- : $ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, April 11, 1958 | 1 FIRST UNIT OF NEW CHURCH IS DEDICATED 'Mom' Whyte's Haven 'Will Become Mission Members St. Matthew's | py Tote W lcomed Y eicome Is Dedic¢ ated BOWMANVILLE (CP) -- Mrs, (Whyte said, the eight - #@omed new members Bertha (Mom) Whyte, whose haven will pass tu the cofftyol of Twenty-seven were received into thc member- FEN LW toadble. 2 ave: HE home for orphans gained wide|a five-member board. a {ship of King Street United Pr SUEEME FLEICHER 4 [Bevile, aud says: wy Sonia publicity when authorities in-| "My husband and I wilt turn {Church at a reception service the congregation of St. Matthew's sible person in the Community", structed her to reduce the num-|our home and everything we own | 0 ' " ber of foundlings, said Thursday |over to the church," she 'sid. held yeeeany. Thirioen members Anglican Church took part in a| Come here and make your de-| ipo expects to become a monde. : 4 were ; service of dedication of the first|votions" -- ceaselessly and lov-| 0 iooe church minister, |PLANS INDIA HAVEN & Faith and 14 by (transfer of "™ : ingl ill the voice call | unit of their church Thursday nBly Ww he voice . S She said she and her band oh embership from other ehurch-|, cp "se marked the second oc-| The speaker urged all present a 3d Bor pleatby Jam Bert, a Bowmanville os fac- . : 4 casion that the building had been|to see that Jesus' last command ren live would ther be incorpor- | Ory worker, intend to ope sec~ || | The communicants class re- used: On Easter Sunday, the spe-|is carried out, to the last man, in ated as the Whyte Haven Jor ond haven at Palayamkottai, In- | | ceived on profession of faith ia] services which were largely |the last land. If the "stones" are sion under the Religious Act ¢/dia, before the end of thi year. were: Gail Andrus, Bonnie Ay-|attended, marked the day as one to fit into the pattern, then all Canada, Bowmanville os ati "When the air fare cones, I'll ers, Carole Ball, Sylvia Clark, never-to-be-forgotten, must assume their share of the east of Oshawa » % be ready to go," she sai@ "The (Elizabeth Dalziel, Gail Glover,| Greetings were brought from Work, thus going about Confident. =o aid her ordi tion will be ™oney will come from theskord." | | |fgels inact, Linda Slemuon; the Lord Bishop of Toronto. I, and lovingly, to witness for Born nation El bef Mrs. Whyte said she walild not = | av prson, a *'Speaki , H eV i ziel, James Eddie, Dennis Speaking as a member of the Hm : Winston Nunes of Toronto and register the home . Wh fie | Eig, ames kOe) board of church extension, the| At the conclusion of the ser-| the Plece ato Children's Boarding Home Act, |} Hopps, Brian Keys. bishop spoke of the great thrillvice the ladies of the congrega- rem the home. |pagseq last December and would i go to jail first, « : 1 ! (FESR EEE) Toi Tho d Those received by transfer of it was for him to take part in the tion served refreshments. An op. | Neither He Toronto city direc. | membership were: Mrs. E. C.|dedication service, and of his portunity was presented to guests| ied, =, 2 Aeron directory| «jf | pegistered, 1 woul have ! Andrus, 318 Jarvis St.; Mr. and deep appreciation to all who had and congregaticn alike fo meet [noc Any ure her clue to "Mr. to send away about 50 children | Mrs, Robert Bevan, 19 Wesl- had a share in the work. The|the visiting clergy and ines' identity), and would not he able to*fake in ' mount Ave.; Mrs, Harry Boy- spirit which had been prevalent|out-of-town visitors, including! After the ordination, Mrs. any more," she added. chuk, 285 Oshawa Blvd. South; among the congregation was self-| Paul Sears, architect, and Mrs - Mr. Otto Fleischmann, 532 Sim- evident. To the church-wardens,|Sears, Toronto, parents of both - . coe St. North; Mr. and Mrs. E. the building committe and all|Rev. and Mrs Sharp, Toronto, ; L. Gauer, 374 Baldwin St.; Mrs.