RARE ACCIDENTS The Sphinx, standing 66 feet; Mother . of - pear] collected at WORCESTER, England (CP)-- high and 240 feet long, is 4,500 Broome, Australia, is used fo 16 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Prdey, April 11, 1958 n-| years old. make shirt buttons. TELEVISION LOG 2 CHCH-TY Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto BUZZING GHOST I WHITTLESEY, England (CP) The "moaning ghost" under the| Applicants for new false teeth u floorboards of a house in this Isle| der Britain's national health serv-| | of Ely community turned out to|ice include one who was gn ENJOY YOURSELF "Tragic Story Of Youth Told! In "The Choir Invisible" Marianne Hauser in "THE living moment. His time limit] Miss Hauser's characters, rich -. sri Y.W.CA. 199 Centre St, be a large bees' nest. When|in the face by a horse and an- floorboards were removed, B84|other whose old set was knocked pounds of honeycomb were found, off a windowsill by a cat. WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale CHOIR INVISIBLE" (George J./takes him on a Quixotic journey ly drawn, propose a truth beyond epay EVENING PM ra Theatre « 6--Hidden Pages 8--Playhouse 4--Fun to earn 2---Burcaneers ; 5.16 P.M 4-Childrn's Theatre sa P.M, 6,2-Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M, Willie &---Headlines; News 8-Colone] Bleep 61h P.M. 4~Clsco Ki¢ 630 P.M, 11,2-News: Weather Sports $-Movie Museum 645 PM, 6,5,46--News 8-Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M. 11---Waterfront 6--Tabiola S~Mama Sword of Freedom heriff oi Cochise - 7.30 P.M, " §1--Crusader 6--8earch for Adventure 8--Truth or Conse- sequence 4 4-Dick and the 5.00 P.M. 11,6--Last of the Mohicans S---Last Resort 4~Trackdown Jim Bowie 5.30 P.M, 11,6--Plouffe Family S-Life of Hiley 4--Zane Grey Theatre 2-Colt 5 2.00 P.M, 11--Turn of Fate 6-Big Record $M Squad 4--Phil Silvers $-Frank Sinatra 9.30 P.M, 11,6--Country Hoedown 8~The I'hin Man 4--Playhouse $--Patrica Munsel 10.00 P.M, 11,8,5-8ports Cavaleats | 4~The Lineup 3-Kingdom of the Sea | 10.30 P.M 4--Person to Person 8--Code 3 10:45 P.M, 11,6-Jim Coleman 8--~Comment 1.00 P 6 5 4 Sports 1.15 P.M, 6 Viewpoint 8--Feature Movie 11.30 P.M, 11--Wrestling 6--Premier Perform ance &-Fllm Feature $---General Playhouse 12.00 P.M, $---8Swing Shift SATURDAY WM, 2~Newm 8.30 AM, &--=Popey»'s Playhouse 9.00 AM, & -Sclence Museum , S~-Rumplis 2 Farry id Mika 9.30 Capt As) 00 $---Western Foundup 00 $--Ruff and Ready 4--~Mighty Mouse 1.00 AM, Show 2-8earch for 'Adventure 11.30 AM B----Andy's G ang 4---Camping Story g John Silver &-Jimmy Dean $-Bar 2 Ranch 12.30 P.M, TBA 1.00 P.M, é--Lone Ranger 2-Dance "ariv Ls P.M 4-Mr, and Mrs, 6----Bowling 5--All Stay Jueatry 2.00 4--Baseball 230 P.M, 6--Feature Film 5--Baseball 3---Featuty Fetformanee 33 FP 11~Wrestling 4.00 P.M, 11L£ cartoon Party 6-Oxford - Cambridge Boat Race 5--Big Picture SAYLRDAL EVE, in oh Ag S5--Maverick 4--Film Feature 2-Where Were You 580 P.M, tLe Wild Bill Hickok 2-Wrestling 00 P.M, 11--Lone Wolf §--Here and [here S--Lawrence 4~News; Sports 6. PM, 30 11~ Federal Men 6~Mr Fixit; News 4--Last of the Mohicans 4 Yesterday's Newsree, 7.00 P.M. 11--Jamboree 6-H» Gun Wil Travel S--Real McCoys ~U of B Round Table 2-Ranch Part "PM, 7. 