12 ™ PALLY TIMES-GAZETTS, Prdey, April ", 19 Z== |THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads [Ere |10--Sharpening Service |13--Gardening & Supplies |15--Instruction (19--Personal 125---Pets and Livestock 32--Articles Wanted 1 --Accountonts |8--Building Trades ning & Suppl Hopk ny, Certified BUI or remodelled, aparimen 5, HAVE your jawnmower harpened now now, LANDSCATING, gardens plowed, TUTOR, student k 13 years HY supplies (rubber goods), BEAUTIFUL baby "baby budgies, ready for|i¥ you Tor Please Note ir ni ¥ hy TR Strout verandahs, kitchen cupboards, recren. | saws, SeIsoTs, Aves. ste . Perey Niel, |disced, clean up Jobs, top soil, sod, experience. Appointments only. Call mailed post paid in plain sealed enve. | training, talking strain. Apply 3 hy Osodliines now In effect for Bio ews, Ontario. RA 5-350 [tum rooms, patios, garages, chimneys, |102 Highland, BA 88363 Soriis| po s serviced, RA 59777, _Mayl0| RA 51054, ApE.20 lopes with price Mst, 6 samples 25|Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. 7 ILEARNING to dance is easy and fun ©0i5; : budgies April] | , ah . this column; "Mara fireplaces, sidewalls. RA 3.1953 Bring thot troublesome hard | Stmeoe HAVE yr plastering and repairs nis. t'at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47/Dept. A-11, Nov. Rubber Co.,, Box 91 Burke , RA 52046. 5.8131 yA. hours RA Births, Memoriams, Cords of 5 Seaeihoinan ACOouBUg ter rice, |e Ro aa joo IB 5 #702 pushing lewnmower to Ston's a 0 pi the best. RA 59597. Prince Street, KA 50841 or RA 51860, { Hamilton, Ontario, April 2%): -- oo WE i, 'cash for used furniture, ap Thonks ~ vi bookkeeping service, Income tax! Mays! for sharpening ond repoiring, April # Apr.30 20--Cart ERA Sheena opis. ' |pliances, TV, sewing machines, pis 9 AM SAME DAY and financinl reports, 685 Osler Streel,| YOUR local rooler -- Fiat roofing,| ©r trade on o new mower, |EGT0 tiling, Reasonable rates, Call | @ARVEY Danor Paton, 1p, age pig BR Fiche stoves, Also sell and exchange. May9 and M4. 5 | Prince Street, RA 8.1131, Aprilis DEATHS ~~ Oshawa, HA 59953 March 27) singling, ding, louvres installed.| (10 yeors experience), RA 34114. Roys Aesdems ouiet, # UAL Bao eartage of all 240! rT ister now 424 King West Rh 50125 [kinds furniture ang #ppliance moving. | YOR sale -- Boxer pup. | PIANOS, 10, any make or size, i 11 AM SAME DAY #oB Clancy's Ontario Accounting Serv. | T#Tms, All work guaranteed. RA 56161 DELIVERY SERVICE LAWNS and gore i ied, Phone Gor- rr DIAL RA 3.3492 legs of mplete bookkeeping serv | . aL... All types. of sow grinding, [don Miller, RA | May 2|CILLIAN Wise Mares, dance sducator,|"'c Reasosstle rates RA 54498 ples, males, females, a ie ror and (pay cash. State make and price. Wi els for wi al business. 184 Bond Street | ALTERATIONS, additions, Tiler) ' GARDEN Foto - Lond "and plowed, | Daneing school, Baliet, Tap, Baton Mar 26 | white: 10 weeks old, Phone RA 8.1445, | Box 28, Times-Gazette. | West, Room 1. Office, WA 3097s Wesl block, carpentry, concrete, tile, ete| sheors, knives, etc. Hevelling done, experienced operator, | Masonic Temple, Fridays, Ssturdays |2]._Personal Service 54 RA 37605 Mayl plans supplied, free estimates og STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE | Free estimates, No gardens too small, |RA 37253 May20 am 1 _|COCKER Spaniel puppies, Timing, DO-IT YOURSELF | de YALE Friedlander, Hunter and Co 85354, LE May Bs rk { Glen Munro, 414 Park Rosd South, w-- s---- WOULD anyone going to Toronto daily | bathing, ang, boarding. Waubens BIRTHS Cor. King & Burke PL arriving Bloor and Bay at 8 o'clock, | Kennels, RA 56321, Mayl MO LE 84 RENT -A-FLOOR nd Auditors, 64 Ki phoar er A Maylo| iret ass Wa Auer AF. rie [KITCHEN orbssids ed ns 3224 April 25 es removal and { rimming, wood, Music Studie for A instruments. [Kindly 3 With 26--Farmer's Colu Apr.7 h iono Tuning TRY Fon's Janitor » Service ro armers Column SANDER AND FINISH expertly cleaned, waxed, WA . 