Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Apr 1958, p. 14

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THE DAILY TIMES-BAZETTE, Fridey, Apt 11, 1999 13 |46--Reol Estate Wanted, |44--For Rent Iady in/THREE - room Fir 44--For Rent 1 45--Ree! Estate For Sale (45--Reel Estate For Sele | 45--Resl Estate For Selo (45--Reel Rstete For Sele BACAELOR : TWO . storey brick house, Seven rooms, FOR Asie of tent eight rooms, Sie SOLID brick five-room alow, 52 AT 9800 dows, cottage, Iarge | Iakafront recreation $7000 down. Good buy, | wood three-piece bath, oil he. ated Thickson's Road North, RA 5.6048. 83f| lot i» Oshawa, full price 45--Real Estate For Sale CLASSIFIED ADS + (Continued from Page 12 36--Femole Help Wanted WOMAN for Ii ing children. Phone KA 3-746 FEMALE "secretary for or division wan. ager, chemical company, Ajax. Atleast and mind wages. Sleep a apartment for apartment, Apply 67 Gibb Street, ast. |butiding. TWO rooms, kitchen, private bath, Up stairs. Children welcomes. Front Street FOUR and five room waitin] riment, stove and refrigerator, RA TWO rooms and kitchen, sink Coy cup ' 80f boards, one or two children welcome, 958 THREE room apartment, Central, No ehildren, Ask for we Masters, , private bath, [A 155 Huron St, Apr.31 five "yeurs' experience ary according to ability. . Phone Afax 55 2. Ld d; apartment. Available Ave' 1, May 1. frigerator, antenna. Apt. 10, 101 Cray. don Road; MO 84221, Whitby, April 20, dy work night shift, also A apes. > South: End Restaurant, 5 Bloor East. 2 FHEREE - room apartment, 'frig and| gq stove, town, immediate posses sion, RA 5.1932 after 6. RA Abr ih Apr, NEED extra money? vacancies for ty art time A in Oshawa and Whitby ares. Write Miss Outerbridge. 42 Saranac Boulevard, Toronto, Ontarle, March21,22,24; April11,12,14 NEW ungslow. Bi bedrooms, furnace, sear Centre, $110 monthly. nS ne May 1. RA 307 A ay URGENT housekeeper for widow URGENT housekeeper pvse "AA sie after 7 p.m vio FoUR Apply 7 | TWO mice apartment, vate abizancd: be! serial, mas Street, 85233. rooms, Isundry f |eflities, close to bus, Child ore ves if desired, Phone RA 50241, , 18 Apply 777 Rowena Street, RA 8.5477, hdd 8: hot water heating with ofl, dry base room, Private deal, 116 Louisa Street, sf Very, contra. Newly do SIX rooms, storey and half briek home, ment, Reasonably priced at $10,000 with (yree $3000 down. Jers} Peal at 140 Alma |gpape; Street, Phone R. 58326. 5c LOT, fully TA 45 x 161. Lorraine town near Oshawa Street, College Hill ares, RA 5-1188, 80f | Times-Gazette stores, 4 apartments, apartment Write Box Phone | a ESTATE sale, brick building containing storage| for owner vacant now, Good revenue in progressive small m 81f| THREE - room self - apart. ment, separate entrance, heavy wiring, garage, children welcome. Just outside east city Mmits, $65 monthly, Phone 5-5991. ed FOUR - room self contained apart ment and bathroom, unfurnished, heat- ed, very central, Adults or couple ith one child. $75 monthly. Disl RA dh THREE - room contained, heavy wiring, pri- ance and ba! Parking facili No Shiidren. Central. 127 Park Road South. RA ad Jroo apartment. 1d for right (Ry nt, Dial RA 5-3605. 8a vom, main floor apart. r room, main floor WELP for Hollywood motel irom 20 years and up. Sleep in or out. Apply Hollywood Motel, Whitby, MO 82646 pal in WAITRESSES wanted, full ay time. Apply Mr. Campbell, Coffee shop Genosha otel _ sof ENCED girl il for general house one morning a week. Call afist L] ». m RA 53018 Brock Street Noiths 81 LA ROOM and board, seven days a "week | FO ment, private entrance; heat, lights, water supplied. Available April 135, A 445, si for one gentleman, near Shopping Cen- tre, and south plant in mew home. Av- ailable immefiately, 228 Montrave Av- enue. 2 THREE Safire rooms for rent, use UNFUI three - room Apart ment, newly decorated, modern kitch- en, TV outlet, large closets and stor- age space, washing facilities, central, in clean, quiet home, ing couple Preferred, 244 Glidden Avenue, RA 81121 ad OUR - room apartment, (hree-piece private path, Adjoining garage, private | ari to SGM. RA 57754, 82 | FURNISHED a y with all _eon- veniences, continuous