Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 31 Mar 1958, p. 9

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THE PANY TIMES. GAZETTE, Mondey, Merch 31, 1958 9 { -- Now Is The Time For Cleaning Tips |tireeat suds tather than sitasing Keep one or two ice cubes at ing fluids will cause foam rubber and in a saucer when sou iron to deteriorate. ottons and linens. Small dried' ut spots that won't iron smooth| 'an be quickly redampened wi CHILD GUIDANCE ~ Asks How To Prevent Jealousy Between Brother And Sister By G. CLEVELAND MYERS | "My hustand and 1 have trie¢ Suppose you wére a boy, 13, to talk to the boy about the wa' with a sister, 14. Suppose she hie feels, but we just can't ge was a great reader and you|him to understand. rubbing them with the ice were not, Suppose you got My reply, in part: | "she ! |scolded much more often than she, I wonder if you and Dad eom- also suggests giving the in- did. 0 AROUND THE CLOCK IN CASUAL ELEGANCE floor coverings use a thick sudsy upholstery shamvoo or thick de. HAVING liment that boy on his thought. side of the family car a spring. | Wringer Troubles? fulness of you on holidays and Clean before starting this year's : for his other good traits, Con- family jaunts. | gan: spire with your relatives and First, brush upholst and We have a problem and were friends also to help build on hit floor covering with a stiff brush | wondering if you could help ws. strengths. I'll bet he has a heart 'o remove heavy dirt, Next, use "We have two children, a boy, of gold. A mother writes from Michi : your vacuum-cleaner attachment 18, and a girl, 14. It seems our| It would be well to have him on an extension cord and go over son is very jealous of his sister. take his turn with his sistér atthe upholstery and floor again. | He thinks that we think more of the dishes. If Dad were to help Press the attachment well into' her than we do of him, and he him occasionally, it would seem cracks and crevices. Wipe stain often says so. But that is not to be a more he-like job. ed fabric seat covers with a true. He seems to notice that we' My guess is that he wunder- good nonflammable perchiore. scold him more often than we stands how he feels better than thylene) cleaning fluid used spar. | do his sister. But he loves to ag- you and Daa, fo In bly, Pact. ingly, f gravate her and then he doesn't you would feel ous e sis: NOTE: On m- To | know when to quit, and before ter. She wins so much more ap: upholstery 8 Joan iy hited \ you know it, they're fighting. 2 proval, since she 80 mush f aims we never scold her, but her parents H . she gets it when she needs it. dislikes to do what 8 4 so much SHO (Jatiesting the highs, Jook She is a very quiet child, praised for, silent Ei > te! which the teacher gives exer: reading all the time or listening' Chances are Dad : to the radio. She helps a lot daughter when he ought to build Sis base on centrolled ballet around the house, In fact, they up more companionship with the both have their chores. Every son, going places with him, Your Suits Will Look Like N | other week they do dishes. sometimes with Atiofhst boy ll THAT'S GIRL'S JOBS hens a ats to YOUE home: AND YOU WILL LOOK NEW TOO IF ALL YOUR _%| "My son gets mad when it's his| and help him win social and ath-| CLOTHES {turn and he says that's a girl's|jetic skills, Make up your mind ARE LAUNDERED © 1 job. But we don't think that mak-'to appreciate and enjoy this fine {ing him take his turn with dishes 54 Your Spring Cleaning Headquarters il t him. | will hurt him ' PARENTS' QUESTIONS 'As there aren't many other ! Q My baby, put eut en the CLEANERS, DYERS and SHIRT LAUNDERERS 'chores, he would like to get a right with| 434 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 3-4832 «4 paper route. But we're afrald ground, eats dirt. \that with his temper it wouldn't, A. Have someone | Convenient Bronches ot 16 BOND OT. WwW, 257 KING ST. & =A We ore wringer specialists. Our experts will rebuild your wringer as good os mew , , ot reasonable rates ! JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jeek Christie, owner) At Rear of 68 Simeon St. N. RA 5-1179 For Pick-up and Delivery LE Weds WOOL SWEATER DRESS SUSAN SMALL DESIGN 7 RIB-KNIT SHIFT HAS BOAT COLLAR DOUBLE KNIT JERSEY SUIT, SUSAN SMALL last long. . (him in places where he can eat "He is a very thoughtful child, dirt to intercept him gently and more thoughtful than his sister. to divert his interests elsewhere. No matter what holiday, he gets' Application of pain will hardly be his dad and me something if he effective as it could not easily be has any money. "without exception." SMART CARDIGAN, SUEDE-FRONTED Says Canadian! Society Too Mixed To Be Grouped In Social Register KEEP IN TRIM It is too late for a Canadian to coast) have kept the feeling, F social registd?, according to an of being a ery family, well | Suggested Exercises To Taper Thighline For Spring Fashions