¥2 THE DALY TIMES.GAZETTE, Manduy, Merch 31, 1958 : BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT {Sirde of fhe SrovIROr'y Solel 9. Forest production -- $82,538, general manufacturing Toronto, Montreal Noon Stocks Stelco Spends $250 [EEE next congress of the Inter- TORONTO Nm owed ue wemewdt | Million On Expansion Tn, Stock Sales High Low Noon Ch'ge 19-25 of next year, B yThe Canadian Press Wood J pr zl0 $90 90 90 I= an 200 25 = +h g Siew 315 ig zy Ye ad] +h s C tL . Toronto Stock Exchange--Mar 31 220 830% 30% 30% bong 100 100 100 ~2 Cc $4614 46% By FORBES RHUDE | Gananoque, Ont. ; Montreal (two) (Quotations in cents unless: marked $. por 210 816% 16% 16% Jaye Expl 55 --2 Cdn Oil 175 $23% 235% h Canadian Press Busi Editor and Lachine, Que. Congresses are held every two' #-0dd lot, xd ~ EX-dividend, xr--Ex- 1 260 $23% 23% 23% Jellicoe 19 CPR 25 24% | Coal. ore and limestone inter. Years, and next year's per 4 be Nights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Ofivie pr. 2341 M1 141 Jowsey B43. --th Cdn Pet pr: 3 $13 13 I "Steel Company of Canada has Ho ; the first to be held in North Am- Kenville 6 6 6 +4 Cockshutt 170 $8% . 250,000,000 in ex- ests are situated in Ontario, Que- Ind trial Oils Kerr Add 7% 17% © Con M and § 130 817% spent Fome a Lon ail bee, Newfound 1a nd, Michigan, erica since the international body ¢ ; . $1615 16% y » , A 4] usirials 5 Corby A 100 816% pansion a i [Minnesota, Pennsylvania an d{met at Quebec in 1949, Congres Kirk Hud Net Am Leduc 1100 Lake Ling 3: 8 D Cofset 230 '$13% 13) i the end of the war, ses since then have been held in 2 1 LS 1 D Steel ord 100 $20} West Virgini 4 ask ales Bish Lon Noun Che aor A To A Fenn 3 1 Tar 250 j The expenditures have been gaia pn. totalled $254, (Lisbon, Vieznna, Tokyo and 7 ws x antl 100 173 173 173 Lencourt ag ¥ 23 ; made in the course of severallgsy ass Naples. Abit 200 §23% 23 3 ; : Acadatl 100 $94 9% ital 0 34 Joxindin : : Dan Pity 10 313% 1 1 " |programs and, with the latest; Empioye at year end num-| The Canadian council of the yomit culo 3 i 1 20 150 189 158 ome 30. Bl. 32 Foundation. 22) program now almost complete, popeq 14,485, Shareholders num-chamber recently appointed 25.2.4 iam BBS BOE Bi HI BiB [leon he then ochuthlr 52, hig 491 (se howrary member a ee 27 25 +1 en Dynam 67 % 56% 56 shares, of stinguis| serv- Ash Temple 250 300 3 3 Cdn Dey 340 55 545 Macassa 2 give a seven-page review of its ice" to the council, Fully Alr-Conditioned Alas Shia 1 Nu 104 10 4 © Homestd 100 205 205 Madsen : 2 | " Husk % "10% Maralgo 100 «3: ; 8 : th i iod of nearly 13 C Husky 25 growth in the peri y [The Nelson News, in a special Lu are: mr , 112-page issue March. 