9 $--Hoiiday £3 h B-People Are Funny 4=Perry Maso 2--Dick Crk how 8.00 11, 6, 5 a 'Come SCountiy Musie 8.30 P.M, tutop Dolly FM 11,6 Morse 5-~Club Oasis 40h' Susannah A=lawichon ely 9.30 8~Gisele 4---Have Gun, Trave 10.00 P.M, S--~Amateur Hour 4=Gunsm 3-Mike 11,6-- Hit Parade 5--Pat Boone 4- Silent Service 3~Harbor Command 11.00 P.M, MeKonzie win oke Wallace 0.30 P.M, (1~News; Late Show 4.2-News; weather; Juliette 6--~Wrestling S--=Movie a 4--Playhouse § 2-Swing Shi SUNDAY 200 AM. 6--Industry on Parade 4--Childrer's Program #-The Christophers 15 AM v. TH is the Life scotia Science ih AM 10.00 AM 4--Lamp Unto My Veet 2~Church Invitation 19.30 AM, 4=Uncle J 2-Bible 10.45 A $-Film Feature no A 5---Roy Rogers 4--Film Featurette 2-Morning Gospel 11.50 AM erry \dventure 6--Church Service 1l--German Movies 11.45 AM, 2-Faith of Israel Zw NOON S5--Cartoon Theatre 4~News: Weather 6--This 1s the Life S--Hopalong Cassidy 4 -Wild Bill Hickok 2-China Story Len P.M, 11~Bravo Cheatre 6---Roy Forrest (5-Mr, Wizard 2--Film Featurette 1.30 P.M, 6--County Calendar 5 Frontiers of Faith 2-Mayor Reports 2.00 P.M, 6--Junior Magazine 5,4--Bowling 2-Playhouse LPM, 11-0 A McLeod, Ltd.) tells the story of in search of love or eternity, be- their everyday lives, The author a young man's predicted death/tween beer parlor and church passes no judgment. Her view is from leukemia as a whole com- church parlor, |always positive, her wit echoes munity identifies itself with his! Author Hauser permeates her|with humility, her irony with salvation or doom , novel with an exalted sense of|wonder. Author Hauser writes. an im-| joy as the end ol the road seems| She offers the picture of a mensely enjoyable book in "THE|to lead forever into a new aston-| young man who has never travel- CHOIR INVISIBLE", which de-|ishing beginning. She writes with|led far from his midwest home scribes the fate of Floyd Walker,|deep compassion and humor, inland now he is told he is to die! family man, bank clerk, andia prose that combines poetic|She lets the reader see him choir master, His deferred but al-|vision with a strong sense of through her talented and ironic ways expected end becomes thelreality. | European eye, and writes the supreme drama of a small Mis-| wijtn deft satire, she shows pd with the wit and poetic souri town. | the same event can be both beau-|horseplay of her adopted| SENSE OF JOY I tiful and foolish, poignant and ab-! America, Here the knoweldge of death is/surd, /A universal dimension is| wyryE INVISIBLE CHOIR" is the catalyst, releasing fun- added to this evocation of a coun-|, poo of many Yiches at many damental tensions and passions|try town where the ordinary be- [1evels. : ! OSHAWA NAVAL VETERANS ASSOCIATION Spring Dance SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1958 Knights of Columbus Hall BOND ST, WEST (West of Ontario Motor Sales) BRYCE BROWN and his Orchestra Admission $3.00 Per Couple @ Refreshments Tickets at Lakes Lunch, King St. E. and Club Members as the town reacts intensely to| comes unique at every turn,| its hero, he to his town. His dead-| where Main street changes sii line helps him to discover the'the Milky Way. 2:45 11=Chri sian "Science Wy Nations 5--Kit Carson 4~Law and You wih P.M, 11--8acred Heart 6~Twentieth Century S5-Saber of London Film ¥estival 2-8ea Hunt "on PM, 11~This is the Life 5-~Wide, Wide World i 2-Paul Winchell M 5.00 P.M, 11---This is Ryerson 6---Fighting Words 4--Conquest 3-Texas Rangers 530 P.M, 11--Lassie 6--Perspective 5--Drama $-Lone Ranger 6.00 P.M, 11-Waterfront 8 Burns and Allen 85--Meet the Press 4-1 love Lucy 2-Captain Grief 630 P.M, 11--Town and Country 6--Father 8--~Men of Annapolis 4~Twentieth Century | 2~Bishop Sheen 7.00 P.M, 11 Father Knows Best December Bride S5-6llent Service 4--~Lassie 3-Boots and Saddle 7.90 PM, 11 ~Movie Showcase 6---News Magazine 5-~No Warning 4--Bachelor Father 2~Maverick 8.00 P.M. §,4-Ed Sullivan 5-8teve Allen 30 P. 3--~Adventure Island 200 P.M, 11,6 World's Stage 8-Dinah Shore 4=~GE Theatre 2-8id Caesar 0:30 P.M, yetime 4--Alfred Hitchcock