5 D 8 M nd M Haro] er WW omar J apter | iome A yin, for with chain saw. Ne Maye JCONLIN -- Mr, A gf Phi |HOME beautifying ~ Cupboards, trim, | =~ ow odd jobs done, RA 5 ay PPLIES NOP Tid wasted as Sit. a rom Gomi are happy 0, announce the bh SONI, Mapieitn, Teh 4nd, Co. ie" oors nd what have you? Oi BA| DOWER MOWERS ~~ |---- | ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES Walls cleaned by" tamous Wall" Masi | for god quality, Whiiby 310 rig re ' 5 H " a day, April 10, 1959, at the Oshawa Gen. |Guar lS ACCILCES" Stratford, To. | oon Aer bP. - | GARDEN TRACTORS | Holland Nursery and Lond- New ond Used Pianos cleaning et your cleaning problem be|GOOD quality baled hay. Phone RA| HARRISON & KINSMAN atal Hospital, A brother for Lynn 89%: sonia; How, J, W. Monteith, YCA; IZ ¥ Toiton, and, Avussiales me | OAR MOTORS scoping for Spring clean-up, Full Selection of all Instruments |mine. Free estimates. RA 88676, Apr.4|5-9476, su el Hi a.) ©. Mctivegs Rion, Co sgmtont; CA aoots] [ise Sout, sax. Prone Alex 728 | OUTBOARD 4 Fertilizing, monure, lown (New ond Used) SPENCER foundation garments, indi. YOUNG Biliygoat for sale, WA 57489, 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 Gy 9 JACKSON -- Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Qe CRUE Ve SRO 135 Bim Apri 10) For Service and pair rolling, sodding ond seeding, | 477 Simcoe 5t. South rp tN ar NCE Faria 443 ids Jashaon ar happy iA afinounce the an coe_bireet North, Oshawa Mays PLASTERING, cement stucco, repats E POWELL gorden maintenonce | opril30, (flosd North, , pring) NoTicE. Farm custom work. dons, Ya $9 J -- and alterations of all types, RA 591 42 ei? : all kinds, reasonable rate, all new 10, 1998, at the Oshaws General Hos 2 Borri i Aprils . CALL RA 5-74 11 ! DAILY ride wanted -- Leavi ¥ inf. th Phone ' aw 4 NL nsurance ng Sim- ot ormation, pital. A brother for Randy ; --- pp - RA 3-3552 Apr. 30 {eo cloverieal approximately 7.45 p.m, Brooklin 628R3, Mays | doviked § Jones, BA, and Thomas H. SPRING is here! Now is the time to - sm -------- ¥ rh -- [fo St. Cinire, Toronto, Please Phone Inca rrr nis -- SI RY Even aod Eri are Gueer, Atsocisie Barristers snd Sock have those detective chiviiers leh may 5 | EE ams wood J A Es HA coc Bowmsmviie, MA 337 SCRAP LJ to announce the Arrival o ery 65 Simcoe Street Sout 53525. led, rebul Ar 2 ¥ baby. sister, Karen Lorraine (8 Ios 15 Morisage res available May6 mates, 143 King East, RA Lg? " 11--Business Opportunities COLORED personal, 7 lies at your ome gal, = Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, 17 IRON METALS LTD. 4 Monday, April 7.1958, at Bow : : i ne RA 3703 - ha eh 2 ois) on Soria] Hospital Proud par. JOWN A Lo Ma Donald, FA. Barly PLASTERING, patching, plain or "or |PET shop in Oshawa, Excellent oppor- LABS REFRIGERATION 27 --Fuel Wood IRON :: METALS ents wpe Don and Marilyn (nee Bhar nor RA 5.8511 May 1| namenta) Kitchen remodeling. Free es |tunity, Write Box 126 Times oa, PATIO S GENERAL For ull problems " HARDWOOD cuttings -- $10 Toads, #5 PAPERS GS 4 with your lioads. Delivered anywhere. RA 5.1526, > and) . Pariver, Folighor timates, Call G. Abramoff RA 3 dn) JON A Cameron, Barrister, 0 oril 26 BEAUTY salon, very central. Fully| 6014 and laid, brick or stone INSU RANCE Refrigerators and Air Condi- April 30 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY | RA 5-3432 otary Public, 18% King Street B " neys equipped, Reasonable rent rite Box ; building repairs, chim i Sion in call FRED'S and N: Kast RA 3.2260, NWA and private ALL lypes | b " #3 ecues Fre estimates | | CARD OF THANK morigages arianged Apr. 29 bulit, repaired. Rooting, siding repairs, Ais mes Guests me Gai bob eu 3 Wimale { 4 | , RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 GREER Murphy and MacDonald, Bar | PIOREF SERRE LTR 5.7247, Gordons? King Breet West, Good for any bus.