Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 31 Mar 1958, p. 14

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ol HE DARY YIVEB-SANETTE, Menduy, Merh 31, T9959 Pe Dhvees Clessified Number RA 3-3492 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads 8 AM. to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 13 y Qi, Memorioma, Cards of Thank AM. SAME DAY DEATHS 11. AM, SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS BAK -- Mr, and Mrs, John Bak (nee fwene Puhky) sre happy to announce #he arrival of their son, Andrew John. | March 28, 1956, at the Oshawa ral Hospital. A brother for Joanne. «BOWLER -- Rev, Arnold and Elsie nee Lagerquist) are happy to an. Sounce the arrival of Katheryn Chris Lina. rr Baier for Lynda, on Thursday, 1958, at Kisumu Hospital, | Boer East Africa, «CARUANA -- Mr. and Mrs. Tony| Serums (nee Berniece Knight) wish announce the birth of a daughter, | a Marie, on March 24, 1958, at fhe Oshaws General Hospital ~HERBACKO = Alex and ieanor ¥nee Millar) are happy to announce the Pirth of a son, James Alexander, Thurs- @iy, March 27, 1958, at the Oshawa eral Hospita. A brother for Serena! 4 Marlene, "HOMES -- To Thomas and Loulse| Homes (nee Vernon) of Brooklin, a Baby girl, Anne, at Oshawa Soneral Hospital on Sunday, March 30, | DEATHS COE -- Entered into rest in the home Of her son, Michael Coe, 145 Ritson Road South, Oshawa, on Sunday, March 30, 19%. Mary atherine Gloster. widow of the late Maurice Coe in her 72nd year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa, on Sunday and then at the Hattin Funeral Home, Bancroft. High Requiem Mass in St. Ignatius' Church, Maynooth, Wednes- day, April 3, 10 a.m, Interment May- nooth Cemetery, 76b DOMAGALA -- Entered into rest in| the Oshawa General Hospital on Sun-| day, March 30, 1958, Anthony Doma-| gala, beloved husband of Stella John. | son, and father of Marjorie, in his 65th year. Funeral from the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Wednesday, April 2, with High Requiem Mass in Holy Cross Church 9 a.m, Interment Bt. Gregory's Cemetery, 76b| HORTON -- Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital, on Saturday, | March 29, 1958, Reginald James Horton, beloved husband of Ardie Irene Juby in his 43rd year Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Some, Oshawa, with Memorial Service in the Chapel, Wed: mesday, April 2, 2 pm Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. 7% MALISZEWSKI -- In Darlington town. oftip on Friday, March 328, 1988, Teron beloved Mr, and Mrs, Wasil Maliszewski in o 4th year, Funeral from the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Monday, March Sst, with service in St, Hedwig's Church 10 a.m. Interment St, Gregory's Cemetery. TARASEWICE ~~ Entered into rest ia the Oshawa General Hospital on Sun- day, March 30, 1958, Alexandra Trafe- menko, beloved wife of Adam Tara. wowicz, in her 35th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home until 4 p.m, Tuesday and then at St. Mary's Ukrain. fan Orthodox Church Hall, Service in the church April 2, 9.30 s.m, Interment St. Mary's Church Cemetery. 7% WEEKS -- Entered into rest in the sshawa General Hospital ea Sunday, March 30, 1958 William James Weeks, beloved husband of the late Mabel Del lar and brother of Howard and uncle of Laonard in his 81st year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Memorial Service in the Chapel, Tues day, April 1, 2 p.m. Interment Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough, || 26--Farmer's Column INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION JYo--=Veterinarions 8--Building Trodes 9--Building Material 10-~Sharpening Service 11--Business Opportunities 11o--Business Opportunities Wonted 12-=Dressmoking 13--~Gardening & Supplies 14==Household Repairs 15-=Instruction 1 b==Insurance 17-=Money te Loan 18--Loon Wanted 18e==Mortgoges 19==Personal 20-=Cartage 21==Personal Service 42--Radio Repairs 23--Women's Column 24~~Morket Bosket 25--Pets ond Livestock 27-Fuel, Wood 28--Sumtper Resorts 28o--~Hunting 29-=Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost end Found 31=--Articies For Rerft 32--Articles Wanted 34----Auction Sales 35~=~Employment Wanted 36--~Female Help Wanted 37-=Male Help Wanted 38---Male or Female Help Wonted 39--~Agents Wanted 40--Opportunities 41==Room ond Boord 42--Room end Board Wanted 43--Wented To Rent 44For Rent 45--Redl Estate For Sole 450--Recl Estate Exchonge 46--Real Estate Wonted 47-Automobiles For Scie 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--~Automobile