Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Apr 1958, p. 2

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4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, April 11, 1958 WORK TO FINANCE TRIP TO THE S00 'Toronto Area Teams Win MANVILLE Toronto| Scarborough defeated Port! township and Scarborough walk-|Hope 3 to 1 in the American ed off with top honors in the League division to advance into| opening games of thé Ontario the provincial semi-finals. Jim | Little NHL Provincial Hockey Aldridge scored the opener for playoffs which opened here them and Paul Terbenche of Port {Thursday evening. |Hope tied the score early in the | More than 400 persons attended first period, Bob Sullivan and |the three games that were play- George Minor added goals to ed and saw the impressive open in the final ing ceremony of the three-da ievent. His Worship Mayor Nel- {son Osborne .and other dignitaries | officially welcomed the many in the NHL division as they edged eams and guests to town. Wil- [Port Hope 4 to 2, to stay in the liam Peachey, president of the Ontario playoffs. Port Hope will 'Ontario Little NHL, dropped the [enter the consolation playoffs. puck to open the gala tourna- John Ackers paced Toronto with |ment, two goals, while James Johnson SET PACE and William Tutt counted the Ross Sloan paced Toronto town. others, Buddy Smith scored both {ship to a decisive 3 to 0 win over [the Port Hope goals. 1 {Bowmanville in the opening| The tournament resumed at 8 game. They won the privilege of |a.m. today and will continue until % |advancing into the Ontario semi- 10 p.m. First round of the con- ! (finals of the Jr. "A" class. Bow- solation series will be played this { |manville will enter the consola- evening and the -championship {tion semi-finals. John Danby semi-finals begin early Saturday scored the third Toronto goal. morning. THE MUNICIPAL WORLD M wrap up the win period. TAKE SECOND WIN It was Toronto township again, ¥ ABOUT 300 ENTHUSIASTIC young hockey players attended the, annual Church Hockey League banquet at the Cobourg OBITUARY FUNERAL OF WILLIAM G. TRIBBLE | The funeral service at the Me- Intosh Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. on Thursday for William G. Trib- ble, 597 Mary street, was very [largely attended, The Many fon , al tributes indicated the high re- (dogs be kept on owner's property Bard in which he was held. Mr. Tribble, who had been ac- By ARTHUR GRIFFITHS Unless Oshawa City Council all the year. pull out the stops and the rocks | But between the time he said 4 it's going to be a rugged busi. that and the end of the meeting (tive in sports in Oshawa for [ness beachcombing this summer 'a score of other letters had drift. | Many years, died suddenly at the {on the waterfront at Lakeview od in, one of them putting the General Motors south plant on | Park, matter in a more urgent light, | Tuesday morning. It seems that at the moment! Medical Officer Dr. C. C, Stew. The pallbearers were Gordon | nell (left), winner of the Fath er Maher Trophy, and Dave Doyle, (right), winner of the late Joseph Bulger Trophy. Pavilion Wednesday night, Bob- by Attersley, of the World Cl jon Whitby Dunlops, was the special guest. Shown pos ing with Bobby are Ron Par- Attersley Talks To Church Loop COBOURG One thing is in our group although we only | sure, in Europe hockey is im-/dressed 14 but we would never proving," sald Bobby Attersley have won if we hadn't stuck to- at Thursday night's annual ban-|gether, From the players right quet for the Cobourg Church down to the trainer, we acted as Hokey League Jaye rg thea group." pavilion, ttersley is the co |captain of the Whitby Dunlops, PRESENTATIONS Stan Willlams, president of the {world champlons of amateur {Church League, thanked Atter- hockey. be f i { sley for coming.and for his Bobby, the guest speaker of jroo h "and Jim Williams," pub | Adie ; ; : . ¢ : Burkhart, Neil Hezzlewood, Matt, |the night, touched on the time butions should be sent to Gor- council can't make up its \mind art had written warning of the | y | ' mn {lielty man of the le . don Miles, manager of the To- What to do, or where the cash is [southward spread of rabies in | Leyden, John Pugh, A. E. John-when he played bantam hockey ed Mm with a