f THE DALY TIMES-SAZETTL Menduy, Moreh 31, 1998 sh L 3 A g THE OSHAWA SKATING Club | Sunday when club competitions ee , wa era at front are Paul Huehner- 4s jective of $340,000. Already, the Dr. P. Dwyer, rector of St. pledged so far in the crusade, | parishioners of St. Mary of the Gregory the Great; Rev. P. with only one week of cam- | People have pledged $45,000, Coffey, rector of Holy Cross, paigning to go. Six hundred $15,000 over the parich objective | Standing are, leit, Rev. F, §. workers staged an all-out blitz | of $30,000. At the meeting Fri- = Mahoney, rector of St. Gere | on Sunday in an effoft to push ' day are above, seated left to | tsude's and Rev. N. Gignac, right: Rev, F. Kwiatkowski, | rector of St. Mary of the Peo- rector of St. Hedwig's; Rev. | ple. --Times-Gazette Photo PASTORS OF THE five Osh- | total of $205,290 has been awa Roman Catholic parishes met at St. Gregory's auditor- ium Friday and expressed plea- sure with the progress of the . Oshawa Roman Catholic | Wilson, junior champion; Fiona | Church and Welfare Crusade. A | the totals pledged over the ov- | | from left, are George Jackson, gard and Yvonne A elosed a most successful sea- | were held and awards were ten fox champions. son at the Children's Arena on | presented. Caught by the cam- Oshawa Skating Club Holds Club Contests Sunday, Mar. 30, was the elos-, Doreen Yeo, 15-year-old daugh- enth and Susan Huehnergard, ing day of the Oshawa Skating! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yeo, of eighth. Club's winter season with the an- Switzer drive, Oshawa, defended) The calibire of free skating in| sual club competitions bringing her title as intermediate cham-|the novice class is a clear indi-' a very successful year end to the pion of the club. Doreen had the cation that the Oshawa Skating elub activities, misfortune to fall in the early Club is producing future cham-| At rear, Gloria Tatton, 18 - year - old Part of her free skating program pions who will be a credit to the on the town line north. She was |apparently knocked into a ditch This season the club was -able Where she suffocated in water. py hig first wife, to hold dance competitions and'She was three years of age. our new Ten Fox Champions are| A daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|1930 and by his second wife, the d/and was unable to continue due club and the city. Tatton, of Gormley, is the new |to the nasty bump she received | senior champion. Although Gloria On the back of her head but be- bad mo competition there is no/iDE 2 true champion after a few daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harol doubt that she deserves to wear Minutes rest she came back on yi, ne Anonichuk and P aul Wasil Maliszewski, presented was born in Toronto on Feb. 23, ust 2, 1981. the erown of champion of the tO the ice and skated a superb |g ohiaroard, who Oshawa Skating Club. Gloria's Program. [their dance with ereditable skill free skating was outstanding and] Yvonne Anonichuck was runner which was very pleasing to # is the concensus of experienced up to Doreen with Paul Huehner- watch. Gloria Bilida and John three sisters, Mrs. Adam Savage land; a brother, Horace Weeks, skating enthusiasts that Gloria/gard very close behind. Yvonne wilson were the runners up. It is (Christine) of Oshawa and Misses of Oshawa and a nephew, Len will do well in the Dominion is a very young skater and shows hoped that next season there will Helen and Lily, Championships next season. Sin-|a great deal of talent. She is pe more entries in the dancing. brother, Oshawa. eere congratulations are extended noted for her timing. She really fo Gloria for a job well done. skates to her music. Paul, also Street Work [i ev memes Isolates Poll tions are true. Three intermedi- ate skaters are keen competitors | |and enter all competitions where {they gain a great deal of experi- i j sbn. Voters at one Oshawa polling John Wilson who is 16 years old. | ibdivision ran into a snag today dais Jaced fest, Lh nel ught 1 . Witt Hiay sought to bali. The 228 Yorked hard 2 squsen and, POLICE BODY station for Subdivision| We)! deserves the junior tile. | o; Bos atom King street east, Pam Ballantyne was rumer-vw) NEWS BRIEFS Sappened to be located