|the faithful people Vio had and many others. owns 1D ay Robert = Gilsoh, 1035 Somerville brought about these things, he x ATS ol Ave.; Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Jack- expressed his delight that the MEMORIALS DEDICATED " son, 310 Elgin St. East; Mr. and basement church had been made| During the service of dedica- |Mrs. Lorne Paisley, 45 Oshawa so beautiful, and that for him, it/tion, the following memorials and emove u Vv SS) {Blvd, North: Mr. and Mrs. Was a cherished experience. |8ifts were received: George B. Rutherford, 300 Glen- Particularly lovely and appro- |. Organ, the congregation; se- Culverts, like cars, it seems, been good, financially, His re. *! view Avenie. oriate was the music, from the dilia, Miss Hutcheson and Mrs. may be repossessed if not paid|port showed that the township A second communicants' class, first hymn -- "Praise my soul the|F- Rundle; desk prayer book, E for, had embarked on the year with i for adults, will be received jn King of Heaven", to the reces. | Roberts; desk prayer book, Mr This was disclosed at Thurs- a deficit of $5000, and that by the June sional "Now thank we all our and Mrs, S, Temple; processional | day night's meeting of East Whit-| year end, the books showell 2 sure : God", One especially filled with|cross, . A. Bellingham; office by township council, when the!plus of $6,818. This surplus, he 4 * | meaning asked for blessing on the candlesticks, Mrs. D. Jones, the roads superintendent told the suggested, should be placel in a 2 1 Parish, "That all may grow in Misses Gertrude and Margaret council that several ratepayers, trust bank account -" : E ects grace, And love thee daily better, Jones; Font Ewer, Mrs. E. P./who have bought culverts from! The auditors' report noted that 4 4 Until we see thy face." Stanley-Smith and Pew, Harold |the township during the past two the surplus was the result of an Mann, years, have neglected to pay for overestimate in budget and an -w A 7 . APPROPRIATE SERMON Gifts -- Burse and Veil Mr. them. {underestimate in revenues : is 1Cers In addressing the gathering, and Mrs, E. Beard; Burse and| The township sells surplus cul- GRAVEL TENDERS : He Venerable 2 D Clevardon, vel, Altar ould, Burse and veil, verts to ratepayers, where a ditch 5 te " a IDERS ned m " . fin rchdeacon of Scarborough rec-|Woman's uxiliary ; Lecturniintervenes tween the epay-| ©IX tenders for crushed grav formed the dedication assisted | right they are Rev, H. D. | Cross, of St. George's Church, JORONTO (CP) ' Oifisers tor of Christ Memorial Church. Bible, Mr, and Mrs, E. Y. Green: o's Nene Detue ? Je. 13} pay for township roads were vel attended service Thursday | by Rev. Canon J. W. McDon- | Cleverdon, of Christ Church, | gehawa Rev. J. H. Riddel, of e-ecle Eo edngse ay a he "Oshawa, based his sermon on Prayer Book, St. George's, Township Clerk George Farn./@nd considered. The contract for night the first unit of St. Matt- | ald, of Wel College, T Jshawa, Rev. R. A. Sharp, of Barrie, and Rev. J. W. Loth- apo i kducaliona uy 1005 some words from Joshua 4:6 -- Church, Prayer and Hymn Books combe showed the councillors |SUPPIYing the township 'with hew's Anglican Church, 1 onto and rectors of St. Matthew's, Bishop Snell, arrie, ' annua : What mean ye by these stones? |--37, Woman's Auxiliary; 12,'several duplicates of letters to|Bravel this summer was awarded »- AT A SOLEMN AND largely road soutk and Hoskin Ave, | Anglican Churches of the dis- | Rev. T. J. Dew, of Mimico, | fan, of St. Mark's, Ostiava. cYotian_ education: Cecil No He reviewed the growth of St. Sunday School; 5, Junior Aux.; ratepayers, requesting payment|l© Holman Construction Ltd., of