. After a brief business meeting games were played and the meeting closed with vespers The group then held its month- lv night of bowling with Jim lowing Tuesday SOCIAL NOTICE | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Dove of Oshawa wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Eliz- abeth Joan, to Mr, Gerald Ryer- son, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ryerson of ~ Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. The wedding will take place in Yarmouth in June ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Ross B. Campbell of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Beverley Dianne, to Mr. Lyle Johnson, son of Mrs. Walter Johnson of Belleville, and the late Mr. Johnson. The wedding will take place in St. George's Memorial Church on Saturday, May 10, at 3.30 pm | returning the lenten boxes. |ing badges will have to pass their {tests before that date. Powell, Gary Gales and Gwen Gales winning the high scores Members were reminded that next week is the deadline for THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA GIRL GUIDE ASSN. FOR TOMORROW (North District) i ig The regular meeting of the This day's spects favor those North District of the Girl Guide With initiative and enterprise. Association was held at Guide Try to finish incompleted mat- House with ten members present Mrs. George Pearce North Dis- trict Commissioner, presided. Reports were given from the 6A and B Brownies, 8th and 12th FOR THE BIRTHDAY Brownies. 124 Quiles, 18th aud H tomorrow is your birthday, nounced that Mrs. John Manning your loroscope 1s Teplete with will be the Zroup's representative generous indications. Financial on the nite for Coolie Day matters show an uptrend during | on May 3. Mrs, Pearce also stated the coming year, and chances of | that the ice is being taken out of the Arena on April 15 so any Guides who want to try for skat- ferred projects. Take steps stabilize your financial position, too job advancement seem definitely in the offing. Domestic concerns are also under propitious aspects so that, generally speaking, you have genuine cause for optimism Mrs. Leo Glover has consented You may have to guard against to act on the badge com ee Some emotional stress in late for the 2nd class proficiency September and early October badges. The committee would and this you can do if you will like to hear of more experts upon earn to relax and try to accept whom they might call for testing, obstacles in your path more phil The next meeting will be a joint osophically than you sometimes one with the other Local Associa- do. Look for opportunities to tra- tions and will be held on Wed- vel and, if single, new romance nesday, April 16 during July and August. Late De. Refreshments were served by cember and early January Mrs. R. G. Schad and Mrs. Cyril should be marked by excellent Campbell, members of the 18th business news, but do avoid ex- Brownies group committee. travagance next March, A child born on ATE day will be affectionate, studious and en- dowed with fine creative ability SOUTHMEAD NHBD. ASSN The April meeting of the Southmead Neighborhood * Asso ciation was held at the home of Mrs. Carmen Waters with the ture lesson throughout the meet president, Mr, William Foreman, Ng Was the Easter story. presiding Mrs. Floyd Lowery's group was The secretary, Mrs. Sidney in charge of the entertainment Leffen, read the minutes, Mrs. | Miss Tllona Lowery played Jack Murdock gave the treasur- {WO solos on the guitar, "Down er's report. in the Valley" and "Tammy" Mrs. David Mitchell gave her Mrs. E. W. Burrus gave a read- report as social convener and Ing on the 'Easter Season'. Mrs Mrs. Joseph Puhky, for the Lowery gave a reading "Behave Ladies' Auxiliary. Yourself'. Mrs. Norman Wirsch- In the absence of the sports Ing was a welcome visitor chairman, Donald Salsbury, Bill Future plans were made and a Foreman gave his report and|visit to Fairview Lodge was ar- stated the hockey team was in| ranged. A pot luck supper was the finals with only one remain- enjoyed, prepared by Mrs. Low- ing game to play; also the dart|ery"s group. team was second'place. He stat ed there would he three teams Jo Aldwinckle, "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, April 11, 1958 Women's Editor |at Petrolia, Ontario; Sisters will be attending. Sisters reported on the sick list were Jessie Goyne, Bible to Tounders Temple No. 2{Viola Keeler and Sister some of the Tonkin are looking after this for the banquet ibe brought in either in the after. noon or night, It was decided to have a rum- mage sale at Simcoe Hall on {May 15 and in case of rain the followng week, May 22, Sister] Ada sale. Any member having dona- tions was asked to contact them Beatrice and a pick up of all articles gon Ontario, spent the Easter Hurst and Mary Stevens. Sister would be arranged Dorothy Hester ville Hospital The Sisters is were asked by for cancer dressings. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 13, at 6.45 p.m, The meeting closed Dial RA 3-3474 7 served, REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 tr % ¥ ters, then get going on long-de- | to § THE AGE OF INNOCENCE Kathy Dawn, one year old, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Michael Kostak, Mitchell ave- nue, and granddaughter of Mrs Group Hears Talk On Hair Styles "Mr. Vincent," the guest speaker monthly meeting of the Lenore Group of Simcoe Street United Church. "Mr, Vincent" spoke at length on the different phases of hairdressing, with particular ref- erence to shampooing, hair -color- ing, and permanent waving; he also stressed t hat one should guard the elasticity of one's hair, and always use a natural hair brush when brushing the hair, not a nylon brush. Added interest was created by the mod- els and the coiffures by p Vincent." The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Byron Edmondson who mentioned that "Mr. Vincent" had lived in Canada for three and a half years coming to Can- ada from his native Italy where he had been in business for eight years. The thanks of the group for the very informative talk were voiced by Mrs. J. W Piatti, Favors in the form of miniature cosmetics were dis- hairdresser, was at the for boys and two for girls in the basketball league. It was decided to continue the 1957 memberships through till September of 1958 The next regular meeting will he held on Monday, May 5 at 8 p.m DISTINCTIVE LAUREL GROUP The Laurel Group of the WMS of King Street United Church met in the Sunday school room re cently Mrs. Lorne Muldrew opened the meeting with a prayer and scrip 00 DOWN URNS 32 KING ST. WEST NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT home Wedding sories from the 'Bouquet', WEEKLY CREDIT JEWELLERS RA 3-7022 selections in Ontario, Beautif tive letterings and new sizes ar ot decided avings PHONE RA 8-543 WICK BROS. PRINTING Invites you to choose at leisure in your Invitations and Acces- Yours' and "Bridal Rose" lines ding Stationery from one of the largest moengroved using correct form WICK BROS. PRINTING LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE, SIMCOE ST. N,, OSHAWA Forever s of Wed- ully_ ther- 5, distinc 1d designs 1 ® The regular meeting of Osh: in Bowman- to donate linen to Sister Mae Feas- in ritual-| istic form, after which lunch was In one year, the words the average adult reads in his daily (newspaper would fill more than 90 full-length books. always welcome in this column.| School Association at the Ontario If you are enjoying the company| Federation of Home and School of 'visitors or have been visiting| Associations Convention held in yourself why not telephone 3-3474,| Hamilton this week. the Social Department and share! -- a your pleasure with others? HOUSEHOLD HINT Mr. Eric Sisel, whose marriage, If your stucco walls are plagu- to Miss Mary Louise Pomeroy ed by small hair - like cracks, will be solemnized this evening, brush in a mixture of Swedish was presented with a table lamp, putty. pl a steam iron, and an electric - g clock yesterday from his fellow- employes in the editorial room of Age 17-55 the Daily Times - Gazette with Mr. Gwyn Kinsey, editor, mak-| ing the presentation, Mr, Percy Skinner is home from Fredericton, New Bruns-| wick, to spend ten days with his| parents, Mr, and Mrs. Austin Skinner, Thornton's road north, About a dozen of the officers of the 6th group committee of the Girl Guide Association met re- cently at the home of Mrs, Wil liam Holland, Mary street, to dis- cuss plans for the 6th Oshawa mother and daughter banquet to be held in the parish hall at Christ Memorial Church on Tues- day evening, May 13. Another meeting was arranged to be held at Mrs. Holland's on the evening of Wednesday, May 7, to make the favors and to finalize plans Miss Jean Armstrong of Lon- HIGH-PAY POSITIONS holiday weekend mother, Mrs. H. W Quebec street with her| Armstrong | Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs Max Bell were the delegates rep FREE DELIVERY awa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was Open for ® PRACTICAL NURSES ® DENTAL NURSES ® INFANT NURSES held in the lodge room on Wed aesday, April 9, with Noble Grand i IQister Alice Lanning presiding assisted by Vice Grand Sister Lena Harper Sister Edith Evans read the re- port on the district meeting which SERVICE Earn high pay, respect and se- curity as a Practical Nurse. Single and married women are urgently needed high school education not