| ONC CElvery. ro For all kinds of insuronce REFRIGERATION SERVICE | 10 risters, Solicitors and Notaries uk ell | May April 28500 s Modern front. Write Sussman's, _ nn > may coll Slim Phillips at Ston RA 5-6335 | 0 ANNIS STREET THE (amily of the late Gerald Cole {4 King Mieet Kash. RA S407, Ie | CONCRETE ~ work, » idewalks, drive 272 Yonge Street, Toronto, or 0 s L Disney's FA 5 6555 or RA a -- Apr.27| eo FREE PICK-UP . 6 . Apr.20 | ways, floors, steps, repairs, A F R A E 5-2 rompt and courte- 4 i pri would like to take this opportunity to express their gratitude to all friends, tral Concrete. BA 81407 May) LIGHT dairy Dasinaas, Toute esiab- ous service, neighbors and relatives for their kind MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers ir GHING -- Expert work fished 15 years, no selling, steady' in NEW-WAY Masees. and Jor he florsl tributes and Solicitors. Clients funds available EAVERTROUGHING -- Expert HOD come, excellent opportunity for expan STONE FOR 83c HEATING SERVICE SHAW 20 Simcoe Sireet|manship guaranteed 0 ------ EE he f the ing of [for first morigages ; t , art shown, at the time ol lo Norin, RA. 5.008%, Charles C. MeGib given by ¥, R. Valllers. RA 8-423) [= Thion. owner welling because of i FLOWER BEDS hawihlby Behn Mrs. Moore, Mrs, Scott, Mis Burns, Vree estimates, Taylor - - RA 5-6070 WITH BROAD ing in Air Conditioning ond Joke She i Ww wi Ses Yount for their prayers and Dis) RA 3.2278, Residence phones: M.| AS ENTER work, alterafions, re EXCELLENT Moy9| EXTENDED COVERAGE service pay ', for their kindness , 204 King Street Ea 37196 or RA 33078 Policy Aoril 28 Wome for thelr sympathetic RA 8.537% Pro. Inswrent 89 BLOOR STREET E. $14 K Bt t East, RA 3 wo a sy NEAND 8702 oe. ¢ 1 O D Block, 26% King Stree! Mavi Defora the pusy season RA 02 o career future with one of $O.GREEN PHONE RA 5.6402 { MACHINE HARRY 0. PERRY 8 dear brother, A special thanks MAY Thealth. For ET Bastedo, QC | hea or Pi the kod cave given by special nurses bon, QCi Edgar ¥, Baste Apr » G excavating, /Dial| Office Box 1368, Whitby st PHONE RANCE cogl and oil fired, Specializ- RAG AND MET, BULL) POZIN 5 and I] also Aides, interns, and nurses on D0, GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Soliol- [RA 3-383) 3 Rev, Cleverdon, Rev, Cro: s0 Mr. | tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South, Brothers, 32 Charles Street May EXTENDED COVERAGE Sheet Metal Work, 24-hr, during his long iliness. The |Greer, BA Sc, RA 5-3308; Terence V.|00 or "Kitchen cabinets our specialty -- Lo ivy 7 you more for yoursera dindnets Tr supervision, south|Kelly, BA, BC RA 52602 April 10 No job too big or small. Free estimates T Y pe Boot Policies i "RR No. 1, OSHAWA Lon. fin a rep plant, boys of wheel and tire, north | pONALD Biake Dodds, Barrister and Give us a try. Bork guaranteed. RA OPPOR UNIT "SPRING Save 10% with @ Composite | PHONE RA 5-3154 lead aluminum etc ' . 4 Business KA 5.5501; Residence | work floors, steps, 7 J 1 toss, God bl i kingnapt : Ma 31) ConcurT wenral repair Work guar. | would Ike hid interview PLANNING Auto Ins urance. Ingtalment oe : ring oir loss, God bless a hi Ty : on Betwedn the oges . MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solici: ante . mo ) | ; "We wish (0 sincerely thank Rey tor, Notary, Money to loan.' Henry GAVE your pastering and repairs done! and 45 who is interested in Order Now! ROBERT §S McCALLUM SINGER SEWING Prompt Daily Delivery RA 5-2311 Coffey. the Armstrong VPunersi Home t fhe Canadian Legion, relatives, friends Sent , FT EC MO Canada's leading life insur- MILORGANITE May11 | Open Saturdays Y ='! RENTALS ---- Monthly or PETROLEUM CO Also Auto Wrecking ind neighbors for the lovely floral trib: HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris ALL types building, fo] contracts or ied iis This. mor mia g , $olicitors; KN. D, Humphreys, QC; ALL On erets| ONCE companies p-- ei gf diign Bog Bg Gn Boychyn, BA; W A. Hiliman, ub. "contran i, ble rete. must have on excellent per- CLL. EVERGREEN R 17--Money. To Loan | Weekly, Free delivery ond Ph R April 13 mur dear brother Robert Griffiths, ~-- |LLB, 6 King street West. Eognest | 00 fis installed or| sonality end be able to meet 10-10-10 