hot water. Apply 137 Simcoe North, after 5 p.m. RA 53366 2 37--Male Help Wanted hine, RA di or 116 Annis Street, FULL time delivery boy for gross) store, RA 3.0412, MALE secretary for division manager, |g chemical company, Ajax, at least five years' experience preferred. Salary according to ability, Ajax 35, Local oi FULL or part - time salesman » required immediately in Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope area, Opportu- nity for those willing to work hard fori high cimmission. Apply Kool - Vent Nash, 94 Bruce Street 8 | COMPOSITOR wanted (a 23 preferred) | for Ottawa Valley job shop, Apply Box 113 Times Gazette LIT MAN for part time work, three or) four houvs a day. Write Box 129, Times | Gazette sil LICENSED mechanic "wanted experience, age and wages expe Write to Box Times-G SALESMAN WANTED for work in the drapery line, Measuring ond estimating Prices for the customer, Good commission basis, Write to Box 639, Ajox P.O | 83f] State) 17, $350 weekly is your income | for 2 sales daily. Our product is sold directly to the home, | All appointments are ar- ranged, no canvassing, Good { part-time salesmen will be | considered For interview, please write: P.O, Box 411, [2 Oshawa. SOLE REPRESENTATIVE Required immediately for Oshawa and vicinity by im- port firm of German safety razor blades. Excellent side- line for active firm or person, COLONIA IMPORT CO. Box 517 Adelaide P.O. Toronto, Ont, 85¢ 4 \bedroom home, twe bathrooms, - |trance, | THREE PONTIAC For ~= Attractive three. close to school. $110 monthly. RA 8-5017 "o 6.15, THREE - room heated, open basement apartment, large windows, large kit- chen, builtin cupboards, bathroom with shower, private entrance, Availsble May 1. RA 3-2754 or apply 578 Harmony Rina South, THREE rooms and bath, private en- trance, one block "east from Shopping Centre. Phone RA 5.0081 from 1 p.m, to $pm TWO rooms for sin, n, Use Separ ate stove, Apply 83 nie! FOUR room upstairs apartment | Agnes Street. Private entrance. Small baby welcome. Immediate possession Call RA 3.7584 after 6 p.m 4 FOUR - room apartment, private "bath room, second floor. Adults only weekly, including lights, water, |and aerial. RA 5-3184 for appointment 1.30 pom; 630 pm {ROOM far rent, Gentleman, Abstainer. | Phone RA 3-9972 | THREE - room apartment, Phone RA 58231 MODERN one and two-bedroom a mi television outlet, Apt. 10 8-4221 Whitby. CTIVELY furnished rooms e in private home, #3 Park North, 57 p.m, RA 88671, Apr.2l FURNISHED rooms to sh for ge {tlemen, with cooking privi s. Apply 135 Cel . Street THREE - room apartment, bath and epirance. Very central. 11 Verdun Road or RA 51700 unfurnished rooms, bulle ih cupboards heavy duty wiring. Five min SGM. One child welcome. RA ONE large room, single be. tlemen to share, Bruce 35-3046 OR sale or rent -- North Oshawa 0 Street, . badioom home, UNFURNISHED four four - piece (ment, private entrance, central, heat, Extra high basement. Sampletsd lights and water. RA §-8302, " able in one week. PO Box a UR -room apartment and bath, pri- vate entrance. Lights and heat cluded, Phone RA 39141. FOUR private entrance, heavy wiring, built-in | cupboards and sink, children welcome. Apply 595 Howard Street or RA 8-17 bath | in SELF - apartment, 'frig and apartment build contained two-room and Jitve 8 Sipblieg, i 3 AMBITIOUS MEN, 21 - 40 'Held back by low seni- arity, layoffs, or inade- quate income, can attain management positions Bond keeping gentlemen, near hospital and bus. 39791, FOUR THREE room Street East, LARGE nicely furnished light house: room, sult nurses, or RA 3c THREE -room self - contained apart ment, separate entrance, heavy wiring, garage, children welcome. Just outsl Si tare. ao 82 THREE . Street, 820 | i THREE Apr.2a hight supplied, private | vard North May! SIX RA {ONE 82( | room, = |ing, central, room unfurnished Te and Ritson. =. |Road South | TH | ed, Apply 74 ply wm King y id THE Va | | rooms, all con Would suit two A or workl 343 Ritson Road North. RA room self-contained apart. ment, bedroom, living, kitchen, bath, | Very central, Heavy wiring. Newly de. corated, Suit couple. Reasonable Phots Lr 58 FULL DOWN PAYMENT DETACHED