Repairs S50-~Articles For Sale S1---Swop ond Barter 52-Legal Notices CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 1.08 07 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to erl- ginal orders for consecutive inser. tions. Subsequent insertions ordered aot o later date constitute a new original order, Professio nel ol ang Moms listings .00 per 3 lines dol! ¥: Each oaditional fine 75¢ per mont! Each initial letter, «abbreviation, 3 and * PAL figure, count os $e adaional wold. Cowie, MUST be peaton | wh hours: tre day ot pada The Dolly Times-Gozette shall not be responsible for errors in odvertisemants submitted otherwise than in writi nor for more than one incorrect naertion of any ed- vertisement, nor beyond the charged for a single ipserti the advertisements | 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS to classify edvertising according to its own classificatipn. PS 8--Building Tredes 13--Gordening & Supplies Y--Accountants 8. T. ana Publi¢ Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA > MONTEITH, Monteitn, Rie: and Co., Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- 0 EAVES HING, ing. All work guaranteed, Free estl- mates. RA 5-8346. 72 SPRING clean up of lawns and flower beds by experienced plied. Pra HA 89780, man, zoller Sp KITCHEN cupboards work of all kinds. Phone RA 38-1991 carpenter pr.7 Riehl, CA; R, F. Lightfoot, CA; reorge W. Tretheway, CA. RA 5-3527, 135 Sim- cos Street North Oshawa. pr YALE, Friedlanwer, Accountants and Auditors, 64 ty Street East; B. L. Yale; A. F, Fried lander, B. m., CPA; J. Hunter, a Dial RA 5-1621. April2 HOME Se ( |e Boor 32a what Bove yout iat RA after pr.2 and Free estimates, Iplants A pays FRUIT trees, , grape vines, 5 World's paar ast to vlant the best. RA RA 5.9597, April 8 a, April 11 | CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. PLASTERING, cement stucco, repairs and alterations of all types, RA Ans. P) Hollend Nursery ond Lond- scoping for Spring clean-up, Fertilizing, manure, lawn rolling, sodding and seeding, gorden maintenance. CALL RA 5-7442 Apr. 30 B Clancy's Ontario Accounting Serv- 30 offers complete bookkeeping serv- ice for small business. 134 Bond Street West, Room 1. Office, RA 5-0397; Resi- dence, RA 3-7605, April 2-- Barristers SPRING is here! Now is the 'time to have those defective chimneys repair. ed, rebuilt, Guaranteed work, Free esti. mates, 143 King East, RA 81093. April 4 blockwork, BRICRWORE. stone and Free esti JOHN A. Cameron, Barrister, and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3.2260. NHA and private mortgages arranged. Apr.29 maa. Guaranteed work, RA 5-0547, 731 eee -------- ---- PLASTERING, Lagi Da. a or Ki GREER Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, |6 King Street East, RA 5-4717. Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, |} Pr McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers and Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3566. Charles C. MeGib- bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Apr.20 GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- wrs, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA Jags. Residence phones: M. Gi , BA, Sc., RA 5.3368; Terence V. BA, | BC. ¥ RA 5-2602. April 10 | RALPH 5. Jones, BA, and Thomas H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici- tors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5-3525, Mortgage loans available. April? CREIGHTON, Fraser, and Murdoch, 'Barristers No- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build ing, 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3446; IT. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, |QC; G. K. Drynan; G. L. Murdoch, NHA mortgages arranged. April2 DONALD Blake Dodds, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Stract East. Tele- RA Drynan Solicitors, RA oe 8373, April MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solici- |tor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry | Block, 26% King Street East, RA 3.4697, | Residence, Dial 3-4029. Aprill |WUMPHREYS and Boyeiyn, Barris- , Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, QC; i 'W. A. Hillman, |LLB, * West, Phones: |Office, RA 51177: Res. RA 5-4604; timates, Call G. "Abramoff, TY aT, April 26 ALL types building repairs, chimneys bullt, repaired. Roofing, siding repairs, plaster repairs, sidewalks, fireplaces, laying tiles, Phone RA 57247, Gordon May. April 28 Jack C. MacDonald PAINTER & DECORATOR Poperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed +50 Nossau St. RA 3-7080 M.W.F. Apr.17 PLASTERING NEW AND REPAIRS Cement plastering, waters proofing, stucco, WOOD'S PLASTERING RA 8-1311 April13 Air conditioning, oil, gos, and coal burners. Sheet metal work ond built-up roofing. Cali LOCKWOOD HEATING LTD. | Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money to loan. Aprill| | JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, | | Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14% | King Street East, Ssava. RA 8-8232 Residence, RA 5-3 Aprill JOHN A. G, TA, BA, Barris ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Strest North. Phone RA 8.8511, April DAVID L. Bowman, Barrister and 8ol- ieitor 3% Simcoe Street South, RA 5-9592, Aprd Z T. Salmers, BA, Barrister, , Solicitor, ete, 13% Simcoe Street NO Dial 288 Arthur St. RA 3.2511 Apr. 11 ACADIA ROOFING Flat roofing, asphalt shingles, insul brick siding, chimney repoirs, Work guarantee Terms, Free estimates, Phone RA 5-2022. 150 Fairbank Ave, Toronto, April 11 office, RA 5-3741. S5--Nursing Services PRIVATE nursing home for convales- cent and elderly people, tray service, TV and radio. RA 59193, Apr, 6 MARNWOOD Nursing Home for ladies. Psychiatric and general nursing care for bed patients convalescent and the nursing care in fully equipped home. Two regis tered nurses on staff, Excellent refer. Visit 26 Elgin Street, Bowman. W. J. Cobban, ences, ville or phone Mrs, CALL A. CRAWFORD CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily. Delivered or laid, Free estimates, Prompt deliv- ery. Phone RA 8-8868, STRAWBERRY PLANTS VIRUS-FREE Strong healthy stock, fully Jorment, Delive/ed to Sour ome at proper plan ime, * ORDER NOW RA 5-9597 Order now for your complete garden needs, Fertilizing, lawn rolling, tree pruning, garden maintenance, top soil and manure. HARDSAND LANDSCAPING (has urved Oshawa since 1930) GARDENING AND SUPPLIES is time to spring clean-up, Fertilizing and lawn rolling. "We have Power Roller' for "A-1" job, Call Oshawa Garden Service, 86 Taunton Rood West -- RA 3.3222, Apr.29 mwfopril8 Apr.15 apr27 gage, Morigi and agreements of sale 37--Male Help Wanted Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch. April2 ADMIRAL TV owners! Also service, call RA 8.5286. Ten years'| Prince Street. RA 8.1131, For best in|stoves. Oshawa El Money Available MWF, Apr.14 TEN and Lows antennas, Soils HF, Box 2 agalied, Fair rates, Phone RA 5 MA 3-3942. ph to Home RR approved TV service makes of sets, Exclusive 24-hr. serv- on all ce, Kelly TV, RA 55121, April 49 Owners | Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts, or purchases of any kind, NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS For fost, friendly service coll SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, 29V2 Simcoe Street South RA 5-1121 M.W.F, Apr.15 180--Mortgages We have clients with monies to pur. chase first and second mortgages and |agreements for 'sale at a discount. Louis 8, Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA 3-4943. prill4 HAVE you a drinking problem in the home? Contact Al-Anon Wives' Group, EASTER turkeys, Jack Francis, RA 39916 or RA vin COCKER Spaniel puppies. 23--Women's Column SPENCER dividually foundauon garments in. designed. fer, Mrs. L Hendersbot, 208 Park Road orth, MWF Mar. 12 pucer8 heat permanents, $4.50, cold waves $5.50. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue, RA 53363. 24--Market Basket FOR Easter, capons and chickens, fresh killed } delivery. Schilling's sy Port Perry. Phone 101R3, wer Ta 25---Pets and Livestock GET your Easier pets at RA 56479. Easter bunnies, beautiful budgies, box- er pupples, 6 weeks old, All Healy marked, BEAUTIFUL , baby y budgies, reac ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Apr.23 GERMAN Shepherd 4 [oppies. .Cham- plon blood line, Bar. Reg istered, Brock Road North, Pickering, 240M4. Aprils Box 10, Times-Gazette, 721 ANYONE wishing ride to Chilliwack, B.C, in iid first part of May, contact Box | No. | HAVE you a drinking problem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 136 Times- Gazette, April 28 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair, IT'S SPRING CLEAN UP TIME Fertilizing and Lawn Rolling We have Power Roller for "A-1" Job OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 86 TAUNTON ROAD WEST RA 3-3222 LOAM Clean Block Loom by the" yard or bushel, 3 bushel minimum for free delivery, Brushed stone for drivewoys. Phone RA 8-1905, Apr.27 75¢ Marie Murduff will be in" Oshawa April 