Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 22 Mar 1958, p. 4

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DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdey, Merch 22, 1958 |BY THE WAY opening day about trout -- ing enthusiast Steve Peleshok, of will be turned over to the fund, the Arena Sunoco Service, keeps says Bandmaster Eric Clarke. anglers informed ---------- with a sign he) hanges daily noting how many | more days until May 1.. ay | ONTARIO COUNTY ind you that i boosting the Rotary Easter ROAD DEPARTMENT boosting the Rotary Easter Seal STENOGRAPHER Town Hall Site Poses Problem Once Again fund by attending the Brass Band Concert in the town hall next Thursday evening. All proceeds | BUILDS ENGLISH PUB IN BASEMENT OF HOME HERE A little bit of England has | 1946, decided that what Canada building his own private pub in strictly ornamental. Adding au- been transplanted to the base- | needed most was the homey at- | his basement, complete with | thenticity to his pub are an- ment of a modern California | mosphere of an English pub, | blackened beams and beer en- | tique pewter tankards, 200-year- style bungalow in Whitby. | where the emphasis was on fel- | gines, pumps for draught Charles Dawson, who came | lowship rather than consuming. | beer. Above Mr. Dawson oper- mounted on the beams. | --Robertson, Whitby. Summer Camp Mrs. H T. Fallaise, Mrs. H. Arnold, Pickering eral convener, from England to Canada in | He remedied the situation by | ates the pumps, which are | Hockey Wanes, Baseball The following members of The day Night held in Oshawa last qre all in the Whitby and dis- the imagination and the enthus- Mrs. Maude Boyes, Mrs. Louella is only in the form of meetings, national hockey league once said. gy iperiand, Mrs. Edith McGhil, the Regent BANTAM SERIES TIED (ket Smokerings it is a sure bet yp. 'Kathleen Browne. Order of the Eastern Star attend- eason oon 0 tart ed the Sunbeam Chapter Birth. " b rsda yening Mrs. Mz Hockey, curling and baseball have emotional appeal to capture : 9 Mrs even hine Se drict sports limelight this week. lasm of the multitudes', Clar- cook Mrs. Margaret Barnes, Although the curling and baseball ence Campbell, president of the yy. 'aargyerite Ross, Mrs. Jean dt. 1s of interest to all Whitby In this final series between npr.c Eisie Goose, Mrs. Grace sports fans, Brooklin Combines and Newmar- gj Mrs. Muriel Smith. and that all these things will be a and Mrs. Ken Farquhar tion. Whitby Legion Bantams are found, and perhaps more. Al-\. 4 con Grant, of London, were as director for Summer Mrs. Langford a building zines home of Mrs. G. Fothergill. From services at abroad came. an By LLOYD ROBERTSON Now council has made a fresh Our favorite topic again came start. There has been no public into the news this week, said|discussion about any site that [topic being the site of a new town may have been chosen but a |hall. The property committee, in| number of spots have been pro- la report filed with council, has posed. {recommended that plans for the| There are members of council project begin again. {who believe that the present In 1951, the town learned that puilding, the scales and the town- Arthur Allin, for many years a owned house, a space which com. druggist in Whitby, had be-|prises about one-half of the block, queathed $114,000, which was could make way for a new town {designated to be used for the con- wall, Objectors to this proposal struction of a new town hall. That gay there would be insufficient |estate, much of it invested and|space and claim that this prop Centennial Park but whether ob- jection to this move has waned or not cannot be ascertained until council makes an announcement. Others have suggested that the council negotiate for the block on Dundas St. W., where the Trees home now stands. Only one house is on that block bounded by King, Dundas, Henry and Colborne streets and the lot could easily accommodate all the town of- fices, police and fire hall. If any such negotiations have been un. | dertaken, the results have not been d : !the remainder drawing interest in erty could, be sold to a ' (the bank, has now piled up to|cial enterprise and raise enough $145,000. |to pay the difference between the Since then, the spending of that 8145 000 now in the bank and the money has been an almost con-|$235000 which the proposed new |stant source of worry to eouncil- hal] is expected to cost. lors. |" The first proposal, about five| Other reports have it ho She years ago, was that the present council is considering