TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA All other calls ....... RA 3-3492 3-3474 "THE D 2 WEATHER REPORT Occasional rain today. Sunny, few cloudy intervals Saturday. YOL. 87--NO. 85 Authorized As Second Class Mell Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES Bowmanville Atom All-Stars of the Little NHL Junior "A" division supply a happy pre- game smile for the camera be- fore the opening of the Little NHL Ontario Playoff which started its three-day run in IS THERE A "ROCKET" IN THIS ATOM CROWD? { billeted at Bowmanville Thursday even- ing. Other teams competing in the tournament are from across the Province. Some 21 teams, more than 400 boys, are in town for the colorful occasion, Teams arriving in town Thursday were Honor Clergyman As Seminar Ends TORONTO (CP) -- Climaxed by the investiture of Most Rev Maurice Roy, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec City, as an honorary doctors of laws, a two day seminar on French Canada Today closed here Thursday In bilingual discussions, both Quebec and Ontario speakers said French Canadians consider Canada's Confederation to have demonstrated "bad faith" by the ueb a enough scientists and technicians| #0 enable her both to ensure her, own development and to play a pational role. The seminar drew about 250 teachers, professors, government officials and members of the gen- poning his decision on whether ocytive eral public, Papers were read in French by Quebec representa- tives, followed by commentaries in English by Toronto specialists The two speakers then exchanged views with persons in the audi ence. The aim was better under- standing of Quebec attitudes and problems Archbishop Roy, presented for the degree in special convocation df the University of Toronto, said a Montreal meeting with CLC of tional convention in July A - Canada's duality of culture '"now|ficials he confirmed speculation Coldwell was still party leader ling many a movie plot. i being recognized more and more in this country as an asset, father than a problem "We French-Canadians cannot divorce ourselves from the cul ture of our more European ancest*y without be coming a rootless waste, It is not & question of crawling back into the past and of losing the pre sent and the new "The meeting of our two peoples in this land was first an gccident of history. It becomes a happy, free and intended union immediate |? AS We pursue a common purpose severally yet together, with faith in enriching diversity, faith our respective heritage." Charles Bilodeau of the Quebec education department said "The preparation of more stu- dents for scientific and economic careers is now one of the urgent needs if the province is to de- velop. OTTAWA (CP) Leader Stanley Knowles is post to accept a top job in the Cana dian Labor Congress until a week end meeting in Toronto on the fu ture of his party and its leader- ship Meanwhile, he said Thursday night he is interested in returning to Parliament and hopes an early yvelection might make this pos sible. Interviewed on his return from "certain individuals in the con gress had offered to nominate him for the $12,000-a-year job of executive vice-president at CLC convention in Winnipeg 21-25 Both he and 69-year-old party leader M. .J Coldwell suffered personal defeat in the March 31 general election. The voting re duced their party's Commons membership from 25 to eight Mr. Knowles said the CLC of fer is "a matter to he thought about but I am deferring that the April Farmer Wins $51 In False Arrest "TORONTO (CP) A vagrancy eonviction upheld by the Su. preme Court of Canada against Lyle Kehnedy, Arran Town ship farmer, has been judged a false arrest in a civil action be- fore the Ontario Supreme Court Kennedy's lawyer, Lewis Dun can of Toronto, fought the crim inal conviction to the Supreme Court of Canada without success before launching the civil action for damages for false arrest and imprisonment Mr. Justice R. I, Ferguson said Thursday there was a lack of reasonable and probable cause for the arrest and awarded $5. 