between| With 11-year-old Darlene Watson Wilson road and Farewell ay- 2 very close third. Pam and Dar- enue, in which section storm lene have improved considerably BI sewer construction is under way. |in their free skating and next sea- of this work, King street son should see them as very good #» blocked by barricades, earry- competitors in our intér - elub fag Detour" signs, at both Wil-|competitions, som road azd Farewell avenue, NOVICE CHAMPIONSHIP Voters seeking to go to this The novice championship drew ing station found themselves [orth the largest number of en- The with a dilemma. They ei- tries. None of these skaters .has IODE ther had #0 ignore the detour Passed the first test snd they all hold their annual tag day on signs and take the risky drive Show great promise. |Saturday, May 24. The Police around them, or park their cars| Fiona Gardner won the novice Commission granted the request ot either end of the blocked-off championships with April Carter " area and walk along King street|and Christine Nash a very close GIVEN TAG DAY from the east or the west to second and third. Randy Hueh- twa reach- the polling booth. This nergard was fourth, He will be a Dada requested permission forenoon, voters were taking a very good free skater. Linda Yeo '0ld 2 tag day on either June 7 , for the most part, on|was fifth and Linda i a stro | driving around the detour signs|skater for her age. Carol Hueh. 5i0n President, George Jackson an- nounced the winners of the fro- phies which were presented by Mrs. Ray Yeo. Out of town judges were Miss Nancy Zolomy and Mrs. Dietrich and Allan Ander- son of Oshawa. |skaters took the ice for their last | pionships. | |free skating session of the sea-| This year's Junior Champion is | | Victoria Lodge, Loyal True ue Association, chose May 31, tag day. The date was granted |by the Oshawa Police Commis- |sion Friday. IODE TAG DAY Prince requested permission ® reach No. 670 King street east, /nergard, sixth, Dawn Tatton, sev yf REFUSE TAXI STAND A one-cab taxi stand in front of Hotel Genosha was refused by the | |Oshawa Police Commission Fri-| {day. A request by the hotel had | | been received previously and was, |referred to the traffic commit tee of city council for a report. | City Engineer F. E. Crome ad- vised the | traffic committee endorsed a pre- vious refusal of the application ty, sons, Alexander {tine, of Oshawa by the commission. GUARDS REFUSED | The Cedardale Home and School Association requested school crossing guards at Sigcoe and Wolfe streets and at Ritson! {road and Wolfe or Conant, streets. The request was not !granted. i TENDERS OPENED | Tenders for police boots and [four police cruisers were opened |by the commission. The boots | |were awarded to the T. Eaton Co. Ltd, at $11 per pair. Two police cruisers were awarded to | Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., and two | eruisers to Cliff Mills Motors Ltd. LOOKING OUT OF the door | of the Canso amphibian air- craft which landed at Oshawa Airport Saturday are left, the pilot of the aircraft, A. "Red" Martindale of Torono and navigator D. G. Edwards also of Toronto. The Canso had just arrived from a stay in Ceylon, where i carried out aerial survey work for the Co- lombo Plan, bring aid to flood stricken areas of the island. The plane, which has a crew of five, left Ceylon March 4, and arrived in Canada, Friday, Joc ning down in Newfound- | Plane Returns From Ceylon Sunday Game Brouses Ire | Residents of Greta street, In the vicinity of North Simcoe Street School, are incensed over the conduct of a group of men who disturbed the peace and quiet of Sunday afternoon by playing a combination of ice and field hockey on the asphalt sec- tion of the school playground. --Pimes-Gazette Photo. id tion from one of the r 8 Anthony Domagala, N 2 avenue, died at the Oshawa Gen. in Little Lake Cemetery, |eral Hospital on Sunday, Mar, borough. |30. He was in his 66th year. ence for their future big cham. After she presentations all #he| Bory jn Poland on June 14, 1808, the deceased had lived in| Oshawa for 36 years. {been an employe of Fittings Lim* lited for 27 years. of Holy Cross Church and of the Polish Alli- ance. ! 