was dedicated to the glory and | trict. Shown in the upper pic- | and Rev. E. G. Robinson, of | Below is a view of He msriop jour, O vgten, > wii Matthew's from the time the site| Offering Plates, Mr. and Mrs. for culverts. some of which dated | Rockwood, Ont. service of Jesus Christ, The ture are the members of the | Birchcliffe, Back row are Rev, of the first unit of 1e new OUCkSS, (Cobours) seen aE alia had been purchased and a por- Wm. Robinson; Reredos, Mr. hack to early in 1957, These bills,| The council spent more than Right Rev. G. B. Snell, Suffra- | clergy who took part in the | Canon McDonald, Rev. R. E. | church, Rebeitson: | Woods, Madoc president Olive table church placed there in 1955. and Mrs. H. J. Bathe. he told council, have been ig-/two hours discussing proposed gan Bishop of Toronto, per- | dedication. Front row, left to | Armstrong, of Ajax, Rev. C. D, . Photos By Robertsc n Ants Mallorytowy secretary. The congregation owed much to| Many visitors were present nored, subdivisions witk two subdividers, J Zany. J - , ' er the leadership and enthusiasm of from ~ St. . George's Anglican] A brief debate followed, which| They were Walter Schlelgs, who Urban principals: Roy Carter, ° ) Ridgetown. president. its rector, Rev. R. A. Sharp, for (Church, St. Mark's, Christl/concluded when Deputy Reeve intends to build on Lo m nt Won Acclaim NOMA Grou Lal a Mrs. Phyllis the position it had gained. The Church, and other churches in|Wilfred Pascoe moved that rate- Third Concession: Lo fis the egl Bull, Sudbury, president ; people now were in an excellent|the surrounding district, payers, who have failed to pay (Brown, who plans a subdivision Urban hers: Madge Han- position to go ahead, and, in| Church wardens are H. M. for their culverts, should be in- for Lot 9, in the Fifth Concegsion, . . | 24 Cai m pita al ime, to complete the super- Sparkes, rector's warden, and|formed that, unless the ay Vv | on, St. Catharines, sident, Nit ' at, $ yY pay 9 " ul Breachin Gusta Line | Asks Charter gh atari b: President, structure of the building, A. .W Forsythe, people's war-|within a reasonable time, a crew| fhe SouncH established that | |Goulding, Peterborough presi. Greetings were expressed at den; Organist and Choirmaster, (from the road maintenance de- he oN Tislans moet jre bylaws Ahk i i ; . : dents 2 this time, by Archdeacon Clev-|G. A. Turton; building committee partment will remove the cul.|° onship, Zainal arfangel (Editor's note: This is the |gun and eight anti - tank guns. |, A general withdrawal was| An application for a charter nt. ; di tral CWT erdon, from the Venerable .W J.|-- H, M. Sparkes, A. W, Forsythe, \verts ments for construction of the sub. second in a series of three | With the Gustav Line passed made by the Germans in the will be sent by the newly formed Supervising and training: W. T. Gijing "MBE, who had officiated|G, A. Turton. and Jory | ons divisions have yet to be made, articles dealing with the [the regiment was then put in/face of ferocious allied attack. chapter of the National Office hg allacebury, president: |, the cornerstone laying cere-| Wheeler. . | "hen this motion had been car- | dy battle rd t of the 36th British In-|Soon the regiment found itself Management Association in this|J. D. Deyell, Nor ay, Seere-|mony last November. The new | The beautiful floral arrange. ried, Deputy Reeve Pascoe GUIDES GET AWARDS ed the Ontario Regiment and [fantry Brigade with their objec- north .of Rome, pressing on area, to the national headquar-!!ary. church building spoke eloquently ment was done by Mark Atkins {moved that, in future, culverts TORONTO (CP) More than descriving those battles, |tives, Aquino Airfield and the through Viterbo and only came [ters of the organization in Phila. County and municipal