" BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Staff Reporter -- BERYL HUGHES -- MA 3-3144 Taximen Take Over Lead | BOWLING NEWS | | LADIES MAJOR LEAGUE | BOWMANVILLE--Lola Wright pi ! BOWMANVILLE--An unassist- two minutes later as he convert ed goal by Hank Lane with 12 ed Johnny Mason's pass into the #econds remaining in the Jame, corner. ave Miller's Taximen a 7-6 de- N 8 sion over Murdoch and Welsh WIDEN GAP Blockbussters in a Town League hockey play-off game at Memor- fal Arena last night. The win moved Miller's into 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven ser- she rolled a 308 high single, Lar- |high triple of 832, from her | scores of 300, 273 and 259. | Marv Brooks boosted Miller's ma Bromell, 287; Anne ' Hold-|i re 5:03, with a short drive stock, 274; Betty Westlake, 271; from in front. Don Childs made Sally Bissonette, 265; - a it 6-3 for them at the midway er, 263; Eva Whitehead, 261; mark on a pass from brother Iry Helen Dunn, 252, 242; 5 Lydia Jes. The game was delayed for and Tim Cox. Bates, 251; Eileen Holroyd, . ht minutes at the 7.45 mark of. An explosive three-goal out- 4 : vy first period, when Taximen burst by Blockbusters in the third rl goalie, George Heath, was struck period tied the count. Bun Welsh Nigh triples were: Helen Dunn,| over the eye with a high puck. fired the first marker at 2:58, 68; Joan Engley, 676; Hilda| : J and Howard Quinney and Ted yp "679. Fya Whitehead, 646; IGOALIE HURY {Fairey added the others near the So 2 ae. a vii] ' He was rushed to Bowman- 16.minute mark. Sally isonette, ; ) ville Hospital where six stitches fired. ti i ft Bates, 637; Vi Coole, 627; Betty, ; re e winner after yw, CW , | were required to close the cut. Lane fi Westlake, 620; Waneta Young, He returned to the cage to finish taking a Jasson, at cenire je 618: Emma Bromell, 616; Eileen ve i and speeding in all alone to slip yoiroyd, 614; Bernice Budai, 600 bu SHE 1B 8 spectacular Josh it past the goalie. i Bernice Budai still tops the Bud Perfect opened the scor- In Town League Playoff |p: i, fa bir, wi, raine Martyn also starred with a|: Other high singles were: Em-|} Onie Etch- { / CRUISE TAKES CANADIA AMCS Cayuga (background) | current training cruise from ng * a 1 N WARSHIP TO ORIENT | Saigon and Okinawa. In the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZIETTE, Soturdey, Merch 22, 1958 § PORT HOPE Proposed School Site Discussed ty district high school board has sidered, he said. decided to reconsider its recent| Board chairman I |decision to build a proposed new Nichols reminded the audience {school in the Orono area, and to Yui 3 Sie Cominilice appointed |draf tter i 'hich the de- in October had first met Novem- raft a letter 1 whic 8 lla {ber 12, and at a meeting in De- citizens of the district. {cember had heard delegations Most of the spectators on hand | 0% ih the Diol ot New. for the meeting held in Bowman- 4, 0 new 28s ge 1] ville were from Newcastle and| "=n ore reminded the au the southern part of Clarke! ,. --° Township, and those who spoke indicated they agreed with a let- ter sent to the board by some citizens of Newcastle and South "nn tin" of HS. Winfield. [Clarke. | On motion of H. S. Winfield, it | The letter, which Walter Rey- was decided that a special meet- nolds, secretary of the board, ing be held in the Bowmanville {among other things, "How much school next Wednesday to give consideration was given to the further consideration to the mat- board's decision?" And "why ter, to draft a letter explain cision. would be explained to the {decision a two-thirds vite of the board would be necessary in order to rescind the earlier vote. PORT HOPE -- Durham Coun-|the Newcastle site had been eon- | dience that in order to change the High School Pay Rates Increased - PORT HOPE -- Increases in high school teacher's salaries in the Durham County high school district were approved by the dis- trict board at a regular meeting Carroll at Bowmanville school. The ex- tra raises will cost $3,200 not |provided in the budget. | The new schedule of rates is as |follows: minimum for non-special ists, $4,000, the same as announe- ed a fortnight ago; maximum for |non-specialists, $6,800; minimum {for specialists, $4,400; and maxi- imum for specialists, $7,200. In all of these categories except the first, the figure is $200 higher than originally decided upon, Management committee chair- man Alan Strike, in recommend- ing the change, said his commit- tee had met with the teachers' negotiating committee before the