THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, April 11, 1958 11 Low-cost Housing Ma Be Provided For OPP TORONTO (CP) Govern. cluding two bedrooms The, The fee was the same for all in nine of 11 districts, till has ment-bullt, low-rent housing some houses have three bedrooms and housing units so policemen would |shortages, Forly - fodr houses lday may be provided for all On. are made of brick or clapboard [not encounter sudden changes in have been built and 17 purchased, 4 Hud. Bay {tario provincial policemen and in four basic designs cost of living when transferred to { with another 48 under consirucy Imp lov A i ' A a {their families Cost averages $13.000 to $15, lone detachment from another, (tion, There are 18 apartments". imp Tob Ly Gk | Attorney-General Roberts says 000 & house although "in the The men may not purchase the defachment buildings / priority under the progrso, noe « bas housing in all of Its six pov [ lice districts, Fifty + two-houppee have been bulll, four purchased and 22 are under comyfriicfion | Apartments in detachment bulld- ings number 41. Southern Ontario, with housing Toronto, Montreal Noon Stocks TORONTO Vi . High Lew Noon Ch'ge Toronto Block Exehange--April | p (Quotations In gents unless marked § g-0dd lot, xd-Exdividend Ce Lights, uw Ex-warranis.) Industrial High Low 0 $99 i405 % i 48 rz) S42 4 125 25 212 Com «78 mw 730 550 200 50 160 100 15 7140 160 § 15 0 dad Noon Ch'ge ah H% 164 Uh 755 Net Noon Ch'ge Sales 100 19 725 300 pr 100 176 150 High Low shh 8% LL H% ¢ isha uh 758 324 5 Stock Dom Text Donahue Fam Play Fraser Froch Pet Gatinesu Gen Dynam Gh Wares Home OH A H Smith Bales 500 45 1500 1300 block Matateh Meintyre Mela Uran Midrim Milliken High Low #" Stock Sales Bail 8 5% pr 5 Ye A * 500 0 2500 175 225 Callin Cdn At OH C Chieftn Cdn Dev Cent Del C Alignhee 1000 Con Peak 00 C West Pele TH Cree Oil # Gridoil 2% + % Humber 25% Jump #nd 2% Id Pele Medal Vii 9 9 196 $234 $0 ¥ 75 $42 Net 855 ¥'4 Noon Ch [J] pi Brien uid 4 » N Dicken N Goldvue New Jason N Minda Noranda Norpax Norwyne Northsp Opem Ormsby Pick Crow Pr Bord Preston. Pronto Pronto wis Pros Air Gee Chib Que Cop Imp Tob pr Ind Aceep 155 housing unils have been built (north country it may run to $17, homes, The w epariment plans jas Michw and 59 purchased since 1954 in|000." He was unable to give 8) OPP Commissioner K, V. Me: Wi vosks depar megl pau " In #i an effort to supply accommoda- Precise figure on cost of the|Neill says the houses are allo- ihis year six apiece at Copawall Rachils B [tion for members of the 18,000. apartments since they are inicated on the basis of need and |and Sault Ste, Marle, four #t Es Mecol man force who encounter hous. buildings used for regular police not rank or senlority, {panola and one at Upsala' in the Molson 4 ing problems when transferred to PUFPOSES, "We have some very Junior Fort William distriet, fo Ogiivie new areas, Another 78 units are [$42 A MONTH RENT constables occupying houses," he yon y General Roberts says On Stes under construction Policemen psy $42 8 month in $840. about 500 units were, planned Powall R "Providing homes for all per. rent for both houses snd apart- FIGURES GIVEN when the program was draws Pow Corp sonnel might be an ultimate ob- 'ments, said Civil Service Com. Commissioner McNeill said in 1952 at the request of pot 4 jective' Mr. Roberts said in an missioner D, J. Collins, The com: Northern Ontario, initially given police executives he interview as he outlined the pro- mission collects the rents. An| -- gram started by his department extra $3 a month is charged four years ago where refrigerators and stoves IMPROVED MORALE have been installed by the gov- Price B ernment | He finds it has improved both I Phone Forest Bunk Br Alum Br Al wis Chem Drawn pr Dredge Hydro ( Cdn Of xd Cdn O11 8 CPR Coeh'D A Conf Life Royalite Souris bpooner Tex Cal Trans Em Un Oils Wespie Windtall 800 1500 2000 100 813% 50 $07 Sil Miller Sianlgh wis Blanrck Btarratt Steeloy Steep R sud Cont Sullivan Bylvanite Tiara Ult Shaw { Dom Dom Dom Dom Wool Fam Play Foundation Fr Pete pr Gen Dynam GM( Hard Carpet