2 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTY, Seturday, Merch 22, 1 958 LYN FAIR AT HIS DESK Brisk Schedule For Lyn Fair One of the busiest men in On-/home-making clubs for girls in Year, lived a tario County today is H. L. Fair, the 12 to 20-year age group. district representative of The On-| All in all, Mr. Fair has a tario Department of Agriculture, program to follow for 12 months | OBITUARIES | MRS. ELIZABETH FLINT | In poor health since she was i. jured in a bus accident at Gue!; |in 1949, Elizabeth Bilston, wido {of William Flint, died at Fairvic | Lodge, Whitby, on Friday, Ma: 21. She was in her 83rd year. | Born in Birmingham, England, on Dec. 9, 1875, the deceased lived in Oshawa from 1923 tol 1954 and prior to moving to Fair. view Lodge lived with her daugh- ter in Brooklin for three years. Mrs. Flint was a member of St. George's Anglican Chureh, Oshawa, and of the Golden Age Club. Pred d by her husband on May 1, 1942, she leaves one! daughter, Mrs. Stanley Harding (Gertrude), of Brooklin and three of Detroit and Oliver" of Guelph. | Also surviving are a sister, Birmingham, England; nine grandchildren and 11 great grand- | children. {held at the Armstrong Funeral| |Chapel at 3.15 p.m. on Monday, On Monday, Mar. 24, at 8.00 Mar. 24, followed by interment in p.m. the chorale of the London Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Bible Institute and Theological C. D. Cross, rector of St. Seminary of London, Ontario! George's Anglican Church, will will be presenting a sacred con- conduct the services, . |cert in Calvary Baptist Cnurch, {Oshawa - ; MRS. DIANA FICE | The chorale, under the direction The death occurred at the of William G. Carey, Mus. Bac, {Oshawa General Hospital on is made up of 32 young people | Friday, Mar, 21 of Diana Cale, Who are devoted to the Lord and | widow 'of William Fice. The de- to the spreading of His gospel. | ceased, who was in her 81st|The majority of the chorale mem- t 130 Rossland Rd.!bers are from Ontario, but there W. She was taken Ill suddenly on are also students from Saskatche- busy Friday morning. wan, Quebec Province, New A daughter of the late Robert Brunswick, Nova Scotia and New Moss, Mrs. | York state. The public is cordial- Fair i -| Cal Elizabeth ; Mr. Fair explains his job this of the year. One of the agricul Cale and Elizabe Hampton only invited to attend this evening wa [ture department's pet projects at|Fice was born at 0 em a go-between for the On-/the present time is a campaign Mar. 6, 1878 and was married tario Agriculture College, the ex- to have Ontario county establish-| Bowmanville on Jan. 28, 1903. A perimental stations of the Fed- ed as a Brucellosis Control eral Department of Agriculture for cattle under a fede: and the farmers. 1 try to inter- majority of the cattle breeders her life. | \ do 2 V must be in favor before this plan] Mrs. Fice was a member of Are Telling (Beethoven): A Shel pret the findings of these agencies to the farmers. is put into operation and the re-| Northminster Un ) Farmers are interested in mew sult of their vote should be known of the women's association of the production methods, new var- soon. feties of cereals, grasses and le- pp UCELLOSIS CONTROL gunes (alfalfa). Farmers are also planning After an area has these days for the spring seeding. Potatoes will be planted soon. Then will follow the seeding of spring grain, oats and mixed bar- 28€ ley in most of Ontario county. In| the area about 10 miles back bee from the lake, farmers will grow at|of song and testimony. The chorale program will be | Area| resident of Oshawa for 21 years, selected from the following reper- ral plan. Ashe had lived in the district ali toire: School Song; Ambassadors {(Hartill-Carey); The Heavens ited Church and ter In The Time of Storm (San- key); The Lord Is A Mighty God | church. | (Mendelssohn); Jesus, The Very| | Predeceased by her husband Thought of Thee (Dykes-Rains);' lon Sept, 25, 1944, she leaves, a been three daughters, Mrs. T. J, Ele-| designated as a control area alll ment (Evelyn) and Mrs. R. Policema cattle