councils: of the love and devotion of the! Harmony road north '|should be sold on a cash-and- 200 Outario irl ides Thit¥sd Dealt with here are: "Cas. [town of Aquino, which formedito a halt when the Germans |delphia, United States, on April|W alter Holsgrove, Westbrook, : -------- ry. TORC. | _______|carry basis. His motion required | girl guides Thursday "oes i is ! sident, I ids Ma i {night were presented with- Gold sino 11, Gustav Line {the northernmost part of this sec- 'made their next stand in central 18. pres hat culverts should be paid for" - L n full before being turned over Cords for proficiency--thé high. "Sant 'Angelo in Teodic |tor of the Hitler Line Italy on the Transimene Line ate is being he at ip A " i y "Liri Valley", "Aquino", The German Commander-in. Which ran by the lake of that done Sale Is Being hei until thal RESIGNS POST { hurch Is Pl n d to the buyer. This motion was 5 suide award sl a ny ""Trasimene Line" and "San- |Chief, Field Marshal Kesselring, name. hecoming charter members of the. MONTREAL (CP)--Glenn Gil a ne carried versity of Toronto The 'awards fantuccio.'") i had planned the defense of Italy! The Ontarios were still in sup- organization to have their applica. bert, editorial director of Week- GOOD REPORT were 'presented by Mrs. J. Keil. By the beginning of April, 1944, in well . defended lines, on river [port of the 78th British Infantry [tion in the hands of the local ex 2d §aaauine, ye present bf On G TI A representative of Montieth,,ler Mackay, honorary president "3 had been decided to move the or main highway positions and!Division, whose Job it was to ecutive : orth / merican ! ewspaper }- a rar oa Montieth and Rhiel, auditors, of the Ontario Girl Guide Associ 1st Canadian Armored Brigade, the lines were prepared with attack on the west shore of the James B. Reid, recently elected | 302 and president of Canada read the annual auditors' report ation. of which the Ontarios were aliank turrets embedded in con- lake to the west of the town of president of the new chapter, |' ide .Feature Service, has re-| A new United Church is to be ir the area. The committee first to council. The year, he said, had = --..-- .. part, om dhe, Ae ve hig jt 3 lose iby = Sanfantucess has said that a suggestion to call | fed, Som, ese ts reg pu, Just - CY ad met Mar. 7. t 0 gic ) : ' 1 ) ' ho » : : ; ' an oo JOOS. sWategic ® HEAVY RESISTANCE the new chapter "the Lakeland Megs THT AINE, north, near the Dr. Robert| At this meeting, Rev. Dr. the 4th British and the 8th Indian anti-tank weapons BE i Montreal Star Company Limited | phornton School. A special man-| George Telford, minister of St. | BITE IS STIFF Infantry divisions, This was in| hus when the Gustav Line , 10€ town was easily cleared "We hope membership in this 2d Thursday. . agement. committee set up for|Ardrew's United Church, agreed connection with the main battle . +a Dut beyond it, the Shermans ran 4 Mr. McConnell said he ac- I raat : ing | : ' 4 ectio I fortified fell, the Hitler Line was there, nto heavy resistance, Many of chapter will extend from Picker-| ted the resignation with great the new congregation i. looking |with the committee that there is IN HIGH BRA K for Cassino and the we or do ready and waiting for the Ger- the "B" ¥: Ae I any Oli a to Port Hope and north to Plex 4 ks a§/anaLio hi Brea at several prospective sites for a need for a church in that area. German Gustay Line, Which fon, [man defenders to take over and knocked ou ii " Were; indsay", said Mr. Reid, *'so call.