Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Mar 1958, p. 7

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In a pretty wedding recently at St. Gregory's Roman Cath- olic Church, Ann Marie Mowat and Joseph Henry Taillon ex changed nuptial vows in a double - ring ceremony, The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Andrew F. Mowat and the bridegroom is the son | of Mr. Taillon, and Mrs. Joseph Henry, all of Oshawa. Seen in the above picture is the bride with her attendants. From left to right, Miss Barbara Greig, bridesmaid, Miss Marlene Hill, maid - of - honor, the bride and Miss Donna Scott, brides- maid. GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIE 14TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The regular meeting of the 14th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently in the hall of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Mrs. John Calder presided Mrs. Lloyd Patterson read the minutes and Mrs, Edward Hobbs gave the treasurer's report. Final plans were discussed for the bazaar and tea which will be held on April 10 There will be a sale of aprons, hand knitting, ete., also home baking, "Touch and Take" table and a "White Elephant' sale It was decided that the father and son banquet will be held on May 31 Refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Henderson and Mrs William Milne 1ST GROUP COMMITTEE The regular meeting of First Group committee of the the Girl Guide Association was held ! in Guide House on Wednesday evening, March 19, with an at tendance of 13 members Mrs. W. A. Sargant presided The minutes were read by Mrs James W. Doble and the treas- urer's report was given by Mrs E. D. Jacklin, This also included an account of the St. Patrick's Tea, which was very successful. The First Guide Company is now very proud to have another Gold Cord Guide, Arlene Sargant, House will be held on March 27 at 8 pm. Mrs. Gay announced that Mrs. Wetherup will be the speaker at Home and School council meeting at A. Lovell school on March 25 Master Worden played piano solos, Entree" and 'Allegretto in C." Mrs. Gay introduced the guest speaker; Dr. A. E. King of Osh- awa, who gave the basic prin- ciples for the health of children-- Food, sleep, fresh air, water, cleanliness, happiness and se- curity He enlarged on these principles and. said that ness and security may be most important thing for E Tom two the good Cochrane thanked g and Tom Worden Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Gladman and her committee. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Greer's room Ivan i tooth trouble. and it was voted to provide the § necessary funds for a parents' night to honor this occasion. All arrangements for this evening are being made by three Guides of First Company who will be trying their Hostess badge. Two aprons and five plates of fudge are being donated to the Brownie Fair which is being held at Guide House on April 18 After the meeting, Mr. man Gower showed some interesting films Refreshments were served by Mrs. Norman Gower and Mrs E. D. Jacklin. The lucky cup prize was won by Mrs. Norman Gower. COURTICE H-S ASSN. The March meeting of Courtic Home and School Association w held on Tuesday evening, March 18. The pre: Mrs. Harr) Gay, « meet eading pose of It was very dent ed (he N piece Hon me and S announced Nor- § - < i Miss Isabel Atkinson, nation- al president of the Canadian Association of Consumers, will address the annual meeting of awa branch in the UAW on Tuesday evening, March touch with wo organizations invest close men's and her in the field gator and medi- riven Miss current invited to the meeting {been decided happi- |¢ 4 ibly). Jo Aldwinckle, \ Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474| "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, March 22, 1958 7! Janice Ward, Peter Hughes Wed In Albert St. Church The marriage of Janice Mar- garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robert Ward, and Peter . Hughes, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ev- . 'erett Wilson Hughes, all of Osh- awa was. solemnized recently by the Reverend S. C. H. Atkin- son in Albert Street United | Church, CLUB CALENDAR |. MONDAY Southmead Park Aux. Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Past Matrons' Club, OES IODE (Prince Philip Ch.) Castle Chapter, OLC Oshawa Lionettes Retarded Children's Assn. TUESDAY Re-Echo Lodge S.A. Home League Christ Church W.A. Canadian Legion Aux. Ladies' Aux. Ont, H and S Council Jessie Panton Aux, Court Oshawa, I0F Albert Street W.A Calvary Baptist YWMC North Oshawa W.A King Street W.A. Arvilla McGregory Women's P.C. Assn. Rendezvous Club First Baptist WA. Friendship Group Beta Sigma Phi WEDNESDAY Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge, No Cheerful Givers Storie Park Auxiliary St. Matthew's W.A. 19th Group Committee THURSDAY St. George's W.A, Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve, Guild Albert Street WMS Oakleigh Lodge, LOBA St. Stephen's W.A. FRIDAY Patriarch Militant Aux, Oshawa TOPS Start Second Club wa TOPS (Take Oft | Sensibly) club is branch-| The original member- rown to such large a while thé members are reducing theirs, that it has to start a second Aux. 3 Osh Porn ne ot, club. The new club with its executive to be elected from membership in the old club will meet every Tuesday evening at the CRA at 2.30 p.m. starting next Tuesday Recently TOPS selected their queen and princess for the year. The regal title went to a mem- ber who had reduced by - 62 pounds. Her princess had lost over 40 pounds, To mark the club's birthday party members of the Oshawa lub were entertained in Toronto by the Eastern Toronto TOPS and 125 TOPPERS gathered for a social evening. A new TOPS club is opening in Scarborough and next month Hamilton will hold a graduation of members, wearing cap and "own, who have reduced to their desired weight and thus become KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sens- GOOD PRECAUTION An infant's first visit to the deatist should start at about three vears of age, to guard against Reg. Assn. Mr. Charles King, an uncle of the bride, was the soloist. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She wore a white gown of French lace and nylon net cver satin, topped with a long-sleeved jacket of lace. A |bandeau of sequins held her fin- gertip veil and she carried a nose of red roses and carnations. i John Carr, sister of the bride, was matron of honor in ice pink and the other attendance was Mrs. William Maeson in mint green, Their full-skirted gowns of {lace and net were styled similar. ly and they wore feather half-hats to match. Mrs. Carr carried a Inosegay of pink and Mrs, Maeson, {yellow roses and white chrysan- » | £ | " | A forecast of the styles to be seen on the seashore next sum- mer is this beach ensemble - a popular favorite at tropical resorts now, The outfit consists of a swim suit of sun-orange and melon- green cotton with a HOUSEHOLD HINT Always try to see a prospec tive carpet purchase in your own home before you buy it. That's the only way you can be sure it will complement your other fur- nishings Her Knitting Comforied Many TORONTO (CP) -- Mrs. Caro line Sloan, a skilled knitter whose pattern for socks was adopted by the Toronto Red Cross during the First World War, died here Mon- day at 100. Born in England, Toronto in 1870. Her husband and eight of her 12 children died ear- lier. "IN THE SWIM she moved to LET PAT DO AND, IF YOU Oshawa PAINT AND WALLPAPER LTD. SPRING PAINTING and DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES "DO IT YOURSELF" We offer to advise and help you with ex- perience which we have gained through 85 years continuous service at 85 Simcoe N., TE'S YOUR MOTOR CIT Do You Want Better DRY CLEANING? Ca all Y CLEANERS ~ e SPRAY GUNS eo FLOOR SANDERS eo VIBRATOR SANDERS ® WALLPAPER STEAM STRIPPER e BELT SANDERS ® DO-IT-YOURSELF RENTALS eo PAPERHANGING KIT ELECTRIC PAINT STRIPPER LADDERS EXTENSION PLANKS DROP SHEETS PATTE'S There's A Delivery On PAINT & WALLPAPER LIMITED 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-3529 Your Street Every Dey! themums. The flower girl, little Miss Mar- garet Carr, was in ice pink nylon with a white staw hat, trimmed' with pink roses and white lace. She held a nosegay| of red rosebuds and white carna- ions. Mr. Glenn Hughes acted as best man for his brother and the | ushers were Mr. William Mae- son, Mr. Howard Hughes and Mr. Douglas Marlow. A reception was held in the blue room of the Hotel Genosha. The bride's mother received in' pink-beige moire with matching! hat and corsage of pink chrysan-! themums. The bridegroom's mo- ther chose Queen's blue lace and crepe, with blue hat and corsage of vellow roses and chrysanthe-| mums. | For the wedding trip to points west, the bride wore a beige wool jersey sheath dress with match- ing hat and accessories Mr. and Mrs, Hughes are mak- ing their home in Oshawa. Indian Parliament Rejects Bill To Penalize Immoral Males |battle of the sexes has BONNIE MARY-ELLEN Rose-cheeked Mary-Ellen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barrett, Charles street One year old on February 10, NEW DELHI, India (AP)--The had a round in the upper house of In dia's Parliament. Woman lost Mrs. Savitri Nigam, member o' the upper house and the ruling Congress party, introduced a bill providing a maximum of 15 vears in prison and a fine of 10,- 000 rupees ($2,100) for any man | guilty of molesting a woman. 1 | wo! i ped, The bill defined molesting as "indecent behavior, insult, as- sault, kidnapping, abduc- tion, procuration and importation or wrongful confinement of a woman for an immoral purpose." Mrs. Nigam emphasized the "indecent behavior and insult" |part of the bill, There are too many young men loitering on streets and passing remarks as Men pass by she said, and unless this 'Eve teasing' is stop- India will become a land of hoodlums. Gentlemen will be found only in museums P. N. Sapru, ordinarily a staunch advocate of women's rights, drew male cheers and | female blushes by declaring im- {moral behavior is ? men as well | softly draped bodice and com- pletely elasticized back. With it is a matching dual-style skirt that may be belled out or draped with buttons at the waistline By Tracy Adrian SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Harrison announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Diane, to Mr. Carl Donald Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Kemp, al of Oshawa. The. marriage will take place at Albert Street Unit ed Church on Saturday, May 8 at 2.30 pm § ister of home affairs, "two-way traf. women can seduce as the other way fic,"" that {around. Present laws suffice, he said. Mrs. Violet Alva, deputy 'min- joined the it cide of manhood, asserting !would be "monstrous to suggest 15 years imprisonment for a mis- behaving male She warned that if the