TBA 10.00 P.M, 11,6--Close Up S--Loretta Young 4 -364,000 Challenge 2-1 Led Three Lives :- Jackie Gleason PM, HeoNows: a Show 6.4,2~News: Weather: Sports Mike Wallace 11s P.M, 2-8Swing Shift 1s P.M, 6--Camera Three S5--All Star Theatre 4--Theitre daily at 1.30, 4.19, 7.06, 9.56] p.m, "Enemy from Space er shown dally at 2.55, 44 . ' THEATRE GUIDE | "Tarzan the Ape( P. m, i Man" shown daily at 12.30, 4.20, | | 8.15 p.m. "Jet Pilot" in Tech- Regent -- Walt' Disney's "Old nicolor shown daily at 2.15, 6.05, Yeller" in Technicolor, Fea- 55 4 # 9.55 p.m, Last complete show ture shown daily at 11.35, 1.45, | at 805 p.m, | 3.50, 5.55, 8.00, 10.00 p.m. Last | complete snow at 9.25 p.m. | Biltmore % DINNERS Marks --~ "Docks of New York" shown daily at 12.15, 3.10, 6.05, | 9.05 p.m, also "The Far Coun- try" shown daily at 1.20, 4.15, 7.10, 10.10 p.m. Last complete show at 8.55 p.m FORGOTTEN TROPHIES LUNCH GRAVESEND, England (CP)--| A brace of pheasants, lying un- claimed in a storage plant in this | [Kent town for two years, Plaza ---t Gunsight Ridge" shown been | destroyed. [= ANCE x * TAKE-OUT ORDERS % BUSINESS MAN'S § UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Camer- on Snaddon, formerly of Lanarkshire Scotland, are the new owner-managers of the Sandalwood Restaurant, eS Aa SANDALWOOD Heataicnant 1626 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 5-9111 tFRIDAY NIGHT! Come to the YY" Variety Club's Prizes will be given ot A Dance Everyone Tolks About" ! POPULAR DANCE $30,000 Spring Furniture Clearance ® Chesterfields ® Bedroom Suites ® Chrome Sets ® Rugs 'Y' members 75¢ Non-members $1.00 ® Dining Room Suites ® Mattresses ® Occassional Tables ® Lamps ® Cedar Chests ® Carriages ® Strollers ® Luggage ® Cribs ® Playpens ® Fireplaces GUARANTEED QUALITY MERCHANDISE Drastically Reduced As Low As "2 Price .® Easy Terms ® Free Storage ® Free Parking ® Immediate Delivery Authorized Dealer For to the music of Knows Hest | M, at Beott KEDRON KEDRON Mrs. Lorne Tre- gunna was hostess for the April meeting of Kedron Women's As- sociation at her home on Wednes- day afternoon, | An Easter worship service was led by Mrs, J. Francis and Mrs. | \\ 7 BIG; ct [= 7 NEWS! E. Mountjoy. Mrs. J. Starr pre- You are invited to accept sented the program, which in- cluded several springtime read- ings. Mrs. Harvey Crossman gave a brief Temperance talk. President Mrs, Tregunna con- ducted business. Recording sec- retary, Mrs. Alvin Spencer called the roll, which was answered by 18 members and read the min. utes, Corresponding secretary Mrs. Harvey Pascoe read eight communications, mostly thank- you notes for WA, remem. brances. Several visits were re- posted. ""'Mirs. A. Spencer and Mrs. E. Mountjoy were named as a com- mittee to arrange an exhibit for Oshawa Fair, in August. the remaining business dealt with plans for the W.A, bazaar on| May 14 and many fine articles were submitted to the conveners of the various booths. Hostesses with Mrs, Tregunna| were Mrs. M. Walter, Mrs. J. Glover and Mrs. W. Woodward. | PERSONALS . Miss Beatrice Mountjoy enjoy- 'ed a few days as a guest of Mr, | and Mrs. Robert Hancock, Toron- | to. Spending the Easter vacation] «at the Ross Lee home is their| pon, Brian Lee, from the Ontario | Agricultural College at Guelph. | Good Friday visitors at the! L. Mountjoy home included | fMoronto relatives, the Bert Luke family and Miss Olive Luke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott and pons spent the Easter weekend at the home of Fred Sucee, Highland | Grove. The latter returned tc his home after an extended visit Jere with his daughter, Mrs, El | Businessmen's Luncheon MOTOR