1-2, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, April2 7383.98, Hartz tropical fish Trimming, Waubenas Kennels, RA 56321, Aprill LARGE selection of young budgies, show bird stock. Males $7.98, Fr RURAL Watkins Close WANTED -- Two men to train for tor, 26 Prince, RA 32513, 8.321. locality, now av. 30 Osliaps, Surly by tie >. Apr.26| CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD, IRON METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET & FREE PICK-UP o April20 SHAW RAG AND METAL (4) r 3405 Mary wa, AMBITIOUS young man wanted Canadas shoe retailer. person, rT plan, ria benefits, Apply in ager, Shsnew Surpass Shoe ri Shopping to Friday, WANTED REPRESENTATIVES Full or part-time, to becomes associated with the natural gos industry, to represent our natural gas heating equip ment, end applionces, No experience necessory, we will train, No oge limit. Good commissions poid, large tere ritory to work. Contact Pose Gregerson of Leslie Bros. Ltd, RA 5-9611, or 171 Bond St. E., Oshowa. ite HH sis - &5 f 75¢ Jaké «= Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass lead, aluminum etc. 89 BLOOR STREET E. RA 5-2311 Open Saturdays Also Auto Wrecking 'stands, Stock 761 All birds guaranteed, Cn a aquariums, ot Supply, 9 Celina Street, Oshawa. 26--Farmer's Column FOR sale -- Hinman milking machi, Ms baled hay and straw, PI Ba 3-9948, PIGS for sale RA 3-909. 75b! np DEAD tarm stock picked up Phone collect Bowmanville, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 3 i and disc to fi Ford tractor. RA 5-2279. For that Special Someone! A complete line of MIDO, LORIE and BULOVA watches, Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, etc, CORNISH JEWELLERS 20 BOND STREET WEST Your Watch Personally Serviced. apr20 20--Cartage CALL Bud Gait for cartage = all For manure, gravel and fill. PHONE Reg:N., MA 3.5731, Aprile ANDEN KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men and Women). Nurses ond dieticians in attendance, Tray service, radio, T.V, lounges. IN MEMORIAM OLARK -- In loving memory eof Charles C. Clark, who passed away Mareh 31, 1954, --Ever remembered by his wife and family, OLARK -- In loving memery of » dear father, Charles. Clark, who pass eof away March 31, 1954. Not only today, but every day, In silence we remember, wJohn, Bernice and family. COX -- In loving memory of our granddaughter and niece, Susan, who dled March 31, 1955, aged 16 months Beautiful memories are all we have left, Of one we loved dearly and shall never forget. «Grandpa and Grandma Grant, Aunt Oris and Uncle Bill, ©0X ~~ In loving memory of eur siece, Susan, who passed away March n, 1955, © was just a little white rosebud, sweet little flower from birth; God took her home to Heaven, Before she was soiled on earth, ~Uncle Ted, Aunt Mark and Carol. Eva, ©OX ~ In loving memory of our dear litte Susan Lois, who passed away March 31, 1955, aged 16 months, A bud the Gardener gave us A pure and lovely child, He gave it to our keeping, To cherish, undefiled, And just as it was opening To the glory of the day, Down came the Heavenly Father, And took our bud away. Want Ad Proclaims Husbands Love and Appreciation Philip Lucido placed this special notice on his 21st wedding anniversary: Philip Lucido placed this special notice on his 21st wedding anniversary: "| am responsible for 'ell debts and obligations of my wife, both present and future, and om more than hoppy to be the provider for a woman who has borne me six lovely children end with on over abundance of love and care, has made the post 21 years of loving kindness the nicest years of my life, On the eve of our 21st wedding anniver- sary, | wish to publicly ex- press my gratitude, (Signed) Philip C, Lucido." 2 Mrs, Lucido was shown the poper at the. anniversary dinner and said, 'I loved it ~--|'ve never enjoyed any- thing os much in my life!" Couple Awarded $11,000 Damage In Crash Case Sadly missed and never forgotten, Mummy and Daddy. | STEPHENSON -- In loving memory Deen awarded more than $11,000 and grandmother, | who passed of .a dear mother Mary Pearl Stephenson, away March 31, 1953, Beautiful memories are all we have ton with a two-car collision at left, Of one we loved so dearly never forget; Her loving smile and happy face, A 'broken link we can never replace. | Sad the parting, no one can tell. So sudden on earth the sorrow fell; Memories we treasure no one can "steal, Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal. w=Forever remembered by her daugh- ter Evelyn, son-in-law Clifford, grand. chiMren Dianne, Patsy, Kathy. 