purchasing building, which, in fact, was|the north half of the block on never intended for a town hall, |Green St., on the east side of the could be renovated, They found Dominion Store shopping plaza. that this project would be almost |This plot was priced two years as costly as building a new hall. Then successive councils sug-| gested that the new hall be built] in the Centennial Park, proposals {ago 'but abandoned at that time. | ns Objectors point out that the new | hall would then front on the rear of the shopping plaza. old toby mugs and horse brass | '10DE Plans For Regent, presided for the general monthly meeting of the Viscount Green- wood Chapter IODE held in the Legion Hall. Dates for the sum- mer garden tea at the home of was set for Thursday, June 19, Birth- day bridge and tea for Friday, Nov. 21 with Mrs. Marsh as gen- and which met with much objection. Of course, there is always the Retail Merchants Plan 18-Foot World Trophy The Retail Merchants Commit-icleanup of downtown Whitby. tee of the Whitby Chamber off A combination of the Whitby |Commerce held a meeting Thurs-| oy, per of Commerce, the Whit- | y ni i bout 35 busi- dey we Wik 8 Jon town of by Retail Merchants Association, {Whitby attending. {and the Whitby Dunlop Booster Plans were made to form an Club, authorized the building of organization of the Whitby mer-/an 18 foot high replica of the chants to promote better business| world championship trophy to be in Whitby. Election of officers placed at the four corners. Under was set aside for another week. neath the cup will be the names Plans were made for the home-|of the teams, and the order in coming of the Whitby Dunlops,|which they placed in the tourna- {and a motion was made to ap-|ment. This will be lighted and |proach the town council re a'have a revolving centre. DAY-BY-DAY | RED CROSS SHIPMENT The local Red Cross work room are sending the following ship- CANCER SOCIETY ments to their headquarters: 22! The monthly meeting of the irs of boys' pyjamas, 50 lab. Whitby Cancer Society ladies sec- towels, 4,500 wipes for blood tion will be held on Tuesday, at monhtly meeting on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. instead of 3.30 the prev- jous time. Members please, take notice of the change of date and plan to attend. transfusion, 100 transfusion tow- 2 p.m. at the Council Chambers. __ past Regents as a commitete. This will be an outstanding funec- It was reported that a cover now tied with Collingwood in though the Smokerings took the ocent guests at the home of Mr. for the new Standard had arrived, that Mrs. Wm. Lawlor would act Day Camp and that through Mr. and has been obtained for same. Maga- were asked for Frontier College and can be left at the home and urgent appeal els. SCOUT MOTHERS The regular monthly meeting of the Mother's Auxiliary of the 4th troops Scouts and Cubs willl The Colborne Home and School be held on Monday, at 8 p.m. Association instead of their regu- at the United Church hall. After lar monthly meeting will be visit- Village on Wednes- the regular business meeting the members are invited to be pres- ent at the awarding of the Bronze Arrowhead certificates to be pre- |Any ladies who can devote time |for this worthy cause most wel- come to attend. TO VISIT VILLAGE ing Variety More lately comes a new pro- posal, the property now occupled by the blanket factory on Brock St., north of Mary. One proposal is that the town expropriate the necessary land and build there, claiming that the town can only | expand to the north, west or east | but not to the south, The centre of town would therefore have to move in any of these three direc- UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE'S WED. MARCH 26th The Presents SPRING REQUIRED County Roed Department requires the services of o sten- ographer whose duties will In- clude Typing, Filing end gen- clerical werk, Favorable consideration will be given to licants with Shorthand end A in dicteph use. FASHION SHOW the P.M. Sunday School Hall Tickets 35¢ and 50c Applicants should contact the offices of the undersigned for purpose of securing appli- cation forms. R. I SIMS, P. Eng, County Engineer, County Buildings, Whitby, Ontario. tions. T | All of which seems to indicate |that council has quite a problem lon its hands seeking out a site| {which will keep them out of] trouble. | BY THE WAY: We promised | Chief Constable George Rankine that we wouldn't tell but it seems too good to let pass. Last week at Rotary Club, George thanked the speaker, Dr. Claude Vipond, Liberal