158 damages for false arr false imprisonment, conspiracy and fraud ULTERIOR MOTIVE SEEN "*q think the plaintiff had a rea eomplaint in that a charge of va grancy was laid against him, not because he was a vagrant hut for af ulterior motive," the justice said. The award to the 46-year-old farmer consisted of $1 from Mag strate Otto C. McClevis for false imprisonment, $1.000 from vineial police constable Ivan D Wade for false arrest, $4,117 from Kennedy's wife Isabel and her lawyer William Rae Tomlinson for conspiracy to defraud 'and pther acts; and $35 from Crown Attorney J. W I fo money he rece d b plaintiff In a M Justice Ferguson, said the ju: pro. } reeborn 97-page judgmer finding that Constable Wade didifound Tomlinson, who acted aslever, » not believe Kennedy or probably guilty of was 'manifestly right." Kennedy not armed and was with two farmers in his own car in daylight and had a sub stantial sum of money, the judge said ON WAY TO SEE WIFE Kennedy was arrested May 23 while on his way from Port El. gin, to Walkerton to see his wife who had left him and refused to return Wade testified he arrested Ken nedy because of previous threats to Mrs. Kennedy, threats to dam- age the Bruce County Hospital where she worked and because he thought Kennedy was about to rarm his wife He was charged with vagrancy the advice of the crown at orney and remanded to jail for| cight days. He came to trial May 0 and was committed by Mag istrate McClevis to the Ontario Hospital at London for mental examination He was released 28 days later after being found normal, and re. manded to jail for another eight |days. Magistrate McClevis gave him a suspended sentence July and bound him over to weep the| peace LACKED JURISDICTION Mr. Justice Ferguson said Ma trate McCley jurisdic was guilty vagrancy wa wedica nation When Kennedy was freed he | Junior in. th CLC | Deputy CCF |t pital EDGE 500, 3-1 | Oshawa Nears Juvenile Title STE. MARIE, Ont, |Nicholishen, Pospiech, (Special) Oshawa Juveniles|Wickobrado, Boission, ' All-Stars came to within one| Sault -- Goal: Wyant; defense: point of the all-Ontario hockey Giovanatti, Nanne, Longarini, championship last night by de- Dipasquale; forwards: . Moore, feating Sault Ste. Marie Contrac-|Ryan, Orlando, Manniaco, Me- tors, 3-1. Burney, Oliver, Greco, Sanko, 55/4 Ernie Mills, Dave Frolick and Maki, Esposito. 1 SAULT Frolick jv = . , : Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle : Price Not OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1958 Fp Ags Ih BR | ] | . | On April 17 WASHINGTON (CP) ~ The suggested was preparatory negut- United States reacted quickly to-|iations through ambassadorial day te'a Russian note in reply to| channels to lead to a session of | Western proposals that ambassa- foreign ministers and on fd a {dors meet in Moscow April 17 to summit conference. * prepare for an East-West sum-| mit meeting. The U.S. said the| MOSCOW SETS APRIL 17 Russian note 'is manifestly not an acceptance," {have suggested a mi of ; US. officials said President bassadors on April 17 10 alk tly Buddy Delves tallied for Oshawa,| Referees: Jerry Wallace, Wilf. | Eisenhower and State Secretary), oy meeting, i to give the team their second'Lemieux, both of Sudbury. ; i 2 1{ Dulles went into conference at In thelr March declarati straight win in the series which| Summary: 4 br "+ |the White House to consider the| In their March 31 declargtion is decided on a point count sys- First Period '| Russian message handed to the|to the Soviet government, the |tem, the first of the two teams 1, Sault, Sanko di, / ' Wester foprescntatives in Mos- the Tain Parsons or premitary Felting five points being the win: JEsposiio) Longariat 440 ir / y 4 wk 827 R28 | In Moscow, officials said de- ambassadorial Begotintiohs y , ve again!" 04 hah 2 vivliak / '4 tailed terms of the Soviet accept- shou 0 '"'examine pasi- Mogly ily ph Lh) Nichelish 3 1231, Protick || ance of the proposal are expected tion of the various governments 26 out of 27 shots, many in spec-| ~~ Second Period {to be published later tonight. Itjon the major questions at Issue tacular fashion. The lone Con- 2. Oshawa, Mill .4|is understood Russia insists in|between them, and to establish te 2 § vniava, 'Ws {ithe message that a foreign minis-/ what subjects should be submit 2B {tractor marker came late in the| (Wickobrado) 19.16 3 ' 3 first period when as a result of| Penalties: Orlando 4.44, Mani. i 1 ei} Tasting Beiore the sui ited lop Sxaynation two simultaneous penalties, Osh-|acco 6.00, Wickobrado 8.43, Mani wai a 2 ai ata Ks shou Son ne