regular February meeting of the board and had raised salaries (high average list with a 213 for | 6.55 p first iod to ther total of 7,033 pins. Larraine : : Rg, Para [Martyn is tied with her, but has begins the departure of the | Esquimalt, B.C, to the Orient. Quinney tied the score just two 20 pins less in the total. | second Canadian Escort squad- | Other ports of call for the five t VDING ' | and Margaree, The modernized |, ; ituati two railroads, | ti : competing boards would raise minutes and five seconds later, TEM Sa DINGS ron from Yokosuka, Japan, | destroyer escorts include Pear! | destroyer escort Crescent is at Baio Wo rails ds, Joss, Io Getide whether it should theirs, and Boh Fairey gave Blockbns. 5 Eee after a visit made during the | harbor, Tokyo, Hong Kong, | right rear. {routes, its community auditorium | Rb ge announced that the| Advertisements for teachers tM Ie gi leas pl Hs o : TT SR ----e------ 1 i |and its fire department?" e_|appearing in the newspapers iller's bounced back as Ha . Bates 4 [meeting would be in committee, fi; 0"), i" ook had shown the Dur- Lane and Mort Richards scored, . Hooper Alan Strike of Bowmanville, land not a public meeting. He said, hain poard was a little behind 40 seconds apart, to give them a Patfield who 'admitted having voted for however, that all regular meet- nearby and competing boards, 3-2 edge, going into the middle Brock the Newcastle site, said the writ- ings of the board are open to the Mr Strike said, and his commit. frame, Candidate' | v 5 i lic and take place on the third " Havnes jers of the letter were wrong in pub ) . t felt it : necessa to ki Don Childs clicked for the ance' fees of about $2 daily for . Major, {accusing the board of having Wednesday if every month, at ee of the pion eep Taximen while they were a man mothers. Parents will pay $1 a R ti _ Etcher ecep on made a hasty decision. Every one each of the board's four schools The schedule adopted Wednes- short in the first two minutes of day for nursery care of infants Free Maternity Program Ending EDMONTON (CP) -- Alberta's free hospital maternity program will end March 31 after 10 years of operation, Next month hospitals will start charging deterrent or "co - insur- foreground, preparing to slip, |\were not the advantages of New- ing the decision, and in case the less than requested by the teach- are the new Skeena, Fraser |castle as a site considered name- matter should still prove conten- |S: but as much as they thought 30,948 | 31,0711 | 29,661 | 29,567 i: COBOURG 2.9% | Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 29,280 20 19 19 18 17 16 15 14 131% . Etcher COBOURG -- A large nun..er of the the second period. Bun matched Childs' tally less than figure beyond 30 days. Welsh up to 30 days, and double that . Baker V. Gay 13% 11 27,948 28,762 sees oom STATUETTE MARKS SCOUT APPRECIATION The 1st Ajax Scout Group held| dies 'its annual "Father and Son Banquet" at St. Paul's United Church on Friday evening. + Extra tables were needed to {accommodate the unexpected number of guests. Head table | guests were Camp Committee Chairman Harry Cope, Frank Gillard, Lieutenant Pearl Don- nelly, vice-president of the La- | Sommers Case Opens May 1 VANCOUVER (CP) -- May 1 has been set for the opening of the Sommers bribe - conspiracy case, The date was agreed upon Fri- day at a court house meeting of representatives of the prosecu- tion and the eight defendants. Robert Sommers, Social Credit member of the British Columbia legislature for Rossland-Trail, is accused of accepting bribes in eonsideration for forest manage- ment licences while he was the province's lands and forests min- ister. Charged with him in the al- feged conspiracy are Charles D. Schultz, H. Wilson Gray and John M. Gray, Evergreen Lumber Sales Limited, C. D. Schultz Lim- ited, Pacific Coast Services Lim- ited and B. C. Forest Products Limited. PICKERING PERSONALS GRACE MILLS Correspondent PICKERING -- Sympathy of this community is extended to Rev. L. J. Dignard, of St. Francis de Sales Church, in the passing of his father, Frederick Dignard, at Port McNicol, last Friday. Ser- vices were held on Monday at the Sacred Heart Church. Rev. Father A. McMahon attended from here. "Her many friends extend deep- est sympathy to Mrs. Mervin Gould, in the passing of her mo- ther, Mrs. Hill, of Nobleton, Ont. The funeral took place on Mon- day. - Jack Boyes has returned from a vacation in Forida and is busy getting his golf course, on the Brock road, ready for