Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Apr 1958, p. 10

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10 THE PALLY TIMES.GAZETTE, Pridey, April 11, 1958 FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE By JACK SORDS 'Spring Training Has Injury Jinx | Spring training is proving as|flamed leg tendon. Ted Wiliams | beneficial as a fall down the of Boston Red Sox fis hobbling| cellar stairs for some major | around on & bad left ankle, | league baseball teams, NOTHING PROVED Frank Robinson, hard - hitting! williams went to the plate young left fielder with Cincinnati twice Wednesday and twice Redlegs, was sent spinning #0 the walked as the Red Sox beat | dirt Wednesday when hit on the Memphis of the Southern Associ head by a pitched ball. He suf-| ation 10-1, fered a concussion which willl Robinson's injury happened at {keep him idle a few days. He be- portsmouth. Ohio, where the !came the third casualty in as|/Reds ended a three-game losing | >= many days of a disastrous spring |streak with a 20 triumph over PS IN TYING A BLOOD oT KNOT" ~ BG) PULL ON BOTH ENDS YO = re) CUT AM OLD WHITE KID -- FORM THE PUSHED 10IOT ms A GOOD supsiniie FoR Po © 194, King Feamnre yndiam, lnc, Junior Basketballers Ready For Title Bid VICTORIA (CP) -- There's seasoned young crew of bask@l-\way here for their third crack at ball players waiting pafiently|the Dominion title. They here for a second shot at the Windsor by train Tuesday Canadian junior #ffe will be flown here from Vancou Victoria ege Vikings will yer Friday open thelr second bid Friday AKO lost niga when they meet Windsor tries at the junior crown. In 1950 0 Iu the opening round of a/,,q 1952 they were defeated by jest-of- ] J 4 4 Vikings, according to reports a teams, both times in from their college training camp, : "have never been In better shape." They almost won the title last feels i) year, but found Toronty YMHA |# winner too fough after an elimination| The Windsor cagers enter the) tour across Canada, final with a 16-6 season record, The Viking crew won the West-|not including a dozen or so ex- ern Canada title late in March hibition games, In a city league from Winnipeg Buffaloes in four against intermediate opposition, games, They lost the third game AKO wound up in second place 72.71 in overtime but won the|with an 11-3 mark. They were others by scores of 73-61, 61-57 knocked out in two straight games and 62-32 in the league playoffs OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS LEAGUE Y'S MEN'S JUNIOR LEAGUE LADIES MAJOR "B" The 400 scores were: Mike Pollard mension was very high Monday night 470, Bll Kennedy 446, Jim Walker 445, 45 we went into our first night of Bil Duodsm, 407 - Jabs Mp playoffs, The result was this 1] scores ore e a J Donald 256, Gary Hoosiman 235, Jim Poni 2: Neshitts 2708; King 235, John Cox 217, Toby Walter i Hendersons 278) 214, Guy Williams 200, Eric Sage 207,] Consolation playoffs: Saywells 2719; Bob, Baker 205, Ron Guiltinan 200, No-| Mitchells 2639; Bints 2611; Western tee that only one girl was able to|Tire 2601; Disneys 2506; Motor City bowl over 200, 274. Girls -- Blow Hards 1, Maybe's 1.| Over 600: Georgie Groleau 636; Nan Rockets 2, Four Pins 0, Lucky Strikers oy Love 647; Bea Alexander 610; Rose 0, Aces 2, Comrades 1, Booby Prizers Siovin 608; Doris Bowen 606 1, Corner og Totes lr 2, Spit.| Lemon Leaguers: Gwen Wright 9; fighters 0, Alley Cats 1, Goofers 1,/Shirley Sargeant 53 Rodans 0, Strikes and Spares 2, Blue The executive for 1058-59 is as fol Devils 2, Scooners 0, Explorers 2, Pin. lows: President, Bert Cole; Vice setters 0, Flyers 1, Candle Sticks 1 Pres, Edna George: Treasurer, Vera Don't forget the Tournament April 12/Bint; Secretary, Cleta Wellman and at 10 o'clock and also the one on April Press Reporter, Eleanor Beaton 19, a 9.30 a.m, in which everyone willl The banquet will be held on April participate 26th at 6.30 p.m, at the Genosha Hotel, LADIES' MAJOR A Picadilly Room The playoffs got under way Monday, night and although the pins weren't LEGION LEAGUE falling the way we thought they should,| Little Brown Jugs are holding their the scores weren't too bad. This is the jead over the Sputniks and next week way the teams look right now, Cor: will tell the tale nish Jewellers with 3138 have a lead of 4 30 ping over Fashion Village with 3108 1 Little Brown Jugs and Meadow , _arks took 4 