30 Scientists Invited To Informal Talks LAC BEAUPORT, Que. (CP)-- Thirty nuclear scientists from 12 Eastern' and Western nations have been invited to a 12-day conference opening today to dis- cuss dangers of the atomic arms race. The scientists are fo be guests of Canadian-born Cleveland in- dustrialist Cyrus Eaton at the Manoir St. Castin. Similar fon. ferences in the past were held Mr, Eaton's Pugwash, N.§., - {geb, the desert wedge between tote, l Jordan, and shall May 1, 1957. TORONTO (CP) -- A Waterloc {County couple and their son havi 'n damages in an Ontario Su.| {preme Court judgment in connec-| {an intersection in the county Mrs, Mildred Becker of New Dundee about seven miles south of Kitchener was awarded $5,587 damages. The court was told she suffered a partially disabled right {hand and is unable to iron or PHONE RA 5-2330 Apr.21 6--Optometrists C. HM. Tuck, Optometrist, specializing in muscle anomalies, Syesignt and Flan s. Evenings Mon., Wed, .» 68. s examined at home, RA 5-6143, Apr.26 inva; Bldg, 31 King East. 7--Surveyors 2 NURSING HOME RA 5-3756 74 TIRED OF CARRYING ASHES Hove your natural gas heat- ing and oppliances installed now. N DOWN PAYMENTS TILL SEPTEMBER hoi to pay on your gas ill, Conversion Burner $5.60 monthly New Gravity Furnace $8.00 monthly New Forced Air Lf yinace 2.75 monthly LESLIE BROS. LTD. RA 5-9611 Authorized dealer for G. T. Horton and Associates, Ontario Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer: ing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, 728. A DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario Lan Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. 85-6881 April 8--Building T ades SHINGLING; chin ys; cement, stone and block work. Carpentry and altera- tions. Free estimates. RA 8-5350. _ April 28 PLUMBING and heating pipes, | fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing septic tanks to sewer a speclalty. In| stallations at reasonable rates. Infor-| mation and estimates free on any type of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley ALL plumbing and heating supplies. Phone RA 5.3521, Harold R. Stark Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. April 13 BUILT or remodelled, apartments, verandahs, rds, recrea- Ajax, | prilio from Apri Consumers Gas Apr. 29 PRE-CAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS UNIT STEPS == RAILINGS CURBING SEPTIC TANKS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone Brooklin 155 Aprit 21 kitchen cup! 3. Aprilll tion rooms, patios, gara . RA CARPENTER work, alterations, re- pairs, Kitchen cabinets our specialty. No job too big or small, Free estimates, Give us a try. Work guaranteed. RA 3.7196 or RA 3-3078. Aprill3 ANDREW. BUTLER BUILDING CONTRACTOR N.H.A. HOMES BUILT Brick, stone, and block spe- cialists, Chimneys, general re- pairs. Werk guaranteed, free estimates. RA 5-0547 FOR SALE April I pick up things with it. It was also claimed in the damage suit she is suffering from a bump on her nose which prevents her from wearing her glasses properly. Albert Becker, Mrs, Becker's husband, was awarded $5,352. He| suffered cuts and bruises and his car was demolished. Donald, the Becker's three-year-old son who suffered cuts and bumps, was awarded $100. The judgment was handed down Friday by Mr. Justice F. H. Barlow against Otto Geiger of Kitchener, ISRAEL TRAINING JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector (AP) -- Premier David Ben Gur- | ion told parliament the govern. ment plans to establish new mil. t | ltary training grounds in the Ne- Laypt and Coarse and fine drive- way gravel $7 per load. Also fine cement gra- vel, $9 per load. Phone RA 5-5279. April 10 10 FOR THE FINEST QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICES FOR ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS KOOLVENT-NASH! RA 3-2219 Apr. 38 i |and delivery call Jas. Fudge, RA 5.7616. 10--Sharpening Service POWER mower, hand mowers, tas shears, scissors, etc., "SPRING PLANNING" Order Now! SO-GREEN MILORGANITE C.|.L. EVERGREEN 4-12-10 FERTILIZER 10-10-10 FERTILIZER GOLDEN VIGORO REGULAR VIGORO PEAT MOSS COOPER SMITH CO. 16 Celina St. RA 3-2312 Apr.2 etc, Reasonable rates. RA 5.4406, Mar.26 21--Personal Service TRY Ron's Janitor's Service. Floors expertly cleaned, waxed, polished. Walls cleaned by famous Wall Master Office, home and facto: . Let your cleaning problem > estimates. RA 83-8676. Apr.4 REFRIGERATION For oll problems with your Refrigerators and Air Condi- ditioning Units, coll FRED'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE RA 5-6335 Apr.27 machine, cle FOR sale -- Plough GOOD quality baled hay for sale, a RA 38-5392, pt FOR Rent -- Appreximaity 40 acres farmland, No. 7 Highway, Kinsale, good farm and pasture land, Write J. Keogh, RR 1, Brooklin, Ontario. 