DISTRICT INSTALLATION TEAM OF IOOF Captain, Oshawa, Orvis Jamie- son, LS, Brooklin, Ray Andrew, { Ajax, Keith Rudkin. conductor, Ajax. Back row, George Brit tain, secretary, Pickering, Art Nickle, Chaplain, Ajax, Thorold Shown in the photo is the dis- trict IOOF Installation Team, Members come from Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin and Port Perry. Front row from the left, Geo, Webster, district sec- retary, 0. M, MaGee, Oshawa, D. Stewart, Oshawa, pianist, Marvin Linton. OG; Oshawa, Merrill Ross, District Warden, Brooklin, Don Andrew, DDGM, Pickering, Len Cole, Team MAYOR OSBORNE OFFICIATES AT LITTLE NHL 0 man and Bill Peachy, dent of the Ontario Little NHL The series will wind up with the finals at the arena on Sat Arena Thursday Along with Mayor Oshorne are shovn Rev | AER. Her- bert, Bowmanvil'e i. ov. | Mayor Nelson Osborne is shown at the microphone tak- ing part in the opening cere- monies of the Little NEL championship tournament at the Bowmanville Memorial on evening presi. | =~ chairman; Ed. Rundle, Bow- | urday evening manville's Little - NHL chair FN, RSNG, 2. ada's first Times-Gazette Staff Photo self-government Port Bill Bill Perry, Pickering, Bobler, 1G, Ajax, Jack Warren, Pickering, Oshawa, RSVG, Whitby, Bruce Beare, Marshal, Burns, LSVG, Lymer, Gordon, Ross Bill PENING CEREMONY STUDENT MOVEMENT Queen's University 1842 at Kingston, Ont, was Can. times reaching 53 feet. funnel into Basin, Ihranch of the Bay of Fund) opened in to introduce student |the Chamberlain, Port Perry, LSNG, Pickering, L. ' treasurer, i .cke ering, Morley Bruce, Marshal, Hamilton Fisher Glen RSS, Brooklin, -- Photo by Ross Mills ~- - HIGH TIDES World's Minas ARNING TO NEW CAR BUYERS So Your're Going To Buy A New Car. That's Fine! You've Worked HARD, The Summers Almost Here and The New Models Look Terrific. So Far So Good. You're a Pretty Shrewd GUY so Your're Going To SHOP AROUND FOR A GOOD DEAL. In other Words Your're About To Try To Beat An Automobile Dealer at His Own Business. FRIEND, You Stand As Much Chance Of Doing That As He Has of Beating You at Your Jeb. If You Shop Around Long Enough and Listen to Enough ""Highballs"', "Lowballs" and ""Word-You-Takes" You'll End Up BEING "TAKEN" By Some Second Rate Salesman and When You Discover This, You'll Be Too Embarrassed To Tell Your Friends What A Fool You've Been. Ever Heard of PADDED PRICES? Ever Heard of Being Billed for Your Licence, Heater and Anti-freeze a month after Taking Delivery of Your NEW CAR? ARE WE ANY DIFFERENT? .... YES WE ARE! Sure We'll Dicker With You Over Price and We promise You Some Interesting Arguments, But We Will NOT CHEAT OR CHISEL YOU! We Can't Because Our New Car prices are on Display In Our Showroom, In Other Words You'll Know Exactly How much We Are Giving You For Your Trade-in or Exactly How Much Discount We Are Giving You For Your Trade-in. TAKE A FRIENDLY TIP FROM HARRY DONALD, Who Has Been Giving FAIR DEALS To The People of Whitby for Over 20 Years. UNLESS YOU WANT TO GAMBLE, BUY YOUR NEW CHEVROLET or OLDSMOBILE from TELEPHONE MO 8-3304 RA 5-483] highest fides, some the easter From About 50,000 Miles To About 15 PORT HOPE Trefusis School | | PORT HOPE --- The new, ten- {room public school to be erected lon Trefusis street on Port Hope's {westerly limits at a cost of ap- | proximately $240,000 has already been started by the local branch lof the Bradford-Hoshai Associates {Construction firm. Footings are iin and concrete block walls are {now being laid. It is hoped to |start work above the ground dur- {ing the next two weeks and it is |expected to have the school com- pleted by Sept. 1. Bradford-Hoshal |awarded the contract to build an {addition to the County's Home in Cobourg. A company spokesman said that the jobs in Port Hope and Cobourg will provide employ- ment for approximately 60 men ' | when going at full blast, |IN THIRD PLACE At the Provincial Inter-Scholas- ' === (tic Gymnastics Tournament held fin Toronto's Hart House, Trinity {College School did exceptionally well to finish only four points be- hind the winning North Toronto School, The winners had 52 points second place went to. Windsor with 49 and Trinity took third {with 48 