candidate. But George, who incidentally is one of the newest members of the Rotary, fluffed his lines. He thanked Dr. Dymond, an error which fellow, members hastily pointed out to a |red faced George ... Husbands |have long bemoaned the fact (so they believe) that women just | |can't drive. Maurice Slichter| claims he has proof positive. Last | Tuesday his wife's car refused to igo so Maurice obligingly offered {to shove her vehicle with his truck. As they proceeded along | |Dundas St., Mrs. Slichter's car| coasted on ahead of Maurice. Just as Maurice caught up to her, Mrs, Slichter slammed on the brakes to let him catch up fast- er, which he did. There was a resounding "kerbash" and Maur- | jce and his wife were shortly on {the street explaining to each other whose fault it was ... OSHAWA SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION : Tender For Grading Granular Base, Culverts and Paving Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. Friday, April 11, 1958, for approach reads to a grade Tender forms, specifications the construction of separation structure, , plans and further information may be obtained from the office of the undersigned, Lowest or any tender not R. E. SIMS, P. rily Engineer and Surveyor Oshawa Suburban Road Commission : County Buildings, Whitby, Ontario. John Harkness, of Port Whitby, | reports that the smelt have not started in Whitby yet . Fish. | Dunnies May Be 'Here March 29 | The first official word has been | received from the Whitby Dunlops | day. Cars will be leaving the 2s to their arrival. Sara Gagnon, | | Colborne street school 6.30 and 7- p.m. between wife of Dunnie forward Bus Gag- | All parents and non, reccived a letter from her| sented to the Scouts who were friends invited to participate in husband informing her that they successful in the course. All par- ents invited to attend. | this, most interesting visit. for small books and quiited ar- World Affairs announced ducted a questionnaire on Ww. mittee. Christmas cards, -etc., etc, treasurer, Mrs. J. Roblin. aul Dale. Sword drill roll were tea hostesses, Hold Baptis:as RCAF Station Donald John No. padre of the Penhold, also assisted. ticles. Convener of Empire and, the| speaker for April meeting would | be Mrs. Colin Campbell and for May a film would be shown on "Portrait of a Family' and con- the Prime Ministers of Canada. Mrs. I. Carroll will replace Mrs. L. Heimpel as membership con- vener with councillors as a com- Members were asked to save match boxes, paper bags, empty spool show boxes, scraps of silk, for use at Day Camp. A budget for the year was presented by the Mrs. ned with a song serv-| R. Langford and Mrs. W. I. Car- | GUIDE ASSOCIATION i Re " and Catherine| Kirkland; "Was Mary Deity?" by gieanor were baptized as the| ant Chapel, RCAF station, bylon Tuesday. The members Will ther this interest. Maclver,! meet at the Sunday school hall| 14 and will attend the BYPU play They are the children of LAC freshments will be served to the Killens, Ft.-Lt. D. Carlson, Protestant] RCAF station at! E APTER Commer | Group To Sponsor Special Classes will hold their regular monthly| meeting on Monday, at 3 pam in the Common Room at the On- | There is a steadily growing tarlo Ladies' College ig ne feeling in Whitby of a need for | X40 Black Oak | Adult Education. At King Street book "Trail of the Bla 4/School on Wednesday a meeting by Reames. embers are ped was held to discuss the acquiring to attend and invite a rien of classes for art and crafts in this open meeting. y [uy It proved to be of great bi interest to many people. The ph and' Mr. Jack Eileck, of He Som: yi p C| Cubs Mother's Auxiliary hi hold Bias ily Bielr Jeguiar HOW) Meee on clear picture of the organizing. the Council Chambers Members Requests were made for classes . i in many subjects. It is reason-| are asked to attend. [able to assume the ones asked for by the most people are the classes to be obtained first. Art,| regular Weaving, leathercraft, woodwork- at| ing, pottery, metal etching, fancy | cooking, layman's law, sculpture, | public speaking and physical fit- The Whitby Girl Guides Asso- ciation will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall.! |All members urged to attend. [ tioned. TO ATTEND PLAY. | Mrs, Beattie, Mrs. Vessie, Mrs. The Whitby Baptist Three B's winter and Mrs. Nixon volunteer- will hold their monthly meeting|eq to form a committee to fur- ness are some that were men- fl |would be arriving at Malton air-| port at 9.05 p.m. Saturday, March 29. | Numerous reports were to the| |effect that