are not tested for Brucel- pierce (Doris), both of Oshawa losis. Calves under 8 months of and Mrs, W. J. Stonehouse steers, spayed heifers and) (Ryth), of Whitby and two sons, | heifers under 36 months that have car C, Fice, of Myrtle and Nel- n officially vaccinated are not/ oon Ww. Fice, of Taunton. tested. All other cattle, within the Also surviving are 19 grand-| Tie sor of :a Torents police of corn for husking. Corn for silage area at the time of a regular children and five great-grand-|ficer was convicted in Oshawa 1s grown throughout most of the test, must be tested. ares. HERE SINCE 1947 |health of -animals branch, | children. | Police Court Friday on a charge Blood samples are drawn by "nrg fice was predeceased by i i inari i . lof illegal possession of a firearm. veterinarians in the employ of the, sister, Annie Cale and three pin N EO A Fed: prothers, John, Roland and Rob-|gione Gardens, Scarborough, was Mr. Fair has represented the eral Department of Agriculture. ort ale, L, Bid department of agriculture in this The tests of the blood samples| ne memorial service will be fined $10 and costs or 10 days in area since Jan. 1, 1947. Prior to/are made at laboratories recog-\p.14 at the Armstrong Funeral that he held the same post in'nized by the federal department. Chapel at 2 pm. ong Monday, Hastings county. He resides in| What is done with animals that Mar, 24. Rev. H. A Mellow. | , AU. «HL A A Uxbridge, which is his headquar- are positive to the test? Martin pleaded guilty. His father told the court that he had : T given his son "the worst tongue- {minister of Northminster United yoo, he ever got in his life." ters. Except in cases where special] 4 He is also busy with the organ- permission is granted, all positive Chien, Will conduct "ro ter Constable G. A. Ross testified {zation of 4H club programs for animals must be disposed of for| u 4 1958. He receives applications for slaughter under inspection. Oshawa Union Cemetery. 18 different 4-H clubs in Ontario garding remuneration for county, made up of dairy and owner, he receives from | that he had been on duty at the Re-| |"Four Corners" on March 15. A the car had made a right hand turn the {from King on to Simcoe street. beef calf clubs, grain clubs, swine slaughterer the market value of OSHAWA AND Checking the car, the constable clubs, tractor clubs and forestry the animals, and from the fed- found a .32 Browning automatic clubs. jeral department of agriculture DISTRICT NEWS revolver in the glove compart- BUSY PROGRAM | compensations in amounts not ex- {ment, wrapped in a scarf. The The depariliont employs a ceeding $40 per head for grades 0 org J | 1 rw, 3) |and $100 per head for pure breds. " REMAND TEENAGERS | driver of the car was Roger D. s, charged with at.|Belfry, 22, of 194 Parkview ave- tempted gas theft from Bennett nue. Willowdale. Two Dunnies On [mus ie & po), sus we me oa Red Wings List + TORONTO (CP)---Jack Adams, 'Our doctors looked him manded to Api 11, in police| . ( court here Friday. Remanded | were William Grant MacGregor, | Male Choir | 18, of 1125 Hortop street; Edward Donald, 17, of 220 Alice street; . over and B d, 17, eneral manager of Detroit Red and said to give him another year 3 pony McQuaid, 17, of RR/ To Sing Here he | ings of the National Hockey and see how he was. Well, | | League says he has, placed two seems to have done all right." | BAIL CONTINUED The Lakeshore Inter-Church member's of the world champion! Burns was selected as the out-| A eh Male Choir will be guests at Al rdav 9 Whitby team on his negotiation standing player of the world leisure ot being uk by bert Street United Church this Speaker. here Ssiuiuay, Ape i, 9 Hem S150 ean be Seen oa Sue Hist. nament, an honor McKenzie won| Eugenio Formica, Minden, Dy- Sunday evening at the radio hour. yer J cewoo |CaYS <8 chures © pind In a telephone interview from two years earlier when Kitchener sart township, Haliburton County,| The choir will also sing at a short Detroit Friday night he said he Waterloo Dutchmen lost the title was adjourned until April 11, in