points, Trinity's captain, Chris Davies won the mats event Hugh Gordon, Bob Colby and Mike Thompson were the others on the local team IBOARD OF TRADE | Local service clubs will be in-| |vited to a future meeting of the! Port Hope Board of Trade to hear Mr. L. T. | Board on the relations between Canada and the United States Mr, Sylvester is a former presi {dent and is now the chairman of | the Board of the Mathews Con veyor Company of Ellwood City Pa. He has been head of the Port Hope plant for the last 25 years NOW MANAGER { Morley Johann, former ac |countant of the branch of the Royal Bank in Port Hope has left town to accept the position of manager of a new branch of the Royal Bank recently opened | {in Whitby, He came to Port Hope {trom Sault Ste, Marie, Ontario, in {June of 1954 and during the sum- mer was promoted to the position of accountant, Mr, Johann, a na itive of Owen Sound is married with a five-year-old hoy. He at itends the United Church and while here he served as a direc. tor of the Kiwanis Club as wel! as its secretary-treasurer " SOCIAL EVENING In commemoration of Vimy I Ridge, the Port Hope Ex-Service man's Club held a social evening over | Armouries, have been Sylvester address the * Work Under Way on Wednesday night at the local The evening was spent in reminiscing and playing cards, after which a lunch was served, Canon Howard Boulden addressed the assembly briefly, as did the Rev. A. Beaucham- payne, WORK AHEAD In his report to town council, the town engineer, Ross Sim- mons, advised that the work schedule is about a month ahead of previous years due to the ex. ceptionally early spring. The traffic strips have already heen painted for the coming summer months, sewers and catch basins cleaned out, trucks have remov- ed the loose dirt from the town streets and many potholes caus. ed from the frost leaving the ground have already been repair- ed with cold patch, It is hoped to tackle the repair of sidewalks earmarked for 1958 by the first of May. WOULD WATCH PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- The United Church of Canada has urged Canadian business to guard against price increases because | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, Aprfl 17, 1958 § | - RJRX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative--Phone Ajax 426 Fund Collection Launched By Historical Committee AJAX (Staff) -- The Ajax His |large i ndividual donations. Bit torical Commitete will start its|rather ask that everyone ¢ collection of nickels and dimes|ute a small amount and make the on Monday to provide a fund to|project truly a community effort meet the cost of building a scale|so that when it is complete every {model of HMS Ajax. {one can say that they had a | Mr. George MacKenzie of|share Burcher street has been working] This weekend, a letter e in- on the model for some weeks|ing the project in detail be now. He is doing the work as aldelivered throughout the town by |1abor of love, It is estimated that members of 1st and 2nd Ajax the materials may exceed $200|Scout Troops. for the six foot model. It is being On Monday the door to door built to scale from plans supplied canvass will start. Coin boxes by the British Admiralty. have been placed in stores and It is not the intention of the banks where customers may drop committee to ask the public for their small change. AJAX PERSONALS GRACE MILLS Hamilton, on Wednesday. Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vondette, AJAX -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur gings crescent, have Mr, Von |Ward and daughter Barbara,|dette's mother visiting them this | Tudor street, spent Easter Sun-'y..j. day with son~Gordon and Mrs. . _ . o . ent Ease Ward, North Toronto swale, Be arbolough, spent Mrs. Mrs. Reno Massi and daughter Tas K McKay, Windsor avenue. Debbie, Toronto, visited with her ¢ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Jor- Little Debby and Dean Empey, road, attended the 39th annual convention of the Federation of Home and School Associations held at the Connaught Hotel, of "a world recession." The rec-|qan. Brock street, on the week- Woodhouse crescent, have been ommendation was made by the executive of the board of