Aig eg Ue ag ' going to come from, to clear the north of the county. Alderman ship. Bob's helpers are, left current trip to Sault Ste, Mar- | to right Roman Konarowski, fe, Ont., where the All-Stars are leading the Soo team in | Bob Bishop and Larry Hoard Bob Branch, second from left, manager of the Oshawa son and F. E. Conlin, and said: "There was more of a The services were conducted crowd at the banquets than had the executive, Juveniles supervises the fund raising campaign sponsored by the club to finance the the five-point series for the | The all-stars hope to win the All-Ontario Juvenile champion- | championship tonight, Contri Whitby Twp. Studies Liquor Vote Decision MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT, Mr. Kerr in Meadowerest Correspondent division. BROOKLIN -- A petition pre.| Mr. Ballard reported that the jo,",, tho east part of Lot wened by the business men of March building permits had w Pl Thi or in: h amounted to $255,200, including C and W Plan This building is Brooklin: "that a vote be held for 2 $75,000 residence. K 8 proposed for post-office use, but + dining lounge licence in Brook. one $75,000 residence. the total area of the lot seemed in," was held over pending fur- GRAVEL PIT to be less than 5000 square feet, ther information at the April Correspondence from the de- TO APPROACH PICKERING neeting of the Whitby township partment of highways and the Road Superintendent M. L. founcil. Ontario Municipal Board re the Ross reported that difficulties Petitions regarding extensions purchase of the IHebér Down have arisen with. ratepayers o the water area were received gravel pit was introduced and a served by the Rouge Line road rom Donald W. Duncan, A. P, supplementary bylaw for $6000 to in Pickering township. (A short Arnold, N. D. McPhaden, R. A. saver the situation will be pre- piece of road is aken care 2 McCoy and Vigor Ofl Co. Ltd, pared. rom time to time by Whitby wd were referred to the water Messrs. Henry A. Ostertag and township.) Jommittee. Gus Klingler submitted pictures! Mr. Ross was authorized to ap- " bo to illustrate a complaint on the proach Pickering township in re. Tentative dates for road lo-\,,qi5n" of 'Sideline 24 to 25, gard to the renewal of the boun. ipection were set for Apr. 14, : h 4 wd Apr. 15. "Tree Trimming Concession 4. Ratepayers will be dary road agreement Apr. . B advised that negotiation r Reeve William A. Heron and Jervice" quoted a price of $200 a gotialions are r q p " resently underway to purchase Treasurer C., §& Thompson were or topping and dropping six Car- P y Y 'o purchase ' PPing pp 2 an alternat te to No. 12 authorized to issue cheques on dina poplars and one Elm free 2n alternate route to No, 12 . pop Highway, Failing this, th res- the account of the. township of m Grass Park, Brooklin ghway, Paling tvs, Lie. pres a 4 0 - ent road will be improved Whitby for names on road ac- A est from George E. Loft. |*2* TO proved, { : ; requ ge . Lot x: {YON counts, Sheet 4, numbering 1 to rouse that the Township of Whit- DOG CONTROL 37 inclusive. »y assume the balance of the Correspondence from T. K.'"'mu. amount of the accounts Is roads in Westwood subdivision on Creighton with a draft of 'the ¢10881 60. On the General Ac- sayment of $700 to cover the By-Law for Dog Control" was .o nis Sheet 4, numbering 1 to 33 'ownship's cost (a minimum es enclosed. Ii resulted In areas be- inclusive: $3311.78; on Relief Ac- dmate of this cost by the road Ing set out for passing the bylaw |. nts Sheet 4, 1 to 10 inclusive juperintendent was $1057.50) was at the next meeting of council. |g416, answered in this way: "It is not| The lease and grant and licence = A sitting of the court of re ke policy of this council to un. between Wyldewood Heights Co-lyision of the Township of Whitby fertake construction of roads for operative Ltd. and the Township|wag held recently in the council ubdividers." of Whitby with reference to the|chambers. This Is the decision of | 8 installation and operation of theiriihe court: 'That the assessment POWELL ROAD water system resulted in the fol- No. 9 - 19 - 4 be reduced by two A complaint from B. R. Shar-|lowing passed resolution: "That zepes, and the assessed value will tard, referring to "two hazardous