Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Apr 1958, p. 4

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[ @ THE CAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Fridey, April 11, 1958 PR -- WHITBY and DISTRICT $3 Fox Bounty a PN BusySocial MAY Be Paid = {noting reports of rabid foxes ap-icipal clerks would bé anxious | en a pearing in the county, have In- to handle foxes which are sus- | 3 dicated that the $3 fox bounty pected to have rabies, The ---- As " Top Executive " may be paid before tne years bounty, in the past, was paid . | For Dunnies |end. Ontario county has not paid| after the clerk verified that a Manager of the Whitby Dun-i At present, two of the seven|things have been so hectic that the bounty for two years, fox had been killed, by actually lops, Wren Blair, has been nam- are nol available for discussions, |! would take a full month to | Reeve Pat Duffy, of Mara seeing it. led the top hockey executive of |one is in Israel and the other in consider the proposition before Accompanying the acc ades Twp., noted that the fox situa Reeve Duffy said that In Sim- the year by Hockey Pictorial.|Japan. Stafford Smythe left yes-| accepting or declining the offer, acrorded the Whitby Dunlops, tion in the county has changed | coq County, adjowning Ontario at |The hockey monthiy, in its April! terday for a vacation in Florida.!l also would want the full bless with their winning of the wor Id} considerably since the last occa-| ihe north, one farmer's entire Issue, named sport's 10 head- "Mr. Smyth's proposal is for|ing of the Leaf exccutive, which| amateur hockey litle, ate many|sion when the bounty question|yiock had been quarantined when [liners, as picked by its editors.!a two-year contract and 1 would includes the famous Silver public appearances of the leam was raised. AL that time, county, rabid fox had been found, Two Included in the list were top prefer to go with the blessings| Seven." members, In the weeks lo fol- officials turned it down, [sheep had been intected, he player, top coach, top come-|of the Silver Seven a» well a) As a result of this proposed low, the team or Yaniohs mem "In Mara Twp., he sald, | said, and had bafterod their | back, top rookie, ete., in hockey | Mr. Smythe," he said offer to Blair, he said, the Dun- bers will have a full SC 18 ule of} "rabies has taken a number of|peads against a wall, this year. In eight of the 10 Of these finai proposals be- lops would become affiliated dinner meetings to attend, foxes. In one case a farmer Deputy-reeve Sherman Scott [choices, those selected were of tween the two, Blair reported, it| with the Leaf organization for, Tonight, the Dunnies will be found a dead fox in a pig pen.| Pickering Twp., noted that the National or American Hock- has been agreed that the origi-|players' supply and develop- guests of Branch 112 of the Authorities ordered all the pigs his municipality pays a bounty ey league. nal proposal was too large for ment aly, He emphasized that Canadian Legion, at Whitby, furnoven sud sagged. Mvdical for foxes. 4 i octe one man to handle. The latest|there would be no enhange in the! On Monday, a group of play- hea. ' A ln Bal Pg Juiected 2 arrangement offered. he said,|overall operation of the elub.