BRICK BUNGALOWS 75 FOOT LANDSCAPED LOTS, LARGE KITCHENS, FOUR PIECE BATHROOMS, AUTOMATIC OIL AIR CONDITIONED, MODEL HOMES NOW OPEN SEVERAL EXCELLENT PLANS AVAILABLE MEADQWCREST BROOKLIN NORTHWEST CORNER NO. 12 AND7 | th WALTER MITTLER, FOLLOW THE SATOK SIGNS OR PHONE BROOKLIN 291, RA 88175 WO . room unfurnished hot and cold water, one-piece bath Child welcomed. Apply 149 Warren! Avenue, RA 5.7545 LL k Shopping Centre 137 Rosehill Boule Var $38 monthly, rooms, phone, furnished, A two very central "private en: Bruce Street, between 4-6 ONE dingle room, double home. Apply 598 Bloor F © | TWO nice "furnished roo FURNISHED bed sit bf chenette, equipped with refrigerator, stove, sink and bulit-in cupboards. Ap- ply 34 Lloyd Street of unfurnished rooms, heat and | newly decorated, Child: 225 Oshawa Boule " "excellent Francis 84c en welcome, Apply - room brick "house in | condition, central, Apply 311 | Street Tan THREE nicely furnished rooms, clean 466. 82( well ventilated, TV antenna, centrally | [located RA 51384, 4c d | and ht clean comfortable 77 Ontario Street. Lad Toom Apart: THREE unfurnished rooms, light wir- No children. 65 Charles Street hd SINGLE room for gentleman. Apply 7 Oshawa Boulevard South, near King | LARGE, light room, with refrigerator, Suitable for Apes or two adults. Apply 887 Ritson E . room Apartment, unfurnish- sink and cupboards, newly deco- | rated. Busin ouple preferred. Ap EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD Ontario Largest Suburban. Realtors. 347 ATHOL ST. E. OWNER'S FOUR-BEDROOM BRICK HOME r LOT 71 tion, near schon) and shopping cent re, Phone RA 3 $4000. Lamson Broker. RA 8.5075 us wl 5-8831, LOT Tor sais, 50 x 115 feet, on Mont. A 8 1s. 20-foot living room, natural fireplace, large dining room, oil heat- ing, many extras, REALTORS 39 PRINCE ST, RA 5 84c $1,000 DOWN A-room insul brick bungalow on Cedar St. Large Igt 62 ft. x 700 ft., geod well, holf basement, heoted by cool] stove, no bathroom, Full rice $7,500 $1,450 DOWN Only two years old, 5-room brick bungalow, Wils Forced air oil heating, 4-piece bath, hardwood /and tile floors, loundry tubs, deccroted end landscaped, Full price only $10,550. $3,000 POWN 8-room heme en Glidden Avenue. Hardwood-and tile fleers, het water heating with oil, 4-piece bath plus exfra stool, fireplace in living room, an older type home but in good Xondition, Full price $12,200, WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF HOMES Any size or location -- Spring buyers waiting. Don't delay -- Phone today -- RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR . Se Gare Phe 3-332. ~~ Central, low rent Phone RA 5-7181, sof EXTRA large furnished housekeeping room, suit two, use of washer and re- frigerator, also room summer 460. 468 A rooms in central spatuient and executive incomes within a year. They must Speck English fluently, ress well and own a car, Sales necessary, provided. Mr. Washburn will inter- view applicants at the 'Genosha Hotel, 1-4 p.m. only, Mon. to Wed., or till positions filled. experience un- full training 85d 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentleman, in| olean home. RA 5.6854 April 11, | BOARDERS wanted, would like either | two male boarders to share room or one a private room, Ve RA 8.5001, RO OOM and board in private home, Eu- & cooking, gentleman preferred. Oshawa Boulevard South, RA 4242. 84 | rr and board for one or two boys. | Meals optional Central. RA 8.1773. 3. 83t| BEST meals in town, single beds, mod. | 3 ern conveniences. Phone RA 35-1168, | Mayd | BOOM and board for two gentlemen, [pa 80d home cooked meals. Apply Athol Street East. TWO - trance and bath. Abstainers RA 5.0363, 8c THREE rooms, 51 |come one or two children, newly clothes dryer, TV outlet su) monthly, or furnished, $100, April 14 private en- room apartment, partially furnished, new apartment. Self-contained, Suitable tral, $75 monthly. 222 Kendal Avenue LE ONE "double and one single furnished bedroom, central. 220 Bruce Street. RA 3.9830. 