the reeve and clerk be authorized he $150, which was bought by the pools of water at the west side to sign the agreements between County of Ontario and is he of Kendalwood road" was dealt! Whitby Township and Wyldewood exempt from taxation for with by resolution: That the Heights Co-operative Ltd. re the taxes." wownship council cannot assume rental of a pumping house and responsibility for a natural condi- lot." ¥ don that has been In existence Assessor E. R. Heron attended lor many years, particularly, the council meeting to present re- when the alleged hazard is caus- |Ports on the basis of assessment od by the contours of private Of properties in the Wyldewood aroperty; endeavor will be made Heights Co-operative Ltd. Mem io assist in the solution w he n bers of Wyldewood Heights in at. work is undertaken to repair tendance were satisfied with the Powell road explanations presented. RESOLUTIONS An agreement was reached RE that wastes sewers be installed That the council approve the to take care of drainage on some recommendation made by the $e Wleadowerest's streets " §ome Planning board in regard to the suspected leaks in the present BYd Subdivision . water system are to be checked That Lawlor Homebuilders Co by Mr. Ballard and reported to yperative Lid. be given permis. the water commie Joy 1, eel os esbemut 1 he Meadowcrest will be contacted and B and park area being part re completion soon of the Cassels + |v 19 Con !human habitation" and has been 80 posted. Present tenants have been warned to boil any water con- sumed and lo vacate the prem lises by May 1. A list of condi- |tions must be met before occu- pancy will be permitted again, Dr. McKinney reported a re- quest for a septic tank installa. Sub- 56, Union Urges Mine Death Toll Probe TORONTO (CP) -- The Inter national Union uf Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Thursday asked the federal government to ap point a royal commission to in vestigate 'the continuing death toll and serious accident rate' at uranium mines in the Elliot Lake 'district, Nels Thibault, Canadian presi 2, dent of the independent union, in road extension to the highway. That information be sent to the 5 telegram nae to Prime Mr, Kerr, resident of Meadow: oniario Water Resources Com- Minister Diefenbaker sald uran crest presented a complaint of mission of satisfaction of the|jum mining comes under federal unsatisfactory operation of his whithy township council with the jurisdiction. geplic tank and tile bed; during water distribution system as sug-| He called the fatality record of severe weather freezing has oc- gegted by Lawlor Homebuilders the mines "a national horror." curred and the system became Co-operative Ltd. Since the beginning of the Joaded with fluids on various; pr, J H. McKinney, MOH, re- year seven men had died in ac- occasions, Contact will be made ported that Starmuir Enterprises, 'cidents in mines at Elliot Lake. 10 Ross Harding "that he be re |Lid., owners of a house on part] Latest victims were Frank An- quested to repair the septic tank of Lot 35, Con, 3, were notified thony Damiani, 22, killed Tues- and tlle bed on the property of'that 'same house i infit for day in a rockfall at Nordic uran- PUGWEASH MEETING AGREES clr ded veins ov New World War Means End Of Civilization suffered in at Panel |inine a week ago. jpn 'Bridge Building QUEBEC (CP)- Nuclear scien-|civilization will disappear if it jn who attended an 11-day con- was used. | erence sponsored by Canadian-| " born Cleveland industrialist Cy- CA AL I NATED 000 rus Eaton agree on one thing: Al Americans would die and 2% 000, new yorid war ineans the end of {pon a pa casualties in the etvilization. I a , The Pugwash conference, held first Yavol 2 Bac Spon at the Laurentian resort of Lac would be less because their Pop- Beauport, was the second on NU-| ylation was scattered more thinly clear science offered by the in-| la land y dustrialist, It ended today . A larger land area. The first was held last year at| Nations must compromise, Mr. Eaton's Pugwash Junction, | trust and co-operate to av old this N.S., birthplace, tragedy, he said. Mr. Eaton sald Thursday that, A complete etatement on the the second meeting--30 experts suggestions arising from the lat discussed ways to avert the dan. est talks probably will be re.