|ers and manager Wren Blair wi about what could happen it| Reeve Rae Ferguson, of Ux- : ners p 3 i reclor still! i airy {cial | rabies were to spread." bridge, stave! that if there is made the trip to Oslo this winter would make him genera! man |The local directors would stilllbe in London for the official e ere us : : 4 3 8 y to bring the world hockey crown ager of the Leafs' number one|handie the affairs of the team opening of the Western Ontario| Depuly-reeve Wesley Crosier, enough money in the agricultur i ' ros, a Junior A clut 3 1d| tinue as team sponsor, " [would cost. $2,000 to pay bounties|Proposal to have the bounty re- Also cognizant of Blair's exec- boros, a Junior A club, He would 5 te ponso wry They return to Whitby for the| 1 the remainder of the year. |turned will be brought before Ev " the Whitby Dunlops, and would =~, " m here Smythe, of the Torontw Maple be direcior of the Leafs' ama "Such an agreement, he Club at noon oi Tuesday Wire Reeve William Heron, of | Leafs who has been negotiating | said, "would give the Dunlops a| 'Ney W 8 © 108ted, Wie some days, offering a position, . "he 5a with the Leaf organization di- "8: attacked dogs standing beside! lor rather three positions, in the take on right now," he said, recting players to Whitby for On Wednesday, April 16, Wren | ir 0 5% 8 | of | T Wren Blair reported yesterday' "I wanted one month to con-| "I feel that the association celebrity dinner in Kingston, -- For enders / : " 4, that lie and Smythe held a third sider all the aspects of this con- with the Leaf organization would! On Friday, he will be one of { Hh i i t . SPRING IS THE TIME FOR MARBLES CAME TO TERMS continuing in my present posi- and more difficult to obtain top gathering. | road committee expect that ten ak tion with Central Mortgages and Senior. A talent without an as- shout one of a 1 ite | Si age 10, son of Mr, and | 0 quo oo oie are shown |BAIr reported, "but a final de-|ypere 1 have been for the past/team. Our proximity to Toronto] On Saturday evening, April pe regular meeting of the WA Be Bh Alax to grandpa's day Req Sw and Ernest Peebles, | displaying their skill 'in the the propdsals will not be made happy there while 1 was also! Whitby." by the town of Whitby and ad-ye4 on Tuesday, April 8, in the pe Sr % "I would like to take a month Dunlops Leaf offer, Coach Sid Smith and dinner at the Community Arena, jail, The president, Mrs, L p,|iaLat the prevent Lime. 18 Shi WHITBY Smythe's proposals and Mr. offer by the Leaf organization, would have increased duties with) On April 22, Wren Blair will ed the meeting with a poem en- luquired ve are being negotiathd an & ua o Smythe would like to have time through Stafford Smythe, to be the Whitby club as he would) be the speaker at a Chamber of titled "Easter." ' roadwa i the © copér- PERSONALS to present his propsals 0 the most attractive said Blair, probably be unable to accom: Commerce dinner to be held at The usual reports were given... bl De: gn eo Pub- Sliver Seven." "But since our return from Oslo! pany the team on the road. the Rotary Hall, Ajax, revealing that a great number of || part | back to Canada, farm. club; the Toronto Marl-|and Dunlop Canada would: con-| Sportsmen's Show. of Brock Twp., estimates that it|al budget at the June session, a |utive ability has been Stafford|Continue as general manager oflpop pALENT luncheon meeting of the Rotary| oh a@ CEA Rol council, Ben negol) | teur farm organization boi at Br "| Brock Twp., said that there had ™ with the Dunnies manager fori" my," iq be wo much to New flow of top hockey talent, | oH be the speaker at the meel-|,, "cages reported where foxes Will Call 4 aniz ; JON A PROPOSAL ps b Maple Leaf organization TO CONSIDER PR SAIL seasoning, will 'be speaking at a sports| peeve §, R. McCrorie, bo meeting on Wednesday of this tract which 1 realize embraces be a big thing for Whitby, as the speakers at Birchelift Lodge, R ] M t , week a great deal of work, as ugainst|each year it is becoming more Toronto, at a sporis celebrity egu ar ee | The Ontario County council . Of WA Held [ders will be. called for construc- The coming of spring brings | Shown at the left is Peter De- | Alonzo Pecbles, 116 Brock St. "We have come 'to terms," !y,cing Corporation at Ajax, sociation with a National League CIVIC