the Dunnies would be | |arriving either Thursday, Friday, | {Saturday or Sunday. One person | wrote a letter to the mayor, ask-| ing him that the Dunnies not ar-| rive on election day, Monday, March 31. f The arrival date, however, has not been announced by Dunlop | Canada Ltd., or the Welcoming Committee, under the chairman- shin of councillor Willard Dodd. | | The date for the banquet has been set for Wednesday, April 16, and the arena floor will be |readied by heating with salaman- ders. | | RE-UPHOLSTERING Re-cover and Save Fine "-'-<"'en of Fabrics Free Estimotes PHONE MO 8-2344 T. ZAYETTE A I | el de Cl ts oo 0 Duro water softeners... il Hh LTD. Plumbin BER oo «» make ladies lovely It's @ fact, Duro Water Softeners give your halr, honds ond complexion @ beauty treatment ne amount of cosmetics can match. Soft water washes hair kitten-soft becouse there's no graying hoard water film to dull ifs natural sheen, Let us install one of these desirable Duro Water i Softeners out of the way in your basement. Let us i tell you how a Duro Water Softener will pay for | itself by drastically reducing your soap, fuel, heating, | clothing and plumbing bills. Call us today! ALBERT RANDALL AND SONS h i % Y BUI PAYMENTS and Heoting Sales and Service 102 BYRON STREET SOUTH, WHITBY MO 8-2991 [(Speviet Low Prices Chairs), "on Any od I performed by the group. Re- WHITBY CLASSIFIED RAWLEIGH Good Health Produets. performers and all present. BABY BAND The 'Whitby United Church IBaby Band will hold their regular their best of three all-Ontario opener by a score of 5 to 3, the and Mrs. William Wilde, of Henry gemi-final series, with one game series is far from over. It is, |street. each. The local lads lost a heart- in fact, just beginning. The ser-|" The Misses Katie and Ella hréaker here Thursday night, ies which is set for the best four sheppard, of Hamilton, were the when the Collingwood squad edg-|out of seven games will continue guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. #d the Whitby bantams 3 to 2 in tonight in the Port Perry arena. Farndale recently overtime. They scored the final |The drama and excitement that| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodd and goal with only about one second comes from watching Canadian !family have returned to their left in the overtime period. Mon- hockey, not only the 'bigger home in Fonthill after attending] day night in Collingwood, Whitby |teams, but the "little" teams can- the birthday celebration held in bested them 4 to 3 in overtime. not be justly estimated. They are honor of Mrs. Joseph Cowx of 408 Should the local bantams win the not just playing for the sport, Dundas street west, who cele- pext game, it would be the first|but for the prestige and honor brated her 80th birthday on Wed- time in several years that a minor [they can bring to their town.|nesday, March 19 hockey team from Whitby has Everyone likes to announce his| Mr. J. R. Griffits, of Moose ever advanced into the all-Ontario home town with pride and ad- Jaw, will be leaving on Sunday finals. miration. So, as far as the series to return to his home after spend- 's HOLD I |is concerned, it is not by any|ing the winter months at the wai we MERTING {means over, and a win for the home of his daughter and son-in- Larry's BA's, a local entry In Combines would put them back law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fraser, the West Toronto Senior base-|in contention. A special event of Byron street south. bal) icague held 2 esting Ned. as been planned for this game. 7, : ecided to en-| A stick was autographed by the . | ot em 2 Be Same league Brooklin Combines for auction. Hold Song Service ar, e , the sponsor | Proceeds of this auction will go . will be Larry Heffering, of Whit-|ty the player benefit fund. There At FBYPA Meeting by, who has sponsored baseball | will also be some girls dressed in and hockey teams in Whitby for Combine colors, red and white, The FBYPA held their weekly many years. The manager and taking bids. The stick will go to Meeting on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. coach have not yet been named. the highest bidder. with 23 in attendance. The meet- Sponsor Heffering named several The newly formed Whitby Curl. |In8 Was ope prospects for positions on this ing Club held a meeting Thurs-|ice led by P year's club, among those being day night, and decided to go|Was Won by the girls Fred Etcher at second base, pro- ahead with their plans for a new| Miss Patsy Miller and Mis: viding the cast on his leg is re curling arena. The site chosen Joyce Ibbitson favored the group moved. The team will play all|for the building was on Brad- with two duets. The message of their home games in Oshawa ley's farm. Brock street north the evening was given in three Kinsmen Civic Stadium on Wed- Whitby Jerry's Men's Wear Ju. parts or questions: "Was Joseph nesday and Friday nights. The veniles were defeated Wednesday 6 father of Jesus? 