self only to go ment. 4 awa was reduced to a four-man (acco 12.44, Moore 13.57, y TR ¢ von ; wg the agenda, time and place| The Westéni note said te pure 8 Ww ; ' S i 0 ' pose of the preparato sous. ar no Third Period { BY GOSH IT 3 IN The Soviet reply was in re-|sions was not ro ean dent ons Montreal's Floyd Curry (pro- (ley Cup final. No. 22 is Don | ; | r file shows) and Doug Harvey | Marshall. The rugged Bruins |France and the United Kingdom of agreement." ko took a pass from Phil Espos-|3, Oshawa, Frolic ito deep in Oshawa territory, (Chaszcewski, Mills) +04 hammering the puck past Top- 4, Oshawa, Delves 8.33 , : ping at 1927. | Penalties: Longarini 7.21, Nich- | won 5:2 to even the series at [that preparatory work for an| ,,"aroceow ft was understood ! A ' peer into the net over goalie ho T § East - West summit session be| v NLY 22 SHOTS olishen 10.56, Nicholishen 19.49 one game each. The third | ; {the Soviet reply will require a ONLY § Jacques Plante as if not believ- | game will be played in Boston held later this month in Moscow period of consultation between ing Boston Bruins have scored | Sunday night and the fourth [at the ambassadorial level, the Western allies since it raises in the second game of the Stan- | Tuesday in the same eity. WHITE HOUSE REACTION {questions that have not so far Oshawa Stars managed only 22 Stops = A White House statement, ap- been considered completely ac. . . 'Held Captive the homes of local citizens. In the tournament opener Toronto Township de- feated Bowmanville 3-0 in the "A" class | --Times-Gazette Photo 6 713% 95519 Crew Is Killed NORTH COLLINS, N.Y. (AP) A B-47 Stratojet bomber was ripped in two by an explosion high over western New York Thursday and fell to the earth in carrying its four crew to their deaths can carry a but the Strategic Command at Omaha, Neb. re- ported none was aboard. The flight was a routine training mis- sion out of Lockbourne air force base, Columbus, Ohio shots on Contractors netminder Topping Kippy Wyant, but with great suc- __ ~~ roved by Eisenhower and Dulles ceptable by the West. oo and released while they still were' According to one report, the-So- | talking, said: viet message proposes a fofglgn Bud Delves scoring in the last/| Court Told proposes that diplomatic prepara-| The message also is under tory work "shall not deal at all|to state that the summit confer- OTTAWA (CP) -- Mrs, Carmel (with a summit meeting but only| ence must take place whether or cess. The tying counter came at 19:16 of the second period when Stars forward Mills scored, with AT NEWTONVILLE fe Souls} Song 10 Vickobrado "The Soviet reply is manifestly ministers meeting within a mat. 10 000 D not an acceptance to this Western ter of two or three weeks Ber amage In Fire-Blast e- | In 1r as Guertin, wife of Ottawa lawyer | with the time, place and compo-|not the foreign ministers meeting employer, Jean . Paul Guertin, testified sition of a subsequent meeting of succeeds. From here on in, it was all| Ostiawa's game, Dave Frolick and} proposal.' the opening of diplomatic Rather, the statement said, it!by ambassadors in Moscow, Thursday that Dacel Yule, 30,|foreign ministers." Diplomatic circles in Mose: of no fixed address beat her and| This subsequent meeting would speculated that a period, Delves putting in the insurance marker on a brilliant unassisted goal at 8.33. Third game will be played at the Sault tonight and if the Con- : tractors win, a fourth game is| NEWTONVILLE A $10,000, He telephoned his scheduled for Saturday. fire destroyed an unoccupied 11- who notified the telephone opera- The Stars profited Thursday roomed two storey frame home tor night by the three players picked /in the centre of town early this : flames members A B47 veapon nuclear Air tr meeting of the CCF national ex- in Toronto," Asked whether he is interested | § 2nd "Treasure" Found Montreal Park In Week | | Speaker in Na THE BALMY SOUTH Pime IN Canada's Westinghouse Stocks On Exchange TORONTO (CP Toronto Stock Exchange today an nounced that shares of Canadian Westinghouse Co. Ltd. will be admitted to the regularly-listed section of the board next Monday. a Minister | vacation in the Atlantic ocean resort following his recent sue« cessful election campaign. The couple plans to return to Ca. { Bermuda sunshine on a week's | nada Saturday. up from St. Catharines Juveniles morning and set fire to the roof and citizens rushed to the scene. five hours in her home, but precede it, under the Western May, Now York in ; for the series. These are defense-|of a brick house next door, New- They formed a bucket brigade She appeared at an Ontario plan. Bsn aes! A 18. iow Yorkin . east of Bow-tut the: oy Court - whieh! What" the three Western Try Ran Madpol-aut fon i the fire' way out of v Su plech a ekobrado. Flames levelled a house owned) An unidentified transport driv- Spence and a jury. Yule is ° Oshawa -- Goal: Topping; de- by To Bees Walkey, 87 Queen |*" who was passing the scene said/charged with causing bodily fense: Chasczewski, Madson, greet. Bowmanville. Mrs, Wal. 2 explosion had occurred, On-lharm and assault with intent to nion i : y ills yp ut by f ss. Glass fr inati thinking until after a weekend >°™ Wills, Sneddon, Gray, Mills, eight years. She had been renting |SUt PY lying glass. Glass from| under cross . examination she and their family. The Johnson's Shtpwn Ful than 40 feet across mate acquaintance of Yule. Heads | M i moved to a nearby home Wed- Ae Mug way. Mrs. Guertin said Yule came nesday, SAVE NEIGHBOR'S HOME lo her home Feb, 11 while her in succeeding Mr. ( Bidwel should MONTREAL (CP) -- A summit] the party leader decide to step At I t 3 that Yule said he w i - conference on the crucial diesel-'diesel dispute. down, the 49-year-old Mr. Know nques {| The blaze, fanned by strong when members of the Bowman. tid lle said no Yas taking her ? les east winds, threatened the home| m her 3 i th: xt fi k robably | i " ; / ; rived at t ene. They were |her bags. She said she refused, the next few weeks, probably in|standing scrap that led to a nines Buided by the advice and coun- Of Stompanato of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt, | he scen y She said that Yule: Montreal. |day strike last year against the sel of friends and colleagues" in | . ip Made her crawl arou i CPR--is the Kellock royal com- the party LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Lana!' 2 cripple, had to be carried Hope volunteer .iremen, Both de. . wl around the President N. R. Crump of the 4 P i "| forts on saving the Nesbitt home, like a dog. : Thursday to meet H. E. Gilbert, | firemen are not needed on .dies- was a matter for the party's na. into the death of her slain under- a So Sher since the Walkey residence was) Pulled her hair, slapped and Cleveland-based president of the els in yard or freight work. This Mr. | world boy friend--a drama rival Rushald Was. oulsi eS € Jaid already a complete loss. [punched her, | Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire.|finding--not binding on ufion or "and many of us hope he will Stabbed her in the face with a|was mentioned. CPR's May 11 ultimatum, find it possible to continue in|one-time bodyguard for ex-gam- the fire had all been cracked known, : ski pole, | But a deadline--and possibility| This is the first time the inter- spite of what happened March!bler Mickey Cohen, was stabbed Leon Beaulieu, who lives in the Citizens said the Newcastle] Threw a lighted cigaret down of a strike--hang over the discus. national president of a rallway In Montreal top-level CCF. offi./room of the actress' pink-car- Walkey home reported the fire.led. However, an order by New- pyiled the phone off the wall: The CPR; after a long battle Personally into a Canadianlgis- cials conferred with a CLC sub- | peted Beverly Hills mansion. Mr. Beaulieu said he was return- castle Council would not permit threw a toaster, glasses and with the firemen's union, plans pute. The outcome is expected to from the congress political ac.| With the story that Miss Turner's service station at 1 a.m. when he castle brigade is allowed to assist = |ual program to displace diesel| Ways still using firemen on tion policy. of two years ago | daughter, Cheryl, 14, held the S&W smoke pouring out the west |in fires in Bowmanville and Orono helpers from engines in yard and els. as formed by amalgamation of| Panato's stomach, Cheryl said he fi ig member brotherhood, a Canadian ican policy committee -- a=§00- the old Canadian Congress of La.