BANQUET } {tion of the road extending from pastimes, which ved in | Mrs. G. DeSimio, 110 Colborne cision on whether I will accept gor years, I have been mostmakes this a 'natural' for 19, the entire team wil, be hosted or tha Whithy United Church was Joyed today, ying mart age on of Mr, and Mrs. | game fo' one month, able to manage the Whitby He said that if he accepted the Joining municipalities at a civic kindergarten room of the church to consider all facets of Mr, 'However, I have found the assistant manager Wally Brabin Whitby. Richacdson, presided and open- {lic Works for the Province it is W "~={ On the following day, he will|flowire and cards had been sent| _ BUD | Qter Suppl A farewell party was held in . |be speaker in Montreal at allo the sick and shut in and that| Expected hat approximately #4 Y honor of Mrs. C. Townson, of Ww 11 P t t |dinner meeting of the Montreal!five members had visited Fair- . he Com Green street, at their home re Nurse Presents 1 Io es Athletic pin, Brill 4 view Lodge. {without cost, to the County, for The people of ti own of system is presenidy packed to cently. Mr. and Mr Townson a improvement of the nase line; Whitby w b red a 4 and. by: taking thi establishing residence ps . The group is planning a tea LT On May 5, he will be in Ed- The tentative requirements of q is Lodge, Aylam Lake The on itions monton ® address a sporls ng sale of home bake goods | 0 agreement are that the dequat ater supg this I ill bene; .t » whole SLR 4 4 r. . 1C PHC - p wh lh RD Cs Ye o It will beaect the whole|iagies'in charge were: Mrs. Lor Whitby Council will send an. 'oi Cnet {assembly hall on Saturday, Apr [Gounty god by Bi . to install a 14-inch water main, a ma. main. Taine Myers, Mrs, Sue Townson other letter to the owners of PLAYERS BUSY 19, and also the daffodil lunch Move i py r sewing to he. heid in the| is i by tI nieiy #4 vater in And Mss. Daisy Fraser. The in Park Vista Gardens, a new sub-| Other members of the team eon 0 be held on Friaay, May 3 the vielity othe Jospitsl. B04 a ' J vited guests were: Mrs Town : division, noting the muddy con. are also filling speaking engage- 9, with Mrs. R. D. Jennings of th » be; e Whiths Ah vaied tank on Centre St. ,, "arg A, Coutts, Mrs, A.| Miss Margaret Standerwick, nurse, made 15 calls for the yi 0,0 of" (he streets, Some ments in various parts of the Toronto, as guest speaker been Teaiined hiougs Segolla. missi . caporoved this. at this fis w largest main Clairmont, Mrs. A, Guest, Mrs Whitby 5 VON Nurse, has com nurse during weekends, Mrs. weeks ago a similar letter was surrounding district. tare being made for tne org Sons Jill the Department ol week's mice . ie town, and|E__ Hutchings, Mrs. E. Mac. pleted her first month in Whithy| pari has served the VON sent and this most recent letter on Wednesday of this week,|!on to make a 'our of the I Pu IS ar ive cymmifiee mair = Wo 14 e of Whit-"Dongald, Mrs. Agnes Corris, Mrs, Operating as a one-nurse branch. | faithfully and well for more than was prompted by a further depu- n sday o od | lop plant, recomme ded that upon eom- se 1 council this week; minor hockey banquet in Co Mrs. F. Ollen-Bittle and Mrs, P-€Hon of transactions a resoiu- a 1 avi | » ha | y of water |. Hicks, Mrs, Ireland, Mrs. Me. |In previous months, she has| guy years and is missed greatly tation t base line I iad J dig a A , Ethe ' ho ation lo { n ~warded t . ie folas . -n. |i een assisted by Mrs, Ethel Mar | the patients who looked for A ay X n . 