74 27 --Fuel Wood STOVE OIL FUEL § OIL Prompt Daily Delivery HARRY O. PERRY PETROLEUM Phone RA Nights: RA 3.7944 3 -8823 oprl8 ROSS ENDICOTT 14--Household Repair Floor Covering Service PAINTING and p paper ha and wall tiling w. A. Sudbury, RAS 3-9206, Floors, walls, end counter- tops expertly installed, away same day. RA 8.5154. CELLARS cleaned and cartage taken Call RA 5-2274 YOUR local chimney cleaner, im neys built and repaired, gas linings mates. FURNEVEE iret ana See ou terials for recover: ing Oy nl Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 3.7212, April CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, a, are Tohsunable, teed, holstering Co.. Dial RA $0811, Satisfaction guaran. Street West. Ap: stalled, furnaces acuuned. Free wi 2997. Apr. like mew. Why pay more? Our rates Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. rll 13 April 4 NEW-WAY HEATING SERVICE 28--Summer Resorts HILLCREST LODGE Single and double cabins. Fully equipped for house- keeping, Heated. Safe, sondy beach for swimming, fishing, and boating. Hillcrest Lodge, Bala, Muskoka, Box 359, Apr, 25 Furnace and forced air units, coal and oil fired. Specializ- ing in Air Conditioning and Sheet Metal Work, 24-hr. service. R.R. No. 1, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-3154 Now is the time to have your sump pump overhauled, Don't wait for Spring waters to- flood your basement, Trouble calls and rentals are need- less expense. Do it now! Call Motor end Control Division HILL-CORNISH LTD. 50 Prince St. Oshawa RA 3.2248 Nights -- RA 3-9124 » April 28 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs SPENCER foundation garments, indi. vidually .designed, Registered cor- setlere. 's. 1. Hendershot, 208 Park Road North. April12 RON'S TV Antenna's installed, moved and repaired. UHF speciality. RA 84274. Apr, 15 CAMPBELLS AERIAL SERVACE 15--Instructions pened. Guaranteed work. For Hod Apr. 25 HAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, saws, scissors, knives, etc. Percy Niel, 102 Highland, RA 8-8363. Bring that troublesome hard pushing lawnmower to Stan's for sharpening and repairing, or trade on a new mower, (10 years éxperience). DELIVERY SERVICE All types of saw grinding, shears, knives, etc, STAN'S SHARPENING SERVICE Cor. King & Burke RA 3-3224 April 25 TUTOR, student counselor? 13 years LY gre nt Shuniula A n, - T.V. Aérials Nn LILLIAN Mae Marsn, dance educator, ancing school, Baliet, Tap, Baton, D. Masonic Temple, Fridays, Saturdays. TIS RA 3.7383, May20 DIAL RA 5-9135 HARVRY Dance Ac Roya! Aeademv pallet, ister mow. 424 King West. baton, tap, and. Res RA 3.8 DAY OR NITE Music Studio for All Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos Full Selection of All Instruments (New and Used) 477 Simcoe St. S. ness Opportunities March30 April 16 ASSOCIATED ELECTRONIC SERVICES Guaranteed repairs to all makes radios and television. PHONE RA 3-3427 April? 16--Insurance ith clientele to go into business for i self. No equipment to buy. Just move right in. Most central location in ir Write Box 27, Times-Gazette, BEAUTY parlor for rent, furn ay Long established, Apply Box 122 Times: Gazette. 71, STORE for rent, downtown Oshawa, 42 King Street West. Good for any bus. iness. Modern front, Write Sussman's, 272 Yonge Street, Toronto, for par- ticulars. Apr.19 13--Gardening & Supplies DRESS your flower and vegetable gar- den now with well rotted manure, for sale by bushel or load. RA 5.7442. Avril 2 | COURTICE SOD AND LANDSCAPING SERVICES Lawns levelled, sodded and seeded. Loom and fill, For free estimates, coll -- ED. KNOWLTON WLSTATE Auto Insurance. personal service at your home, RA 5-7413 FIRE AND HURRICANE IN- SURANCE., AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. ALL FLOATER POLICIES, STALMENT PLANS SIRED, IN- IF DB Robert S. McCallum 521 Rossland Rd. W. PHONE RA 5-6402 Save up to 20 percent, nine 'months to pay for Cal Marchls RISK . Aprilé Aprilé BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to radios, car radios, record players, toasters, irons, polishers, vacuum cleaners, etc. For free pick-up and de- livery phone RA 8-8297. April 11 ' Prompt -- Same Day 24-HOUR cash. 5-8131, 30--Lost and Found LOST -- On Simcoe Street "South, brown | gxpi leather wallet, contents valuable. Re- ward. RA 3.3231. 