|[Kinney of this firm made the gers inherent in the atomic arms|leased after the scientists have [forecast regarding the race----was a complete success, A returned to their own countries|foundations fuller meeting on the same topicland discussed them with their|{™ , is planned for Vienna this fall. |colleagues, Mr. Eaton said MAY PLUNGE THIS WEEK Before flying back to Cleve-| Mr. Eaton said the four Rus. CAMBRIDGE. Mass AP lond. Mr. Eaton said the scien. sian delegat and the one from!Sputnik II may start to plunge te tit wad discussed et and | Red China appeared s nen! oblivion over Ne Er practical sides of nuclear war- they sald their main desire is to!9 a.m. Saturday night fare. The present destructive raise their countries' living sonian Astrophysical force of nuclear energy meant standards. injuries uranium SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont {{CP) -- An engineering official a bridge across the St. Marys {River here can be laid this fall {barring unforeseen delays. The bridge has been anoroved by Ontario Highways Minister Allan and Michigan Highway Commissioner Jchn C. Mackie. Financing of the $15.000,000 span is under study by the two departments, but alreadv the U.S. engineering firm of Dr. D B. Steinman has started work on the final design and plans 1001 'tory said Thursday. 1958 { To Start In Fall! : 5 | Varenne, Sieur de la Verendrye said Thursday the foundations for| John| bridge |, 3 8 {hogs this week -were. steady at|jast night. ronto-Lominion Bank. OSHAWA AND DISTRICT NEWS PROVINCIAL PRESSURE In an article appearing in Thursday's issue of The Dally Times it was inadvertently stated that the pressure to register her children's home was being brought to bear on Mrs. Bertha Whyte by the Children's Aid So ciety, The demand that she regis. ter is being made by the provin- cial department of public wel- fay) who are to acl ec was summer residents. {wards of Mimico--one of the 12(Musioka o : y | suburbs represented with the city |Nilialoe ... CONDITION SATisv ACTORY on the council--who demanded a|Eariton mT . 3 3 TORONTO (CP) -- Thiee-year- one-mill cut, | Sudbury . be Jssueg June 4, the stamp old Dawn Williams of Demorest- | ; [North Bay .. enabling i I Ot gy ering, ville, struck Wednesday by a car | DENTIST DIES {Kapuskasing . plorer and his Indian guide tol 'utside her home, was reported| SARNIA (CP) Dr.J. Gordon | White River .. stand out boldly against the "satisfactory condition" fol- MacKenzle, 57, Sarnia dentist, |Moosonee background y ? {lowing an operation at the To- wag found dead Thursday night | DIES Declined by Ottawa artist Ger. |TOII0 Hospital for Sick Children. in jis home. Police said death] TORONTO (CP) Nestor ald Trottier, 28, the stamp is, Hospital officials said the girl appeared to haye occurred sev-|Headlund, 72, of Chicago died in based on a monument by sculp. Was operated on Thursday for a eral days ago and there was no hospital Thursday of injuries suf- tor Emile Brunet of Montreal, |(ractured skull, indication of foul play. fered Monday when his car col-| WARPLANE CRASHES lided with another car on the raised 1938 at St. Boniface, | y the St. Boniface His bo . {Queen Elizabeth Way, east of | HAVANA (AP)--A Cuban army Highway 27. | way the battered concrete and Brady then changed his mind Times-Gazette Photo debris which finished up on the and told the council that the [U7 Rev, M.A Rly nis er - - - ~ losing side in a winter clash with Property Committee of which he > BE ree he d , . fi " erment was in Mount Lawn Ce- the fierce currents, is chairman would have further metety Determined to do something discussion, The members of Temple Lodge quickly about the mess, which| Although it would be a daring poo 4 An held a memorial ser in some places is not so much dif- move, it seems apparent that vice at the funeral home on Wed- erent {rom the remains of Hit- council will be asked at its next ,.cqay night ler's Atlantic Wall, is Alderman meeting to confine dogs all year, 4 > Finley M. Dafoe, or at least extend the period of As a result of his raising the confinement, subject over and over agaiu, the ANONYMOUS LETTERS | WEATHER mayor on Monday asked council! Mayor Gifford raised the sub. . to