'tion of Council be forwarded to | Garden street uire, Mrs. M , Mrs. Thorn y e patier 0 looke ) G. Fillman, a resident in the bourg. M. R. Davidso1 conducted a he ister of Public Works Arp subdivision, told council that the on Mary St t if the ap- dyke, Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Love, Un but with the advent of the ward to her cheerful visits each " ; very inspirational Easter serv : 3 : i pal board Mrs. I. Groff, Mrs, Mantz, Mrs, | County Health Unit, which takes eek rth hall of Park Vist | On Tuesday of next week, Bus jee" The members of the Har. ©Xpressing appreciaton of the ; E,|over the public health nursing! .qye {ime spent on Health lighted or Ag | a Jia hy Well Gagnon and Charlie Burns are|mony Group were in charge of Co-operation that has been pro- be helping Hutchings on behalf of all pres- the work of the VON in Whitby Unit work dverazed 3% hours) oo " DL he south half has goheduled to speak at Aylmer; the program and the jeader, | vided, ; June ent wished happiness to the has been reduced. per working day or 37 per cent| ro Ont., at the RCAF base hockey nips, C, Brougiton, announced | Ri il a Townson's in their néw surround-| Miss Standerwick's report for oo" "0 oo tor time. The Only a few board walks have banquet. the program. Mrs, R. Broughton mated u 4 ; | been pi " he "a eo! Tha av ov. Farm of $140.00 trv Simpson : ,ndent | i0gS. Mrs. Hicks sented Mrs, March follows. greater part of this Was spent in wen put in," he said, "and the That same day, either Harry sang a very beautiful solo en Townson with a gas iron. A tasty This our first mony oF, oper preparing for booster immuniza ray jo Sut tere. 2 solios Sinden or Bobby Attersley willl (jtled "Open the gates of 'the FOR MISSED h wa served with Mrs, ation as a one nurse branch saw tion at the school. Vaceinati e sa hat garbage collec- he speaking at a hockey father temple." us with 147 visits, Of these, 112 m tion was satisfactory Ww 3 g 1 nderle T t 3 alls were for nursing care and 28ainst small pox, which is rec-| pare "ac 10 ctory Row but and son gt a Sungettand The Lieutenant of the Salva. PAPERS Sas Were Nr Bursing are r ommended every seven years, ( as par he sa very: On April 28, Bobby Auers.cy tion Army, Mrs, Zwicker, brought 31 were night calls. The remain- ' Jwners park their cars on Cray- will be speaking at a father and 1 and booster doses of diphtheria Os a a superb Easter Message en- ing visits by and large were for oR CO Bien don road, he said, and walk to son banquet in Armour Heights titled the "Lull After Faster," IN WHITBY health supervision, Thirty-one (heir homes yet, For a few days, United Church, Toronto, stating that "we are witnesses Job Attersley was speaker at a east a por- Hazzard and Mrs, Urch, Mrs This main tremely nece | Junck : ed \ Hicks and Mrs. Myles assisting Mr. and Mrs. Clarey McMul- lan and daughters, Patsy and | Marlyn, of Ottawa, were Easter -- - . -- ' a LJ A + y oir sd every I s vears are guests a the home of their 4 ed every four to five years arc h a . " sister and brother-in-law, Mr, Patients were attended ,| being offered to the school chil-| 0 ald, Fouds Jere satisfactory) A member of the team will for Jesus and it is our duty to Phone and Mrs. 'Alex Brown. of Athol The VON nurse will visit any dren en a week-end rain turned &ll also be named to speak at algo our part and bring in all the ' py : person in his home to give pio. * streets into mires, rab . i i oh ; hockey banquet in Marmora to Jost sheep." " Jebreet, Me iy jpn fessional nursing care under the! "Attendance at the ell Baby| wif I were a bread driver Ibe held on May 12, | ost Zheep. | MO. 8.3171 (€ Ce, direction of the family physiciap, Conference aithough up slightly | oo 140m even go near that sub- ® | stationed in Ottawa. Her visits are made daily or still remains low. Every second! oii pom oh | RE-UPHOLSTERING " you have not received your, [ Mrs. Arthur Wigston has re-/jegq frequently according to the| Thursday the conference is held "Although it is HOt opr prob» | DAY-BY-DAY | Re-cover and Save Times-Gozette by 7 P.M, Cell} - ; turned from a three-week trip natjents' needs and the physi- in the Coney Chambne of the lem," said Mayor Harry Jer-! | Fine ~!