FERTILIZER FIRST and second mortgages, | pick-up. one RA 3-3443 | | PIANO WANTED cond (any size or moke) Pay cash. 7 5.4604; or! steps, curbs anthld y Griffin, Dan and John Grif. Office ,RA 51177; Res. RA Construction, Gerrard wecut type business men. FRET and" second mortgages ai PE ee Catherine Griff hn ' Whitby, MO 8.2761, Money to loan delivered, Hess Construc hd executive pe bi 10.10.10 FekTiL, Hi esi fo R hs a i Thou KASSlis fiths fy May1| Road, RR No. 3, Oshawa, RA 56037 He will receive complete i .8 REGULAR VIGORO Street East, HA 3.7232 March 9 apr18 EPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, | professional 118ining at BONEMEAL FIRST ana wecond mortgages, sale! SINGER SEWING CENTER | JOSEPH Solicitor. Money to loan, Office, 14'4 . branch office and head of p- ax vents purchased and sold. Hen.| 14-16 Ontario St, Oshawa IN MEMORIAM , Oshawa. RA 8.8232 PLASTERING fice. If you ore interested in SHEEP MANURE akvhemet 3 purchused and s d fem | Mang CET arr rr King Street East re ¢ Residence, RA 53405 ori NEW AND REPAIRS | earning from $3.600 to $4,- PEAT MOSS Street East, RA 37232, Aprilzg | May2| HILLCREST LODGE Write, stating make, height DIONNE. = In memory of Willrad Ck Bowman, ert 'South. RA| Cement plostering, woter- | 800 o yeor to stort, depend. COOPER SMITH CO. CLIENTS" monies available for frst | -- h ond price, tome A | - on YOu an o 0 es. rigages an i lane; who passed away April 500m Apr i proofing, stucco ing upcn y ur Sueiilications, 16 Celina. St. RA 3.2312 as sond Ji pg a oaLg ce Too Single end double cabins. BOX 201, Times - Gozette. Gone but not forgotten ZT, Saimers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, | WOOD'S PLASTERING . write Box 130, Times-Goz- Apr.2 MF Swarts, "Barrister and Notary CAMPBELL' S Fully = equipped for house- Moya Ever remembered by wife and fam: ete, 13% Simcoe Street North, Dial 1 ette ---- PLZ Pubic, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA keeping, Heated. Sofe, sandy office, RA 53741, Residence, RA 59542. RA 8-13 . 85b | 3.4697 April 11 STUDIO beach for swimming, fishing, Apr.2 Aprill3 "FOR SALE CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort i i i ond boating. Hillcrest Lodge, LL = In loving memory of a dear Sooo ; 1 : ------ -- - § 4 rae John. Hall," who asned away | ARAL iy No. 13--Gardening & Supplies Sage. Mohtgags and_agrestenty of sale For Fine Bolo, Muskoka, Box 359. father, Pp h, solic A onditionin oil, gos purchased, NHA mortgages arrang April 11, 1086 tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build Ir con Je. oll, * 'GLADIOLUA bulbs for sale, RA 8.8126 Good Quality Loam, Creighton, Fraser, Drypan and Mur. Pp : Apr. 25 5h ortraiture ~ We do not need a special day ing, § Simcoe Street North, RA 33446; | od cool burners, Sheet metal doch May? To bring you to our mind, Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, " - i | 29--Summer Properties ¥or the dnys we do not think of you ac, GK." Drynan; G. L. Murdoch! work end built-up rooting DRESS your flower and vegeiable gar. Also Loam Fill Since 1908 For Sale or rie d Row furs, live poultry, feae Are very hard to find NHA mortgages Arranged Mav: Cal sale by bushel or load. RA 5.7442 Dial RA 5-5279 M A il bl 28; Simeot SautH, RA 9/9532 8 ETRE "eo rs | thers, screp iron and metal April 23 oney val a e Moy9 |LAKE front cottage with home con- 1. TURNER If all the world were ours to EIVe, «= - To ee the face of our dear J--=Hurniing Services LOCKWOCD: HEATING LTD May 8 a LE -- | veniences, and gl itnouse, south side, 3.244 To see the face of our dear Dad an - | a" IT'S SPRING CLEAN UP TIME Ea . Come amilipg through the door PRIVATE nursing home for convales| 288 Arthur St. RA 3-251 ' i hr RAN UR A se to Home Con Rice L RA --Alwys remembered by sons and cent and elderly people, tray service, Apr | g Q Q 9. South End Sod S | | ourteous operators to answer FO! lo pe "cottage, Scu- - IV and radio, RA 56193 APF, 6 . We hove Power Roller for ou n Of upply your phone and relay mess- yon Soni with practically new Peter. daughters L | NWOOD Nursing Home for ladies ""A1" Job Top quality Sod delivered or | Owners : oges 24 hours o doy. Start |bBoroush boat, 714 HP Johnston motor. (collect) ROBINSON ~-- In loving memory of MAR urs Ny A ACADIA ROOFING OSHAWA GARDEN loid. Prompt delivery. Free . | Us 10. 