recital following the evening ser- [ wants to talk to Jack McKenzie to Russia. {Oshawa Police Court on Friday. vice at 8.15 p.m. and Charlie Burns when they re-| Burns was a member of the To- Bail was continued until that! The choir, with its conductor, | turn next week with the Cana-ronto Maple Leafs farm team time. |Rubert Graydon, has not been in dian team from its European but was not considered for profes-| [Oshawa for three years. t our. |sional duty because of his head| CASE REMANDED | This group, as its name sug- "I think both boys have major injury. Nevertheless, he played! Donald Arthur Pettit, 19, of 185 gests is made up of members Judgment In Theft Delayed By JACK GEARIN ff i I) | ong. Wis rescroed 17 . . ul Magistrate Frank 8S. Ebbs on a The story of Oshawa's co-op housing groups / ; charge of theft and possession of i y A isin in iunnrq (stolen goods in Oshawa Police continues to grow. . ; ; Vi Court Friday. The third co-op unit--Law.or Homebuilders-- wr AM | Gerald Murray Thornton, 31, of has got the green light from the Department of ; : ] 4 Pacine avenue, wa Sharged Planning and Development for a 15-acre subdivis- ; , : Won Tgp Ty jag on ion in Whitby Township, and has applied for an ? / Raymond Stoners, 103 Mi street, on Feb. 27. He was also NHA blanket mortgage of more than $330,000. i 1 charged with the possession of {BIG BUSINESS |Time that "Bus" Gagnon is not |] the shaver on Mar. 4. He pleaded Three other Oshawa co-op a recent addition to the club. . Mi." not guilty to both charges. ' groups have been organized,| The article failed to mention If 4 Sergeant of Detectives W. J. namely: that the final game with Russia ; Jordan told the court that Thorn Sherwood Park Ltd. and was a "cliff - hanger," that the ton had been apprehended on Ce- Wyldewood Heights Ltd, Russians put forth a tremendous i 3 lina street on Mar, 4. The razor which have combined to com: |effort and all but won the game. R G EVERSON had been in his possession. sons, William of Torgnto, Joseph LONDON BIBLE INSTITUTE CHORALE plete construction of a total | Is this what happens when a The same razor had been re- of 42 modern homes. magazine is written in Canada/SUCH IS FAME ported as stolen by Raymond . Gregory's Housing Co- |and edited (and likely rewritten)! Such is Whitby's hockey fame: Saunders on Feb. 28. Saunders Mrs. Beatrice Knibb, of Oshawa; P t : S d which has 20 families in New York City? | ported y? the Stafford Brothers, a Whitby stated that he had re the a brother, Thomas Bilston, of resen acre | well advanced in the study | RUSSIAN IDEA monument firm, this week ed frit missing. He had also course which is a basle re- ceived a letter from the Rock missed a pop-up toaster and a | f groups be r T C T i t n | John R. Frost, clerk of the of Ages Corp. of Toronto and the steam iron ' | { t 1 1 4] a : 1 town of Whitby, has sent a letter w. ressed: "Stafford| y said | al i ill bel oncer S day fore attempting the actual B. G. F 1, di ' letter as add : | In a statement Thornton i construction of homes. Brothers, monuments, The Hock-|sy.¢ ne had purchased the razor The Lord Is My Light (Allitsen);| By the end of 1958, it is ex.|™.nistration, Post Office Depart-ley Capital of The World, Whitby, tous siother persop: for 82 in The Roll, Billows, Roll (Leech); pecied that more than 70 homes mesh, gia 29kiue the avpart. Oniarie, Canada beverage room of the Hotel Lan- niall Rodin Res Ags arr ae BE i res, {le Whitby Dunlops hockey team| A group of officers of the caster. He admited being in * Wilson): King jlorious! ms ; i y championship. The .| strect, some ago. Frets vai); pen Our Eves 31000000, Cf Well OVerlidea came from Russia Where lpg ado Ry "They| "Apparently a lot of things (Macfarlane); The Holy City [stamp was issued last year by|are Major M. C. Finley, Lt.