Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 11 Apr 1958, p. 9

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CANADA OUTDOORS | Bar Girl Players 'Pee Wee Hockey Pump Air Into Lake, Save, spec cr - » Fuling Fish From Suffocation ment being played here is riding KILMAR, Que. (CP)---Anglers tom. girls out of organized hockey more effectively 'than any boy's | bodycheck, have pumped air into a shallow Scott, two members who helped girls will be allowed in future feebound lake near here to keep operate the agration system. | ournaments. Competing this fish from suffocating during the claim that the fish that survived | year as a forward line with Wat- winter freeze-up {the winter of 1955 have developed fod in section C were Dorothy When they begin fishing once large and healthy. _ |Hollinger, Margie McVicar and more, they'll have an ideal The club has been using 850| Noreen Woodall, How's Your 1.0.2 Today's Insuronce Problems Answered Hayward Murdoch Charlie Brown and Jack| officials sald Wednesday nol 'Western Ontario Sportsman Bad Wat v | es e n ario Po a a er Quer shown in a window tank and in a|vear in tourist spending snd H 32 Y A H it 4 pool fed by a waterfall set up In- other income. y Found In England he visited have large populations in relation to their relatively few Itario beet plant loading trucks, says wears glasses, weighs 145 pounds| Walker is preity proud of histo polluted waters--one of today's|ernment. Isearch efforts in one large, thor- top problems for wildlife officials] Dr, Prevost said however that|0ushly - equipped station, while working fellows who quaff the good years left," he says. "Well, ¢ odd beer and spend many eve- mavhe a couple. I'll stick with it| A lot of British time and talent|the Quebec fish and game de work, Dr. Prevost said, and it now is harnessed against the partment, acting separately, send|raised the question of whether THE DAY TIMIS-GAZETTE, Prdey, Api 11, 1958 § side the big store Dr. Prevost said the countries Cliff Walker is 51, the father of organized hockey on a regular three, works in a Western On- basis at 51 years of age," he] MONTREAL (CP) -- Biologist|vise stocking of lakes in the lakes and streams. This enables > Gustave Prevost says an answer Paris area by the Canadian gov-{them to concentrate fisheries re- and is five feet, eight inches tall. record, and he thinks he'll stretch He's like thousands of other hard- it a few years, "I've got a few|and industrialists--may soon be he expected no changes, At pres. Canada needs a dozen. found in England. ent the federal government and All were doing "very good nings at home in front of 8 TV ag long as I feel fit and can get set, along without wheezing whenever whether the experiment is work- ing. § First tried a few winters ago, the experiment seemed fo suc: ceed, At least members ~f the White Rock Fish Club here thought so, A member caught a four - pound, 13 ounce rainbow | trout that measured more than two feet long, a record for the lake. SIMPLE PRINCIPLE The principle behind the fce- clearing operation is simple. It's the same Idea as that used to keep water in harbors, docks, | channels and log ponds free of fep--a perforated polythene pipe carries compressed air to the bottom of the lake and rising bubbles open an ice-free patch of water on the surface The spring of 1955 was a bad time for the club, Many of their prize trout died and lack of suf. ficient oxygen was said to have been a contributing factor, The members had stocked the lake Just a year before with rainbow and speckled trout Club members spent the piping and air compressor $700 for {in a wide circle with But, comes the winter months, and Walker is something special around his home town of Wes! Lorne, a village of 1,078 popula tion, He gets out and plays feet of non-corrosive polythene . Jack Oakes, president of the fipe and 2 somprésser Producing Ontario Minor Hockey Associa- ke 3 i wi Tins 4 Hh Sy tion, indicated to Watford coach ry ry of ve hos 150 feet Bob Graham that the ban willl F § 3 of two-inch polythene pipe runs | Kori 19 2 Jie OURA meet hockey with "the boys." f -ompressor in the club] 3 [AA | . from the compressor 1, (he €lbl 3 ament chairman Bruce Walker, who. celebrates bis pipe in the water, Erskine said: "We decided it|52nd birthday this Sunday, Jas ¢ {had gone far