1958, as the date for holding their ® |high requiem mass in Holy Cross {Church at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Apr. 2, sung by Rev. P. Coffey. Philip Chapter, Interment will be to ory's Cemetery. {weeks the death occurred at ¢ : u Oshawa General Ho pital on Sun- The Silver Cross Women of Ca- gay, to Trafemenko, 'Adam Tarasewicz, or June 14. The police commis-|Ave, Oshawa. She was in pproved the application for 35th year. raine, on May 5, 1923, the de- and Gordon of Kingston. Iceased was a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Germany, in May, 1946. A resi. strong Funeral Chapel on Sun-|driven by Frank Wisniewski, 40, d: the deceased came to Oshawa from Montreal four years ago. ? bi commission that the! Der Orthodox C*urch 2, conducted by Rev The men, according to informa. - club presi ; Gloria Tatton, senior champion; Doreen Yeo, intermediate champion; John | Gardgper, novice and Mrs. Ray Yeo. | ~Photo by Rehder. | OBITUARIES | | TERESA MALISZEWSKI awa General Hospital on Sunday, Sweep Winner Church Crusade em, Maas wt sen 8, MES coat Be Ms Is Happy Man earing Success | A total of $205,290 has been bringing completion of St. Hed pledged to date in the Oshawa wig's closer to reality," he said. at 10 a.m. today for Teresa Mal- Year. He passed away following' Alfred Lehmann, 32, of 544 but 1 don't think it Js enough to fo er camiors Church and Web) Rev. F. & Maloney and Rev. iszewski who died last Friday| Short illness. Drew street, is a happy man. quit working." short of the $340,000 objective Mary of the People, respectivel night. Rev. Felix Kwiatkowski ,A 8on of the late James and yappy but a little confused by SHORT HOLIDAY for the five Roman Catholi Ferid gon A sang the mass. Interment was in tose Weeks, the d d wasipis sudden fame. Mr. Lehmann listened to a = . Ye oman athe par-istaked they were happy with the St. Gregory's Cemetery. born 'ia Shen, England, on Feb- 1 ehmanm won $56,000 when Tib- warning from his neigibor, Hel- ' y. progress of the crusade. The deceased was struck by og BR employe > eretta won the Grand National mut Sikorsky, who advise hn i i i | 2 yi take to tak caution ainst a tide, an auto near the 4th concession | porough for 25 years, ae had jo-johlurasy. Nie held a sweepstake to take precautions ag i The priests of the five parishes| The parish of St. Mary of the ly oie bs of salesmen, .who might have met Friday in St. Gregory's audi- People has already exceeded its torium, Simcoe street north, and quota of $30,000 by $15,000 and Fn expressed great satisfaction with Father Gignac hopes that actual | An hour after the race, he was heard of his win. "I think we Mr. Weeks was predeceased ,,,.q with a battery of press and| will go away for a few days," he| NS Progress of the campaign. construction of the church will | Mabel'. Dells Tar oe | movie cameras, tape recorders said, "there will likely be_a lot TON oinuary i:land interviews. of people trying to sell us stuff. I Rev. Dr, Paul Dwyer, rector begin soon. of St. Gregory the Great said:| An all-out drive to sweep With a-slight German accent, only buy what I want to buy, e told the press that he has and I don't want to be bothered "I have no doubt the goal will be pledges over the total objective pi vg 0 Colley. Woh was carried out by the A Vv. , . lans for some of his winnings. by a lot of salesmen.' parish, a TE i cade the Jn LANS TRIP HOME Mrs, Lehmann is excited over ,,o.500 in church Sunday that weekend of campaigning bef Lehmann, a-toolmaker at Gen- the win. Smiling happily, she y | palgnin ore eral Motors of Canada Ltd., said slipped frequently into her native that he will now be able to take tongue while talking to report-| {the parish has exceeded its the end of the crusade this week. ota. Rvistkowskl: OMI. of 8 | Howevel, = Bi of the : y ev. Kwiatkowski, 1, t. (total number of Oshawa parish. of Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, minis- 2 long - awaited trip to Ger- ers. She Js overjoyed at the pros edwig's, expressed pleasure. ioners still have to be Visited {ter of Albert Street United Many, his homeland. pect of having a chance to Visit inne gycoess of the campaign is|before the crusade closes. |Chureh, will conduct the mem. Both my wife and myself have| her family in Germany. ANTHONY DOMAGALA lorial service at the Armstrong relatives in East Germany. Now| "It's funny," she said, "Just as In poor health for 18 years Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. on Tues-| We can afford to go to see them, the race finished, the mailman * LJ "day, April 1. Inte t will belif we can get in and out of East brought a letter from my sister 159% Oliver jr Benen ie Germany safely," he said. in East Germany. I hope we wii! © evl eo 1 1 1S "Anyway, we are taking a trip be able to send some money to to Europe. 