85¢ Apply tsi ASE fr FOUR room apartment, furnished, Hug entrance, Close to Sh 83( tre. Phone RA 81415 heated, central. Phone RA 3.7602, NEW apariment for rent, two be combination washer and dryer, TWO furnished ed kitchen and cupboard space, Fooms, no objection to ome child, Ap- Lake (Ply 29 Elena Street, RA 81002, ardens, Ajax. Phone Ajax 1103. [ATTRAC TIVELY decorated ove a home, v entrance, new TH ment in Bowmanville, m- mediately, Phone RA 56133 pefore 3 p.m. AREE room heated up ness lady or gentleman, very cent abstainer, RA 5.1882 TWO furnished rooms, stove refrigerator, near Holy Cro | school. RA §-3032 51 TWO unfurnished rooms, sink in kit: gaan, private entrance, no children. RA 378 83 ONFU RNISHED three la rooms, stainless steel sink, la arking space, $65 a month including | {hot water, electricity, and heat. Wel. Immediate 2 Ritson Road South, 85b rd for gentieman, five gi seven days a week, washing done, ROOM and board for gentleman, | town, Sood home cooked meals. Phone rot si N rd for gentlemen, Single . seven days per week, $13 Simcoe South, RA 5.8255 Mayl ROOM or room and board for one or | ¢ two only, good home cooking, Call after| Spm. RAJ 7814 LS PRIVATE rooms with water, close to General Motors South plant, good home cooked meals, Tv lounge, home privil | 8. RA 3.399; 821 | ROOM and board for two gentlemen in| private home, home cooked meals, privileges, $15 weekly. Phone RA 3-9066 821 43--Wanted To Rent THREE-, or four . room apartment, or is | duplex with garage, Oshawa. ne One adult. Now or May 1. Mrs, Duff, 9 Kenneth Avenue, Willowdale, id Bde LARGE home, oll beat, or future oll heat installed, central location, in rea- | sonable repair, best references, furnish. | x or unfurnished. Box No. 218, Times. | zette. 85¢ NESS girl requires keeping facilities, television privileges Times Gazette 44--For Rent TWO room furnished apartment all} new furniture, private bath, heavy wir. | Ing, 'frig.; TV, telephone, $45. No chil | dren, married couple only. 1313 Cedar Street bul ATTRACTIVE three - room apartment, private entrance, sink and cupboards, heavy duty wiring, washing machine, on bug line, available, adults, 301 Gib bon Street, 80f | TWO . room, self-contained apartment Vacant May 1. Near South GM. Phone RA 8.8228 a FOUR . room self - contained apart ment, High powered wiring, TV cen- nection. Apply 102 Church Street. #1 THREE - room rtment for rent, private entrance, . hea duty wiring. Apply 196 Park Road North, sit NICELY furnished three « room apart ment, private bath, stove, refrigerator, "room with | parking space, | Box Number 124, 8c 81f | 3 FOUR | {duty wiring. 2302. large rooms, Available May room apartment and "bath, . Adults only. Cal Mc Milian Drive 10 am. to LJ LU TWO - room apartment, main floor, furnished or pm{uinished, All conveni. ces, central. RA 8 85( GENOSHA Hotel - ermanent guests welcome, $15 u. se weekly, full hotel service, showers, bath, phones RA 34801. Modern Self-Contained APARTMENT for Business Couple Apply: Art, Coker RA 3.2233 ~~ between 8 am. ond 5 pm. After 5 -- RA 3.7596. 4b Eoate RA 5.6412. Modern four and five room apartments, Electrically equip- ped, Best location. $90 end $105. RA 8.8676. May 8 BASEMENT APARTMENT In modern home, North central section, Large bed sitting room 20 x 12, private bathroom with shower, kit- chenette, new counter ond sink, separate entrance, New- ly decorated, unfurnished, available immediately, gar- RA 3-9695 after 6 Mays | for two girls, Available May 1st, Cen-|$-2033 Apart. | bath, on bus line, free parking, d ry ood home. ACCOMMODATION for retired or busi- 825. RA 3.2759 [ one wink, and | Breakfast if desired. Apply 350 Arther nd high | Street 851 nea RA 37 Simcoe North. THREE - ariment, oil I heated, $80 | Ritson Road "An Richmond. Adults $90) only. RA 56486. 