enough. No more just completed 32 straight play- BIG UNDERWATER LOOP girls . . . we're afraid they might|Ing seasons, a record that prob- nderwater pipe is looped get Pig ably no oné in North America The uders an | 64-inch gst bur can touch, Hockey, he says, is a perforations every 20 feet. Loop- hobby with him, ing the pipe gives a bonus of REMEMBER WHEN .e i; REAL SHARPSHOOTER open water because the centre! py THE CANADIAN PRESS There's no fooling in Nis raft of ice gradually melts Indian Broom, from the Van-\.porho'ss me cuts out the beer Scientists 'agree that the oxy- .oyyer stable of Maj. Austin Tay: | an4 Cizarets. takes his regular gen content of the immediate jor won the first rus = Ran 5, takes guar part of the lake is increased by urn at his centre. ice Posi on wind action and by the extra air for about 30 minutes every game : p and this season was the club's pumped through the pipe, | i | yas J A But the big unanswered ques-| LONDON (AP) -- The British second highest scorer with 36 tion, they say, is whether the Boxing Board of Control Wednes- goals, He got 30 of them during oxygen is being carried to other|day fined British heavyweight the regular season and six in a parts of the lake. Without firm|Dick Richardson $700 for his ac- (five-game playoff with Shedden statistics, they won't estimate the!tions in a fight with American|for the West Lorne Community value of the ice-clearing plan. Cleveland Williams last month, |League championship. On the theory that the aeraiton| Richardson was disqualified for "That's an amazing record' operation has kept the fish alive butting. The BBBC ordered the says W. A. (Billy) Hewitt of To o that they could grow bigger, money taken from Richardson's ronto, registrar-treasurer of the the club is adding more fish to purse and handed over to the'Canadian Amateur Hockey Asso the lake- 5000 fingerlings, four Boxers' Benevolent Fund leiation since 1922. "In the old BOXER FINED days we used to have fellows cal there, says Dr. Prevost, di-ling and rearing. rector of the biological bureau of| "we've heen doing the Quebec fish and game depar] ment, | take my turn on the ice." PLAYS GAME A WEEK Walker, who hasn't a grey hair or: fogr in his head, has had his share of| He returned recently after 214 said int g | rv J | " 3 1 niuries jiose broken & toile of months in Europe, six weeks with broken ribs and a couple of teeth knocked out, "Nothing really ser- fous has happened to me ip the way of injuries." He starts regular training in erland, Belgium and Italy. October and is all set to play CRITICAL PROBLEM that times altogether," for quite a few years, perhaps three he Canadian "fish taken to Paris a Quebec exhibition in a Paris for the exhibition were left for department store and the other the Trocadero Aquarium. While {four weeks spent touring hatch-jon display with the other Quebec leries and fisheries research sta- exhibits they were viewed by an|Racing tions in England, France, Switz- estimated 500,000 people. About|died Monday after crashing into {100 fish, including trout, salmon|a concrete barrier at the Brands problem, which has become criti-|salmon eggs to France for hatch. Canada is doing enough. | In Europe, he says, sports fish. ing is not in such high favor as {in North America, and its value has not been assessed, In Quebec the figure, with hunting thrown in, runs toward $10,000,000 a RACE DRIVER KILLED BRANDS HATCH, Eng. (AP)-- driver David Dunnage when the season opens in mid. November, The bio calls| In England, he says, manufac-| turing plants are stacked along-| for a game a week until the end |'" of March, and then the playoffs. side each other on the banks of he fans give him a good-na. myers, T 808 § i i "The life of the industries it- tured ribbing about playing with i" i a because the fellows young enough to be pig el 35 IR i us at ey sons, but it doesn't bother him. | op of the river i all right." "1 usually get my quota of | England also has a heat pol goals, about 20 or so a season, |, oF problem, one still Hittle and everybody is happy. We have yn,un in Canada. Water poured a lot of fun. _|back into the river after absorb {ing as little as one degree more LI. BABE {temperature may be loo warm FORT Fla. (Cp). for the factory farther down wo rE "Now they're taking the means I'hirdbaseman Loren Babe of To to do something. and we'll prob ronto Maple Leafs of the Inter- aply get lots of new knowledge national League Monday nightion pollution from England, be Premium Quality ® Prompt Delivery ® Courteous Service ® Reasonable Price | Hl aarmt----_---- -------- NEW REDUCED PRICE ON For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone : was sold to Seattle of the Pacifi RA 5-1109 ¢ cause they are in a critical state and two 30-pound muskies, were|Hatch auto race, STOVE OIL 20: MO 8-3644 QUESTION: Whe forms of Inland Marine insur. ance are written ? ANSWER: Domestic ship- ments, bridges, tunnels, etc.