| "¢8ret. Mr. Gilbert is taking up| (he new church, It was decided to seek a site for You can't blame the ultra. lzed Cassino as a pivot position. | axe" another stand. nocked out and soon o ' y seven, " new activities in the field of syn- TP fa : i : t H i \ } ing the chapter 'The Oshawa ) Early this year, eight families the church. wealthy for spending time inaow eaners The job of the regiment was to . . were in fighting condition, Hr A pl te fain nr dication in the Garrar 0 i | . A | looking for a iost 75-cent golf t as armored. support for the SITTING £Y KS "A" 'squadron, in support of chapter may not be quite fair n the Garrard road area signed| On Monday, April 7, the com- oking fo! i g 17th Indian Brigade, attacking| The attacf§on the two positions the 11th Infantry . Brigade, ad- . LONG-LIVED FISH : 2 etter Jo ue says Jresby. Dies mel again ang feared. ball, J oe i i acome ¢ Storms Removed the centre of the Gustav Line to were startedin a dense fog, and vanced on the town of Carraia Carp have been known to live ton ig i Be grep Ktough Dr. Telford, that until "take™ means that to DIV A Screens and Awnings cross the Gari River and take when visibility improved, the and having taken the town, con- 9 for 60 or 75 years, compared to Ee n arrard 't e church is built, a student 75 cent mes ball 3 ly] | Installed the town of Sant' Angelo in Teo- tanks of the regiment found tinued on towards Pucciarelli ' about 30 years for whales. A A. Bur ist f hinister wil Some from Toronto} eam $3.75! ) Store Fronts dice on the north bank themselves sitting ducks for Ger- with 2 enemy anti - tank gun HISTORIC POST | King Street Une cn oy oe iley services. UA) the "Whatever income bracket Walls washed 2 yr » {root ving des . ¥ » Wi § , 8 $ , 3 pip? LR nd swung Hiei ari » rank guns, Ore troop ONS, Sestravel, fnoved towards Godbout on the north shore of appointed chairman of a com- held in the Dr. Robert Thornton| Youre in, Sood ay Jo get Free estimates south and crossed the Gari by ant K. D, McCord was immedi - Pescia, north-west of Pucciarelli, ¥ the Si Lawrence below Quehec miitge fo investizale We possi. Schoo), al 11 am. each Sunday. | y nd 1 golf luk 5 fur itur Oshawa"s Most . " dor ay : Hin . * . , ' was a trading post before 1670 bility of starting a congregation The Garrard road community) needed goll clubs, furniture, 4 Oxford" bridge, then swung ately put out of action and aslafter repulsing a heavy counter- d : m-- is more than two miles from the, tduipment i? pehoe items Experienced Cleaners y y for cash, For friendly, com- north again to attack Sant' An-|the action got fiercer, the regi- attack, and on their way to the nearest United church. petent aid in placing your RA -5481 The members of the manage Classified Ad, just dial RA YY ! gelo. More than half of *"B" ment was ordered to hold its town, a tank counter - attack was ° squadron's tanks had been bog- ground, while infantry of the launched by the Germans, during ; ged down in heavy mud and soon Royal East Kent Regiment with- which three enemy units were raser ire un ment committee are: Rev. M. A. 3.3492, many of the Shermans of "C' drew fron the murderous: Ger- disabled. "A" squadron bagged Bury, chairman; C. Burton, . r~ \ squadron were in the same posi- man fire, two more Panzers. I S : : ig TE | n-- ! a. tion The t ravely held the NS 4 ' S 1 Trowiln tary; Mrs, C. Scott, R. Blair, a Those tanks which could still | granny ook brave J held tw 3: RANCIANO TAKEN a |R. Lick, K. Wright, R. G. Schad, i / ny manoeuvre proceeded up thelchot with the German gunners. By the end of that day 'C The following. additional. d IK. Viieges on Burton, H. Sliter and R. L Northminster United Church Choir road towards Sant' Angelo only a.ch tank being hit at least once squadron had taken the town of Fi ie Rllowing aud ong ha H Veeker s1 00, Ofthouse. to find a culvert had been blown vo chalifire. Ranciano and in the actions the wi tions, totalling $417.69, have been| am The trustees are R. G. Schad, presents up which stopped further pro. ° ' 4 ; : ' s Fraser Fire J in| J. Conboy ' i 5 regiment had seven men killed made to the Fraser Fire Fund in {i Ton 1.on K. Wright and H. Sliter, gress. Had it not Joe oe Sr and 18 wounded. Darlington township: : ool Penfound 1000, Mrs. C. Scott has donated a 1" 1" - a al ery support of the 382 attery, : The Hampton Ins 20,00 R. F. ' No repair crews were available '*"Y SUPPOr nd Baltery.