5b FOUR - room apartment, ntain- ed, centrally located, free parking, heavy wiring. Apply 71 Albert Street, RA 3.7904 51 LARGE four - room #&lf - contained apartment, Simcoe North. Phone RA 3 51 TAREE - room apartment, upstairs, Private bathroom, private - entrance. Apply 235 Grayburn Avenue anytime. | 85b Te I floor, sepa: opping Cele light i. 8 thre room apartment, private entrance ! Nice "walnut chest of drawers, price LL (owe furnished bed - sitting room for or two, with kitchen privileges CENTRALLY located, three - room, self - contained modern apartment, with stove, refrigerator and venetian blinds supplied. Also laundry room with laundry room facilities. Posses- sion June 1, $75 monthly .Apply 272 84 | | | King East COUPLE to share fully furnished five-| room house with widower, reasonable rent. RA 3.3637 821 | SIX - goom house, po Phone RA 3.7930 | PARK ROAD 84c, FOR RENT JUST OFF KING W. 3-room, self-contained apart- ment. Private entrance. Liv- ing room, large kitchen and bedroom, Business couple, No objection to one child, Ask for Kelly ot RA 5.7052. 2¢| |45--Real Estate For Sale SIX - room brick house, centrally lo cated, oil heated, three garages, rea sonable for cash, RA 3 7336. 6b », income home, eight rooms and oll heated, Hy to school and ison Road South, Jones Real 84 b LOT for sale 474° x 108 Fi rewer and water, Phone RA 5-685 80f NEW bungalow, six rooms i rec 81720, can after L} rE pm. STAN. DISNEY | REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE 969 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-6555 Mary St 2-storey brick home in choice north end lo- cation, This property in A-1 condition inside and out, Extra large living room with fireplace, Paved drive, large garage, shade trees and shrubs, Priced ot $13,500 with reasonable down pay- ment, Bowmanville -- 8-room solid brick mode into 2 self-con- Valuable Ristow & Olsen REALTORS SIMCOE ST. N. With pride we show this well kept property just off Simcoe St, N close to schools, church and bus. Ten year old, storey and a half brick, 13 by 22 foot living room with natural fireplace and twindow picture windows, kitchen with built-in breakfast nook, three bedrooms, four-piece tiled bath, broadloom covered halls and stoirway, poved drive, garage, fenced yard and other sur- prising extras, Coll Jeon Peacock ot RA 5.6165 or RA 5-4330 after six, $1,000 DOWN Buys eo five-room, brick, storey and a half, oil heated, large mod- ern kitchen, storms throughout, close to schools end bus and North Motors. Attractive financing. Full price $8,900. Call Jan Miller at RA 5-2993 anytime LUCKY KIDS Even down on the farm the kids didn't have the opportunities that go with this six-room ranch bungalow featuring two end a half acre fenced ravine lot, barn equipped with 'electricity, water and pony stalls, Let us show you the most livable home we've seen for $21,900. Call Jean Pencock at RA 5.6165 or RA 5-4330 ofter six, A VIEW YOU WILL CHERISH $3,000 down buys a large ranch-style bungalow with enclosed breezeway and attached garage on Grandview St. N. overlooking the city, Large living room, family size kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms and four-piece bath Full price of $13,500, includes lovely stone fireplace, aluminum storms and screens and well landscaped lot, Coll Ray Lathongue at RA 5.6165, EXPECTING ? If so you'll want extra growing room ina solid family styled home near schools, Older but oh, so comfortable and well kept. Three bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, oil heating, paved drive and garage. No fooling, the owner will consider $2,500 down payment, Call Hilde Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3605 evenings, RA 5.6165 RA 5-3412 19 Athol St. West Oshawa Members Oshowa end District Real Estate Board, 85a 1660 DOWN | 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS LOCATED ON BALDWIN ST. $65 PER MONTH Featuring: BRICK CONSTRUCTION CHOICE OF BRICK, TILE, ROOF ALUMINUM FRONT DOOR STORM WINDOWS CEMENT SIDEWALKS COPPER PLUMBING THROUGHOUT FINEST LOCATION IN OSHAWA ALL SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, SHOPPING & BUS WITHIN 2 BLOCKS contact @ $1,500 De aw -- New brick bungalows, tiled both, lots gy x 140. Me solary requirements, Immedi- ote possession, Full price $11,000 SHERWOOD AVE, -- 1)3- storey stone end clopboord with 3 large bedrooms, family kitchen, downstairs bath, fin- ished rec, room and pannelled den, double garage and lorge lot, Priced of $13, 800 with terms to suit the buyer. WHITMAN CRES, = 6-room brick bungolow, divided kit- chen, exhoust fon, decorated ond lendscoped, oluminum doors, storms and screens, Priced to sell ot $12,950 with