-¢"en of Fabrics X : . siness m ng t \ Ines 3, will xico an the Souther an' ' ar OWI ll fre 2 - . : . Whigs . Fires We ad " Vedas a p =, . wa \ , ly ey He Souther Sam 5 OMe s i" Ss Way, Tat) to 3 be CD cd my, i, Shin we should back! BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE | P Fria iin TI [ BELL TA | at i on : onic £ cen MIS athert ? " hese people hi There wi ; Qo | glon e under t enership of Mr. and Mrs. Loss Hill, of patients are able to be with their Regicnal Director, Victorian Or- ee sid Correll suggest. Ju ig Sy April HONE MO 8 | evening with the president, Mrs. arg, F, Adams, The Zone Com- Claremont, were recent guests families in the familiar sur der of Nurses for Canada, plans oq that the owners picket the paper i ot Wh HA oF th { &ooeiat ton' FAYETTE Avy. Odd George. B the mander Miss Rec w= pt the home of their daughter roundings of their homes, to visit our braach from April gpg ee Pp y 18 the area of SuuDy. § ts | p Chairs). . on [| N. Kyle ( on pé Yes a} od inks Mr. and Mrs Mr Mi " bt elief 21 to 23." subdivision on week-ends when of Dundas St. Collections will rn). als sont to the V ed 5 F vill a HW son i law, bh Mrs rs, Martin, who is now r 21 to Zt a prospective buyers are on hand. begin at 9 a.m, and conclude at pital in I naa hg Works superintendent John 12 noon. Residents are request Eo Wil Mend 2% School Board Gara i fh £6: DRIVEN ana SAVE | afety Course Came tw Awaits Approval WHITBY CLASSIFIED SPECIAL NEW PRICE Al calls must be Jlased between | 7 end 7.30 pm, y ( Easter Haw and Norman meet- and Francis remained in Belle Whitby township school board, The board hopes to get the c < nee , pek | ar, alti rg , x ctar 0 em e for : e bala ice of the week are waiting for approval from| construction of the school start-For rent --Large five - room apart- (FOR rent -- Two rooms, water, hes ; \ igh iting relatives the Municipal Board, the De- ed this month. It will be a one- Ment and sun room, refrigerator and|and lights, $45 month. 319 Green Street safety Mr, and Mrs. C. Prescott and partment of Education and the 8 stove, very central, Adults preferred. | 85a The family of "Brockville were municipal council, befor: the storey structure, with six rooms mo 8238. ~~ = 0 0 82( FOR rent -- Small furnished apart Faster guests at the home of contract is signed for construc. and 125 or more students are PRESSMAKING and alterations. Rea. ment, main floor, private bathroom dk ey "fri ve. 210 Trent West. Phone aL e ne 0 wl helo a or t swe will [sonable prices. Work guaranteed. Mon. | frig and stove. 210 Trent A F h B t D | attend the Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Harvey, tion of the new school in thei expected to ocoupy it, There I ! day to Friday. MO 84398; 863 Byron MO 8:3160 85h or the bes eal on two days, of Gifford street Meadowcrest sub-division be five rooms for public schoo! |North April 26 FEMALE help wanted Help for wilt attend "We feel that there is a great grades, and one room for a gow Rent | Hollywood Motel, from 20 years and NE { need - for 1} hool. due! kindergart I ~ Furnished gpartment, two Hollywood Motel, from 56 SEALS Ao two da The date for need for this new school, due kindergarten class, rooms, modern bed-sittng room and 3 rod A 0 16 8! la Nord 27 to 24.in » [to the fact that this summer, The board has already re- kitchen, private. entrance, 231 Paiace| Motel. Brock North MU 8-2 dg ul 0 S 100 new houses are scheduled to ceived tentative approval, but Street -- Avr 21 FOR, sme, 10 Quanth a good clothing y | i] 3 F: are waiting f fing approval, FOR Rent --Apartment, two rooms, pre . y § be built in the sub-division, and