| Was threatening her mother > ope S | t B ] [Labor Congress affiliate, opposes man group from Capada and the and the Trades and Labor Con. determine how Stompanato died Hired Unqualified ale y be ts | PROPOSED BY UNIONIST this Week, and the U.S. Mentiers gress which did not {and whether anyone was crimin- DETROIT (AP) -- State gov Se = pledged support to their 9,000- A verdict by a coroner's jury is were told Thursday the public a .| dents was proposed this week by|ing the CPR action, including a not binding legally, however, and ® parently isn't willing to pay i Mr. Gilbert to clear the way for strike. hands of juvenile authorities who| TORONTO (CP) -- Returning | the last House of Commons and |crash padding. have been holding her since Stom- Officer Vida Titford admitted to|Progressive Conservative mem- James 0. Wright, general man- venile court hearing April 24, She knowingly appointed some of the been a practice" to disregard tor Company, reported to the gov. | S6 | could be: 97 unqualified enumerators who residence in the appointing of loners' conference special com: | lawyer for him and his wife, had . . (Paul's riding prior to the March Mr. Michener said there was two per cent of Ford's customers all 4 Ontario Education 31 federal election. no "concealment" of the fact ae year ordered seat belts. ! ha 1¢ sale price had gone to i his wife 2 Conference Ends partly because she did not have his party workers weren't resi ding cost $31.50. | time to check the background of dents of the riding, Wright added that 45 per cent] i linson had no power to close the "onv i 57 i oo i nual convention of the Ontario needed, parily because she could [date in 1957, said all 32 of the padding minus the belts 7.80. lle of the farm and that it|gqycational Association wound not get enough enumerators other non-resident Liberal enumerators Jace mn g the be Li E » with le K ; Ww { # a vith Walle Kenedy was 4 Bos began to lay plans for the as. "Frankly, I don't ever rémem. There was a great difficulty in © sociation's centennial in 1060. |ber a time when there weren't getting Liberal enumerators, he He found there was an agree-|Toronto li side," " d ; 4 Io 8] ived outside," she said could get." One of Mr. Rooney's ment or conspiracy between Tom- | More than 9,000 delegates at-| Chief Justice J. C. McRuer of nominees was an American citi- tal Ihe Toney: ; ing Re-elected president, Roger|sided at the inquiry called to de-| Mr. Michener's campaign man- nnedy unsuccessfully ap- Saint-Denis of Ottawa said the|termine whether Miss Titford ager, P, A. Kates, said he was| to the Ontario Supreme Court|directed towards the day when | poi i : MONTREAL {CP)----Two young: 3 ta £ pointed unqulaified enumerators number of enumerators not fr " and Appeal Court, and to the Su-|there will be sufficient teachers |for the a ; the riding to a minimum, Tom sters Thursday found a cache of fused to review the case 5 end park extension district, the (second such discovery in a week. Ore ' | Playmates Stephen Rabkin, 10, ne of the judges sitting in re- . . view of the criminal case in the | Rail-Bus Strike watches, brooches and necklaces i istic Locke, Managa was In "0 H a1 3 LONDON (Reuters) Britain/under a tree in a field near the caused a sensation months later quiry re n beatings bus strike. next month as an ar. Value not yet estimated, was on itr, ed T , re./turned over to police. Locke bs barrey from hearing police of three holdup suspects later proven innocent will bitration board Thursday re- oF another 'case a a \ 5 h J Pleading case Mr. Duncan was| open before the Metropolitan Police Commission next week [450,000 workers on the national. Most the jewelry was en- Magis ized railways graved with names or initials, Justice' Locke's presence would! : ! wi fA, op b . ' National Union of Railwaymen|/eWelry found earlier in the west. ice +The oi ined" My, Just. Wheat Board Chairman Resigns said he received the 2-to-] deer end Snowdon district was Mr. Dun- [sion rejecting the pay dbmand|claimed. The jewelry, found in a 5 i alos : of the Canadian Wheat Board, has resigned, Trade Minister icy Duncan later initiated the| Churchill announced today. | He warned of "wildcat strikes" |appraised at $100,000 but later a, in Owen Sound. Claims : [by railway in protest was revalued at $15,000. ma icious prosecution and The decision gave rise to talk| Mrs. N. Wise, mother of two vere also bus strike df 50,000 men, sched. Thursday