N.H.A, terms, EDWARD L. DISNEY Realtor and Insurance 82 Simcoe St. South RA 3-2333 $2,000 DOWN 2 acres at city limits, fruit trees, poultry house end frame house with bath, New bungalow, 3 bedrooms. $11,000 with $1,500 down, 4-room bungalow, close to GM, $1,000 down, Lunch counter end epart- ment -- poor health forces owner to sell, ED, IRISH, SALESMAN RA 3-3301 or RA 3.2333 84k Evenings call: Ralph Vickery Jay Goyne RA 5-6342 RA 5-5378 Members of Oshowa Real Estote Board y Beautiful six-room split level home on the lake in west Oshawe, finished recreation room, french door leading onto patio, large modern kitchen, with Youngstown steel cupboards. Priced rea- sonable, WHITBY -- Three-bedroom bungalows, in excellent location, near schools, large bright living room, dining room, modern kitchen, $2,000 down. Reasonably priced with one mortgage. WANTED -- A FARM, up to 100 acres with buildings in good condition. Will pay up to $25,000 for the right farm. OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 BROCK STREET NORTH MO 8-2527 WHITBY Or Call Oshawa RA 5.5207 -- Whitby MO 8:2430 PETER FEDDEMA REAL ESTATE BROKER 100-0cre farm, 10-room insul brick house, bam 32 x 100, em- plement shed, garage, henhouse. Price $11,000, Easy terms, 113 acres near Oshawa, 9-room stone house, bath, barn 40 x 100, henhouse, goroge. Price $23,500, Terms, 10 acres, 6-room bungalow, brick veneer, fully modern bern 22 x 36, good location, Priced to sell. Terms, 25 acres in small village, 7-room frame house, neer spring creek, Price only $6,500. Low down poyment, 6 acres, 6-room insul brick house, 3 bedrooms, beth, bern, im- plement sed, garage, henhouse, Price $11,000. Eosy terms, Lots approved. Designs end illustrations available, See us for information, 109 Scugog Street PHONE MA 3.3644 Bowmanville J. J. VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR 741 King St. E. OSHAWA RA 3-4471 Salesmen: H. Wiersma, Glenmiller (Near Trenton) JUST SOME OF OUR LISTINGS: DAIRY FARM, High milk contract, 100 acres, 80 acres workable, rest excellent posture; land in A-1 shape, creek; barn 70 x 40', waterbowls, hydro. Steel implement shed 66 x 24 feet, henhouse, silo, Nice 7-room house with oil furnace, bethroom, hot water tank, madern kitchen, This is a top-farm. Full price $18,000 with substantial down payment, Must be sold owing to sickness of owner, 80 ACRES OF LAND, right en Highway 401, castle, Good for subdivision within short, $8,000. TERMS, GENTLEMAN FARM, right on Highway 401, with unusually ot- tractive modern brick home, naturel fir with self-trim, 10 rooms (2 kitchens); bathroom, furnace; nicely treed around the house, 80 acres of land, all workable, Barn 86 x 30, sile. Asking price $20,000, TERMS 100 ACRES GENERAL FARM, clay loam, very productive farm, 85 acres workable, rest pasture end bush; bem 80 x 50° with hydro and water; é-room house with hydro, furnace, water on tap, cupboards in kitchen, close to school, Asking price for this good farm only $11,800 with low down payment. SERVICE STATION, SNACK-BAR AND STORE. On well travelled Highway; 6 ocres of land. Nice buildings only 4 years old. High gollonage end turnover. High income. Price end terms arranged. just east of New- It's @ bargein at HOUSES OSHAWA BOULEVARD N. Nice 2-bedroom bungalow, 4-piece bath, oil furnace with rads, hardwood end tile floors, 2-car garage. Storms and screens. Payments $60 monthly, Full price $9,000, Down payment $2,500, SPOTLESS BUNGALOW, N.H.A. re-sale, 6 rooms on big corner lot, 56 x 145', 2 years old, large size rooms, storms and screens, dual driveway. Landscoped. Choice location. Asking price $15,400. TERMS We speak English, German, French end Dutch Member of the Oshawa and District Reel Estate Board Et OHN WACKO REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE MASSON ST. NORTH One mortgage back for a term of fifteen years payments, S-room brick bungalow with two large bedrooms, large kitchen, dining room and large living room. Decorated and landscaped. Full price $11,900. THERE 1S DEFINITELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS OFFER. ROSSLAND ROAD WEST 2 storey, 6-room home in beautiful condition. Nicely