are w iting for : nai apj : 1 {| modern bed. siting, room and oma: MO 8.2533 85a ® ® » Mont ly Meet are heing occupied, by a) re They Hope, to have te = 00} private entrance 231 Palace Street |For rent -- (hree-room apartment ports, as fast as they are being ready by September, but doub NINES April 20| heavy wiring. Phone MO 8-4560 85a . Fro men S The All 'Saints' Anglican built," said Douglas roms, | that it will be completely fin- ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape,| BUY and sell used furniture, Specializ Drop In And Ask For Vie VYanluven | he All Sain ' an c..retary of the board. ished by that time and alterations; also drapery. 1013|ing in handmade and remodelled furni . . Church Afternoon Guild held 8 y Centre South; MO 8.3360, April 25) ture. All work guaranteed. MO 8.3053 Stove Oil can purchased in any amount at this 121 Brock South May 11 » station their monthly meeting on Tues, |SEPTIC "tanks cleaned the sanitary * day at the parish hall. Tha pres TOWN COUN IL BRIEFS | way, new tanks installed, Walter W NEW six-room bungalows, Hood Joca " . 2 o. 1204 Chestnut west. Phone MO 8.28 tion In Whitby, natural gas heating In Oo S oy i S ident, Mrs, E. R. Smith pre Whitby, April 23 rv. antenna, $110 monthly. RA § "OPEN EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAYS" re m at »d. The secretary. Mrs. G - - -- = | og 5 ded. The secretary, Mrs. ( RAWLEIGH Good Health Products, | 0 55 a : | Eastwood and the treasurer MP WITH TRE g SCHEDULE Spices and extracts, Phone MO 8-436. | FOR sale -- Hook-up trailer; "49 half HALIFAX | Fisheries s the regulatic I CONSErv- arise Louise McIntosh, gave their HELP WITH TRE SALARY SCHEDULE | Aprill7 [ton Studebaker: '52 good condition Stu VIGOR Ol L CO L f D entists are sending | t reports. By resolution, council gave On motion of Councillor Jack | GoMPLETELY furnished three-room | debaker. $900 cash. 121 Brock South LJ J derwater off ( says a lobsterman may {Modus ys a lobsterman ma; BROCK ST. N. WHITBY ) works superintenden: John Rae McAvoy, the finance committeejapartment, electric stove, refrigerator, off 'obsters with. m fis) certain seasons and | gino Tea to be held on Tues. authority to have his department|Will study the salary schedule ($70. 806 Brock Street North, Whitby. |MALE Help Wanted --Large furnish pision cameras riot legal for! >F 4 a | ey era "day, April 15, at the parish hal! / yam) : a iia Ee partment 4, Dial RA 5-3214, ing" organizat alesman, assist the Whitby Garden Club| adopted by the police commis : ou A (ing organiza ion ' relies ¢ Hear i, "They w to find out why h i ot 3 ters smaller than > n . he t | slon. He stated that adjoining [FOR rent -- Three . room ment [preferably resident of ys | 1€) Ind IY 10. [UR 0 ake ig tnin "ber. With the following conveners in with tree planting in the town's Hoe coq Nava. rea 5 lapartment,, well finished $60 monthly sires position of trust, all company ben mMarus americanus move oT : to retain "ber-| Lo 0" tan tables, Miss Louise! Parks this summer. police commissions have recon: jyciudes heat lights and water. Mo efits available, willing to work hard and less in cold water than in war: \ sters---lemales carrying | + 8 rs. 'W. Seal | sidered schedules. 8:3072 anytime, 82h use initiative. Replies treated in strict whether he prefers to eat ae Irying to enforce these Mcintosh and Mrs. 