as tha! stolen six vears : . uled for May 5, and -a national ago from her apartment in the| John Diefenbaker and Mrs. Die- railway stoppage to protest the general area where they were| fenbaker bask in the warm I manville. { ' lopened before Mr. Justice W. F, -- LINEUPS Wright, Delves: forwards: Law-|key hasn't lived in the house in lookers said the driver had been wound, it to Mr. and Mrs, Van Johnson the Windows of the house was admitted she was once an inti- |WINDOWS CRACKED | The blaze was out of control husband was out, She testified [renewal of negotiations on fhe yea ion ville volunteer fire brigade ar-|With him and ordered her to pack! firemen squabble is to be held in| Key to the controversy--a long answerec ne wou De who lived next door. Mr. Nesbitt, |10ined minutes later by the Port ; ; Techi partments concentrated their ef- house on her hands and knees Canadian Pacific Railway agreed mission recommendation that He said the CCF leadership Turner stars today at the inquest {rom his home. Mrs. Nesbitt es- ail on | ; a Threatened to kill her, men and Enginemen. No date company -- is the basis for-the Handsome Johnny Stompanato, her home adjoining the scene of The cause of the fire was un, gl «No dale to death last Friday in a bed- house on the east side of the|Fire Department had been call-|{he neck of her blouse. sions, [union has moved directly and committee "on matters arising! Police say they are satisfied "8 home from work at a nearby them to go to the scene. The New- other objects around the kitchen. |to go ahead May 11 with a grad- have repercussions on U.S, rails -- The 1,000,000-member congress| kitchen knife that pierced Stom. front windows of the house. lonly. Few Purchase [freight operations. The 90,000. The brotherhood's North Afigr- hor, which supported the C( F,| The coroner's inquest seeks to the plan. United States--met .in Chicago eee | Bll TESPONSIDIE. ernors studying traffic safety The personal meeting of presi-| member Canadian locals in fights numerators-- . 53 Cheryl's: fate remains in the such features as seat belts and| __ panato's death. Cheryl faces a ju- a judicial inquiry Thursday she!ber, said he realized "it has long ager of Ford division of Ford Mo- - ~ |helped list voters in Toronto St. enumerators in the riding. mittee on traffic safety that only old the Kennedy farm and that i Miss Titford said she did so|/some enumeralors nominated by The seat belts with crash pad- Mr. Justice Ferg § ; y m ; i ce Ferguson said Tom-| TORONTO (CP) -- The 98th an. cach oi the 308 enumerators James Rooncy, Liberal candi of the Ford buyers ordered crash I t have . should not have been proceeded |, Thursday. Today a committee] wise lived in the riding until recently. ublic trustee. poh : public trustee The celebration will be held in some St. Paul's enumerators who|said, "we toot everybody we linson and Mrs. Kennedy to ob-|tended this week's four-day meet-|the High Court of Ontario pre- zen, pegaled the criminal conviction| association's long-term view is | knowingly or negligently ap. told by Miss Titford to keep the preme Court of Canada, which re-'of high qualifications. Roland Michener, r-- jewelry in a field in the north. SUPREME COURT INCIDENT UK. Threatened and Stephen Michaels, 9, found Supreme Court of Canada was | was threatened with a joint rail. Rabkin home. The collection, its vhen he asked that Mr. Justice TORONTO (CP)--An inquiry into the alleged beating by jected wage demands made by Mrs Sank told authorities t 0 " Magistrate C. 0, Bick said today, It will be open to the r. Duncan told the court Mr. | An official of the 370,000-strong| Meanwhile a cache of stolen an 4 oo OTTAWA (CP)--Geo MeVie f W hai an $2 ( " rge McVicor of Winnipeg, chairman 3 can ¥0 for contempt *eOrR Peg | with "disgust and concern." tennis ball container, was first for to be malici of linkup between a London Children, identified the jewelry refusal to increase wages, 'found, ight were fendan but dismissed. The ts were ordered, how- to pay costs, de | The Russian note is reported. to three Western powers had 'said .. ; 5 She gave a general alarm held her captive at knife-point for not follow a summit conference, isters meeting might be held in by by heads of _| § |sponse to a proposal of the U.S..|byt to determine "the possibilities ||