' 1 School Athletic Association Championships. The seniors shown above are the first Oshawa senior team to win # L] OSHAWA CENTRAL Colleg- | iate Institute had a highly suc- cessful basketball season this year with both its senior and junior boys teams the Central Ontario Secondary | They also participated in the gL. They are: back row, left to right: Roy Clarke, Garney Gunn, Don Jeyes, Charles Tu- son, Dave Nicholishen, and Tony Saramak, (team manag- er): front row left to right: i THE SMILING BOYS in the above picture are the Central Ontario Secondary School Ath- letic Association junior: basket- ball champions from Oshawa | Central Collegiate Institute winning | this championship in 15 years. | Ontario Basketball champion- | George Fuller, Joe Kolodzie, | | Bob Winter and Tony Saramak, (adopted by the Oshawa Kiwanis be announced in The Times row, |Club as its major money - rais-|Gazette on Tuesday. All bids wil ships held in Sudbury, Ontario. Coach Don Mcllveen is shown with his boys on the team who are: standing, left to right: Bill | I Miklas, Doug Montgomery, (team manager: front ray Reid, Lionel Kelly (team captain) and Don Andrey. : day, THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Scturday, March 22, 1958 § we Awar On Wednesday evening, March 26, the citizens of Oshawa and! district are going to have an- other opportunity to join in one of the most fascinating money- lraising projects ever devised by lan Oshawa service club, On that levening, the Oshawa Kiwanis !Club will hold its sixth annual {radio auction, with some 500 | items of goods and services, with| {an estimated retail value of over | 7500, offered to bidders over the| air through Radio Station CKLB.| The Radio Auction was first left to right: Ed Mazurk, Mur- |ing venture some five years ago, | be listed on a huge auction boar in order to finance its program of community and welfare activi --Times-Gazette Photo (ties, It was adopted to replace down to the highest bidder. It is the former car draws which for some years were held to raise funds. It is in every way an en- tirely legitimate method of rais- ing funds, because every individ- ual who spends money in it re- ceives in return full value, and in many cases much more, in goods and services for the money spent. PROCEDURiL: SIMPLE The procedure for the radio auction is very simple. On Tues- March 25, The Times yazette will carry a complete sting of all the goods and serv- ! 'ices that will be offered for auc- wo » " bo " - 9 Myron Mech, Marc Maly co- | won the COSSA championship, captain, Jack Lyons, co-cap- | making it the first time that tain, and Jerry Tymoshik, On two teams from one Oshawa the same day that these boys | school won the Ci won the championship, the sen- = ball championships in the same jor team from Central also ' year. COMING EVENTS |annuar bazaar and giant bingo, {March 21 - 22. To be held at the |Slovak Greek Catholic Parish Hall, 464 | "NIGHT OF CARDS" under the ouspices of Condion Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 43, Osh- awa, on. Tuesday, March 25th, ot 8 p.m. in Legion Hall, 90 Centre Street, Tickets 50 cents at door. Good prizes and refreshments. 69t on Monday Street Church basement » 69a {March 24, 2 p.m Come One Come All TO THE | -- crores | JAMBOREE FASHION SHOW AT AFTERNOON TEA Northminster United Church WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, | VARCOE'S DRIVEIN SHOW and DANCE To the ONTARIO RANCH BOYS Also Featuring THE RHYTHM ROCKERS FRI., MARCH 28 8:30 P.M. Fashions -- Young Ages Ltd. Admission 50c BINGO Coronation Orange Tem- ple, Saturday, March 22, 8 p.m. 20 regular games, share the wealth, 4 - $40 RUMMAGE Sale to be held in King of the Oshawa Kinsmen Club, ---------- Thursday tral heating. Radio and church are state controlled. Tells Story | Of Oslo Trip Gordon Garrison, vice-president {the sculptor Vigeland. A go meal in a top-class restauran cost less than $4. spoke at a meeting of the club night in the Genosha Hotel on his trip to Oslo, Norway, where he broadcast the World Amateur Hockey Championship matches. Of the Whitby Dunlops games with