'W. Seales; | PARK DEVELOPMENT | . tat confidence, Write Box 518, Times bio Sd Re prolers. x3 on h "an armv of govern. home baking table with Mrs, T | Park Spaniel | BRIDGE HANDRAILS {FOR Rent Second floor apartment, |G azette, Whithy April 12 stal house or a wooden one, or S an arr gove Fo J irks © ttee has recom. } ! AILS o larg A tl hardson and Mrs. T. Hen- arks committee bright unfurnished rooms, - 0 + hint D e fic x | Pha 8 " ave kitchen sink and eccpboards. Dundas SEF al 500 down, Five Sn 1 1 nty i y \ M n epi g HOUSE For Sale $500 wn dgesn't care whic : ; ple fl stock. The ladies pouring tea|mended to council that $2,000 be| The 1 gpartment of HIBhWAYS | §1roet East. Available May 1. MO room brick bungalow, Whitby «= Ploker A. J. (Sand aadach Atists have doubts| Will be: Mrs. J. E. Speers, Mrs, spent this year in the develop-|i$ being contac 1 | regarding the |y.06: a 84f ing Town Line, Mr, Green, MO 83154 f{sheries he pr »ven Lhe s have doubts| oy wo er Mrs. R. S. Cas. ment of the new memorial park| installation of handrails on the| s\pARTMENT for rent -- Central, chil. evenings 83 ject, says g a ne Dr. D. G.|'coi and Miss C. Grose site along Lynde's creek. Serv-|bridge which crv Pringle's dren welcomes also garage for rent yop Ajgeo Aluminum Combination win r n ce at mat id h biological . : ice clut Il be co oted h!|Creek, on Dundas St. E. If the | "" "dows and doors phone "Doc" Dafoe, s rmen c¢ : / ; NB The guests will be greeted by ice clubs will be contacted with lobsters with metal traps as ti 3 RUIEWS, says piri . ' on0S als i . wwelan | department takes no action, the FOR Rent -- Two rooms at Old Post MO 8.2350 after 6. Free estimates | ed seasons as ajthe president, Mrs. E. R. Smith proposals that they develop der s no Inn, No. 2 Highway, $35 monthly. RA| May 10| vi hei y do th their : | | Plans were completed for a : y 4 3 'lsmall park -site on town-owned|Streets committee has authority 5.414 dc | -- ---- ---- make more mo even if mets rvation measure is. open tojand Mrs, F, H, Newman. Fur land to look after the job FOR Font -- Niodern Tiree room Base Cists twice as much erious question the fishery|ther plans were made for the '""% {TOR en vam IHIve Tuom base. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL > ni a LE has simply adjusted to the shorter |C oming rummage sale to be GOLF COURSE aerial and parking. Now vacant. MO Coarse or fine -- $7.00 per 2 CORTLY 3 : al STORMS COSTLY period by employing more men, | held on May 3 at the Council The same committee recom Evenin Grou : Li gi ge sion | load. Cement Gravel ----- 1s sroash n { boats and gea : 5 +| Chi rs. The eting clos ; 4 "OR Sale 00 down. ce $8900 . < Storms @ gas h ' 0 Ad ; yd p oh mi ver The meeting closed 0404 that consideration be g p A brick bungalow, four rooms, immed 369 d. Song end Loam wooden traps each ) > ero ore quick } p says with prayer . "Uh a . b o ill, delivery + given to the development of & inte pesession, good Whitby location. | ¢ en trap rigged with rope and|size limits have | municipal golf opi in the Of WA Meets W. McAuley, Realtor, MO 8.3231. 84f ERIC BRANTON marking buos sosts ron alo SPECIAL AREAS . . Lynde's Creek area, at the west FOR Sale -- Ga ger a avy blue MO 8-2660 % nake. Fishermer t 2.0 V - n . . yx | Wint pont: Blac ate! Hi Ag ha 5 oO a nen : re L ters are choosey where 1st inners end of Whitby. They urged that The Evening Group of the WA Wie ih a Heated A ntan ip April 22 arou shores , hs i ) the "Marit province y live. In North America they negotiations begin to acquire met in the United Church Hall [eta skirt; green velveteen skirt: | ritime ces pather of " ah at : : APRA TL found only on the Atlantic . more land for the park site! ' Weather coat, brown, hat to m i fouindland and Quebec, so a lot of t Ii - dena oc) 1 e u {there with the vice-president, Mrs. |lady's blue coat, trimmed with Mfg F av t ctakenerhans $10 « ast rom Newloundlanc 0 ere Sau Wy te squirrel, size 16: two rugs, 10° 9 "by §', HiGueY 33 Al sake ray %*North 'Carolina. Efforts to trans. : Jas. Gartshore, in the chair, in'apd one little smaller. MO 8.3493 be!