HOTELS Fully Air-Conditioned Highway No. 401 at Bowmanville Cloverleaf Just 12 Minutes from Downtown Oshawa a trial private Most of | *% V2 hr. lesson for Yes, for a limited time Arthur Mur- ray is offering o half-hour trial les- son for only $1.00 Here's your chance to see how quickly and easily you can become an expert dancer. A chance, too, to join that gay group of pop- ular partners whe always have gooc | times. But don't wait ---- come now and get start- ed, 11% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA RA 8-1681 DANCE | FRIDAY NIGHT ROCK 'N' ROLL COUNTRY- MODERN To Radio Stars CHUCK FORTUNE tries 0 JIMMY & JOHNNY THE SHEY BROS. ® RENA SYLVESTER Pretty Young Songstress ® PHIL EXTON Featured Performers from the Palace Pier Shows. RED BARN | DANCELAND in| ¥ P * Xx DOUG DASTI = UKRAINIAN HALL Xx SAT., 3 -- ADMISSION 1.50 per couple AND HIS ORCHESTRA 68 Bloor St. E. 8 Sponsored by LE CLUB CANADIENT FRANCAIS D'OSHAWA NIGHT Take Your Favourite Girl ENJOY YOURSELF SATURDAY [on Fir | ROUND & SQUARE DANCING Free -- SATURDAY You'll Feally Foo! YOUNGER THAN SPRINGTIME "Dancin" and Ro TO THE MUSIC OF JACK DENTO Ie and his CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA AT THE ' JUBILEE PAVILION Singer Sewing Machines BARONS' 424 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Furnishings RA 5-855] HE CHALLENGED THE GOLD-RICH G THAT WAS THE YUKON! LORY Sponsored by the Central Council of Neighbourhood Associations IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR FEATURE ADVENTURE THRILLS IN TECHNICOLOR 2 ERROL FLYNN in od "AGAINST ALL FLAGS" 17 7. DOORS OPEN 11:00 A.M. SHOW STARTS 11:30 AM. - 4 oY Ea Rs fe GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE! oatsenre ORY MR od ES PARR : OLD YELLER » 4 "Tae Pm Technicolor: @y Poiiii ay UGAL "BA OF POPCORN TO | | | | FEATURE AT: 11:35 - 1:45 - 3:50 - 5:55 - 8:00 - 10:30 | TONIGHT SHOW ALL COLOR IN CINEMASCOPE ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN ROBERT RYAN -- VIRGINIA MAYO -- JEFFREY HUNTER "THE PROUD ONES" e AND MORE ACTION ROBERT MITCHUM - URSULA THIES - GILBERT ROLAND in NDIDO" FREE COMIC BOOK WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH BOX NIGHT ! CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE FREE CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND presents THE EAST SIDE (2) 2 THRILLER DILLERS il NO WESTERN EVER SET IT'S SIGHTS ON A BLOODIER AMBUSH ! Wilson & Lee ORIGINAL Limited TARZAN HIT! GREATEST OF THEM ALL! TARZAN OHN WAYNE JANET LEIGH THE APE MAN U.S. AIR FORCE A YECHNICOLOR Vv Alox. 5.4708, anytime during the week from 9 AM. to 9 PM. e ACCORDION VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO MUSIC STUDIOS REGISTER NOW FOR LESSONS ON THESE POPULAR INSTRUMENTS * SAXOPHONE * TRUMPET ¢ CLARINET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion ot $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during tha! period, which is taken home for practice. Our accordion studios are downstairs In the Conith Building, Appointments may be made in Ajox by Phoning Ajex 773, ol On these calls please reverse the charges, IN AJAX Alox Shopping Pleze 9-5 Seturdeys enly et or by ph SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY! ADDED TO OUR REGULAR PROGRAM BONUS | GREAT JESSE JAMES RAID FEATURE IN TECHNICOLOR BIG ""YO- Yo" C CONTEST - SAT. MATINEE sn Hey Kids! SPECIAL MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH WILSON & LEE LTD. | RA 5-4706 11 NIGHTMARE OF HORROR & FEAR A horrible enemy from the unknown strikes terror across the earthl BRIAN DONLEVY Ralassad Wy UNTED ARTISTS HEY KIDS! FREE MARBLES To Every Child SAT. MAT. Co "~ STARTS I FRIDAY