33,000 for: ony pevd enjoying Telephone Freedom, |Lrone MO 82136, Whitby. i April 12 Pp ' ny Qo my husband, Thomas Stanley Rohinosn, Psychiatric Pl deneral uy nd the ; | who passed away April 3, 1938, Ho omenlly i. Professional nursing Flot roofing, 0 hal ingles, SERVICE satimares We olso Lisiiod | Porpese, Including: dovn wove BEly Yor Sux service now of 30--Lost and Found 35--Employment Wanted Ar Sth hour he phased AWAY care in fully equipped home. Two refs insul brie, haing, nteed. | 86 TAUNTON ROAD WEST ment on home, payment of Service, 143 King E St 4 LOST -- Friday night, girl's biue-rim- EXPERIENCED spring cleaner, of «Sadly missed and always remember. tered sists 2 Salt ae a repairs, ; orl Suorgieec. RA 3.3222 RA 5.8552 existing mortgage, consolida- 5.2601 'ing Eost, med glasses, in blue plastic case, vi-|what have you, RA 8.5063. 85a ad by his wife Ethel Ville 'or phone Mrs. W. J. Cobban, Roms; Fe Ai | Apr.27 tion of debts, or purchases of avd Sinlty ot Sosa, lens Viste o" ain, YOUNG Lady typist desires § genera) SEIRBIAY ~ in loving. memory of 8 NOaN MA 947% Avis) RI. 5.204% 3 S------------rerin . any kind 3 --Redi ert MRNE AY ion, Phone Mo 400 NO PENALTY ---Radio and T.V. Repairs | coliar, vicinity of Verdun Road or "os: HOUSES Nari 'Guano Teun day, 4 Road West 39049, dear brother, Andrew Sukmsy, who - i ! ! April 111 COURTICE SOD AND | CROSS TOWN SOD FOR PREPAYMENT " . awa Boulevard Last seen Saturday . ADMIRAL TV owners! For best In| morning. RA 56436. passed away April 11, 19% . Nothing can ever take AWAY ANDEN LANDSCAPING SERVICES . SUPPLY NO BONUS service, call RA 8.0206, Ten years' reer Tonal | ENG a coterie The lov heart holds dear, Fond "memories. linger every day, WATER WELL DRILLING Lowns levelled, -sodded and For fast, friendly. service call | er: Otmawa Electronics OHS om eel back. Reward after|ACWA, age 35. Emigrati Remembrance keeps him near, FULTON seeded, Loom and fill, For A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut ' MWF, "Apr.14 Wednesd Phone 3.4300 af | Dours, Ont., arriving end of Pig 1950, Always remembered by brother Jim NURSING HOME | GERALD free estimates, call fresh daily. Delivered or leid SEABOARD LEN and Low's antennas. rolars. UNF ednesday, one MI Requests offer of employment where nd funily Gov't. Licensed Driller ED. KNOWLTON Free estimates, Prompt deliv- installed. Fair rater," Phone RA' S044 | LOST Thoredghbred 4 a ' pt deliv- or MA 3.3042 Mays |dog, tricolor, name Mitzie, female, (will be appreciated. All replies will be SZIKSZAY ~ In loving memory of & ST WEST Reasonable Prices RA 5.6047 ery. Phone RA 8-8868, DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD spayed. RA 8.8791 #3f | answered in strict confidence. Write dear son, Andrew Szikszay, who pass KING , Honest Workmanship Apr. 28 Apr 29 292 Simcoe Street South Iv aerials, TW, fh Low, Beamns, 31--Articles for Rent Box 223, Times-Gazette. be v AD 1954 or S¢ r ines, co d UHF, $19 ) -- od away April 11, 19 Exclusive nursing home for Well Tile For Sole Pp hl Eo -- RA 5.1121 « [guar hr nr, oe n | tele 36--Femole Help Wanted M.W.F Apr 15 RA 85121 Aprils | TELEVISION sets for rent, $1 per day, | ___ atest a --_------ In our hearts your memory lingers t ond elderly peo RA 5.4067 | - -- Sweetly tender, fond and true, convalescen 80+ ] J There Is not A day, dear son, ple. (Men and Women), May9| HILLSIDE LANESCAPING LOAM GRAVEL & | 18a--Mortgages FACTORY spiroved TV service on ail | Sod second players for rent. Measher's That we do not think of you Nurses and dieticians in SPRING CLE Up! makes of sets, Exclusive 24-hr - serv 5 King Street West RA 3-425, April 27| working hours. Small remunerat Sadly missed by mother and father attendance Tray service, : : FILL We have clients with monies fo pur.