evan. gelism and social service, which met here, ASKING FREE TREATMENT LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Dr. I. T. Phair tario department of health offi- cially opened an additior Ontario Cancer Foundation's clinic at Victoria Hospita Thurs. day, He told more than 250 per- ons present that there is grow-| ing support in the province for a program of free ment . AJAX PERSONALS consultant to the On-| Haliburton with a bad to' the |street, who is visiting her par cancer treat-'and Mrs, D. R confined to 'the house with measles, but are on the mend. Scout Master Oland " Dennis took ten boy end Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sanderson Pine street, spent Easter week 'and end in Haliburton. of the 1st Ajax A Sorry to hear Mrs. Ed. Parish, Troop on a two-night camping Pine street, returned home from|trip last Thursday, Friday and case of| Saturday, With the weather being Mary! good it enabled the boys to pass several of their tests, including ents in Haliburton, is also {11 with First Class Cooking, felling of tonsilitis. Hope they will soon be|trees, and a test on recognition better, of eight trees. Mr. and Mrs. N. Kay, Mont real, spent last weekend with Mr Temple, Ridout tonsilitis. Mrs, Ron Parish SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE street, Mrs. Gordon Day, Brock str {and Mrs, Russell Johnson, Glynn eel Mr. and Mrs. John Price spent Easter with friends in Huntsville, Little Jimmie Jamieson, Beech street, had his tonsils removed in the Ajax 'hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Satter- Under the supervision of Mr. Oland the boys constructed an aerial runway. combine work with play made it a very enjoyable weekend The next meeting of the North Ajax Brownie Mothers Group will be held on Wednesday, April 16 in the teachers room of the Lord Elgin School, at 8:30 p.m I'he pillow cases, embroidered ind donated by Mrs. Don An- drew, were won hy Mrs, Walter Wiles, Pine street. The proceeds going to aid the group. | Being able to! BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times-Gazette phone your care rier boy first. If you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only FOR MISSED PAPERS N AJAY ix If you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All calls must be placed before p.m. WARNING TO USED CAR BUYERS Have You Ever Wondered What Happens To The 5,000 Taxis, Police Cruisers and Self-Drive Hire Car That Are Replaced Every Year? We'll Tell You They Are Purchased Mainly By Used Car Deal- ers For Next To Nothing, They're Painted, Fitted With Slip Covers, The Speedometer Is Put Back A GOOD DEAL Every Used Car On Our Lot Has Been A Privately Owned Car, And We'll GLADLY GIVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE OWNER. IMMEDIATE FINANCING, TRADE-INS WELCOME HERE IS A SELECTION FROM OUR PRESENT STOCK CHEV. SEDAN -- Custom radio, in im- maculate order. Written warranty PONTIAC SEDAN -- Two-tone red $1695 and white, Looks new, Written warranty OLDSMOBILE COACH -- Auto. trans., custom radio, 1 owner. Written warranty FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN -- Auto. trans. cus- tom radio, two-tone. Written warranty MONARCH SEDAN -- Auto, trans., 2-tone blue. Written warranty PONTIAC COACH -- Radio. ce car. Written warranty auto. trans., custom radio. Written warranty '54 A w FORD SEDAN -- Two-tone green, custom radio. beauty. ritten warranty A really 51145 BUICK SEDAN -- Two-tone blue and white, 445 | * '54 '54 "2995 "1545 '49 '49 1145 ,000 And Then SOLD TO CLEVER PEOPLE LOOKING FOR FORD COACH -- Two-tone blue and § white, Custom radio iia Vida 945 FORD SEDAN -- Two-tone blue, auto, 1195 trans, Written warranty . | PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY -- Green, In first class condition. 5895 Written warranty CHEV, SEDAN DELIVERY -- Grey. Hurry for this one. Written warranty CHEV, SEDAN -- Turquoise. Just painted. Custom radio PONTIAC SEDAN -- Two-tone black and white. Radio 695 CHEV. SEDAN -- Beautiful new grey paint, Try it and you'll buy it .. PLYMOUTH SEDAN -- Runs well, no holes FORD COACH -- Just painted. Runs well LOTS MORE--COME AND HAVE A LOOK AROUND WHITBY 300 YARDS EAST OF THE FOUR CORNERS / '