Davies as '"'a partial solution" to midwives, One barrier was the or View wives were 'not article by Jeannine Locke. The bred and connected." In the} two Seruciel Pe ronlems: "or Canadien belief that a docto BE Let Haws mid es po Eg article explained "Canadian so- main, Canadian Sosiety prem shamefully high infant mortality must, at all costs, be present a' "uo may arise during labor ¢lety began to shift and shake toast to coas was n n oe rate' and "the frightened, ner- the birth of a child. The word ,.q delivery." To use midwives nearly two decades ago. It shows confused a state to be contained vous way in which many Cana- "midwife still evoked memorie' oad of "doctors, she held, nO signs of stopping long enough in a social register. By IDA JEAN KAIN joint, eircling 6 times in one di. dian women approach childbirth." of a ""superstition - ridden ol¢ od "mean going backward', now to be surveyed accurately. When fickle fashion rales tad: rection, 6 in the other, alwi Mrs. Davies suggested a sys- woman ignorant of all modern Dr. Wylie 'agreed, however,i In Miss Locke's view, Canadian THE STARS SAY ical changes in the silhouette, with heel pointed. Change sides! tem similar to that in operation technique. that there should be training society wis "not nearly as small new figure flaws are emphasized. and repeat. Later, circle 24 times) in Britain, where 17,00 midwives Yet in Britain, Where Soctors available for midwives in this and meat and nice As it used to By ESTRELLITA This season the thighline is def. with each leg, resting between were certified to practice their Jrvices are free, ; per hi 2 country. In rémote areas, where be." But it wasn't as "dull as 3 Initely on the spot. The letters of each 12 counts, profession. Three midwifery jrish Dirihs look place 5 = doctors were few--ufid far be. during the days when every good FOR TOMORROW late refer to assorted thigh troub:| Position: Same as above. schools provided training (onc 'ves in attendance. In HOSC een" midwives could do "an society editor knew precisely Gye full attention to your du- les, ranging from "lumpy limbs"! Movement: Raise left leg about yk ign 'that d wh Ho Se, She Wiaite ee to excellent job what names to put in and pre- joc now, and waste no time on to flabby contour, and from an| half way up, then raise the lower | Ou rd psd ioe vice phy ra asement . 5% . cisely what names to leave out of peccentials. Those who are "on annoying stocking top bulge to|leg, bringing it up to ouch rated three similar midwifery centre. "e gave the standard pre-nate C 4 H N t her columns the beam can make good pro- pincusions of fat which perchleg. Keep knees straight. ol were set u 4 tests and if any abnormality we anada rias No War and taxes were largely gress. Laggards will accomplish brazingly on the side thighline. for a slow count of 6. Relax. up. EASA responsible for the currently con. nothing. Be careful about mak-| In this sedentary age, the thigh| peat about 5 counts. Change side Beaten TB Yet fused social, Situatjo; As He an ing promises which you can't muscles get almost no exercise. and perform again. This exercise | ticle pointed out, "the war shift- Canadians should not delude ed the population. Federal and hemselves that tuberculosis has municipal tax collectors shook it been beaten in thie country, Dr. down." Elizabeth Chant Robertson Warns. The big houses became "wild While there were far fewer deaths o i ayagances! in the postwar due to the disease, the number of yogi: of rising income and prop- detected she sent the mother to the hospital and assisted the doc- Believes Trained Midwives ~~ jeiomial'and Would Fill Need In Canada |mesimion br" Eber wok mendations, Dr. Elizabeth Wylie . of Toronto's Women's College! A system of micwife training] In Canada, Mrs. Davies Te jj .pital sald that "the majority has been proposed by Mrs. Anna norted, there was opposition to f Canadian doctors are opposed." reasonably fulfill. (Dancers, skaters and swimmers " deliiitely doing. aaidh. Bild {are about the only girls who get os! : andin ate 0} FOR JHP SREDIY birthday, FoUtine exercise to keep the thigh o,3 chair back with Hint have | ol ris 3 V:' shapely. | ¥ Jou fon conservative policy, Misshapen thighs do tot neces: WSL, $eiP (ofS gcuarde to a you can make excellent progress . a | short, forceful thrust. Repeat 6 fo in . achieving worthwhile goals Many. cases the trouble is caused AT 0 "oo aye log vigor. aolive tases as mot desreaNe erty taxes. Moreover, they were ed stm tit So inconveniences in an age of once ases were admitted to hospitals SWesk Sleauisg w pen. fase in 1966 (not counting the large 4000808 MOTE 00 TONE number of patients who had to be ately recognizabe, re-admitted). The Toronto doc. "Good names' also were mis- during the next thirty days. April is your month, and how you achieve then will have consider- able effect on the headway you make later in the year. Beginning in