1 want to see the my family. I do not know yet MRS. MARY CATHERINE COE |world Soccer Championships in how much we are allowed to The death occurred at her Sweden in June. I dreaheo of send." He had home, 145 Ritson road south, seeing these James, yu Jueves ; The Lena hive 30 on. after returning from chi ' really expected to be able to see ily, the "baby" of the house be- Sunda put 2 nw | them.» he said with a smile. [ing Suzy, a year-old grey cat.| A team vi Dials Som Belle: 5 Bowmanville will Dave two [Mary Cathefine Gloster, widow of | Asked if he planned to buy any- Suzy, who became the proud ior Cribne Saga ian eams and Whitby one team. {Maurice Coe. The deceased was thing, he said "Yes, I will buy a mother of four kittens last Wed- the Distro Mags k gro in The of the O | house. I am renting this one, but nesday, did not approve of all Saturday. Th Py Trenton branch io 1 team are: Bill Hood, Nat. A daughter of the late William 1 would like a little house oe yi n, he arched her back 3s > aay a yl re Ck. Don Suction, Ray Cowle | ulbs popped, © under + . No. 2 team: wife, the former a Satan Closer, the deceated OWT. Ys J an going 10 buy 2 ig table. aor dis. Peterborough fourth. All four Don Weeks, Doug Weeks, John Maynooth, Ont., on teams will compete in the pro- Bannister, Bob Fleming and |vincial tournament at North Bay Harry Burkitt; No. 3 team: Alex on Apr. 26 Walker, Bob Diopne, Al McKee The members of the Oshawa'and Lefty Turner. team who will play in North Bay| At a recent meeting the Oshe are; G. F. Grant, H. E. Bathe, aya branch moved to extend it May 23, 1886 and was married Mr. Lehmann is not going to approval at the gentlemen of the C. Halcombe, C. Hatch, Sid|thanks to the ladies auxiliary for there in 1906. Mrs. Cok came to! Quit his job.."It is a lot of money, press. |Hobbs, L. J. Mitchell, R. Groat, jis donation of $300 to help de oe remains will be at the Oshawa from Maynooth eight for |Vears ago. A member of Holy Cross Ro- man Catholic Church, the deceas- : "0. The Golden Text Ignatius Roman Catholic Church, Yoo DAMAGE from Psalms (33:11): "The ol K. Johnson and Harold Brown. J. fray the cost of the new piano. Maynooth. A traffic accident occurred at i the Lord standeth for ever, Horton, who died as the result of Thanks were also expressed to Predeceased by her husband in 141 Park road north at 1:25 a.m. © ghts of iia motor accident, on his Way|garry Stafford for his work im : " home from the tournament, was of the com- Yollowing an Hiness of: two daughters, Mrs. Ei" Dillon (Jan- mated at $400. The two automo- | generations. entering the names e he ey) of Oshawa, Mrs. Joseph Dil-|biles involved in the ident were TOWER COMING DOWN A second Oshawa team com-|last reward in the Remem- lon (Mary Ellen) of Trenton, driven by Lloyd George : 2! One of Oshawa's landmarks, posed of A. Elliott, L. White, Er- brance Book. ) igi d O'Brien, 324 Anderson a t of Mrs. Fred Coulthard (Maisie) of Bernar on, : Building, Richmond St. W., will|g Ferguson, H. Burkitt, J. Wooler and Mrs. Gerald Cassidy Averue. fbb O'Brien vehicle was," aken down this week. Ken|Sirank, Don Weeks, J. ADGETSOD herr) ro marie a st erie |(Betty) of Greenview, Ont. and |PeF h Coulter, of the Coulter Manufac-| and D. Bickel, also took Part in| and placing a wreath at the ceno- demoli-| the deceased former Frances Desell, on Aug- h | 1865. He leaves two sisters, Misses| Besides her parents, she leaves Liza and Emma Weeks, in Eng-| at home and one Weeks, of Oshawa. Roman Jaworski, la was a by om tholic | Roman Ca On lin her 72nd year. Mr. Dx He leaves nis Stella Johnson, and one daughter, Miss Marjorie Domagala, of Osh- Armstrong Funeral Chapel in St. Greg- March 30, of beloved wife 502 Di ed was formerly a member of