the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Butt mo- tored to Chatham on Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Robert Tyndal and Mr. Tyndal. Their title grandson, Alan Tyndal, who has been visiting them for the past two weeks, returned home with them Frank Prouse is home from hos- ( better. He having lose pital, looking much says he feels fine, considerable weight. Congratulations to Miss Norma Cartwright, Riverside drive, v was presented with an a merit at the finals of the dr festival, sponsored by ert Simpson Co on evening. The award was presented by Kenneth #¢ Blmpson's. the S Wa Auxiliary; Reeve John Mills, chairman of 1st Group Committee Cyril King, Mrs. Eileen Thompson, president of the Ladies Auxiliary; Mayor William Parish, District Com- missioner Frank Hunt. Vice- President, 1st group D. Fergu- son, chaplain Rev. A. M. But- | the banquet | ler. Highlight of was the presentation of a stat- AJAX PERSONALS GRACE MILLS Correspondent AJAX -- Mr, and Mis. George Robinson and baby son, Robbie, spent a week in Vancouver re- cently, so Robbie Jr. could get |acquainted with his grandparents. Miss Anne Wogden, Admiral road, who has been a patient in the Hospital for Sick Children, is now home again and rapidly re covering, Friends of Mrs. William Hop- kins, Windsor avenue, who is a patient In the Ajax Hospital, all hope for a complete and speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, For- est road, spent several days in Montreal this week Mrs. Robert Rockburn and little daughter, Vicki Lynn, Ot- tawa, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schrane, Brock street, while Corporal Rockburn is taking a course at the RCAF Station, at Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cruse and Brian, Beech street, spent last weekend in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McWalters, | Pine street, spent last weekend visiting friends in Holly, igan. The staff of Steadman's Depart- ment Store held a surprise fare- well party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mills, Beech street, on Friday evening, for Bill Jef- freys, who is being transferred to the company's branch in Fort Erie. A presentation was made to.B of a dark blue travelling trunk, and a corsage of roses to his fiancee, Miss Marjorie Lin- ton The March meeting of the Ajax Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, March 26, at the home of the president, Mrs. A. MacIntosh, 1 Maple street, at 8 p.m, Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Don Lawrence, Queen street, in the passing of her father, William Lannigan, at his home in the Maritimes last week. Members of the Lord Elgin Home and School Asscoiation held a successful home baking and candy sale, at the school on Fri- cay afternoon Mrs. William Robins, who was taken to the Ajax Hospital last Thursday, is slightly improved. Mr. Robins is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray, Mary street, while his wife is in hospital. Congratulations to the following celebrated birthdays this week: On Monday, March 17, Mrs. Darby, mother of Rev. M. Darby, pastor of St. Bernadette's Parish, was 81 young Father Darby escorted his moth er, who also his ho '0 a re jon at St. Be Mich- ho 1sekeeper, tle ons Happy Birth | uette of Lord Baden Powell to Cyril King by Dwight-master Dwight Oland. Cyril King retiring after six years of ser- vice. The statuette was a token of appreciation of those years of service. Dwight Oland is shown on the right making the presen- tation. --Photo by John Mills. Mrs. Saunders Entertains WMS PICKERING The home of Mrs out street, Ajax The president, Mrs. J. Brisbin, took charge of the business por- were made for the Easter Thank-offer- and a visit to the the tion of the meeting. Plans ing, on Apr. 1 Dunbarton WMS month, A bale of warm later In clothing for needy elderly Chinese in Toronto Mission will be and 'for the Scott packed at. the church on Satur day, Mar, 22 answered by a proverb Mr. Ross Murison took the chair opened for the program which with the scripture being read by Mrs. W. McEachnie and pra for the Koreans in Japan by Mrs H. Boyes. Mrs. Murison took the topic from the study book 'This Munroe is Japan. Miss C gave the highlights from the cur rent Glad Tidings The hostess served a delicious lunch and a social half hour was enjoyed. The choir Church will present Stainer's "Crucifixion" the well known Faster Cantata, on Wednesday, Apr. 2, in the church here, with David Fantham, bass soloist, and Al. Crowhurst, tenor at 7.30 p.m of St. Andrew's