75b 31--Articles for Rent April 13 34--Auction Sales 38--Male or Female Help Wanted AMATEUR'S talent wanted for coming shows. Auditions at Club Bayview, Whitby, from 3 - § p.m. every Sundar, April § 41--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentlemen, mine is. beds, seven days per week, $18, A 5-8255. « 666 Bimeoe South, R for one or two gen- Apply 235 ROOM and board fi tiemen, * Garage " Avenue, SINGLE rooms or board, Very central, | "Aphis "© AL bert Street. Phone BA 8 75 AUCTION SALE Friday April 4th ~ Of 5,000 bales of Mixed Hay will be sold by the bale or in ton lots, ot Lot 22, Con. 9, Pickering, ot Pinehurst Farms, The above hay must be sold os the farm hos been sold. Positively no reserve, Terms Laeh, Sale ot 2 p.m, Alvin S, armer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. 75b 35--Employment Wanted ROOM or room and Sou gr one or we Jenonk, Wing So share, private pri 5 pm. RA Bry or 32 Kichenes Avenue. [43--Wanted To Rent WANTED house within 15 miles of Oshe awa, couple ith one child, Wette Box 21, Times-Gazette 74 44--For Rent NEW house with two separate apart ments, Rin basement and yard, school and bus, RA 59627, of Dunks Avenue, 768 THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, lights. continuous hot water, floors covered with linoleum. RA 5-1939, 76¢ lence desires full-time position, 139 p.m. or '_Saturday all all day. YOUNG lady requires hou: 3 p.m., four days a week. $5 and ear fare, Write Box 17, Gazette. « typist with five year's exper. Sday , , down town, suit couple, $60. RA 88175, 768 sales [THREE unfurnished of furnished 5¢13.4726 or RA 3-3802, trance, close to 8 75579 King Street West. DESIRABLE self-contained three-room rooms, six minutes to corner. Joung couple or two. Please, no children, Apr. gi THREE . room basement & ariment, three - piece bath, heated, private en. shopping ONE ingle room. RA 5-914. A 195 Street. ROBE three « bedroom Heated, | three miles from oy 4 Sn yn] young wom. | road, $03 736 | FOUR te able "Apri Jb monthly, half the fuel lives upstairs in a a. private | apartment. RA an with decorated poo oe proeation: a Write Box 142 Timed. FOUR - room upstairs i Apartment, done now, willing to by te hour er day, Kay after ¢ p.m. RA 58124, 76t YOUNG lady would like position as tween 10 a.m. rg ed FOUR - room upstairs apartment in Bowmanville. Available tol from 10 a.m. to 8. ences. for herself and child. Best of refer RA 3-4293. 7 Phone RA 56133 .m. 36--Femule Help Wanted APPLICATIONS are being received the position of cashier, Hotel Coffee . Only those wil Shop. ence need a for |S Genosha th experi. FURNISHED bed - sitting room and with refrigera sary, A) manager. good to dome. Profitable Juttiories income, close now available Lindsay, vicinity, Write Nios E. Outer riage, 42 Saranac Boulevard, Toron- Ontario, March7,8,10,28,29,31 | ------ pobiA help wanted -- Five mornings a week. Stevenson's Road North area. Phone RA om. 76 A inl for lunch counter, shift work. Sa. Modern Grill, Fr Ritson Road wanted. Pick: RA 34832. 72f EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted -- full or part time. Apply in person. Al- EXPERIENCED wick Cleaners, P! TELEVISION sets for rent, $1 per day, seven day minimum; tape recorders and record players for rent. Meagher's, DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT-A-FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 apr 11 EOCRREETER, ELNA SEWING MACHINE RENTALS 'Straight Stitch and Zig-Zag. RA 5-2591 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Apr Chain Saws, Gas and Electric, Complete Floor Sanding and 5 King Street West. RA 3.3425, April 27/care 454 Simcoe Street. Taf | ee HOUSEKEEPER over 30, to live in to our children, Call home RA 8-1040 after Sp.m, i Saturdays. 70f WAITRESSES, part hime. oie Calf" Shop Mr. Campbell, Genosha H NEat. atiractive. » well dressed woman, lon blic, as branch St veting in awa and BE an Avon representative and earn FRE h. 75¢ | bath. Central. No tor, stove, sink, and built-in cupboards, 1| Apply 34 Lioyd Street, 768 TWOlarge Olarge furnished T9 8 & hewly decorated, Jurnished, refrigerator, a and cold water, Couple preferred; ne children. 219 Ritson Road South, SIX . room house, oil hesied, pu Apply 3 "Lioyd Street, side eptrance, SELF - contained five - room bunga low, mewly decorated. $80 monthly, Phone RA 3-4508. ed BRICK bungalow with garage, two bedrooms, oil heated, near centre, Write | Write Box 141. 