| °® Kelly TV, RA 5.5121 April 19). merr-- cu RA 8-1456 mornings. 3 chase first and second mortgages and [RON'S TV Antenna's installed, moved TOOLS FOR RENT T, experienced in dicta -- nr It's time now! Lawn rolling YIN radio, T.V. lounges d Ww Butler h Coarse and fine road |agreements lo at i ' phone & An re fertilizing, green velvet sod, |ssrosme Hyman, QC. 3 King ye nd epaireq VHF prey, Li Cement Finishing Machine, ener office work. Opportunity for . 34" a. MEMORIALS PHONE RA 52330 BUILDING CONTRACTORS| 0 m0 SC Mer on, | gravel. 4" stone, ce- [FLY Guba Sends A" pri ans TV ear Fadi regaiee ay] Motor Chain Saw, Electric . (WNARCEmOnt. Bhar commen po MOUNT LAWN Apr.21 | Brickwork, Block and Stonework, | Fol elton ment gravel. Top soil [Y9---~Personel makes, Dependable work, Fred Thomp.| Hedge Trimmer, Many other |pointment, DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD, Chimneys, Fireplaces, moy2 CALL RA 5.2156. } : son, 157 Elliot Street. Dial RA 3.9702. Tools and Equipment, DOMESTIC help wa EVERLASTING MEMORIALS 6--Optometrists Concrete Work, : Moy3 LEAVING "for Penticion, B.C., Mon. Mays e Spring Special ® week, from 8,30 t0 8.30 p.m., $20 Available and delivered to i ok, Optometrist, specializing! General Repairs, Altcrations, | - -- (day, April 14, 1958, by car. Pas. LIKE to mind your own business? Look| B-H White Outside Paint [ly to look after three hildren. w ane t in Ontario | nomalies, eyesight and| Satisfaction Guaranteed sengers wanted. Phone RA 37726, 82a (for one in the Business Opportunities Beaver Brand 15% off, Box 227, Times.Gazette. Cemeteries In OC . Evenings Mon , Wed, Fri, 6.8 F Estimates N | AVE "you a drinking problem? Write [€Olumn in the Want Ads. A HOUSEKEEPER, English, tak Call RA 3-2633 Invalida examined at home, RA 3.6143 fag Hatimo 7 } | Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 136 Times | E------------ WEBBINGS HARDWARE while mother. works further ph MR. MORRISH Disney Bldg, 31 King East Apr.28 RA 5-054 G azette April 28 282 King St. W, RA 3-4873 lais. Phove RA 5.5522, after RS PA Hee - GARDEN CENTRE Landscaping Plans and Esti- | - ASSOCIATED Ample Free Parking S45. : Moy 3 7 ==3Surveyors . mates, Spring clean-up, fers May) | ARE you interested in extra money? - | ONKLP TH Troiiops, Ontario Land] FOR THE FINEST ELECTRONIC ; ee | Sigh éarnings in selling nylons to your Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 5.6881 ALITY Everything for your sodding, flagstone work. We Mayd QU arden prune flowering shrubs, trees | BEAUTY LOUNGE Guaranteed repairs to all SEWING MACHINE EXPEOTA rT ior Ta Bowen » Riots Break G. T. Horton and Associates, Ontarie| AT THE BEST Lawn fertilizer (all ond evergreens, First closs | Specializing in makes radios and television, hold duties and "baby sitting, private {Land gurverers, "vere. Bouin, Alay PRICES kinds), free loan of experience Children's Haircuts PHONE RA 3.3427 RENTALS room and TV. Call RA 5.2205, Toronte: £ Straight Stitch and Zig-Zag. 728 prilio | FOR { , P M 5 I Out In Two Bors van and Awsociatere Land | C spreader, Pect Moss | phone RA 5.7502 | RA 5.7792 Soa il RA 5.2591 PROTERTANY, . "Scpenieined Tiauinf Surveying and Engineering, 12 Trordd ALUMINUM Loam and sod. C S ails Pony Ea, Wws Drure oa) STORM WINDOWS Trees, shrubs, Ever- | ave oy 9 BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO OSHAWA SrioPpiNG travelled road School. equipped with ypru att 4 a AND APPLIANCE SERVICE oes, i radio and record player bev s tilizing, lawn rolling, seeding, | Heather'dale SERVICES ELNA Yorkin partners and friends. RA { greens, Roses, Perren- 8-- Building Trades DOORS, AWNINGS | Fic" Rockery Plants, OSHAWA ACME FREE ADMISSION : Ee bee an VICOSIA, Cypr (Reuters) NICOSIA, Cyprus (Re To the Drive-In Theatre Repairs to radios, cor radios, cations. Ottering alary $3200. To Mise : Py SHINGLING| chimneys; cement, stone Fruit Trees Etc, | Demands that Britain release | TT CT ATE raentry