5 ¥.Bob team will receive no help from pj i ; the Whitby Minor Baseball Asso: cir ors Nar vise Arena by the Dianna Jones; "Was Jesus the protest Concord Rangers, in THL King! igearnate Son of God?" by Jack elation, due to the fact that the Clancy league play. The Rangers | wil s a v "% Penhold, Alberta, recently Association has folded, however cdosed the local boys by a score Wilde. j Wing-Cmndr. A. R they are looking for some possible of 3 to 2. ns A que was led 2 Paul Ryle Protestant chaplain of Bsouls em the Oshawa Junior : Tonight, Jerry's Juveniles play meeting closed with prayer. Next Group, RCAF, Winnipeg. or in the Whitby arena against eith. week's meeting will be provided Ki N "Sport, to be real sport, must er the Leaside Rangers, or St.|by the Y. €0) ro res| B°8 lens and Mrs, br vy the Young People from Dawes r,rmer residents of Whithy be packed with drama. It must Michael's. Road Gospel Church, Toronto. : i Tolstoy's Collect: Charles Neider, an authority on/the carnage of war, he turned to tral character is constantly faced wontemporary literature and an!the inner life and to pacifism. with circumstances requiring] author in his own right, has col- Born with a silver spoon in his both strength and endurance. | lected 46 stories and tales by Leo mouth and entitled to a noble-| Hunting, gambling and fighting Tolstoy in a book titled, "TOL- man's life of ease, he renounced took much of Tolstoy's attention! .8TOY'S TALES OF COURAGE this mode of living to pursue ain the early part of his writing # AND CONFLICT" (Doubleday of quieter life among the Russian!life. ; Canada Ltd.) {peasants and to follow his inter-| Ag Mr. Neider points out in his The publishers claim this is est in education. Tolstoy was a informative and lengthy introduc-| ! perhaps the most readable collec- celebrity throughout Europe be- tion Tolstoy is truly a genius and tion of tales and stories by one cause of his short stories and aq guch is not very predictable. ' author ever brought together in such full-length masterpieces as These long tales, and others of one anthology, and certainly "Anna Karenina ' and "War and pis Jater phase, are sufficient evi-| { there is much in this book to Peace", (regarded by many crit- dence that his creative powers! support their claim for Tolstoy ics o ley = sbsolulely the did not fail him. | was one of the greatest writers greatest novel ever written. . q of all time. This book is, inci- died from overexposure in the FINE COLLECTION | dentially, the- first major one. Wilderness, into which he had fled Tolstoy was a nobleman with volume collection of Tolstoy's to be alone. excellent prospects in life and| | + short stories, There is a wide variety here for almost every literary taste; there are stories of suspense, action, ¢ realism, and intense character jzation. These stories reflect al most all periods and aspects of their author's long life of more . than 86 years. : Extraordinary contradictions : and tremendous compassion for t his fellow man marked Tolstoy's works; and few men bave lived as actively or done gs much as ! this literary giant Tolstoy was decorated for-bray ery in battle while still a young officer in the Cza arn L; also found time to indulge in the worldly life of wine, women and i These stories range in length from the short-short story to the novelette and in subject their var- jety is of the greatest There is rich emotional impact in "Kreutzer Sonata" and "Where Love Is there God Is Also. If you have ever wondered what it's like to be trapped in a blizzard be sure and read "The Snow Storm'. There is also a vivid ac count of some young soldiers on an expedition against some Cau casian tribes in "The Raid" There is also a powerful and sombre story of 3a man's conflict in the face of death The Death of Ivan Ilvitch It soon became evident stories that Tolstoy was happiest when writting stories of physical life. This is explicitly illustrated in in these u be wes later shocked by in his stories in which the cen-'had this great pleasure. with important connections in all| § avenues of Russian power. He did| | not stray in literature because of a desire for