points from Braves and Horwich Jewellers have 3054 and Young Spartans Squeezers and Smoothies Moderns, 2548, There is still next week, | Jb "0 00 "oints from Midgets and so let's go girls 4 For the Consolation Trophy, Strouds pas Ase, Roun abouts and Sputniks with 3227 are out in front by 136 pins Pp po g over Reeds who have 3091. Cokes 297), Little Brown Jugs 27, Sputniks 24, Gillards 2843, Nu-Way 2838 and Haydon Squeezers 21, Meadow Larks 20, Braves MaeDonald's 2798 16, Spartans 12, Smoothies 12, Easy Ann Chyb was the only girl to make Aces 12, Roust-a-bouts 11, Midgets 10 the 700 Club with a single of 325 for a Congratulation to Joan Mahaffy with triple of 761, Nice going, Ann a nice game of 326 #00's -- Barb, George 696, Elaine Bell Over 700: Jack Strank 761 (278.258 694, Millie Gardiner 694, Lorrain Knight 225); Mary Brockman 746 (278-254-214); #90, Lorrain Goodman 678, Isabelle| Buck Hobbs 732, (202.257) and Joan King 675, Helen Wiggins 675, June Mahaffy 703 (326) Grice 663, Eve McCullough 653, Nancy Over 600: Ernie MacKenzie 690 (247 McKay 649, Ina Bowman 646, Janet 231.221); Shortie Davies 677 (274.220); Peel 633, Barb. McFeeters 627, GretalArchie Brown 675 (242.238)! Bob Skel Logeman 626, Olive Frise 620, Dot Cle- ton 637 (245.205); Fred Lloyd 638 (258 ments 618, Helen Reynolds 615, Isabelle 224); Harry Brown 631 (260-218)); Alvin Johnson 613, Helen Powlenzuk 610, Elliott 630 (214.230); Bert Brown 620 Maple Shorteo, 606 and Edna Hudson, (227.219); and Denny Brown 629 (239 #00, 209) A. AND P. LADIES LEAGUE Over 200: Lloyd Corson 284, Orley This week the high triple goes to Conlin 237, Ray Pope 248, Lil Mec Doris Campney, 529 Eachern 241.214, Sam Harvey 241, High single was Marie Bill Smith 238.201, Shirley Burkhart Woodward, 252 237, Rube Gay 227, Sid Hobbs 226 Edna Over 300 May Gibbens 525, Isobel Elliott 218, Anne Pope 217, Gene Mac: watson 521, Ditty Merkley 508 Kenzie 213, Bert Rogers 208, May Over 200 Marie Woodward 252, Whiting 207, Eloi Landry 205, Helen oan Wall 227, Ditty Merkley 217, May Hobbs 206, Emma Conlin 206, Marion Gibbens 209, Marlene Kitchen 206, Dot Davies 205, Jim Smith 203, Arn Mec Coedy 202 Eachern 202, Gwen Gay 202, Gord Lemon League Joy Webster 82, Brown 202 and Jim Anderson 201 Mickey Weroski 88, Apna Bolenchuk Those bringing a guest to the a" banquet please get in touch with Gene That's it for this vear, girls, The on Sunday, All money must be in by play-offs are on! Who's coming out on the 20th so that we can make our top? Let's go, the race is on final arrangements I IMPORTANT NEWS e HOG PRODUCERS eo HOG SHIPPERS eo PORK PROCESSORS Effective on and efter Monday, April 14th, The Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board and the Ontarie Hog Produce Co-operative have passed orders in respect to the marketing of hogs in the counties of YORK, SIMCOE and ONTARIO All hogs for market purposes (with exemption in sales to @ local butcher, to a prod or to a ) must be de- livered to and assembled ot one of the 15 market points established across the province, No person may buy or sell hogs for market purposes (with exemptions as pi gulations) from any place other than the 15 market p cated in the orders. Market points convenient for shippers and pro- ducers in these three countries are: ONTARIO STOCK YARDS, TORONTO LINDSAY COMMUNITY SALE, LINDSAY FIRST CO-OPERATIVE PACKERS, BARRIE STOUFFVILLE LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE, STOUFFVILLE To date farmer efforts toward more effective hog marketing has resulted in 14 open markets where 80% of Ontario hogs marketed are sold to the highest bidder, GEORGE GOWANLOCK, President Whites taken by EARL HOWSAM, Secretary, Cntario County Mog Producers' Association " |last winter, eanwhile AKOs were on thelr| i her "hag a throat infection, in both their other Former Canadian Coach Frank Wansborough ad- ger) Smith, 56, former Canadian mits his team is the underdog but|professional welterweight boxing "this is the year we've got champion, died Tuesday. baseball period. | Washington Senators. | Harry (Suitcase) Simpson, Herb Score, Cleveland Indian | New York Yankee outfielder, suf-| pitcher who almost lost an eye fered a broken right wrist Mon- when hit by a line drive last day when struck by a pitched | May, was charged with a 6-3 loss ball, He will be out for about|to the Giants at Harlingen, Tex. four weeks, |The Indians