and wiers KOOLVENT- NASH! p : S Wall HAULAGE LTD ovoilcble to customers of the record ployers, toasters, irons, Ruos Need. Clearing EGER indo ig oan lig NL suspected Greek Cypriot terror- ons, Free estimates. RA atio Stone, a : GRAND Restourant, 14% / polishers, vacuum cleaners, Do It Yourself RR 1, Tyrone, Ontario. af ists held without trial erupted "Avr RA 3.2219 Stone, Tools, Power g King St. E (upstairs) etc. For free pick-up and de- COB wamied Tor the Siretiaven Tesh Thugsday in two prison riots, a PLUMBING ard heating pipes, fittings, | - Mowers Tractors, Till od - Loam - Gravel ang 4 : o livery phone RA 8.8297, We will rent you a Bissell App! 24-hour island - wide strike and | ixtu Rew and used, changing trom | Apr. 28 1 ' Washed St I si Chinese Food Our Specialty April 11| Shampoo Master. E. ne stres dermonsirations. septic tanks to sewer & spacis ug] ers, Lawn Ornaments, ashe one all sizes Take Out Orders 9 x 18 rug cleaned for less |E LT British troops were sent into mation and estimates {ree on any type | Garden Furniture. Top Quality RA 3.9422 than $4.00 -- WOMAN for Heneral work, £ood Home, 1 ny! 1, J ve in, 0 room. us ni - Kokkinio Trimithia detention °f Pimbing. Dial RA 34241, J. Xen TIRED OF oRRYING RA 5.1764 DIAL RA 3.3528 EEA AA May 10 Prompt --- Same Day No Sacping. No Kneeling ren, $75 monthly. Write Box ny camp 10 miles from here after ii siimbing and heating supplies - ¢ / menasetle. ee -- some of the 500 Greek-CYpriot Po- | prane Ka 5.3821, Harold R. Stark Lt Hove your natural gos heat- 1015 KING ST. EAST | Spring Clean-up. Now is the 24-HOUR A crubbing d FREE home for elderly iady or couple litical detainees demanded their [plumbing heating and angiveerin '| ing and appliances installed : _May 8 time to have your floors re- pprove: y Goo on pension, In return for caring for 238 Simcoe Street South April 13] : - - - juvenated * by Ross Endicott TV SERVICE 6 Housekeeping invalid man. Phone Bowmanville, va - --- uarantee y Bissell 3-2687 freedom and set fire to 19 of their ) DOWN PAYMENTS - ------ Flcor Covering. § S P he 9 rou! | ) EN verin ervice, Spec- en------ 25 huts. The fires were brought COMPLETE ializing. In floors, walls ond CALL DRAPAK HARDWARE under control Jack C. MacDonald] TILL SEPTEMBER | GARDEN CENTRE i Oy ls and RA 8.5286 RA 5.5253 WANTED ; AL ans iy prison PAINTER & DECORATOR | 3 to pay on your gas 5.2274. SON Ro 30 ireek Cypriot political prisoners p } d Paintin ill ANYTIME 124 | IN . SOUTH broke away from their guards, ape bh Bd ping | Conversion Burner --Scotts Turf Builder moyé May! 1 STENOGRAPHER Siambsred to He vel and hurled Free Estimates N G ' i 60 monthly ==Milorganite For thot Special Someone! OSHAWA RPE Ti for Downtown Law Sli. down tiles at their keepers \ > 3 tee New Gravity Furnace | ---V 4 meone! : Shorthand necessary. Stea They came down after being 50 Al: Work { granted 80 $8.00 monthly Clean screened black Noor A complete line of MIDO, cLECTRONICS Chain Saws, Gas and Electric, ar Voie id : . 50 Nassau 5 5 LORIE and BULOVA watches, . Complete Floor Sanding and BOX 131, TIMES GAZETTE Apr.28 Polishing Equipment and 85¢ 4 z New Forced Air Furnace ---C3 told they would not be punished MW.F. Apr.17 $12.75 monthly -- Grass ond vegetable seeds | Diomonds, Cultured Pearls, a okes, shovels, hoes Materials (new machines); a Greek Cypriot stores, cafes, { . loam ut n ete bars and entertainment spots | CALL LESLIE BROS. LTD. | od C stone for Lown ov mowers CORNISH JEWELLERS 23--Women's Column Skil Saw; Sanders; Drills; WA ANTE closed for varying periods here oo R 4 8] ' ; Adin bind 20 BOND STREET WEST WOME made quilts or custom quiiting,| Extension Ladders, Paint A LADY TO FILL POSITION and:giscwhere on this Mediterra. A. CRAW Ne aod ar driveways --and B. po Your Watch Personall homework of any kind, typing, or what Sprayers; 10-ft, Tree Pruner; OF HOUSEKEEPER nean island in answer to the | Consumers Cas { ~ond Barbecues Serviced. y have you. 151 R 22, Uxbridge 81t| Pipe Threading Equipment; Must