RISKY FLIGHT PARIS (Reuters) France's top glider expert, Daniel Bar- bera, has become the first man to glide through the treacherous air currents over the Alps. At more than 20,000 feet he was swept past Mont Blanc and after six hours landed near Lake Con- stance honor with two gifts to mark the happy occasion To Jimmy Robinson, avenue, 15 on March 18. To Mrs. Marny Parish, wife of Mayor William , on March 19, and to Miss Marilyn Silk, Dur- pam street, who is 17 today, Sat- urday, March 22 Windsor Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowland, Cedar street, on the birth of their son, on March 15, at the Ajax Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiles, Pine street, who celebrated their 11th 'wedding anniversary .on March 21 LIONS CLUB BLOOD BANK The Ajax Lions Club is making its annual drive for members for t 'Walking Blood Bank". in mind the wonder ation is to s¢ { if you » your clea with, the club when called upon nted the guest of this month, regular meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, was held at the John Saunders, Rld- The roll call was ers {the guest | {79, who along with her late hus- | ! = Pills May Send Out Own Signal | g COBOURG -- Pills that would said that a pill containing a tiny send out radio signals similar to transistor was under development those sent by the artificial earth which would aid in the diagnosis satellites and video - telephone of a doctor's patient, were among the items listed by| He gaid that these transistor speaker at Friday's type radios are in use in the Ex- Rotary Club meeting. als plorer and Vanguard satellites E. C. Forester, an official of gong with solar battery operated the Bell Telephone Company, radios, which transform the - ~ (energy of the sun into electrical Fraud Charge |» In describing the advances . . made in the field of electronics Dismissed Mr. Forester said that an em- ' ploye of the Bell had been read- [ ing Dick Tracy and noticed the No Evidence "two-way wrist radio". Armed | with several components the man COBOURG -- Charges of ob- went home and built a two-way taining money by deceit, false- wrist radio, declared Mr. For- hood or other fraudulent means ester. against John Charles Bowie, 25, pe also demonstrated the ar- London, and Frank Arnold Tho- tist's conception of the video-tele- die, 26, Toronto, were dismissed phone, The apparatus was com- by Magistrate R. B. Baxter In poced of an ordinary telephone court here Friday. and two cylindrical chambers, Magistrate Baxter had reserved ne a screen and the other a judgment at a preliminary hear-|camera, The picture screen was ing on Feb. 21 after hearing the apout two inches square and evidence of several witnesses for flashed the picture of a person the prosecution. At that time both talking at the other end, had elected trial by judge. | Mr. Forester pointed out that The magistrate said that there recent experiments have only was not sufficient evidence tog cceeded in a picture of the per- commit the pair for trial. {son, speaking at the other end of The key witnesses at the time {ho'jine every two seconds which of the preliminary hearing were | oave only the impression of still Mrs. Margaret Courtemanche, | pictures being cast on the screen. He also demonstrated an in- band, Alfred, were allegedly de-| strument which could replace the frauded of $700, and Winston public address systems now used James Packard, a document jn mot hospitals to call doctors 'Xaminer from the Attorney- A pocket-sized receiver would be General's office in Toronto. learried by each doctor and when Mrs. Courtemanche testified ,. was wanted the person in that one day in October two men charge would send out 2 signal came to her house, mear Baltl- {, i} receiver which would buzz. more, and tore down two chim- 11 this way a doctor could then neys and rebuilt them without report to the desk and find out permission. Then, she continued, what he was wanted for she was forced to sign tW0. Apong the items Mr. Forester cheques. They were also alleged | qomonstrated were solar battery, to have attempted to force her|,, naw gadget which would re- husband to sign a cheque after place the bells in the telephone, dragging him from his sick-bed the co-axial cable used in the new into a chair. trans-Atlantic telephone cable When Mrs. Courtemanche Was nih is in operation between asked to point out the two men nowroundland and Scotland who came to the house on the - day in question she pointed out two men at the back of the court- . room. These, however, were