the Russians, Mr. Garrison said there were more cheers for the Soviet team. This was not because of national reasons but probably due to the fact that the Russians were rated as the Wright, Dick Donald, Milton Pearson, Harry Law, Hart, Bob Skitch and Bob Sled- ziewski. FAST DIGGERS claimed a world record in dril- ling a tunnel for hydro-electric purposes near this community 250 miles north of Quebec City. Two hundred workers drove a 655-foot tunnel in six days com- pared with a 587-foot tunnel in six Speaking of conditions in Nor- way, Mr. Garrison said there was no television and very little cen- 1952. Reserve Tuesday, March 21, | 8 p.m., to hear Mrs. T. M, Weatherhead speak on Canadian Conference on Education from the meeting held in Ottawa in February. At Oshawa Home:and School council, in the E. A. Lovell School. { CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS Annual Spring Dance to be held ot the Oshawa Airport, March 22. Dress optional, $3.00 per couple. SA Basket- | --Times-Gazette Photo One of the outstanding tourist records, attractions of Oslo was Frogner loans of sheet music were re- |Park which has 120 statutes by| corded. | tC | Douglas| CHUTE DES PASSES, Que. | Four visits were made to the (CP)--A construction team has ~-- BRR E-- Circulation At Library Growing Increased circulation in both the adult and boys' and girls' sections of the McLaughlin Li brary, during February, are re- ported by Miss Jean Fetterly, chief librarian. The library had a total circulation of 24,346, an in- crease of 1034 over the same month in 1957. Seven hundred and twenty-two more books were loaned to children. The report shows the total cir- culation in the adult section for the month was 12,470 compared to 12,327 in February, 1957. The total included 5440 non - fiction the and 7030 fiction books. In addi- 136 music ition 186 periodicals, and 17 35 pamphlets IRCULATION FIGURES In the boys' and gifls' depart- ment the total cir€ulation for the The following Kinsmen were nip) was 11,487 compared with presented with birthday roses: [10,765 in the same month of last Russ Reeve, Ross Courtice, Ken oar, The department also loan- ed 31 periodicals, two pamphlets and three pictures. There were 167 new registra- tions in the adult department and 101 in the children's depart- {ment. Career Advice Given Students A call for 6000 physical ther- ~ days at Niagara Falls, Ont., in apists from clinics and hospitals, | rehabilitation centres and mission -- outposts throughout Canada and |the U.S. was presented to Oshawa [ Missionary College students in an [illustrated chapel lecture Wednes- |day. For every five physical ther- apist graduates there are five openings said Charles Thomas and Russell E. Youngberg, MD, The Lieutenant-Governor of, Ontario. J. Keiller Mackay and| concerns have been generous in Mrs. Mackay, will visit Oshawa These will be listed in groups, | donating goods and services for on Saturday, Mar. 29, to present with each group bearing a num-|the Radio Auction. There are ap- Queen Scout awards fo 53) ber and a notation as to the [proximately 500 items to be sold Scouts. They will also attend a donor and the actual retail|by auction between 6 p.m. and dinner in Hotel Genosha at! value. On Wednesday evening, midnight on Wednesday next, and which Mayor Lyman A» Gifford! all of these items will be offer-|as in past years, the bidding will and the city aldermen will be! ed for sale over the air, and citi- be fast and furious. {hosts to the Lieutenant-Gover- zens are invited to telephone In Gperorars IN CHARGE {nor and prominent Scouting per- their bids. x : : . | sonalities, * Over 25 telephones will be man-| With Kiwanian Garnet Tubbin| "myic is the first visit to Osh- aged by Kiwanians, in the Radio 1 charge as general chairman, ,., by the lieutenant-governor, | Auction headquarters at Hotel|all the members of the Oshawa}, wii he accompanied by his! Genosha. These telephones - i 1 1|/Kiwanis Club have been working aide-de-camp, Lieutenant-Colon- ; ial , which will hard for the success of this ven-| ap have special numbers, whic WIT ture. Frank Taylor