necessary, You train under Registered Nurses, listen to lectures by leading was held in the afternoon in the lodge room. The afghan was won by Mrs. Brown of Garden Hill Sister Lgna Harper convened this supper. The new district deputy for '58 '59 is .Sister Louella Kennedy of Port Perry. The semi - annual report was read by Sister Viola Keeler, The annual church parade for Rebek- ahs and Odd Fellows is on May | 4. Members to meet at the new Imperial Bank on Simcoe street [ lat 6.45 p.m. Decoration Sunday | |is set for June 22, 1 The birthday supper on April 23 is to be held in the banquet | |hall after Lodge. Sister Gladys | Little asked that any prizes that are to be donated for that night | Mitchell's Drug Store ON ALL PHONE ORDERS + « « anywhere in the City of Oshawa doctors--in your spare time, 30 it won't interfere with your pres ent job, Books and equipment supplied. Free placement service finds you a position quickly, often before graduation. Morn- ing, afternoon and evening classes -- special arrangements for out-of-town students. Mail coupon NOW for free booklet and sample lesson Yo hn oa -- | ALLIED SCHOOLS OF | PRACTICAL NURSING Box 950, Times-Gazette. n Pi d me without obligation, pl son end free how | con become © Nurse ( ) Dental Infont Nurse, Nurse John Kostak, Oshawa, and Mrs, Stephen Blok, Windsor, On- tario Photo by Hornsby Studio + Wear it as an eyeglass hearing aid--or any number of other waysd » At least twice the powes of the average eyeglass aid! + 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee! +» Other 4- and S-transistor models, from $50 to $150! « One-Year Warranly-- Five-Year Service Plast tributed among the group by the speaker This being guest night, the vis. itors were extended a hearty wel- the president, Mrs Wells, who also presided meeting. The worship service was conducted by Kenneth Wagg and Mrs. S | ad Taylor, the theme being i EN) conid H. H for the hy H [ | -) Name Street .... | eny | Phone | | Oseupation verrnd Poti ) Morrled ( ) Single ( 4 -- STORE HOURS: Mow. meat YOUR FRIMSS Wy Daily 9 a.m, to 5.30 pm. Except Wednesday 9 am, to 12.30 am. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 FOR LADIES IN WAITING! During our annual infants' and children's week, we feature smart . . 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH , Zeller's easy-to- wear, easy-to-care-for Maternity Fashions! Proud Mothers-to-be will step lightly through warm weather in Zeller's Fashion-Right ward- robe . . . And the prices are so right for the Family Budget ! Easter Season." Mrs. Ralph | Jewell, treasurer, reported on the finances, Easy time payments arranged! COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAW Definite arrangements were made for the dessert luncheon which the group will sponsor in Memorial Hall April 16, An |nouncement was made that Mrs. Gordon Davis is ticket convener, and the tickets age. in great de- man. It is also the intention of the group to have a home baking sale at the lunct Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Ed- mondson's group Imperial Optical | 22); SIMCOE ST. S.,, OSHAWA (Above Home Dairy) eon | 'Buy'! SUIT-DRESS.,,// Smart! Practical! 5 71.98 | STORAGE Store Your Furs and Winter Garments in Our Modern Refrigerated Vaults Safe from FIRE - THEFT MOTHS ® STORAGE ®¢ CLEANING ® SHINERIZING (FUR CLEANING) /"~ OSHAWA FUR and COLD STORAGE 81 WILLIAM ST. W.--OSHAWA---Ph, RA 3-3012 Made in Sizes 12 to 18 -- and easily adjusted to larger sizes. In Fashion's new, new styling pleated front and back for graceful lines, added comfort and roominess. Skirt designed with adjustable waist and. button closing. Nylon-and-cotton mixture in blue, rose and grey. OVERBLOUSE -- Made in sizes 12 to 20 of crisp "'Everglaze' Cotton in dot-print pattern (style.as sketch- ed). Also featured: Overblouses of smart Embossed "Picolay" in floral pattern with gold braid trimw They're practical, easy-to-wash, comfortable . . . And so smart look- ing! Lovely pastel shadés 2? 98 : and white to choose from , Saw * OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. Our services are designed for your use and convenience, DEPENDABLE ZELLER"S TELEPHONE DELIVERY ~--Two LAYAWAY Fe CHEQUES GUARANTEE MATERNITY DRESS--Lovely new fashion ih crisp criskay cotton, per- Colorful pleated tops and matching dark skirts. Wonderful 5 a8 1} Zeller value! ...... fect for warmer weather, Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years --~You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294 deliveries daily within city limit r your convenience at no extra cost Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed --Merchandise satisfactory or money refunded

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