take a look at the beach last ject of anonymous letters at Mon. TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- Wednesday night. "Fin" is now day's meeting, 1 saw the letter|casts issued by the public happy that they have all seen he was referring to and it was weather office at 4:30 am.: how bad the situation is. in no way offensive. The mayor Synopsis: A series of complex HAVE LITTLE MONEY was just strongly objecting to the [low pressure areas moving across But what now? The city has 'allure of people to give full the southeastern United States $15,000 in a reserve fund for names and addresses when they Spread cloud and some rain over tackling erosion. However, argu- sent in complaints, the lower lakes into Southern On- ments have been raised in council| However, some other aldermen |'2T'0 Thursday evening. As jose that it should be kept there until have been getfing mail contain-|!0WS move eastward, sradiy EUCHRE WINNERS sufficient has been amassed to Ing Insulting statements about Clearing Joos the west late Lo 2 Euchre winners on Wednesday farry out a big project such as a Sheir work 3 sounedl One Of | mainly sunny on Saturday. Tem- at lv Cross were: Mrs. y | breakwater. them, probably the most good | wipers TEM Y a or as we Next Monday when the council natured alderman in the council, peratures Vil sie a few degrees * Cowle, Miss E. Macchi, and meets in committee -- that is was called an idiot, In Cay DIIThoN: Northern On- Reg. Fitches. Freeze-out win behind closed doors -- Alderman, Judging by the number of |, 2 rio had fine sunny weather. ners were Mrs. E. Bourne and Dafoe will again ask what is to voles he got at the last municipal (go vover a fresh outbreak of Mrs. W. Aylesworth, ve done, election a lot of people do nol |. 14 Arctic air is slowly pushing DOG EAT DOG agree with the undercover man. |qown and will reach the Georg- BIRTHDAYS TODAY It's still dog eat dog in Osh- However. in this case, the writer, |; Bay area by late Saturday. Congratulations are extended @Wa. At the council meeting last had a point to make regarding Cloudy skies and a few light to Dr. Claude H. Vipond, 542|Monday Alderman John G. Brady [the need for road repairs, but it |. wfiurries or rain showers will Brookside Dr. and Edward announced that he had a motion was weakened by his insulting [ocour in the cold air. Sills, 63 Harold St., to make on letters asking that expressions. Regional forecasts valid until celebrating their birthdays a is = midnight Satday. u day Lake Erle, Lake Huron re. : CAPSULE NEWS gions, Windsor, London: Occa- FIRMS INCORPORATED sional showers today with the The current issue of The On- chance of some snow mixed in tario Gazette states (hat letlers 'his morning. Saturday, mainly patent of incorporation have! . . ad or ar Y sunny, A little warmer Saturday. been issued to six Oshawa and| Winds northeast 15 becoming district firms. The firms grant. N . light tonight ang Sarmay. a incorporation were Le Club Niagara, Lake Ontario regions, Canadien Francais D'Oshawa; Scores Minor Gains Toronto, Hamilton: Occasional Modern Dry Cleaners and Laun |rain today. Saturday, sunny with derers (Oshawa) Limited: R. J.! LONDON (Reuters) -- The La.| FARM FATALITY a few cloudy intervals and a Toye Construction Co., Lid, of bor party scored minor gains| QWEN SOUND (CP) -- Eleven.4little warmer, Winds east 15 to 25 Pickering township; Vern Glass| [hursday in municipal. elections, |year.old Kenneth Lee Simpson of today becoming light tonight and Ltd.,, of Oshawa; Lakeview the first in a series of month adjoining Sydenham Township Saturday, Tool and Die, Limited; of Osh- 'ong voting for local councils. |wag killed Thursday when the| Southern Georgian Bay, Hall- awa and Florell Investments Labor won two additional seats tractor he was operating over- burton regions: Cloudy with a Jimited of Oshawa. in Hereford county council, three|turned. The boy, son of Mr. and|few sunny intervals today. in Brecon, one in the Isle of |Mrs, Ted Simpson, was helping (Chance of a light shower. Sat- NO ACCIDENTS Wight and eight seats in Bucking- his grandfather, John Lemon, urday, mostly sunny, not much Oshawa police had no accl- hamshire. pull down trees, hange in temperature. nds dents to report Thursday night.. In