landscaped and decorated. Ideal for renting, Close to school, bus ond shopping Home must be seen to be appreciated, Down pay- ant $3,200 with easy carrying terms. THIS IS A SPECIAL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW -- FULL PRICE $7,000 3 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, Close to school and shop ping. All services, Nice large lot. Clean home. Down pay- ment $2,000. One mortgage payable $60 per month, Low taxes, INQUIRE NOW, GOOD BUSINESS $1,000 Down at 6% with easy monthly » { x 110° in North West sec- ive RA 56694. bd 74 Vickery & Goyne = tween Baldwin and | Osbawa, th 3 PW modern "| BUILDING Tots 80° x 120. City water sewer, Athol East, Phone RA 8.8874. 804 NEW house for sale, 224 Oh 25 by MO 83231 pril 20 su {|LOT for sale, sewer and water. Phone 568540 sof Foun Wallin lots Jor sale, 45 x 140, 'rerar Avenue, be. Gueiph. RA sol, FARM for sale or trade for house in #5 acres, hydro and water t, 25 miles north of Oshawa, Write Box 107 Times- Ee of TRADE new finished f) - room brick boi Bd n Bad ® or business. Write Box 128, Times-Gazette, NINE room brick, income home, two modern kitchens, three-piece and four-|7s piece bath, Hot water, oil heating, larg fot with frult trees and strawberrie; 7 Simcoe North, RA 3.7639. 117; meres japd Wilson Road North sewer and water avail nicely finished three. bungalow. Large kit ., Avenue, Stree!. $1,500 down, GET your message through Classified rent, swap, I 33492, $1375 down NHA, three-bedroo lows in Whitby, fe room with dining struction, ang. monthly, pancy Full price $10,945.00, Call MO |Z 84741 collect, Satok Real Estate nk RA 56031. 85a to the people , buy, dial RA , steel - Carries for $62 COLONIAL HOMES $525 Down ot $46.50 per month will deliver a 3-bed- room roench bungalow ready for easy erection COLONIAL HOMES RA 8.8571 289 Pork Rd, S., Oshawe Ma oy 10 | SERVICE STATIO SNACK BAR AND | HOUSE | $35,000, V2 cosh or neer- est offer, for this thriving business on busy intersection in town, motel, gas ond lunch bar hove excellent turnover, Any- one not afraid of work, don't miss this, Well worth the money. \ ROWE STREET | Eight-reom brick home in this quiet location, handy te schools end shopping, wil heating, ook and tile floors, five bedrooms, Perfect for income or two-family home, Located on large lot with $95%% A real for 12,500. Substentie! poy- ment required. 200 ACRE FARM Located 14 hour drive from Oshawa, Close to No, 2 high- way, perfect soil, for cash crops, or mixed farming, hove oll equipment ready to start, ploughing done, large house and barn, good trout stream, reasonable down payment, A bargain, OPEN EVENINGS Walter R. Smith | | | radio, 84 box ady for immediate occu- o> | offer. 221 Arth Located en lot for | | with spray sus and Houses wanted, large or small, buyers always woitimg: == N.H.A. homes and lots. Jos Barnoski, Realtor, 18 Bond St. W., RA 5.7231, "Buying or selling see us. Apdo 47 --Automobiles For Sold 81 Plymouth Suburban with '84 mors heater. Best offer. Also -whesl Hg! $35. 308 Perry Street, wilt Mercury sedan, t 5 Willys coach, dark green Hnmacyiate throughout, n | King West, two door, trilone blue, white, Ford -- | Sharp, $1485. Bramley Motors, 71 Ring jest. RA 8-143: wo 157 Meteor Niagars, 3-duor, WH" blue and white, wheel disc. Doe name ubplied Soon request.' Low m $2005, miley Motors, 7. King et West fea Phone RA 81031, L '55 Chevrolet convertible, automatic. two tone, white lis, custom radio, one owner, 8 siadgbaker V8 Starlight rd automatic, radio, s, spot light, fog Nigith lights, all tires, of on 8 inh Shop 1848 Pontise, IRA 59. . SES | "88 Cinco Capri "hardtop, Power . wins | dows, power brakes, power jeath,. auto. matic, radio, many other (A $1,505, 1271 Simcoe Strepl North 1a Phone RA 3-4675 '51 Millman four-door sedan, cheap. $99, Bramley Motors, 127 coe North. RA 3-4675. EXECUTIVE'S 1057 four door Chevie: let sedan, two tone paint, white walls, window washers, 6000 miles. RA aL " Oldsmobile, running, Hossce. Wika KJ Ford panel Gk VI HA Tg li Ford combination dump, 3 ton, good shabe reasonable price, Phone hs East, four-door, $125, Phone "8m ['s3 Ford automatic, mileage 