| personal congratulations came Courtice acl = 5.75 rw Foavit 1.00 hymnary for the church and K. . ede and only one tank was able to ne 98th Field Regiment of the| ©, = Ontario Regiment for these H* Hutton 1.000. Cowle aon Wright has donated a pulpit Bi- Royal Artillery, casualties would a : Mrs. J. Hutton 1.00 | Ada 20 i "i i Wid plough through mud to the aid victories from the Army Com- : ; 1a G. Davis 200|C" Shue" yon Dle, in memory of his mother Produced by Port Perry United Church Choir ek infa x have been far mote serious . A nm r y 7, 7 of the Indian Gurka infantry in These fine gunners made their Mander, Lt. General Sir Oliver : §4. 4 Mrs. Haan 1.00 Salvation Army, Bowmanville 12.00 in-law, the late Mrs. Wm. Web- e town. This tank, under Leese ated: * , ' i Hot! B. Gearing 1.00 N. Adai 2m ster, command of Corporal |L Toy, Darrels ted hot by a continual Leese. It lated: 1 sed fo you Mrs. Bivan Ln Ej ------| TUESDAY. APRIL 15th, 1958 fire on' defense positions while!? le squadrons concerned my P. Groenveld Mis Vitra | ' was soon Joined by one another in Warmest congratulations on . the Mrs. L. Wilson |. Hartwig RECO ) a pavy Sere E atulz 2001J. Ha COMMISSIONED Sherman, and both proceeded to laying 2 Leavy Soke screen In'tine enagements at Pescia and TRANSFERRED 5. dolnson 1.00! 18 flow, a! SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) -- Two 8:15 P.M. LR d . s elvan yVabls clean up the town of its defend Ranciano, in which you knocked Flying Officer Terence Pat A aker < Tourth ' inesw 5 5 a of ™ wi 4 PY ano, h ying I erence at. Mrs. J. Baker K. ¥. Courtice vw minesweepers, the Sault Ste, he a hi Svar oud eat amo, ttf (corm Pan tom 21 sn of' Calorine 1, 3 hn flare nd Fire, unde refi | NORTHMINSTER LOWER HALL 8 st of » squadrons gi E é ther and Mark tanks." Patton, of 124 Scollard street v ourt ea 3 nn here for several tl ere re- , t ro ed | ] ; 3 I i 24 § + |L. "intyre rn. Suntie 2 or several months, were re ; vanced to the 2d of the in. materiale | ng Wo JD atios By this time, the Germans| Toronto, and formerly of Osh- ,J Wik "l Mrs. H. Muir n commissioned into the Canadian | ROSSLAND RD. AT SIMCOE ST antry. ® 3 £ had been shaken by the Norman-| awa, has recently been trans. Woinarows Ehenezer Sunshine Class 5.00 Navy today. The ships will make i ' o ac There were anv 3 a ' Wh : y N Thomp § "ourtie " rhoo 5.00, 3 + N issi The Sant' Angelo attack was There were many examples of dy landings, and Kesselring's| ferred to No. 414 All.Weather |G Thompson Maire en's Protheriop "ima shake-down cruise to Bermuda | Admission 75c @ Proceeds for Pipe Organ Fund one of the most successful of the heroism during this savage ac-|forces has been sadly depleted| Squadron at North Bay. Flying | Mrs at Bradley before going to the Great Lakes main Allied assaults on the Gus- tion, by troops pulled out to fight in| Officer Patton, who completed Demmer 20 for summer training. tav Line and the Ontarios plung- SMOKE SCREEN RENEWED France, Thus commenced the the course on CF100 all-wea n # Ruls : ---------- y n . Gibner ed northward with their Indian ry (Advance on Florence and the| ther flying at Cold Lake, was R. Mocie Judge friends to cut off the main road| A! one point the 382nd battery © '= h Italy 1 Ww N. Skinner from Cassino to the Liri River, Tan. out of smoke shells which | attie for north Italy. educated at the OCVI C. Hobbs Martin SUPPORTED BR. BRIGADE made the situation for the tank- D. Oke 