Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 31 Mar 1958, p. 7

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GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES Blakely. Mrs. J. Kinsey read the |scripture and Mrs. T. F. Lean gave a reading entitled "Pulling Out of Winter". This was followéd by a business period. Mrs. Amos Hartman was |appointed to represent the group the W.A. The group agreed help with the 'Centennial Hall" tea fo be held April 17. It was decided to have a rum- mage sale preceding the next .|group meeting in April, Mrs. H. A. Mellow was the speaker service taking for her her topic being '""Who Crucified theme "Easter". Jesus". Mrs. Herbert Porter sang an; Mrs. Frank James and commit- Haste ale astompanied i the tee served refreshments. . . | Phe speaker was Mis. Delbert S.A. HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Sal- vation Army Home League was held on Tuesday afternoon, March 25, with 64 present, Mrs. William James led in the singing of a few choruses. Mrs. Walter Reid led in the singing of ding.|a hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. William James. . Tea was served by the Cherrio Group. " Mrs. Henry McGhee was in charge of the devotional period and led in the singing of a hymn and in the responsive Scripture The regular meeting of the reading, following which she Young . Womien's Mission Circle/sang a solo, "I Know Who Holds me organiza the 19th at Cedardale and re-orgoniza SOUTHMEAD PARK AUX. The regular meeting Southmead Park Ladies A surer's report. Further p! president reported on the tion of 8 sew suxiliary, I e tion of the 12th at uxiliary was held at the home of Mrs, Desmond Taylor, Cloverdale| os NOT irene: wml ioe of Sineet, Mrs. Gordon Ellisun. pre- The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary. Mrs. Milton Laxdal gave the trea- for the bazaar were / Mrs. George Gib- ; L a coffee and Goughnuts on Mat Gay. Tickets were distributed for a demonstration of household goods which will follow the regular busi- ness meeting on April 17, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fred Kinkle, Mrs. Ross Cooper and Mrs. Nellie Pierson. LAUREL 'GROUP The Laurel Group of the W.A, of St. Andrew's United Church met in the ladies' panier of the church with Mrs. E. G. Storie presiding. After the devotional period, |there was a short business meet- ing during which further 3 the garden party to be ; i : ER ir | g : 1 ' i i li f § ; gined g Fal HHT i i son a 3 report was also given on the card party and the progress of the quilt, It the finals. CHRIST CHURCH AYPA The meeting of the Anglian! Young People's Association of Christ Memorial Church was opened with the Association pray- A few items of eorrespondence were attended to and the dues and attendance were taken. It was announced that the East Local Council meeting held here on March 20 was one of the most successful of its kind to be held in Oshawa with about 50 attending, was decided to give a dona-! tion of money to the Southmead Hockey Team for a party after on June 4 were cussed and also of the rummage sale to be held by the group on April 15, under the convenorship of Mrs. R, Schofield. Following the business, Mrs. A. W. Bradford showed slides taken during her motor trip to the Pacific Coast, and also slides taken by Mrs. S. J. Nobbin of the Stonehaven Garden Party in 1957. Refreshments were serv y Mrs. Donald Rutledge and Mrs. | E. W. Peterson. OSHAWA LIONETTES The March meeting of the Osh- awa Lionettes was opened with the president, Mrs. John Kent, presiding. Two new members were in- ducted in the elub, Mrs. Lewis Hammil and Mrs. George Pax- Mgs. Wilbur Rusnell and her tov. Chapter IODE To Meet In April The 38th annual meeting of the Chapter of Ontario, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, will be held April 16, 17, and 18, at the Royal Connaught Hotel, in Hamilton, Ontario, the provincial president, Mise It was announced that there will be an executive meeting on Tuesday, April 1, at 8.00 p.m. at the home of Mr. Donald Read. All members were urged to be present at next week's meeting as it will be the end of the month business meeting. CHRIST CHURCH EVE. GUILD The regular meeting of the Evening Guild of Christ Memor- Jal { Church was held in the parish In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Frank Belbin, Mrs. Fred Konkle, vice-president open- ting with prayer after which thé&gninutes and treasurer's report were read. Mrs, Garnett White gave her report from the parish council, Arr ts were made to cater to the Early Bird's bowling league turkey supper to be held in the Parish Hall on April 12. The Meh's Club will hold its|his sister, Carolyn. auction sale on May 10 and thel Refreshments were served at Guild has been asked to serve the close of the meeting. ton. The balance of the evening was spent on completing plans for the bridge to be held at Simcoe Hall on April 21. 18TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The regular meeting of the 13th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held at King Street United Church on Monday evening, March 24. Mrs. Harold Pascoe Salked en the life of Lord Baden Powell, Mrs. Howad Brown read a of .Calvary Baptist Church was My Hand". Mrs. Earle McLeod held on Tuesday, March 25, with read a poem, Obedience. Mrs, Walter Mills, presiding. | Mrs. McGhee gave an interest Mrs. * Williant _Sargenat opened |ing talk on "The Christian Life", the meeting with prayer. |describing each letter in the word Mrs. William Riemer read $he Christian, such as converted, minutes of the last meeting. humble, rejoicing, intelligent, sin- Mrs, Jerald Morehouse read a cere, faithful, industrious, ap- letter from Mrs. Stewart Weber, |preciative, natural -- noting that and showed a film "Commission 'all good Christians will have these With Christ", Mrs. Victor Hen- qualities. She closed her talk by ein closed the meeting in| reading a poem "Joyous Service" . and repeating the Lord's Prayer. Refreshments were served by epeatig ye Mrs. George Delaney. Mrs. Gor-j SCOUT EXECUTIVE BOARD don Ferguson and Mrs. Donald, The regular meeting of the ex- Cameron. ; ecutive board of the Scout Moth-] ers' Auxiliaries was held recently ARDENT WORKERS in the 1st Oshawa Scout Hall The Ardent Workers group of Gibbon street. the W.A. of King Street United] The meeting was presided Church held its monthly meetingjover by Mrs. E. G. Si recently with the president, Mrs.| The secretary's report was Frank Hortop, presiding. read. Roll call was taken with 27 The meeting was opened by members answering. The treasur- reading a poem entitled "On Eas- irl sick convener's reports ter Morning". The devotional were given. Mrs. Leonard L. An- {period was led by Mrs. Harry'derson read the correspondence. ..3omething To Grow About You'll Find GREATER... gs. " The Rev. M. DeGangi of ilton will be the guest het. the dinner to be held on Thurs- day, April 17. His subject will be "A Nation's Greatness." On Wednesday, April 16, at 8.30 p.m., a panel discussion on "The Challenge to Education" will be Sunducied in the Royal nai ballroom, under the chair chapter from the book "Brief|manship of Dr. W. J. Deadman, Chats with Parents" by Dr.|with Judge Hugh Arrell, Dr. S. R. Laycock. The chapter was|g. 8, Armstrong, Dr. R. A. Rid on Pre Adolescence -- age 9 t0|dell, and Mr. Robert B. Taylor, 12 years. making the ; Two of i uh Sovuts Big w» panel sent, Mar 'owell pl a Lion solo "Sonatina" by Kuhlau and Douglas Pascoe played a violin selection "Gavotte". Me was accompanied on the piano by fin. In the front are Warren Hill and Susan Alexander, both one year old. --Times-Gazette staff photo United Church. From left to right (back row) are Da Salter, Debbie r, Gl Hill, Beverley Schell, G ° SEVEN LITTLE models pre- | of children's Fashions sponsor- sented a fashion show for tiny | ed by the Friendship Group of tots at the first Easter Parade ' the W.A. of Nort"~inster Preview Of Easter Shown In Children's Fashion Parade Oshawa's first Easter parade, were shown by blonde five-year- of children's fashions was held old Shelley Fisher. in the auditorium of Northminster| The ever popular gray flannels, United Church last Wednesday,iblue blazer, also Perry Como when the Friendship Group of the vests were 'modelled by the little W.A. presented styles from the hoys and many colorful car Young Ages Store in Oshawa's|coats and slacks for both boys 2) / INDIAN MEDICINE The value of witch hazel as & medicine was lmown fo ancient Indian tribes. Canadian deaths in this ~, rom 1952 through 1954, | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) 28.8 per cent occurred on the day --For Canadian children the first|of birth, against 14.8 per cent in day of is twice as hazardous the 36th through the 39th weeks as the 'last four weeks before!of pregnancy; 7.7 per cent occur- normal-term birth. |red on the second day of life, Shopping Centre. and girls. | 2 . . The attractive tea tables esn- Eight year Ja Kathie Suwallal/e Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 fred with spring flowers, and the mode a three-piece set inj ~-------- N aM AR