fame, or because of family precedents; was he seduced in the hopes of earning large sums of money in an easy way. What then caused him ta make such sacrifices to be able to write? Tolstoy wanted to know and later describe what it was like to be brave in the trenches, or to be afraid. or cowardly, or to die. He vanted to know he haved He what kind of nor into it how men in certain Iso wanted to know situations nan he himself was I a of for those who know Tol Pictured above are Susan Me stoy and love his works and also, Carrol, age 6, and Penny Me- for those who have not, as yet,| Cabe, age 9, two young misses | from the Merry Mac's School fine collection stories IN ST. PATRICK'S DANCE | of Dancing, Whithy Spices and extracts, Phone MO 8.4436. Aprill7| WASHER and Appliance Service and Simplicity warranty. J. Bremner, 604 Byron South. Phone MO 8-3795. Apr. 5 I AERIALS moved, repaired, 'nstalled.| 30° as low as $39. Independent Service, WASHER (HEPAIRS WORK GUARANTEED Complete check-up. Wringer grecse ond Gear Oll changed. 'Wringer rolls in stock. Special Price on com- plete overhauls. BUTT RADIO And Appliances 118 Brock St. §., Whitby MO 8.3707 i MO 83-2081. April 6 HOME insulation, blowing method Free estimates. Septic tanks cleaned !the sanitary way. Walter Ward, Whitby. | |Phone MO 8-2563. April 23 neni ie ier | |For Rent --Apartment, two rooms, {modern bed-sitting room and kitchen, | private entrance 231 Palace Street. | | April 20 FOR_ Rent -- Three unfurnished house | keeping rooms. Phone MO 8-2230. 67c FOR Rent -- Downstairs apartment,| [amturniahed, three rooms and bath; | heat, hot water supplied. Cool in sum-| |mer. Suit couple. Immediate possession. | [MO 8-2435 67c | FOR Rent -- Unfurnished apartment, bed-sitting room, kichtenette. 135 Byron Street South. 67¢ WOMAN will give day care to chil dren. For further Information phone [Mo 8.4716. 67c [MANURE for sale. W. Walsh, 221 Starr Avenue, Whitby, MO 8-2456. 67c MOVING sale -- Everything must be Created To Individual Whitby Churches ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST. NORTH--WHITBY Pastor: Rev, E. Corbett, B.Th, Corner Byron and St. John Sts. REV. DAVID MARSHALL Orgonist: MRS. P. N. SPRATT 9.45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Beginners' Class FAITH TIDINGS 9:15 a.m.--Radio, CKLB 10 o.m.--Our Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Our Pastor's Messages SPECIAL MUSIC Sunday School Students EVERYONE WELCOME 7 p.m, Evening Service AGES FAMILY Monumental Works 318 Dundas East MO 8-3552 sold in preparation for moving to our new location in Plaza, 2 doors from | Dominion Store, Brock Street South, in | Whitby. Independent Sales and Service, IMO 8.2081. 67f FOR Rent -- Three room unfurnished | |self contained apartment. Apply 840 | Dundas Fast, Whithy. 63h FOR Rent One furnished room, board optional. MO 8-4928 68¢c WANTED to Rent -- Bungalow or other |good looking house, by Dutch family | with grown up children. 3 bedrooms, | | Whitby or Port Whithy. Phone after 6 {p.m. MO 8.3397, extension 95. 63b URGENTLY needed, four rooms or small house to rent, for family with 3 | children. Phone MO 8-4583. £3, |FOR Sale -- Findlay cook stove, sell |cheap. Phone MO 8.3016 or apply 209 Green Street 6% IROOM and hoard for one gentleman | Abstainer. Phone MO 8 2320 69 {FOR Sale '$3 Pontiac Tudor, real {sharp car. $775. Whithy, MO 8-3230. 69b These two -3230. |FOR Rent -- Three room Fry entertainers danced at an Irish (apartment, 'trig., stove, TV outlet sup- FOR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-3111 If you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 P.M., Call || BELL TAXI All calls must be placed between 7 ond 7.30 p.m. 1 held March 17. private entranes. Call MO sa. WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH 3rd Concession West of Brock N. Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W, E. Summers, AT.CM. 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 AM.--Morning Service 7:00 P.M.--Evening Service 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 2:30 P.M. AFTERNOON . SERVICE (DUTCH) John M. Smith, B.A. Minister Rev. WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Mrs. J. Beaton, Acting Organist, MORNING WORSHIP--11 A.M. RECEPTION OF MEMBERS EVENING HOUR--7 P.M. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE ? SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM. Girls and boys 9 years and over. Girls and under 9 11 AM. 11 AM. infant Care. Junior Worship, boys years

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