|are bought in beverage rooms, ad) Consecration, The shareholders effect sub-ithe Union of Soviet Socialist Re-|s, J, Skea, Capt. D. B. Harnden, besides beer," said Magistrate arr. Ringwa ¥ onsecration' gona) savings on the cost of publics to commemorat Russi |S. J. 8 ea, Capt. D. B. Harnden, » (arr. Carey); O Thou Eternal. . Lob ate Russia'sland Capt. A. A. Martin. The Ebbs. Pe (Delamarter): Gloria In Ex their houses by doing consider- winning the world's hockey title. i nducted by Head Oe Pm the Lotd Bless 20l¢ Manual labor themselves. | . . . Terence V. Kelly, Oshawa quarters 15 Militia Group. Vari le nid Keep You (Lutkin), | Families are admitted to mem. Lawyer, is one of five Ontario} 02 Ontario . militia units are . The London Bible Institute bership on the basis of thelr; delegates attending a meeting of | participating. Each unit would) Church Drive and Theological Seminary is dedi. need for homes. They must be anadian Soccer Association provide a portion of mobile sup-| cated to the task of training illing 2 study and work to. in Montreal this weekend. » [port column in the event of an young people spiritually and aca- gether. There are no restrictions MARRIED TEACHERS atomic attack. ver R demically-for Christian service in in membership for religious or | Should ; uld married teachers be With a goal of $340,000 and two . litical reasons | Canada and throughout the world. P® . | A three-year general Bible Rev. J. E, Lawlor, assistant hired in Oshawa high schools? weeks to go, the Oshawa Roman | . course is offered for which a di-|priest of St. Gregory's Parish. | The Oshawa Board of Educa-| Teepees Win Catholic Church and Welfare Cru- ploma is granted. Other courses rgahized the local £0093 and jim, by 2 Jue gle B, retest: . sade is well on its way. lead to degrees in Christian supervises their operation. * |= onday | T 'T G The drive, opened March 10 by 'ducation, Theology, and Chris: More than 500 families have Night. Before the final vote was 0 lle ames i y Ey si obtained these homes in 15 On-| Cast, angry words were exchang: | ST. CATHARINES (CP) St. LA Carina) Accompanying the chorale on tario centres in the past five ed and tempers were frayed thariaes T he verge |to move forward at an exhilerat- its current tour is the Rev. Frank years. {aimost to the breaking point. or Ee Ontario ing pace and has every indication R. Kekema, Tegistrer, who will EVERSON IN VERSE 1 was dhe liveliest debate be-|Hockey Association Junior A of being a tremendous success. ive a brief message. | many months. i y . - ee The newspaper heading was It found Rev. P. Coffey, a Sony. Semi-finals with Toole | Marke: St. Mary of the People has al- y startling: Jr School representative, sup ros, Fame up w id h best ready attaled $3 gol ol 0 S | CYB » |portin i ' _|game playoffs to win 11-3/and expects exc y a n S on | It read: 'Everson In Verse p g the affirmative in a friday night before 3.000 fans. lo ostestial amount, Right away we started to think spirited and aggressive way. Be- 3 of Stan Everson, the prominent cause of his past achievements, |, THOTOUShlY Sominating p1 avi The five parishes are beginning Oshawa Rotarian and insurance Father Coffey carries tremend- 2 tae en game, Teepees to make reports far beyond ex- man. We knew him to be a man|ous respect with board members| OTcc0 a0, eighth, and deciding|pectations at such an early date. Had Gun Illegall \ of many fine sides, but could the and in the city's education clregeg | Fame in Toronto Sunday -after-irhe objectives set by each par- writing of publishable verse be generally; however, w {noon. Both teams have won three ich are: St. Gregory the Great, had borrowed the car from Mar- one of them? difficult to accept Ne a games with one tied. $100,000, to pay he debt on tin to take his girl friend home.| Then we learned the truth;|Dr. Vipond brought up the mar-.