-- and personal prop- erty floater risks. A bridge would now be con- sidered ""Multiperil In. surance." ® Have you on insurance prob- lem of your own? Come In or We'll be glad to help you without charge or obliga- tion of any kind write us old Gerry Staley (5-1) and 38. stay in the game pretty long, bul year-old Dixie Howell (6-5 In the deal that brough. Wynn it as long as this Walker fellow and pumped air to the lake bhot-'to seven inches long to the White Sox with Al Smith Hewitt should know. He has Chi White Sox M g Y the club gave up Minoso and heen close to Canadian sport for - |Fred Hatfield to Cleveland. most of. his 83 years and has a d e 00 elr oast Moore came from Baltimore with prodigious memory. "I can't [Billy Goodman and Tito Fran- think of anyone who has played TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- They|are Wynn, Billy Pierce (20-12),(¢008 for Doby and Jack Harsh- laughed last spring when Al Lo-Ipjek Donovan (16-6), Jim Wilson! 1,01 " id] J ! opez plans to play Goodmar pez sald "the Yanks can be had 158), Bob Keegan (10-8) and (204) at third and has been us It wasn't any joke. His Chic: no va va (233) ht field r ' Bil 8C (7- ing Francona (.233) in rig ago White Sox led the dazed New |~' IF cher ' ne combination of Nellie Fox Yorkers into late June and hung MOORE IN BULLPEN (.317) at second and Luis Apari- on doggedly until mid-September. Moore, a strong armed right- cio (257) at short probably is the Lopez Is saying the same thing hander who had an 11-13 record best in the majors. If Goodman this spring and he can point to|at Baltimore in 31 games, is to needs occasional help at third, pew men such as Early Wynn| handle the heavy work in the Lopez can bring in Bubba Phil- and Ray Moore to back his bullpen with help from 37-year- lips, (.270) from the outfield tlaim . C ww ------ --1 "If we could have beaten the Frovenususnnnsuennany Yankees ourselves, we could y have won it last year," said the it takes more than a Chicago manager, "They beat us . 14 out of 22 but we played just suitcase to take a trip... f as good or better than they did 4 JS against the rest of the league." . [4 $ it takes CASH! A ---- TOO MUCH GONE? Many critics think the White Box sacrificed too much when| they gave up Minnle Minoso and Larry Doby for more pitching. Without Wynn and Moore, the| White Sox had the most complete games, 59, and the most shutouts, 16 last year. The staff was sec- ond to the Yanks in earned-run average but the new men may | close the gap Wynn has looked great in the exhibition games, said Lopez, His W14-17 won-lost record at Cleveland 2914 SIMCOE ST. S. last year included three victories over New York for a sixth-place ball club, . Lopez lists six starters. They! I don't think anyone stayed with Coast League. Babe, 30-year-old i eouly lead te Peller 4 eo General Ins\gance Service lefthander, had been with the what's happening there." Leafs four seasons, He was re- . | placed by Stan Jok at the start| STOCK PARIS LAKES of last season, but returned to| During Dr. Prevost's stay over- third when Jok had an off-form seas it was reported here that the) spell. 'institute of biology was to super-' OSHAWA WHITBY VIGOR OIL CO.LIMITED "Wouldn't use any RT. other make!" DIAL RA 5-1121 "The first truck we bought when we went into business 10 years ago was a GMC one ton panel job. Of the 25 trucks purchased since then, 23 have been from General Motors. We need reliability--our trucks have to stay on the road, seven hours a day, six days a week. GMC trucks give us that reliability. When things do go wrong, we need fast service and we get it from our GMC dealer. Wouldn't use any other make!' For Your W. R. 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