Imp Inv A Imp ON) Imp Tob Inland Gas 220 Integr PL 75 Kelly DA wis 375 Lakeland 150 Lakeld Debs h Laura Sec 85 Lob pr 25 7100 100 1 13% i'n Li] 13 Algom Algom deb Apex Res Aumaque Bary Exp. Base Metals 2000 Baska 19200 Beaucage Bicroft wis Bralorne Broul Reef C Dyno Can-Met Cariboo Castle Cent Pat Cheskirk Conlagas C Callinan C Den wis C Fen Woo 1000 1520 1000 300 100 500 Que N Roe AV Can Royal Bank 510 Sil, Corp 800 Roy Bk rts 500 Roe pr Bo Sher Will 80 Sicks veh p p simon 10 Heating, lighting, telephones £impyons 2 morale 'and administration In # and upkeep of grounds are re. gf C4n force made up mostly of family nonsibility of tenants | men Mr. Collins said the $42 is »| Some of the units are aparf- "prerequisite fee" and is. no! in ments in police detachment build. tended to pay off the cost of the ings where policemen can act as buildings," The fee is deducted {jail guards or be on call duty|from salaries and goes directly Violam 500 around the clock, into the government's consol C Dredge 100 Waite Am £20 C1 inv 4 Public works minister Grie- dated revenue fund, with no at. Willroy 500 S 8 , 4 | Yi Besr 1380 Pig o singer, whose department sup tempt to halance payments] 8 plies the homes, says the mpart-|against the cost of construction PL 250 218 Walk GW (0) Yukeno 00 Mee | ment units héve four rooms, in- or purchase Pato , (Quotations In cents unless marked §, 200 wih 225 700 00 Ashestos | 100 b L | Un Keno U Mont Upp Can Ventures 500 1000 1184 Abitge Ang Nid 100 © a LT ---- > 2485 1000 00 300 seers gen N Ont Gas Nor Star A N Star w o7 Ont Steel Parker Pbina New 256 QN Gas wih Roe AV Can 180 Roe AV 3% 20 Royal Bank 0 Roy Bk vis 2325 Sil. Cem 25 Stl, Corp 85 Salada-§ x10 Shawin xd Simpsons SKD Mig Slater New Southam Steel Can Buptest ord Tor-Dom Bk T Fin A Trans C PL Un Gas Walk GW West ( slo » 25 100 225 $20) ? | Zellers 100 Raima 9200 Reloiinin 200 Trans Mt C' "By The Canadien Press 'ROOM "AND BOARD East Mal Montres! Ntosk Exchange--~April 11 . Elder Eureka Falcon Fla Can Francoeur Frobisher Galtwin G x Giant YE Glacier Glen Uran Golderest Gold Man Grandroy Greyhk Gunnar Headway Halmon Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop Jacobus Jays Expl Jellicoe Kerr Add Lake Cin Leitch LL Lae Lorade wis Louviet Lyndhst Lynx Macassa ot 1 ur Ee 100 $500 50 Bornite Camp Chih C Lithium Cartier M Con Q Yell Conitnental s-0dd lot, xd-Exdividend, HEhts, xw-Ex-warrants,) : Industrials Not High Low Noon Ch'ge 920% 0% 286% 24% UW UW $254 25% 25% NT 17% 1T% $3015 30% 30% ao E°} n a2 2M "au awn LL) 14] MW NAME'S FEERERT, IN I JUST HAPPENED * INVENTION OF HS, 10 BE WN THE ANT WANTA NEI GHBORHOOQ CONGRATWATR $0 1 THOUGHT WALT OD IO DROP NAN | PAL HAS A SAY HOWDY TO GREAT HEAD AISA GENIUSL., 1% HE INT 11] 1000 an 8000 2000 2000 1000 2100 1000 Hoh General Printers Office Supply Divisio Bock LU 1 offers you fast, efficient sales and service Abitibi 140 Algoma "wh Alumin 550 ATEus #l0 Asbestos 1s Pail § 5 pe pr 28 Ball 5% pe p 100 Bank Mont 140 Bani NS 140 Bell Phone Bowater Brazil BA Ol BC Forest BC Power Bruck A Can Cem C1 Fndry C Bronze C Col 81 pr cn Gul Por Ur Ise Uran Maritime Mid Chib 400 Monpre 1600 N Jack L 1500 N Pac Coal 1000 Santiago " on all makes of office machines, We invite » Ee Lr a EE We your inquiries, let us show you how, regular, service will save you time snd money and o increase your office productivity ' 414 amo L) Woodward A Curb ATEERIETRS Fawn Stadacona Steep R Tazin Titan Wendell 100 LL] 450 EEL] wld LIL] LIL x100 C Int Pow C Int Pow pr Cdn Ol CPR Cookahutt C Mand 8 Dist Seay D Bridge GENERAL PRINTERS LIMITED OFFICE SUPPLY DIVISION 64:66 Celina St. Oshawa RA. $7183 ot 11:30 a.m.: industrials 15,200, and oils 101,500 Ma 0 Martin 1944 - Newsprint Production 15 P.C. Above Needs YORONTO (CP)--World news- | improvement in standards of Hv. hit teste in Outarle 14 bach ing |of the unreasonable attitude oi Put stpesiy i timated R be DEMAND WILL RISE {the former government in Oft-| Ig to per cent above presen "There is no doubt that demand tawa. It is to be hoped that the 1d needs, D. W. Ambridge, for pullding materials is bound recent