|, After spotting Mariboros theiine auditorium; St. Gertrude, Although Martin had told him one the Everson referred to was|ried teachers' issue purely for first goal of the game, Teepeesigs) 000, for completion of the week previously that the gun was Stan's brother, R. G. Everson, political purposes. Dr. Vipond Came. back with seven straight, |ohurch: St. Hedwig, $50,000, for in the car, he did not know that|of Toronto, who is a public rela- has long advocated that marrieq|\¢24ing 3-1 at the end of the first| completion of the church; Holy the gun was in the car at the ions executive and a partner in teachers be hired in the city's Period, and 82 at the end of the |Crogs, $100,000, for parish de- ime. J the firm of Johnston, Everson high schools and second. t; St. M e0~ The owner of the pistol, Alfred and Charlesworth. [took a strong ind pe Ireaueatly) Stan, Mikita and Rino Robazza rg yg for ary oi she J a Stanford, testified that he was a| R, G. Everson has just had his months before he tossed his hat 'cored two goals each for Teep- | myiti-purpose church and hall. friend of Martin. He had brought jatest book of poems published in the ring as a Liberal candi. © With singles going to Bob mye pastors of all the parishes the pistol back from Germany in hy the Cambridge Press. It's call- date in the federal election |Ewer, John McKenzie, Wayne|yaye expressed their complete 1946. The gun was registered ined "Three Dozen Poems" and|y : . Hillman, Chico Maki, Bob Corupe | nid in th ity of Toronto. The firing pin was; veiv ; NOTHING TOO GOOD | i jconficence ly, ue generosity g .P it received a most favorable re-| {and Ted Wright. {their people, and most certainly, broken and Martin had offered 0|yiew in The Toronto Globe and, When city council approved al Marlboro scorers were Bill yo oc te have responded with have the gun repaired for him. |nfaj), {motion that the new home for the Kennedy, Doug Riseley and 8, Der pe Martin's father called the inci-| RG, Everson, like Stan, is/28ed be built in the northeast/Wally Boyer. jentudsiasm, dent a "case of carelessness". His oshawa-born and the son of Mrs, Section of the city, in a section of| In the final 12 minutes of the| The combined reports of the son had not taken the gun to the|T, H, Everson of this city. He 2 Site recently designated as a game, players of both teams for. {chairmen of each parish show a repair shop immediately due tolearly showed a flair for poetry Park, Alderman Norman Down got hockey and concentrated on total amount reported of $205,000, late night work. The thing had and fiction writing and has since 52id many were under the im- "playing the man." {with a substantial amount being then slipped his mind. had his works published in such Pression some lots in the park -- {reported to them daily. Their co- Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, magazines as The Atlantic| Would provide valuable sites for] FACES TWO CHARGES |workers, numbering over 600, are QC, felt that there was 'nothing Monthly, Mr. Everson is a fre. residences. To this Mayor Gif-| Two charges of drunk in charge| completing their allotments in sinister about this case." He guent visitor here. ford replied: "For my part, no/of an automobile and having|record breaking time, and expect withdrew a similar charge ENE place would be too good for a|liquor against Raymond Tustin, to complete the canvas of over against Belfry. OBSC BOOKS project like this -- other projects 22, of Stouffville, were remanded (3500 Roman Catholics in the next -- ----------| (Oshawa merchants who sell| re of secondary consideration." to March 28. Bail was set at $500. 'and last phase of the campaign. {and display obscene books and To Address {magazines for the benefit of the very young are a strange breed. . . | By an odd coincidence, most of Victory Dinner them are pretty solid citizens, 5 ithe kind of people you would like Most Rev. F. A. Marrocco, DD, [to know. They pay their taxes| auxiliary Roman Catholic bishop promptly and rarely, if ever, do of Toronto, will be the guest|they run afoul of the law. Many wm Heights Ltd, Co-operative Hous- choice; and many are the par- For Profitable Fun for a Worthy Cause in the Comfort of Your Home ing group hold a victory dinner. ents of healthy boys and girls. The dinner will be held to. Then why do they traffic in -- JOIN THE -- commemorate the completion Pornography, and why do they last Dec. of 18 new homes by the permit literature on their news- co-op group on Meadow crescent, stands which they wouldn't per- east of Garrard road. {mit