is director oti5 Task McFachion and Mrs. j{the Radio Auction. Roy Sawyer| pp. yi 10001 accorded to a d,/and Fred Popham are joint di vive regal representative will be 4 rectors in charge of merchandise. | iio.) observed throughout the| Drew Lindsay is the director off yi; "1 "the weather is on] sales. Behind them are active|nr,yo. Gifford and his wife willl zominiitees which have done a greet the Lieutenant-Governor The successful bidders will be splendid job of assembling the, 4 ps party at the entrance of announced over the air. and will Materials to be sold by auction. |." corocha" Hotel, be asked to call at the Radio| All citizens are asked to watch| Aldermen and their wives will Auction warehouse to pick up the for the complete list of goods|wait inside the hotel in keeping merchandise and vouchers on|and services to be sold by auc-|with the protocol. The mayor which they have been successful. tion. It will appear in The Times-| wij] then escort his honor to a There is no draw, no raffle, just Gazette on Tuesday next. Then|gyite of rooms booked for the a straight bidding against neigh-|be ready to bid on the items of} occasion, hors for the goods and services your choice when the bidding] Several distinguished people listed. And all the proceeds of opens on Wednesday at 6 p.m. .iending the dinner will be in- this event go to maintain the|Displays of many of the articles) roquced to the lieutenant-gover- varied program of community listed can be seen in the win-| ,. in the suite and later they tion on Wednesday evening. and at the end of a specifie time, the items will be knocked just as simple as that. - work carried on by the Kiwanis dows of the Public Utilities Com-| iyi join the rest of the guests Club mission, Burns' Shoe Store and Local merchants, industries Earl Goodes hardware store, 245 and many out - of - town business King street east. in the main dining room. After the dinner, during which 53 District Scouts To = Be Honored At Ceremony Bm LT.-GOV. J. K. MACKAY In the auditorium will befpar- ents of the Queen's Scouts Alopg with scouting officials, The scouts to be honored come from throughout the Lakeland Scout Region which includes Secar- bcrough, Bowmanville, and Barrie. . 35 OSHAWA SCOUTS A Thirty-five of the 53 boys who will receive the badges and gep- tificates from the lieutenant- governor are from Oshawa. A scouting official told, the Times: "This is a great henor for us and we are looking, for- ward eagerly to this occasion. It is particularly gratifying that such large proportion of the cef- tificates will go to Oshawa Scouts." v wr Protocol usually demands that a lieutenant-governor be escort ec by police motorcycles {rom just outside the city to the place where he is to be greeted. "™ Police Chief Herbert Flintoff said: "We are awaiting '"fbr word whether. His Honor will wish an escort. If he doeg ye will be most ready to arrange one." a-- SPRING FLOWER SHOW:~ SUNDAY, MARCH 30 Reed's Florists: - Tender EA) 12 KING ST. E __| His Honor will give a short ad- |as a result, the circulation here Pipe Band. | five books and 175 periodicals Of the books circulated last approximate attendance w as was an introductory visit from a] VANCOUVER (CP) -- A i {deducted by the union from his Mana ers Chan Q Lanse pleaded guilty to public g g ated at $300. He was remanded | 1957. Mr. Parry has been asso-/manager of the Shopping Centre retary of Local 202 of the Con- Mr. Parry assumes manage- Mr, Harnden is a registered | telephone, ash trays, an adding is owned by Principal Invest- | in Toronto, Mr. O'Shea has Shopping Centre branch, since ping Centre store on Monday, Mr. Cougler has been. with the succeeded in this capacity by| Successor to Mr. Cougler is |B |dress, he will go to the Central |has shown marked improvement. En were , given out month 132 were non - fiction and | 5905. Grade 3 class at Westmount Pub- horer smashed up a union offi |first pay in three years, prosecu-| Zeller's Limited have announc- fice in Montreal. Mr. Harnden until today for sentence. ciated with Zeller's Limited for store in November, 1956. struction and General