not Expect First the pair charged with the crime Mr Courtemanche died a od month after the incident took Ship In Week place. He was 73-years old. COBOURG -- Sources alone the Cobourg lakefront report that the hod first ship to put in here will not nvoy enies be due for another week or so Some rumors earlier put the : li : time of arrival for last week end 60 iganism Last year the first ship to put into port here arrived early in di {March Y ana 1ans Normally Cobourg is the first , 4 harbor to receive ships once the OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian se, 0n opens, for fit " the one ambassador in Moscow, after a jp... on Lake Ontario: which is full investigation of allegations of open year round, regardless of "hooliganism" against his embas- | aoiher conditions i sy's air attache, has reported to -- - és : RE Re Coa Ottawa that they were unfounded. - = Reports of the allegations, pub- C lished last month in the Commu- ouldn t Drive nist youth newspaper Komsomol M Pravda and carried by the Soviet uch Too Drunk news agency Tass, were based On| pRPERBOROUGH (CP) -- A a letter from a Soviet science charge of drunk driving against student in which he charged 8 [ee Graham, about 40. of Peter- group of American, Canadian horough was withdrawn in court and British military attaches had | priqay at the request of acting acted like hooligans in a hotel 'Crown attorney Frank Foster and aboard a train in Russia who described the defendant as The lone Canadian mentioned 'so drunk he was incapable of was Group Capt. Sidney Mitchell, having eare and control of a ve- 42, of Westmeath, .Ont., who is hicle" at the time this country's air attache in Mos- | The phrasing of. the drunk driv- cow. ing charge is of 'having care and In a report issued Friday by control of a vehicle while intox- the external affairs department, cated." Canallian Ambassador David M.| Graham, a city lawyer, earlier Johnson said: pleaded guilty to a charge of be- "I have fully investigated the ing drunk in a public place and alleged incident and am complet- was fined $10 and $3 costs by ely satisfied that there is no basis Magistrate A.D. Barron of Kitch- for the offensive allegations ener. made against Group Capt. Mitch- -- all in the Komsomol Pravda ar- ticle. Group Capt. Mitchell is a highly respected member of the diplomatic corps in Moscow and these unfounded allegations about his conduct are deeply resented." FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All zalls must be placed before p.m, A SPRING FLOWER SHOW 'SUNDAY MARCH 30 REED'S FLORISTS | of ladies attended a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Thomp- |son held in the St. Peter's Parish |Hall, Cobourgh, yesterday after- fico. Mr, Thompson is the stan- dard-bearer for the Conserva. tive party in Northumberland rid- ing for the coming general elec- tion The reception was organized by the Cobourg Ladies' Conservative Association. Tracks Missed In Auto Case COBOURG -- "Perhaps it was a man from Mars," conjectured defence counsel, H. R. Rose, QC, Toronto, when an OPP constable stated that no tracks leading from an overturned vehicle could be found. Mr. Rose was defending Har- old M. Robinson, 25, Scarborough, charged with careless driving fol- lowing an accident on highway 2 on February 15. The case was heard before Magistrate R. B Baxter Friday. The magistrdte reserved judgment Constable F. E. Lunn, Cobourg OPP detachment, told the court that when he investigated the scene of the accident the accused was still in the car and said there was no evidence the driver, Allegedly the accused was trav- elling west along the highway, near the Hope-Clarke Township a direction onto the lines, when it swerved in southwesterly south shoulder of the highway. Constable Lunn stated that guard rails, went into the ditch travelling another 160 feet. Then the skid marks disappeared in a laneway and re-apeared at a dis- tance of 95 feet and continued for another 112 feet, At this point the constable found the overturned car in which Rob- inson was found Mr. Rose submitted that there was lack of evidence on the part { of the Crown, H. R. Deyman, QC, to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that Robinson had caused the skid marks or was even the driver | Crown Attorney Deyman point- ed out that the Highway Traffic Act obliges a person to say whe- ther or not he was the driver. Constable C. J. Potier, Cobourg OPP detachment, told the court that he questioned Robinson later in the hospital at Port