in their living roomy? K | This question is a puzzler, a Bishop Marrocco is one of the problem for the psychiatrists. | feague futures," Adams said. for a. Leaf amateur farm team, Valencia road, was remanded to from several of the churches in original organizers of co-opera- | He sald he doubts whether Mc- Toronto Marlboros, two years March 28 in police court here Fri- the Lake-Shore area of Metropol- tive housing in Ontario. | gike ® 200d look 41 hele ook! Kenzie, a school teacher, will be ago and helped them win the Ca- day. He was charged with break- itan Toronto, : | E. Owen Jennings is president fi ct and stand well back if you're | interested in professional hockey, nadian junior championship. Heling and entering and the theft of The program for the recital williof the board of directors of ha blushing type -- and you'll but he said he likes "that boy joined Whitby last year. lan Underwood calculator from include such numbers as 'G Burns. We got along fine when McKenzie also played with the|the Magic Popcorn Co. Ltd., 637/So Loved the World," by Stainer, he was with us at camp last/Marlboros and then served al Simcoe street south, on March 20. 'The Heavens Are Telling', by] i spell with Pittsburgh in the Am-|He was remanded in custody, un- Haydn, Malotte's "The Lord's Adams said he thinks Burns is erican League before reverting to|less bail of $1000 was provided. | Prayer' as well as tenor and bass all right in spite of a silver plate amateur status with Kitchener.! |solos. | in his head as the result of an in-|Whitby borrowed him for the! TO FAMILY COURT | This will be a musical evening | jury in junior hockey. 'world tournament. | A charge of assault against Al-|well worth hearing. [bert Stonebridge, 169 Southlawn Fine Recital = weaTHER avenue, was adjourned until Mon-| . day, March 24 and reverted to | dA t family court. Stonebridge Is C alme u 0 f | TORONTO (CP)--Official . Or an Music {casts - issued by the Dominion out of the house on March 10. public weather office at 5.30 am. | The fourth in a series of Len-| Synopsis: Little change is ex-| n recitals will be presented on pected in Ontario's wi 4 . a 8 on ih 3 Vester to No accidents, fire alarms or am- Sunday evening at St, George's day and Sunday. Anglican Church by Clifford Ontario the weekend weather i« Evans assisted by Miss Vivian expected to be mainly sunny. Sadler, contralto. Regional forecasts valid Mr. an, who came io, Ca. midnight Sunday: fada four years ago from Eng-| 7p, : Ne lend, is organist and choirmas- Lake Erie, Lake Huron, ter at St. John's Anglican Church, wmanville. = His first group of organ solos will include "Preambule" by Whitlock, 'Andante con moto" from the Fifth Sonata by Men-| delssohn, and the "Little" G. Minor Fugue by Bach. . For his second group, Mr, Evans will play the lovely 'Folk | Tune" by Whitlock and the Toc- eata from "Suite Gothique" by| Boellmann. He will end the re- Mainly sunny with not Sunday. Winds northerly 20. Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny eital by playing four chorale pre. !0day and Sunday. Not much Ave., who will a by Bach, "Da Jesus|change in temperature. Wind gs birthdays on Sunday. | An Dem Kreuze Stund" and "Ich northerly 20. Ruf' Zu Dir. Herr Jesu Christ"| Timmins - Kapuskasing: Sunny |cloudy intervals today. Sunday today and to Mrs. William Pier- mainly sunny. Not much change son, 200 Pacific Ave; in temperature. Winds northerly Bourrie, 182 Alice St.; Thomas | Eastern Lake Ontario, Halibur- Kirtley, 310 Mitchell Ave; and ton: Cloudy with sunny intervals Mrs. P. Hopkins, 128 Rosedale |charged with assaulting his wife| fore. by slapping her and pushing her | QUIET NIGHT The night was quiet in Oshawa. A suspended sentence of two years for false pretenses was handed to an Oshawa man in bulance calls were recorded. The police court here Friday. Thomas Police department also had a i i laut ; G. Stevens, 1508 Simcoe street until quiet night, with no one locked up. | orth, Pleated guilty, WEEKEND BIRTHDAYS He was charged with false pre- Geor-| Congratulations and best wish.