Laborers ment of a new store in the North jeweller of the American Gem So- Machine and damaged the coun: ments Limited. MOVE BANK MANAGER been with Zeller's Limited for six the opening. Mr. Cougler has| Mar. 24. Bank of Montreal for a number E. T. Adair, manager of the Fair- Norman W. McAlpine, from the Meat Specials N TRUE-TRIM BEEF ({ --RA 3-3633 N52 ! Mon. Only! been in charge of the branch | Collegiate Institute where he library at Simcoe Hall. She is|{Wwill be piped into the auditor-| being assisted by a student and, jum by the Oshaws Caledonian |The total circulation during Feb- U a D d ruary was 389 compared with 220 nion e ucts Oshawa General Hospital. Sixty- in the same month of last year. | Ay Dues, Worker One hundred and fifty - seven 257 fiction. i sl . | films and eight film strips were| In addition to 74 regular class Sm h Of circulated by the library. The visits during the month there as es 1Ce : : ice| Mrs. Erwina Rasmussen has|lic School. here because $2.50 he needed for| -- . - Ra |shoes for his daughter had heen [] Sho 1 ( er \tre {tor Ronald Bouwman told police! court Thursday. Norman Gladu, 41, of nearby| mischief involving damage estim-| ed the transfer of G. B. Parry,|began his career with Birks in| Gladu was arrested after forc-| manager of its Shopping Centre the main store in Toronto 20|ing his way Wednesday into the store since the opening on Mar. 7,'years ago. He was appointed | office of Charles H. Savage, sec- four years. Prior to coming to| Mr. Harnden's successor at the Union. : Oshawa he was manager of the Oshawa Shopping Centre store] Armed with an axe, he argued Edmonton store. will be Mrs, E. Taylor who like with Mr. Savage then smashed a Hill Shopping Cenre, located in|ciety, This distinction requires te Calgary, Alberta, on Mar. 24. from three to five years of study, The North Hill Shopping Centre climaxed by an examination. | | Successor to Mr. Parry is Dan The Bank of Montreal has an-| O'Shea, who has been manager nounced the transfer of H. D. of Zeller's Six Points Plaza store Cougler, manager of the Oshawa and one half years, since his ar- been transferred to the Preston rival from Ireland. Mr. O'Shea branch. He has been very active takes charge of the Oshawa Shop- in golf and curling in Oshawa. | Mr. Parry was president of the Of years, having appointments in Oshawa Shopping Centre Mer- Kingston, Perth, London, Kincar- chants' Association, and is being dine, Merlin and Oshawa. weather Company Limited store. west Toronto branch. Mr. McAl- WINS PROMOTION pine has been an accountant at 8 Henry Birks and this branch for the past six years. TENDER Sons (On- tario) Limited, announce the pro- He is a native of Tillsonburg and 6%a WHITBY BRASS BAND BINCO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th CLUB B BYRON STREET SOUTH, WHITBY GAMES START AT 8 P.M. Bus service--leaves Oshawa Terminal--25c Return 1 SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 ($20.00 each Horizontal Line--$200.00 for Full Card) 2--%$250 JACKPOT GAMES $50 for first top line must go to-night 5 Games at $30 20 Games at $20 $1.00 Admission includes 1 card Door Prize and 5 Free Admissions jackpots to go, 1-$150 special to go. motion of R. Harnden to assist- has had banking experience at ant to the chief overseas leather Delhi, London, and several Toron- § buyer, R. C. Kelly, at head of-|/to branches. Beating At Dance Brings Heavy Fine A beating administered at a|The constable intervened at that church dance brought a heavy Point, pushing Pidwerbecki back fine in Oshawa Police Court Fri-|to the south wall. oo | day. Peter Pidwerbecki, 837 Dr. J. E. Rundle testified that |Myers street, was fined $50 and the injuries received by Tymoch- costs or one month in the county Ko could require a recovery pe- | |riod of between 10 days to three jail. Fn . | Pidwerbecki was found guilty weeks Te Dasisian hag =» Jaycees Host lot It. He 5 n To BTS Boys [if onmn,, smu, Jie va iene inion" "| The Oshawa Junior Chamber Tymochko, 58, of 240 Beatty ave- y "1.4 heen very angry. Tymo- of Commerce will entertain a nue. He pleaded not guilty. chko had