Hope and I said that Robinson admitted be- fumed when he read Winster's entitled 'The Birth or St. Pat- ing the driver Clean River Shoreline Before Power Flooding CORNWALL (CP) -- Work of stripped shoreline before flood- ing for the St. Lawrence power project. Gordon Mitchell, project direc- tor for the Ontario Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission, said Fri- day even trees and hydro poles have been cleared, ready for the flooding in three months of the 20,000 - acre headpond for the power project. He said everything that could float down to the powerhouse and cause trouble must be removed before the flooding. More than 520 dwellings have been moved to new town sites. Iroquois, a century - old village, SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANYVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your Times-Gozxette phone your car- rier boy first. If you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 --7:30 p.m. Only to show that someone else was in the car at the time and "could" have been the ckid marks continued along the shoulder 104 feet, sliced off two factors cited in favor of in rotation. Canada Kicks Attache Out ALMONDS ALMONDS Mrs. George Downs of Dunbarton, Mrs. Lloyd | Moody, and Mrs. Roy Mowbray, Of Country Mrs. Clarence E. Young, all of Oshawa, Miss Annie Hadley, Mrs. OTTAWA (CP) -- Stanislaw | Flmer Harris were afternoon Michno, an attache at the Polish guests of Mrs. W. Hall, on Wed- legation in Ottawa, was forced to! nesday. |leave Canada Feb. 12, the exter-| Congratulations nal affairs department sald Fri- day | The department said that Mr Michno was declared "persona| rr el non grata" and asked to leave Locust Hill dri Sunday guests the country. However, an official | With the latter's sister, Mrs. at the Polish legation said the Mabel McGregor. Polish diplomat was simply re-| Glad indeed to report that Mrs. called by the Polish government \ An external affairs official said |ford, is coming along fine. that when a diplomat is declared] Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Pogue vis- |persona non grata he could be ited with the former's sister, Miss | guilty of anything from repeated Ada Pogue, at Aurora on Satur- traffic violations to engaging in day. espionage. The department did| The Wi to Mr. and a son. Mr. not elaborate on reasons for the March was held at the home of | Mrs. Loyal Pogue with 20 pres- Mr. Michno is the second diplo- ents. The annual turkey supper The expulsion. mat from an Iron Curtain coun-| was a topic of discussion. try to be ordered to leave Can-|gupper will be held in the fall ada in the last 18 months. date to be decided next meeting Gennadi F. Canada in September, 1956, on! a missionary talk. grounds 'that he had engaged in|" Mr, and Mrs. activities "incompatible with his | and family and Mrs. continued Jyesence i Canada, |were dinner guests on Sunda Michno's expulsion, an external oe 3 Mp. affairs official said 'he was asked 'to leave because his con- duct was Incompatible with his diplomatic status." Liberia Sees Ship Insult LONDON (AP) A peer's doubts about whether Liberians know one end of a ship from the other mushroomed into a dip- lomatic incident Friday night. The House of Lords Thursday, debated threats to British mer- cantile shipping from foreign competitors who find it cheaper o register their ships under flags of some small nations. A Labor peer, Lord Winster, said: "I don't know whether the Liberian exists who 'knows the stem from the stern of a ship. "I understand they mostly live in the . bush. But nevertheless |Liberia has become the fourth greatest maritime power in the world." : " oe Ambassador Clarence L. Simp- ram, the topic being "Educa son who represents the West Af- tion rican 'Negro republic in Britain, MIS Gormley, Mrs. Reta Loyal Pogue on Sunday, birthday party for Loyal. Parents Tol How To Help Young Pupils MRS. FRANK T. SMITH, Correspondent COLUMBUS - room on Monday evening the president, Mrs. J. presiding. At the conclusion of the busi ness period, Mrs. Lewis, 'emarks. rick", followed by a duet sung by {ied by Mrs. Wallace Scott. tering school. now is barren ground with the Mrs. G. a mile north. The settlements of Aultsville, [school and kindergarten. {Farran's Point, Mrs. 