15, tells;Bobert P. Jellett, Montreal, Highway No. 401 of Bell Phone S14 $4134 414 : rif 5 Bragl 120 $6'% Y GC Jomy ws 240-907 49) us in Martin 1298 7 years. r Tank pr 210 $48 4 Con P A Merrill 80 254 E 3 Br Tapk wis 150 10 on Peak 1000 Min-Ore t Ind Accep % 29% About 75 per cent of the ex- what it terms "the story of the honorary president, Royal Trust 36 - Cree wis 350 5 185 Mind 3X Liana Cpr. 10 8 1 penditure has been on Stelco's Kootenay- Boundary" pani for Company, 'president of the coun- Bowmanville Cloverleaf Gen Pete 200 330 325 3 : § Hare © Int Nicket 3 % 73% . |Hamilton "Works, which produses| the 23rd time. cil 1946-1947. Gen Pet A 500 305 305 : ew Y d Home GiB 7308 f N Man 29 29 29 Inter PL 245 % 4 all the company's steel. Ania Tha issue is The News' annual! Walter D, Jones, Toronto, Just 12 Minutes from HBOILG 317 SiH f N Mylama t Yeo 3 218 258 + Mgot Sagacity 1108 000 tons. in (Plctorial - industrial presentation: chairman, International Susiness Downtown Oshawa 100 217 217 oranda y J Ans oubled from, 1,105, on 0, Ltd., presid 00 Normetal 252 25 Molson A 400 : of the resources and scenic at y 20 I Norpax 2 Morgan 125 19 1945 to 2,350,000 tons in 1947. |i tions of southeastern mie at- Hla council 19471949, 2500 Norsyne Noranda 313 Ye About $33,000,000 went to en-!columbia. | James §. Duncan, Toronto, : 2 15 13 15 3 Fan % Rr 710 7 large Selena) interests ia sor | Here. are some figures for the chairman of the Ontario hydro-| € Colli pr 0 0 deire 2000 5 3 55 Opem g 3 3 Powell R 175 plies of coal ron ore and lime- aren for 1957: ! C Curt W300 18 15 *hillips. 600 74 7 i Dimsby L Poles Bf iis pra = a stone. | Mineral production (led by Con-| C Hydro Car 200 1 J a A 3, Pronto wis Que Pow Hl Plants are located at Hamilton solidated Mining do wo, g 0 $23% 2 23 'ghire 650 75 3 Pros Air Roe AV Can 503 $13% 4 4 --- or two- cen 2p 300 8 Uy 24 apohi yoo ga ig BL, Que Cop 5 38 38 3 Royal Bank 935 $5: four); Brantford, Ont.; Toronto; Company) $122, r two mb E 200 $11 " 11% ; n Oils 600 184 182 + Que Lith St L Corp 20! Comb Ent 200 is 11% 200 166 '165 165 Que Man 100 Roy Bk ris 2520 Con G 250 $3 z A : ) 2 : : 0 0 345 5 Corby ns 100 $16 1 1 WC 0G rts 100, 12 32 Suemont 500 a ! | / BOX Dist Seag 220 « 827 : v . Rexspar --a Steel Can 320 " y V D Fndry 25 $2% 264 2 . Mines Rockwin 2 2: Tr Can PL ' 240 4 OFFICE Dom Stores $55 ! Acad Uran 1000 6 "6 6 San Ant 4 Wpg Cent 1000 430 410 > OPEN AT a 10 45 : Pg Cen RED RIDES AGAIN! RTH 6.30 D Steel ord 240 $20 St Michael 9 9 -- Walk GW 250 Dom Tar 12 A ate 100 iE) oN + Sherritt Fam Play 2 1 3 1 $ 820 Fri 450 Slocan VR - 500 . Canadian : 2 5 9 1 H Ret NADER : TONIGHT! Ee -- Fed Grain 2 + / 500 Sianleigh : Ford US 8 a8 g 3 A ue 600 Steep R Abitca 0% A 4 Ford A 75% 75 7 ' 500 2 5 238 Sud Cont 1 OR 65 $75% 75% 75 1 atineau 2 AT Jaska 0200 2 Sullivan hb 3 i ad : 3 ot Melchers pr 100° $13 14 , d x JEFF CHANDLER . h 7% : in GL Paper 100 $3116 31 2 3 5133 3 2 Sylvanite 200 4 GN Gas wis 50 360 36 50 42 lche 310 103 5 Tandem y Movie a 3 Soon 60% 1 . ; / BEREEE ES Hb. SERRE rag ; : iy y @, [ "SIGN OF THE PAGAN" Gypsum \ 2 a2 +! Bethin ; 5 5 Thom L . . 