20 m-- Dearborn Pow y F. Wright 50 ' 3 : In mopping up operations with. ¢'S hotter than ever. Seeing this, | [S: Heney 30004 Tm serge {eo at G. Edga 5.00 | ' : wheter st 3 ST i Oshawa You LEE 8 5 \ Your Physician' FOAM EII>~ Douglas Gari, the Ontarios knocked out a! lrooper Kelly Turcoit took a car 2o0(W. Ct : 11 | Re Barber German tank, one self - propelled "ier and drove back to the rear ira rh Ponfound re" supply dump, picked up a load R.. Barber 50 |G. D. MacDonald Ru : . . » of smoke cannisters and drove as ose a 5. Tubb 10.00! Mrs. F. Black Q [ 3 Mr. Ye COMING EVENTS 'ack to where the Shermans . Dawson 100) tania, Lodge n La oon Go 2 V3 were engaging anti - tank guns at Bob Adams, 16, of 225 Oshawa Bob, a student at King Street Cols IA frien in 1 ? : : PEP 4 pr . 3 \ SE point . blank range. Running a boulevard south, Oshawa, had al Public School, is spending the Walter 2 Cannan Corp Ladies Aux Cun ho " i / LADIES -- Welcome to Columbis Unit wide circle in front of the tanks, | narrow escape from death on! Easter holiday on the farm of Soormekimp Mrs. FE. Baker € ed Church Bazaar and Tea, Wednesday, the two tossed out the ignited |Thursday morning when the his uncle, George Adams, near Topping Mrs. Murray Y yl April 16, commencing at 2.30 cannisters, renewing. the smoke |farm tractor he was driving! Burketo friend Yr. indie na RUMMAGE sale at St. Matthew's Por- (screen as they did so was demolished by a CPR diesel| His mother, Mrs. Charles Ad Sunes 300%. Warburton Sabie rel uo hb _. after, When the regiment retired at|passenger train near Burketon.| ams, still shaken from nearing ¥. Rodesky IN Cheon " Windsor Avenu 85a Nightfall," it had lost 12 tanks by |The train was reported to have of the accident, said- that Boo li 2 Naan v dunfire and one by a mine. How-|been travelling 65 miles an hour. had been drawing gravel for the te de 5.00 I Norm 0" PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS eVer, as a resu ( 'nacity The vy alle » tractor far 3 g wl r old > 3 ult of its tenacity, The youth stalled the tractor farm with the light tractor, H id r 1% Zellor's Better Relations Club it had knocked out every single and ran 50 yards up the tracks when he saw a car stuck in a on 1.00/A friend : i ' \ enemy outpost forward of thelin an effort to flag down the on 'muddy road, He pulled the car! 1 200|A friend nn 8 King St. E. 530 Simcoe St. S. CORONATION ORANGE airfield |coming Toronto . Peterborough out and decided to drive the tobak 1.00 H. E. Bracken - OSHAWA TEMPLE The main attack was launched | train. He failed and the d tractor along the tracks, rather Ww Taira 5.0 RA 3-2245 RA 5-3546 by the Allies the next day on wrecked the tractor. The trac- than risk being stuck in.the mud when the pony he was riding |W: J. Snowden H. Snowden 15 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5778 Saturday, April 12th, r the centre of the Hitler Line and [tor was destroyed and the train's!' { r stalled, and he rac [reared "and fell on top of him W Snyder 20 regular gorr hare. the the break - through, was suc- front end was extensively damn-'ed up the cKs in a frantic ef His foot has not yet completely 3 Jon eon 317 BROCK SY. S. WHITBY MO 8-2338 A ompiished I Onlarios swer » trai ( Pe wrt 1c I le on wealth, 4 . $40 I'he Jntaric vere aged. The train arrived in I fort to he train wealed Marton to aid in the swinging of the! terborough 76 minute ite, bul Bob has hal enough of the He will return this weekend to y Duffy "WE SEND MEDICINES TO EUROPE rn POSTAGE FREE" . 1 $150 special tc haste: ' ) bo $ F casiern end of the line and this was able to make. the return quiet farm life. Last wee he Oshawa, where he lives with his K Tune 85b was done, |Journey to Toronta. tore a ligament in his leit foot, parents and four brothers, 1A feng ~~,