sweeping changes In the P rise, both in coun [tederal government will lead to ies, fa vida 8 LM Sha in the United States [some relief in Ontario which, te ofupany's annual meeting. |and Canada." [nay the Loaet, ig long overdue." "This is not a serious situation| Canadians, however, must not | y : ad if the United States economy [take it for granted that the pulp | In the first quarter of this year, Strong prices. Veal calf prices bologna bulls 12.30.19; tommen umes Its normal growth I|and paper industry Is and always (he said, Abitibi made and sold | Were strong. Hogs, sheep and Repl \ ¢ Ti + Good would expect that more newsprint | will be prosperous and profitable. [12 per cent less newsprint than lambs were steady. |i ge hy te Ay Jeoad egpacity will be required before| 'Unless it is properly treated in the same period last year and| Cattle receipts were 400 head ail BB a Boe the end of the next decade," he by governments, management there had been reduced sales in|less than last week and equal to| 0eP Jia i i Bt oy A ace : {and labor it will wither and most of the company's other Ca. [those of the same week last year. °/ » fg Dao Nason noes | 'Likewise the capacity for pulp [shrink under the hot sun of in- nadian products, due entirely to|Receipts from Western Canada ww 20.22 ' | king in the world Is consider-|tense competition the lower level of economic ac-|Were 149 head, a decrease from Re | 8S y In excess of what is required! Mr, Ambridge said thie industry [tivity on this continent, last week of 220 head. There| Calves: Good and choice veal: | LIVESTOCK REVIEW = Cattle Trade Active Except Fed Yearlings TORONTO (CP)~Cattle trade mon 18-20; good heifers 21.50-22 was active on all classes except with choice at 22.50; medium fed yearlings this week at the 20-21; common 18-20; choice fed | Ontario public stockyards. yearlings 24-25; good 21.23; good Steers, heifers, cows and bulls |00ws 17.6018; medium 16.60-17; were 50 cents higher than last|cOmmon 15.50-16: canners and week, Replacements sold at cutters 11.50-14.50; good heavy ps Arid b Waar "What the next few months will were six carloads shipped to evs 31-34 with tops to 34.50; med- shpreten, but it 1s impossible to |is bearing "an altogether unrea- ieve that the use of pulp in the sonable tax burden in relation to usands of products of which it earnings' in Ontario forms a part will suddenly| "We have been tald very often, se to grow In view of the very [that the federal governmént Is at increase in population and [the villain of the piece and that BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Seminar Served Mixed | Dish Of Trade Problems | *A mixed dish of trade problems said population there is increas ahd opportunities was served up|ing and per capita income Is X speakers at the export semi- keeping pace. r held in Toronto Wednesday "The future of Canadian sales by the Canadian Exporters' As. will depend upon the interest and sdciation, talent Canadian exporters dis 'Many practical problems will Play." arise as the European Common| In the British West Indies Market and proposed free trade Canadian trade was tradition afea develop, and protectionist| and, while the total might be tendencies in the United States | small percentage of all Canadian abe causing concern, trade, it had a high percentage of «However as at virtually all ex. | manufactured or semi - manufac pbrt gatherings of this kind, ex. [tured goods, The area was a good porters were told that aggressive testing ground for export items, splling practices and personal vise Most comments these days on its to possible markets will pay Prospects of increased exports to off the United States are not encour- 'Take the Middle East. for in. aging, but one exporter advised stance another look at the southern Y. R. Rabblah of Canada Ex. States port Company, Toronto, said | DEMAND HELPFUL many Canadians firms stay away! Mr, Holton said demand in the from there with the feeling that| southern states has increased to language and other difficulties!the point where costs can be over are too great come, However, if sales promotion