7 Imp Oil, ( ( Jou 1500 13 3B Trans Res 1 Mines ; Imp Tob 3 4 Y 10500 4 - U Asbestos ~RE y : IN CINEMASCOPE AND TECHNICOLOP : Alscope 3000 y IAN g ' AND MORE ACTION , , Imp Tob pr 25 $6 Jul 1000 7 7 Ventures Anacon Inglis k 7 7 , 1200 750 © 750 75 5 foo 0 300 5 50 -- pn Inland C pr 4 'dn Astoria 1000 6 Weedon 3: Baker Tale 2500 bk 3 - Rass ALAN LADD n Inland Sa 25 64 6% no 500 Curb Bandowan 1300 I "n " bis 6b ff 22 oo > pie a pe DESERT LEGION Inter 70 $4 43 4 an 500 39 aleman a} 7 ot Kelly D wis 450 113 115 11 nib Jac: | 500 38 ; Paw wr Cent Del 750 750 75 wn JANET BAIR 7 rd ALL COLOR SHOW Lob 1 100 $30% 30 30% 5 1 700 2 : ,000, C Denison 3 L ¥ Lon Hos A 2200 $6 . Idstr 543 9 3 Sales to 11 amis 736,000 C Denis wis 1100 385 TECHNICOLOR® Children Under 12 Free Mass-Har 100 86% 6% « 50 [ 4 Continental 1400 36 b Joi, a Ee Skee 8 4, 8, 1 MONTREAL Prd ht ALL-COLOR SHOW! i 3 nisos 1 Te 2 : 4 - . 50 ¢ 684 4 1% t 3 38 3 410 By The Canadian Press Haitian 20000 3 3 or wis 57 100 3 335 5 n A 3 % 1 + amir) Sock Eachange- March 3 s he Uran 2700 3 ---- NOW PLAYING sr Ce -- KIDD] E S-- a . ho 5 * uotations | ncents unless ed 8. a 7000 4% A Fbina New "60 &7 7 on Nichol 1300 Bap Bhi oA lan Monpre 1300 : FREE PLAYGROUND 2SHOWS NGHTLY RAIN or CLE 4 % u rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Montgary 2400 Premium 2 1 SOA HS 65 5 i ' . s Al t Eg { Gas 5 $23% 2 & 125 12 1 ' . N For 2000 n for Can gio 300s Dr A Industrials N Siouago #0 3 3 | 2 Coming THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY R | Bank 3568 $ 54 + East M 1000 2 3 - Net A N Spring 2500 " "" Roya) Bris 2113 343 345 34 ; 2300 7 . Sick Sales Migh Yow Noon Ch'ge N Vinay ion EET AUDIE MURPHY in WaLK THE x UD LAND tL C: 25 $12Y% i X 10% 1% % $tibi 0 7) 3 i! sbestos. - . Bicks © 350 $25 2 Expl : Abitibs won Ju nu N A Rare M 200 0 in SKD Mfg 200 120 2 2 F C 2 3 3 Acad Atl A Northsp Steel Can 5. 3575 8 Alumin 8 Obalski Tor-Dom Bk ~ $39 36 - " V) 2 6 Alum 2 pr 4 Okalta x $3 p 55 53 5 225 2 Orchagn Asbestos 14 200 : 50 1 4 ; Bank Mont 2 oY" Portige 1 77 Bank NS Que 'Chib I 3 Bell Phone ¢ 3 . Que Lith : 55 58 58 2 ? ; Bowater Que Oil 5 5 5 # ® \ 4 4 Y c Brazil 3 6 Que Smelt Hg Viceroy B 200 200 2 $ Greyhk BA Oil 57 Rexspar 4 "Y ., Yicroy B20 20 200 200 Greyhk 3500 18 18 BA OI ; Han : Bl "Life's never dull for me MOST DRAMATIC MOTION PICTURE! W Copper wis 572 175 175 Gunnar wis 360. 7 735 73 BC Power n Oils 2 or ow anymore-not since > % 43 %43% Ventures $244 on 24% +1% ? 443% anu 4 learned to dance at Weston A 150 6 ] Headway 2 3 BC Phone 6 B Cal Pow 69%: 69% Westburne 68 Weston B 75 $26 4 Heath z 27 Wt: 6 20 $104% 1043 3 : Hollinger 25 $20% 22% 227 Can C 25 % 21% 27% ; ; -- ; ? 