'side Six miles to the east is the new townsite of Long Sault containing (he mothers of Grade 8. Two dele. the 4th Grade dwellings from the villages Moul- ' mates were appointed to attend inette and Mille Roches the Home and School Convention The Canadian National Rail- in Hamilton on April 9 ways has already relaid its main Refreshments were served by line to serve the new communi- the committee in charge of the ties. {program, oman's Association for for Siwash Imports, Popov, a former Final arrangements were made second secretary of the Russian|gor the April Tea in the church Embassy, was ordered out of|pa)1 on April 17. Mrs. Kime gave the junior teacher, presented the pro- G. Hayes gave a reading Grace and Carolyn Webber which | consisted of a medley of Irish |songs. The girls were accompan- Mrs. Lewis presented an infor- mative talk on the value of the parents' help with pre - school children to prepare them for en- Hayes, Mrs. D. Watt crews are cleaning up 40 miles |buildings moved to New Iroquois, and Mrs. Davy contributed read- ings about the. values of nursery Dickinson's Lewis told the parents how they Landing and Wales have all been could help their children in sci- moved to the townsite of Ingle- once, social studies, etc., up to Room attendance was won by day night is exactly the same. as that of the Oshawa board. Actual cost to the local rate- | payer of the $3,200 additional {raise voted at the meeting will be reduced by provincial grants te about $1,280. Business Man Inherits Title | VANCOUVER (CP)--The bach. Mrs. Jim Harris on the birth of |alor heir to the title of Lord Aire |dale of Gladhow is a small busi- Allan and Lorne Bath of nessman who has been living in {a one-bedroom apartment in Van- lcouver's west end. He is Hon. Oliver James Val- |deleur Kitson, whose father, | Bamford, wife of Rev. A. F. Bam- Lord Airedale, died in London Thursday aged 75. Oliver Kitson left here Wednes- day for California and was not expected back until early April. | A telephone answering serviée of which the 42-year-old heir is owner, said he |had left the forwarding address General Delivery, Oakland, Calif. It could not be determined here whether Mr. Kitson intended to return to England, or even it he had been advised of his fath- er's death. However, at the fam- lily seat in Stamford, Lincolnshire |it was reported that he was on John Newton [his way. back to England. * Kiddies Stage Clarence | 1 1eS tage Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tozer and | children of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pogue and children of | Cook and Miss Lily Pogue of Toronto were | (CP)--The small fry in this dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tawa suburbs public school w at a have their own Own Election ROCKCLIFFE PAR K Ont "little federal |election'" next Wednesday, com- | plete with a grownups' ballot box {and election kit. They'll vote for either John Diefenbaker, Lester Pearson, M. J. Coldwell or Solon Low but {they'll have to wait until March |31, date of the "big" election, to {know the result. | The election is an experiment |in citizenship undertaken by grade 8 pupils at the sugges- tion of the editors of the school newspaper. Intent on preserving The March i : e their scoop, the editors will kee meeting of the Columbus Home JEP SCODD, he Pp and School was held in the Junior with | Hayes, the result secret until the next edition, planned for March 31. Nelson Castonguay, Canada's chief electoral officer, has loaned a complete kit for a polling sta- tion, including an official ballot box. The pupils are printing their own ballots on the school dup- licating machine. Four campaign managers were chosen from grade eight and each was given time to stump-- y one speech in each of the six classrooms involved. Tourist Can Order Drinks TORONTO (CP) -- A tourist nlanning to visit Ontario may or der his liquor in advance by hav- ing a resort owner act as his agent, W. H. Collings, chief com- | missioner of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, said Friday. All that is required from the agent is the presentation of the tourist's permit with the order to the store, he added. Permits can be obtained by mail. . St. Paul's THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION OF AJAX Sponsors "MIKE™ STARR NIGHT SEE AND HEAR "MIKE STARR Tuesday, March 25 at 8 p.m. at the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE COMMITTEE ROOMS 152 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH NORTH SHOPPING PLAZA EVERYONE WELCOME United Church King's Crescent, Ajox 1 Organist and Choir Director Mrs. FREDERICK JOHNSON Phone 44M SERVICE OF WORSHIP SUNDAY, 11:00 AM. MARCH 23 PREACHER: THE REV. HUGH CROZIER of Whitby SUNDAY SCHOOL Senior, 9:30 a.m. Junior, 11:30 a.m