bill passed, 'some of the honorable Bp fiumm: 3 Hair Permanently Removed --~~-- By Featiolysia Hovi barrassment. FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genoshe Hotel, April 1 and 2. RA 3-464) Phone for appointment dates on these edical Mirror @® Sour Pickles ® Glaucoma Q. ls gloucome « form of eye cancer? A. No. Gloucoma (glé-ko'ma), or 'hardening" of the eyeball, is due to increased pressure within the eye. The eye is filled with fluid. Normally, just enough fluid seeps in and flows out to keep inner-eye pressure at just the right level. In glaucoma the out- ward flow of fluid is partially blocked. Doctors use certain drugs to slow down the inflow and improve the outflow. In some cases they may operate on the eye to bypass the blocked oulet,' Glaucoma causes more blindness than any other eye condition. It occurs most often in people past middle age. If there is any suspicion of glau- coma the eye doctor will use special tests. Because glaucoma can cause blindness, it's always best for people who 'just need glasses' to be checked by on oculist (ophthalmologist). Ocu- lists are medical doctors who have had special training in eve disorders so that they may treat ich eye diceases as glaucoma as well as prescribe glasses Q. Do many expectant mothers develop cravings for certain foods like sour pickles? A. Yes. Of 600 expectant mothers questioned by a group Letters will be answer Serer (R) Health Through QQ knowledge, of New York doctors, 394 ed mitted a craving for certain things. Most cravings were for inexpensive, harmless items. The only hard-to-get food was water- melon out of season. But this wasn't 'a problem, The ladies knew of special stores where wotermelon could be' purchased the year round. Maoterial in MEDICAL MIRROR is bosed on. various scientific publications and does not neces sarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treat- ment of disease requires the skill and knowledge which only a phy- sician can apply by personally ottending the patient, ed in these columns SCIENCE EDITORS, P.O. BOX 396 Madison Square Station, New York 10, N.Y. Published as a@ Public Service by Kamm Druga 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 Oshawa Mary-Ellen is the granddaugh- ter of Mrs. D. J. C. Barrett and Mr. and Mt:., James Higgins, all of Oshawa Photo--Venus Home Portraits members (of the upper house) might find themselves in trou- hle."" Pope Pius Writes Prayer For Women VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The Pope has composed a prayer for Roman Catholic young women, coniaining a request to be 'like a luminous ray" lighting up a life of faith, The 400-word prayer was pub- lished Friday in the Vatican news paper, L'Osservatore Ro- mano, "In our social relations," the prayer says in part, "we will al- ways strive to hold high the flag of justice and of love as a vis- ible symbol of a Christian pro- gram of life; in our study and in our work we will seek. , .to in- spire serenity and joy." | For those reciting the prayer, the Pope has granted a partial indulgence or pardon of three years for temporal punishment due to sin. Temporal punishment, according to Roman Catholic he- lief, is punishment that must be satisfied for sin -- normally in| purgatory -- before the soul can| be admitted to heaven. SPECIAL! Elizabeth Arden with Gift Duet of Soap Both fo, only 50 giant 17 oz. size ( --4.50 value ) NEW YORK sams Now with leak-proof loc-top that releases one precious drop at a time . . . Blended with all Miss Arden's renowned skill -- one drop of this famous hand lotion actually does the work of ten! It contains 1 secret ingredient that makes the hands softee, whiter, less likely to chap! Scented with June Geranium or Blue Grass, Regular 4 oz. size 1.25; 8 0z. 2.25 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. $30 SIMCOE ST. 5 PHONE RA 3-2285 OSHAWA "Phone RAS 3546 BOWMANVILLE 1S KING ST. W - PHONE MA3 5778 317 BROCK SOUTH, WHITBY, MO 8-232" AILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m, te 5:30 p.m. 'xcept Wednesday - 9 a.m, te 12:30 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH [= © MEET YOUR PRO uy Fa OWNTOWN A> (sais OPEN FRIDAY TILL ® P.M, TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 AS SKETCHED -- Choice of Red, Caribbean Blue, Wheat. In sheen cottons lined with rayon. Fashion right and practical for now and warmer days ahead. VALUE - RIGHT. SMART "YOUNG MISS" CAR COATS Sizes 7-14 98 blue and wheat. PRICED FOR SAVINGS COTTON POPLINS in sizes 10 to 14x. made with two pockets and peg-button closing. Available in red, Caribbean Lined with attractive prints. Well A ZELLER VALUE! . "IVY LEAGUE" SLIM JIMS -- For active young ladies ized sheen cottons for long wear. beige, and black or popular plaids Made from Sanfor- Sizes 10 to 14x in solid shades of red, 2.98 assortment, BRUSHED COTTON T-SHIRTS -- Beautiful shades of rose, yellow and tur- quoise, so fashionable for teen-agers. Many collar styles to choose from, all jewel-trimmed. Sizes S, M, L. Choose now from our complete VALUE RIGHT DEPENDABLE ---Se TELEPHONE DELIVERY LAYAWAY CHEQUES --Two ur --Baby bor Our services are designed for your use and convenience. ng Oshawa & district over 20 years, --You may order by telephc deliveries daily within city limit, is and pay GUARANTEE --Merchandise satistactory or money refunded Cr <3 ZELLER'S ne: RA 3-2294 eatn cheques ca enie extra cost, ed

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