768 TAREE » 100 room apartment, bath, pris vate entrance, new built-in cupboards in kitchen. Phone after 5 .RA 81723, 76¢ THREE - room apartment, unfurnishe ed, stainless steel sink. Parking space. One or two children welcomed. 59186. 42 Ritson Road South. THREE Joon apartment, private s¢ | bath and entr; central, 116 5¢| Verdun Road ne "RA 1700. Mayl MODERN self - contained one - beds room apartment. Electrically equip o (Bed. Immedinty occupancy. Phone BA « room apartment, private children. RA 8-823L Ask for Mrs, Masters. Apr.31 FURNISHED rooms, friends to sh: -|$6 weekly, light housekeeping. Close to Centre, 137 Rosehill Boule. pany, Capable of payable be receivable. Must be neat, {accurate and Nave ability to pe, Fe vard, April 4 MODERN two + bedroom rtment, April 3 May 1. Stove, Tee day week. Grou fare benefits, 5 Only experienced need dis) apply. Write Box 138, NEED MONEY ? Excellent opportunity for une limited earnings, rapid ad- voncement for those who qualify, port-time or full time career, become a pro- fessional figure stylist. For oppointment call RA hail Polishing Equipment and Materials (new machines); kil Saw; Sanders; Drills; tension Ladders; Paint Sprayers; 10-ft, Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric Hammer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow Torch; Electric . Soldering Iron; Sump Pumps; Lawn- mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- mers, Stan's Sharpening Ser- vice, corner King and Burke Sts, -- Dial RA 3-3224, Apr.20 32--Articles Wanted IF your basement and garage ls clut- tered up with articles taking valuable Space, give us a call. We will pay you 446 Simcoe Street South, RA after hours RA 56782, April? WANTED -- Quthosrd motor boat, and boa trailer, RA 38 TV SERVICE 17---Money to Loan CALL RA 8-5286 1} FIRST and second mortgages, agreements purchased and sold. Hen. Street East, RA 3.7232. sale nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King 7 Ap! ANYTIME OSHAWA | RA 5-6047 Henniek, # Apr 28 owest Best, RA STIR. FIRST and sebond mortgages, agreements purchased and sold. nick and 3 sale Hen- _ ELECTRONICS Aor 28 SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron and metal. I. TURNER RA 3-2043 ~ (collect) Api 12 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER rator, antenn 101 Cra frige: Apt. 10, # don Road; MO B4221, Whitby, April THREE . room apartment, 'frig and stove. Downtown, immediate posscse sion. RA 5-1932 after 6. RA 5.3352, Apr. 1 APARTMENT for rent, cation, three rooms and bath. Refriger. ator and stove, Reasonable rent to good tenant, For inspection, phone Clayton, RA 5-3501, THREE-, four, and seven apartments, heated, unfurnished. Abby 39% Pine Avenue. 7 TWO - room apartment, private bath, hot ind cold water, private entrance, onthly, One child welcomed, Ap- i 14 hii Avenue, 72 possession -- nine rooms, close to dig and shopping, transpore References Mr, (ed REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Shorthand necessary, per- manent position to right person. Five-day week. Excellent working condi-' tions, and employe bene- fits. For appointment PHONE RA 3-7005 37--Male Help Wanted HARDWOOD cuttings, $10 loads, 85 loads. Delivered anywhere. RA 76b $5 FOUR sewing aluminum window men. Brand new promotional selling scheme of a high quality product. No canvassing. All| TW s sup) . Tremendous or suitable for two business girls nurses. ind 531 Mary Street or wal THREE-room apartment, well furs nished. Suitable for couple or two single girls or boys. Also garage. 283 Ritson Road South, RA 5-9971. 73t THREE ZR ps. clean unfurnished Foams. uy Third floor. Heavy duty wiring, sink cupboards, $45 monthly, Adults i Near north GM. RA Saul FURNISHED rooms to share for gen- tlemen, with cooking privileges. Apply 135 Celina Street. Apr.23 TWO - room apartment, sink, private entrance, and bath, close to bus serve ice, Phone RA 5-8797. 718 LARGE room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, in private home, Very cen- tral. Apply 102 Elgin East, April § BEAUTY Pio premises, downtown, Also could be used as residence and offices. ry §-5380. 73¢ FOUR - room, self « - contained apart ment. Ground floor, stove and ref rere ator. $82.50 monthly. Phone RA 93 or RA 3-9358. 73 MODERN three - room ,s Jself - contained 5-1526 apartment. Adults only. Apply 335 King 9 RA 50258. 73 ty Hat ops ma ames ARABS. mae TWO newly decorated furnished rooms or RA 5-56! fia bedroom ky ty for live-wire salesmen. PO Rem 411, Oshawe, ™ Saruing kichen, rooms, refrigerator, cupboards 887 Ritson Road South,

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