|tenses in obtaining a 1957 Olds- gian Bay, Kirkland Lake, Wind-'es ar tended to mobile from Ontario Motor Sales sor, London, North Bay Sudbury, Ballard, br VIN = siySoey Bb. Itd., by presenting a 1953 Olds- much fery Chesebrough, 733 Hortop St.; mobile as free of liens change in temperature today and J. Hroncich, 68 Church St.: Fred|, Magistrate Frank §. Ebbs or- |J. Clemens, RR 2, Oshawa and dered Stevens to report to the Western Lake Ontario, Niagara, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Brooklin, who Probation officer at least once {per month. He also ordered that [full restitution be made and that |Stevens adequately provide for Jom D, his family during probation. | (Wragg, 281 Jarvis St.; George Stevens was released on $500 bail on his own recognizance. Leighton M. Souch, secretary. celebrate their treasurer of Ontario Motor Sales with|are celebrating their birhtdays | " for a 1957 Oldsmobile, he had pre- one by Karg-Elert, "Jesu Hilf Sie-| with not much change in did The speaker at the meeting of ted a 1953 Old 3 . | y 18 1 bile y gen" and finally '"Darwall's|ature today and Sunday. Winds|the Oshawa Ro Club on Mon. sented a 1953 Oldsmobile. . |was dean of the faculty and act-|blow a gasket. f 148th" by Whitlock. [northerly 15. |day will be Herbert Angus| In February, 1958, it was dis. ing president. The Luce publication has an| FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC DRYER Miss Sadler will sing "Spirit of, TORONTO (CP) -- Observed Mowat, of Toronto, a member of Covered that a lien of $850 had God" by Neidlinger, "How Beau-|temperatures issued by the i ; " i pub- national Affalrs. H. {11 Discount Co. Ltd. Arrangements tiful Upon the Mountains" bylic weather office at 9 am.: [on the Russian Policy > hea for restitution had been made Harker, 'I Walked Today Where| Min Jesus Walked" by O'Hara and Kapuskasing ..... "He was despised" from Han-!North Bay del's "Messiah". {SS Marie ....... The recital wil begin at 0 Sudbury ... . pm. and a collection will » Musk taken in aid of the headquarters Windsor. Atrpon bullding fund of the Canadian London .. : College of Organists. | Toronto .. . TAX RATE UP [Gana "PETEREOROUGH (CP)--Pet-| Quebec .... 's general tax rate will Halifax ..... rise by 5.75 mills this year to a Windsor . record 65 mills, Mayor John St. Thomas Dewart announced today. The London residential rate will increase 5.85 Wingham wills © 808 Toronte . A Max tion in the Middle East. The club Defence counsel for Stevens |will observe its Past Presidents' Stated that the accused was mar-| | Free Of Liens (Ltd, testified that Stevens had for seven years, was chosen as| Memo to all Whitby Dunlop {entered into a sales agreement president by the hoard of direc- fans: | TO B . ROTARY SPEAKER |with the company. As a trade-in {ors at its recent board meeting.!| Don't read Time Magazine for E GIVEN AWAY FREE to One of the Successful Bidders the Canadian Institute of Inter been made on the car by Superiorinett, who resigned last year to|the world's amateur ice hockey Wigewood Heights Lia, whose | cee what we mean. | amily mov + Into eir new homes at the end of a five-month gicpias. but there's prenty of nj WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 -- 6:30 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT schedule. ' |thy stories, some of them pro-| "fusely illustrated, and most of| them written by degenerates for T degenerates. | K L B 1 It doesn't take more than 10 seconds to realize their effect on he winds of the young " START YOUR BIDS AT 6 P.M. -- OVER 400 NEW ARTICLES f ok © i not the answer because such VALUED AT OVER $7,500 censorship could lead to greater evils than the distribution of ob-| oF carn or chook 8 needed on HERE'S HOW RADIO AUCTION IS OPERATED ! a. | books for teen-agers. | To bid on any article or group of articles, phone the listed numbers. State the number of the erticle, give your name and address, teleph end your There will always be obscene literature, but these merchants | could put a big crimp in its sale. | highest bid. BE BRIEF, PLEASE. They will tell you they don't sell . Highest bid on @ reicle them to youngsters. Then why do 9 ny article moy be learned by phoning either of our listed numbers. they display them so prominent-| Items 1 to 100 will be sold at 8 p.m. to the highest bidder, 101 to 200 will be ly, just to whet a youngster's| sold at 9 p.m. to the highest bidder. 