St. MRS. ADAM TARASEWICZ | March, 1033, she leaves five|Sunday. Total damage was esti- the thoughts of his heart to all also a member of the team. rades who have passed to their Alexandra Miss Evelyn Coe of Toronto, of 351 Cromwell avenue, and by "4 yer on the Williams Piano nie MacKenzie, Gene MacKenzie, Comrade W. F. Beaton, for the four sons, Frank of Maynooth, BUS-CAR CRASH turing Co., which now the tour taph on Tuesday, Apr. 8, in me Born at Cherkiw, in the Uk- Michael and Stephen of Oshawa A city bus and an automobile|the building, stated the DART TOURNAMENT ar of Vimy Day at 7 p.m. Al collided on Simcoe street north, tion is being done in the inter- As 5 result of the one dart members of the branch and the Also surviving are four sisters opposite St. Gregory's Roman ests of safety as the tower is (ladies auxiliary are expected to Geo Traf ko. and two brothers, in England. ! oli , Saturday, Dam- showing signs of age. tournament held at the Oshawa rge rafemenko 4 Catholic Church, Saturday. m- showing sign: 8 Legion Hall, the Oshawa branch attend as well as the public. ent of Canada for seven years, Mrs. Tarasewicz was a mem- er of St. Mary's Besides her husband | ag. ee oer Inter. out for the funeral of the late ount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa.!Comrade Lovell, nivk. Interment will Mary's Cemetery WILLIAM JAMES WEEKS The desth occurred at the Osh UE -----"eee-.p prety Sensational Meal" Features Tuesday and Wednesday Only! lished was originally fe LEAN, TENDER CLUB STEAKS THIN SLICED uw 49° boulevard | not be forgotten. lon Tuesday and Wednesday. MacDonald, 857 Simcoe street starting soon after 6 p.m. when re N she leaves on Wednesday, Apr. 2. Interment William Wallace, 31 ERgin street' of The Daily Times where the SPIRES -- Margaret Ribbans on|Hall. Comrade W. F. Beaton as the late William J, Spires, dear ? and a brother, in the Ukraine, A letter of appreciation is to be WEATHER i8 (Lorraine) Thornhill, and Mrs, n. The public ls invited to A h 8t. Mary's Church Hall. Service BIRTHDAYS TODAY uow 4 Resting at her home after § o'clock|F for the fine response in turning } : | be in Bt. Synopsis: Election day im On. Chadburn street; John Meagher, from the west will make its in. levard, who are celebrating their ypu HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-- being used for this purpose on|will enjoy at least one more fine The Times-Gasette will be pub-|Peace' to the United Nations in | : up business administrator of the| yu. Erie, Lake Huron, Lake | cluded Mrs. Lillian Wiloughby of | the weekend. Whether there was Lake, Windsor, London, Hamil-|Wo8 explained in the Lesson- sailing vessel on a protest voy- the windows is not known. Busl- pid. Winds light northerly, today with a view to having this day. Winds light today, becoming § ro made | : i i World War and one that should Hattin Funeral Home, Bancroft, inorth. The bus driver was Alex, vide election returns tonight olic Church, Maynooth, at 10 a.m. | HURT IN ACCI T {tion CKLB from the news room| 8 pm. in Port Perry Legion in her 74th year, beloved Also surviving are five sisters sino the mass, p.m. Saturday. He was transfer- oyening until the final result is/wif Transportation will be provided. ory th final andi (Dorothy) Oshawa, Mrs. J. Law . h nal standin ) uesday afternoon and then at yy ren 8 3 (Ruby) Sault Ste. Marie. thanking the branches of District P. Zapary. public weather office at 4:30 am: street; Robert J. Walker, 54 ' Walk For Peace storm to approach our district | Hazel Read, 8 Rosehill bou against the school playgrounds The remainder of the province! The annual Building Edition of day on a six - day "'walk for of the school reported to the midnight Tuesday: The Philadelphia in- Kirkland continuing * re with Chief of Police H. Flintoff Tuesday afternoon. Milder Tues- un mewety « Wrench ~ ~ i} A Canso amphibian aircraft, points west, landing Wn New belonging to Kenting Aviation, foundland on Friday. touched down at Oshawa Airport "Rad was Saturday after carrying out ex- pilot; Lyle Hollinger of Oshawa, Jamsive aerial survey work |co-pilot; D. G. Edwards of To {ronto, nav ili This work was under the aus- Oshawa gators bik Phillipe ot much annoyed at the disturb-| pices of the