34,000, radio, elock and extras; also two tape recorder, one year old, RA + v, half-ton pick-up. Good conde bster model § euiprni tank, ced Ja sell, Bowmanville, MA Visit or MA 3-5055 after 6 p.m, J se $195 your choice: three Meteors, '51 models, one '50 Ford, two "49 Fords, Seaway Motors, King West, ' epposite Shopping Cen or Dundas West, Whitby, LJ 1952 GM.C. HALF-TON PICK-UP Best Offer, JUBILEE PAVILION 854 /KARMAN GHIA Black beauty, white walls, radio, excellent condition, $400 down, take over pay- ments. RA. 3.7750, 1956 Volkswagen sports model, th REAL ESTATE 846 Simcoe N. RA 3-2911 SEE = "MORLEY HUGHES' ad LOWE PRICES | For @ better buy on @ new Pontiac, Buick, Vauxhall, and Bedford and G.M.C. trucks, 'GOLDELL BRAEMORE GARDENS Stevenson's Rd. N. ROSSLAND MANOR Rossland Rd. W. BEFORE YQU BUY BEFORE YOU BUILD . CALL GOLDELL FOR LOWEST PRICES Ask about our exclusive trade-in plan, RA | 167 PARK RD. N. April 11, 16 A J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE Whitby Professional Building WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP GRETA ST. FULL PRICE $13,000 2.storey, 6-room brick, all conveniences, close to school and transportation. Carries for $50.00 monthly, P, end }, ot 52%. INDUSTRIAL SITE Large, B8-room, 1Va-storey, oil F.A., has income on 2nd floor for $60 monthly, Large lot 150 x 291 FULL PRICE $10,744 $818 DOWN Buys 6-rcom, 3-bedroom bun- galow, Large bedroom, mod- ern kitchen, full basement, hot water tank, laundry tubs, H.D. wiring WOODCREST STREET Lot 40 x 130, fully serviced, close to Public gn Separate Schools, $1,600 TO RENT -- three-bedroom opt, in new building. TO LEASE -- Ultra-modern offices, telephone answering, Goodwill used cars at Cliff Mills Motors, RAK 3-4634; Res. RA 5-8136, April 10,11, 17,18 'SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, §, OSHAWA, ONT. TEL RAndolph 3-3461 Apr. See "TED CAMPIN" For A Better Buy OA A New Chevrolet, Olsmobile- « Cadillac or O.K rnd Car at ONTARIO MOTOR". SALES od Res. RA 5.5574 April 4 (BUYING A CAR? Before You Do See 'Honest Ed" . Or "Irish Stew" [3 2 RA F 35501 eo NEVER UNDERSOLD e TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES ® WRITTEN GUARANTEE eo EASY TERMS BETTER USED CARS '50 MORRIS Oxford, an as- isser but. running: good, 'es $95 CHEV. Sedan Delivery, one owner, very Sees '53 '53. CHEV, washers CHEV.,, clean METEOR, three-tone '55 BUICK, dynoflow, radio -- a beauty .. $1495 GMC - radio, , signals, oo $898 mileage, $1295 Niogara $129 low '55 '55 1-ton, ready to work. $295 And Many More At WELLMAN'S Authorized Office space, room for | three offices, steam | heated, light supplied, | one with walk-in vault. Apply Specialty Paper Pi reduc or Our agent. »~ Rambler and Hillman Sales and Service NONQUON ROAD RA 3-4431 Open Until 9 p.m. tained apartments, highway location. $12,500 with low down payment $12,300 th only $1,200 Here is your opportunity to go into an established grocery and butcher business where you will be your own boss----where you will not worry about unemployment, layoffs, strikes, etc. Solid brick building with 6 rooms living accommodations. Owner will consider house or property as down payment We also have a selection of lots located 'throughout the city cupboards, TV hookup, hot water, use of laundry, couple preferred, Private entrance. 904 Grierson Street, Ll TWO large unfurnished rooms and bath, | Apply 168 Warren Avenue. RA $8357. (H] jovior service, free parking. Homes, Apts, Farms, Lots -- call John Zakarow evenings RA 5.0494, RA 5.8461 MO 8-3337 Pickering 590 Member Local Real Estate Bog'rd, DON HO REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE , Bowmanville, homes completely. ling) | real eolate After hours call, Hew RA 5.7732 67 KING ST. E RA 5.7052 | Slim Phillips, RA 5-2824 | BUY & SELL WITH CONFIDENCE, RA 5-6569 ha wi THREE . roomed, self contained nished apartment, North Oshawa. pr vate entrance, fireplace. laundry facilie ties, heat, light, and water supplied 388 monthly. Possession May LRA 5.1247 \ohbduand - -- infu Open Evenings 136 Simcoe St. S. 84b os Sand Vp Adal RA 5-656 Aka (Continued on Paxe 14)

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