August, those en- by weak muscles and lack of cir- culation. We sit too much of the time. Walking is excellent exer-| cise for the front thighline, for, this muscle is used in the for. ward swing of the leg. But here ously to release the tension, Change sides and repeat with other leg. From this same posit- fon, bend one knee and, using the knee point, describe wide eir- cles. Repeat with opposite knee. RHUBARB CREAM CHIFFON PIE The Taste Of Fr Brings Spring To The Palate Rhubarb and spring somehow #0 together, perhaps because it is one of the first 'fruits' in the springtime. One of our favorite recipes is Rhubarb Chiffon Pie, a very simple, yet fancy ple, re. quiring ne custard mixture or cook - over boiling water in- volvement and the crisp corn flakes crust needs making, no baking. RHUBARB CHIFFON PIE cups corn flakes 14 eup Soft butter of margarine tablespoons sugar 4 ] 1 3-ounce package lemon- flavored gelatin % cup boiling water 1.3 cup sugar tor's conclusion was that "your laid in the mass migration from child -- from babyhood to young small to large communities that adulthood still needs protec. started with the war. tion from TB". Only a few private schools and The adolescent and early adult 'those dark, wood-paneled men's years were 'the most usual" for clubs (one to a city from coast TB to appear. Dr. Robertson pre. scribed "sufficient rest and good | HOUSEHOLD HINT A mata yim, In ete you havent vez tuberculin tests for children 3. many lon Bev BDesce every one or two years. Those y with positive tests should be Sompletely Washavle = ple am gaged in creative work will find agai, who walks much any If you really mean business that the aspects favor daring, in. more: yo tuitive and original ideas. Heart] Corrective calisthenics are the interests and inventive expres- solution. sions will also be under fine sti- Position: Lying on right side, muli. Social and domestic affairs|head pillowed on folded right should prosper during most of the arm, left hand braced on floor year ahead, but guard against jn front of chest. Legs straight emotional stress late in Septem- gown, | ber. December should prove a Movement: Pointing with the profitable month on all counts. heel, raise left leg part way up.| A child born on this day wil! Make wide eircles from the hip' be shrewd, ingenious and highly emo aggressive, : STAUFFER HOME REDUCING PLAN "physically examined, X-rayed, and watched carefully right through adolescence and early adulthood, when active TB is likeliest to develop." r. Robertson described BCG vAccine, which was given in much | e same manner as smallpox vaccine, as being 'a safe and valuable preventive." It can re- duce very greatly an individual's chances of developing tuberculo- sis," she eoncluded. esh Rhubarb 1 1 tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon grated lemon rind 14 cup whipping cream cups sweetened cooked rhubarb Crush corn flakes into fin crumbs. Blend butter and sugar Stir in corn flakes crumbs: mix well, Press evenly and firmly around sides and bottom of a 9-inch pie pan. Chill Dissolve gelatin in bolling water. Add sugar, lemon juice EASTER CHECK HALIFAX (CP) -- The Easter! hick and bunny trade has al- st disappeared in this area, | Nova Scotia humane society, ys. All firms reported dealing | in the Easter pets are inspected | by officials who stress that with- out proper food and care the pets die in a short time. ! 2 FASHIONS FLATTERING FEMININE SPRING MAGIC "Where Well-Dressed Women Shop" ola. Uogue CELINA ST. AT ATHOL OSHAWA and rind; stir until sugar is dis- solved. Chill until mixture starts to thicken. Whip cream until stiff; fold in cooked rhubarb, |then fold into gelatin mixture Spread in pie shell. Chill until firm. Garnish with additional whipped cream if desired FUR STOR fashions . how exciting, how these electrifying JprimnGs view Bain] Pick the loveliest flowering of all '58 . Come, see for yourself lightfully different you will look in Store Your Furs And Winter dramatic, how de- fashions for '58. EDNA ANN HATS ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MILLINERY WORLD ® DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA FUR & COLD 81 WILLIAM STREET WEST, OSHAWA AGE Garments In Our Modern Refrigerated Vaults. Safe From FIRE -- MOTHS ® STORAGE ® CLEANING ® SHINERIZING (FUR CLEANING) THEFT foshion's favorite sun shade ond for your lips and fingertips i's Juliette Morglen's Lautrec Orange shimmering pure orange straight from the ortist's polette Oval Lipstick shaped to the eurves of your fps 2.80 Nail Glacé for sparkling fingertips to match 1.80 both in the gift-boxed Colour Set shown obove 3.78 STORAGE PHONE RA 3-3012 Big Black "Beauties" IN SHINING PATENT (plastic) ¢ *5 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE King Street at Stevenson's Road OPEN ALL DAY ON WEDNESDAY TO 6 THIS WEEK AND THURS. NIGHT TO 9 P.M.

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