Rutland, independents re- hay |east 15 today, light tonight an One man was charged with tained 20 seats to Labor's one TRILL RIKLED 5 . Saturday. drunk driving, He was scheduled [and in Westmorland independents | "5 =H . Que, ree Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk- to appear before Magistrate F. retained 42 seats to Labor's four. ii were burned to deathiiznq Lake regions, North Bay, S. Ebbs today. The local government elections | hursday when a panel truck (Sudbury: Mostly sunny today and involve s turnover of more than |overturned and caught fire on aigaturday, Warm turning colder TWO GRASS FIRES 25,000 seats in the governing highway near Desbiens, Que., 15|1at¢ Saturday. Winds light. The fire department had two bodies of villages, towns, cities miles east of this northeastern| Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mostly ass fires to deal with Thurs- and counties. Quebec centre, . sunny today, Cloudy and coldef lay. One fire on Emerald NL : A They were identified as Real Saturday with a few verv light : " TORES |Tremblay, 18, and brothers Ro fur 4 Ave. the other on Albert street, FPRE-FAB LIQUOR 8 ! ' / |nowflurries or rain showers. No damage was reported TORONTO (CP) Officlals fave and Jules Bilodeau, 22 and wings light becoming northeast - said Thursday the Ontario Liquor |! respectively, all of Desbiens. |15 gaturday. New P.O. S NB il rs aE! TATE REDUCTION Forecast Temperatures | TORONTO (CP) -- Economy. Lows tonight and highs Satur- ew I'.V. tamp stores in summer resort AAs. |... 4.4 members and fiscal plan. day. They sald the board has been | ers battled through a nine-hour|Windsor .. Honors Ex lorer planning to open a number of | Metropolitan Toronto coun cil|St: Thomas . new stores, but the plan has been meeting Thursday night, finally|Wingham OTTAWA (CP)--The post of- delayed because of lack of suit- | compromising on a one-tenth-miil | Toronto fice's forthcoming stamn com. | able accommodation, reduction in the 1958 tax rate, |lrenton ... memorating French explorer la| The stores would be permanent | The vote was 14 to 1, The lone|S!. Catharin Verendrye, announced earlier fiructures, serving winter and holdout was Mayor W. A. Ed.|Hamilton ..... this year, is to be a large, blue, five-cent denomination, the de partment said today. |sese |watched us play hockey all win.| The players of the loop from {ter," He told the players who!/four Cobourg churches, Ontarie {had been awarded trophies dur. Training School and Graftor ing the dinner to: 'Keep the #ave Bobby a thunderous ovatior trophies in mind in the future that lasted for many minutes af and remember they were won the conclusion of his talk. Prizes with team help. Championship 80d trophies were awarded dur trophies are not won by one in. Ing the dinner, The trophies for dividual but by all the team the team winners went to St players." ih Mi i mite divisios |" About the tri w ordie Kelly receiving the to Europe he 2 Ale Dunjops trophy, to St. Andrew's in fiw are all wondering about our trip| pec, ee division with Franci to Europe and about the teams Harnden receiving, to St. Mich we played over there, We beat acl's in the bantam group with some of them badly but we had Garry Dunn receiving and to St our work cut out for us with Andrew's In the midget class others, We knew that there was a" » Gordle Ewart receiving, (lot of pressure on us, all of Can. Individual trophies were wor |ada expected us to win, {as follows: Most valuable player | "In Europe the teams are in Mites, Gordie Kelly; most valu top shape. 1 remember one morn- able goalies mites, . Bob Hill ing coming down to breakfast at, Most valuable player pee wees 8:30 and looking out over the bal. Panny Gadbols; most valuable cony. The temperature was 8 be. 0alle, pee wees, Blair Savers: low zero and coming up the Most valuable player, bantams [street on the run was the Rus. Peter Muskaluk; most valuable sian team. Coaches, manager goalie, bantams, Ross Quigley and trainer, they were all out most valuable midgets, Rober running at a time when we were Arnew; most valuable goalie Just waking up and rubbing our midgets, Tom Dingwall; mos eyes. valuable defenceman, bantams |GOOD TEAMS Ricky Borthwick; Joe Bulges "A lot of people told us those