owed him some money. large group of boys from the On-| Tymchko testified that he had ye had struck Tymochko with tario Boys' training School at attended a church dance party his open hand. He claimed that Bowmanville at a dinner to be at St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox the incident was not serious held Monday, Mar. 24. Church Hall on Saturday, Feb. : These boys, all from Jury 22, The hall is located near the| House at the school, will be re-'corner of Bloor and Simcoe! |sally Snieslained at Hotel Gen- gireets. osha for the first part of 'the tt Gtibd ing i evening, then will leave for a, While Sing at 4 25lle [alpine | tour of the General Motors plant. 0 ce on: a 2 ber f the | 69a| Here, they will be shown on a 2l0Wsky, also a member of the ~ conducted tour through the plant church, Piawerbechi had come land all the facilities and equip- to the table and struck him with | {ment will be explained to them Mis fist. Ie had fallen off the by guides. chair to the floor. This entertaining of boys from Constable Michalowski the school has been an annual that Pidwerbecki came to the practice by the Junior Chamber|table and said: "Hello, what's of Commerce in Oshawa new?" Then he hit Tymochko. CHOIR London Bible Institute and Theological Seminary will present @ programme of sacred music MONDAY, MARCH 24 -- 8:00 P.M, Calvary Baptist Church Auditorium -- physical therapist instructors at College of Medical Evangelists, |Loma Linda, California. Actual physical therapy ma- - chines were displayed for. stu- dents by Thomas and Youngberg in their one day visit on a 19,000-! mile tour of two provinces and 43 |states. The tour is sponsored by the Bricher Corporation of Cali- fornia. AT Training for a BS degree and {physical therapy certification | A YVI EW |consists of two years at college! land two at a professional school |for physical therapists. SIRLOIN and WING STEAK I. 5 1b. 55: BREAKFAST ADM. 75¢ 68b| eee | Woodvi PAL ew Community Centre MONSTER BINGO 8 P.M. MON., MARCH 24th More than $1,000 in Prizes including 2-$250.00 JACKPOTS (57 and 51 numbers) 1 $150.00 Jackpot 20 Games at $20.00 5 Games at $30.00 DOOR PRIZES TUES, MARCH 25, 1958 | RED BARN 8 porn, | Turn left ot North Oshawa School, one block past A & P store BUS SERVICE TO THE FRONT DOOR $1.00 Admissi 1 CA THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR RE- TARDED CHILDREN will hold their Monthly Meeting on Monday, March 24 at 8 p.m. at the C.P.A. Holl, 100 Gibb St. All welcomed 68b BACON FRESH MADE COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGES 5-100 TENDER CUBE VEAL » 69: The Nellie Dearborn Group of St. Stephen's United Church Present A FASHION SHOW Cole of Californio, The Hat Box, Hazel Foster Ladies Wear, SAIL EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH! SYLVANIA-16TH APRIL CARINTHIA-307H APRIL TO GREENOCK and LIVERPOO! FROM MONTREAL Arrive relaxed and refreshed for your business or v Choice traditional service and cuisine--round the clock sports and entertainment--all the good things of life for your enjoyment. All proceeds go toward outfitting and training the Junior Bross Bond. at QUEEN ELIZABETH SCHOOL 75¢ MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, MARCH, 22 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, $30, $40, $50 Share The Wealth on Includes RD stated Admiss Door Prizes 69a! 63t KINSMEN CLUB OF OSHAWA MONSTER BINGO $1,000 in Prizes, including 2-$250 Jackpots 1-$150 Jackpot (Must Go) 20 Games at $20.00 Share the Wealth DOOR PRIZES 41.00 admission includes one card t Seasoned travellers know 1. best time to visit the Old Country is before the heavy tourist season starts, Enjoy the luxury of crossing fo Europe in one of these fine Cunarders. mM " : ON=-- When you go Cunard--Getting there is half the fun oO Cunard Bay & Wellington Sts., Toronto. EMpire 2-2911 SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES OF $25 March 7, 8,21, 22 3 See Your Local Agent-- { 3 No One Can Serve You Ee! 3 3 edb day, March at the Jubilee Bus service to the door !! is or vy frienc mitted free! th Pavilion Cor. Phone: Mar.22,.24