2 ! ) sn' pr ) $104% 104% "an Cem 3 4 Sates to 11.00 wm ndusirals, 2a, ES Sl Arthur Murray's. At the <3 Few families ever lived N Yu parties which are part of ". a ; the lessons, I've met plenty 2 ) such adventures L gures the average house now uses / : iy fl of friends and we always ACT AS GUIDES Sunday to act as hosts and hos BRUSSELS (Reuters) --- Altesses in the Canadian Pavilior uminium rms 40 pounds, believes this can be ? have a barrel of fun," RQ ever faced such Jor] X i raised to 1,000 pounds. ; WHF, . West A wis 365 915 915 1 Hud Bay 4 X 43 2 Can Cem pr Ww 950 420 410 Int Nickel 4 2 7 --- Lc Bank Com 75 34 m and ols, 150,900 of 48 Canadian students-- at the Brussels World Exhibitior of them girls--arrived here|which opens April 17. | ° Aluminum foil is making bigger ------ EE | Fi ht For Mart inroads in cookin; techniques and 4 \ oy S | the metal is getting a foothold in - J. DAILY CROSSWORD the can industry. Reynolds Met- By SAM DAWSON ation. It's eyeing the financially als will supply 35,000,000 quart Everybody has fun and good * oss 8. stitnly 23. Halt NEW YORK (AP) -- In the ailing railroads. With some 1,500 cans for motor oil to Esso Stand- times at Arthur Murray's. And 8 decorous ems [NERC on battle of the metals aluminum U.S. rail passenger cars now us- (ard Oil, Jearning to dance his f ¥ ; has slugged hard -- and early, |ing aluminum, Aluminium Ltd. of Kaiser Aluminum and Chemi- "Magic Step" way opfigiien 4. Recling 25. Pre. pn §. Chinese fix am a Price cuts announced last week Canada is starting a big push for|cal has an order for 5,500,000 {more use in freight cars. cans from a food processor, Gives you the key to all the latest » land river to ai are one of its weapons, - (poss.) §. Photograph German AGREE Spurred by the yeneral reces-| QUOTES SAVINGS Aluminum's assault on the dances. Even a beginner can master it in almost no time at 88. Stalin book names sion and by ; y an expanded produc-| It says aluminum cars would freight car market has to fight successor 3. Trice #6. India Gal |tion capacity that makes for over pe cheaper to operate because of |the Jack that even if the cars all. Studiosopen daily10 AM to 10 1" Depart mus. 3 A ly, aluminum firms ar - wel ess, thi [Al8] supp! nu are eye-|their lightness, which also makes Welg e price a pound is PM. Visitors are al , A trial lesson Bg Foreign 8. Appendage RECIO[VMOAIRTM ing new fields with what produc: for faster hauling. Also claimed many times that of steel. Alumin- Slyays welcome costs but $120 M. A pipe 9. Part of irls nick. 318 ors call confidence instead of | inten. [lum Ltd. officials estimate the #8. Shem (var) 10. A Slav name Saturday's Answer | cockiness. ore large aviags a ma the cost difference is about $3,000 a 3 Antelope 17. Born 20. South 36. Species of Some predict that new uses will froads $600,000,000 annually. car, Their talking point is the ARTH UR U R Y $8 Resear 18. Denomina. American pler raise total consumption by 750,-| Here are some of the many cost-saving ratio of weight to pay- 1 J tions liberator 38. Harbor |000 tons within the next threejother drives under way: load. | 11%2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH (eolloq.) 