were down right, Canadians could in general, one could only "hope get a bigger share of that mar fully project" the Liberal trend ket--but not by just writing lets of the last years and the wider ters or appointing agents American acceptance of the prin Or take Latin America ciples of freer world trade D. M, Holton of the department | Much would depend on the state of trade and commerce, Ottawa, 'of the American economy. > * . » » Bt dee 4 NEW FACTORY FOR RENT 2390 SQ. FT. Ajax Industrial Estate 12° é ® Fr Clear span 6" height, Truck level platform loading, Finished offices, Flexible 2 year lease, Occupation May 1st SLOUGH ESTATES (CANADA) LTD. ROYAL BANK BUILDING, TORONTO 1 Write or phone collect EMpire 3-9023 Rad an amd an a Ra 3 SS SS $0 todos 4ndos tomy I In regard to the United States be like is anyone's guess, The Eastern Canadian slaughterers|ium 27-31; common 21-27; most 1 can be sure of is that if |And two carloads were exported ers 142; the general level of business im. |'0 the United States. Hogs: Grade A 30; heavy sows | proves our sales are sure to im. oo. yew 24 with light sows selling at 26 a prove likewise." Slaughter cattle: Choice steers huhdredweight; stags 15 a hun ahd : ; on | 24.5025 with a few at 25.50; good |dredwelght on a dressed weight [23,50-24.50; medium 21-23; com: basis bon- SEEK REPAYMENT QUEBEC (CP) -- The provin.| cial government is to launch about 3,500 court actions to re- cover hetween $500,000 and $750, 000 loaned as scholarships to Quebec students now graduated and practising their professions, | Quebec provinelal government scholarships total $500 annually| for students residing outside ci-| ties with universities and $200 for| persons residing near universi-| ties. Half the scholarship amount is a gift but the balance is re- payable after a student gradu-| INFORMATION CLASSES Regarding The CATHOLIC CHURCH & ITS TEACHINGS When: MONDAY & WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Time: 8 P.M. Where : ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM ROOM 1 194 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Beginning : MONDAY, APRIL 14th -- 1958 AT 8 P.M, For: ANYONE - CATHOLIC OR NON-CATHOLIC who wishes to learn MORE about the Catholic 101¥ CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND DONT CENTS PER SHARE PAYABLE RAY |, 1950 TO SHAREHOLDERS OF RECORD AFR. 14 cam ovoons aces $28,000,000 mics ovawazancn Canadian Investment Fund, Ltd. e 4 Sein LY 9 pg This multi-color plastic decorator finish means color styling in the modern mode-subtle tone-on-tone textured patterns set the fashion trend in modern decor! ROXATONE outlasta eonventional paints by more than 8 to 1, The tough plastic finish resists scuffs and scrapes; walls can be scrubbed to remove spots and finger marks, and hard-to-remove stains can be treated with strong solvents or detergents without damaging the surface or fading colors, To obtain maximum versatility from ROXATONRE, we recommend the use of color-keyed ROXAMUL VELVET for areas where a flat finish should be used to blend or contrast, Highlight this exciting color theme on walls, ceilings and furniture in your home, ROXATONE, the new plastic decorator finish, gives soft overtones of 2, 8 or 4 decorator balanced colors in one operation! Ask your decorator or painting contractor about ROXATONE.,., or "do-it-yoursell"' with your vacuum cleaner and a ROXATONE spray attachment, On any properly primed or sealed surface, one spraying does the job , . , and there's no muss, no mist! RE-STYLE YOUR HOME WITH ROXATON ROXALIN OF CANADA LIMITED, New Toronto, Ontario FREE HOME DECORATING BOOKLETS Write for these free aids to modern calor planning, prepared under the direction of Doris Love, Canada's leading color consultant: ROXATONE COLOR PLANNING showing interiors with Roxatone Decorator Finishes. HOME COLOR GUIDES color combinations for every room in the home Church Further information obtainable from Rev. L. McGOUGH RA 5.8444 PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. LTD. Over 85 Yeors at 85 Simcoe St. North PHONE RA 5.3529 We Have Paint Sprayers for Rent