201 to 300 will be sold at 10 p.m. to the appetite? | highest bi 301 to 400 will be sold at 11 p.m. to the highest bidder. And Do these merchants inspect the 401 on will be sold to the highest bidder. books on their shelves; or do they | All or A display and sell every book sent s will be I p b d over the sir and also notified by mail. Som the. distributor? Jrcatul biasan mat pick Up Wat merchandise br Jonker betwen the heye of ; y h mm. .m. r or am, .m. on t Perhaps these merchants are March 29 ot the W. B. White Building, 110 King St. East (Next fo Plaza Theatre), Heads | ondon not directly guilty of contributing to the delinquency of minors, but) To identify yourself as « high f . . i ghest bidder and rightful purchaser you must h hey certainly are guilty of the card you will receive through the mail following eli privy ho hand hy the ibl Sch 1 grave sin of indifference. What cheser. This MUST b wy ¢ 1 r | 3 e presented when claiming the article. These cards will be e C0 must their thoughts be when théy| di f : oi A it Tass To ton gains at the used in the draw for the winner of the Frigidaire Automatic Dryer. tamales of ha Lodon, Fane areas Cr. OF the dev? BIDDING STARTS AT 6:00 P.M. tute and Theological Seminary SPECIAL MEMO P. H. HARRIS, 8A, 1h.M. At the time of his appointment he last weekend or you're likely to He succeeds Dr. Alden A. Ban- article on the Dunnies winning accept a position on the facuity of championship. At least the article 3 donated by Dallas Theological Seminary in is unique for one thing -- it has, Dallas, Texas. more errors and omissions per t C D. M. Alloway of Oshawa, a square inch than is healthy for Day. ried with two children He had 'member of the board of direc-leven a Time story. | a a eww (been unemployed since Christ-|tors of London Bible Institute and. The story will irk Whithy fans mas, but would be employed by Theological Seminary, reported in a way they won't soon forget BOY 1S STABBED {the city starting Monday. He had that Mr. Harris is a native of by stating: "... Toronto's ama- (OSHAWA) LIMITED | QUEBEC (CP) -- The stabbing been under the impression that Forest, Ontario, and a graduate teur champions Whitby Dunlops! of a 16-year-old boy on fashion: the loan on the car had been re- of the Universily of Western On-|roared through the field last Frid 90 Simcoe St. South RA 5-5332 able Grande Allee Wednesday paid by his wife. pal tario, and of the Dallas Theologi- week at the world's hockey night has sparked a police crack- (cal Seminary. In May he will re- championships in Oslo." down on vandalism in uppertown| BIG PROGRAM ceive his doctorate degree in! Later the article reads: *'The Successful bidders will recelva cards wien paying for erticles, Quebec, The boy, Jean Stamos,| HONG KONG (AP) A 1958 Theology. 'anadians prepared carefully for suffered a minor cnt in his tree-planting program announced shoulder when one of four other by the Peiping radio cal's for 6 teen-aged boys stabbed him with 000,000 trees to be nlantc a knife while he was walking with China's largest city. which has a years, and now has 460 |a girl. By the ig police arrived population of 7,000,000 Winning cards will be drawn on April 2nd, 1958. 1 ool wi he di tournament, took aboard Re- COMPLETE LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE AUCTIONED, GIVING » late A. R. Allowa i ofessionals Connie NUMBER, RETAIL VALUE AND NAME OF DONOR WiLL y n. Jean Paul Lamirande APPEAR IN NEXT TUESDAY'S DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, aduatesiand 'Bug' Gagnon io jeam up TOTAL PROCEEDS FOR KIWANIS WORK IN THIS COMMUNITY in various phases of Christian|with the veteran NHL star Sid 45 the four had PON 'PySueyg A nwaq oF Jwak work Smith." Somebody should tell