20. Capital of 31.Coin (Jap.) 39.Opposite of |years. Lower prices could help. | Aluminum Company of Amer-|~ = RA 8-1681 9. Branches Korea 33, Dexterous windward Aluminum is making a big bid ica and others are aiming at the FLOATING BRIDGE / 81. Gentle w'=d 21. Cut, as the 34. Begone! 40. Magnitude | for wider use in ground transport-| home building market. Alcoa fi-| The Lake Washington float-| 24. Wicked hair 35. Walk back 42. Over - (poet.) | -- |ing bridge at Seattle, Wash | 3 Dult of 22. Regret and forth 44. River (8S. A.) stretches for 8,644 feet. " DOROTHY MeSUIRE an and FESS PARKER eg #9. Famous i fiigd frontierss » ® man : ' . Finest | 2 if ® Teohniocolor® 81. Noises . 2. N' iy on of 4 » "% = Bout cam ng I'l See You Tonight 3 | Ga A MAN WITHOUT A NAME= | a . STARTS THURSDAY 87. Cuckoo : Starlite Le 3 ; Pg . . 38. Knave of " te i a A GIRL WITHOUT A FUTURE clubs (loo) 3 3 41. Decree (eccl.) 43. String | instrument f / ; : pig Fertime i ' y Winner take "measures ¥Y } . N of eit) : all... . the 47. Pathetic x ie - . : : oH Go boodle and , Prices { $ I | 0 GERGLTEY NDS ON A PERILOUS QUEST FOR FABULOUS ' DOWN 1. Arabian | As a ¥ i 3 fo garments ( bt BURIED 2. Hawaiian | ih, A : a ) "Ex SDR goddess of 3 5 TREASURE 2 » rr oN [ae Lr BILS PILING UP? | DRE "CITIZENS FINANCE | | i HELD OVER by POPULAR DEMAND! Seta sy ar ow | | nvr THE LAUGH OF YOUR LIFETIME! ROBERT TAYLOR ELEANOR PARKER When bills pile up-i-ond they always do around this I ¢ np me of year--the easiest way to take care of them may i fioUR s/11% a RAN them up, and pay them all off with a cash y (o) S! THE HILARIOUS BEST-SELLING ALL COLOR WOVEL IS NOW ON THE SCREEN! loon from Citizens, This way, you'll have just one easy 5 ae monthly payment, Your friendly Citizens Finance Loon DECO TING 3 [ ; Manager con advise you on this ond other money ] \ RA Th ns b : problems. Let him arrange a loan for you with a repoy~ " 5 3 1 a M-G-M's MYSTERY DRAMA ment pion that fits your budget. Citizens Finance has a ; { Y J A ™ awd § Waren The i \ i 4 A } 3 j OF THE YEAR! reputation for fost, courteous, confidential service. If you like, all arrangements can be made by phone-- . Sponge end Scissors then Just come in 10 sign and pick up the cash. Give us a coll or drop In to see us soon. - As I BORROW $50 to 52500 c» AAR wal) iTIZEN! | Hed METROCOLOR: 4 UTIZENS FINANCE) EpGAR'S 3 GEMM FORD ss Loan Manageg. DON TULINE PAINT & WALLPAPER ' ' ANNE FRANCIS KEENAN WYNN: FRED CLARK EVA Fo | 104 Brock Stree! 5., Whitby, MO 8-2367 Oshawa residents call RA 3 9691 id toll charge) Open Friday doy 1 12 noon 4 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA ~ | QS 7 STARTING a loons m pe in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and oll nearby towns 3 aes ; 4 5 A = ¥ JERRY LOAN OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OPPOSITE DOMINION STOR: TODAY AT 1:35 3:35 - 5:35 - 7:40 - 9:40 " cotor CARTOON TODAY I pS toc