Colombo Plan and of Toronto, technici-n, since thus created, and contact-| consisted of part of a natural The crew spent some consider. ©d educational officials. The po-| resources inventory of the wholelable time, after the aircraft had lice were notified and a police island of Ceylon to bring ald (come to a stop, unloading a mul- CTUiser was sent to the scene. flood stricken areas titude of personal baggage. They There was, however, some doubt The aircraft, which had arriv- seemed in excellent spirits after 85 to whether the hockey play- ed m Ceylon during the winter, their stay in the warmer climes ers were actually breaking any took off from the island March However, the pilol, Mr. Martin- law, so no action was taken to 4 end flew the route home dale, stated that "they were glad stop them ld andito be home' | An official complaint ks being | © arrived in cars and brought with them their own goal nets, which they set up and proceeded to have a rousing game, Residents. of the homes facing the school grounds were very| Enjoy the Easter Holiday --- at the -- NORTHERNAIRE HOTEL (Muskoke's Premiere Hotel) ----- ON ---- Beautiful LAKE JOSEPH SENBORRLD ... .. ® PHONE 201, PORT CARLING 3! 291; SIMCOE STREET SOUTH--DIAL RA 5-112] ® GLEN ORCHARD POST OFFICE ied at Lunenec,| The remains were at the Arm-/ moun . Th S| bond ng Vong al Ct ae nest val ELECTION SERVICE will have three teams in the dis-| L1is Was & very memorable day High Requiem mass will be south, ithe polls close. These returns A Zone Rally for Zone F 1 has and Valen-/ ill be in Maynooth Roman Cath-|®88t, was injured in a traffic acci- returns are received. The results Sunday, March 3 A. At her home, Zone Commander requests a red to the Oshawa General Hos-'Goiermined. The candidates will! mother of Everett, RR 1, Hampton, rec toh The remains will be at the directed to the district meeting in ! Jame will be held in Bt Mary's Chureh TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-! Congratulations are extended | visit the news room. Monday evening. Service on | tario will be sunny and mild with 20 Aberdeen street; Mrs. A. M fluence felt in northwestern On.|Pirthdays today. Nearly 100 persons set out from' Sunday afternoon. | spring day. w, Tuesday. It/New York fo protest continued board that three windows In the ooh Niagara, Haliburton io. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Blackwood Terrace, N.J. Her! any connection between the hoc-'on Sudbury, North Bay: Sunny Sermon entitled "Reality" at age to the United States' nuclear ness Administrator W. Gordon! Timmins - Kapuskasing Sunny AT m=-- = Sunday afternoon hockey on the youtherly 15 to 20 Tuesday after-|{ Br repa.. . ... day, Mar. 30. They will be at the of 8 Central Park The Times-Gazette will pro-/trict playoff at Trenton on May wo the veterans of the Mirst Ukrainian. sung in St. Ignatius Roman Cath. will be broadacst by Radio Sta- been called for Friday, Apr. 25, at Lan! : Street, Millbrook, Margaret olic Cemetery. Rev.®F. Rice wil dent on Taunton road east, at 3:30 i) pe carried throughout the! ribba r ar large turn out of members. i i \ s Re WW, is, pital. His condition is satisfact- co. the newspaper office oon Toronto. Mrs. R. W. Bem Armstrong Funeral Home wnti] pe Ken! Cobourg from Branch No. 48, at 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, April Casts issued by the Dominion|to Michael Drumm, 110 Mary ! 100 Persons Start: [light winds. However, the first) NODlE, 20 Rosehill boulevard and made to the board of education tarlo during Tuesday afternoon. BUILDING EDITION | his city and Philadelphia Satur | This morning, the eareteker| Regional forecasts valid watil| scheduled for fo. festing of nuclear weapons. school had been broken during .onto, Georgian Bay, | God's supermacy and all-power husband, George, is abodrd a key playing and the breaking of {sday and Tuesday, Christian services on Sunday, testing site in the Pacific. Bunker was in communication { ¢ day, increasing cloudiness |» rakes more then school grounds stopped. noon. {* reer ------------ ed ' & takes CASH / Ld PORK LIVER uw 29° FRESH MADE FARMER STYLE SAUSAGE LEAN MINCED 4 .*] BEEF uw 29° GRADE ALL 8128 EGGS IN YOUR STIs 45° 29:18 | ! 1 Ll 1 | |} LJ ] | Athenee bd 8s £m --