said Score will open | Outfielder Wes Covington suf- for them Tuesday against Kan-| {fered a wrenched left knee Tues- sas City. I day when he collided with Rube| The world champion Milwau- | Walker, Los Angeles Dodger kee Braves whi the Dodgers! catcher, at home plate. Coving-|5.4, The winning pitcher was Lew ton's knee is swollen, It's hoped |Burdette, world series hero, {he may be ready for Tuesday's| Philadelphia Phillies banged | |opening game, [the Yankees' aging Sal Maglie LONG INJURY LIST {12-8. The Sox crushed St. Louis These are a few of the more Cardinals 10-6. recent cases, Injury charts are causing concern all over, | Minnows Banned For Willie Mays, star centrefielder with San Francisco Giants, got Quebec Fishermen his arm clipped by a pitch which QUEBEC (CP) -- The ban on fishing with minnows has been has handicapped him for a while extended to include 15 counties-- Duke Snider, Dodger slugger, will not start the season because he is still bothered by a left Joe] 80. ncueast of eight over the 1957 which underwent an Speration ne Quebec department of game Haywood Sullivan, Boston's 8nd fisheries, rookie catcher, suffered a frac-| The regulations forbid fishing ture of the right index finger,|With live or dead minnows or |Then it was found he had a rup- lampreys, transporting live or [tured spinal disc which required dead lampreys, transporting dead [surgery. He probably is lost for minnows by any means and the year, transporting live minnows by Moe Drabowsky, Chicago Cub Water in any of the 15 counties Closest county to Ontario among! the 15 is Argenteull, northwest of Yankee catcher Yogi Berra has left a cut hand. Al Smith, Chicago| Montreal. and White Sox outfielder, has an in-| The regulations also state that lin the parks of the Gaspe Penin- sula and the Laurentians and in the Chicchoes, Little Cascape- dia, Matane, St. John River, : Port Daniel River, Mingan and Ring Champ Passes Romaine River reserves, all y TON (OP) " . | transportation, possession, sale of HAMILTON (CP Joe (Ti-| innows and all fishing with them is banned In other parks and reserves A native of Austria, whose fishing is allowed with live or| family moved to Canada in 1908, | dead minnows. = Smith won the welterweight] crown in 1920 and retired in 1926 TICATS SIGN BASSETT During his career, all of it as a. HAMILTON (CP) -- Hamilton professional, he fought such con- Tiger-Cats of the Big Four, Foot- tenders as George Fifield, Dave ball Union Tuesday announced Burke, Joe Rivers and Pete/the signing of Maurice Bassett, Scott 26-year-old fullback EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Civil Service of Canada) CONSULTANT, HOSPITAL ACCOUNTING (with experience in hospital accounting and administration and a thorough knowledge of the financial aspects of health insurance programs), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $10,Q00-$11,000, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, end quote competition 58-599. SENIOR ECONOMISTS (to analyse information regarding pro- duction, distribution and consumption of various indus trial products), Tariff Board, Ottawa. $9,060-$10,140, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and quote competition 58-2250, CHIEF, NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION (to plon, organize and administer the Northern Marine Transportation pro- gram and ensure that supplies are delivered to various isolated locations), Transport, Ottawa, $8,340-$9,420, ASSISTANT DOMINION FIRE COMMISSIONER (with a thorough knowledge of the organization of Provincial and Municipal Fire Services and Fire Safety Organiza- tions in Canada), Public Works, Ottawa. Up to $9,420, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and quote competition 58.375 ARCHITECT (with experience in design, construction, repair ond maintenance work), National Defence (R.C.AF), Ottawa. $6,840-$7,860, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa and quote competition 58-1001 DREDGING SUPERVISOR (with experience in construction, re- pair and overhaul of dredges and floating equipment), Harbors and Rivers Branch Public Works, Halifex, N.S, $6,420-$7,200 PERSONNEL ANALYST (university graduate with knowledge of attitude sampling theory and statistical techniques) ® National Defence, Ottawa, $6,840-$7,860. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS (to administer various Acts, Regulations and Ordinances), Northern Affairs and Na- tional Resources, Ottawa and other centres, Up to $6,300 depending on qualifications, plus northern allowance for positions in Northern Canada. Time limit for application April 11 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISORS---SHIPS (hull and machinery), Transport Department, Quebec, Halifax and Port Arthur, $6,210-$6,660, DEW LINE OFFICER IN CHARGE (to supervise cargo supply operations for Far North) Transport Department, Ottawa, $6,210-$6,660 HEATING AND VENTILATING DESIGNER, Construction Branch, Transport Department, Ottawa. $6,210-$6,660, PERSONNEL SELECTION ANALYST (university graduate to evaluate R.C.AF, selection and training procedures), National Defence, Ottawa. $5,700-$6,180. ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL OFFICER (to ensure technical ae- ceptability of electron tubes end devices), Canadian Military Electronics Standards Agency, National Defence, Ottawa, $5,700-$6,180, SUPERVISOR, ENVIRONMENTAL TEST LABORATORY (vibra- tors, shock machines, weather chambers), Inspection Ser. vices, National Defence, Ottawa, $5,700-. 6,180. EXCISE TAX AUDITORS (with professional accounting er auditing experience), National Revenue, various centres in Ontario. Up to $5,430 depending on qualifications, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS (university graduates to admin. ister group pension plans and annuity contracts), Annus ities Branch Labor, Ottawa. Up to $5,820 depending on qualifications MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (to work on design and application of heating, air conditioning and plumbing equipment; radar ontenna and radomes; mechanical construction equipment), Government Departments, various centres. $5,580.96,780. For details, write to Civil Service Com- mission, Ottawa ond ask for circular 58-1200-1, AERODROME KEEPER (care ond maintenance of buildings and airport equipment), Transport, Pagwa, Ont, $3,060. $3,480 TYPESETTING MACHINE OPERATORS---MONOTYPE KEY. BOARD (English and French Texts), Public Printing and Stationery, Hull, P.Q. $2.37%% an hour Public Print an hour and platen pressed PRESS ASSISTANTS (cylinder J Stationery $1.92 Hull. P.C except where otherwise specified, details and application forms ot main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices ntario Motor Sales Lid. ALWAYS OFFERS THE BEST USED CARS LOWEST PRIGES 1956 CHRYSLER 2395 A gleaming two tone blue with matching inters for, radio, push button automatic-power steering 1956 MERCURY s495 s245 HARDTOP --- Radio and au- tomatic -- Power equipped . . . 1951 FORD s279 1952 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. SEDAN original 43,000 s795 SEDAN DELUXE - Here's good transportationonly ........ 1950 MERCURY COUPE - Two tone beige and sierra gold -- equipped . .". . 1949 PONTIAC miles -- two ton 995 1957 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN -- Like new . . . . s] 995 1956 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 2-DR. -- Two tone green -- Custom radio s1 945 1955 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN -- Red and black . 2-DR. SEDAN -- Two tone green, s1 295 1950 PONTIAC 2-DR. SEDAN Lic. A12537 .... 1951 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON -- Has a wonder- ful motor and all ready to go custom built radio CR I RI RN RE RORY} 1955 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN -- Metallic green, really sharp, one owner 1951 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Sedan 1395 495 1949 STUDEBAKER Sedan s1 4 bh 1952 FORD s785 SEDAN 2-DR. -- Coral and ivory, 5999 radio, spare wheels, sharp as a pin ., 1952 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN -- Dynaflow, radio, two tone blue and ivory . . 5895 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN -- Minerva Blue -- Lic, 9489)... cesss sees s995 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN - Lic. 990-482 -- s8§95 Onsalefor .......s¢vc0. in, 1950 AUSTIN Sedan -- Grey s9 hb 1950 OLDSMOBILE 4-Dr. Sedan $2 1 5 1957 CHEVROLET V2-TON PICK-UP --- One owner s1 575 sinieisinnew 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN - Light Grey, A Beauty ORIY cooiviivinvn ina iaia Serving Oshawa & District For Over 35 Years ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST OSHAWA RA 5-6504, RA 5-6507

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