memorial trophy, Dave Doyle {Russians are the hardest team in| Lather, G. J. Maher memorial | Parnall; WSO! (Burope but let mie tell you Iii forty competition would put the Swedes and the | h won by St. Andrew's from Por Czechs in with the Russians and Hone, fo Francis Harnden. | Ca " nadians inthe good teams.' "pn loniing the trophies were The Russians had a hard time Bobby Attersley, Fred Brooks with both of them. George Daw Fred MeKi | "The children in Sweden are Mo bo Gadbols Father P m very interested in hockey. , , {Bryne, Art Martin and Clip | don t know that I have ever Se€N | \aundrell, | youngsters with such"Interest in ens aa---------------- SUSPECT FOUL PLAY {the game, Every outdoor rink is thronged with them every day In| ORANGEVILLE (CP) -- Poles ald Thursday they have tuled see the children there in the 68, a deaf. mute farmer, Police The Whithy star then gave the to respect them when you enter daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Keith Pos (player. The only hope Is to play at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Unio SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AT OAK open air rinks. They were not said he was found at the foot 'of 2 |players some advice, "learn to higher hockey brackets, you'll| POST -- Entered into rest in Osh |are nine as any time. One other|((368 Olive Ave.), aged 2 months |as a team. We had 27 members! Cemetery. TURKEY SUPPER {the week. On our way to the, stadium to work out, we ~conld out foul play as the cause of death of Edward Wallace Barr home watching television; they were playing hockey, ladder and expressed belief he was injured in a fall, respect your coach, learn to re- |spect your manager, You'll have (have to take orders and you *¥* Ontario, on Friday April 11, 1958 might as well learn when youll™™ LUCY EILEEN POST, infan thi Fi al from the Armstrong Fun hing, learn to play as a team Zonir, on, Vo Say Apr 12 | c-- . Saturday, April 12, 1958 4PM, -- 7PM, TICKETS .. BUILDING FUND PROJECT: torical Society. Te 'whose. alt Three More | warplane crashed into a bullding a-- name wae Plorte: Gaultier de in the exclusive Miramar district of Havana early today after its penetrated during the early 18th! V 1 Dock |2asoline tanks exploded in flight. century to 'what now is Western esse $ |The crash touched off two heavy Canada by way of Rainy River COBOURG -- Three more lake explosions. y and Lake of the Woods. His ex- ships docked at Cobourg Harbor|, A Cubar army lieutenant pilot. ploration contributed to the ex- Thursday. The Imperial London|in8 the plane was killed. There tension of the fur trade into the was the first, followed by the W3S NO immediate information : d k available on other casualties. west Imperial Cornwall, and the Lake- The plane fell while coming in hell . for a landing at the nearby Camn Grade A Hogs The London, captained by T. Columbia airfield and crashed | T OSHAW oil. The Cornwall, commanded by R. Knight, also carried a large LAWYER DIES |cargo of fuel oil. Both of these! ACTON, Ont, (CP) -- Murney . ships tied up on the west side of Kenneth Langdon, 91," a lawyer | Grade Althe pier and returned to Toronto Who practised in Brighton for 42 years until his retirement about | four years ago, died here Thurs. Burns, unloaded a cargo of fuel.linto a grocery store. ORONTO (CP) $30, as reported by the 14 mar-| keting points of the Ontario Hog| The Lakeshell, commanded by day. Producers' Co - operative, The Captain R. Young, unloaded al Mr, Langdon was born in ption was Newburgh at cargo of fuel and gas for the Brighton, a grandson of William [Canadian Of! Company. She willl Langdon, a United Empire Loyal th ek [return today with another of Prince Edvard County and [for the Sun Oil Company and to-| Survivors include his four sons, unchanged from morrow with a cargo for the all members of the legal profes Canadian Oil Company. 'alon, only exce gay, a e will RAndolph 5-1153 at § last week. NEW FACTORY FOR RENT OR SALE 10,000 SQ. FT. 2.65 ACRE SITE A INDUSTRIAL ZONE FINISHED OFFICES--SPRINKLER SYSTEM--TRUCK LEVEL LOAD PLATFORM--14'6" CEILING HEIGHT--STEEL BRICK CONSTRUCTION--OCCUPATION MAY 1st. OSHAWA REALTORS RECOGNIZED TORONTO --EM 4.7152 v

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