ns stage pi Age gaily decorated sacony fabric of pedal pusher| THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mondey, Merch 31, 1958 7 were only surpassed by the mod- Sols au a maiciing Toit, els who ranged in ages from 16 Pre-teens, mi y the Ca-| ? . . from the 28th week of months to nearly | nadian Girls in Training of North-| Baby s First Day i through the first week Mrs. George Fisher, president minster United Church were skirt of Te. of the group, welcomed the guests 2nd blouse sailor co-ordinate and, Is M st Hazardous i A and thanked Mrs. Robert Eng. suede slims with plaid car coat 0 Of a 3 Msh for her delightful piano ac- The better dresses showed ex-| period companiment. Sellagt style and fit exceptionally She also credited Jackson and we. R | Raike Hardware store on Simcoe ash age TI Shares street north for its delightful | stage setting and introduced the they received a hearty applause 0d gay at de, © Ages Tom the audience. | 'This is brought out in figures | 14.8 per cent in w commentator from Young Ages my. vouthful models were War- published by the World Health| pregnancy and afterward (among Store, Mrs. L. Currie, whose in-' won pil) "Susan Alexander, Carol Organization. The figures are the potential 10th. month babies) and | Seresting and vivacious commen-| 5,4, Beverley Schell, Ann Grif-|first the agency has compiled on(lesser percentages at ether tary led greatly to the audience gy, "Con Hill, David Salter, Deb-|deaths in the so-called perinatal | times. | Sppreciation. bie Salter, Jodi Creech, Pati A three - piece blue Sheng Creech. Jodhpur and jacket set appealed "pug Ojafsen, Shelley Fisher, fo the viewers for it was modelled) po; icia McSweeney, Kathie Hay- by the Jounges wt am 3 Piok|den, Joan Ogle, Kathie Suwalla, e spri size 2 on little Susan A d Jase iden, Mary Dickson, the sweetest thing to see. "or All the popular eolors, mater- fols and styles from Gay-Tog| were shown. The new skirt and blouse eo-or- dinate were attached erinoline in shades of apricots and mauves THOUSANDS OF HOUSE- WIVES IN OSHAWA ARE 'TALKING ABOUT... == POWER Prices ==» POWER Qualify ==» POWER Free Giffs | ==» POWER Courfesy | POWER SUPERMARKET Your Shopping Delivered To Your Home -- Only 28¢ 564 King 8t. Host ot Wilsen Road North (Hwy. 3) Reame ANCIENT ART Embroidery, known to the an- cient Egyptians, probably reached its greatest perfection be- fore the 15th century. POUL DRUG HTORE MAL EASTER GIFTS POR BYERYONE frog fn tu yor dougetven oun Bok ove foe ike , suloction of eslowvisl git Moms. You'll orf fhe omy. leny wi fetes Songs, el OWNTOWN | With a quick ehange of The smart new knits you buy this Spring are des- tined to be your wardrobe standbys the year around. your accessories, they lf meet their easual er | dress-up occasions. | They're wonderful travel- | ers, too! GHOOSE NOW FROM OUR WONDERFUL SELECTION. SAVE MONEY AT 1. COLLIS & SONS TOO! is OHILDREN'S GOAT & MAT "rs --- (Boys ond @irls). Sizes 1 to Ix . 595 "A rolling stone gathers no moss' . . . end a travelling shopper actually takes a loss in time, energy and inconvenience when shop- ping elsewhere. The stores in Downtown Oshawa are devoting their time and effort toward making your buying \more beneficial and easier. GIRLS' COATS Smartly styled in a grand erray of ehic new motericls. Sizes 7 % 12. Reguler volues to 19.95, Vse Our Convenient LAY-AWAY PLAN The "low, low" price you pay miles away does not neces- sarily make for bargains. The real value-wise shopper knows that a bargain means top quality, recognized brands and above all, the reputation of a reliable merchant to back it up! And that's exactly what you get when you shop in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ! EASTER WEEK STORE HOURS : ® OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY ® OPEN THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. ® CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY BEAUTIFUL BASTER BONNETS for the 4 4 young ones. Smartly fashioned in o large "Sessortment of styles and shades, 4 Reg. volues to 3.98. SPECIAL .. "OW PRE-EASTER Store Hours Wadnesday, All Day Thursday, | Til 9 p.m. Blacks | LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY €HEERFULLY REFUNDED © RELIABLE, ving Oshawa ond area for over 40 years # SERVICE, we do the utmost for yuor eonvenience © LAYAWAY ony em ot mo extra eost o GASH your baby bonus end poy eheques. 1. COLLIS & SONS ww. A OSHAWA HEADQUARTERS FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR--FROM INFANTS TO TEENS 3 i

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