be prepared to "live strike. call by KOKA, under For manure gave ond Hill. Sh Apr. 29| SEE US FOR YOUR . _opr20 3 SPEAL, heat permanents, $4.50, cold| Electric Hommer; Chain in" Pleasant working condle ground terrorist group pledged to PHONE OUTDOOR NEEDS! m---- S [Waxes 35.30. Pigs Ssindresng, wal Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow tions . . . good renumeration Encsis, or union with Greece RA 5-3756 PRE-CAST GRAVEL on. ge a ee oT Torch; Electvie Soldering «+ « must be prepared to The strike also sought to build | we ER ~ : R B REED & SONS CAMPBELL" S taken M. J Kirkpatrick, Artist, al Iron; Sump Pumps; Lawn- start immediately . . . no CONC RETE . : Phillips Street, Cedardale, RA 5.3138 mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- children to look after. - | up pressure for the return of | Archbishop Makarios, the rm off ANDREW BUTLER | PRODUCTS HARDWARE AERIAL FEXGRIrY 8211 mers. Stan's Sharpening Ser- Apply Box 121, Times- bel ofS gd the BUILDING CONTRACTOR | 0 2 he WHITBY, AJAX 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH i saat Rabies HR Sn Burke Guzette, 82¢ R 3 RA 3.4032 ay 1 ¢ oned in Rritain N.H A. HOMES BUILT COLORED PATIO SLABS | SERVICE SPENCER foundation garments in Abr 20 Two Greek Cypriot protest Brick, stone, and block spe- UNIT STEPS RAILING OSHAWA May10 dividually designed ne a Re. m-- ------------ THE BELL marchers were alowed to see cialists, Chimneys, general re- - BING 14--Household Repairs TV. Aerials Her, Mis, I. Hendershot, 30 pak Kong CLEAN Gvorror Sir Hugh Foot and | pairs, Work guaranteed, free oo as IARANTES FAINTING ana paptr hanging. Hoo nr, TELEPHONE CO. \ Wo a resolution: urging estimates » CTION GUARANTEED Phone and wali tiling, hardwood refinishing Installed eT YOUR OWN RUGS x we of the detainees and | RA 5.0547 BROOKLIN W. A. Sudbury, RA 3.9206. Apriiah DIAL "WHERE WELL" DRESSED Has openings for: , | FURNITURE repaired ana reuphol WOMEN SHOP" Rent the new Bissell Shampoo CLERK TYPISTS nel?! CONCRETE A stered See our materials for recover aki \ t. Bruce R on ' ve, - Master. Only $1.00 day. FOR SALE | CONSRETE pains [ERS ERRRER ca 5913s avosue | BREET ETE | CA Ye. , Lime bombs expl 1 ¢ | {ROOMS papered. $8 up. Pa g. walls Cleans 12 x 12 rug for only egular Increases I ia TN a LIMITED May! repaired. Gvproe spied. seams DAY OR NITE | JACQUELINE $2 49 plus i Clean Benefits ore found under to Coarse and fine drive Phone Brooklin Didar wow {or vour compliers. JIE 3 " pig Fh April 16] ® DRESSES & SUITS e COATS bright and dry in only 4 If you are single © no casual PORTS ) rR hours incident 5 way gravel $7 per load . orden need Fertilizir CHESTERFIELDS rebulll, recovered |. ® SPORTSWEAR eo MILLINERY ou N T iden weil 1.| way gravel $7 per loa Town 16liing. tree pruning. [Uke Bex. Wha "pay 'more: Gur raies| ELECTROLYSIS | 4 BRIDE and ATTENDANTS. | R..B. REED & SON ce eto as Also fine cement gra Tosh - S - A TRimenance. 100 500 fare, reasenabie Satisfaction guaran . " "§ -- ar n en Qintenar C [teed attresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up Removo! of Superfluous Hai PMONEER POSI el. $9 pe iP pening vervice nd manure De yoy 10 Bang Street, eet Marie Murdart wil be mo | LA VOGUE HARDWARE Write Box 216 eal explo mon Fra vel, 3 er oad. Phone POWER mower, hard mowers SAND LANDSCAPIN( dal RA 5.0311 April 13 4 AD 4 ) : shears \ NG shawa April 29, 30. Phor JA : 3 { fur LT > hea t y Be precision sh has served Oshawa since 1930 YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim % ay 3 . H n one CQUELINE 48 SIMCOE NORTH Times Gazette Abe pore the city of Prince 5.5279. pened Guaranteed we For p RA 5.1721 |neys built and repaired. gas linings in Genosha tel on these dates CELINA aot ATHOI SIMC / 824 Ge B.C, now stands | April 10 Nod deivery call Jan. Fudge, BAS wi +172 stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti | for appointment Downtown Oshawa RA 3.4022 ee I TT my choad ' . pe Aur. Aor 13 mates. RA 3.2001. Mavs! Man : Mavi Moyl0| (Continued on Page 13)