| Garden tiller, lawn roller, 000,000 plant them to the west coast have Winners in the Sweepstake STORM SEWER SURVEY the absence of the president tween 5 and 7 Bic Fisheries experts have tested led hoot of the Whitby Rifle Club| phe el and aluminum traps fo y . wer S. Landvmor h| SUrve h © stec and alum Wm ; i Almo { catch | ve re: N L ne nore with mended that a survey of the cost by Mrs. R. Crawford, assisted terial you have purchased. Free esti last fou 5 1 oF sy : 8 X 1 second, McQuay! yf puilding storm sewers inl." mates, For cutting and hanging. MO FOR RENT men say n ti 1d-w most prod hster S s three areas of the town be made, [PY Mrs. Roxena Ledgett and 831s ay He | / month hruary r lob: the world v Bre 1 nuIMer elow are the results of the An engineer will be engaged. Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, The min- AERIALS moved, repaired, instal Boats, motors, trailers, tents, | FO ~~ ; uar Apr care. thet J 0 » 39 sande pnd =a erp [FT BRL stérs 'don't er metal ones a utbwestes va Scotia [Shoot between Woodstock No. 1iqpe three areas are Dundas|utes and treasurer's report were i ap a $39.00. Indepenien camp stoves and lanterns, A HOME ALL ON ONE FLOOR 1S WONDERF! IL, BUT DON ily 2 vooden o ' . ; | "eg p ro] r ala : . i} 2 3 . EN or EGG TIRED IE NIE Pagel For nip readily as wooden one SoU ) Gulf of St. Law-| team Standard Steel and the gi, w., Gilbert St. E,, and BYron|yead by Mrs. G. Cox WANTED -- Boarders, must be abstain YOU THINK WE'D GET LESS TIRED IF WE HAD OUR PLUMBIN rt Atist } » the I A i } 1} | hitbhy porter A J ' . SF] ==. " | J CT aTA YI) "RR ag The scieiiti | ren Vi: e othe. big pro| Whith) A Sp ors hich Wood-| ang Centre streets, sduth of Plans were completed for the © non-smokers, fond of music, chil FOR SALE CONTRACTOR INSTALL A PONDER RCOM (IN 748 WING? water camer | answer the!ducer stock bare W after having! pundas { ¢ completed for the ,..; and pets, Breakfast up to 8 a.m.; trap lay The An n lob h ala start of 14 tea, home baking and home SeW-|junch at noon: dinner at 6.30 p.m. Mon Teenee Trailers, Peterborough, We Sell! We Install! We Service! We Guaraniee But 'the lem of storm lo: ( clative but 'the cate) Woodstock Standard Steel: 1, TAKE NO ACTION ing sale and home mada cha.l[dav-Fidey; 5 pm. Satastey and Sun} Canadian, Lokefield Boats. |} Always Call This PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ' r ole , $ { eonard, 190. 2 1 ol The | th g tee reed i ' y f \ ) hi { Leon 1 . holm, The health committee recom peaux parade on April 19. Mrs. West April 9] WILDE Cox reported that the children's! vor sale Boat trailer, $45: also two) me itor t \ 1 v oak, 195; 4 Ged: mended that no action be taken ster 1} ! . : | catchin ) | 19 t 1 t 793. lon a complaint of Hopkins St ] . Va POUNTEUL ON RU men serie slucking beg a non Ca oF EO ee oe ar I I nara el RENTAL SERVICE WHITBY AUTOMATIC ¥ishermer t ( is, t 1 S. 1 ) 196: 3 lalleged to originate with a new/are now for sale Wilde Rental Service, MQ 08-3226 ~#or AND SALES cents a pound f ae l Med it | Warburton, industry in that district I'hey Mrs. J. Gartshore, Mi Ross FOR Rent Completely furnished | i HEATING LIMITED pending on size a noted that the plant manager Harris and Mrs. Ralph MacCarl apartment, heavy duty stove, 'frig, 1101 HENRY ST, WHITBY f ig'a ready mar et; fishing i ntensive shing, it dropped A socral evening will be held (has promised full co-operation|served a lunch and the me ting Hons Heng Jneivded, dette Xd MO 8-3226 409 BROCK ST. S. PHONE MO 83-3652 tense; stocks are limited, So most (steadily to 27,000,000 in 1918. April 12, i! any problem arises, Iwas closed with the WA prayer. Dundas east. Ve : Apr. 11,18,25 lawn mower reels © re Tec T JSTOM ries, . streets committee recom The worship service was led CUSTOM nang aw draperies, and paint sprayer, --

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